The Miracle of Zionism

"Israel is the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago." - Historian Barbara Tuchman

"Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created by a sovereign act of God" - Pastor John Hagee

"All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" - Author / Atheist, Mark Twain (long before the Holocaust and Israeli-Jewish statehood)

"They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their Empire were but a Bauble in comparison of the Jews. They have given religion to three quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more happily, than any other Nation ancient or modern." - President John Adams - His 1808 response letter criticizing the depiction of Jews by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Islam's Truth and the Liberal's Unbelief of it

As a patriotic American Zionist seeing the ever growing threat to America and especially Israel (our most loyal ally) I have dedicated myself to know Islam from its very foundation up. Basically, I want to know Western civilization’s main enemy through and through and I want to encourage all non-Muslims to do likewise. Take it upon yourself to learn the differences between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-harb and what they mean through the eyes of traditional Islam. Educate yourself of the unspoken sixth pillar of Islam - jihad upon which the spread of Islam was founded. Come to know how the ignorance of Islam gives way to ignorance of jihad and how such ignorance leaves one with the inability to refute lies coming from the Islamic spokepersons who claim that jihad (or the so-called ‘greater jihad‘) is an inner spiritual struggle.

Organizations such as C.A.I. R. (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and O.I.C. (Organized Islamic Council) seek to popularize Islam in America using al-takiyah (Islamic deception for the sake of, and the advancement of Islam) as part of their goal for Islam to take full control over all of Western civilization. Once you have learned their tactics in using al-takiyah you will be able to see beyond the “moderate Muslims” who themselves serve as a cover for the jihadists, and see global-jihad more clearly.

Islam-phobia” is a term most often used by concerned-free idiots (mostly liberals) who are clueless about Islam but reason out what they want to believe about Islam or what they think Islam should be in their liberal world. Most often these liberals are the first to be sold on the al-takiyah notion that Islam is a “religion of peace” and that the “radicals” have hijacked this religion, never questioning the silence of the so-called moderates. It’s sad, but most Western leaders (even the conservative ones - Bush and Blair being to most notable ones) have bought into this al-takiyah religion-of-peace lie due to their ignorance or unwillingness to learn the jihadic truth of Islam.

It’s very important to know (and don’t let the takiyahists tell you any different) that “true Islam” is structured around sharia law. One of the questions I enjoy asking the "radical-Islam is true-Islam" deniers is whether or not sharia law is considered "radical" in their minds. Once we have come to an agreement on the burdens sharia law places upon the community it rules over and is therefore considered "radical" in both mindsets of liberals and conservatives, I then get them to try and explain how "sharia law" in and of itself is not "true" Islam.
Sharia law is to Islam what halacha law (Jewish law) is to Judaism. Sharia law is based upon the Koran and hadiths (commentary on the Koran and Mohammad’s acts) while halacha law is based upon the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud (biblical commentary). To Islam the hadiths are eye witnessed accounts of how Muhammad responded to certain situations and how he conduced his daily life. These accounts are all subject to determining sharia law. For example, you won’t find anywhere in the Koran how young a girl can be to become married. However, because the fifty-two year old Mohammad (the "excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah" according to sura 33:21 of the Koran) wanted to satisfy himself with a nine year old child, sharia law now dictates that a nine year old girl can be married to a man of any age. Today in sharia law-ran Iran, girls nine years old can become wifes of middle age (need I say sick?) Muslim men.

My challenge to any Imam, Islamic scholar, Islamic apologist, C.A.I.R. spokesperson, or any willfully ignorant liberal (politician or otherwise) who thinks Islam in and of itself is peaceful and harmless, is to show me from the foundations of Islam beginning with Mohammad himself, to Islam’s 1300 year history, where Islam ever operated outside of a dictatorship / caliphate. I’m not from Missouri but I need a Muslim or a ignorant liberal (or conservative) to show me a few things:
  • Show me where sharia law allows for "freedom of religion" and "freedom of expression" towards any religion outside of Islam.

  • Show me where sharia law dictates anything close to the Western ideology concerning woman’s rights and treatment of women.

  • Show me where the State of Israel (or any form of Jewish sovereignty within the ancient homeland of the Jews) has a place in a world ruled by sharia law.

  • Show me where “freedom to assemble” in a newly constructed place of worship taller than the nearest mosque is permissible under sharia law.

  • Show me where sharia law allows “freedom of the press” especially when it comes to Danish political cartoons depicting Muhammad. Come on now, show me!

  • Show me under sharia law where the religion of Islam is to be separated for the government and nor part of the government itself and how Islam wasn't set up to be both government and religion in and of itself from Mohammad on.
Warning to willfully ignorant liberals who have a bleeding heart for Islam, as to what Islamic sharia law proscribes that your bleeding hearts may not like very much:
  • A man to have up to four wives is at liberty to beat them as he feels the need. See Koran sura 4:34. “Honor killings” which in reality is Islamic "honor-murder" go hand in hand with this portion of sharia law.

  • The man's testimony and inheritance is twice that of the woman. See Koran: sura 2:282 and sura 4:11. As we see in places like Iran and Saudi Arabia this Koranic / sharia law plays heavy on female rape victims of which also by sharia law standards needs four witnesses to support their story (sura 24:4).

  • The stoning of an adulterer (especially women). See hadith: Bukhari volume 6, book 60, number 79. This can include female rape victims who doesn't have the four needed male witnesses to convict the rapist leaving her with the appearence that she had sex wuth a male who is not her husband.

  • The flogging of the alcohol drinkers. See Koran sura 5:90-91 and hadith: Muslim book 017, number 4226.

  • Cutting the hand off of the thief. See Koran: sura 5:38.

  • Cutting off hands and feet of those speaking against Muhammad. See Koran: sura 5:33. Dutch cartoonists would be, shall I say, totally out of commission.

  • The killing of those who leave Islam. See Koran: sura 4:89.

  • The woman to be covered with a hijab (woman's head covering). See Koran: sura 24:31

What about Islam's "no compulsion in religion"?

Abrogation (nasikh in Arabic) of one verse or revelation for another is very common in the Koran (see sura 2:106 and 16:100). One tactic a takiyah spokesperson will use is placing verses in the Koran (ayat in Arabic) outside their stage of revelation. As the developments that surrounded Mohammad changed during his false prophethood, so did his revelations. The more power and influence he gained the more aggressive his revelations became concerning non-Muslims and all those who opposed him. The famous verse that all takiyah Muslims of the world love to quote is where Mohammad states, "There is no compulsion religion" (sura 2:56). However what the takiyah Muslims won't tell Westerners about this revelation is the fact that this revelation came several years before the revelation of jihad. 1 So what the takiyah Muslims will do before Western eyes is quote such verses that came prior to the "jihad revelation" and try passing it off as the absolute and final word that the Koran has to say on the subject, knowing full well that a revelation of jihad soon followed and abrogated that very verse they just quoted!

Sayid Qutb is one of the modern radical Islam founders. His book "Milestones" has been banned in many Muslim countries by Muslim dictators who don't want to give up their dictatorship to a government that is ran under sharia law. What makes "Milestones" so threatening is that it correctly places the stages of Mohammad's life with his revelations found in the Koran leading up to the last and final jihad revelations. The fact that no Imam or Mullah could disprove Qutb facts (showing that radical Islam under sharia law is "true Islam") finally cost him his life and his books to be banned.

Qutb's layout of the escalating stages leading up to jihad along with my thoughts are as follows:
  • Stage one - the false prophet was commanded "to read" (sura 96:1-5) though illiterate. This began his false prophethood by which he had not yet began his ministry.

  • Stage two - In this stage of thirteen years the false prophet only preached without usage of the sword and without forcing the dhimmi (a subjugated infidel under a Muslim caliphate-ruler) to pay jizyah - a special inflated "protection tax". It was during this stage he was building power and influence among friends, family, relatives. and tribesmen who would listen. It was also during this stage that he wasn't too negative in his revelations towards the Jews because he was hoping to bring them to his revelations peaceably.

  • Stage three - After Mohammad fled to Medinah from Mecca (the hajrah in 622 CE) he was able to gather an army. His revelations then allowed him to actually fight but to fight with only those who fought him. Forcing all Christian and Jews pay the special "protection tax - jazyah was still out of reach at this stage. Those who didn't make war with him, he was content to leave alone - for the time being. It is from this third but non-final stage that such revelations of fighting only the non-Muslims that made war with Muslims that today's modern takiyah Muslims will point to in order to paint jihad as being only a defensive struggle: "Permission to fight is given to those on whom war is made, because they are oppressed. And surely Allah is able to assist them" - sura 22:39. Then, to add al-takiyah upon al-takiyah, they will throw in the seemingly proof-text of "no compulsion in religion" (sura 2:256) to back that "jihad- defense only" takiyah claim up. They will do this playing on Western ignorance by willfully hiding the fact that there is a "next stage" of the false prophet's life and the "revelation of jihad" that goes with it! What most Westerns don't realize due to their ignorance of Islamic history is that if the above defense-only revelation and the others like it had remained the final revelation on the subject of jihad and Islamic war principles, then Islam would have never had the vast and rapid expansion it experienced during its first century and a half of existence. This includes all of Arabia being conquered (not freely converted) within Mohammad's lifetime. Because Mohammad wasn't satisfied with communities such as Khaybar and Mecca living outside the rule of his Isalm, jihad literally took on a whole new meaning and revelation immediately after he obtained a sizeable army while the earlier references of jihad and war that he had received with a lesser sized army (like the one above) became abrogated (sura 2:106 / 16:101).

  • Stage four (the jihad stage) - After Mohammad gained a big enough army he then began pulling off raids that graduated into full scale battles finally culminating in the conquering of all of Arabia. It was during this stage that peace treaties that had no expiration date were given four months to either join Mohammad or be considered an enemy where they would have to fight with Mohammad's army (sura 9:1-2). The very fact that Mohammad would cancel a treaty whereby no treat to him was given proves him to be the aggressor and that jihad is not simply a "defensive struggle" by Koranic standards. This jihad revelation allowed Jews and Christians (people of the book) to continue their faith but in order to do so, they now must start paying the jizyah protection tax as dhimmis as an open declaration of their submission to Islamic rule. According to the last words of sura 9:29 the dhimmis must be "brought low" and that "they must feel being subservient". With the pagans of Arabia (of whom kept peaceful treaties) given only four months to decide to convert or fight, and of Jews and Christians being forced to pay a high tax in order to continue to practice their religion, where is that good old "no compulsion in religion" now in this jihad stage consisting of the "new" jihad revelation? Can we in the West not see the abrogation of the "no compulsion in religion" revelation?
Before Mohammad's revelation of jihad the people of Arabia were not placed into categories by the Muslims. Only after Mohammad became a force was there then a need for treaties. People were placed into categories who had treaties with Mohammad and those who were without a treaty. The tribes that had treaties with Mohammad as well as those who remained without treaties didn't seek to fight with him. They had all converted to Islam (perhaps to aviod war with Mohammad) by the time their four month grace period had expired. This left only three categories concerning all the people of the world. One, being the Muslim. Two, being the dhimmi (person of the book) who submitted themselves to Islamic rule. Three, being the infidel that is at war with Islam.
There is only two domains or abodes in the world as seen through the eyes of Islam "dar al-Islam" and "dar al-harb" . The first two kinds of people (the Muslim and the dhimmi) abide in the "House of Islam" dar al-Islam, and those that are at war with Islam abide in the "House of War" dar al-harb. Wikipedia defines the Arabic term "harbi" as "one under a declaration of war" and "one of whom is non-Muslim and does not live under the rule of Islam". 2 Since the revelation of jihad there can be no true treaties with the House of War as dictated in the Koran's jihad revelation. Just like the pagans who had treaties with Mohammad and those who didn't - to live outside of Muslim rule peaceably yet not subdued was not an option! So is it today in bringing this jihad revelation (that was never canceled out being the very last of revelations) into the modern world. Today, most all of Western civilization comes under dar al-harb House of War given Mohammad's jihad revelation.
Ibn Taymiyah, is a well known and respected fourteeth-century jurist in Islamic law and he stated many centuries before 9/11 and all the modern jihad terrorism that we see today: "Any act of war against Dar al-Harb is morally and legally justified, and exempt from any ethical judgment." So when the al-takiyah Muslims quotes you the "no compulsion in religion" reading in the Koran, ask them how such a learned and respected Islamic scholar like Taymiyah could get it so wrong. Then watch them flinch big-time and try to avoid any further discussion concerning Islam.
It becomes obvious when looking through the lens of the Koran in all of its stages of revelations that Al-Queda, Hamas, Hizbollah, and the like, are not hijackers of the Islam but indeed true Muslims following in the same footsteps of Mohammad and Allah-given revelations! The actual hijackers of Islam would be the moderate Muslims who only take part of the Koran (the earlier revelations before jihad) instead of taking the total and complete Koran including the last and final revelation of jihad (sura 9).
It must be noted that during times of Islamic weakness to conquer the House of War, a Hudaybiyah treaty 3 can be made allowing Islamic forces to gain strength. This type of treaty is called a hudna which is never to be considered a final status in Islam. Only the abode of dar al-Islam, (the abode of Islam) can be final. This is why Israel will never ever-ever, have peace with the Palestinians or any Muslim country that surrounds them. It's simply not within their culture, nationalism, and their Koran and hadith mindset won't allow it. No man-made two-state solution can ever override Allah's will that was given to Mohammad as a revelation of jihad. To the Muslim belief that competes with the Jewish Bible, Israel is the epitome of dar-al harb in Islam's eyes and of which challenges Islam at its very core root.
After Mohammad conquered Arabia of which he reportedly stated "I will expel the Jews and Christians from Arabia Peninsula, and will not leave any but Muslims"4 he then set his sights on the rest of the world. Takuk that was outside the peninsula was attacked and letters was sent to kings (even empire leaders) summoning them to Islam for the purpose of Allah's mercy (basically Allah wouldn't have mercy on them 'in the form of jihad' if they refused).
This shows Muhammad's intention of spreading his Islam by the sword throughout the world of which his successors (the caliphs) did indeed take the entire Middle East and then some by the sword of Allah. Even the Koran in its jihad revelation instructs the Muslim to complete this task:
"And fight with them until there is no more fitnah (unbelief) and all religions are for Allah" -sura 8:39
He it is who has sent his messenger with guidance and religion of truth that he may make it prevail over all religions" - sura 9:33
Keep in mind that the Koran quotes above are spoken from a religious warlord that was in the process of conquering all of Arabia.
The bottom line is this: Islam is a religion of jihad and oppression and not one of peace and prosperity. The countries under this religion proves this to be so. It would do a bleeding heart willfully ignorant towards Islam liberal some good to live under sharia law just to see that Islam is not something to have any type of compassion for. Taking at its full measure and revelations, Islam can never be compatible with America's Constitution and Bill of Rights, never! The West needs to wake up!


1. The "no compulsion in religion" revelation came as an early Medinan revelation (just after the hajj when Mohammad fled to Medinah in 622 CE). The Jihad Revelation (Mohammad's final) came in the ninth year of the Hijrah (630 CE). After eight years of being a warlord, his revelations matched his actions abrogating his "no compulsion in religion" revelation that was no longer needed due to his change in status.


3. Mohammad made a ten-year peace treaty with people of Mecca (the Quraysh tribe) in 628 CE on the plain of Hudaybiyah simply because his forces wasn't strong enough to take the city of Mecca. However, after two years of making this ten-year agreement, Mohammad found a way to break this treaty as soon as his army was strong enough to take the city.

4. Hadith: Muslim book 19, number 4366. Based upon this hadith Jews and Christians are not allowed to live in modern Saudi Arabia and cannot even visit Mecca. Everytime I read this I can't help but think of the Jews of Gaza being expelled in August, 2005 for the very same reason.


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Anonymous said...

# Show me where sharia law allows for "freedom of religion" and "freedom of expression" towards any religion outside of Islam.


Whoever hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys God." (Bukhari)

He who hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state, I am his adversary, and I shall be his adversary on the Day of a Judgement." (Bukhari)

Anyone who kills a Non-Muslim who had become our ally will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." (Bukhari)

Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall mysefl be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him." (Al-Mawardi)

Anonymous said...

Show me where sharia law dictates anything close to the Western ideology concerning woman’s rights and treatment of women.

The west is the criteria of woman rights God is, and God has given woman all the rights they need in order to perform the purpose of their creation. Woman in Islam had rights before the concept of woman rights existed.

Anonymous said...

Show me where the State of Israel (or any form of Jewish sovereignty within the ancient homeland of the Jews) has a place in a world ruled by sharia law

According to NETUREI KARTA there is no legitimate Israel today, show me where there can be a Israel according to Jewish law and then i can answer your question.

Anonymous said...

Show me where “freedom to assemble” in a newly constructed place of worship taller than the nearest mosque is permissible under sharia law.

This is at the discretion of the Islamic ruler of the Islamic state, so where in a state that will be established by the Messiah according to you guys would a mosque be allowed?

Anonymous said...

Show me where sharia law allows “freedom of the press” especially when it comes to Danish political cartoons depicting Muhammad. Come on now, show me!

Why would Muslims under Shariah be obligated to allow such a thing? And show me anywhere in the EU you can openly question the holocaust?

Anonymous said...

Show me under sharia law where the religion of Islam is to be separated for the government and nor part of the government itself and how Islam wasn't set up to be both government and religion in and of itself from Mohammad on.

Islamic law has laws on how to setup and run a a state just like Jewish law.

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 25 2010 (12:25 pm)

Why did you equate "freedom of religion" and "freedom of expression" with Bukhari's quote concerning "hurting a non-Muslim?

For sure there is a penalty under sharia law for killing submitted dhimmi. In fact, a big hefty fine could be imposed on the Muslim who kills a submitted non-believing dhimmi, but can that non-believing submitted dhimmi "freely express" and "worship freely" his non-Muslim religion without "sharia law" advocates restricting "freely worship" - such as performing a Christian concert in open public in say... Medina, Saudi Arabia?

I think that is what I meant when I said, "Show me where sharia law allows for "freedom of religion" and "freedom of expression" towards any religion outside of Islam."

But since you mentioned it, why is it that under sharia law, a "death penalty" can be imposed on a Muslim who murders another Muslim, but when it comes to a Muslim murdering a non-believing dhimmi the death penalty is NOT a penalty option?

For example, if a Muslim-Arab from the Qurash tribe decides to murder oh say, 900 Banu Qurazah men and young boys (all who had pubic hair) from the city of Yathrib and then throws their bodies into trenches, and then confiscates their belongings and property - ALL OF WHICH TOOK PLACE IN NAZI GERMANY AND NAZI POLAND, nothing will happen under sharia law to the Haj Amin al Husseini - al Nazi.
Why is that?

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 25 2010 (12:28 pm)

I just watch the true-story movie of "The Stoning of Soraya M." And oh yes, women of Islam have all kinds of rights.
Rights to "prove" their innocents at husband accusations - while she has to "prove" her accusations concerning him. I call it "women 'proving' rights".

Women of Islam have rights to have "half" a testimony under sharia.
Rights to "half" of inheritance.
Rights to be beaten (sura 4:34)
Rights to drive a vehicle especially in Mohammad's own old stomping ground of Saudi Arabia!

Rights to get male-permission to make the religious hajj.
Rights to be Burka-ed out in public.
Rights to be HONOR-MURDERED by her own father for becoming independent like, heaven-forbid, getting job or even dating....a Jew of all things!

Oh yes, women have many RIGHTS in Islam!

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 25 2010 (12:30 pm)

The Neturi Karta no more speaks for Israel and the Jewish people than "Arabs for Israel" []
speaks for Islam or the Arab people.

The Jewish Neturi Karta (if one chooses to actually call them Jewish) is the modern version of the ancient Jewish Korites of Numbers chapter 16.

Show you where there can be a Israel according to Jewish law? Are you really serious?
Let's take THE "Jewish" LAW of Musa itself that nothing can ever be added or taken away as God's Law:

"Neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath;
But with him that standeth here with us this day before Y'H'V'H' our God, and also with him that is not here with us this day (future Jewish generations) ....
And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither Y"H"V"H" thy God hath driven thee,
And shalt return unto Y"H"V"H" thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul;
That then Y"H"V"H" thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither Y"H"V"H" thy God hath scattered thee.
If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will Y"H"V"H" thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee:
And Y'H'V'H' thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers.

So there you have it straight from the root of Jewish Law and what it clearly states about future Israel sovereignty. Now go back and answer the question you said you would answer in your post!

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 25 2010 (12:33 pm)

Are you saying that an Islamic ruler can decide to use his discretion and allow “freedom to assemble” in a newly constructed place of worship taller than the nearest mosque, while implementing and heading sharia law??
Boy, I'd like to see the Israelic ruler on that one!
Wait a minute...come to think of it, Iran, the Taliban, and Saudi Arabia all allow big huge churches and synagogues to be constructed bigger and higher than many mosques in the areas...hahahaha now that's hahahah funny....hahahah.

Ok, seriously in answering your question:"so where in a state that will be established by the Messiah according to you guys would a mosque be allowed?"

Answer: There would be mosques if there were Muslims around in that age....but there won't be!
The former Muslims who make it through Y"H"V"H"'s wrath will be garbing the hem of a Jew in seeking guidance in following Y"H"V"H" (leaving the concept of Arabia's Allah)

"Thus saith Y"H"V"H" of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you. - Zech 8:23

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 25 2010 (12:30 pm)

You wrote: "Why would Muslims under Shariah be obligated to allow such a thing?"

My response: That's my point Aboo. Under sharia no non-Muslim has the "freedom" to disagree nor the "freedom" to express their disagreement with Islam. This is precisely why Islam is a communist-style religion.
It is "Fatherless" in being absent of fatherly love (as Muhammad grow up fatherless) mindset" It is where one must "submit" (Islam) in the religion.

You wrote: "show me anywhere in the EU you can openly question the holocaust?"

My response: It's funny how you identify the Holocaust with the subject religion.
Perhaps the EU knows that by allowing the questioning of the Holocaust leads to another one?

Take your Islamic (nutcase) brother Ahmadinejad for example; he'll deny the Jewish Holocaust in a dark spiritual conception of planning for the next one!

Apparently, Islam has caused you too, to be willfully ignorant of the Haj Amin al-Husseini al-Nazi Islamic contribution of the greatest sin of (gentile) mankind!

I don't recall a Zionist meeting with Hitler in November, 1941.

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 25 2010 (12:37 pm)

You wrote: "Islamic law has laws on how to setup and run a a state just like Jewish law."

My response: It's funny how the Muslim Arabs living as Israeli citizens under Israeli statehood, are far better off financially as a whole, and enjoy many more democratic freedoms that anywhere in the Arab-Muslim world of the Middle East.

I'll look for the Jewish Law where I can beat my wife (like sura 4:34)
then maybe I won't have to threaten my wife with converting to Islam when she acts against my will hahaha...I'll just threaten her with fully converting to Judaism...hahahahaha... oh come on, Aboo, you know that's the funniest thing you ever heard....hahahaah!

Anonymous said...

Why did you equate "freedom of religion" and "freedom of expression" with Bukhari's quote concerning "hurting a non-Muslim?

One there need to be a distinction made between what happens in a Islamic state, what happens in a Muslim majority state and what happens among Muslim minorities in a non-Muslim/non-Islamic state. Islamic law is applied differently in different circumstances. This is the problem with the terrorist they attempt to enact laws that only apply in a Islamic state outside of the existence of one, which leads to convoluted innovations in shariah. So to answer your question, I used that to show in a setting where the shariah is applied absolutely (i.e the Islamic state) people of the book have the freedom to remain upon their religion. The issue of public displays of their religion is separate, the Islamic state is consecrated( this is key) to the oneness of God(Tawheed/Monotheism) and the recognition of Muhammad peace be upon him as the last Messenger, the land of the Islamic state is there by sacred, no different then the theocratic state of the Vatican a place dedicated to the catholic church. know one is going to be allowed to build a protestant church synagogue or mosque there. Everyone by default recognizes the Catholic churches right to keep the Vatican consecrated to Catholicism so to they should recognize Islams right to do the same in a Khalifah lead Islamic state. You can not compare this situation to the Sates of the West know one claims that they are religious states, they are secular there is no state religion.

So as far as what is below the grade of the Islamic state even more "freedom" would be allowed for non-Muslims seeing that those states like a Muslim majority country are not sacred in the same sense as the Islamic state. And as far as the Muslim minorities they have no right to force anything on the non-Muslims who have allowed them to live in their country as guest. But it is obligated that they - Muslims, have the freedom to practice Islam openly in a non-Muslim nation or they are obligated by shariah to migrate away from it.

Anonymous said...

I just watch the true-story movie of "The Stoning of Soraya M." And oh yes, women of Islam have all kinds of rights.

None of that has to do with a academic approach to the Sharia, the excesses of any Muslim majority state or Muslim individual do not necessary reflect the true intent of the Shariah, just the excesses of America or a American citizen do not represent the true intention of the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Your examples are null and void there is no Khalifah on the earth at this time and no complete Islamic state all the Muslims are living in the condition of being minorities or majorities in non -Islamic states. Must i remind you if it was not for the Islamic state the Jews would have been wiped out by the Christians, so a favor for a favor you found refuge in out State so what is the problem if some Palestinians are citizens of yours?

Anonymous said...

how can you compare the secular socialist Jewish state to the glorious nation of Israel that was ran in accordance to God's commands?

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 26, 2010 (9:19 am)

You wrote: "But it is obligated that they - Muslims, have the freedom to practice Islam openly in a non-Muslim nation or they are obligated by shariah to migrate away from it."

My response: That's not what Mohammad did with his Islamic principles and goals during his war raids, his breaking of the Hudaibiya treaty, and the taking over of all Arabia "by the sword".
Your statement above doesn't correspond with sura 9 (the last revelation of Mohammed) - that is "stage 4 - the final "jihad" stage) according to Sayeed Qupt's book, "Milestine Alone the Way".

One look at the Saudis' Whabbism where Jews at one time, very prevalent before the advent of Islam, and then I asked mtself, where are all the once thriving Jewish tribes and synagiogues?
It is because Mohammad said,
"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula....I will not leave any but Muslims"? - (sahih) Muslim book 19 number 4366

Because of the Islamic VVRS syndrome (see my blog on this subject) Islam sees the Jewish people out to destroy Islam while the true intent is the exact reverse, and here is the proof:
"The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim or servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him” - Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Qushari ( 821 - 873 AD) Book 41 No. 6985"

I agree the less sharia there is in Muslim countries, the more freedom Jews have. But the closer to "pure sharia" the harder it gets (as in Saudi Arabia) for Jews (and even Christians - as in Bethlehem today) to exist at all.

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 26, 2010 (9:24 am)

You wrote: "the excesses of any Muslim majority state or Muslim individual do not necessary reflect the true intent of the Shariah"

My response: The problem with want you call "excesses" and as well as "jihad" is that the Islamic sunnah is ever so silent in condemning so-called "excesses" unless they're put on the spot and then their "takiah" kicks in!

Do you consider CAIR's "excuses" to the West of Islamic terrorism (such as the recent incident at Ft. Hood) to be excesses?
Where were you Aboo after 9/11?
How much "condemning of the "magnificent 19" did you do right afterward, and how much condemning of them have you done since?

Perhaps you should endorse the movie (The Stoning of Soraya M) as a Muslim and promote it for all the people of Iran to view since it exposes what you call sharia "excesses"?

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 26, 2010 (9:32 am)

You wrote: "Must I remind you if it was not for the Islamic state the Jews would have been wiped out by the Christians, so a favor for a favor you found refuge in out State so what is the problem if some Palestinians are citizens of yours?"

My response: Must I remind you if it was not for the Jewish nation, the Hebrew Bible, the Hebrew prophets, and Judaism from which ideas are found in the Koran, there would have never been a religion called Islam!

The root core of the Palestinian - Israeli conflict is theology based. It's not about territory as the media hypes it up. It is about the God of the land. You know this!

The physical conflict is over the spiritual battle between Y'H"V"H" and His eternal covenant with offspring of Jacob verses Allah - the god of the land of Arabia.
They are NOT the same God! - two different lands, two different holy books, two different languages, two different peoples, two different covenants, two different concepts of worship of God, TWO DIFFERENT GODS!

If any so-called "Palestinian" (such as Walid Shoebat) or any Gentile can embrace the Holy God of Israel (the God of the Land of Israel) and His eternal covenant, then he/she has all rights as any Israelite! But for any Gentile (and including Jews - like your "Neturi Karta" Jews) if they set up like a virus host within the body to do damage to the body, then they should and will be ousted from the land - just like ancient Israel was!

This is Hebrew Bible by the way;
Ezekiel 47:22-23
Embrace the covenant of Y'H"V"H' Aboo, and I'll meet you in Israel under the covenant as a true brother. I view that as a long-shot because I know how strong Islam can grip someone's mind, but that is my prayer anyhow!

Joe Whitehead said...

To Aboo Yazeed - response to post March 26, 2010 (9:57 am)

You wrote: "How can you compare the secular socialist Jewish state to the glorious nation of Israel that was ran in accordance to God's commands?"

My response: I'm not. I'm just saying within that Jewish secular state, the Muslim Arabs (Palestinians) are better off that most of the Muslims living within Muslims Middle East countries - believe me, I've talk to them.

However, there is one thing about the secular state of Israel - it's Biblical! The hated "Zionists" are a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy - in being gathered back to the land of their ancient forefathers -
Ezekiel 36:24 states:
"For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land."
If you go no further in this text there you have the "gathered" secular state of Israel. But when we continue on further in the text in the very next verse we see Y"H"V"H" doing something with Israel "after" He gathers them:

"THEN" will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.

Therefore, the Palestinian-sought destruction of the State of Israel will never happen and this is why Israel won the Six day war - there is a covenant-prophecy of the "gathered" Jews into their homeland involved here!

Anonymous said...

The website has an article headlined
"The Nazi Romance With Islam Has Some Lessons for the United States"
November 30, 2014 by David Mikics

Anonymous said... has an article headlined

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Arab Supremacy and Islamization Have Created Sudan’s Explosive Fault Lines"
May 8, 2023 by
Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Journalist, commentator and editor

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“The Greatest Murder Machine in History: the REAL Non-Politically Correct History of Islam’s Brutality”
By IIandET Staff -December 2, 2016
Also many other online articles State how Islam has Murdered
over 669 Million Non-Muslims since 622 A.D. Google It

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Why Arab/Muslim anti-Semites are worse than the Nazis" on
October 30, 2001 by Dennis Prager

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead, has a Good article headlined “Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?”
by Raymond Ibrahim
Published in 2009

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Is Islam Really the Fastest Growing Religion in the World?" November 25, 2022 by: A. S. Ibrahim

Refuting and Debunking the claim of
Islam being the fastest growing Religion in the World

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Definition of Islam"
Vic Biorseth, Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Anonymous said...

Imtiaz Mahmood
Typed on Twitter aka
X on November 19, 2023
"Every Muslim wants to destroy Israel and every true Muslim wants to kill Jews.

There's an Egyptian saying, “First the Saturday people and then the Sunday people.” It means Muslims deal with the Jews, then the Christians.

The so-called “moderate” Muslims don’t have a theological leg to stand on. Islam is not moderate.

They differ only in the methods used to achieve those ends. There are a small number who not only do not support the Islamic hyenas but have often risked their lives by speaking out.

They’re a tiny fraction of a metastasizing gene pool that’s spread far too wide to be considered benign to civilization.

Freedoms like freedom of speech are a good thing among civilized people.

When a group that worships hate uses freedoms to propagate hate and supports killing and will not change, then these people need to be ejected from freedom-loving countries.

Even the so-called moderate Muslims will give money and support to the radicals who kill Jews and Christians; their religion requires this from them. And when push comes to shove the moderate Muslims will kill Jews and Christians too.

There is no such thing as “moderate Islam,”

President Erdogan of Turkey, who is a neo-Ottoman and practicing Sunni Muslim, said that such statements about “moderate” Islam were an offence to Muslims; he went on to say that “Islam is Islam and that’s it!”
Some Muslims Support Israel and the Jewish people, but they are a
Tiny Minority

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
November 28, 2023
About the current War between
Israel and Gaza/Hamas
"The Arabs have broken virtually every agreement they've made with Israel over the last 30 years. Islam actually explicitly permits lying to one's enemy." Sadly
To the Arabs and Islam Peace means an Armed Truce , that's how they define Peace

Anonymous said...

Two very good articles has an article headlined
“The Nazi Romance With Islam Has Some Lessons for the United States”
NOVEMBER 24, 2014

On May 18, 2018 has an article headlined
“Hitler’s Favored Religion” by
Joshua T. Charles about Hitler’s Love for Islam

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier this Month
"Three things devastating to Islam, for which Muslims have no answer...

1) There is ZERO archeological or historical evidence there was so much as a camel post in or around Mecca before the mid 8th Century. So how could Muhammad found Islam in a city that wouldn't exist until 100 years after he was already dead?

2) The Qur'an erroneously claims Mary (mother of Jesus) is the "sister of Aaron" (19:28) and daughter of Imran (3:33). But the sister of Aaron and daughter of Imran was Mary, sister of Moses, and she lived over a thousand years before Jesus's mother. How does a supposedly all knowing "Allah" confuse these two women?

3) The Qur'an claims "Allah" created the "heavens and the Earth" in 6 days (7:54, 25:59, 57:4, etc.). However, it also claims "Allah" created the Earth in 2 days, the mountains and plants and animals in 4 days, then finally the Heavens in 2 more days (41:9-12). That's 8 days... How does "Allah" not know how to count to 6?

This is what a cult looks like."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"SHAPIRO: The Islamophobia lie"
November 21, 2023 by Ben Shapiro

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Is Islam the World’s Fastest-Growing Religion?"
DECEMBER 6, 2022 | A. S. Ibrahim

Anonymous said...

A person typed online 2 days ago
"These are all the lands that were conquered by Islamic Muslims.

Millions were killed. Hundreds of thousands were enslaved. Several indigenous cultures and civilizations were wiped out.

Islam INVENTED colonialism centuries before the British and/or modern day European countries.

In fact, they created the African slave trade on both East and West Africa which lead into the Transatlantic slave trade to Europeans where the demand came from the need for Colonial farm workers." A Map is then displayed showing the Entire Mideast, All of North Africa, and large chunks of Europe & Asia that were conquered by Islamic Muslims

Anonymous said...

Earlier today a person typed online
"This is exactly what Dr Azumah is talking about with what Islam did to Africa.

Before Islam entered Africa, slavery was the result of wars. After Islam went into Africa, slavery became the economic motivation for war that was religiously sanctioned with “kafir” non Muslim as justification. Naturally the violence in Africa increased dramatically!!

The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"It's amazing that Iran is setting fire to the entire Middle East and the whole world is chasing its proxy arms instead of hitting Iran. Are people this easy to fake out?! In the meantime, Iran races towards its first nuclear test…

👉 It’s because Iran has mastered The Art of War by Sun Tzu because it’s teaching the same things as The Sunnah of Muhammad, war strategies!! The only main difference is Sun Tzu focuses on the politics and political landscaping while Muhammad focuses on proxy warfare. Combined together is what we see today coming out of Iran!!! War strategies on steroids!!"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"*Ayaan Hirsi Ali*, a Somali-Dutch writer and survivor of extremist #Muslim abuse and #brainwashing, speaks about the true Agenda of the #MuslimBrotherhood:
*“To want Israel’s destruction was an act of worship.”*

A must-watch and share:


Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"The Houthis have imposed virginity checks on young girls, arrest women for posting selfies on Instagram, punish homosexuality by death, protect the institution of slavery (notably for the purpose of raping their victims, and including (thought not exclusively) on the basis of race), and have spent these last few months launching missiles and rockets at as much international trade as they can, and have kidnapped the crews of as many ships as they could.

But, their flag/logo does have the text “curse the Jews” on it, and they are allies of Hamas, a similarly “progressive” movement.

So obviously they’re natural allies to the international left.

The progressive thing to do is torment women, enslave blacks, and murder gays, apostates, and merchant mariners. At least until we’ve achieved a final solution to the Jewish problem.

Very woke, much intersectional."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"The Taliban in Afghanistan must take a great deal of Islamic/sinister delight in showing the power of Islam over and upon the few Christian women by forcing them to wear the burka

That is the few Christian women still remain in that land after the Taliban tool over Afghanistan , ,”thanks ” to Joe Biden, as this article informs its reader that “To be a Christian woman in Afghanistan would almost certainly bring a death sentence.”

The Taliban would like to murder all Christians in that land they now have complete control of but because they want to be acknowledged international level as a genuine “state,” so ” they in their severe persecution haven’t murder them all." That was in response to an article from about the Taliban forcing Christian women to wear the burka

Anonymous said...

2 days ago a person typed online
"China is suppressing the Uighurs because Uighurs want to break off from China as “East Turkistan” like Pakistan broke off from India.

This is what the Uighurs are pushing for, taking a bite out of China’s Rooster shaped buttocks and China is not having it. They want to chop off both the butt and the feathers off the butt…"
& Also typed
"China is always the card player. Pro Palestine while suppressing Uighurs so they do understand the issue at least some.

China’s CCP thinks they’re being smart but in reality are actually very stupid and short sighted. When Islamists gets strong, they’ll eventually come and capitalize on China’s Uighur population with the idea of “Free Free East Turkistan!”

Anonymous said...

From the New York Daily News Editorial Page

January 13, 2024 it says
"For centuries, the Royal Navy has guaranteed worldwide freedom of navigation, fighting pirates and other raiders of commerce on the high seas. The U.S. Navy’s first battles were against the Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean off the north coast of Africa (as the Marines sing “To the shores of Tripoli“), so the joint American/British attack on the Houthi rebels in Yemen is both entirely appropriate and justified.

The Houthis, the Iran-backed group fighting a civil war with Yemen’s government, backed by Saudi Arabia, have engaged in aggression and piracy against international shipping using the Red Sea, which connects to the Israeli port of Eilat and Egypt’s Suez Canal. Their crimes have threatened global trade and could not be allowed to continue.

Since the Iran proxy Hamas in Gaza attacked Israel on Oct. 7, Iran proxies Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen have tried to add to the chaos at the behest of the ayatollahs in Tehran. Hezbollah has been firing on Israel’s north and the Houthis have been lobbing rockets and interfering with navigation.

President Biden sent a stern warning to Hezbollah to watch it by sending the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford offshore of Lebanon. To keep the Houthis in check, he sent the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Red Sea.

But the Houthis weren’t deterred. They have boarded vessels, fired missiles and deployed armed drones, all to harass ships using the waterway and causing some shipping companies to avoid the Red Sea and the Suez Canal and sail around the entire African continent, adding as much a week to their voyages for more than 2,000 ships. Food, fuel, medicine and all kinds of goods are affected, adding to the price and causing delays.

There have been more than two dozen ships attacked. President Biden and a coalition of countries have repeatedly demanded that it stop and given the Houthis plenty of warnings.

The warnings ended at 2:30 a.m. Friday morning in Yemen when American F-18s flying off of the Eisenhower and Royal Air Force Typhoon jets flying out of Cyprus bombed Houthi military sites, along with a naval bombardment of Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from the attack sub USS Florida, the cruiser USS Philippine Sea and destroyers USS Gravely and USS Mason.

Dozens of targets were hit and the Houthis and the Iranians got the message, that came not just from Washington and London, but from Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands, which all aided the operation.

And no, complaining members of Congress on the left, this is not a violation of the War Powers Act that requires Congress approve the Pentagon’s action. Defending American military and commercial shipping on the high seas from piracy is allowed and is required of the president.

The same waterway, the Red Sea, was closed to Israeli shipping by Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, in 1967, in breech of international law and the freedom of navigation. It was a casus belli that brought on the Six-Day War and a humiliating defeat for Nasser by Israel.

Israel and every other nation has a right to use the Red Sea for their vessels. The Houthis don’t have to like it, but they can’t stop it. And the Royal Navy and U.S. Navy will make sure of it."

Anonymous said...

From the New York Post an article is headlined
“The only way to deter terrorist attacks on Israel is to punish who’s responsible: Iran”

By Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Stein
on Oct. 8, 2023
We Need to All Ask how Many "Palestinians" Voluntarily Joyfully Asked to be Human Shields for Hamas , How Many ?

Anonymous said...

About the Evil & Wickedness of
Iran has an article headlined
“In Iran, men and women are ‘equal’ only in torture”
by Sonya Angelica Diehn
October 27, 2022

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Chinese policemen beat and [murdered] a member of the Uyghur minority while he was handcuffed? Where are all the human rights gangs?

Believe me, Islamists will come after China too but they can’t yet, because they need China on their side as a proxy for now to defeat the US and Israel. After that happens, their attention will eventually get to India and China. Islamists will save China for last because China are mostly atheists and historically, atheists are easiest to convert under coercion and they know this…. The irony is China is toughest on Islamists but they’ll also be the quickest to convert because of their atheism which puts “wisdom” above all else which means under coercion, it will be an easy decision for them..,"

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online earlier today
"Sagiv Yechezkel , an Israel soccer player that plays for a Turkish team, was taken for questioning after dedicating his goal to the hostages held by Hamas for 100 days.
Three police officers came to his house and detained him for questioning for incitement. Prime Minister Netanyahu was informed about it during a government meeting.

Reports in Turkey say that Sagiv Yechezkel is expected to meet a judge who will rule regarding his actions on the field. There are efforts in Israel to bring about his release. Right now he is jailed and his cellular phone was taken from him.
Turkey is a very dangerous place for Israelis nowadays!

Sagiv Yehezkel was released by the Turkish court and is being deported to Israel.

An end to the saga: Sagiv Yehezkel landed in Israel.

A reminder: his crime was that he had on his hand bandage the writing: 100 days to 7/10

Do you know why none of the soccer associations came to his defense?
Because they are all corrupt and get bribery from Qatar, the main funding power of Hamas and the owners of the propaganda arm of Hamas - “Al-Jazeera”. "

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover"
On May 14, 2023
Written by Louis Palme , a link is given to the

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The White House Is Using Islamophobia Lies To Gaslight Jews" by
Ellie Krasne-Cohen on November 1, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"SHAPIRO: The Islamophobia lie"
by Ben Shapiro
Published Nov 10, 2023

Anonymous said... has an excellent article headlined
"What is Islamophobia?"
by Matt Slick  Nov 18, 2015
A Must Read

Anonymous said... has an article about Islam headlined
"The Greatest Murder Machine in History" on May 31, 2014
By Mike Konrad

Anonymous said...

The Islam section on is a Must read has many good articles about Islam

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead
In February 2024
the Wall Street Journal had an opinion piece calling Dearborn, Michigan “America’s Jihad Capital”

Anonymous said...

In 2023 a person typed online
"Who really died at Auschwitz?
What really died at Auschwitz?
Here's an interesting viewpoint.

The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez and published in a Spanish newspaper Jan 15, 2008. It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe, and possibly to the rest of the world:

I walked down the streets in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible truth: Europe died in Auschwitz. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims.

In Auschwitz we burned a group of people who represented culture, thought, creativity, talent.

We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who made great contributions to the world, and thus changed the world.

The contribution of today’s Jewish people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. Look at any donors’ board at any symphony, art museum, theatre, art gallery, science center, etc. You will see many, many, Jewish surnames.

These are the people who were burned. Of the 6,000,000 who died, how many would have grown up to be gifted musicians, doctors, artists, philanthropists?

And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the diseases of racism and bigotry, Europe opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime.

Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs. What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it “offends” the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.

It is now approximately seventy years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This email is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, twenty million Russians, ten million Christians, and nineteen-hundred Catholic priests who were murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated.

Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming The Holocaust to be “a myth,” it is imperative to make sure the world "never forgets."

This is intended to reach as many people as possible. Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.

How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center “NEVER HAPPENED” because it offends some Muslim in the United States? If our Judeo-Christian heritage is offensive to Muslims, they should pack up and move to Iran, Iraq or some other Muslim country.

Please do not just ignore this message; it will take only a minute to copy and paste it and pass this along. We must wake up America, England, Australia and Europe before it's too late.

"If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online about Islamic violence in India that
"Islamists are going after India the same way…. What they’re not telling you in the kitman news is the Islamic violence against non Muslims in India…. Much of the Hindu violence against Muslims in India are retaliatory.."

Anonymous said...

About the threat posed by Iran
A person typed online earlier today
“IRAN can break out and produce enough weapon grade enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon in a week, and produce enough material for six weapons in one month.
This according to the Institute for Science and International Security whose David Albright said it wouldn’t be known for months that they have produced weapon grade uranium.
Meanwhile, Iran’s proxies are being prepped and active to distract the US from their covert race to weapon grade uranium until it is too late.”
We Cannot be Deceived Iran wants to destroy
America, Israel and the Entire Western World, Countless people have pointed that out

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"I'm for democracy because it's the only kind of government which (supposedly) protects freedom. HOWEVER, in order to live with liberty, freedom is NOT the most important thing, LIFE is.
So, if there's a threat to life, even a democracy must act "undemocraticly". Islamist threatening to kill us, infidels, must not have the democratic right to fulfill their threats, nor to convince others to do so. Hate speech, threats, encouraging violence, parades with genocidal slogans.....all those should be banned in a society which wants to live."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"ACCORDING TO MEMRI researchers, who constantly monitor Islamic sermons and statements from Muslim religious and political leaders across the U.S., they have not found a single sermon denouncing Hamas or the October 7th attacks."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about China & Islam that
"This is true but China is a lesser threat than Islamists in reality but a more visible threat. China mostly wants to dominate the East as a world power, not world conquest as strange as that sounds even for Islamists.

The primary motivation for China to take Taiwan is:

1- chips
2- “kill the chicken to show the monkeys” in other words don’t get in the way as China will be pushing their weight around much more in the far East in the years to come. They want to reclaim their ancient status in the far East."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"It’s the same playbook in the US. The US is following the same playbook as Europe. My “guess” though I’m certain of this, is it’s the Islamists driving this outcome with the goal to Islamized Europe though Islamists has had incredible success in a very short period of time in the UK. The future of UK is Islam. This is very well accepted and assumed in the next 50 years and from what I’ve followed, it’s by design. The real goal is not multiculturalism which is a facade. The multiculturalism banner is a stepping stone, a political Trojan horse towards Islamization. It’s a bait and switch…"

Anonymous said... has a PDF article headlined
"The Roots of Muslim Rage"
by Bernard Lewis

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Texas A&M University pulled its branch out of Qatar quoting Qatar's funding both for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, indoctrination in America and in Qatar.
Qatar influences the professors and lecturers and this is not restricted to Texas A&M, but includes Cornell, Harvard, and others.
Their poison also spreads to Australian campuses.
Their aim is to divide Israel from the United States, and other Western countries, by the indoctrination and activism of their poisoned activists.
By recent displays of protests and distruptions, they seem to have succeeded in brainwashing the minds of future decision makers in these countries."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today about
"Biden, the Commander in Chief, should be given a dishonorable discharge for not defending the United States against Iran's repeated aggression"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about an attempted stabbing attack in Israel that
"It’s not just children but also women that attempt these stabbings. These children never had a chance because they were raised to become war proxies in this way. Historically, the forced conversion of kafirs/non Muslims was for the purpose of proxy creation.

The reason Islam took over the Middle East with lightning speed was because it’s the only military that grows bigger with each military campaign…. The purpose of the jihads were looting and proxy creation and hence, a war machine…..

They glorify martyrs and specifically tell everyone their strength is they love death more than we love life and that’s what makes them stronger than others."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Notice how Islamists are attacking India’s Hindu demographics by a fake support for liberalism in India? THIS IS an example of Islamic PROXY WARFARE as a Trojan horse. This same proxy warfare strategy is also being employed in the West. In the US, they are leveraging opposition groups to attack the US Christian base they consider their enemies, then they will bait and switch and push towards an Islamist agenda.."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Ayatollah Khamenei will not pardon from prison with those who he considers guilty of “sowing corruption of the earth.”

The problem is that, with Islamic mindset he views that definition of that as those who are Christians with their belief and faith in Jesus and not Islam.

So concerning the subject of the persecution regarding the harassment and imprisonment and even torture of Christians of Iran further expose the intolerant brutal and murderous “mullah regime “ of Iran

First, it would be naive not to understand the those mullahs and ayatollahs didn’t have a hand in having their stooges , who are Islamic state police, the Revolutionary Guard s arrest so many Christians because those in power in the Islamic tyranny are ruthless and cruel.

Second, this is further proof that Islam is such a weak and fragile religion that the arrest of those few Christians was felt necessary by the ayatollah, mullah and imams of Iran. For those Muslim clerics are afraid that if the Iranian people even have a chance to examine and thus compare and contrast the Bible and the Quran the people of Iran might discover that the Bible of the super of those two books.

Since the foundation for the tyrannical regime of the Islamic “Republic” of Iran is based on the Quran, which is also the entire foundation for of Islam, the Muslim clerics fear that their power base might collapse. So the arrests and sentencing to death of Christians reveals extreme fear those Muslim clerics have of the Bible, For this also show that those Muslim clerics in power in that “mullahs regime” of Iran will use .the Islamic state police and their tools to stop Christians and keep the Iranian people in in ignorance of the Bible and in the darkness of Islam.

Third, those mullahs and ayatollahs and imams of Iran with their falsehoods and deceptions of the many false doctrines of Islam in which they brainwash the Iranian people in believing is something that is both sad and tragic. Those ayatollahs and mullahs are, no doubt, just as deluded as the people who they thoroughly indoctrinate with false teachings of Islam. Of such demonic deception by false teachers who are also deluded such men a have been predicted in the Bible. For in the Bible it’s written that “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived.” Second Timothy 3:13. [K.J.V.]

All those mullahs and ayatollahs are, according to the doctrines of the Bible, Isaiah 8:20. false religious teachers .Meaning false teachers who teach and indoctrinate the false doctrines of the false religion of Islam into the hearts and minds of others . Such false teachers are described in the Bible ,in Second Peter 2:1. “There were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”

In addition, it should be make clear that in the context and meaning of the above Bible verse Second Peter 2:1. The word “destruction” does not mean “loss of being but loss of well-being, as the destruction of well- being . That is “going to ruin” by ending up and a terrible place of awful suffering which the Bible call hell, Luke 16:19-31."

Anonymous said...

On the Wikipedia entry for
Actress Selma Blair
Scroll down to where it says
Personal Life, then to where it says Advocacy , scroll down some more to where it says
"In February 2024, Blair made a since-deleted comment on an Instagram video [124] related to the Israel-Hamas war commenting "Deport all these terrorist supporting goons. Islam has destroyed Muslim countries and then they come here and destroyed minds. They know they are liars. Twisted justifications. May they meet their fate.” [125][126][127] Fellow actor Michael Rapaport chimed in "Love it"[128] and actress Debra Messing responded to Blair's remarks with "Thank you".[129]"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead
Another horrible Evil , Wicked, Liar Organization is the
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
The ADC & CAIR are both
Liars and Hypocrites , after the
Hamas Attacks of October 7th, 2023
They cry "Islamophobia" and try to portray Arab and Muslim Americans as Victims

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"✅A must-read. Please share with your contacts.

On 21 February 2006, Canadian Paul Marek published on his blog Celestial Junk an article titled "Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant." In passages such as the following, Marek's essay warned about the dangers of Islamic fanaticism and dismissed as irrelevant the notion that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are peaceful:

We are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unquantified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. The fact is, that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars world wide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard quantifiable fact is, that the "peaceful majority" is the "silent majority" and it is cowed and extraneous.

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by the fanatics. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don’t speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awake one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun. Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Bosnians, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others, have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Marek's article has been republished in books such as How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth and Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam, and…"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about Islamists that
"The anti semitism is mostly coming from Islamists and their proxy initiatives. Most people are not seeing it because they don’t understand Islam and don’t follow Islamist news so they don’t see this connection.

Islamists are primarily after Israel as an immediate goal and they believe they can’t accomplish this without first removing the support of Western nations particularly the US, where their goal is to change the politics away from Israel towards Palestine by changing the political influence of the US Christian base of voters. The goal is to get to Israel.

Islamists believe once Israel falls, it will create a domino effect where Islam will spread from the Middle East to the rest of the world. As strange as that sounds to non Muslims, this is what Islamists believe."

Anonymous said...

Iran is now claiming
property rights to Antarctica and wants to establish a Military Presence there , can you believe that crap , no joke , look it up
Iran is Pure Evil

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Iran Drives Antisemitism in the Muslim World" by

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"#Breaking During the month of Ramadan, only Israeli Arabs age 50 and over will be allowed access to the Temple mount.

Why not raise the age to 130, to insure there won't be any violence from the followers of the religion of 'peace'."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"This is deceptive.. Islam is diverse in race as is virtually all religions BUT Islam is not a religion that celebrates diversity of values, ideas like trans, gays and especially other religions and etc...

Diversity in the current Western political culture is meant to be understood as in diversity in culture and values, not just race... Islam is not for diversity in reality but is AGAINST diversity in this sense so this is another "Taqiya" and "Kitman" DECEPTION by Sadiq Kahn the mayor of London, here showing himself an Islamist in power in Britain forwarding Islamist goals.... Whether Sadiq Kahn is doing this wittingly or unwittingly we can't be sure but we do know this: Islamists always aims at political power first to push Islamist agendas forward everywhere they go!!

What happened to my attachment by Candace Owens? It just disappeared.... This happens to my posts all the time..."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"The influence of Islamists in Canada proxy leveraging women empowerment groups and others as unwitting proxies…. Can you see it?

Canadian cyclist disinvited as speaker at women’s event because of past IDF service.

Leah Goldstein booted from Ottawa International Women’s day event after pro-Palestinian activists discover her military background 3 decades ago."

Anonymous said...

Anyone read the 2016 book
“Islam Exposed: What You Need to Know about the World’s Most Dangerous Religion”
by Lawrence Hebron

Anonymous said...

Many have suggested reading the 2003 book by
Solomon Tulbure titled
“Islam Exposed”

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact
the website has a Excellent article headlined
“Five Reasons Why Islam is a Cult”
Google It has an article headlined “Islam is not a religion of peace” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
on APRIL 4, 2015
A must read

Everyone should click on this link

Anonymous said...
Has an article headlined
“The Evil of Whitewashing Islam”
by Craig Biddle on October 26, 2014

also click on this link Top 10 Reasons Why Islam is Not a Religion of Peace

Anonymous said...

Another good website to read is

Anonymous said...

Around 2014 , a Christian typed online
“I am a Christian and called to be a sounding horn to herald warnings to Christians who are confused with such false teachers who believe we serve the same God as Muslims do. I am certain you have heard of this false religion, “Chrislam.”
– Many People have pointed out that Chrislam is indeed a False Religion and ideology

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“The Brutal Truth about Islam” Google it
The article even has a link to a video where a UK Muslim Leader Admits that Islam is NOT a
Religion of Peace

Do a Google search for sad but true articles about how the
Taliban is Raping Female Corpses, Egypt is planning a
“Farewell Intercourse” Law that Allows Husbands to have Sex with their Wives for up to Six Hours After Death, Truly Sick

From an article is headlined
“Islamic Ritualistic Cannibalism CAUGHT ON FILM”
by Shoebat on May 13, 2013

By Theodore Shoebat A must read article

Anonymous said...

See Also &

Anonymous said...

See Also

Anonymous said...

About the 1996 Movie
"Independence Day" aka
YouTube has a Video titled
"IKN Independence day morse code" by transnocho uploaded
August 16, 2016
A cool scene from the 1996 Film Independence Day is shown
The Israeli Flag is shown Proudly Flapping in the Wind, Jews, Arabs and British are shown working together has an article about this headlined
By Barton Gellman
November 11, 1996 The article details how Lebanon and certain other Arab Nations edited out Important Jewish & Israeli Aspects of the Film to Fit their Jew-Hatred

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"An imam was invited into the Belgian Parliament to recite a Quran verse asking for the murder and hostage taking of Jews.
Western democracy is increasingly falling under the sway of the Islsmists."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
January 2024
"The Poles are smart.
No Moslem immigration
No terror attacks.
The safest and most peaceful place in Europe.
As Rabbi Kahane said,
"Stop telling Polish jokes, start telling Jewish ones."
After he mentioned that after WW2, the Poles expelled a sizable number of ethnic Germans from their country in the interests of peace." The person showed a YouTube video saying that Poland is the safest country in Europe, one of the safest countries in the World

Anonymous said...

Some people online cried and complained that
Kaitlan Collins the former chief White House correspondent for CNN allegedly made some
Anti-Arab & “Islamophobic” statements , The Unspeakable Horror , look at All the Horrible things many
Arabs & Muslims not only say but Sadly do on a daily basis

Anonymous said...

A good website is

Anonymous said...

Another good website is The website for
Stop Islamization of Europe , while is the website for Stop Islamization of America

Anonymous said...

The website has many good Articles about Islam

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Indonesia finds itself in an embarrassing situation.
This Asian Islamic country wants to be included in the OECD nations but they are anti-Israel and must receive the full support of all the OECD partners including, of course, Israel.
Indonesia supported South Africa's prosecution of Israel on genocide charges at the ICJ in the Hague.
Anti-Israel protests have increased since 7 October in Indonesia including vocal anti-Jewish chants.
But now Indonesia is making baby steps to have Israel agree for their country to be accepted into the OECD membership.
Let's hope Israel holds their feet to the fire as Indonesia has a history of hating Israel with a strong stench of anti-Semitism."
Let's All Remember that Indonesia is the #1 Most Populous Muslim Majority Nation on Earth

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"Ya know, I’ve thought about the contrast between the way Israel conducts war and the way Arab/Muslim countries conducts war a lot lately…

I’m not talking about the human shields. Enough has been said about that.

I’m not talking about them using rape and sexual violence in war. Enough has been said about that.

I’m not even talking about the beheadings and burning of whole families.

What I am talking about is the cowardly way every Muslim country only jumps in when someone else starts a war with Israel.

Think about it. All the wars Israel has been forced to fight include one Muslim country attacking Israel, and all the others joining in to kick Israel when it’s down.

It’s the loser kid in school who is too scared to start a fight but when someone is down, they’ll sneakily walk over and kick the guy, then run away.

That is the Arab world.

The same is true here.

Hamas launched the attack on October 7th.

Hezbolloh to its people: “I know Lebanon is an absolute hell hole, but cmon, Israel is down, let’s jump in and get in a few cheap shots.”

Houthis: “Wait! Leave some room for us. We need to flex our non-existent muscles too. Hold on, we’re gonna shoot some lame missiles at Israel while they are in a war on their southern and northern borders. Because we are such heroes.”

Egypt, Jordan: “How do we get in too? I know we’re supposed to have peace with Israel but that’s only because we were scared of them. Now they’re mid war and probably weak. Let’s threaten them and take cheap shots too! We don’t want to be left out!”

Iran: “Guys, guys, everyone just chill out. This is our party and we’ll decide who gets invited.

“Hezbollah, keep taking cheap shots.”

“Hamas and Islamic Jihad, we got you. Keep trying to get any win you can. Keep going.”

“Shi'ite militias in Syria and Iraq, hold your fire for now. Wait till Israel is weaker.”

“Houthis in Yemen, you guys are worthless, so just do the best you can to annoy the Israelis.”

The Arab world, with few exceptions, are the biggest cowards on earth.

The good news? Israel has, and will continue to defeat any enemy that gets in its face, even if, like previous wars, they all get together and attack Israel.

They have tried that in the past and lost. They are trying it now and they will lose again.

Such a bunch of dead beats who have nothing to live for besides killing Jews.

What a sad pathetic existence."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today

IN THE 1970’S, when the theory came around that oil supply was finite, more so in some places than others, the Shah of Iraqi became a program of nuclear energy capability financed by oil sales, so when the oil was finished, Iran would have the ability to be a great power by other means.

Then came the Islamic Republic and the Ayatollahs, and that plan changed. Where the Pahlavi family saw a future of a great Iran with a high standard of living, the Ayatollahs wanted an Iran that was a worldwide leader and center of Islam, that represented Shi’i triumphalism, and to that end, Iran had to be a great technology and military nation and needed to develop the means of accomplishing those goals.

The idea was, and is, that if Iran can degrade and destroy Israel, it would be the hero of Islam and the leader of Islam by such an accomplishment, capitalizing on the demonization of Israel that had become endemic in Muslim societies, and claiming that Iran, the Shi’i state, had accomplished something the Sunni world failed to do.

But the nature of Islam being expansionistic, and the myths of Islam, seeing themselves as victims of the Christian West, justice to them demanded the defeat of the Christian West as a matter of justice, and that, after Israel, had to be the goal for Iran to be the leader.

So, to that end…..

Iran established a 4 pronged approach.

(1). They would use Shi’i populations in the region as surrogates, destabilizing nations, and controlling resources. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Lebanon. Terrorism against Israel would be financed, and not only Israel, but also Saudi Arabia as the chief competitor in defining Islamic standards in the region.

(2). They would develop nuclear weapons capability and delivery means (rockets) or ally with those who could provide systems. That meant getting Russian and Chinese weapons systems (anti-missile and anti-aircraft) and North Korean Rockets, and even European and American technology from China or from Iranian’s studying in the USA and Europe,

(3). Neutralize the Americans as a threat and entice Europe with economic opportunity

(4). Eventually using a nuclear threat, based on nuclear weapons and ICBMs based on sold fuel rockets that can be prepared and launched without lead-in time, to neutralise the US and to destroy Israel, thus making Iran the Islamic leader while still having Europeans rush to do business with Iran.

So, that is the plan. Use Houthis forces against shipping and eventually against the Saudis, Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel, and eventually the Fatah forces (Palestine Authority) increasing terrorism against Israel, all economically and psychologically degraded Israel and the Saudis, while preventing USA interference first by using European business to dissuade the US from acting against Iran (promising the Europeans business opportunities) and later preventing US Interference by threatening the possibility of nuclear-armed missiles hitting American cities (even one would be enough).

Ultimate Goal: Degrading Israel to the point where the Jews leave and degrading the Saudis to the point where they lose their influence in Islam, neutralizing the USA as a center of influence in the world, and establishing alliances in Europe to develop business in Iran in exchange for promises to not inflame Muslim Violence in Europe for a while.

If this does not work or does not work fast enough, Iran may resort to the nuclear option. Attacking Israel with a nuclear weapon with the prevailing winds taking radioactive consequences over Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates would not bother the Ayatollahs all that much."

Anonymous said...

We all Know the famous expression Shiite Happens 😆

Sadly with the Arabs & Islamic Terrorists in the Mideast , the
Shiite always hits the fan

Anonymous said...

From a good article is headlined
"Is Islam a religion of peace?" on
7 November 2018
And the Islam section on the website The Interactive Bible

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"Top ten reasons why Islam is NOT the religion of peace"
James M. Arlandson

Anonymous said...

From a PDF article is headlined
"Islam Is NOT a Peaceful Religion - Scholars Crossing"
by Thomas D. Ice · 2009

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Top Five Reasons Islam is False" this article has links to many other good articles about Islam

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Minister Cameron: Winston Churchill Who Fought Hitlerism Had No Illusions about Islam"
By David Israel November 23, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"OPINION: Welcome to Qatar, the world’s most prominent patron of terror"
October 27, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Is Qatar the most two-faced nation on Earth?"
Oct 28, 2014 by
Andrew Malone

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Two-Faced Qatar Squirms – But They Shouldn't Be the Only Ones"
June 2, 2017 | By Amb. Alberto M. Fernandez

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Why do we in the West, treat Qatar, the Icon of Evil, With Kid Gloves?" by
The Endowment for Middle East Truth | January 19, 2023

Anonymous said...

More about the Evil & Wickedness of Qatar has an article headlined
"Qatar's World Cup is an unparalleled disgrace"
By Alex Shultz
Nov 19, 2022

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Chris Roemer: Iran is the epicenter of evil in the world today and must be dealt with|Commentary"
On November 30, 2023

Anonymous said...

Even the website has an article headlined
"Iran is an evil state that threatens everyone" by
16 September 2019

Anonymous said...

From The Jerusalem Post an article is
"The way to stop Iran is to brand it as evil in Tehran"
By AARON BRAUNSTEIN Published: October 30, 2021

Anonymous said...

From The Jerusalem Post an article is headlined
"People need to better understand the Iranian threat"
By DAVID M. WEINBERG Published: APRIL 13, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Iran as the Root of Evil in the Middle East" by
Shoshana Bryen January 18, 2020

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The lesson Iranian Jews could have taught Israeli officials"
January 8, 2024

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Hamas's barbarism is part of the Iran-led axis of evil"
By ORI WERTMAN Published: OCTOBER 16, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"As former prisoner, I feel sick about US handling of Iran"
By Marziyeh Amirizadeh, Op-ed contributor
October 07, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"Rant: DUH!!!!

In case you come from another planet, DUH is an interjection, used in an angry or annoyed way to show that something just said is already known or is obvious.

The United States is in the middle of a Communist/Marxist Revolution, DUH!!!

The US Constitution has been suspended, DUH!!!

Some People are assumed guilty, and proof (or even a victim of the “crime”) is not required for a conviction, DUH!!!

Reporters’ confidential source documents have been confiscated by the government, DUH!!!

The Principles of Equity have replaced the Principles of Equality, DUH!!!

Our Military has been ordered to follow woke principles, DUH!!!

State Attorney Generals are attacking the opposition Party rather than actual crimes being committed, DUH!!!

State District Attorneys are arresting the opposition Party rather than actual criminals, DUH!!!

Actual violent criminals are being released into the general population to do what they do best, commit more violent crimes, DUH!!!

The borders are wide open, DUH!!!

The Drug Cartels are transporting illegal, very dangerous drugs and weapons into America, through the open border, that are killing many of our young kids, DUH!!!

The illegal children’s sex trade is transporting children into America, through the open border, DUH!!!

US taxpayers are being forced to fund millions of illegals that are destroying America’s great cities, DUH!!!

Many coming through the open border are on the terrorist watch list and some are caught, and some aren’t, DUH!!!

Recently many coming through the Southern open border are Chinese Nationals, DUH!!!

Communist Chinese spy balloons have been spying over the United States and collecting data, DUH!!!

Communist China covered up its gain of function operations that produced Covid, DUH!!!

Biological men participate in women sports, DUH!!!

Children in elementary school have been taught sex acts and have been encouraged to “change” their sex based on “feelings”, DUH!!!

The United States was and continues to fund the UN organization involved in the genocidal operation in Israel, DUH!!!

Many of our great universities, including the Ivy league colleges, are openly supporting antisemitism and have sided with the Hamas terrorists, DUH!!!

Inflation, the cost of necessities, is killing the value of the American dollar, DUH!!!

The United States Congress is dysfunctional, DUH!!!

A Supreme Court female nominee who could not define “a woman” at Congressional hearings gets the position, DUH!!!

The Supreme Court rules that a President cannot dismiss student loans, but the President disregards the decision, DUH!!!

The United States reduces its energy exports and eliminates Iranian sanctions, thus allowing Iran, the largest State Sponsor of Terrorism, to make billions in order to finance global terrorism through proxy States, and worldwide terrorism increases, DUH!!!

The United States reduction of drilling and fracking plus the elimination of Iranian sanctions caused US domestic energy prices to increase, DUH!

The US has 1 National Anthem, that includes all of the people of the US, DUH!!!

We are not allowed to say that the cocaine found in the White House might have belonged to Hunter, DUH!!!

Biden can’t walk straight, speak right, or think clearly but we are supposed to think that nothing is wrong, DUH!!!


Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Has anybody checked the sums of Qatari donations to Chinese universities.

This is Joe Biden's world. America is in decline; China is ascending.

It occurs to me that the real reason for Biden's naked appeasement of Iran and it's proxies like the Houthis is because China has ordered him to pursue this appeasement.

Biden's puppet master in Beijing will ensure his family wealth for his full compliance."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"After Mongols conquered Baghdad, they converted to Islam and the Mongols later forced converted Pakistan when they conquered it. That's how Pakistan and Afghanistan became Islamic.

Baghdad's illustrious past had nothing to do with Islam, Baghdad is very close to Babylon which is about 50 miles south of Baghdad…. a very central location in the Middle East in the ancient world.."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"This should come as no surprise to anyone that knows Islam. The reason is because Islam primarily war through proxies. That’s the entire purpose of the forced conversions. Islam is designed as a conquest vehicle in the guise of a religion. In reality, Islam ☪️ is a franchised war and conquest formula designed for subjugation.

Islamists are not just recruiting from Woke, they’re creating and fanning the flames as a means to build the weapons they will employ. Keep in mind Islam primarily fights through politics as first choice. It’s exactly what Sun Tzu teaches in The Art of War." A link is given to a
YouTube video uploaded
February 22, 2024 by
Andrew Gold | heretics
The YouTube video is titled :
'Scary' Islam is Recruiting Woke
'Useful Idiots'- Yasmine Mohammed (4K) heretics
Yasmine Mohammed is an

Anonymous said...

Also about Yasmine Mohammed
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Ex-Muslim to ‘Post’: Trying to teach ‘naive West’ about true nature of Islam"
By HANNAH GAL Published: AUGUST 19, 2019

Anonymous said...

Has anyone read the
2005 book by
Robert Spencer titled
"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades)"

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Smoked Salami: IDF kills Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon strike"
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: FEBRUARY 26, 2024 About a dead Hezbollah Terrorist with the last name Salami

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
"Antisemitism should be called "Jewdeophobia" because a phobia is an irrational fear!! There's nothing rational about hating Jews, as Jews have NEVER been a threat to humanity (quite the contrary, there have been so many Jews who have contributed so much to medicine, sciences, arts,.....and the list is long). On the other hand, Islamophobia........ Now, this is a real, rational fear!!!"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"That’s exactly right! and this is WHY Islam does not tolerate ANY criticism, to ensure this group dynamic is maintained!!

To be honest, I don’t see how anyone can not be fascinated.. How Islam operates is immensely fascinating to watch in real life, no reality show can compare with it!!! This is a real life reality show on group dynamics and human psychology playing out on the global political stage for all to watch real time!!!

The 99-1 rule is applied by all tyrants and cults to maintain power.. It works with all groups and all education levels and all social statuses because at the end of the day, it’s just human psychology and human group dynamics in pack mentality…. Pressure to conform working subtly and overtly in group dynamics.. and for the most part, nobody as in 99% are not above it so stop thinking you’re the exception because odds are not good that anyone is…. So stop thinking this can’t happen to this place or to me, because if it can happen to them, chances are it can happen anywhere and yes, it can even happen to you….

For example, China’s Cultural Revolution shows the power of “go along to get along” and an entire nation can very quickly become uniform forced to conform into a single mindset with forced conformity with all criticism suppressed. It can only happen to that place to them but not this place and you?"
A link is given to a YouTube video titled
"Why Muslim Apologists Lie:
David Wood Explains Islam's
99 1 Rule"
The David Wood Archives
Uploaded June 25, 2022

Anonymous said...

The same person also typed online earlier today
"I was warning people about this when it “began” or pushed strongly which was around 5-6 years ago. The reason most people don’t see this coming is because they’re not familiar with how Islamists war…. By leveraging proxies!!

If people are familiar with how Islamists war, through politics, deception and proxies taught in the Sunnah which is not well known in the West and combine it with the teachings of The Art of War by Sun Tzu, which many have more exposure, most should be able to put this together pretty easily BUT most are not familiar with either texts, particularly Islamist war strategies seen in The Sunnah.

The entire purpose of forced conversions is to proxy leverage. If they can’t force convert, they’ll proxy leverage the enemies of their enemies to attack their enemies through proxy warfare by fanning that flame through political maneuvering and landscaping. It’s also what happened in Iran before the Ayatollah took over.

What non Muslims need to recognize is Islam by definition is a declaration of war towards non-Muslims aka as kafirs. It’s literally all over in their religious texts including the Quran but especially the Sunnah. Islamists are taught to scheme against non Muslims relentlessly non stop until they force convert all non Muslims." A link was given to a YouTube video titled
"Uncovering The Rise Of Woke
Islamism with James Lindsay | The Winston Marshall Show # 005" uploaded February 14, 2024 by Winston Marshall

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"How in all hell can leftists/woke/liberals /progressives/human rights, women's rights, gay rights etc... activists support the Islamic jihad ideology, which is exactly what they (claim) loathe?
Islamism is homophobic, misogynist, imperialist, pedophiliac, ...... Jihad is the war to achieve a colonized Islamic world!!!!! exactly what leftists fight against. So, how can leftists support something the fight against????"

Anonymous said...

About the Horrors of
Islamic Terrorism , a person typed online yesterday
"BREAKING: Over 8,000 Christians were butchered in Nigeria in 2023.

Why is the world silent? No Jews no news? I REFUSE to be silent. Pray for Christians in Nigeria."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Must Listen... This will show the modern day connection to the Transatlantic Slave Trade to Arab Islam in Africa, its still happening today! Islamists hides this by weaponizing the UN..

Much of world politics is driven from out of the UN. The UN is a cohort of coalitions that are agenda driven…. We know Islamists are amongst the most influential there, how do we know this? The numbers of human rights violations the UN slapped against Israel vs other much bigger violators of human rights as well as the political movement unleashed from the UN to go after supporters of Israel, that’s how we know….

What is always ignored by the UN is the Islamic violence actively committed around the world with Africa as an example. Africa has a very continuous and active Islamic killings, real genocides and enslavement of kafirs particularly Christians by Muslims…. If this was reversed, the UN would be all over it with the details discussed here..

The UN is the perfect place to apply Sun Tzu’s The Art of War tactics which is the same tactics as Muhammad’s Sunnah tactics against non-Muslims. The UN has become a powerful vehicle for Islamists to expand their political influence and magnify it through their proxy coalitions through the influence and reach of the UN organization."
A link is given to a YouTube video titled
"Why the World cares about Gaza and Not About Africa-
Charles Jacobs & Ben Poser |
Top Story " uploaded on
February 1, 2024 by

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about a
"Black Lives Matter" poster that
"Hamas trying to present themselves as black through BLM to borrow anti racism slogans to influence the public..

Most people think this is blacks identifying with Palestinians but in reality this is Islamists infiltrating BLM as a proxy organization.. In fact, “the usefulness of BLM towards the Palestinian cause” was widely published in the past by Islamists. I posted a bunch of them during the BLM riots in 2020…

Clue, look at the way they drew the Jewish nose…. It’s coming from a place of ridicule.."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today also
"This is why Islamists wants jihad by migration into democratic lands.. Then combined with proxy manipulations, some real political power can be achieved to advance Islamic goals.

Most proxies including politicians like George Galloway are completely unaware what’s happening… and Islamists count on them not knowing and not caring but focused on their own political careers. That’s a bet Islamists are willing to make and that bet is well placed in most cases everywhere….

That’s “political realism.” “How the real world works….” That type of thinking and approach though understandable, is what leads to corruption and the 3’rd world….."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"Political realists think in terms of smart or stupid while political idealists think in terms of right and wrong.

Political realists think political idealists are stupid.

Political idealists think political realists lack morality.

Majority of 3’rd worlds are political realists. Political idealism is a fading political culture which came out of Judeo Christian values which is fading.

The main take away is political realism breeds corruption which leads to a breakdown of infrastructures which leads to the 3’rd world…"

Anonymous said...

YouTube has a video titled
"Islam now controls UK Politics!" by Jeff Taylor uploaded
February 14, 2024

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online earlier today
"Ramadan is a yearly religious event. It's also a yearly opportunity for Palestinian terrorists to incite violence."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"The IDF Spokesman, Daniel Hagari, gave his most accusatory press conference this evening blaming the United Nations for employing at least 450 terrorists as officials and teachers in their facilities in Gaza.
He identified several that had participated in the rape and massacres of 7 October.
He used the Islamic word "Sabaliya" to describe how "they behaved like animals against young Israeli girls."

Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Islam's doctrines of deception"
by Raymond Ibrahim
Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst
October 2008

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Da’wah, How Muslim Propagators Deceive the Infidels"
FEBRUARY 22, 2016

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Lifting the Veil on the ‘Islamophobia’ Hoax"
by Matthew Vadum
NOVEMBER 30, 2015

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"2 days ago, the Iranian / Houthi-backed Islamists, attacked and successfully sunk a large commercial ship in the Red Sea. The ship was loaded with 21,000 metric tons of Ammonium Phosphate Sulfate, and untold quantities of heavy fuel oil, all which is now infecting and destroying delicate Red Sea ocean and coral life. It is an attack on global shipping, increases all our costs, and an affront on the environment.

The Islamists could care less who they kill, hurt, or how they damage our fragile ecosystems. The environment is probably Haram anyway."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
January 2020 about the
Bullshit claims of
"Islamophobia" that

"Islamophobia". Reminds me of Jamida Teacher's speech during Kerala Literature Fest.

"Phobia means, irrational fear. But Islam is full of fear, not irrational fear. From burning in hell to sharing space with non-believer is sin, and so on... This is what being injected in our brains from early ages"

I have tip for fighting "Islamophobia". Muslims should start denouncing radical mullahs, start condemning terrorist attacks instead of tweeting "Terrorism has no religion" type of bullshit. We all know whatever radical Islamists are doing is as per the holy texts of Islam. We all know there's a ticking Bomb in our neighbourhood, we're afraid of it. And it's not irrational fear."

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online in
June 2021
"And now the Islam apologists are trotting out the "Islamophobia" bullshit again to try to maintain the rapidly fading public delusion that calling out Islam's atrocities around the world is an act of anti-Muslim bigotry. It is not. In fact, denying those atrocities, most of which fall on Muslim women and non-sex-role conforming Muslims is bigotry against that class of humans."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
November 2023
"It's unbelievable that the land of the free lets terrorists run amok in its streets and campuses. These violent, genocide-chanting, #FromTheRiverToTheSea #FreePalestine #BDS "activists" are free to chant genocidal chants and target Jewish students, but the woman in this video doesn't get to be free. She gets to hide - because she's Jewish.

The jihad has arrived in America and Europe, and if you're not a radical Muslim, it'll come after you too, as soon as it's strong enough. It seems that when someone throws the word Nazi into an argument, they've already lost - unless the people they're talking about actually behave and talk like Nazis! Radical Islam is a plague that has already killed 100s of thousands in recent years.

All you people who pretend to be progressive but want Israel to stop defending itself - You disgust me.

You misplace the blame for Palestinian suffering on Jews when all around Israel 100's of thousands of civilians have been recently killed by radical Islam and you don't take to the streets. You didn't post or comment about Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, and the list goes on. Did you?

You ignore the fact that Israel has done everything it can to prevent civilian harm, while Hamas has done everything it can to harm civilians. You yell "ethnic cleansing" when the opposite is true. It's amazing that only 10,000 Gazans die out of 2,000,000 when they're openly being used as human shields, and their cities are used as military infrastructure? You yell "war crimes" when Israel is the one who's following the rules of war, giving up the advantage of surprise to warn civilians and maintain corridors that Hamas attacks. You yell "apartheid" when Arabs in Israel have safety, freedom, equal rights - they're doctors, judges, professors, businesspeople, and teachers of Jewish children...but in Palestinian-controlled areas, no Jew lives anymore because it's not safe to be Jewish.

You blame the victim, and then some of you shame or intimidate and attack Jews for calling out your bullshit. You think you're being an ally to people suffering from Islamophobia because it's so trendy, but really, you're being an ally to Muslim Nazism.

I'm not talking about moderate Muslims who just want to live a good life and let live. I'm talking about the ones you try to justify. I'm talking about the ones who yell or write "From the river to the sea" or call to "decolonize", when Jews in Israel are a native population dating back thousands of years. I believe in the freedom of speech, and the importance of open debate - as a Jew, I even believe that the Illinois Nazis should have been allowed to march. But I also believe that any American or European who has any bit of intelligence or wisdom would see these people for who they are and stop them instead of being their ally.

When you're old and you look at this time in history, and the role you played in it, you'll be as ashamed as the Germans, Poles, and French who supported the Nazis.

Noa Tishby Ben Shapiro Senator Bernie Sanders Barak Obama יוסף חדאד - Yoseph Haddad Rachel Lester Ron Machol Jackie Goodall Saskia Pantell Ilan Sinelnikov Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll Alex Hearn Uriel Goldberg Adela Cojab Moadeb Ysabella Hazan Hallel Silverman Lahav Harkov Levine

#university #hillel #StandWithIsrael #Gaza #Israeli #freepalestinefromhamas #campus #student #jewish #JewishLivesMatter"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online on
October 26, 2023
"Islamophobia is a False Moral Equivalency

Fact: Jews don't hate on Muslims. They do acknowledge and sometimes respond verbally to Muslim hate on Jews, but they extremely rarely act out.

Fact: Muslims almost entirely (studies show 80%) hate on Jews. This has nothing to do with Israel and absolutely everything to do with the cultish instructions in Ch2 of the K-ran (that, btw, is the chapter universities don't read in the so-called teaching of Western Civ courses now actually undermining Western civilization). This hate has for 1500 years resulted in constant vicious heartless acts of rape, mutilation, enslavement and murder of Jews (and others, including other Muslims if they happen to be a different sect). These are not just feelings and words. These are crimes of action. They have (obviously people!) the requisite legal requirement of the horrific act (actus rea) to be a crime.

Fact: Jews are subject to constant social antisemitism, much of which is expressed towards them by hideous criminal acts, October 7th just being the latest large scale version. A very large portion of this comes from Muslims.

Fact: "Islamophobia" is a made-up catchphrase of Leftist ideology to create an apparent, but false, moral equivalency to what Jews actually experience. The biggest part of THAT LIE is the implication that any such acts occur at the hands of Jewish citizens. It's another implied canard of antisemites. Nothing could be further from the truth. Essentially all such acts, when they are real, are conducted by non-Jews.

THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY. Judaism speaks out about the truth, that: Islam repeatedly criminally violates Judaism, while almost all of Islam, some of Christianity, now much of Atheism, a relative handful of self-hating Jews, and a good portion of the world's other faiths either join in, vocally celebrate, silently condone, or stay silent about hoping they won't be next.

If you are in that last category, know two things. One, sooner or later YOU WILL BE NEXT; and two, your silence now makes it that much more likely it will be a lot sooner.


Anonymous said... has an article headlined

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
May 2018
"Melanie Phillips: "… Criticism is legitimate because it is rational and grounded in evidence. Antisemitism is not criticism. It is instead a unique form of bigotry.
Irrationally, it holds that both Israel and the Jewish people possess a demonic power to control the world. It accuses both of crimes of which they are not only innocent but are themselves the victims. It treats them in ways which it applies to no other people, nation or cause.

Now consider Islamophobia. Anyone who calls out Islamist extremism as a fanatical or primitive interpretation of Islam currently dominant in the Muslim world is called an Islamophobe. Anyone who says the Muslim Brotherhood is a conspiracy to Islamise the world is called an Islamophobe.
Yet evidence abounds to support such observations. Numerous Islamic religious authorities have upheld the uncompromising precepts behind Islamic fundamentalism and holy war.
Muslim Brotherhood documents relating to Britain, Europe and America talk about changing “the very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order, and its creed from ignorance to Islam” and “eliminating and destroying the Western civilisation from within”.

Yet anyone sounding the alarm about this is called Islamophobic. These include the former Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somalian victim of genital mutilation and prominent critic of Islam who now lives under permanent police guard because of Islamist threats to her life.
Or there’s the Iranian human rights activist Maryam Namazie, whose meeting at Goldsmith’s college London about the rights of ex-Muslims was broken up by the Islamic Society on grounds that any such discussion was “Islamophobic”. "

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Where the equation between antisemitism and Islamophobia really goes belly-up, though, is over Muslim antisemitism.
According to statistics published by the Jewish Community Security Trust about last year’s record number of antisemitic attacks, the ethnic appearance of the attacker was described in around one third of cases. Of those, around 25 per cent were of Asian, Arab or north African appearance. Many if not most of those are likely to have been Muslims, grossly disproportionate to the community’s estimated four per cent of the population.

Of course not all Muslims are antisemites, just as many Muslims have nothing to do with Islamist extremism and are committed to western norms. And all attacks on Muslims are deplorable.

Nevertheless, medieval and Nazi-style antisemitic texts and images pour out of the Muslim world.

Some Muslims themselves are now calling this out. In an article in the Israeli paper Ha’aretz, the director of the British anti-extremism group Faith Matters Fiaz Mughal draws urgent attention to the way in which parts of the left are seeking to “build a bridge based on antisemitism” with “some sections of Muslim communities where it is entrenched and mixed up with 9/11, 7/7 and other geopolitical conspiracy theories”.

Yet such evidence is generally suppressed because to admit it would invalidate the very basis of the term Islamophobia."

Anonymous said...

& lastly says
"A phobia is not a prejudice but a mental disorder. An irrational terror, it debilitates the victim for whom we therefore feel sympathy. Yet Islamophobia is used to turn people into social pariahs. This is why.

A mental disorder has no rational basis. A prejudice is merely a hateful viewpoint. Unlike a phobia, prejudice does not lie outside reason altogether – which makes a phobia literally unthinkable.

Antisemitism is in fact the only prejudice which can be viewed as a derangement of reason. Islamophobia seeks to arrogate that status to itself.

That’s why the Muslim world invented the term: to turn any criticism of the Islamic world into a pathology. Not only would this silence debate but it would serve a yet deeper project.

For the cause dating back to the Muslim wars against the Jews in the seventh century, now heard again from Islamists and their supporters, is to turn the Muslims into “the new Jews”. But they are not. The new Jews are still the old Jews.

Islamophobia is a mind-bending attempt at thought control. Equating it with antisemitism isn’t merely itself an attack on the Jewish people. Through its rebranding of totalitarian ideology as conscience, promoted by cowards, ideologues and imbeciles, it endangers us all."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
February 2021
"Richard Kemp: "BDS tells its supporters that it is "an inclusive, anti-racist human rights movement that is opposed on principle to all forms of discrimination, including anti-semitism and Islamophobia". That is a lie.
BDS has also succeeded in making life worse for Palestinian Arabs, the very people they falsely claim to help. This includes backing and strengthening the leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas....
Vast international funds provided to assist them have been systematically embezzled by their leaders for their own enrichment.... This month, the UK's Jewish News revealed that $145 million of British taxpayers' money has been spent on incitement in Palestinian schools since 2016 alone.
Young and impressionable men and women, whose main attention is on studying for their degrees, have been duped by Barghouti's BDS rabble-rousers into thinking they were demonstrating in support of a two-state solution to be achieved by peaceful means.
Using words chillingly resonant of the Third Reich, Mahmoud Abbas said during a speech in Egypt: "In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our lands". He meant Jews. Israeli Arabs would be welcomed."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that he and President Biden are "resolutely opposed" to BDS because it "unfairly and inappropriately singles out Israel and creates a double standard". The US administration should take up the plans... to target organisations that engage with or otherwise support BDS, such as Amnesty International, Oxfam and Human Rights Watch, and cut off government funding. British and European governments should follow suit....''

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Islamophobia Scam"
August 02, 2017

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"How Islamic operatives like Tlaib, Omar use a country's Achilles heel, to advance Sharia law" by
Marie Hembree
March 23, 2019

Anonymous said...

More about Islam being Evil
Barry Shaw typed online
2 days ago
"Kuwait top court has criminized Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Hezbollah has been active in Kuwait with weapon smuggling. Now they have been designated as a terror organization."
Even the ugly dirty
sand rat Arabs in Kuwait have criminalized Hezbollah

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"That fiendish President of Iran ,Raisi in power in that violent cruel brutal and murderous tyrannical Islamic regime of Iran, which Joe Biden supports, had from its start has been violent cruel and murderous and is still violent cruel and murderous. That hostile and vicious Islamic regime of Iran even supplies deadly weapons to those murderous jihad entities Hamas and Hezbollah.

Therefore it’s should be made known that if the founder of the current Islamic tyranny ,Ayatollah Khomeini would still be alive today ,he would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.”

For as Ayatollah Khomeini had clearly announced that “Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war….There are hundreds psalms and hadiths urging of Muslims to value war and to fight. …I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.” [1] So if he was alive today who would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.” [1]

There are also many places in the Qu ‘ran that instruct in violence and killing for the cause of Islam.

As found in ,for example Surah 2:191. 4:89.. 5:33. 9:5, 111,112 ,123. 47:4.

Those jihadists operatives of that Islamic regime of Iran in the different Western countries will not lose interest in their insidious dangerous strategic scheming against the nations of the West.

[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 339."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about an Article about Israel that
"Related to that fact stated in this article is also the other fact that the actual, real, intention of Hamas is the genocide of the Jewish people that’s the goal of Hamas and not those in power in the State of Israel regarding the “Palestine” people.

About innocent those children who died in Gaza because the jihadists Hamas hiding among places with children. Also this current war that Hamas started this with Israel on October 7th when it launched its brutal vicious and murderous and even vile and heinous jihadist attacks on the peaceful Jewish citizens of the State of Israel.

Those innocent children who died in Gaza because of Israel’s air force was not the intention of the government and military officials of Israel."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Those youngster who had been killed had died because those despicable jihadists of Hamas, because they are so very callous and cruel that they deliberately stationed their jihad strategy command and weapon centers at buildings that have children in and around those places."

Anonymous said...

Bassem Eid
typed online yesterday
"The Iranian regime is waging war not just against Israel, but against the US and the entire free world via its proxies throughout the Middle East and beyond. How many more civilians will be sacrificed by Iran in its pursuit of its jihadist agenda?"

🌎 said... has an article headlined
"Don't fall for the Islamophobia scam!"
Nov 2, 2023
by Jonathan S. Tobin

🌎 said...

A person typed yesterday about
Migrants storming the
Parliament in Iceland
"The “multiculturalism” banner is a “Trojan horse!”

Everyone including myself enjoys “multiculturalism” in variety of foods and creative ideas but that’s NOT the same thing as “multi value systems….” Value systems need to align despite having different cultural expressions..

For example, if you believe in a democratic republic and rule of law, your value system aligns within the context of multiculturalism meaning preferences with food choices or clothing styles or music or artistic preferences. That’s “multiculturalism…”

What Multiculturalism is NOT is you believe in sharia law and want to overturn the value system of a host land to enact a whole new value system…. That’s NOT “multiculturalism” but called “subjugation”and “conquest" in the guise of "multiculturalism." That’s when the term “multiculturalism” becomes abused as a proxy term as a Trojan Horse with political agendas!! Don’t get it twisted…. They’re after political power to get to Israel and you’ll be next!!"

🌎 said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Why not to say ‘conflict’ when it comes to Israel…

Muslims have been murdering Jews well before Jews liberated Israel, Jews were murdered under British occupation, under Ottomans, under Mamluks, etc. The Ayyubid Dynasty was not murderous, the one pass Jews got under Muslim rule.

And since soveriengty was achieved, Muslims have still been murdering Jews. Not because one inch of Palestine, a colonizer term for Israel, belongs historically to Arabs in any way, but bc we are Jews.

#realtalkseries "
Many have also called the Arabs Squatters in the Land of Israel

🌎 said...

Another person typed online earlier today
"This is perhaps the most disturbing and troubling lecture I've ever heard.

The lecture was given in Malaysia, by Tareq Al-Suwaidan, a Kuwaiti Islamic "scholar" and Muslim Brotherhood leader.

He bragged about being with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh right before Oct 7, that Israel "has no hope of crushing Hamas" which has "lost less than 20% of its power" so far in the war. He also claimed that Palestine will be free, October 7 was a "very clear start," that Rome will soon be under Muslim rule, and that the tunnels in Gaza were built by Morsi of Egypt in 1 year, who supplied Gaza with the equipment."

🌎 said...

Laureen Lipsky typed online earlier today
"Did not realize we give holiday breaks.. did we give the Nazis a break on Christmas and Easter?

The only ones who should be given a pass for Ramadan are the Muslim IDF soldiers.

Also, Simchat Torah is literally the happiest holiday on the Jewish calendar. And the Arab occupier 🐀🐀 clearly ignored that on Oct. 7th. Not to mention, Ramadan is known as Bombadan the world over bc that is when jihadist attacks are up the most."

🌎 said...

A person typed online yesterday
"International Women’s Day.

According to Islamic doctrine, every woman is lower than a man, and every Kafir woman is lower than a woman who follows Islam. Also, a Kafir woman can be used as a sex slave and raped; this is morally acceptable in Islam, as Mohammed himself had non-Islamic captives whom he used as sex-slaves.

💡 Click here to access the full research on the subject of women in the Islamic doctrine:

The Status of Women in the Koran:…

The Status of Women in the Hadith:… "

🌎 said...

A person typed online earlier today
"I am starting to feel anger 😤 towards all those idiots shouting for restraint/proportions/stop the war... or whatever other stupidities.
The satanic Islamic ideology has dug a hole from hell straight into my house with the intention to kill me, and those "pacifists" want ME to treat all those monters who come out of the hellhole with restraint??!!! No, I'm not suicidal as they are
All those who take pity on those "poor innocent" Palestinian Islamists, please, keep pampering them somewhere else. Let them dig that hole from hell into YOUR house. Then, you can talk about us."

🌎 said...

Fred Maroun typed online
earlier today
"Since October 7, the only valid moral choice in the Israel Palestinian conflict has been very clear: support Israel in destroying Hamas while also emphasizing respect for the rules of war. And since October 7, there has been no reason to deviate from that stand. Israel has done an exemplary job of abiding by the rules of war, often at a heavy cost to its own soldiers. I challenge any country to demonstrate that they've done better in any war. They won't be able to.

So there is no reason for any world leaders to be grandstanding about Israel's human rights record, other than for their own political benefits. I wish that Biden, Macron, and others would have the courage to tell the truth at all times on this topic and not to indulge Hamas supporters."

🌎 said...

A person typed online yesterday
"While there were periods of tolerant coexistence with Jews in the Levant, let this chronicle of massacres and pogroms disavow the notion that Islam treated its Jewish neighbors "well."

Not unlike the history of dehumanization and murder of Jews at the hands of European Christianity, Islam began to massacre Jews from the very beginning, starting with Muhammad, who was, according to Islam, the unassailable "perfect example of human being." Muhammad initiated 1,400 years of ethnic-cleansing, of which the Oct 7th massacre was just one in a long line.

622 - 627: Ethnic cleansing of Jews (who comprised roughly 50% of the population of Medina) carried out by Muhammad and his Jihadis. Over 800 Jewish men and boys (based on a pubic hair check), were killed by beheading. Women were forced into sexual slavery, and the children were given to Islamic Jihadis as slaves. Mohammad force-married Safiyyah, after murdering her husband and father.

629: 1st Alexandria Massacres of Jews, Egypt.

622 - 634: Exterminations of Arabian Jewish tribes.

1106: Ali Ibn Yousef Ibn Tashifin of Marrakesh decrees death penalty for any local Jew, including his Jewish Physician, and as well as his Jewish military general.

1033: 1st massacre of Jews in Fez, Morocco.

1148: Almohadin of Morocco gives Jews the choice of converting to Islam, or expulsion.

1066: Granada Massacre of Jews, Muslim-occupied Spain.

1165 - 1178: Jews of Yemen given the choice (under new constitution) to either convert to Islam or die.

1165: Chief Rabbi of the Maghreb was publicly burnt alive. The Rambam (Maimonides, Moses ben Maimon), forced to flee Spain to Egypt.

1220: Tens of thousands of Jews massacred by Muslims Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt, after being blamed for Mongol invasion.

1270: Sultan Baibars of Egypt resolved to burn all the Jews, a ditch having been dug for that purpose; but at the last moment he repented, and instead exacted a heavy tribute, during the collection of which many perished.

1276: 2nd Fez Pogrom (massacre) against Jews in Morocco

1385: Khorasan Massacres against Jews in Iran

1438: 1st Mellah Ghetto massacres against Jews in Morocco.

1465: 3rd Fez Pogrom against Jews in Morocco, leaving only 11 Jews left alive.

1517: 1st Safed Pogrom in Muslim Ottoman controlled Judea

1517: 1st Hebron Pogrom in Muslim-controlled Judea, by occupying Ottomans.

1517: Marsa ibn Ghazi Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Libya.

1577: Passover Massacre throughout the Ottoman Empire."

🌎 said...

The comment continues
"1588 - 1629: Mahalay Pogroms of Jews in Iran.

1630 - 1700: Yemenite Jews considered 2nd class citizens and subjugated under strict Shi'ite 'dhimmi' rules.

1660: 2nd Judean Pogrom, in Safed Israel (Ottoman-controlled Palestine).

1670: Expulsion of Mawza Jews in Yemen.

1679 - 1680: Massacres of Jews in Sanaa, Yemen.

1747: Massacres of the Jews of Mashhad, Iran.

1785: Pogrom of Libyan Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tripoli, Libya.

1790 - 92: Tetuan Pogrom. Morocco (Jews of Tetuuan stripped naked, and lined up for Muslim perverts).

1800: Decree passed in Yemen, criminalizing Jews from wearing clothing that is new or good, or from riding mules or donkeys. Jews were also rounded up for long marches naked through the Roob al Khali dessert.

1805: 1st Algiers Massacre/Pogrom of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Algeria.

1808: 2nd Ghetto Massacres in Mellah, Morocco.

1815: 2nd Algiers massacres/pogroms of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Algeria.

1820: Sahalu Lobiant Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria.

1828: Baghdad massacres/pogroms of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Iraq.

1830: 3rd massacre/pogrom of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Algiers, Algeria.

1830: Ethnic cleansing of Jews in Tabriz, Iran.

1834: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Hebron, Judea.

1834: Massacre/pogrom of Safed Jews in Ottoman-controlled Palestine/Judea.

1839: Massacre of the Mashadi Jews in Iran.

1840: Damascus Affair following first of many blood libels against Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria.

1844: 1st Cairo Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt.

1847: Dayr al-Qamar massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Lebanon.

1847: Ethnic cleansing of the Jews in Jerusalem, Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

1848: 1st Damascus massacre/pogrom, in Ottoman-controlled Syria.

1850: 1st Aleppo massacre/pogrom of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria.

1860: 2nd Damascus massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria.

1862: 1st Beirut massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Lebanon.

1866: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans Kuzguncuk, Turkey.

1867: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Barfurush, Turkey.

1868: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Eyub, Turkey.

1869: Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tunis, Tunisia.

1869: Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Sfax, Tunisia.

1864 - 1880: Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Marrakesh, Morocco.

1870: 2nd Alexandria Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt.

1870: 1st Istanbul massacre of Jews in Ottoman Turkey.

1871: 1st Damanhur Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt.

1872: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Edirne, Turkey.

1872: 1st Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Izmir, Turkey.

1873: 2nd Damanhur Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt.

1874: 2nd Izmir massacre of Jews in Turkey.

1874: 2nd massacre of Jews in Istanbul Turkey.

1874: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Beirut, Lebanon.

1875: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Aleppo, Syria.

1875: Massacre of Jews in Djerba Island, Ottoman-controlled Tunisia.

1877: 3rd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Damanhur, Egypt.

1877: Masaacres of Jews in Mansura, Ottoman-controlled Egypt

1882: Masacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Homs, Syria.

1882: 3rd Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Alexandria, Egypt.

1890: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Cairo, Egypt.

1890: 3rd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Damascus, Syria. "

🌎 said...

& continues
"1890: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tunis, Tunisia

1891: 4th massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Damanahur, Egypt.

1897: Targeted murder of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tripolitania, Libya.

1903 &1907: Masaacres of Hews in Ottoman-controlled Taza & Settat, Morocco.

1901 - 1902: 3rd set of massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Cairo, Egypt.

1901 - 1907: 4th set of Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Alexandria, Egypt.

1903: 1st massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Port Sa'id, Egypt.

1903 - 1940: Series of massacres in Taza and Settat, Morocco.

1907: Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Casablanca, Morocco.

1908: 2nd Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Port Said, Egypt.

1910: Blood libel against Jews in Shiraz, Iran.

1911: Masaacre of Jews by Muslims in Shiraz, Iran.

1912: 4th massacre in Ottoman-controlled Fez, Morocco.

1917: Baghdad Iraq Jews murdered by Ottomans.

1918 - 1948: Yemen passes a law criminalizing the raising of a Jewish orphan in Yemen.

1920: Massacres of Jews in Irbid Jordan (British mandate Palestine).

1920 - 1930: Arab riots resulting in hundreds of Jewish deaths, British mandate Palestine.

1921: 1st Jaffa (Israel) riots, British mandate Palestine.

1922: Massacres of Jews in Djerba, Tunisia.

1928: Jewish orphans sold into slavery, and forced toonvert to Islam by Muslim Brotherhood, Yemen.

1929: 3rd Hebron (Israel) massacre of Jews by Arabs in British mandate Palestine.

1929 3rd massacre of Jews by Arabs in Safed (Israel), British mandate Palestine.

1933: 2nd Jaffa (Israel) riots, British mandate Palestine.

1934: Massacre of Jews in Thrace, Turkey. "

🌎 said...

& lastly says
"1936: 3rd riots by Arabs against Jews in Jaffa (Israel), British mandate Palestine.

1941: Masaacres of Jews in Farhud, Iraq.

1942: Muslim leader Grand Mufti collaboration with the Nazis, playing a major role in the final solution.

1938 - 1945: Full alliance and collaboration by Arabs with the Nazis in attacking and murdering Jews in the Middle East and Africa.

1945: 4th massacre of Jews by Muslims in Cairo, Egypt.

1945: Masaacre of Jews in Tripolitania, Libya.

1947: Masaacre of Jews by Muslims in Aden, Yemen.

2023: Massacre, rape, torture and kidnapping of ~1,500 Israelis (mostly Jews) by Muslims in numerous towns throughout southern Israel."

🌎 said...

A person typed online earlier today about Qatar
"This country has too many tentacles in both the USA and the UK." Qatar is spreading it's evil
Spider web of Terrorism Worldwide , just like Iran has for decades

🌎 said...

Barry Shaw also typed earlier today
"Did you notice that Biden was not animated in his State of the Nation address when referring to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, China, but only when it came to Republicans and Trump?
Doesn't this show his political imbalance?"

🌎 said...

A person typed online earlier today
"That’s exactly right, if Israel doesn’t destroy Hamas, Hamas will not give up…. But even after Hamas goes down, Iran will raise up a new proxy and there are many organizations that can take Hamas’s place. PLO, Palestinian Jihad, many…. The only solution is to move the Palestinians out of Gaza as first step. However, even after that, Islamists will aim to grow within Israel likely through Jihad by migration...

The only real solution is to expose Islamic teachings and make its practices against the law such as nobody is allowed to desire to stab anyone else in the neck because they’re not Muslims and etc…. That’s the only real solution…. Otherwise, it’s kicking the can down the road…"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Iran is arming Venezuela with weapons “capable” of hitting US territory.
Information about this was conveyed to the White House by...the IDF. White House is deaf ….
The report said Iran has deployed missiles and drones in the country capable of reaching Florida.
For example, the Iranian Mohajer6 UAV, which was shown during a recent military parade in Venezuela, has a flight time of 12 hours and a range of 1,200 miles, putting cities like Miami within range.
Iran's Zolfagher boats, armed with anti-ship missiles, although not designed to go very far into the ocean, can carry missiles capable of reaching the United States.
Biden (as with Iran) has significantly eased sanctions on Venezuela since taking office, allowing Venezuela to freely sell its oil and other goods to America.

Bidenites know how to make friends. And even more know how to drown their allies."

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online earlier today
"Jerusalem is irrelevant to Palestinians except for a land grab

1. Jerusalem is NEVER mentioned in the Koran - it is mentioned 669 times in the Old Testament. If one considers the use of the word 'Zion' which sometimes means Jerusalem and / or Land of Israel, then add another 154 to the 669. Jerusalem is always in Jewish prayers, grace after meals, the Passover Festival ending etc. etc. It has no such significance in Islam.
2. Muslims turn their backs on Jerusalem when they pray - a sign of contempt . This is as a result of Mohammed trying to get Jews to convert to Islam . He failed as many converted ( in order to stop paying taxes - it was not allowed for Muslims to take taxes from other Muslims ) but simply retained their Judaism . Thus the Quib'la or direction of prayer which for some 9 months instructed Muslims to face Jerusalem was scornfully overturned - ( Sura 2.14 )
3. The world at large is convinced that irrespective of 1. and 2. above, Jerusalem is considered Islams third holiest city citing a ridiculously tenuous connection to an event which never even happened .In the Koran ( Sura 17:1 ) the Night Journey describes the prophet Mohammeds ascent to heaven supposedly from the 'Sacred Mosque ' ( Mecca ) to the 'Furthest Mosque '. Years of spouting lies, or successful public relations now assume that the Furthest Mosque is the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. This is impossible! The historic timeline is as follows - Mohammed died in 632 CE, the Al Aqsa Mosque was built between 705 and 715 CE, so whatever Mosque the alleged night journey assumed was the 'The Furthest Mosque' it was certainly not a Mosque in Jerusalem for that Mosque - The Al Aqsa Mosque did not exist during his lifetime. Indeed the first historical extant inscriptions of Koran 17.1, i.e. the Night Journey, date from as late as the 11th Century.
4. Jerusalem was never an Arab capital even during Islamic control over the City. Indeed there are numerous accounts from writers and biographers throughout history ( from the 7th century to the late 19th century - Bishop Arculf, Thomas Shaw, Count Constantine, Flaubert, Melville ,Thackeray, Twain, etc. ) all wrote about Jerusalem's dilapidated state during those times under direct Islamic control. Historically Islam allowed Jerusalem to deteriorate during any period in history when Islam controlled the City.
5. Jerusalem was NEVER mentioned in the PLO Charter of 1964. How is it now so important to Palestinians?."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"6. The current Arabic word for Jerusalem is Al Quds - but Al Quds is an abbreviation for 'The Jewish Temple' is this you may be asking yourselves....simple. Al Quds is an abbreviated version of an Arab name used for Jerusalem - ' Bayt al MAQDES ' translated means The Holy House. This Arabic is a direct translation / enunciation of the Hebrew 'Beyt ha- MIKDASH ' - The Holy Temple. But Islam has never had a 'Temple' - only the Jews had one. Thus the Arabic name for Jerusalem has no connection to Mohammeds heavenly ascendancy but refers to the Jewish Temple.
7. Under Jordanian OCCUPATION ( capitals intended ) between 1948 /1967 not one Arab Head of State visited Jerusalem. Moreover,the Hashemites made a concerted effort to diminish Jeruslams importance in favour of Amman, their capital city. All Government Offices ( save Tourism ) were closed and moved to Amman and even Political and Religious institutional offices were closed and removed to Amman - these included The Arab Higher Committee, The Supreme Muslim Council and The Treasury of the Waqf / Religious Endowment.
8. Jerusalem was Israel's capital 2500 years before Islam originated.
9. There are many recent instances of Palestinians defiling the carpets, furniture, belongings etc. in the Mosque on the Temple Mount. Irrespective of ones religion , places of worship are treated with respect - unless you have no respect or connection to the place of worship. The many instances of Palestinian lack of respect to this Mosque is simply that there is nothing holy to them at this site.They are fully aware that it is the place where the Jewish Temple once stood - it being located on the Temple Mount was originally called Bayt al Maqdes which means built on the Mikdash - the Jewish Holy Temple
10. The following Koranic Suras refer to Israel's claim to Jerusalem and by any scholarly interpretation make it abundantly clear that Islam has no claim - 17.104, 5.20 and 59.2 being the most obvious....others are 2.40. .2.65. 3.187. 5.12. 5.7. 28.332. 22.45.17 and 57.26
As established from the above , one can see that the Islamic connection and claim to any part of Jerusalem is a myth that has been eagerly promoted and exacerbated for political and land grab purposes.

Unfortunately Israel and her supporters have been overwhelmed by an opposition only too willing to exploit such myths and a silent uninformed majority who through inertia , ignorance and bigotry have expanded the myth to Israels detriment.
The above are just a few but important examples of how lies, if told enough times morph into facts.


Anonymous said...

The New York Post, has an article headlined
“Faced with rise in Jewish hate, Kamala Harris tackles made-up ‘Islamphobia’ ”
By Douglas Murray
Published Nov. 2, 2023 about
BS claims of Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hatred
Anyone read it, Not All Hatreds are Equal

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"How Accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ Threaten Our Freedom of Speech" by
June 21, 2019

Anonymous said...

Also from an article is headlined
"Destigmatizing “Islamophobia”
June 07, 2017
This and the Adam Milstein article are worth

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday

Pro-ISIS Outlets Call On Muslims To Attack Jews And Christians In The West During Ramadan;

Hizbullah Deputy Leader: We Did Not Drag Lebanon Into War
**** Israel Does Not Need A Pretext To Launch A War
**** Israel Wants To Build Settlements In Lebanon

US Influencer Sarah Durham Wilson: Zionist Obsession With Rape Reflects Their Own Rape Culture;

Canadian Imam Kathrada: Zionist Jews Are Worse Than The Jews Whom Allah Cursed;

Jordanian Scholar: The Only Solution Against Jews Is Killing

Al-Jazeera: Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades Is Coordinating With Groups In Lebanon

Yemen, Iraq; Houthis: Decision Regarding Crew Of Seized Ship Is Al-Qassam's ;

Houthis Claim Attacks On US Ship And Destroyers;

Lebanese Daily: Houthis May Attack US Bases"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
"It should made known that Sharia is full of brutal cruel oppressive misogyny which denies basic human rights is viciously harsh oppressive to girls and women in many brutal savage harsh horrific ways.

Therefore, it should be made known that the actual origin of Sharia had been revealed in a Time –Life book with the title MESOPOTAMIA: THE MIGHTY KINGS copyright 1995 " For that future history book about the ancient pagan world of Mesopotamia informs the reader that “many Islamic laws resemble the Babylon and Assyrian forebears.” .page 150.

Therefore Sharia is of pagan origin and therefore has no value or worth." A link to an article from headlined
"80 signatories from 10 countries issue formal complaint to UN Human Rights Council over Sharia abuse of women"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
"Not very long ago, a Taliban spokesman answered a question asked of him about the basic human rights of females, both girls and women, he declared” We guarantee all their rights within the limits of Islam.”

All aware people who understand Islam know that the last four words of that statement has an obvious meaning.

Which is that with Islam the rights of females are very limited. As in within the Islamic view, they have little to no rights at all. .

As this has been so well explained by Brigitte Gabriel in her book, entitled THEY MUST BE STOPPED in Chapter 9 of the title “Islam’s Contempt for Women” which informs its reader on page 171 “Control of behavior and disregard for human life are key elements in Islamic ideology.”

In addition, on the next page it further reads” Women in Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.”

The tragic and sad reality is that Islam is a religion of brutal, cruel, harsh and even, at times, murderous misogyny." a link is given to a article headlined
"Feminist group says Afghanistan under Taliban control is ‘most dangerous place in the world for Afghan girls and women’ "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"🚨January 30, 2024. The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, publishes the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.
🚨Every year, Muslims of France [the main French Muslim organization, and the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood] organizes a conference that attracts hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over Europe. The group also invites radical imams who speak to the crowd.
🚨The survey further showed that 49% of French Muslims want Catholics to convert to Islam, and that 36% percent want churches to be transformed into mosques... The survey also discloses that 25% of French Muslims said that the word "France" is a word they reject.
🚨France is a country where more than 70% of prison inmates are Muslim. According to reports, the crime rate among the Muslim population is high....
🚨There are also more than two hundred rapes every day in France, most perpetrated by Muslim men who entered France illegally. Only 7% of illegal immigrants ordered to leave France are ever actually deported
🚨A similar situation to that of France can be found in other Western European countries, where the Muslim population may be smaller but is quickly growing.
🚨If Europeans wish to avoid such a future, they need to start making that outcome unmistakably clear to everyone, not just by words but by actions. If not, what we are seeing could well mean the end of Europe as we know it. "

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Breaking news.
An imam from Hebron armed with a kalachnikov rifle opened fire on Jews during the Jewish Sabbath.
This during Ramadan as the world tells Israel we must honor the Islamists holy period.
This imam died during his holy Ramadan mission.
Killing Jews, it seems, is permitted by Muslims during Ramadan."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"The attacks on Jews in the West are being lead by foreign Muslims.

They can get away with it because they have the silent or overt consent of progressives.

They have been softening the ground for this for 50+ years, ever since the establishment of the first Muslim student associations were established at American universities."

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online this
March 2024
"Jerusalem is irrelevant to Palestinians except for a land grab

1. Jerusalem is NEVER mentioned in the Koran - it is mentioned 669 times in the Old Testament. If one considers the use of the word 'Zion' which sometimes means Jerusalem and / or Land of Israel, then add another 154 to the 669. Jerusalem is always in Jewish prayers, grace after meals, the Passover Festival ending etc. etc. It has no such significance in Islam.
2. Muslims turn their backs on Jerusalem when they pray - a sign of contempt . This is as a result of Mohammed trying to get Jews to convert to Islam . He failed as many converted ( in order to stop paying taxes - it was not allowed for Muslims to take taxes from other Muslims ) but simply retained their Judaism . Thus the Quib'la or direction of prayer which for some 9 months instructed Muslims to face Jerusalem was scornfully overturned - ( Sura 2.14 )
3. The world at large is convinced that irrespective of 1. and 2. above, Jerusalem is considered Islams third holiest city citing a ridiculously tenuous connection to an event which never even happened .In the Koran ( Sura 17:1 ) the Night Journey describes the prophet Mohammeds ascent to heaven supposedly from the 'Sacred Mosque ' ( Mecca ) to the 'Furthest Mosque '. Years of spouting lies, or successful public relations now assume that the Furthest Mosque is the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. This is impossible! The historic timeline is as follows - Mohammed died in 632 CE, the Al Aqsa Mosque was built between 705 and 715 CE, so whatever Mosque the alleged night journey assumed was the 'The Furthest Mosque' it was certainly not a Mosque in Jerusalem for that Mosque - The Al Aqsa Mosque did not exist during his lifetime. Indeed the first historical extant inscriptions of Koran 17.1, i.e. the Night Journey, date from as late as the 11th Century."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"4. Jerusalem was never an Arab capital even during Islamic control over the City. Indeed there are numerous accounts from writers and biographers throughout history ( from the 7th century to the late 19th century - Bishop Arculf, Thomas Shaw, Count Constantine, Flaubert, Melville ,Thackeray, Twain, etc. ) all wrote about Jerusalem's dilapidated state during those times under direct Islamic control. Historically Islam allowed Jerusalem to deteriorate during any period in history when Islam controlled the City.
5. Jerusalem was NEVER mentioned in the PLO Charter of 1964. How is it now so important to Palestinians?.
6. The current Arabic word for Jerusalem is Al Quds - but Al Quds is an abbreviation for 'The Jewish Temple' is this you may be asking yourselves....simple. Al Quds is an abbreviated version of an Arab name used for Jerusalem - ' Bayt al MAQDES ' translated means The Holy House. This Arabic is a direct translation / enunciation of the Hebrew 'Beyt ha- MIKDASH ' - The Holy Temple. But Islam has never had a 'Temple' - only the Jews had one. Thus the Arabic name for Jerusalem has no connection to Mohammeds heavenly ascendancy but refers to the Jewish Temple.
7. Under Jordanian OCCUPATION ( capitals intended ) between 1948 /1967 not one Arab Head of State visited Jerusalem. Moreover,the Hashemites made a concerted effort to diminish Jeruslams importance in favour of Amman, their capital city. All Government Offices ( save Tourism ) were closed and moved to Amman and even Political and Religious institutional offices were closed and removed to Amman - these included The Arab Higher Committee, The Supreme Muslim Council and The Treasury of the Waqf / Religious Endowment.
8. Jerusalem was Israel's capital 2500 years before Islam originated.
9. There are many recent instances of Palestinians defiling the carpets, furniture, belongings etc. in the Mosque on the Temple Mount. Irrespective of ones religion , places of worship are treated with respect - unless you have no respect or connection to the place of worship. The many instances of Palestinian lack of respect to this Mosque is simply that there is nothing holy to them at this site.They are fully aware that it is the place where the Jewish Temple once stood - it being located on the Temple Mount was originally called Bayt al Maqdes which means built on the Mikdash - the Jewish Holy Temple
10. The following Koranic Suras refer to Israel's claim to Jerusalem and by any scholarly interpretation make it abundantly clear that Islam has no claim - 17.104, 5.20 and 59.2 being the most obvious....others are 2.40. .2.65. 3.187. 5.12. 5.7. 28.332. 22.45.17 and 57.26
As established from the above , one can see that the Islamic connection and claim to any part of Jerusalem is a myth that has been eagerly promoted and exacerbated for political and land grab purposes.

Unfortunately Israel and her supporters have been overwhelmed by an opposition only too willing to exploit such myths and a silent uninformed majority who through inertia , ignorance and bigotry have expanded the myth to Israels detriment.
The above are just a few but important examples of how lies, if told enough times morph into facts. "

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"As Biden Condemns 'Islamophobia,' U.S. Muslim Clerics Make Spine-Chilling Remarks About Jews" by

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Exploding The Myth That Islam Is An Abrahamic Religion"
By Sha'i ben-Tekoa
on March 21, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Muslims understand compassion differently than we do"

Anonymous said...

The article
"Muslims understand compassion differently than we do" is dated
March 17, 2024
Another person recently typed online earlier today
"The terrible truth and harsh reality is that many times history repeats itself, as then evil happenings repeatedly do reoccur especially when it comes to the subject of the violent and deadly religion that is Islam.

As with that October 7th. 2023 murderous jihadists attacks against all those young people at that music festival, which was intended by the Israeli’s to be a joyful event but the vicious and death infecting jihadist of Hamas turned it into a tragic event.

Six years before that Islamic abomination occurred at that place in the State of Israel ,there was that murderous jihadist bombing at a music concert in the city of Manchester of the United Kingdom, the British of the city had intended that concert to be a joyful event but that vicious and death inflecting jihadist suicide/homicide bomber turned it into a tragic event.

This year on March 22, 2024 on the outskirts of Moscow at another music concert there were more jihadists shootings in which 137 had murder by Muslim terrorists in their jihad and at least 145 more people had been severely injured .

That’s three music events in three different nations that Muslims who are also malice –filled jihadists have engaged in murdering and maiming people in Islam’s jihad of Islamic terrorism which in instructed in the Quran, Surah 2:191. 4:89. 9:5,123 . 47;4.

The deluded dangerous deadly and demonic evils of the death cult Islam with its jihadists has no limit."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"First, there was that horrendously evil and murderous jihadist bombing at a music concert in the city of Manchester , England on May, 22,2017 in which 22 people had been murdered and many more severely injured , most of the victims had been young girls and young women.

Then on October, there was those horrific murders by the jihadists of Hamas at a music festival in the State of Israel on October 7th 2023 in which 260 young people had been viciously murdered by those jihadists, who also committed many other many other Islamic atrocities.

Now just this month on March 22, 2024 on the outskirts of Moscow at another music concert there were more jihadists shootings and mass murders in which 137 people had killed by Muslim terrorists in their jihad and at least 145 more people had been harmed.

Islam which its jihadists hates music and it also hates people. It hates them to death."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"A terrible number of “Palestinians” Muslims had actually celebrated the murderous jihadist attacks by Hamas against the Jewish people because they consider Jews “disbelievers “ and likewise those “ Palestinians must know that those jihadist in the ruthless killing are obeying the instruction found in the Qu ‘ran , which teaches in Surah 9:123. “O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you and let them fond harshness in you…” Using firearms are a very effective way of showing those Jews in the State of Israel much “harshness.” Likewise there are other places in the Qu ‘ran the teach violence and killing. As in 4:89. 5:33, 9:5,111.

Furthermore, on Middle Eastern television it was recorded that Imam Suliman Satari said “Annihilate the Infidels… Allah count them and kill them, to the last one and don’t leave even one.” Furthermore, Imam Abu Hamza Al-Masri said “What makes Allah happy? Allah is happy when Kafiers get killed.

. The above words of these Imams reflect the example of Islam’s prophet and the teachings of the Quran. “Muhammad now fell upon them [the Jews] slew all the men, nine hundreds of them…”

Moreover, the Quran reads “When ye encounter the unbelievers strike off their heads, until ye have made great slaughter among them. …” Surah 47:4 let’s face it using firearms can sure make a greater slaughter “slaughter among them” than a sword a can.

In short, these Imams and their murderous prophet with their bloody Qu ‘ran show the world what Islam really is. After all, Jesus did teach, “by their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:20. [NKJV]

Thus are the fruits of Islam."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"The horrible reality is that taking into account the brutal cruel malicious and murderous Islamic character of the jihadists of Hamas, those hostages who had been kidnapped did suffer unconscionable brutal sex abuse from those horrendously sadistic viciousness which also includes the cold blooded murder of Hamas hostages by the jihadists of that horrendously evil jihad entity , Hamas.

Such horrific treatment of those hostages is of no surprise when taking into account the demonic brutal cruel religion that Hamas has its foundation on, which of course is Islam, Surah 5:33. 9:123.

In other words, that demonic jihad entity, Hamas, with is jihadists, have, to their cruel heinous and horrendously horrific vile and heinous Islamic evils that it’s jihadists so maliciously and murderously commits."

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online in
March 2022 :
‘ Islamophobia is a word invented by fascists, used by cowards to manipulate morons ‘’
Quote by Andrew Cummins
Moreover, if you are one of the millions of humans who have a RATIONAL fear of Islam ( religious conflicts, suicide bombings , ethnic cleansing, land occupation, slavery , multiple child rape etc etc ) you are in fact the very opposite of an Islamophobe which literally is defined as having an irrational fear of Islam.
Given the excessive internal and geographical turmoil within Islam it is apparent that most followers of Islam live in fear of Islam and hate Islamists . What term shall we use for those poor souls ?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in November 2023
"Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had declared that “the defeat of the Zionist regime in Gaza ” That top Muslim clerics of Iran ,by his words had just exposed his own Islamic day-dream.

The reason why this is so is because God greatly favors Israel and will not let her be be destroyed. As the Bible reads ”For the Lord had chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for his special treasure.” Psalm 135:4. [N.K.J.V.]

Furthermore, all Muslims, regardless if they mean it or not, claim that they do “respect the Bible.”

Nevertheless, Khamenei is also showing that he is actually willingly refusing to accept the Bible’s information that God had given all that land to the Jewish people, as the Bible reveals in Genesis 28:13-15. Deuteronomy 32:48,-49. Psalm 105: 7-11.

Therefore, by that statement of Khamenei had likewise not only exposed his own Islamic fantasy but also willful ignorance of the Bible and his deliberate refusal to accept the truth found in the Bible ,which is a book he , as a Muslim and other Muslims do claim that they respect."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier in February 2024
"Yes, it is a very true statement when it was said that “World Hijab Day” is nothing to celebrate” For the hijab is literal object and symbolic item of the harsh oppression of girls and women of the misogyny in “The House of Islam.”

Sharia or as many Westerners call it “Sharia Law” very much supports the Islamic practice of females being force to wear the hijab.

So it should be made known that the actual origin of Sharia had been revealed in a Time –Life book with the title MESOPOTAMIA: THE MIGHTY KINGS copyright 1995 " For that future history book about the ancient pagan world of Mesopotamia informs the reader that “many Islamic laws resemble the Babylon and Assyrian forebears.” .page 150.

Therefore, Sharia is of pagan origin and therefore has no value or worth, so likewise the “World Hijab Day “ is actually a farce."
& in May 2023 typed
"As of May 2, 2023 been twelve years since the extermination of the heinous Islamic villain, Osama bin Laden, by those brave and heroic Navy SEAL’s on May 2, 2011.

After bin Laden’s elimination he was buried at sea. There had been by Muslim clerics, such as the imams ,who had the gall they complain the bin laden did not revived and proper Islamic burial because he was buried in the ocean and all Muslim according to Islamic tradition. For Muslims are buried under the ground and not at sea.

To that outlandish statement, made by the Muslim clerics may be answered in in two complementary ways.

First, the sea burial that bin Laden received was a lot more dignified and respectful then the type of “burial” that many of the victims of murderous affront had that occurred on September 11, 2001.. Many of the people who were murdered on 9/11 only had a few bones and teeth left. In contrast the body of bin laden was buried mostly intact.

Second ,after 9/11 many Muslim apologists for Islam ,in America ,many times had made the claim that Osama bin Laden was not a real Muslim and that he just “Hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam “ for “politics.” If that’s actually the case and not some kind of cover-up to hide the truth from the American public then all those Muslim clerics really had nothing to complain about if that claim is true that bin Laden was not a “real Muslim.” "
& also
"On September 11, 2001 when that Muslim /jihadist terrorist’s head of al Qaeda . Osama bin Laden, found out that his demonic murderous and destructive Islamic scheme had been, except for Flight 93, “successful,” all he could be is sit around and grin.

Later, then it all came down back on him on May 2, 2011 , he was no longer grinning the report was that “he look frighten and confused.”

As is the old saying “What goes around comes around.” The reason why well mat be sure that saying is true is not only because of the above example but because it’s upheld in the Bible, which informs its reader “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7. [N.K.J.V.]

Furthermore, since his extermination of that day , now and forever more, bin Laden in still no longer grinning , for is crying and suffering because he is trapped in a horrible place in intense pain in the fires of hell."

Anonymous said...

The person in January 2024 typed
"The systematic sexual violence against Israeli women and girls by the jihadists of Hamas during and after their murderous jihad on October 7th is horrendously vile and heinous to the most evil extent possible. Those jihadists Hamas by their brutal crimes of torture and rape of young Jewish girls and women have exposed they own vicious misogyny of the demonic evil mindset which is the resort of their religion which is Islam.

Some naïve Westerners who don’t know and understand about the bloody and deadly essence of Islam’s jihad , might be shocked and stop and wonder “Just how can those jihadists of Hamas be so totally unconscionably evil to commit those horrendous sex vile heinous affront and hideous crime, actions ? “

The answer to that question is found in the Bible, which informs its reader that there are some men who are completely horrifically callous heartless and unfeeling because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [K.J.V.]

For them, that “hot iron” is Islam."
& also
"What is assumed by many people view "Radical Islamic Terrorism” to be a “warped” or “hijacked” form of Islam. Yet the terrible harsh reality is that the actual religion of Islam is the entire foundation of Islamic terrorism or otherwise accurately, but seldom called what is really is, which is “Muslim terrorism.”

For Islam's "holy book" the Qur 'an [the Koran] instructs on the use of violence and killing for the advancement of Islam.

As found in ,for example 2:191. 4:89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4. Furthermore, it may be illustrated that if Islam is represented as a tree then the fruits then the fruits of that tree are the many brutal, violent and deadly jihad terror entities. Such as Hamas as well as ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, al Shabaab , Hamas, Hezbollah, P.I.J. etc.

With this statement, the Wisdom of the teachings of Jesus may, very much, apply to this subject. For Jesus taught “Ye do know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” After saying this Jesus told them what He told them when He said “By their fruit ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:16, 17, 18,.20. [K.J.V.]

In conclusion, Islam is a corrupt tree and also a false religion, Proverbs 14:12. John 14:6. First John 2:22,23. 4:14,15. 5:12,13,20."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"The Greek philosopher Plato is one of the contributors to Western Civilization. He may shed some light into the subject of those people who are shackled in the chains and darkness of Islamic thought.
In Plato’s REPUBLIC he gave an allegory of a cave where “the condition of men living in a sort of cavernous chamber…Here they have been from childhood, chained by leg and also by the neck, so that they cannot move and see only what is in front of them.” This can fit into what the Imams do in the mosques and how they brainwash the young people in the madrassa’s by always programming Islamic doctrine into their victims and not exposing them to other worldviews. Furthermore, even in Islamic tradition when Muslims have their newborn child the father whispers words of the Quran into the infants ear so that that Quran verses are the first thing the newborn person hears. This programming process takes place all their lives. These are some of the chains that keep them bound in a mosque [cave].

The chains do not let them reach out for dialectic reasoning and let them examine the evidence both for as well as against, or even question whether Muhammad was a true prophet of God or not, and if the Quran is a hoax or not. As the chains and darkness of the cave blinds and holds the prisoners back from reality, so Islamic propaganda holds back the cognition to reason with the question if Islam is true or not.

They are forbidden from even thinking to question Islam. Furthermore, if a Muslim by some miracle wakes up to the truth about Islam, it would be like the man in Plato’s cave allegory who was released from his chains and taken outside to the real world. At first direct light would be painful and disorienting, it would take some time for him to understand what the truth is all about, he even might cling to the shadows and still for a time believe some of the illusions to be real. However, he would finally come to know “what he had formerly seen was meaningless illusion.” And that was “what passed for wisdom in his former dwelling-place.”

In addition, that the other cave prisoners needed to see the light [the truth] for he “was sorry for them.” and he would re-enter the cave just to rescue them. Nevertheless, the cave prisoners wouldn’t understand and “if they could lay hand on the man who was trying to set them free” and if they could “they would kill him.”

Likewise, when someone escapes from the shackles of Islam, those still in the darkness of this religion would not understand and if possible kill him for leaving Islam, and even more so if he were to try to enlighten them about the truth about Islam. For these people in Islam are chained to an empty imitation of truth and godliness."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"There are ONLY TWO CHOICES when it comes to the WISDOM or FOLLY of the Qur'an:

1. That it believes STRONGLY in reincarnation and speaks of people as being the same beings across many thousands of years. For instance Miriam the daughter of Amran being the mother of a figure the Qur'an calls `Isa (not Yasua`, incidentally), Haman in ancient Egypt rather than in the Persian setting of the Megillat Esther, etc.

2. That Muhammad somehow had access to even very new and inner door Talmudic sources - even the most famous quotes from the Qur'an today actually being first found in the Talmud, word-for-word, but somehow it confused names so badly that it would be hard to do so worse if it were done purposefully.

Either it was done on purpose, and there is a VERY profound and deep message and orientation to the Qur'an that resembles normative Islamicate thinking in almost no meaningful ways today, or it is a really, really, REALLY bad case of plagiarism - which simultaneously had access to sources and hidden details that no non-Jew at that time would have had access to.

You can't really have it another way.

I am of the view that the Qur'an was JEWISH MIDRASH - NEVER intending to establish a separate religion from Judaism. i believe it was speaking DIRECTLY to the milieu of Jewish Arabian sectarianism in Late Antiquity, and that the clear indications of these are deliberately obfuscated in the various translations and tasaafir of the Qur'an, but are clear in the MUBIN Arabic to all who know the relevant details of history and sectarian beliefs of the era.

I am of the view the Qur'an never used Aslama or "Al-Islam" as a noun, but as a verb or reference to a verb (as with the masdar form), and even then barely used it and distinguished it as a lower form of religious practice than that of the Mu'minin - admonishing the `Arabs that they should not say they are Mu'minin yet, because they are only Muslims thus far.

I am of the view that the Qur'an had a very sophisticated theology of reincarnation or "Gilgulei Ha'Neshamah" as we call it in Judaism. I further see that the Qur'an is speaking from the perspective of the Jewish Essene Yachad Community, and a well-developed evolution of the Second Temple "Theosebes" Noachid movement into that of a "Muslim" call to the nations - while simultaneously admonishing Sadducean Himyarites, and speaking often of them as literally "those who turned away" from the Judaism of the "Achbar" or "Chaberim" and the Sabi'un. This, of course, was another well-known name for the Diaspora Essenes, long before the Mandaean sect appropriated the name to protect themselves from Caliphate oppression.

Tell me where i'm wrong my brothers and sisters of the Bani Adam, the Xien Fu Xi.

In the meantime, if you are interested in reading more about these positions of my research, check out the following publication from my first of two Masters Theses:

People of the Book: What the Religions Named in the Qur'an Can Tell Us About the Earliest Understanding of "Islam"

...and im yirtzeh Ha'Shem, in sha' Allah, please help support my continued work in publishing the following too large works, currently underway, which will completely shake up the foundations of Caliphate Imperial Religion which has been masquerading for 1,400 as "Al-Islam."

1. Muhammad the Jew: The Jewish Sectarian Origins of Early Islam

2. The Qur’an as Midrash: How the Sacred Writings of Judaism Unlock Islamic Origins

3. The Essene Roots of Medieval Judeo-Sufism: How Diaspora Essenes Fought the Caliphate and Revolutionized Jewish Mysticism Forever"

Anonymous said...

James Abourezk, the first
“Arab-American” US senator and founder of the Stupid
“American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee” ADC has thankfully died at the age of 92 in February 2023 .
He will Not be Missed ,
No Tears for Him
Good that he's dead
We wish we could use his birth certificate as Toilet Paper
The ADC is a Worthless Loser
Arab Liar Organization , nothing but Arab BS ,

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Why doesn’t James Abourezk’s obituary mention he blamed Zionists for 9/11 and supported Hamas and Hezbollah” on
Monday, February 27, 2023 in other words James Abourezk was an Average Ugly Typical Hate Filled Arab , Good that he’s Dead 😆😆😆

Anonymous said...

We all wish
James Abourezk had died
many decades earlier, like at age 30 or 40
We Must Rejoice that he is dead
And that he will be Suffering Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell and the Lake of Fire !!
When James Abourezk died we were all singing to
"Celebrate good times, come on!"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Concerning the subject of the horrific persecution Esmaeil Meghrebinezhad by that “mullah regime “ of Iran as well the severe persecution , harassment and imprisonment and even torture of other Christians of Iran , this further expose the intolerant brutal and murderous horrific and hostile tyrannical regime of Iran towards Christians and Christianity.

First, it would be naive not to understand the those mullahs and ayatollahs didn’t have a hand in having their stooges , who are Islamic state police, the Revolutionary Guard s arrest so many Christians because those in power in the Islamic tyranny are ruthless and cruel.

Second, this is further proof that Islam is such a weak and fragile religion that the arrest of those few Christians was felt necessary by the ayatollah, mullah and imams of Iran. For those Muslim clerics are afraid that if the Iranian people even have a chance to examine and thus compare and contrast the Bible and the Quran the people of Iran might discover that the Bible of the super of those two books.

Since the foundation for the tyrannical regime of the Islamic “Republic” of Iran is based on the Quran, which is also the entire foundation for of Islam, the Muslim clerics fear that their power base might collapse. So the arrests and sentencing to death of Christians reveals extreme fear those Muslim clerics have of the Bible, For this also show that those Muslim clerics in power in that “mullahs regime” of Iran will use .the Islamic state police and their tools to stop Christians and keep the Iranian people in in ignorance of the Bible and in the darkness of Islam.

Third, those mullahs and ayatollahs and imams of Iran with their falsehoods and deceptions of the many false doctrines of Islam in which they brainwash the Iranian people in believing is something that is both sad and tragic. Those ayatollahs and mullahs are, no doubt, just as deluded as the people who they thoroughly indoctrinate with false teachings of Islam. Of such demonic deception by false teachers who are also deluded such men a have been predicted in the Bible. For in the Bible it’s written that “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived.” Second Timothy 3:13. [K.J.V.]

All those mullahs and ayatollahs are, according to the doctrines of the Bible, Isaiah 8:20. false religious teachers .Meaning false teachers who teach and indoctrinate the false doctrines of the false religion of Islam into the hearts and minds of others . Such false teachers are described in the Bible ,in Second Peter 2:1. “There were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”

In addition, it should be make clear that in the context and meaning of the above Bible verse Second Peter 2:1. The word “destruction” does not mean “loss of being but loss of well-being ,as the destruction of well- being . That is “going to ruin” by ending up and a terrible place of awful suffering which the Bible call hell, Luke 16:19-31." and a link to an article from on March 25, 2024 headlined
"Iran: Muslim converts to Christianity is charged with 'propaganda against state's and 'insulting Islamic beliefs' " by Robert Spencer

Another person typed in response
"Of course.. that’s like converting to another religion in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. In Islamic texts, the punishment for leaving Islam is death penalty, it’s a one way street…. That’s the correct way for dealing with leaving Islam if Islam is followed according to their most authoritative texts in the Quran and the Sunnah.

If the US was smart, they should be aiding the Christians in Iran against the Islamists because that’s what Islamists are doing against ALL non Muslims ESPECIALLY Christians and Jews because those 2 groups are seen as a threat that can expose them, other groups are not equipped…"

Anonymous said...

In December 2023 a person typed online
"University of Illinois Chicago Student Sadik Froukh Celebrates October 7 Attacks during a Muslim Student Association Friday Sermon on Campus:

He says more or less, being an Islamic terrorist is the best way to leave this world. Listen to it, only 2 minutes.

“I Stand Here with a Smile on My Face; The Attacks of These Fierce Courageous Warriors Have Brought Pride to the Islamic Nation…. “.

There are so many Islamists in American universities… and the West has no idea what Islam is or what it REALLY teaches!!"
& also typed in December 2023
"If you understand what Islamic texts really teaches, this will make perfect sense to you…

Michigan Imam Usama Abdulghani: “October 7th [Hamas' massacre] was a day of God. It was a miracle. We thank Allah for making it possible.”

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