The Miracle of Zionism

"Israel is the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago." - Historian Barbara Tuchman

"Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created by a sovereign act of God" - Pastor John Hagee

"All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" - Author / Atheist, Mark Twain (long before the Holocaust and Israeli-Jewish statehood)

"They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their Empire were but a Bauble in comparison of the Jews. They have given religion to three quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more happily, than any other Nation ancient or modern." - President John Adams - His 1808 response letter criticizing the depiction of Jews by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Islam's Truth and the Liberal's Unbelief of it

As a patriotic American Zionist seeing the ever growing threat to America and especially Israel (our most loyal ally) I have dedicated myself to know Islam from its very foundation up. Basically, I want to know Western civilization’s main enemy through and through and I want to encourage all non-Muslims to do likewise. Take it upon yourself to learn the differences between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-harb and what they mean through the eyes of traditional Islam. Educate yourself of the unspoken sixth pillar of Islam - jihad upon which the spread of Islam was founded. Come to know how the ignorance of Islam gives way to ignorance of jihad and how such ignorance leaves one with the inability to refute lies coming from the Islamic spokepersons who claim that jihad (or the so-called ‘greater jihad‘) is an inner spiritual struggle.

Organizations such as C.A.I. R. (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and O.I.C. (Organized Islamic Council) seek to popularize Islam in America using al-takiyah (Islamic deception for the sake of, and the advancement of Islam) as part of their goal for Islam to take full control over all of Western civilization. Once you have learned their tactics in using al-takiyah you will be able to see beyond the “moderate Muslims” who themselves serve as a cover for the jihadists, and see global-jihad more clearly.

Islam-phobia” is a term most often used by concerned-free idiots (mostly liberals) who are clueless about Islam but reason out what they want to believe about Islam or what they think Islam should be in their liberal world. Most often these liberals are the first to be sold on the al-takiyah notion that Islam is a “religion of peace” and that the “radicals” have hijacked this religion, never questioning the silence of the so-called moderates. It’s sad, but most Western leaders (even the conservative ones - Bush and Blair being to most notable ones) have bought into this al-takiyah religion-of-peace lie due to their ignorance or unwillingness to learn the jihadic truth of Islam.

It’s very important to know (and don’t let the takiyahists tell you any different) that “true Islam” is structured around sharia law. One of the questions I enjoy asking the "radical-Islam is true-Islam" deniers is whether or not sharia law is considered "radical" in their minds. Once we have come to an agreement on the burdens sharia law places upon the community it rules over and is therefore considered "radical" in both mindsets of liberals and conservatives, I then get them to try and explain how "sharia law" in and of itself is not "true" Islam.
Sharia law is to Islam what halacha law (Jewish law) is to Judaism. Sharia law is based upon the Koran and hadiths (commentary on the Koran and Mohammad’s acts) while halacha law is based upon the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud (biblical commentary). To Islam the hadiths are eye witnessed accounts of how Muhammad responded to certain situations and how he conduced his daily life. These accounts are all subject to determining sharia law. For example, you won’t find anywhere in the Koran how young a girl can be to become married. However, because the fifty-two year old Mohammad (the "excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah" according to sura 33:21 of the Koran) wanted to satisfy himself with a nine year old child, sharia law now dictates that a nine year old girl can be married to a man of any age. Today in sharia law-ran Iran, girls nine years old can become wifes of middle age (need I say sick?) Muslim men.

My challenge to any Imam, Islamic scholar, Islamic apologist, C.A.I.R. spokesperson, or any willfully ignorant liberal (politician or otherwise) who thinks Islam in and of itself is peaceful and harmless, is to show me from the foundations of Islam beginning with Mohammad himself, to Islam’s 1300 year history, where Islam ever operated outside of a dictatorship / caliphate. I’m not from Missouri but I need a Muslim or a ignorant liberal (or conservative) to show me a few things:
  • Show me where sharia law allows for "freedom of religion" and "freedom of expression" towards any religion outside of Islam.

  • Show me where sharia law dictates anything close to the Western ideology concerning woman’s rights and treatment of women.

  • Show me where the State of Israel (or any form of Jewish sovereignty within the ancient homeland of the Jews) has a place in a world ruled by sharia law.

  • Show me where “freedom to assemble” in a newly constructed place of worship taller than the nearest mosque is permissible under sharia law.

  • Show me where sharia law allows “freedom of the press” especially when it comes to Danish political cartoons depicting Muhammad. Come on now, show me!

  • Show me under sharia law where the religion of Islam is to be separated for the government and nor part of the government itself and how Islam wasn't set up to be both government and religion in and of itself from Mohammad on.
Warning to willfully ignorant liberals who have a bleeding heart for Islam, as to what Islamic sharia law proscribes that your bleeding hearts may not like very much:
  • A man to have up to four wives is at liberty to beat them as he feels the need. See Koran sura 4:34. “Honor killings” which in reality is Islamic "honor-murder" go hand in hand with this portion of sharia law.

  • The man's testimony and inheritance is twice that of the woman. See Koran: sura 2:282 and sura 4:11. As we see in places like Iran and Saudi Arabia this Koranic / sharia law plays heavy on female rape victims of which also by sharia law standards needs four witnesses to support their story (sura 24:4).

  • The stoning of an adulterer (especially women). See hadith: Bukhari volume 6, book 60, number 79. This can include female rape victims who doesn't have the four needed male witnesses to convict the rapist leaving her with the appearence that she had sex wuth a male who is not her husband.

  • The flogging of the alcohol drinkers. See Koran sura 5:90-91 and hadith: Muslim book 017, number 4226.

  • Cutting the hand off of the thief. See Koran: sura 5:38.

  • Cutting off hands and feet of those speaking against Muhammad. See Koran: sura 5:33. Dutch cartoonists would be, shall I say, totally out of commission.

  • The killing of those who leave Islam. See Koran: sura 4:89.

  • The woman to be covered with a hijab (woman's head covering). See Koran: sura 24:31

What about Islam's "no compulsion in religion"?

Abrogation (nasikh in Arabic) of one verse or revelation for another is very common in the Koran (see sura 2:106 and 16:100). One tactic a takiyah spokesperson will use is placing verses in the Koran (ayat in Arabic) outside their stage of revelation. As the developments that surrounded Mohammad changed during his false prophethood, so did his revelations. The more power and influence he gained the more aggressive his revelations became concerning non-Muslims and all those who opposed him. The famous verse that all takiyah Muslims of the world love to quote is where Mohammad states, "There is no compulsion religion" (sura 2:56). However what the takiyah Muslims won't tell Westerners about this revelation is the fact that this revelation came several years before the revelation of jihad. 1 So what the takiyah Muslims will do before Western eyes is quote such verses that came prior to the "jihad revelation" and try passing it off as the absolute and final word that the Koran has to say on the subject, knowing full well that a revelation of jihad soon followed and abrogated that very verse they just quoted!

Sayid Qutb is one of the modern radical Islam founders. His book "Milestones" has been banned in many Muslim countries by Muslim dictators who don't want to give up their dictatorship to a government that is ran under sharia law. What makes "Milestones" so threatening is that it correctly places the stages of Mohammad's life with his revelations found in the Koran leading up to the last and final jihad revelations. The fact that no Imam or Mullah could disprove Qutb facts (showing that radical Islam under sharia law is "true Islam") finally cost him his life and his books to be banned.

Qutb's layout of the escalating stages leading up to jihad along with my thoughts are as follows:
  • Stage one - the false prophet was commanded "to read" (sura 96:1-5) though illiterate. This began his false prophethood by which he had not yet began his ministry.

  • Stage two - In this stage of thirteen years the false prophet only preached without usage of the sword and without forcing the dhimmi (a subjugated infidel under a Muslim caliphate-ruler) to pay jizyah - a special inflated "protection tax". It was during this stage he was building power and influence among friends, family, relatives. and tribesmen who would listen. It was also during this stage that he wasn't too negative in his revelations towards the Jews because he was hoping to bring them to his revelations peaceably.

  • Stage three - After Mohammad fled to Medinah from Mecca (the hajrah in 622 CE) he was able to gather an army. His revelations then allowed him to actually fight but to fight with only those who fought him. Forcing all Christian and Jews pay the special "protection tax - jazyah was still out of reach at this stage. Those who didn't make war with him, he was content to leave alone - for the time being. It is from this third but non-final stage that such revelations of fighting only the non-Muslims that made war with Muslims that today's modern takiyah Muslims will point to in order to paint jihad as being only a defensive struggle: "Permission to fight is given to those on whom war is made, because they are oppressed. And surely Allah is able to assist them" - sura 22:39. Then, to add al-takiyah upon al-takiyah, they will throw in the seemingly proof-text of "no compulsion in religion" (sura 2:256) to back that "jihad- defense only" takiyah claim up. They will do this playing on Western ignorance by willfully hiding the fact that there is a "next stage" of the false prophet's life and the "revelation of jihad" that goes with it! What most Westerns don't realize due to their ignorance of Islamic history is that if the above defense-only revelation and the others like it had remained the final revelation on the subject of jihad and Islamic war principles, then Islam would have never had the vast and rapid expansion it experienced during its first century and a half of existence. This includes all of Arabia being conquered (not freely converted) within Mohammad's lifetime. Because Mohammad wasn't satisfied with communities such as Khaybar and Mecca living outside the rule of his Isalm, jihad literally took on a whole new meaning and revelation immediately after he obtained a sizeable army while the earlier references of jihad and war that he had received with a lesser sized army (like the one above) became abrogated (sura 2:106 / 16:101).

  • Stage four (the jihad stage) - After Mohammad gained a big enough army he then began pulling off raids that graduated into full scale battles finally culminating in the conquering of all of Arabia. It was during this stage that peace treaties that had no expiration date were given four months to either join Mohammad or be considered an enemy where they would have to fight with Mohammad's army (sura 9:1-2). The very fact that Mohammad would cancel a treaty whereby no treat to him was given proves him to be the aggressor and that jihad is not simply a "defensive struggle" by Koranic standards. This jihad revelation allowed Jews and Christians (people of the book) to continue their faith but in order to do so, they now must start paying the jizyah protection tax as dhimmis as an open declaration of their submission to Islamic rule. According to the last words of sura 9:29 the dhimmis must be "brought low" and that "they must feel being subservient". With the pagans of Arabia (of whom kept peaceful treaties) given only four months to decide to convert or fight, and of Jews and Christians being forced to pay a high tax in order to continue to practice their religion, where is that good old "no compulsion in religion" now in this jihad stage consisting of the "new" jihad revelation? Can we in the West not see the abrogation of the "no compulsion in religion" revelation?
Before Mohammad's revelation of jihad the people of Arabia were not placed into categories by the Muslims. Only after Mohammad became a force was there then a need for treaties. People were placed into categories who had treaties with Mohammad and those who were without a treaty. The tribes that had treaties with Mohammad as well as those who remained without treaties didn't seek to fight with him. They had all converted to Islam (perhaps to aviod war with Mohammad) by the time their four month grace period had expired. This left only three categories concerning all the people of the world. One, being the Muslim. Two, being the dhimmi (person of the book) who submitted themselves to Islamic rule. Three, being the infidel that is at war with Islam.
There is only two domains or abodes in the world as seen through the eyes of Islam "dar al-Islam" and "dar al-harb" . The first two kinds of people (the Muslim and the dhimmi) abide in the "House of Islam" dar al-Islam, and those that are at war with Islam abide in the "House of War" dar al-harb. Wikipedia defines the Arabic term "harbi" as "one under a declaration of war" and "one of whom is non-Muslim and does not live under the rule of Islam". 2 Since the revelation of jihad there can be no true treaties with the House of War as dictated in the Koran's jihad revelation. Just like the pagans who had treaties with Mohammad and those who didn't - to live outside of Muslim rule peaceably yet not subdued was not an option! So is it today in bringing this jihad revelation (that was never canceled out being the very last of revelations) into the modern world. Today, most all of Western civilization comes under dar al-harb House of War given Mohammad's jihad revelation.
Ibn Taymiyah, is a well known and respected fourteeth-century jurist in Islamic law and he stated many centuries before 9/11 and all the modern jihad terrorism that we see today: "Any act of war against Dar al-Harb is morally and legally justified, and exempt from any ethical judgment." So when the al-takiyah Muslims quotes you the "no compulsion in religion" reading in the Koran, ask them how such a learned and respected Islamic scholar like Taymiyah could get it so wrong. Then watch them flinch big-time and try to avoid any further discussion concerning Islam.
It becomes obvious when looking through the lens of the Koran in all of its stages of revelations that Al-Queda, Hamas, Hizbollah, and the like, are not hijackers of the Islam but indeed true Muslims following in the same footsteps of Mohammad and Allah-given revelations! The actual hijackers of Islam would be the moderate Muslims who only take part of the Koran (the earlier revelations before jihad) instead of taking the total and complete Koran including the last and final revelation of jihad (sura 9).
It must be noted that during times of Islamic weakness to conquer the House of War, a Hudaybiyah treaty 3 can be made allowing Islamic forces to gain strength. This type of treaty is called a hudna which is never to be considered a final status in Islam. Only the abode of dar al-Islam, (the abode of Islam) can be final. This is why Israel will never ever-ever, have peace with the Palestinians or any Muslim country that surrounds them. It's simply not within their culture, nationalism, and their Koran and hadith mindset won't allow it. No man-made two-state solution can ever override Allah's will that was given to Mohammad as a revelation of jihad. To the Muslim belief that competes with the Jewish Bible, Israel is the epitome of dar-al harb in Islam's eyes and of which challenges Islam at its very core root.
After Mohammad conquered Arabia of which he reportedly stated "I will expel the Jews and Christians from Arabia Peninsula, and will not leave any but Muslims"4 he then set his sights on the rest of the world. Takuk that was outside the peninsula was attacked and letters was sent to kings (even empire leaders) summoning them to Islam for the purpose of Allah's mercy (basically Allah wouldn't have mercy on them 'in the form of jihad' if they refused).
This shows Muhammad's intention of spreading his Islam by the sword throughout the world of which his successors (the caliphs) did indeed take the entire Middle East and then some by the sword of Allah. Even the Koran in its jihad revelation instructs the Muslim to complete this task:
"And fight with them until there is no more fitnah (unbelief) and all religions are for Allah" -sura 8:39
He it is who has sent his messenger with guidance and religion of truth that he may make it prevail over all religions" - sura 9:33
Keep in mind that the Koran quotes above are spoken from a religious warlord that was in the process of conquering all of Arabia.
The bottom line is this: Islam is a religion of jihad and oppression and not one of peace and prosperity. The countries under this religion proves this to be so. It would do a bleeding heart willfully ignorant towards Islam liberal some good to live under sharia law just to see that Islam is not something to have any type of compassion for. Taking at its full measure and revelations, Islam can never be compatible with America's Constitution and Bill of Rights, never! The West needs to wake up!


1. The "no compulsion in religion" revelation came as an early Medinan revelation (just after the hajj when Mohammad fled to Medinah in 622 CE). The Jihad Revelation (Mohammad's final) came in the ninth year of the Hijrah (630 CE). After eight years of being a warlord, his revelations matched his actions abrogating his "no compulsion in religion" revelation that was no longer needed due to his change in status.


3. Mohammad made a ten-year peace treaty with people of Mecca (the Quraysh tribe) in 628 CE on the plain of Hudaybiyah simply because his forces wasn't strong enough to take the city of Mecca. However, after two years of making this ten-year agreement, Mohammad found a way to break this treaty as soon as his army was strong enough to take the city.

4. Hadith: Muslim book 19, number 4366. Based upon this hadith Jews and Christians are not allowed to live in modern Saudi Arabia and cannot even visit Mecca. Everytime I read this I can't help but think of the Jews of Gaza being expelled in August, 2005 for the very same reason.


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Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"Not very long ago, a Taliban spokesman answered a question asked of him about the basic human rights of females, both girls and women, he declared” We guarantee all their rights within the limits of Islam.”

All aware people who understand Islam know that the last four words of that statement has an obvious meaning.

Which is that with Islam the rights of females are very limited. As in within the Islamic view, they have little to no rights at all. .

As this has been so well explained by Brigitte Gabriel in her book, entitled THEY MUST BE STOPPED in Chapter 9 of the title “Islam’s Contempt for Women” which informs its reader on page 171 “Control of behavior and disregard for human life are key elements in Islamic ideology.”

In addition, on the next page it further reads” Women in Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.”

The tragic and sad reality is that Islam is a religion of brutal, cruel, harsh and even, at times, murderous misogyny." A link is given to a article by Robert Spencer on
March 27, 2024 headlined
"Afghanistan: Taliban's Supreme leader says 'we will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"WATCH: Jordanian cleric now says Jews must be killed, just not yet"
4 November 2015
Most people in Jordan are

Anonymous said... has an article on
March 25, 2019
"Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Al-Zoghbi Goes Off on an Antisemitic Rant: America, the West Are the Jews; There Cannot Be Peace with the Jews" #7202 | 01:44
Source: Al-Rahma TV (Egypt)
Look it up

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today

If you want to understand what Islam is up to, you need to see and read what ISLAMIC POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADERS and their spokespeople (Imams at weekly sermons, sheikhs, Ayatollahs, and the Arab global press), are saying daily in their own language. These headlines scream racism, hate, genocide and encourage daily acts of suicidal jihad of civilians, for the purpose of creating terror and eventually leading to global domination. These are just a few of the recent ones.

Columnist In Qatari Daily: Hatred And Hostility Are Ingrained In The Jews;

Palestinian Author Hassan Hamid: The Israelis Know They Will Leave Palestine;

Lebanese Analyst: Only The Rich Jews Who Practiced Usury Were Burned In The Holocaust

Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Poster: Shi'ites Of Iran Orchestrated October 7 Hamas Attack;

Michigan Islamic Scholar In 2016: Israel Must Be Annihilated

Trinidad And Tobago Islamic Scholar: Russia Knows October 7 Was Planned By Mossad, Just Like 9/11

ISIS Supporters Eulogize Gazan Who Swore Allegiance To ISIS, Participated In October 7 Attack;

Following US Treasury Designation, 'Gaza Now' Condemns Sanctions As Attempt To 'Silence The Voice Of Wounded Gaza'

Los Angeles Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Ayloush @ Nov 2023 Islamic Society Of Orange County Event: Israel Should Be Attacked, Has No Right To Defend Itself;

Growing Influence Of Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) In The Central African Republic (CAR);

Lastly, under the heading: "You Can't Make this Shit Up":

Islamic Scholar Shakir: Trump May Create A Palestinian State If Told He Will Be On Mount Rushmore"

Anonymous said...

About the Pure Evil of Iran
The New York Post has an article headlined
"Iran is preparing to murder a hip-hop artist for committing . . . music' "
By Claudia Bennett
Published March 29, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"About those insidious and murderous Islamic terror affronts which occurred in Sri Lanka on an Easter Sunday 21, 2019, five years ago,. Those horrendous jihad murder attacks were the outcome of the Islamic doctrine from the Qu‘’ran [the Koran] of a sexual paradise with many virgins, houris , in it for the male Muslim /jihadist who dies fighting in the jihad for the cause of Islam is found in the “holy book” of Islam, the Koran, in Sura 44:54. 55: 56. 78:31. Also there is the Koranic instruction of Sura 9:111 which teaches, “The believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, they kill and are killed.” Getting back to the origin doctrine of Islam from the Koran of a sex –filled paradise with many houris for the use only by the male jihadist who dies fight for the advancement of Islam.

All this started when the founder and prophet of Islam, Muhammad manufactured Islam he put , had stolen, some of sex doctrine of Zoroastrian mythology and a yet smaller bit of Hindu mythological sex teachings along with as well as mixture pagan Arabian folklore and myth plus a heavy dose of Judaism and Christianity . Also some of it apostate “Christianity” For the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, couldn’t discern the difference between genuine Bible based Christianity and bogus “Christianity.”

Those words and teaching Muhammad gathered from many sources, including the virgins /sex place mythology. , and taught as “Divine Truth” were written down on many things then later compiled and then went into the composition of the Koran. So the hoax of the Koran is actually a mixture and fusion Judaism Christianity and mythology of other religions and now the Muslim clerics with the Koranic brainwashing of young Muslims who are thoroughly mind programmed into believing this Islamic/Koranic virgins myth.

This deception of false doctrine /myth into the thoughts of some people was predicted in the Bible along with the false teachers who engage in the indoctrination of such a myth /doctrine into the minds and hearts other people . For it is written in the Bible “For the time will come when they will not stand wholesome teaching, but will follow their own fancy and gather a crown of teachers to tickle their ears. They will stop their ears to the truth and turn to mythology.” Second Timothy 4:3,4. [N.E.B.]"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"That despicable cowardly Islamic SOB that Muslim terrorist of Hamas is to murder a little girl who was 5 years old.

Some naïve Westerners who don’t know and understand about the bloody and deadly essence of Islam’s jihad , might be shocked and stop and wonder “Just how can that jihadist of Hamas be so totally unconscionably evil , as to even murder of 5 year old girl ?”

The answer to that question is found in the Bible, which informs its reader that there are some men who are completely horrifically callous heartless and unfeeling because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [K.J.V.]

For them, that “hot iron” is Islam."
A link is given to an article from headlined
"Jihad Murderer of 5-Year-Old Girl Caught hiding in
Maternity Ward"
The person also typed
"That demonic jihad entity, Hamas, with is jihadists, have no limits, at all, to its brutal cruel heinous sadistic and vile and vicious horrendously horrific vile and heinous Islamic evils.

As seen in that specific Muslim terrorist of Hamas who is so very heinously malicious and wickedly malice- filled that he deliberately and willingly murdered a five year old girl for the jihad for Islam.

This this same demonic horrendous Islamic spirit of all the jihadists of Hamas which all their despicable savage murderous behavior are the fruits of those jihad-minded Muslims being completely devoted to Islam with its violent and deadly jihad, Surah 2:191. 4:89. 9 : 5. 123. 47:4.

This is reflection of the teaching of Jesus, Who taught, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20. [K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Yes , the horrible reality is that It’s only a matter of time before al Qaeda or ISIS or some other jihad terror/murder entity strikes out in another Islamic mass murder attack in America . Maybe in ways similar to October 7th 2023 or September 11, 2001. Even some other possible jihadist schemed way that no rational American can yet imagine.

This is also a good time to remember that many apologists for Islam have endeavored to set up a smokescreen to hide the reality of the truth about the violence and deadly essence of Islam by making the bogus claim that the al Qaeda operatives mass murderer on 9/11 or even the Hamas mass murders which occurred on 10/7 , by claiming that those terrorists were not real Muslims and that they were breaking the laws of the Qu ‘ran by their violence and deadly actions.” The apologists for Islam will further make the totally false claim that “Those terrorists on 9/11 were only criminals who hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam for politics.”

Those outrageously false claims are weak attempt of damage control for the image of Islam to the West. For the “holy book” of Islam the Qu ‘ran. For the Qu ‘ran instruct in Sura 9:111. Muslims who are engaging the jihad that “The believer’s fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain ,they kill and are killed “ That’s just what happened on September 11, 2001 the jihadists of al Qaeda “killed and were killed” in those 9/11 jihad attacks against both humankind and America. The Quran also teaches in Sura 9:123 to that jihad –minded Muslims behavior towards non-Muslims “let them find harshness in you…” Those Islamic attacks on 9/11 were indeed very “harsh.” As Sura 2:191 instructs “kill the disbeliever wherever you find them.” That’s a very strange kind of “peaceful religion” if there ever was one.

Just to site one more out on many from the Qu ‘ran about the instruction of deadly violence is Sura 47:4. Which instructs “Whenever you encounter unbelievers strike off their heads until you make a great slaughter among them …” The terrible harsh reality is that using jet planes as missiles as those jihadist/ Muslims did of September 11, sure made a greater “slaughter among them” than sword can.

The American people to the actual deadly nature of Islam before it’s too late."
A link is given to an article from headlined
"Glazov Gang: Oct 7th coming to the USA?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Hamas by doing that has ,again, proven that it’s unconscionably evil and horrendously wicked to the fullest extent possible"
A link is given to a article on
April 6, 2024 by Robert Spencer
"Oct. 7: Hamas cut off organs and took them to Gaza in order to trade with them in future hostage negotiations"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Those jihadists of Hamas in their underground tunnels are very comparable to mole rats.

Nevertheless, If any mole rats happen to be offended by my comparing them to those vile vicious malicious and murderous Hamas jihadists then I do apologies to those mole rats who I had insulted."
A link is given to a article by
Pamela Geller on
April 6, 2024 headlined
"IDF blew up Hamas Tunnel that stretched Far into Israel"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"All this vicious malice-filled spite by so many American Muslims have for the Jewish people isn’t a malicious feeling that they made up out of their own imagination.

For according to Qu ran ,which is the entire foundation of Islam, the Jews are “apes and swine in human form.” Such vicious and malice -filled vicious murderous spite and hate of jihadist Muslims ,as those of Hamas ,Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad for the Jewish people is based upon the foundation of Islam’s “holy book” the Qu ‘ran.

The roots of this awful Muslim murderous hostility towards the Jewish people is the result of a firm but blind and unquestioning Muslim faith in the Qu ‘ran. Which instructs in violence and killing for the cause of Islam. As found in, for example, 4: 89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4.

In other words the Qu ‘ran inspires and causes such hideous violence. Furthermore, another role the Koran has in such deadly Islamic terror attacks in the Jewish nation of Israel is that the Koran contains many negative about the Jewish people.

The reason that the Qu ‘ran reads as it does have much to do with the history of the founder and prophet of Islam, who is Muhammad. This is for a specific time period of his life Muhammad lived among many Jewish people and he liked them at first.

Later then they would not accept his claim of being of prophet, Muhammad then took is dislike to them that then turned into bitterness and even hate for them. So in the hate and bitterness he spoke many derogatory things about the as even referring to them as “apes and swine.” Such word of bitterness and hate, along with other thing he said, where written down on things and then later after his death those words were together and then eventually, in time went in the composition of the Qu ‘ran.

Therefore, that why the Koran reads and in does about the Jewish people, as in calling them descendants of “apes and swine.” As seen in the Qu ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60.

Furthermore, as a Christian I can keyboard that there is a chance the Muhammad actually might had been a prophet but the important thing to understand is that Muhammad was NOT a prophet send by God. Instead, Muhammad was a deceptive, lying false prophet send by Satan to lead many people astray and even and straight into hell. Jesus, in fact, had predicted and warned of the coming of such men as Muhammad. For Jesus taught “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15. In addition, the Bible further warns that “many false prophets have gone out into the world.” First John 4:1. [N.K.J.V.]" a link to a article is given
"HALF of ALL American Muslims Support Terrorism Against Jews"
The person also typed
"All this American Muslims who have hate for the Jewish people by are a very clear reminder that the former President, William Howard Taft, in a speech ,rightly and wisely, declared, “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
November 2023
"The last time I checked, Radical Islam and Sharia Law does not allow for decent. In Gaza or what they call the West bank you don't disagree with the Palestinian leaders. They rule the Palestinian lives. There is no real freedom. So when they say Hamas and Palestinians want to be free, it is a lie because their own Islamic beliefs and Sharia Law doesn't allow it."

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online yesterday
"Qatar and Iran should be isolated by all democracies
Qatar and Iran are both member states of the The Theatre of The Absurd otherwise known as the United Nations. Both these totalitarian theocracies have other connections than UN membership the most obvious being oil production and funding of terrorism. This article will focus on the latter .

It is estimated that over ninety , let me repeat , over ninety terrorist organisations operating and active across three continents are receiving a combination of financial , political , administrative , technological and military support from either or both of these two countries.

In the last three decades these terrorist organisations have been directly responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands and ethnic cleansing of millions of people in the Sahel , Pakistan , Afghanistan , Syria , Yemen , Sudan , Iran , Lebanon and Iraq . Nigeria , Somalia , Indonesia and the Philippines have suffered extensively too . It is a truth that the United Nations , mainstream global media , the ‘ street mobs ‘, universities , Trade Unions and western politicians have totally ignored the atrocities inflicted , indeed perversely rewarded those funding the perpetrators. The paradox of all paradoxes .

How does Qatar , still practicing slavery resulting in the thousands of deaths of immigrant workers and funding barbarism on indigenous black Africans by Islamists suffer no consequences? How does Iran behaving similarly get itself voted as Chair of a United Nations Human Rights Council ? The answer dear readers is not ‘ Blowing In The Wind ‘ as the prophetic Jewish poet Bob Dylan penned but is all about financial greed . As Chaucer scribed in his masterpiece the 14th century Pardoners Tale , ‘ Radix Malorum est Cupiditas ‘ translated simply meaning the love of money is the root of all evil . How true then , as before and as now ."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Do you believe those pompous , pseudo intellectual politicians , sports commentators and presenters gave two figs about human suffering when Qatar bizarrely was awarded the last FIFA World Cup ? Do you think the hypocritical Parliamentarians in Ireland waxing lyrical about human rights in Gaza give a monkeys fart about human rights as long as the Qataris fund the Irish horse racing industry ? Swimming in oceans of drunken vomit on the huge sums the Qataris pour into Irish racing they care not . Bugger the black Africans slaughtered daily by Qatari funded Islamists as long as indigestible Irish food and drink is poured down their throats after they bet on a winner .

Additionally we are all exposed to and suffer the supporting propaganda of those funding terrorism . Al Jazeera owned through the Qatari Investment Corporation by the Government of Qatar and the Russian and Iranian government owned RTTV and Press TV propaganda channels which our own Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway were and in Galloway's case still so fond and received payment for their numerous appearances. And here we identify another mystery that only myself through this publication has the courage to expose. Both those politicians supposedly support the Palestinian cause yet as noted made numerous paid appearances on the propaganda channels of Russia ( funding the Wagner Group of terrorists ) and Iran both supporting Assad in Syria responsible for killing thousands of Palestinians and torturing thousands more in Syrian dungeons. Where are the investigative journalists exposing these frauds ? Why are the subservient, sycophantic , stooge journalists of Al Jazeera , RTTV and Press TV never challenged on the atrocities funded by the owner of their employer? And what morally decent person would work for those organisations whose owners fund such barbarism. The nauseating hypocrisy of the likes of Corbyn , Galloway and the AJ journalists is paralleled not only by their professional incompetence and intellectual imbecility but also by their financial greed . Radix Malorum est Cupiditas .

Hamas , Hezbollah , the Houthis , Al Quds Brigade , and Islamic Jihad are some of the more common terrorist organisations funded by Qatar and Iran but let’s just take a look at some other lower profile groups and the geographies from where they operate.
The Truthful Brigade in Iraq ; Saraya Al Mukhtar in Bahrain ; Zeinabioun Brigade in Pakistan; Arab National Guard in Syria ; Fatamiyoun Brigade in Afghanistan and Ansar Allah in Yemen . These are just a random selection of the 90 plus groups creating havoc in those countries. In the Sahel Jama’at Nusra , Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa ( ISWA ) are particularly active and barbaric. Isn’t it remarkable that not one member of the United Nations , The Theatre Of The Absurd , has ever proposed a resolution to sanction Iran and Qatar responsible for funding so many atrocities globally . And if they did , guess what ? Russia and China would undoubtedly use their power of veto .

A new world order is required which alas is never going to happen . We are ruled by those who are not bound by the humanitarian ethical code of moral decency but by financial greed and power . The least protected , the poorest and helpless in global society will continue to suffer as those currently in power are allowed to promote their agendas.
And the Jewish State of Israel will continue to be the bullied kid in the arena irrespective of all else that is happening. The Theatre Of The Absurd will ensure this unchallenged , nauseatingly hypocritical agenda will continue ."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, shouted "Death to America!" and "Death to Israel!" during an International Al-Quds Day rally held in the town.

For the full horror story click this link."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Muslims lie about everything.

In Islamic theology, the terms kitman, taqqiyya / tuqya, etc. stand for telling a lie, concealing the true intention or misleading for a greater purpose. In general, Muslims have used it since the 7th century to confuse and split their enemies. A favored tactic is “deceptive triangulation” to persuade the enemy that Jihad is not aimed at them but rather at another enemy. It also refers to how a Muslim may lie, mislead or avoid truthfulness to achieve a purpose if the goal is for the benefit of the Muslim community."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"the truth that Harvard professors and anti-Israel radicals seek to hide: that it was the Muslims who, for 14 centuries, conquered and enslaved Black Africans. And it is Muslims who still do: Today, Arabs and Muslims capture, buy, and sell blacks in at least five African countries and across the Arab world.

In Algeria and Libya, Sub-Saharan African migrants fleeing violence and poverty to the south are enslaved by local Arabs as they attempt to cross the Mediterranean for Europe. The Global Slavery Index estimates that 84,000 Blacks are enslaved in Algeria and 47,000 in Libya. A CNN video shows Arabs auctioning off two black men for $400 each.

In Mauritania, light-skinned Arabs preside over an apartheid system in which the Black majority is treated as subhuman, and, says the Global Slavery Index, 149,000 people are still enslaved. These are true chattel slaves, passed down like furniture from father to son, and, in previous decades, are known to have been horrifically tortured."
A link is given to an article from on
April 10, 2024 headlined
"Harvard Slips up about Blacks and Jews" by
Charles Jacob and Ben Poser

Anonymous said...

The article is by Charles Jacobs
, Jacobs accidentally left off the s
the article is by
Charles Jacobs and
Ben Poser

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"Message to the Muslim world.
Israel protected Islam's holy site by intercepting ballistic missiles above the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem launched by the destructive Islamic Republic of Iran.

A casualty of the Iranian missile assault on Israel was a ten-year old Arab Bedouin girl who was seriously injured by falling shrapnel.
This Iranian Islamic missile hit a little Islamic girl, and now Jewish surgeons and nurses are trying to save her life in an Israeli hospital."
Another person typed online today
"Just to be clear, the U.S, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the UK did not intercept missiles last night to help Israel — it was to protect their own special interests."
& also
"What the media also gets wrong, of course, is that Israel did not bomb an ‘embassy’ in Damascus. It bombed the military wing within the embassy where they were conducting terrorism activities, and thus legally, becomes a military target.

One of the IRGC Generals Israel took out the other week was the mastermind of the Oct. 7th genocide.

What is not legal is launching 304 missiles over a sovereign country. A 7 year old girl is in critical state now bc of shrapnel.

Israel is going to respond, fully, and watch the liberal media freak the fuck out but did not freak the fuck out during the missile barrage while many Israelis were in bomb shelters and no one slept last night.

To this day, the Dems still have not passed the Israel Aid Bill. But how much has been given to Ukraine when they provide us with zero benefits, unlike Israel."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"As for all those so called “Palestinians” ,Arab/ Muslims , who celebrated when discovering about the Iran missile and drone attacks in Israel in the hope of the possible harm in might inflect on the Israelis . By their celebrating, they only further exposed their own vicious malice-filled Islamic spirit.

Well, Muslims do claim that they respect the Book of Proverbs of the Bible. Therefore, they would should heed that Proverbs 17 :5. reads “He who is glad a calamity will not go unpunished.” [N.K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online today
"It’s a good idea not to take at face value the claim that the word Islam means “peace.” For example, the ENCARTA WORLD ENGLISH DICTIONARY copyright 1999 defines Islam as “submission” based on the word “aslama” meaning “he surrendered.” Given the definition it’s an odd phenomenon that after about fourteen hundred years starting on September 12, 2001 the meaning changed from “submission” to “peace.” It’s very well known that if the police are questioning someone and he changes his story something is wrong. Nevertheless, when it comes to Islam no one gets suspicious of the change. The jihadists brag that they will win the war against the West by using the Western ignorance and naive gullible mindset on the subject of Islam against us. It seems that they do have some basis in that claim since so many Westerners are beguiled by the Muslim disinformation campaign.

For the terrible reality is that Islam is a religion of brutal blood vicious violence,
As the Quran instructs devout Muslims in Surah 2:191. 9 :5. 123,"
Reference is made to the horrible
Stabbing Attack in Sydney, Australia
That killed 7 people
The person also said about the attacker who was killed by Police
"If he is a “lone wolf “ jihadist stabber of shooter and or jihadists ,as in a group of an Islamic terror entity, as in the history of those horrendous murderous and destructive jihad terror affront attacks which occurred of 9/11 and 10/7, it’s based on Qu’ran based Islam.

For what is assumed by many people view "Radical Islamic Terrorism” to be a “warped” or “hijacked” form of Islam. Yet the terrible harsh reality is that the actual religion of Islam is the entire foundation of Islamic terrorism or otherwise accurately, but seldom called what is really is, which is “Muslim terrorism.”

For Islam's "holy book" the Qur 'an [the Koran] instructs on the use of violence and killing for the advancement of Islam.

As found in ,for example 2:191. 4:89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4. Furthermore, it may be illustrated that if Islam is represented as a tree then the fruits then the fruits of that tree are the many brutal, violent and deadly jihad terror entities. Such as Hamas , Hezbollah , Islamic Jihad, ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.

With this statement, the Wisdom of the teachings of Jesus may, very much, apply to this subject. For Jesus taught “Ye do know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” After saying this Jesus told them what He told them when He said “By their fruit ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:16, 17, 18,.20. [K.J.V.]

In conclusion, Islam is a corrupt tree and also a false religion, Proverbs 14:12. John 14:6. First John 2:22,23. 4:14,15. 5:12,13,20."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed online
This April 2024
"The jihadists of Hamas launching with the deadly schemes and murderous actions against the Jewish people who are citizens of Israel . Those Muslim terrorists of Hamas base their anti-Jewish beliefs on the Qu ‘ran which reads the are Jews are “apes and pigs” 2:65. 7:166. 5:60. Likewise. Hamas jihadists base their murderous violence against the Jewish people by the violent and deadly instruction found in the Qu ‘ran, 2:191. 4:89. 5:33. 9:5. 111,112, 123. 47:4.

Furthermore, the very foundation of and for Islam is the Qu ‘ran ,this leads to very important question: “Is the Quran the Word of God or is it a fabrication of a man. Thus, is the Quran the truth or a fiction and a hoax ?”

The answer is clearly given on pages 145 through 157 in THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey in which he wrote a section on the Qu ‘ran with its self-contradictions. Just two of the many he cited are the following “The Quran differs on whether a day is a thousand years or fifty thousand years in God’s sight’ and “Who was first to believe? Abraham or Moses [Sura 6:14 versus 7:143]?

The above is inconsistent and illogical. Further, Morey wrote about “The fact that Judaism and Christianity broke up into different sects was used in the Qu ‘ran to prove that they are not of God [Suras 30:20-32. 42:13, 14]. Yet Islam has broken up into many warring sects and therefore cannot be true if the Qu ‘ran is right.” Moreover, Morey in his book shows many more contradictions and absurdities in the Qu ‘ran, there are and how Muhammad incorporated extra Biblical and Jewish folklore along with pre-Islamic Arabian myth and parts of Zoroastrian and Hindu stories into the Qu ‘ran.

Moreover, the Muslims claim that “the Qu ‘ran is the direct, literal word of God unmodified in any way by the Prophet who uttered them at the bidding of God.” In addition, in the book UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Eethi Caner has shown that the Quran was modified in the following account on pages 45. “Muhammad felt the need to improve on the words of Allah, since he changed Allah’s wisdom for his own on several occasions. A hadith tells of the nonchalant emendations of Muhammad:’ On a number of occasions he [a scribe] had, with the Prophet’s consent changed the closing words of verses. For example, when the prophet had said ‘God is mighty and wise ‘ Adbollah b. Abi Sarh suggested writing down ‘Knowing and wise’ and the Prophet answered that there was no objection. Having observed a succession of changes of this type, Adbollah renounced Islam on the grounds that revelations, if from God could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as himself. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites."

Other writers reveal that later Muhammad and his people did go war with the Qorayshites and he personally killed Abdollah. Obviously Abdollah knew too much and Muhammad wanted Abdollah’s knowledge to die with him.”

In conclusion, the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction also a hoax and therefore the entire foundation of Islam and its Hamas is based on lies and falsehood of that bogus “holy book.” "

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"The Muslim world says nothing when tens of thousands are killed by other Muslims in raging wars across the Middle East and North Africa.

Muslims killing Muslims is accepted as an internal struggle within the faith.

The horrific scenes of 7 October when Palestinians swarmed over Israel's southern border, raping, torturing, killing, and hostage taking, was wildly celebrated in Gaza and across the world by mobs eager to support what they saw as a massive Muslim humiliation of Jews.

Already on the 8th and 9th of October, tens of thousands mainly Muslims took to the streets of Westerns cities chanting for the blood of Jews.

But Israel's response in Gaza, as it systematically wipes out Hamas, is seen as a humiliation.
The IDF strategy of moving the population to safety is not treated as a humanitarian gesture by the IDF to protect Arab lives, but as a further humiliation. Muslims are fine with Muslims killing Muslims, but they can’t abide being humiliated by others, particularly by Jews who go over and above any other fighting force in the world, to protect civilians.

This was further aggrevated with the humiliation of the Islamic Republic of Iran who lost their leading war lords in Damascus in a successful Israeli assassination.
This was followed by the total wipeout of Iran's vaunted ballistic missiles launched against the Jewish State.

Israeli technology knocked out Iranian technology with the help of the United States and Britain.

This humiliation is being portrayed as the kuffars (Christians and Jews) embarrassing Islam that must be avenged.

Welcome to the War of Civilizations 2024."

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online today
"The Jerusalem Post: "Iran has begun intensifying its crackdown on hijab restrictions in several cities in the past week, with violent arrests reported across the country by opposition groups and human rights agencies.
The intensified assault on women across Iran comes after the regime announced the "Nour Project." The project, aimed at "dealing with anomalies," has involved a heavy presence of the "Morality Police" in several cities since this past weekend."

A disgusting regime in every way possible."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed about
"Many universities and colleges across the United States and in the United Kingdom have been thoroughly infiltrated and influenced by the insidious stealth jihadists.

There may be little doubt that those stealth jihadists are backed and funded by Qatar as well as oil rich Saudi Arabia are doing much harm."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"That NYC council opened its meeting by praising Allah as supreme Lord of the world

With this, its now very appropriated to make it very clear that God of the Bible is not really Allah the god of Islam. To explain, through the passing of time it has become widely accepted that the word “Allah” is just the Arabic word for God. This started when truth compromising Bible “translators” substituted the word Allah where the word God should have had been uses in the Arabic translation of the Bible. Furthermore, in the glossary in the book ASSASSINS! By Dr. Haha Lung it defines Allah as the “Pre-Islamic Lunar god : the god of Islam. “

Likewise, in the book entitled INSIDE ISLAM by a former Muslim who is now a Christian, Reza F. Safa on pages 22, 23 it reads “In pre-Islamic times both Allah –worship and Baal-worship involved the worship of the sun, the moon and the stars which h defines them as astral religions. [Which are condemned in the Bible, Second Kings 23:5] The crescent moon, which was the symbol of moon worship, is also the symbol of Islam.” In conclusion the Islamic god, Allah, is not the God of the Bible.

The words in brackets are my own. In addition other some other books that expose this little known truths are WHO IS THIS ALLAH ? by G..J.O.. Moshay also UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Fethi Caner and THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey . There is also PHILISTINE by Ramon Bennett and ANSWERING JIHAD by Mabeel Qureshi."
With a link to an article from headlined
"New York City council opens meeting praising Allah as supreme Lord of the World"
The person also typed
"Such praising of Allah at the start of that NYC council meeting as “the supreme Lord of the world” is terrible , for the god of Islam , Allah, is a false god, even a pagan god.

As an example this is that the Christian pastor and scholar, Michael Youssef, who is also an Arab in his book entitled JESUS, JIHAD AND PEACE on page 69 informs the reader that “The name Allah comes from pre-Islamic times, and it corresponds to the Babylonian mane Bel or Baal. According to the Middle East scholar E.M. Wherry, pre-Islamic Arabs worshiped gods they called Allah. Both pre-Islamic Allah-worship and Baal –worship involved worship of the sun, the moon and the stars, which is why they are called astral religions. The crescent moon, the symbol of pagan moon worship, is also the symbol of Islam. It is printed on flags of many Islamic countries and placed atop minarets and mosques.”

Likewise, a former Muslim who is now a Christian, Dr. Daniel Shayesteh, who used to live in the Middle East but now he lives in America . In his book ISLAM AND THE SON OF GOD. On pages 7,8. Reads “Allah is the generic term for God in many Middle –Eastern cultures. Allah is identified as one of the 360 or so idols worshiped by the Arabian people for centuries before Muhammad was born. Many do not know that Allah was the good god of the Arabians. This explains the crescent moon found on minarets and mosques and the flags of Muslim nations. .. .Historic writings also identify Allah with Baal.” It’s also worth mentioning that the Bible condemns such astral religions. As in, for example, Second Kings 23:5.

The difference between the God of the Bible and the god of Islam should now be very clear."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Qatar's two faces: Unmasking its fundamentalist nature to reveal a terrorist identity"
by Benjamin Weinthal
March 06, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Qatar – Enabler Of Islamist Terrorism And A Dishonest Broker"
November 1, 2023 By Yigal Carmon

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online today
"Those Hamas spokesmen blatant liars for saying that those hostages they still hold are “happy and laughing “ Likewise all the other jihadists of Hamas who make that same bogus claim are liars

There lying of attempted deception is their putting into practice the dogma called Taqiyya .This is the Islamic doctrine the deception is a good thing to do as long as it’s done for the advancement of Islam in America and other Western nations.

This Islamic practice of Taqiyya is contrast to teachings found in the Bible . For the Bible informs its readers in Proverbs 11:18. “The wicked worketh a deceitful work…” Likewise, the very next chapter[12] of the same book of Proverbs it reads in verse 5 “The counsels of the wicked are deceit,"

That demonic jihad entity, Hamas, with is jihadists, have no limits, at all, to its cruel heinous and vile horrendously horrific vile and heinous Islamic evils that it so maliciously and murderously commits. As Proverbs 12:20 reveals “deceit is in the heart of then that imagine evil.” "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"An education in Islam by Bill Warner and Robert Spencer is needed badly in Israel!! Even in Israel, their secular demographics don’t understand the following:

1- Islamic texts is what’s really driving this conflict, not other BS reasons.

2- The extent of weaponized Islamic propaganda.

3- Why they are unwitting political proxies.

If Israeli seculars who have more exposure don’t understand what’s driving this conflict, why would seculars outside Israel with less exposure understand it better than Israelis?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"An Israeli officer Yossi Elkarif (Unit Inte’l crime investigation 443) who interrogated dozens of Hamas (Nukhba) terrorists and revealed in his interview that:

“99% 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝘂𝗸𝗵𝗯𝗮 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗻’𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘁.”

𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘐𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘈𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"It’s not really a good idea to trust the government officials of Saudi Arabia too much.
For it should be known and not forgotten that the Islamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia has not and will not spare any of its vast oil wealth as to use its financial resources to fund and promote the advancement of Islam by and through the jihad. By this it means both the stealth jihad and even the subtle support violent jihad.

As explained, for example in the book HOW ISLAM PLANS TO CHANGE THE WORLD by William Wagner. For on pages 109, 110. The reader is informed that “The Wall Street journal on April 15, 2003 published an article titled ‘In law Seminars, A Saudi Group Spreads Extremism.’ The article began by saying ‘In late February more than 300 young men from across Europe gathered for a weekend seminar on Islamic Law put on by Al-Waqf al-Islaami Foundation.’ The article went on to explain that the most famous graduates from the seminar were half a dozen members of the group of young men from Hamburg, Germany, who plotted the September 11, attacks. The language of the was Dutch, but ‘the message was imported from Saudi Arabia, via Saudi books and lecturers who taught a strict orthodox interpretation of Islam.’ “

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Further on the very same page of 110 the information is given that “TIME MAGAZINE , in an article on Saudi Arabia: Inside the Kingdom,’ stated ‘Apart from channeling money to foundations that have assisted terrorist groups, Saudis have for years supported institutions abroad the propagate Wahhabism.’”

In addition to all this, in the book of the title of THE HISTORY OF JIHAD FROM MUHAMMAD TO ISIS, by Robert Spencer on pages 333 through 337.Mr Spencer provides valid information of the subject of “ The Saudi involvement in September 11.”

So with that Islamic regime of Saudi Arabia and its oil money support the different type of the jihad, both stealth and the violent kind, with its Islamic agenda advancement and spread , influence and infiltration of the Western nations ,this kingdom of Saudi Arabia is no friend at all of the United Kingdom or America or any other country of the West.

Furthermore, the Islamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia many times funds construction and reading material of many madrassas which are are Muslim mind control and mind programming places where Muslim males are thoroughly indoctrinated into the strong but blind and unquestioning faith in Koran with all non-watered down; hard core Islam with its militant jihad. Those places, “schools,” are called madrasas. In those Islamic mind programming centers young Muslim male are ingrain in the mindset Koranic dogma of the use of violence and killing for the advancement of Islam. As the Koran instructs. As in, for example, in 2:191. 9:5, 123. 47:4. Many of those who of such center are so much damaged that they are literally dangerous to self and others. As seen many times in jihad suicide, homicide bombing/attacks. For the Koran instructs in 9:111. “The believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, they kill and are killed.”

Furthermore, those mind programming places also ingrain the outlandish absurd Koranic doctrine of a ex-filled paradise with many virgins, houris, in it for the Muslim male who dies fighting for the cause of Islam in the jihad. Such a strange doctrine of a houris filled- place in found in the Koran in 44:54. 55:56. 78:31. Moreover, such Islamic mind programming centers are further explained about by the scholar Don Richardson in his book SECRETS OF THE KORAN which on pages 69,70. Informs the reader that “The world needs to be warned. At least forty million Muslim youth in the Muslim worlds’ religious schools, called madrasa, are avidly memorizing the entire Koran … These schools become breeding grounds for potential terrorists. When male students, isolated from family and friends in madrasa, reach puberty and their hormones are active, there are no girls to date. Instead, Muslim clerics easily shift to focusing the male student’s attention on Koranic verse that promises sex in heaven with dark-eyed houris. Students can only fantasize about martyrdom followed by the sexual release Muhammad promised. This is an unspeakably cruel brainwashing technique , and the Koran is its perfect guidebook.”

In short, Saudi Arabia is very guilty of promoting Islamic terrorism as Iran" a link to a article headlined
"Saudi Arabia Played it's Part Against Iran" is given

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Those people at the University of Columbia who hate Israel and admire those vicious murderous jihadists of Hamas that fight for the destruction Israel are ,no doubt ., far too ignorance to know it ,but by being against Israel are actually against God.

The reason why this is so is because God loves Israel . In fact, He loves Israel so much that He views her as His “special treasure.” Psalm 135:. 4. [N.K.J.V.]" a link to a article headlined
"Columbia University Descends into Pure Racist Hatred"
The person also typed
"Those university “students” who called for the murder of Jewish student had exposed their very own malice-filled hateful vicious hearts

Furthermore, those same students who also praised those murderous jihadists of that demonic jihad organization Hamas , have also revealed their own evil lawless spirit. As the reads “Those who forsake the law praise the wicked…” Proverbs 28:4. [N.K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"American Cities And States’ Flags Adopting 8-Point Star; Reporter Suggests Islamic Symbolism" by
OAN’s Stella Escobedo
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Those Muslims in higher up and low in power the Islamic government Qatar would with their vicious anti-Jewish and likewise Israel Quran based way of thinking take a sadistic and vicious jihad-minded delight ,if not some kind of sinister jihadist hand in those horrendously evil brutal cruel malicious and murderous affront committed of horrific jihadists of Hamas on October 7th 2023.

Qatar does support different Muslim terrorist organizations and it doesn't stop with that insidious evil . Qatar has, the stealth jihad , has infiltrated and influenced many universities and colleges in the United Kingdom and across the United States.

So now those "institutions of higher education" have indoctrinated many young impressionable students to be very anti-Jewish , ant-Israel and even pro- Hamas."
a link is given to a article headlined :
“Peace Mediator” Qatar: “October 7th is only the beginning. We will eliminate all the Jews”
By Pamela Geller - on April 25, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today about Senior Iranian regime "officials" boasting about the imminent production of a Nuclear Bomb that
"It’s within the very nature of that hostile Islamic regime of Iran to strive to obtain an nuclear bomb. The reason why is so is because Islam as a aggressive of a very combative essence which in an ingrained part of that belligerent Quran based Sharia Islamic dictatorship of Iran.

So to elaborate on this, it should be made clear and known that if the founder of the current Islamic tyranny ,Ayatollah Khomeini would still be alive today ,he would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.”

For as Ayatollah Khomeini had clearly announced that “Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war….There are hundreds psalms and hadiths urging of Muslims to value war and to fight. …I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.” [1] So if he was alive today who would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.” [1]

There are also many places in the Qu ‘ran that instruct in violence and killing for the cause of Islam.

As found in ,for example Surah 2:191. 4:89.. 5:33. 9:5, 111,112 ,123. 47:4.

Those jihadists operatives of that Islamic regime of Iran in the different Western countries will not lose interest in their insidious dangerous strategic scheming against the nations of the West.

[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 339."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"First, that Islamic quest to obtain a nuclear by the ayatollahs and mullahs as well as in power in Iran is founded on the brutal cruel and deadly aggressive instructions for the jihad against all “disbelievers” found in the Quran ,Surah 2:191. 4:89.. 5:33. 9:5, 111,112 ,123. 47:4. Which is the very foundation belligerent Islamic regime of Iran.

Second, that Islamic tyranny of Iran is based in the foundation of false and empty promises. As well as lying words of Ayatollah Khomeini After the fiendish Muslim clerics obtained total power in Iran they showed their true colors by having their Islamic state police who are called the “Revolutionary Guards truest the people on Iran in many heinously brutal and ruthless ways. As, for example, their brutal, callous misogyny against both girls and women. This thesis statement is explained, in some detail, by the following.

This tyrannical Islamic regime in Iran that so falsely and inappropriately has the word “republic” in its title. It should be made known that this called the “Iranian Revolution” turned out to be a hoax. Ayatollah Khomeini before achieving power in Iran in his lying and deceptions presented himself to the Iranian people as if he was someone who would be in power would give freedom to the people of Iran with any tyranny. The reality turned out to be just the opposite.

As explained by a former Muslim as well as a man who took part in this Islamic “revolution “ ,who is now a Christian informs the reader of his book that “Prior to the Revolution no one ever imagined that other political parties would be suppressed under the rule of Ayatollah Khomeini. He had promised that all groups would have freedom to run their own campaigns after the Revolution. He even stated that governing system would be based on the decision of the people via a referendum. He never spoke of a system that would be governed by Islam. He even made clear that mullahs would not take part in any political activities, and that they would only be allowed to teach spirituality… Immediately after the Revolution, mullahs rushed into government offices to occupy the most important political l positions, making it difficult for the interim secular government to function … The mullah’s occupation of position was exactly the opposite to what the Ayatollah Khomeini had promised before the Revolution.”. [1]"

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"In other words, the insincere, disingenuous and outright lying Ayatollah Khomeini made many bogus promise he really had no intention of keeping. His lying deception worked, for he achieved great power in Iran.

Furthermore, Of the many heinously evils outcomes of that Islamic “revolution” is the extremely cruel, brutal and demonic misogyny of this hideous Islamic regime. Not only against women but even young girls.

As explained by a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard member who defected to the West and how now lives in America his book also informs the reader about the malicious and murderous affront girls in Iran’s Evin prison which reads that those in power ,the “paraded teenage girls in front in front of me as they led them to their deaths. These girls were barely out of their childhood, barely old enough to think of themselves, much less form thoughts against the state. They knew nothing about the machinations of politics. They were innocent in every sense of the word and certainty innocent of trumped –up charges that led to their imprisonment. Yet they suffered fates too brutal for even the most vicious criminal. ..Their few remaining moments of life had been filled with the level of abuse that few can imagine”

The author further states “They tortured and killed young girls, in God’s name and before their execution they raped them because they believed that if a girl dies virgin, she will go to heaven, and they wanted to deny them this reward.” [2]

This is as malice -filled cruel brutal l oppressive malicious and murderous Islamic regime of Iran, since it took power in Iran it thrives on installing fear on the Iranian people.

This is a blatant reminder of the wisdom in the periodical POOR’S RICHARDS ALMANAC that was published by Benjamin Franklin in which was printed “Those who are feared are also hated.”

[1] ISLAM THE HOUSE I LEFT BEHIND by Daniel Shayesteh . Pages 90, 91
[2] A TIME TO BETRAY by Reza Kahlili. Pages 2,3. 117."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"That pro -Hamas and anti-Jewish ,anti-Israel thug had exposed what a coward he really is for viciously striking out in malicious violence against one lone young woman.

Furthermore that pro-Hamas hooligan is ,again, a reminder of the wisdom spoken by the hero in the 1997 movie entitled TIME AFTER TIME. In which the hero of that movie said “The first man to raise his fist is the man who has run out of Idea.”

That violent horrible ruffian who raised his fist and gave that beautiful young Jewish woman a black eye has proven by his horrendous behavior tat his had “run out of ideas”
A link is given to a article headlined
"NYC: Pro-Hamas thug smashes Israeli beauty queen in face, gives her a black eye"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"The reason why campuses have gone “all out” for Hamas is because insidious stealth jihadists gaining power and influence of those high positions institutions of “higher education” must, obviously, be accepting “gifts”, bribes, from persons from foreign oil rich countries.

Likewise many universities and colleges across the United States and in the United Kingdom have been thoroughly infiltrated and influenced by the insidious stealth jihadists.

There may be little doubt that those stealth jihadists are backed and funded by Qatar as well as oil rich Saudi Arabia."
A link is given to a article headlined
"Why have Campuses Gone All-In For Hamas?"

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"One of the reasons that many campuses wickedly embraced Hamas and spitefully hate Israel is because Qatar has infiltrated and influenced many universities and colleges in the United Kingdom and across the United States.

The Islamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia also has m, no doubt, its insidious part in the influence for Islam in the UK and the US.

So now those "institutions of higher education" have indoctrinated many young impressionable students to be very anti-Jewish , ant-Israel and even pro- Hamas."

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online today
"That pro-Hamas anti-Israel “protestor” who called for a “final solution” in regarding the Jews is an echo of the genocide scheme that Hitler had for the Jewish people . In doing so he expose this own malice-filled vicious murderous heart.

Likewise, this is the same anti-Jewish Hitler type spirit that is very strong in many Islamic countries as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Qatar." a link to an article from article is given headlined
"George Washington University: Pro-Hamas protestor calls for
'Final Solution' "
The person also added
"The infiltration of different universities, including Washington University, has nothing but horrendously evil results.

Jesus taught “By their fruit you will recognize them>” Matthew 7:20. [N.I.V.]"

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online today
“My Interview with The Jerusalem Post”

‘𝘉𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘨𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘳,’ 𝘶𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘋𝘢𝘩𝘳𝘪, 𝘗𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘪 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳-𝘛𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘬.

“Once you are part of a Jihadist system and you come out of it, you can never be the same person you were before. I was no longer an ‘ordinary Muslim,’ but rather, thanks to the full military training I got, I was now a trained militant, who possessed both anger and motivation. I became infused with Jihadist ideology, which cannot be taken away easily. I became very angry and disappointed, and I even decided to leave my faith for some time, as well as my country,” Dahri remembered.

“It is not at all a simple path to follow,” he added. “It’s a journey where you can face unpredictable twists and turns, as well as sufferings and pressure from every person close to you. Being a Muslim, vocal Zionist and unconditional supporter of Israel means risking my life and getting life threats for which I cannot attend prayer at any mosque in my city. This is not only an emotional hardship but also a psychological and religious trauma which I am facing for standing firm with Israel and the Jewish people.”

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"Here is the latest example of "moderate Islam" on US campus from yesterday....
Jewish girl bludgeoned to the ground at UCLA by violent pro-Palestinian keffiyeh-wearing Jew haters on US campuses.
She was transfered to a hospital emergency ward with head wounds.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel. "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online 2 days ago at the End of April 2024
"#BREAKING : An Anti-Jewish Terror Plot Stopped

A group of Middle Eastern youth were exchanging text messages planning terror attacks on the Jewish Community in Sydney, Australia. They were looking to purchase guns and attack….Jews.

Five youth, aged 14 to 17, were charged in a Sydney court on Thursday of last week with a range of offenses including conspiring to engage in or planning a terrorist act.

Police stated they all “adhered to a violent Islamist motivated, violent ideology” and were part of a network that included a 16-year-old male charged with the terrorist stabbing of a Assyrian Orthodox Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel on April 15 as a church service was being streamed online.

Four of the youth charged, a 15-year-old, 16-year-old and two 17-year-olds used the encrypted messaging app Signal to plan their attack.

“I wanna die and I wanna kill ... I’m just excited ... Is your plan to get caught or die or escape?” a 17-year-old wrote on April 20 in a group chat.

The 16-year-old responded, “We’re gonna be planning for a while ... we prefer to escape, but whatever happens, it’s the qadr (predetermination) of Allah,” newspapers reported.

The 15-year-old said on Signal on April 19, ”I really want to target the yahood,” meaning Jewish people. And they called themselves ...soldiers of allah...

Source article : Times of Israel"

Anonymous said...

A person typed on
May 2, 2024 online
"In Afghanistan with those Sunni jihad –minded Muslims killing three Shi ‘ite Muslims, that is terrible. Other times it’s Shi ‘ite jihad- minded Muslim fighting and killing Sunni Muslims, that is also terrible.

Still the follower of both types of Islam believe that the founder of Islam was an actual prophet of God. Likewise both believe that the Qu ‘ran is the Word of God. All this leads to the need to understand the whole essence of Islam.

So with Islam so much in the news and in such great power in some countries, as Saudi Arabia and Iran, it’s a good thing to define what Islam really is .Of the many ways Islam may be described, one of them is that a religion of denial. Meaning that Islam denies that Jesus is the Son of God. As in the Son of God Who is God the Father. Furthermore, Islam denies the Jesus is God the Son. In addition, Islam denies that Jesus is God. Before going over these three denials of Islam it first should the stated the Bible instructs the way to tell if a prophet or religious teacher is really from and of God or not is do the teachings and doctrines of that prophet of teacher really fit in accord what is found in the Bible ? For if that prophet or teachers and teachers doctrines that are in contradiction to the Bible then that prophet is a false prophet and that religious teacher is a false teacher and thus in doctrinal error and darkness. Likewise if a religion had teachings and doctrines that are in contradiction that is religion is in error also part of the world of darkness and is therefore a false religion. As the Bible instructs in Isaiah 8:20. “To the law of the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” [K.J.V.] With this clearly stated, three things should be known.

First, that Islam denial that Jesus is the Son of God is in great contradiction to the teaching of the Bible . Which reveals the Jesus is the Son of God? As seen in ,for example Matthew 3:16,17. 16:15,16. Luke 1:35. John 3:16-18, 36. First John 2:22,23. 4:14,15. 5:12,13. Second, that Islam denies that Jesus is God the Son is in strong contradiction to the Bible. As found in Hebrews 1:6-8. With emphasis on verse 8. Third, Islam’s denial that Jesus is God is in great contrast to the doctrine and teaching of the Bible. That Jesus is God may be found in ,for example, John 1:1;3. Colossians 1:15-17. 2:9. Romans 9:5 Second Peter 1:1. Titus 2:13. First John 5:20.

Moreover, to further discover that the Bible teachings that Jesus is God all a person has to do is to compare the Old Testament with New Testament to see that Jesus is God. As in comparing Isaiah 45:22,23. with Philippians 2:5-11. Also by comparing Psalm 89:8,9. with Mathew 8:23-27. will reveal that Jesus is God. Likewise, by comparing Psalm 62:5-7 . with First Corinthians 10:4. shows the Deity of Jesus. Even by comparing the News Testament books together will show that Jesus is God. As in comparing Romans 14:12. with John 5:22. will show Jesus to be God. The list can go on but this should be enough, for all who are willing to see the truth, that Jesus is, indeed, the Son of God. That Jesus is God the Son and that Jesus is God."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"The imams and mullahs as well as the other apologists for Islam will try to “explain’ this all away by making the claim that the Bible had been corrupted by Christians ,through time, and that’s way the Bible reads as it does.

This claim, very much, underestimate the Power of God to protect and preserve His Word ,through time , and to keep in intact and away from the corruption of men. In conclusion, in light and information of the Bible in can be seen that Islam is a awful and terrible doctrinal error concerning it teaching about the Nature of Jesus and therefore Islam is part of the world of darkness. So Islam with its strong contradictions to the Bible is a false religion, Proverbs 14:12.

So all dear Muslims are thus invited to leave the false religion of Islam and come the and receive the Jesus of the Bible who is the only way to heaven, John 14:6. and the True Light of the world. John 8:12." a link to a article is given headlined
"Afghanistan: Sunni jihadi storms
Shia mosque, murders six people"

Anonymous said...

The person also added
"Islam is in major a Biblical doctrinal error concerning nature of Jesus by denying that Jesus is God, and is therefore a false religion.

The subject of great importance is that Jesus is God and therefore Islam is in major Biblical doctrinal error concerning nature of Jesus and is therefore a false religion.

In the Old Testament of Isaiah in 45:22,23.” starting at the second sentence it reads “Look unto me ,and be ye saved…That unto me every knee shall bow…” [K.J.V.]

In the Bible in Philippians 2:10,11 the reader is informed that “That at the name of Jesus every shall bow , of those in heaven and of those in on the under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory God the Father.”

So in those Old Testament reveal that to God “every knee shall bow..” and likewise those New Testament verses reveal that to Jesus “every knee shall bow…” This clearly shows that Jesus is God.

In Psalm 89:8,9. it reads “O Lord of host, who is strong Lord ? … Thou rulest the raging of the sea ; when it’s waves thereof arise thou stillest them.” In Matthew 8:23-27 a terrible sea storm occurred and then rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great clam. So that “the men marveled, saying ‘What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him. ”
By comparing, what happened with those verses from that just quoted Psalm, the answer to the question asked by the disciples of Jesus is that He is God.

Furthermore the Bible in First Kings 8:39 teaches that “Only God “Thou knowest ;for thou ,even thou only knowest the heats of all the children of men;” in the Gospel of Mark 2: 8 reveals that Jesus knows the thoughts of men.

In conclusion, the Bible does reveal to that Jesus is God and that exposes Islam’s false teaching about Jesus and therefore Islam is a false religion of demonic darkness.

As Isaiah 8:20 reads ” To the law and to the Testimony ; If they do speak not according to the word, it is because there is no light in them.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"As the day of this posting is May 2, 2024 it’s new been thirteen years since the extermination of the heinous Islamic villain, Osama bin Laden, by those brave and heroic Navy SEAL’s on May 2, 2011.

After bin Laden’s elimination he was buried at sea. There had been by Muslim clerics, such as the imams ,who had the gall they complain the bin laden did not revived and proper Islamic burial because he was buried in the ocean and all Muslim according to Islamic tradition. For Muslims are buried under the ground and not at sea.

To that outlandish statement, made by the Muslim clerics may be answered in in two complementary ways.

First, the sea burial that bin Laden received was a lot more dignified and respectful then the type of “burial” that many of the victims of murderous affront had that occurred on September 11, 2001.. Many of the people who were murdered on 9/11 only had a few bones and teeth left. In contrast the body of bin laden was buried mostly intact.

Second ,after 9/11 many Muslim apologists for Islam ,in America ,many times had made the claim that Osama bin Laden was not a real Muslim and that he just “Hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam “ for “politics.” If that’s actually the case and not some kind of cover-up to hide the truth from the American public then all those Muslim clerics really had nothing to complain about if that claim is true that bin Laden was not a “real Muslim.” "
The person also added
"On September 11, 2001 when that Muslim /jihadist terrorist’s head of al Qaeda . Osama bin Laden, found out that his demonic murderous and destructive Islamic scheme had been, except for Flight 93, “successful,” all he could be is sit around and grin.

Later, then it all came down back on him on May 2, 2011 , he was no longer grinning the report was that “he look frighten and confused.”

As is the old saying “What goes around comes around.” The reason why well mat be sure that saying is true is not only because of the above example but because it’s upheld in the Bible, which informs its reader “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7. [N.K.J.V.]

Furthermore, since his extermination of that day , now and forever more, bin Laden in still no longer grinning , for is crying and suffering because he is trapped in a horrible place in intense pain in the fires of hell."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"That horrific vicious and cruel “mullah regime” of Iran is brutal and cruel violator of human rights. Especially regarding the human rights of girls and woman.

For example, to imprison women for not wearing the hijab is but one part of the anti-female tyranny of this tyrannical “mullah regime” of Iran.

That ruthless cruel brutal heinous Islamic regime of Iran that is so unfittingly has the word “Republic” in its title ,for its called “ The Islamic Republic of Iran” [ I R I].

That brutal cruel Islamic tyrannical regime of Iran is full of ruthless malicious misogyny.

On the topic of this Islamic tyranny of Iran a former Muslim revealed that “The IRI system recognizes women as dependent upon men and incomplete human beings who need to be supervised and controlled by men and the State. This author further exposed that “Women are created for the purposes of giving pleasure to men and child bearing – functions that confine them to the home” This is a male Chauvinistic as can possibly be.

In addition this writer further makes it known that “The IRI legal system still retains traditional patriarchal bias that can be described as nothing but systemic subordination of women , which is undoubtedly a human rights violation .”

This author further reveals that “Iran is of what Islamic fundamentalists desire, an Islamic State, and the consequence of achieving it “State Terror. Instead of utopia, Iran is an Islamic totalitarian nightmare…” and “the Islamic Republic of Iran exists and operates as what every Islamic fundamentalist dreams of, an Islamic state ruled by Sharia …What followed its establishment was the inevitable consequence and inexorable logic of its Islamic premises; state terrorism, a merciless tyranny.” [1]

This heinous Islamic has been also exposed by another author who was born and lived in a Middle Eastern nation for many years. She wrote “Female freedom and independence is one of the greatest sins in Islam…” and “Women in Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.” [2]

All this is wicked, unjust and misogynistic to the extreme. Islam had not regard for human life, regardless of what the apologists for this religion will claim.

[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM BY Ibn Warraq. pages 345-347.
[2] THEY MUST BE STOPPED by Brigitte Gabriel pages 62, 172"

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"This young girl who was arrest and away ,in front of her mother , for not wear hijab was terrible.

That forcing of girls and women is part of the oppressive misogyny of the brutal cruel tyrannical Islamic regime of Iran.

Furthermore, such human rights abuses of that Islamic tyranny is the result of that anti-female religion of Islam.

A scholar of Islam revealed by a scholar of Islam who revealed in her book “Control of behavior and disregard for human life are key elements in Islam ideology.” Furthermore, the author also exposed that `” Women is Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.” [1]

[1] THEY MUST BE STOPPED by Brigitte Gabriel, pages 171,172."
& also typed
"Such oppressive of females , both girls and women is mostly based on Sharia. Islam with it’s Sharia are the foundation of that Islamic tyranny of Iran.

Therefore ,it should be made known that the actual origin of Sharia is revealed in a Time –Life book with the title MESOPOTAMIA: THE MIGHTY KINGS copyright 1995. “For that future history book about the ancient pagan world of Mesopotamia informs the reader that “many Islamic laws resemble the Babylon and Assyrian forebears.” .page 150.

Therefore, Sharia has no value or worth.

Thus, it’s no wonder that those despots in power in that Sharia based Islamic tyranny might fear the collapse of their regime for it has a very weak foundation which is Sharia.

In other words, the Islamic tyrannical regime of Iran is grounded on only a foundation of sand."

Anonymous said...

The person also added
"Those vicious cruel thugs “protesters” should be arrested and imprisoned for criminal assault and battery and hate crime charges should be filed against those malicious hooligans because that brutal horrendous affront was also obviously a hate crime."
& also stated
"Those sadistic cowardly bully thugs who ganged up one single Jewish girl and had severely beaten her, had accomplished nothing for their false cause that they call “Free Palestine.” by committing their horrendously wicked action.

The only thing that those hooligans had accomplished was proving true the wise saying which is that “Evil is always looking for an excuse.” "

Anonymous said...

About the "Pro-Palestinian" encampments on College Campuses across America
A person typed online today
"Concerning the American Universities and Colleges across the United States that have heads of those institutions ‘sold out” to the influence of the stealth jihadists, who are, no doubt ,backed by oil rich nation as Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Therefore, those places of “higher education” which have become more of indoctrination centers for Islam and Islamic causes rather than genuine places of advanced education.

This is betrayal of all those young people who entered into those universities and colleges who sincerely wanted a actual, real, education. This is also betrayal the true spirit of America.

For example the former United States President, William Howard Taft, who in a speech, wisely, declared, “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.”

Furthermore there should really no place in America for such un-American indoctrination centers, therefore such universities and collages need to reform or closed down, For those places are now doing more harm than good.

As the other former US President Theodore Roosevelt, had, rightly, announced in a speech that “There can be no fifty –fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only one hundred percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
& also added
"Some of the reason for this is because many universities and colleges across the United States and in the United Kingdom have been thoroughly infiltrated and influenced by the insidious stealth jihadists.

There may be little doubt that those stealth jihadists are backed and funded by Qatar as well as oil rich Saudi Arabia.

In addition. It should be made clear that “Palestine” is a man-made fiction and a Muslim fantasy. In contrast, Israel is an historic and Bible based reality , Psalm 135:4 "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"It’s very true when it was said that “Islam is the most successful fraud in the history of humanity” It’s also true that the entire foundation of Islam is based on the Qu ‘ran.

It’s good to expose the flaws used in the “logic” to uphold the Qu ‘ran by the propagandists for Islam.

For example, there’s an old challenge given by many the apologists for Islam to support of their firm belief that the Qu ‘ran is ,truly, Divine.

The challenge they declare is “Try to write a book as beautifully written as the Qu’ ran . you cannot.”

The answer to that claim this that just because a written work of religious literature has beauty in it does not necessary mean that it’s the infallible Word of God.

For there are many highly religious books that are very beautifully written that have been around for centuries but not literally God’s Word.

For example, many of the books that make up the Apocrypha are very well written but they didn’t make into the Bible as God’s word. For instance, the specific apocrypha book of The Song of Three Young Men is a very pious beautifully written religious work of religious literature beautifully written still not the Divine Word of God.

In addition, there have been and are many very intelligent men who read the Qu ‘ran and found it to be overly repetitious, dull inconsistent and even in some places contradictory.

This naturally is in contrast to how all Muslims hear the Qu ‘ran when it is recited. So those two contrasting views of the Qu ‘ran just prove valid the old saying that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

In conclusion, it should be obvious that just because a person finds something in a book that is religious book is beautifully written doesn’t actually mean it’s Divine."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed in reply to a Jerusalem Post , article headlined
"Swedish Police Approve Quran burning event in Malmo ahead of Eurovision" that
"Actually, burning the Qur ‘an is a very stupid thing to do. By contrast ,an intelligent way to handle that religious book of Islam and all the deadly violence that it inspires to to study and examine that specific religious book of Islam and then expose the errors and contradictions that it contains.

This has actually already been done, For example, on pages 145 through 157 in THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey in which he wrote a section on the Qu‘ran with its self-contradictions. Just two of the many he cited are the following “The Qu’ran differs on whether a day is a thousand years or fifty thousand years in God’s sight’ and “Who was first to believe? Abraham or Moses [Sura 6:14 versus 7:143]? The above is inconsistent and illogical. Further, Morey wrote about “The fact that Judaism and Christianity broke up into different sects was used in the Qu ‘ran to prove that they are not of God [Suras 30:20-32. 42:13, 14]. Yet Islam has broken up into many warring sects and therefore cannot be true if the Quran is right.”

Moreover, Morey in his book shows many more contradictions and absurdities in the Quran, there are and how Muhammad incorporated extra Biblical and Jewish folklore along with pre-Islamic Arabian myth and parts of Zoroastrian and Hindu stories into the Quran.

Furthermore, the Muslims claim that “the Quran is the direct, literal word of God unmodified in any way by the Prophet who uttered them at the bidding of God.” In addition , in the book UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Eethi Caner has shown that the Quran was modified in the following account on pages 45. “Muhammad felt the need to improve on the words of Allah, since he changed Allah’s wisdom for his own on several occasions. A hadith tells of the nonchalant emendations of Muhammad:’ On a number of occasions he [a scribe] had, with the Prophet’s consent changed the closing words of verses. For example, when the prophet had said ‘God is mighty and wise ‘ Adbollah b. Abi Sarh suggested writing down ‘Knowing and wise’ and the Prophet answered that there was no objection. Having observed a succession of changes of this type, Adbollah renounced Islam on the grounds that revelations, if from God could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as himself. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites.’ Other writers reveal that later Muhammad and his people did go war with the Qorayshites and he personally killed Abdollah. Obviously Abdollah knew too much and Muhammad wanted Abdollah’s knowledge to die with him.”

In conclusion, the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction, it’s also a hoax.

Even though the above essay was posted before, it should now be added that the last statement of the above that “the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction, it’s also a hoax.” To put this in a Biblical way. As in from the Bible, it may be truly explained that the Qu ‘ran is a deceptive work of “the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 14:12.. [N.I.V.]"

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online today
"Dr. Charles Asher Small, the founder and director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy said “[w]e found tens of billions, with a b, of dollars, that the Qataris, as representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood are giving to American universities, and using soft power to influence our culture and through that perhaps the most sensitive institution in our democracy, namely higher education. We can see that the discourse in the classroom by professors that demonize Israel and demonize the Jewish people is taking place at an alarming scale," adding that the Students for Justice in Palestine organization is also an "offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood." "

Anonymous said...

On X , formerly Twitter
@cold957 typed on February 1, 2024

"Muslim & Sikh = conflict. Muslim & Hindu = conflict. Muslim & Jew = conflict. Muslim & Christian = conflict. Muslim & muslim = conflict. But, islam is the religion of peace."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Muslims killing Jews is not unique. Muslims have also murdered Christians and especially Hindus.

How many of you know that 3,000,000 Hindus, mostly men, in Bangladesh in the 1960s and 1970s were murdered by Muslims?

Over 400,000 women were subjected to rape and sexual enslavement.

The Hindus there were not protected and did not have their own army in Bangladesh. They were targeted by the Pakistani army."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"The Muslim conquests of India killed millions of people. These are some of the biggest mass murder events in history & nobody knows about them."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
When President Biden condemns acts of Islamophobia in the same sentence as he does acts of anti-Semitism, he is drawing a deceptive, deceitful, and dangerous moral equivalency.

I have not heard university administrators telling Muslim students to stay home. I have not heard of Muslims being denied entrance to campuses. I have not heard pro-Israel groups calling for the divestment of funds from Muslim countries. And I have not seen demonstrations with posters declaring “Death to Muslims" and "Death to America" from Jewish demonstrators.

Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia do not belong in the same sentence, Biden knows it, you know it, and all but the Jew haters know it."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"This is the result of the Muslims who have and are still engaging the goal of stealth jihad for the advancement of Islam with its Sharia in the United Kingdom as well as in other Western countries is the means that known and called the “Stealth jihad.” By this this technique the Muslims who are the stealth jihadists are able to infiltrate the different nations of the West and gradually “ ,inch by inch” and likewise “step by step.” Further, archive progression for their Islamic agenda for Western nations.

To this end the stealth jihadists will and do use the Islamic of Taqiyya, which the modus operandi of speaks and printing lies that are very deceptive.

As explained in a more detail by a former Muslim and Hezbollah member who now a Christian .In his book he reveals” Lying , treachery and deception became Islam’s key tactics in conquering others. Those tactics are gathered in a doctrinal statement called “Taqiyya” which is one of the most effective arms for the spread of Islam. It means “Holy Deception” which means the use of every lie you can in order to spread Islam or to win the war against the enemy.” [1]

]1] Islam and the Son of God by Daniel Shayesteh , page 41."
A link to a article is given headlined
"London Has Fallen. Again"
The person also typed
"There is movement that is known as the “Stealth jihad.” The technique is practiced by Muslims who are also stealth jihadists to infiltrate the United Kingdom as well as other Western countries using lies and deception, Taqiyya, for the advancement of Islam with its Sharia.

This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads, “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Since this is the case with those violent vicious lawless good who have the gall to call themselves “protesters” Then it’s, as it has been said, “violence begets violence.”

For since want to be that way, the police should not only be allowed to come down on those hooligans with much brutal might, since that’s obviously the only language that those thugs are able to understand. The National Guard should also be called in to control those malicious ruffians with much military might.

As Thomas Jefferson had, so rightly and wisely, written, “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
A link to a article is given headlined
"Jew hating Terror Goons Taught Hand-to-Hand combat Ahead of Riots"
On May 5, 2024 by
Pamela Geller
The person also typed
"Those malice-filled violent ant-Jewish “protesters” who are so ready to viciously strike out first and any person who don’t think like they think , Wow ! talk about intolerance, Nevertheless the point is those thugs are a clear reminder of the words of wisdom spoken by the hero in the 1979 movie of title “Time after Time” For the hero of that movie said “The first man to raise his fist in the man who has run out of Ideas.”

Those malicious criminal hooligans “protesters” have therefore proven by their own horrendous violence that they are the one’s who have “run out of ideas’ to support and uphold their position of their cause."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"Joe Biden acting against Israel and favoring Iran reveals Biden as wicked with his appeasement policy towards the anti-Israel Iran and PA with its President Mahmoud Abbas is terrible.

Nevertheless Biden and CAIR are greatly the overruled by God The reason why this is so is because according to the Bible the Jews have all the land that now makes up the State of Israel ,including the West Bank by Divine Right. As found in Genesis 28:13-15. 35:10-12. Deuteronomy 32:48,49. Psalm 105: 7-11. 135: 4.

Furthermore, the Jews should have all this land by historic rights. As seen in First Kings 4; 20,21,24,25. 8:55, 56.

Biden is fool for going against the Will of God."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Sydney Sermons, Anti-Semitism, and Islamic Incitement"
7th May 2024 by
Mark Durie

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Who Will Defend Jonathan Yudelman?" by
MAY 07, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"A CAIR ad shamefully ignores the truth"
Charles O. Kaufman
November 15, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"CAIR Not Only Inspires Terrorists. It's Historically Linked to Them"
Published Jan 23, 2022
By Rabbi Yaakov Menken

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Let's never forget the dirty deeds of CAIR" on
March 20, 2019

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"After leaving Islam and following Jesus Christ, I came to realize and reject the anti-Israel lies I’d been taught in my youth"
by Brother Rachid February 1, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"This is a bar chart of rape per capita (per 10,000) in Germany. Notice a trend? This was 2014. The trend became even more pronounced starting in 2015 when Merkel opened the immigrant floodgate and let millions more of these grateful cultural enrichment immigrants in.

When German politician Marie-Thérèse Kaiser reported that Afghan immigrants are disproportionately committing sexual assault in Germany. Guess what Germany did when Kaiser posted this? They convicted her and fined her $6,000.

In Germany, Afghans are committing 70x more gang rapes than Germans."

Anonymous said...

More about the Ugly sand rat
Arabs in Qatar
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Qatari official: Jews are murderers of prophets; October 7 is only a ‘prelude’ "
By OHAD MERLIN Published: APRIL 23, 2024

Anonymous said...

Also about the Ugly Sinister
Arab weasels in Qatar on April 18, 2024 has an article headlined
"Qatar funds more terrorism than Iran, former Mossad official says"
by Nir(Shoko) Cohen

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
(or: The Pumped-Up-Kicks Pogrom For Palestine)
By: Dr. Micah Ben David Naziri

There will be NO FORGIVENESS for the wanton violence of Hamas,
No pardon for the lives that were stolen and not lost.
We will NEVER FORGIVE any excuses, nor justifications
For the largest TARGETED SLAUGHTER and violation
Of INNOCENT, UNARMED Jews - parents, sons and daughters you murder and accost.
NEVER AGAIN TORTURED, RAPED and MURDERED since the slaughter of the Holocaust.

We will NEVER STOP FIGHTING the Islamicate apostasy of Hamas
We will never forgive this Caliphate cult global brainwash
We will never forgive the stupidity of those who still vainly claim
To fight fascism and oppression, then have the audacity to rally for the same
The gaslighting of this religious imperialistic colonizing Caliphate
Like the left who rallied for Khomeini, you will share the same fate.

Queers for Hamas - getting stoned by Hamas
Thinking that their protest signs will spare them an LGBTQ+ Holocaust
Making salat in a miniskirt and hijab
It's easy to get swept away in das Feuer when you have no responsibilities or a job
Like the Feuersturm of Dresden there is no recompense for Hamas
But you deny, attack, reverse victim and offender - claiming this to be the "real Holocaust".

Do you really think the Neo-Salafi Hamasnik Shuyukh
Look at you as Mujiahid and not as a mook?
Do you think they'll let you keep your OnlyFans
If they remember how hard you march, stand and Stan?
Convince yourself that this is taking a stand
And that the kefiyyah you appropriate is different than an swastika armband

The history of Islam to the Caliphate was spread by sword and spear
They raised the head of Muhammad's own grandson upon an Umayyad spear
They did it all to flood Judea to Persia with terror and fear
May they drown from the river to the sea in Fatimah's tears
Indigenous tribes coercively forced to convert throughout Africa
Convert, die or be subjected to the tax of jizya from Spain to Indonesia.

Every Becky and Kyle run from the holes punched in mother's drywall
Social privilege imbuing children of the oppressors with certainty that they know it all
No matter how many clever, terrorist-front, protest nursery rhymes
No matter how many historical facts are replaced with their fascist lies
Related to conflict you butcher like so many Jewish children,
Trampled beneath the pumped-up-kicks of your $90,000-a-year tuition."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Hamas in any ceasefire talks will practice the doctrine of the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya which is very insidious. Taqyyia is the jihad dogma that lying and deception is a good thing to do as long as it’s done for the advancement of Islam’s jihad to destroy Israel and replace her with an Islamic “state.”

Nevertheless, the Bible “condemns those who devise wicked schemes…” Proverbs 12:11. [N.I.V.]

Likewise, Proverbs 12:20 teaches “Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil.” "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Getting little kids to march and chant “Zionists/Zionism’s got to go” is an anti-Jewish zombie parade.

A Hitler Youth rally in St. Louis, Montana, 2024. Masquerading as individuals wanting the kids to stand up for “justice.”

The most worthless people across the political spectrum will always find each other to unite against Jews.

I keep telling you. I see that some of you are finally starting to get it. Some of you are still asleep at the wheel.

This was never about a ceasefire. It’s about the destruction of the state of Israel, and about using Jews for an anti-Jewish cause and then destroy them…just like every other time gentiles have hoodwinked Jews into siding with people who promise to not turn on Jews while openly engaging in behavior that is anti-Jewish.

The same people who tell us not to trust anyone who is conservative are the same ones who are either aligned with these people, make excuses for them, or have been as silent about this festering evil as MLK’s “white moderates.”

We are surrounded by liars and knaves, and many of them call themselves “progressives.”

I will hold you to your words. To the values you claimed you held. You said it wasn’t good enough to just not be racist. You need to be ANTI-racist. You made it the backbone of your whole identity, of your morality.

It wasn’t ok to just not wear a Klan hood. It wasn’t even good enough to call out every open hateful statement of bigotry. You promised you would stand up, wherever you witnessed it, and say something.

Even if it was a statement made in ignorance. Even if it was the subtlest microaggression. Even if it was the slightest affront to equity and human dignity.

Well, the truth has been staring us in the face for a long time, so I think it best to just say it plainly: you never meant any of that for us."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online about
Another person advertising a
"Intifada-Informed Therapy"
“Pogrom-informed therapy?”

This unholy Marxist/Islamist zombie apocalypse is the biggest case of the stupids I’ve ever seen.

We have entered a cultural hellscape where a person who praises pogroms as mental health is a hero, and the person who responds that that is a “crazy” thing to say is a bigot, because it means they are inherently hateful towards the mentally ill.

No. The latter is AT WORST, insensitive.

While the former is blatantly murderous and psychotic.

And if your brain stuttered and flickered for a moment trying to process that thought, contratulations: you’re broken."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"I don't understand how so many people can see such a distorted picture. Islamism is the most imperialistic, supremacist, racist, misogynists, occupying...... ideology ever!!!! Still, those idiots , claiming to be fighting against all the aforesaid evils, support Islamism, helping them implement the aforesaid evils."
"The west has become suicidal. The left, fighting against imperialism, support islamism, the most imperialist ideology ever.
Those fighting for women's and gay's rights, support islamism, the ideology that treats women like slaves and gays are killed.
Those fighting for freedom, support Islamism, where the only freedom they would have is to kneel before their masters.

Pacifists support terrorists!
BLM support racists.
Antifa support fascists.
The UN is the only organization doing its job now, which is Uniting the Nations to form a world Islamic caliphate.
Bye, free world 😢 I'll miss you"
"I don't understand how so many people can see such a distorted picture. Islamism is the most imperialistic, supremacist, racist, misogynists, occupying...... ideology ever!!!! Still, those idiots , claiming to be fighting against all the aforesaid evils, support Islamism, helping them implement the aforesaid evils."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"I'm starting to understand why and how leftists are behaving like nazislamists.

Islamists have been spreading lies for decades, poisoning the minds of gullible people. These people actually loose their ability to think and let their feeling run wild. Then, islamists show these lost souls a path into darkness, which they call light (after one million lies, what are a few more?). Those people , now without a thinking capacity, follow the "light", and get to become slaves to Islam (those who survive)"

Anonymous said...

The Stupid Worthless
ADC on their website boasts about their
“rich cultural heritage”
yeah right , that’s hilarious
Such BS
What good have Arabs ever done for anyone

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Concerning the idea of what some call “the two state solution.” This subject was explained in a rather clear way in the newspaper entitled The Epoch Times April 3-9, 2024, A-14. Which informs its reader that ”Before October 7th 2023 there was a de facto three-state solution , given that Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza were all separate states ruled by their own governments, two of which were illegitimate without scheduled elections.

It was not Israel, but the people of Gaza and the West Bank who institutionalized the “river to the sea” agenda of destroying its neighbor.

Israel would have been content to live next to an autonomous Arab Gaza and West Bank that did not seek to destroy Israel in their own ‘one –state solution.’ “

Anonymous said...

The person also typed online today
"A genuine ,valid peace producing “two state solution” is out of the question. .This is because a “two state solution” not really a “solution” but an Islamic ploy of deception , a smokescreen and hoax and a fraud.

As observed early October7th with those Hamas Islamic terror/murder attacks into Israel from Gaza reveals that even the idea of some people of dividing Jerusalem as well as other parts of the State of Israel between the Jewish people of the Muslim/ Arabs is nothing but folly. To engage the madness of such “talks” is a hoax and a farce .This is because in the so called “negotiations” between the heads of the Jewish nation of Israel and the leaders of the “Palestinians” the Muslim /Arabs the “Palestinian” leaders will speak the truth only when in happens to fit their agenda. The rest of the time the will be speaking half-truths and outright lies. For their goal is to obtain all of the land of the State of Israel. Even in it takes much time and it means getting the land piece by piece. Therefore, those “peace talks” are a hoax.

For the “Palestinian” leaders are employing what is the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya . Which is the Islamic dogma that lying and deception are good things to do as long as it’s done for the cause of the advancement of Islam. The insidious scheme is part of the stealth jihad .Otherwise known as “Islamic Gradualism.” This sly and something subtle strategy of disingenuous speech, lying deception of achieving the goal of all the land of Israel a war ploy that will be a disaster if the heads of the State of Israel are foolish enough to agree to divide the land of Israel with Muslim /Arabs ,the “Palestinians.” For if such a “peace dialogue” results in a divided land, the outcome will literally be murder. For “Palestinian” leader will allow the jihadists use that land as a base to launch murderous rocket attacks in to Israel. As for example, Hamas of Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Such false hopes for peace which are based on the foundation of lies are nothing new when it comes to Israel. For example, the Bible in Psalm 55:20, 21. Reads “Such men do violence to those at peace with them and break their promised word; their speech is smoother the butter but their thoughts are of war.” [N.E.B.]"

Anonymous said...

The person also typed about the Sexual Violence used by Hamas on October 7th, 2023
"Those vile and heinous brutal and cruel sexual atrocities committed against the young female Jewish hostages by the jihadists of Hamas are a result of the teachings, doctrines , of Islam with it’s Quran as found in Surah 2;191. 4:48. 9:5,123 47;4] do cause and inspire such systematic heinous vile and despicable sex crimes

Those jihadists Hamas by their brutal crimes of torture and rape of young Jewish girls and women have exposed they own vicious misogyny of the demonic evil mindset which is the resort of their religion which is Islam.

Some naïve Westerners who don’t know and understand about the bloody and deadly essence of Islam’s jihad , might be shocked and stop and wonder “Just how can those jihadists of Hamas be so totally unconscionably evil to commit those horrendous sex vile heinous affront and hideous crime, actions ? “

The answer to that question is found in the Bible, which informs its reader that there are some men who are completely horrifically callous heartless and unfeeling because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [K.J.V.]

For them, that “hot iron” is Islam."

Anonymous said...

YES !!!!! Iranian "President"
Ebrahim Raisi and several others have been confirmed killed in the helicopter crash 👍😂
Good that they are Dead !!
Thank You God ,
Now we are All Like
Celebrate Good Times, Cmon

Anonymous said...

Once Again, Good that
Iranian "President"
Ebrahim Raisi , his "foreign minister" and several other "officials" have been confirmed killed in the helicopter crash 👍😂
Good that they are Dead !!
Thank You God ,
Good that they Are Dead , Dead and in
Hell !!! The Death of the Ugly
Pig 🐖🐷, Pigface Raisi is a
Blessing ! A Blessing that Brings Glory to God !!!

Anonymous said...

About the late Iranian
"President" Raisi has an article headlined
"Ebrahim Raisi Is A Monster. His Entry Into The U.S. Was Inexcusable"
Published Sep 22, 2022
By Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Claudia Tenney

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Why the Hell is the U.S. Giving Condolences to the Butcher of Tehran?" by
About the Pure Evil and Wickedness of the cockroach, the late
Iranian "President" Raisi
Good that Raisi was Killed in the helicopter crash,
Good that he's Dead !!!

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Iranian Dictator Gets Destroyed On Social Media After President Dies In Helicopter Crash"
by David Hookstead
Published May 20, 2024
This article tells about the
Criminal Sadistic Nature of
The late Iranian "President" Raisi
Again Good that Raisi is Dead

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Some Iranians celebrate 'Butcher of Tehran' Raisi's death in the streets despite oppressive regime"
By Chris Pandolfo Fox News
Published May 21, 2024

Anonymous said...

The New York Post ,
has an article headlined
"Iranian women celebrate death of President Ebrahim Raisi, who led brutal crackdown on rights"
By Emily Crane
Published May 20,2024
One More Time, we Proudly say
Good that Ebrahim Raisi is Dead !!!

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Islamophobia – the 21st century weapon to silence our freedom of speech"
By ADAM MILSTEIN Published: MAY 6, 2019

Anonymous said...

More about the Ugly Stupid Pig
The late Iranian "President"
Ebrahim Raisi has an article headlined
"TERENCE P. JEFFREY: Tyranny And Terrorism — Late Iranian President’s Legacy Is Crystal Clear"
May 22, 2024
Good that Raisi is Dead

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Did Raisi’s outreach to Arab states pave the way for Oct. 7? - analysis"
By SETH J. FRANTZMAN Published: MAY 21, 2024
Raisi got exactly what he deserved when he was killed in the helicopter crash !!!

Anonymous said...

The Butcher of Tehran
the late Iranian "President"
Ebrahim Raisi was 63 , 63 when he was thankfully killed in the helicopter crash, It's good that
Ebrahim Raisi died at the age of
63 as opposed to living to be
80 or 90 or 95 years of age and in
Decent Health,
Since some people who live to be
80 or 90 years of age or older are still in decent overall health
Good that Raisi died at 63 as opposed to living to be a very old age in decent health and Never being arrested and made to Stand Trial for helping to
Plan the Hamas Genocidal Terrorist Attack of October 7th, 2023
Good that Raisi is Dead and in Hell !

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Maybe God had His full of that hostile Israel hating tyrant of Iran, Raisi. So He killed that Islamic SOB. After all, God love Israel so much that He even views her as His "special treasure." Psalm 135:4 [N.K.J.V.]"
& also typed
"Many Iranians have every right to be glad that this cruel oppressive tyrant, Raisi, is now dead.

Those thugs in uniform, who are called "the Revolutionary Guards, he was able to infect dreadful terroristic fear on the Iranian people.

Related to this, Benjamin Franklin had rightly and wisely printed in his periodical POOR RICHARD'S ALMANAC "Those who are feared are also hated."
"" All the days of the oppressed are wretched." Proverbs 15:15. [N.I.V.]"
"That now dead tyrant. Raisi had, some gall to say that the Iranian people who are striving for freedom against his Islamic tyranny are “waging war on God.” For in reality in the light of both Proverbs and Ecclesiastes that are two Bible books that Islam instructs Muslims to respect, that “Islamic Republic of Iran’ has all the characteristics of an oppressive evil monstrosity and so is its President Ebrahim Raisi

For that tyrant/dictator Raisi is well described in Proverbs 28:15. Which reads, “Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is a wicked ruler over a helpless people.” [N.I.V.]

As for that honorific regime that oppresses the people and denied them their natural hum rights, the Bible in Proverbs 15;15 reads “All the days of the oppressed are wretched.”

Further, in Ecclesiastes 4:1 it is written “I saw the tears of the oppressed – and they have no comforter; power is on the side of the oppressor.”

In conclusion, Raisi and his Islamic news agency of had falsely accused the Iranian people who are the protester of “waging war on God.”

It’s now Raisi who is now trapped and languishing in the fires of hell."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online about the Death of Iranian "President"
Ebrahim Raisi
"This is the remains of the helicopter that was carrying the president and the minister of foreign affairs of the evil regime of Iran. These two, along with the other terrorist passengers, are dead.

You might have read what I wrote yesterday, just a few hours before this helicopter crash. I was burnt out. Big time! I had had enough. I literally needed some good news because everywhere I looked, all I saw was hatred, antisemitism, violence, and death.

I could not have asked for better news.

Now, I know I’m going to get pushback on this post, and that pushback, as usual, will be from Jews who want to lecture me about how we don’t celebrate when our enemies die.

So allow me to preempt you and tell you, you are wrong and that is false.

We have a verse that reads באבוד רשעים רנה.

That means, when evil people are “lost”, there is joy.

And to address your concern, yes, we do have another teaching that reads בנפל איבך, אל תשמח

That means “When your enemies fall, don’t be happy.”

There is an obvious contradiction here and there are endless explanations given, but I heard one recently that resonated.

Notice the two different words. One says joy and one says happiness.

So, here’s the explanation.

When an evil person who has caused you pain dies, you are absolutely supposed to feel joy.

Happiness? Not exactly. It would have been better had that person never existed in the first place.

This person dying is only the second best option to him never having been born in the first place. We never want death. So we’re not happy about it but we do feel joy.

Given the situation of this evil person doing what he/she did, we are absolutely supposed to celebrate his demise.

These people who died were absolute monsters. They were responsible for thousands of innocent deaths. They were responsible for attacking Israel that night. They were responsible for Hamas and Hezbollah. They were responsible for the Houthi’s. These monsters had endless Jewish blood on their hands.

This helicopter crash feels very biblical to me. I’m getting Purim vibes… Something about a Persian leader wanting to annihilate the Jews and ending up being killed.

Something tells me this accident isn’t an isolated incident and will join the list of biblical events that have happened this year including hail the size of watermelons, locusts and other insects coming out en masse, modern day clouds of glory (Iron Dome), and many others.

One day, when all of this is over and our enemies are no more, as we hold the Torah scrolls close to our hearts and dance on Simchat Torah like never before, we will have a new reason to celebrate.

We will celebrate God’s hand in removing the following people from our world:

- Ebrahim Raisi - President of Iran
- Hossein Amir-Abdollahian - Foreign Minister
- Mohammad Ali Al-Hashem - Imam of Tabriz Province

It’s nice to wake up with a reason to smile.

We will dance again!

Am Yisrael Chai, folks! 🇮🇱✡️💪"

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld also typed two days ago about the Death of
Iranian "President" Raisi
"Thank you, Hashem for ridding the world of a monster. My mother told me there’s no such thing as monsters, but she was wrong.

Ebrahim Raisi was a monster far worse than any monster hiding under my bed.

America might not recognize that. The UN might not recognize that. Europe might not recognize that. But Hashem and His people absolutely do recognize that.

Every person was created in the image of God. Ebrahim Raisi lost that image long ago and he needed to go.

The world is now infinitely safer and hopefully his lunatic friends will join him soon."
Mr. Fuld also showed a
Meme with a picture of Raisi that said
"The Moment you discover the 72 Virgins are all Men"
Mr. Fuld said
"Sorry bro" in response to the Meme

Anonymous said...

Justin Amler
typed online yesterday
May 22, 2024
"So the UN stood for a minute's silence for the President of Iran - a country that sponsors, funds, trains and participates in murder, terrorism and mayhem against innocents around the world, including calling for the genocide of the Jewish state.

Yet have the UN stood for even one second's silence for the victims of October 7, in which children were murdered, women raped, families burnt alive and innocent people kidnapped and stolen from their homes.

I think you know the answer...

And yet this "organisation" with its so-called courts of justice want to be the arbiter of moral authority in the world...?

What do you think? I certainly know what I think..."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Statistics show that 91% of terrorist attacks that occurs in Europeans countries are Islamic.

The sad and tragic reality of jihad-minded Muslims migrants who live in the France and the other nations of continental Europe who engage in Islamic suicide/homicide bombings attacks is for a large part, the outcome the extreme brainwashing that is performed in Islamic mind programming centers, which are mosques and madrasas.

In those jihad mind control places students are thoroughly indoctrinated into the jihadist mindset of committing murderous bombing attacks in the jihad for the advancement of Islam. As Islam’s “holy book,” the Quran instructs in 9:111. , for example, “The believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain they kill and are killed.” Therefore, those who come out of those Quran based mind programming centers .mosque and madrasas, are so terribly harmed and damaged that they are literally, as it has be rightfully called, “dangerous to self and others.” This results in jihad suicide /homicide attack in which those jihadists who commit such murderous actions are so very deluded that they think of that jihad mass murders as “martyrdom operations.” This is Islamic delusion of the most heinous and malicious kind.

This may be, somewhat, explained by the narrative from the fable of Aesop which is entitled THE SCORPION AND THE FROG So “Once upon a time there was a scorpion who really wanted to get to the other side of the river, but he could not swim. Therefore, the scorpion begged a frog to carry him on his back across the river. The kind but foolish frog agreed and then half-way across the river the scorpion stung the frog. In shock and horror the dying frog asks the scorpion “Why did you sting me since this means that we both are going to die” The scorpion replied “The reason that I stung you even though we both will now die is because that just what a scorpion, by nature, does.”

In conclusion, just as that scorpion in the fable had proven himself by the dangerous and deadly, to self and others, because of his nature. The violent and murderous jihadists of Islam are as that scorpion, dangerous so self and other because they is their nature because they have been thought programmed in the ways of the violent and murdering jihad of Islam. As always stated above ,this is the sad and tragic reality of Islamic terrorism in today’s world."

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Dear Europeans: Don't be naive, Oct. 7 can happen to you too "
By DANIELLE ROTH-AVNERI Published: MAY 24, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Who is Colonizing Whom?"


Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Pope Francis is an unconscionable liar for pretending that both Christians and Muslims believe in the same God.

For Christians believe in the God of the Bible , Who is the same Deity ,as the God of Christianity . This the the Supreme Being that is Tri-Personal God . Meaning the Trinity which is within the essence
of the One true God ,He exist as three distinct Persons , God the Father , God the Son and God the Holy Spirit . Three distinct Person in One God,. Matthew 3:13-17. 28:19. Second Corinthians 13:14..

He is the Triune God therefore a very complex God . So Great the that human mind find hard to understand.

In contrast, the god of Islam is a single being. A god that is very cruel and vicious that he causes all the disasters that harm humankind , all the time .Surah 57:22

So Christians and Muslims don’t really believe in the same God just because they believe that there is only one God. As one Christian scholar and writer , Robert Morey had clearly explained it “Believing in one God doesn’t do you any good if it’s the wrong god’.” Meaning a false god." with a link given to a article
"Pope Francis: 'Mary Unites Muslims and Christians'

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"There are a number of apologists for Islam, some are imams and mullahs and strangely enough, even some so called “Christian” leaders ,as Pope Francis, who have declared the outstanding and false claim that Christians and Muslim both believe in and worship the same God. So it stands to reason that it’s important to know if this claims valid and true or invalid and false. The facts are that the god of Islam or the Muslims is a single being. In great contrast the God of Christianity, of the Christians consists as the Trinity.

Jesus as the Son of God and God the Son prayed to God the Father. His father.

So with attempted rhetorical question that given in this posting reveals that a fitting understanding of the and definition of the Trinity is very necessary.

By the Trinity, it means that “Within the essence of the one True God there are Three Persons. Being God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit” Not three gods in one But Three Distinct Persons in One God. Being the Tri-Personal Nature of God, Matthew 3:13-17. Second Corinthians 13:14. . The Bible teaches, the Father is God, Galatians 1:1.The Son is God, First John 5:20. The Holy Spirit is God, Acts 5:3,4. Not three gods but the one and only Triune God.

As further explained in the Christian book MAJOR BIBLE THEMES by Lewis Sperry Chafer on page 39 which informs the readers that “Many believe that the doctrine of the Trinity in implicit in the use of the word Elohim, as the name of God which is in a plural form and seems to refer to the Triune God. “ Likewise, in the Christian magazine PERHAPS TODAY November/December 2013 on page 8 it reads about Genesis 1:1. “In the beginning God [this is the plural noun Elohim, meaning ‘more than one’] created the heaven and the earth.” Furthermore, a bit of a view of the inner workings of the Trinity together may be seen in that the God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Romans 10:9,10. Jesus raised Himself from the dead, John 2:19,20. The Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, Romans 8:11.The inner-workings of the Trinity of God may also be seen in the fact that the Father sanctifies, First Thessalonians 5:23. The Son sanctifies, Ephesians 5:26. Hebrews 2:11; 9:12,14;13:12.The Holy Spirit sanctifies ,Romans 15:16. Second Thessalonians 2:13. Getting back to the Bible book of Genesis. In Genesis 1:26 in reads “The God said let US make man in Our image , according to our likeness…” The words are the plural “Us” and “Our.” As in “We the Trinity” For the very next verse, 27, it further reads “So God created man in His own image…” In verse 26 it’s the plural “Us” and “Our” to the singular “His” That is Three Persons in One God.

In conclusion the many apologists and propagandists for Islam who make the claim that Christians and Muslims believe in and worship the same God are make an untrue and outright false claim. For the God of Christianity, Christians and the Bible is not the god of Islam Muslims and the Koran."

Anonymous said...

Chaplain Michael Green typed online earlier this May 2024
"Group of Chabad Rabbis Call Iranian President Helicopter Crash "Divine Justice"

Chabad Rabbis, led by Rabbi Meir Abutbul from Chabad in Bat Yam, have called the Iranian President's plane crash "Divine Justice", seeming to confirm that the rumors of the Chabad inner circle cursing the Iranian state leadership using "secrets from the Kabbalah" to be true.

"The hangman from Tehran, he wanted to hang Jews, so God scattered him to the winds in a helicopter crash, him and his entire Israel-hating crew," Rabbi Abutbul commented.

Baruch HaShem !

A BONUS : Travelling with Ebrahim Raisi were Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran's East Azerbaijan Province Governor Malek Rahmati, and Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, the representative of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to East Azerbaijan, according to state media."

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online today
“𝗪𝗛𝗬 7𝘁𝗵 𝗢𝗖𝗧? 15 𝘍𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴:

1️⃣ Hamas chose the date of 7th Oct to attack Israel which is actually an attack on western states and also a ravage of the West’s war on Islamism in 2001.

2️⃣ 7th Oct, 2001, was a date when the US announced its military action against the global Islamist Terrorism in Afghanistan.

3️⃣ Hamas chose this date to attack, kill and abduct civilians from multiple western countries.

4️⃣ Hamas had started global war in the name of Islam which turns into the war between Islamism and democratic values.

5️⃣ It’s not an Israel’s war but a global war on terror, war on Islamism and a war of freedom from Islamist supremacy.

6️⃣ On 7th Oct, 2001, the coalition of the western powers fought the global war on terrorism in Afghanistan.

7️⃣ On 7th Oct, 2024, Global Islamist under the banner of Hamas have started a war on West in Israel with their coalition forces.

8️⃣ Global Islamist movements have united and started fighting the Islamist war in the western capitals, western parliaments, western judicial institutions and in the western educational institutions.

9️⃣ Israel is the only country which is fighting Global war on Islamist terrorism without any coalition forces on ground.

🔟 Israel is the only country which is fighting against Islamist forces to save the Western democracies.

1️⃣1️⃣ Israel is the only country which is fighting against Islamist powers in multi fronts of its borders.

1️⃣2️⃣ Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are the only military forces that are fighting the global war single handily with extremely minimum casualties by abiding the rule of war.

1️⃣3️⃣ Israel is also fighting its legal case (just war) in different International political and legal domains.

1️⃣4️⃣ Israel is the only country which is providing humanitarian aid in enemy territory while fighting war against them, the US coalition didn’t provide such facilities in Afghanistan and Iraq.

1️⃣5️⃣ If Israel loses this war, the West will lose the war against Islamism, western democratic system will lose its credibility and the dark forces of Islamism will win the war against our freedom and free civilisation.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"One of the most populous nations in the world, India, regularly, systematically, purposefully, discriminates and renders its 200 million! Muslim second class citizens. Violence against Muslims is a common occurrence. Rape, murder, reprisal attacks for “insults” against Hindus is a daily happening. There is even open talk from Hindu leaders about ridding India of Muslims through Genocide.
India, of course, was PARTIONED after WWII which led to the creation of Pakistan. MILLIONS of MUSLIMS were displaced, forced to leave India and relocate to Muslim Pakistan.
Now, the 200 million Muslims who remain in India are in a perilous position, subjected to hate, violence, discrimination and worse.

Curiously, the “Muslim world” is silent. The UN too. College kids are seemingly oblivious as are their silly Professors.

Where is the outrage? Ah, yes, those who are silent about atrocities perpetrated by Hindus against India’s Muslims are preoccupied with saving the world from Israel.

Not so funny times we live in today." a link is given to a article headlined
"I'm an Indian Muslim, and I'm Scared to Say So"

Anonymous said...

On May 15, 2024
Debbie Schlussel typed online
"Nero "Fiddling" While Rome Burned - Mythical Legend; Stinkin' Blinken Playing Guitar While The World Burns (In Part From His Useful Idiocy) - Sad Reality . . ."
A picture is shown of Nero &

Plus on April 19, 2024
Debbie Schlussel typed
"Ronald Reagan's great failing was that he never bombed Iran or Hezbollah in Lebanon, after both attacked Americans. "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mashal declared in his speech “We stand by South Africa and the countries that have now joined it – Turkey, Libya, and Egypt.” some of the other countries ,after naming South Africa is China then named three Muslim countries that are also part of this “united front” against Israel to, in the jihad, to destroy her,.

Those two communist nations , China and South Africa along with those Islamic nations is yet another demonically sinister aspect of the dangerous diabolical movement known as the “Red/Green alliance.”

All this is ,somewhat, similar to the information provided in the Bible which informs the reader about the nations that hate Israel and want to destroy her. For Psalm 83 ;2 -5 reads “For behold ,Your enemies make a tumult: and those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said ‘Come ,and let us cut them off from being a nation , that the mane of Israel may be remembered no more.’ For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy against you.” [N.K.J.V.]

Nevertheless, all that scheming and violent hate will get the enemies of Israel nowhere, for further in that exact same chapter in verses 16:17 it reads “.God will “Fill their faces with shame , that they may seek Your name O Lord . Let them be confounded forever…”

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online today
""We Muslims also need to stop blaming others or the Arab-Israeli conflict for our problems." It must be admitted in all honesty that Israel is the only beacon of democracy, civilization, and human rights in the entire Middle East. "
Dr. Tawfik Hamid Egyptian writer and scholar, speaks from the bottom of his Heart as an enlightened Muslim.
I was born Muslim, but I am Christian in spirit and Jew in heart. I'm mostly human being, opposed to Islamic fundamentalism..
We drove out our Jews (0.9 million) without any compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries who became "Judenrein" (Jewish empties), while Israel accepted over 1.3 million Arabs as full Israeli citizens, having the rights of all human beings.
In conclusion
In Israel, a woman cannot legally be beaten by a man and anyone can change their faith without fear of being killed for apostasy. But this is not the case in the islamic world. I acknowledge that Palestinians are suffering, but their suffering is due to their corrupt leaders and not Israel.
By the way, we do not see Arabs leaving Israel to go live in an Arab country, while thousands of Palestinians will happily work at the Israeli "enemy". If they were really mistreated would they still work there?
We Muslims need to recognize our problems in order to deal with them. It is on this condition that we can begin a new era, in harmony with the whole world. Our religious leaders must clearly and firmly oppose polygamy,pedophilia,slavery,killing of people leaving Islam,condemn men who beat their wives and Muslims who declare wars on non Muslims to spread Islam. Only then will we have the right to ask others to respect our religion.
The time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say openly "We Muslims must change".
Arabs Group for Israel
D.R. Tawfik Hamid tribute group"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"By Juan A. Martinez
I have been studying the whole five times a day Muslim prayer ritual.

I'm convinced that Muslims are suffering from "The illusory truth effect, where repeated information [prayer] is perceived as more truthful than new information, this can contribute to the phenomenon of brainwashing. This effect is often observed in advertising, politics, and the spread of misinformation. The more frequently information is repeated, the more likely people are to believe it, even if it is false. This can be particularly effective in creating convictions and eroding critical thinking."

All of the prayers mention Muhammad in glorious ways and one, the fajr (predawn prayer) likens Muhammad to an intersessor between a Muslim and Allah just like when Jesus Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Blasphemous!

No wonder Muslims get bent out of shape over even legitimate criticism of Muhammad. It truly is a Cult of Personality! Muslims are self-brainwashing five times a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

They are so misguided, and urgently need prayers to the real God!"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
In the past 50 years, the United States has gotten good at losing wars.

We withdrew in humiliation from Saigon in 1975, Beirut in 1984, Mogadishu in 1993 and Kabul in 2021. We withdrew from Baghdad in 2011, only to return three years later after ISIS swept through Iraq and we had to stop it. We won limited victories against Saddam in 1991 and Qaddafi in 2011, only to fumble the endgames.

If you’re on the left, you’d probably say that most if not all these wars were unnecessary, unwinnable or unworthy. If you’re on the right, you might say they were badly fought. Either way, none of these wars were about our very existence.

But what about wars that are existential?

We know how America fought such wars. During the siege of Vicksburg hunger “yielded to starvation as dogs, cats, and even rats vanished from the city,” historians noted. The Union did not send food convoys to relieve the suffering of innocent Southerners.

In World War II, Allied bombers killed an estimated 10,000 civilians in the Netherlands, 60,000 in France, 60,000 in Italy and hundreds of thousands of Germans. All this was part of a declared Anglo-American policy to undermine “the morale of the German people to the point where their capacity for armed resistance is fatally weakened.” We pursued an identical policy against Japan, where bombardment killed, according to some estimates, nearly one million civilians.

Today, Israel and Ukraine are engaged in the same kind of wars. We know that because their enemies say so. Vladimir Putin believes that the Ukrainian state is a fiction. Hamas, Hezbollah and their patrons in Iran openly call for Israel to be wiped off the map. In response, both countries want to fight aggressively, with the view that they can achieve security only by destroying their enemies’ capability and will to wage war."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Terms like “precision weapons” can foster the notion that it’s possible for modern militaries to hit only intended targets. But that’s a fantasy, especially against enemies like Hamas, whose method is to fight and hide among the innocent so that it may be rescued from destruction by the world’s concern for the innocent.

It’s equally a fantasy to imagine that you can supply an ally like Ukraine with just enough weaponry of just the right kind to repel Russia’s attack but not so much as to provoke Russia into escalation. Wars are not porridge; there’s almost never a Goldilocks approach to getting it just right. Either you’re on the way to victory or on the way to defeat.

Right now, the Biden administration is trying to restrain Israel and aid Ukraine while operating under both illusions.

It is asking them to fight their wars in roughly the same way that the United States has fought its own wars in recent decades — with limited means, a limited stomach for what it takes to win and an eye on the possibility of a negotiated settlement.

In the short run, the Biden approach may help relieve humanitarian distress, allay angry constituencies or eliminate the possibility of sharp escalations. In the long run, it’s a recipe for compelling our allies to lose.

A “peace deal” with Moscow that leaves it in possession of vast areas of Ukrainian territory is an invitation for a third invasion once Russia recapitalizes its forces.

A cease-fire with Hamas that leaves the group in control of Gaza means it will inevitably start another war, just as it has five times before. It also vindicates the strategy of using civilian populations as human shields — something Hezbollah will be sure to copy in its next full-scale war with Israel.

The tragedy of America’s recent battle history is that thousands of US soldiers died in wars we lacked the will to win because Biden and other presidents belatedly decided we had better priorities.

That’s a luxury that safe and powerful countries like the United States can afford. Not so for Ukrainians and Israelis. The least we can do for them is understand that they have no choice to fight except in the way we once did — back when we knew what it takes to win."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
May 20, 2024 about
Iranian "President" Ebrahim Raisi
being killed in the helicopter crash that
"Don't like to see anyone die", I'm simply pointing out God's word is true!
"Why it is not good to mess with the Apple of God's eye" just a month ago these two gave the ok to send 30 cruise missiles and 170 drones and 120 ballistic missiles at Israel! Iran president Raisi, and foreign minister Amirabdollahian and their body guards were killed in a helicopter crash from bad weather yesterday! And let us not forget they funded the October attacks on Israel that started the war! Divine intervention?
Humh? Humh? Most likely Iran will still be a nation that funds terrorism."

Anonymous said...

On May 23, 2024 a person in Australia typed online about the Iranian
"President" Raisi being killed in the helicopter crash :

The news of Raisi's death has people worldwide arrogantly voicing opinions they have no right to! How dare they, from their comfortable freedoms, comment on the horror’s others have lived through! Enough with the hypocrisy!

You say the Islamic republic of Iran is good, Raisi is good why? Because they ‘pretend’ to assist Palestine?... No, my friend THEY FEED your children with the BLOOD of ours, don’t forget that. If you condone the killing of innocent children, then you are the devil’s advocate.

How can anyone have the audacity to mourn the death of a dictator while they enjoy the freedoms in Australia which are denied to us in our homeland? You sit in your comfortable Western countries, sipping coffee and debating politics, while we, the REAL refugees, fled the horrors of oppression and genocide. Why don't you go and live in Iran? where our people are treated like second-class citizens, where our language and culture are suppressed?

You've never felt the fear of tanks rolling into your village, the anguish of seeing your loved ones tortured, imprisoned, and killed. And yet you mourn and advocate for a murderous regime and its dictator who would slaughter you and your loved ones without hesitation if you dared to oppose their extremist ideologies! How can you sympathise with oppressors who spills blood to maintain their grip on power?!

How dare you, the ones who falsified immigration visas, using our agonising stories of survival to secure your own comfort, have the audacity to express sympathy for the death of a tyrant like Raisi?! Do you even comprehend the atrocities he sanctioned?! Rape, murder, executions of innocents — these are not just words, they're the nightmares that haunt our existence! It’s time to wake up and educate yourselves on the reality of oppression and tyranny!

The stance is humanity. Keep your ideologies to yourself and refrain from imposing them on others!


Anonymous said...

Yet Another person typed about the Death of
Iranian "President" Raisi

"Good , Go get your 72 virgins in hell. …Never Forget those 444 days ! "

Yet Another person typed
"Good riddance. Join your terrorist brothers in hell"

& Another person typed
"So, the President of Iran, Raisi, has been killed in a helicopter crash in a remote area of Iran. As best as I can find out, there won’t be a lot of people shedding tears over this guy. Apparently, he’s a tyrant and has done awful things to keep his people in check. As a potential nuclear power and a major contributor to terrorists this could be a good thing in terms of world security. That is assuming someone that isn’t an Islamic Jihadist takes his place. Muslims are becoming an adverse political issue worldwide with the open borders policies in many countries. Even in America. I read a story recently that talked about a 9 year old girl who was severely beaten by her own “friends” because she is a non Muslim. The truly galling thing is the school administrators were warned the little girl was in danger and nothing was done to prevent it. This was in Minnesota. What the hell is wrong with adults who do nothing to protect the children they are tasked to oversee and protect? Things are getting worse."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"This is another example of what a weak religion Islam really is, For Islam can’t hold up scrutiny ,so much so that some Muslim resort to violent bloody brutal force to silence the critics of Islam

In other words , slam is based in strong emotion and the religious feelings of the person who believes in it .

Islam is not based on the foundation of logic and reason With Islam there is no point counter point type debate of logical and reasoned based thinking.

Since Islam can’t stand up under careful examination, the tragic and sad results of that is that many Muslim chose to be intentionally ignorant because of the disturbing facts about their religion and therefore will refuse to read or listen to information that proves Islam false .

To many Muslims do sadly and irrationally want to remain in the darkness of Islam and reject the reality of the truth about their religion

Some of them as this article reveals even “snap out” in actions of bloodily violence against the people who speak and right the truth about this religion . That’s both evil and madness combined into one."
A link is given to a article headlined
"Germany: Leftists and Muslims rejoice at stabbing of Islam critic"

The person also typed
"In the classical work of ancient Greek literature, by Plato, entitled THE APOLOGY OF SOCRATES it in written that Socrates had said that “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Likewise, in may also be said that “An unexamined religion is not worth believing in.” This is said about all religions. Yet to be specific, in this case, the topic is about the religion of Islam.

Furthermore, one man who was as a former a Muslim and had lived in one of the Islamic nations of the Middle East but now he is Christian and an American citizen had explained in a book he wrote that “Driving into depths of the word of reasoned thinking and research in Islamic societies has always been costly. Some Muslim who have done this have even been excluded from their social rights and even sentenced to death.” [1]

[1] ISLAM AND THE SON OF GOD by Daniel Shayesteh page 70."

Anonymous said... has an article by
Cookie Schwaeber-Issan on May 20, 2024
"Was Raisi’s death a sovereign act of God?"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Iranian Christians Contemplate God’s Justice after President’s Death in Crash"
MAY 23, 2024

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post ,
has an article headlined
"Divine justice? Rabbis claim helicopter crash is God's punishment for Iran's Raisi"
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: MAY 19, 2024

Again, We at This Blog Proudly Say , Good that the Iranian
"President" Ebrahim Raisi was Killed in the Helicopter Crash 👍😆😂
Thank God that Ugly Asshole is Dead !!
His Death is a Blessing that Brings Glory to God !!
It was hilarious to read about the Death of the Stupid Pig
Ebrahim Raisi in the Helicopter Crash
Good that Raisi is DEAD 😀

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post , has an article headlined
"'Son of Hamas' tells Jerusalem Post conference: Islam is the problem"
By ARIEL BEN SOLOMON Published: MAY 22, 2016

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Getting away with murder, Qatar’s dual role "
By PINI DUNNER Published: NOVEMBER 29, 2023 This article mentions how Qatar is Such a Criminal
Diabolical Arab Regime, it actually used Slaves , Slaves to build their soccer stadium complex in
Doha , can you believe that
Arab Evil & Wickedness

Anonymous said...

The person also typed online today
"This jihadwatch news article is a blatant reminder of that jihadist vehicle murder of a young French woman is a evil and tragic reminder that ISIS had called for and is still is calling for “lone wolf” Islamic terrors attack in France. Even before this recent heinous intentional vehicle jihad murder was that jihadist shooter and murderer in Strasbourg are revealing if the vicious nature of both ISIS and I slam of which the Islamic “state” is built upon. There were also those brutal murderous Islamic terror attacks of Charlie Hebdo and then later th ose jihad ISIS attack in Paris, France, on November 13, 2015 and then that Nice, France jihad murdering jihad attack. Then those vicious and murdering ISIS jihad terror attacks in Paris France on July 14, 2016. Even before those malicious ISIS jihad attacks an ISIS audio recording broadcasted on September 2014 declared “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European especially the spiteful and filthy French …kill him in any manner or way however it may be.” [1]

This alone exposes the vicious and malicious way of thinking of the jihadist who composes ISIS. The result of this wicked mindset where those heinously malice – filled jihad mindset was carried out by those by those Islamic jihadist deadly attacks in Paris and Nice. Furthermore the jihadists of ISIS sure have some gall calling the French “spiteful” since it’s the jihadist ISIS thugs who are so very spiteful that they murder people in many extremely cruel ways. Likewise, the ISIS savages have some gall calling the French “filthy” Since it’s the ISIS jihadist villains who the ones who are so lawless and vile that the kidnap and rape both girls and women.

Therefore, it’s only a matter of time before the people who the citizens of the nation of France experience the horrors of another Islamic terror attack or attacks. In another city of town of France. In other words, it’s not a matter of “if “but of “when.”

[1] THE ISIS CRISIS by Charles Dyer Page 44"
A link is given to a article headlined
"France: Islamic State calls upon Muslims to carry out drone strikes on Paris during Olympics" on June 13, 2024
by Robert Spencer

Anonymous said...

The person also typed online this
June 2024
"That Hamas top dog who said that civilian deaths are a “necessary sacrifices” are necessary to aid Hamas in its war against Israel , exposed his and his Muslim jihadist brothers cruel and heartless Islamic mentally.

That callous ,cruel and unconscionable ideology are committed by the Muslim terrorists chiefs who make up that brutal and deadly jihad entity, Hamas is answer in the following . The jihadists of Hamas are engaging in the Islamic doctrine of “Muruna” which is the dogma of Islam that teaches committing evil for the greater good is a noble part of the jihad for Islam.

This is, in essence, the same type of “philosophy” that the communists had gone by in the twentieth century. That it’s a “good thing “ to commit many evils to obtain a “worker’s paradise.” Likewise, during World War II even the Nazis had this line of thinking.” To express, as in to illustrate this idea, even more, is by using a twenty-first century movie. Near the end of this movie, just before the final defeat of the super-arch –villain General Zod , that super villain said “No matter how brutal and deadly I was I did it for the greater good.” That is the common mindset of many villains including those of Hamas."

Anonymous said...

The person also typed online
"Those Muslim migrants who were allowed to enter the countries of Western Europe which resulted in them not only being ungrateful but even worse yet many of those Muslim migrants becoming so very arrogant to the point that they became criminals . As in some of them engaged in rioting and even rapes of the European girls and women.

In addition to this vile brutal behavior by the heinous Muslim who were kindly permitted to enter the nations of Europe to live, As the countries of ,for example Germany France, Sweden, Denmark etc. This unthankful Islamic spirit on the part of those lawless violent Muslims who immigrated to the countries of Europe may be explain, in part, by the fact that the Muslim fundamentalist group that even had the president of Egypt assassinated in the month of October of the year 1981 has a fifty –five booklet that is was written only for Muslims fundamentalists but was later discover by non-Muslims.

This booklet’s title is THE NEGLECTED DUTY. One scholar, Johannes Jansen who had thoroughly investigated Islam and Islamic terrorism has even discover that those Muslims, who had entered Europe of behaved in violent and heinous ways, are actually action out what they view and a sacred individual duty of the jihad as by engaging in awful violent criminal action in non-Muslim lands . As Jansen revealed that jihad booklet of Islam, THE NEGLECTED DUTY “contains all the ideological material needed to justify the attacks of 9/11 or any other acts of terror committed to frighten non-Muslims. And he thinks the document explains the criminal behavior of suburban and center –city immigrant youngsters in many European cities; its author clearly ‘sees Islam as license to kill rob and commit arson.’ “ [1]

Nevertheless, many of the apologists for Islam still have that blatant gall , in spite of all the facts of reality, to actually make the claim the Islam is a “peaceful religion.” What a totally false to make that Islam is “a peaceful religion “What Bull! A “peaceful religion” indeed.

[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq pages 308, 309."
A link to a article is given headlined
"Video: Robert Spencer with Frank Gaffney on the Islamization of Europe and More"

Anonymous said...

The person also typed
"One of the main goals of many jihad –minded Muslims is the Islamic conquest of the nations of Europe. One of the methods of achieving Muslin object by not necessary by the means of the violent and deadly “militant” jihad but by the subtle, sly, subversive and insidious way of engaging in that which is known as the stealth jihad. This type of jihad for the advancement and control of Islam in the European countries is to infiltrate into, as in gain, access to, the governmental institutions of the nations of Europe.

This is a large and great part of the grand scheme of stealth jihadist agenda to enhance and gain strong and then stronger influence and then supreme control of Islam over the whole continent of Europe. As on scholar on Islam and the Muslim zeal -filled intentions for Islam had revealed that “Of all the continents of the World, Europe is probably the number one target by Muslim strategists who are seeking world dominance…” [1] of course ,this author means “world dominance. , Not for those specific Muslim themselves but “world dominance for Islam.”

Likewise, another scholar r and expert on this subject wrote exposed that “Since the stealth jihad is more advance in Europe then in the United States, the situation there is more dire….Muslims are accomplishing today what they have tried but failed to do for over a millennium : conquer Europe.” [2] Most intelligent people will well understand that “As Europe goes so will in time, go North America.

Further, about this Muslim scheme of the stealth jihad otherwise called the Muslim method of Islamic Gradualism to enact Sharia law in many different countries of Europe is in contrast to the way of the violent jihad or also called the militant jihad .This non-violent form of the jihad for Islam is a very sly, insidious, subtle and deceptive way of working for the advancement of Islam.

This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to opposes you”

In addition, those scheming stealth jihadist /Muslims who attempt to have Sharia law set up in the countries of Europe do also engage in the doctrine of the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya which is very insidious. Taqyyia is the jihad dogma that deception is a good thing to do as long as it’s done for the advancement of Islam. Nevertheless, the God of the Bible “condemns those who devise wicked schemes…” Proverbs 12:11. [N.I.V.] Likewise, Proverbs 12:20 teaches “Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil.”

[1] How Islam Plans to Change the World by Willian Wagner , page 195.
[2] STEALTH JIHAD by Robert Spencer , page 270."

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri himself a
Muslim typed online today :
"𝗛𝗮𝗷𝗷 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗱. 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗛𝗮𝗷𝗷 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲.

In a blatant violation of the customs of #Hajj and #SaudiArabian laws, #Iranian pilgrims chant from #Mecca, “Death to #Israel” and “Down with Israel,” while holding boards that say “Death to the #USA.” "

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online today
"🇵🇸 𝗚𝗮𝘇𝗮 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗲𝘀

There were an estimated 1,200 mosques in the #Gaza Strip.

#Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have destroyed 100s of mosques since Oct. 7.

In fact, majority of these mosques were used as terrorist recruiting centers by #Hamas in Gaza.

These #mosques were divided as zones to control by the Hamas commanders and were called “Zonal Command” which was equivalent to the “Company”.

Each commander has responsibility to recruit and train people from the mosque he controlled.

In the current war, A massive numbers of Hamas #tunnels were also found underneath the mosques.

Hamas terrorists were using these mosques as military bases to attack #IDF forces."

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online today
"In the Ottawa Citizen, a Muslim commentator wrote that Hajj is difficult this year because Muslims are worried about Gazans. She also said that she understands that Jews felt similarly about the October 7 attack.

Well, at least she acknowledged the October 7 attack, which many Muslims and non Muslims refuse to do. But why did she not say that she too is sad about the October 7 attack? Also in her article, nowhere did she demand that Hamas lay down their weapons or release the hostages. She just repeated demands for a "ceasefire", basically parroting the Hamas demand.

The October 7 attack has affected me deeply but not because the victims are Jewish. It's because they are human. If something similar was done to Palestinians, it would have affected me just as deeply. But all Palestinians who were killed or displaced were as a result of Israel defending itself, not attacking defenseless civilians. Standing up for what's right isn't about feeling bad for your own clan and defending whatever they do. It's about making our world better and more fair.

The author missed an opportunity to demonstrate that she cares about having a better world and not just about her clan. I have to assume that this is because that's how she feels."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Where are the Righteous Muslims? And the Righteous Gentiles, for that matter?"
Oct 17, 2023 by Diane Bederman

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"When that hostile and malice filled jihadist chief, Hassan Nasrallah, of Hezbollah said his jihadists will fight “without restraints or limitations” there should be no doubt ,at all , that he means.

We may all be sure that he really means “without restraints or limitations” . As in absolutely no ethics of any kind. Therefore, this leads to the explanation as to how such totally unconscionable, ruthless, vicious actions and murderous are committed by the Muslim terrorists who compose the brutal and deadly jihad entity of Hezbollah is answer in the following . The jihadists of Hezbollah are engaging in the Islamic doctrine of “Muruna” which is the dogma of Islam that teaches committing evil for the greater good is a noble part of the jihad for Islam. This is, in essence, the same type of “philosophy” that the communists had gone by in the twentieth century. That it’s a “good thing “ to commit many evils to obtain a “worker’s paradise.” Likewise, during World War II even the Nazis had this line of thinking.” To express, as in to illustrate this idea, even more, is by using a twenty-first century movie. Near the end of this movie, just before the final defeat of the super-arch –villain General Zod , that super villain said “No matter how brutal and deadly I was I did it for the greater good.” That is the common mindset of many villains including those of Hezbollah."
& Also
"When that secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah declared that his jihadists will fight “without restraints or limitations” there should be no doubt ,at all , that he means it.

For ,indeed, there is and will be no limits to the despicable unconscionably cruel callous evil actions of those savages who are the jihadists of Hezbollah.

The reason why this is so is because Hezbollah is an Islamic terror /murder organization that is based on the Quran ,which Instructs devout jihad minded Muslims to engage in the brutal and bloody violence for the cause of Islam, Sarah 2:191. 4:89. 9:5,123. 47:4.

Such horrendously malicious and death inflecting violence are the result of a hard- core , non- watered down Quran base Islam and not any kind of “hijacked ” or warped” type of Islam as the apologists that that religion ,so often, disingenuously claim."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Muslims keep on wearing their Islamic religious blinders and deliberately refuse to take them off and view things in the world of reality .

Meaning their Islamic religious blinder their denial acknowledge and recognize that there in not real honor in the cruel and murderous action that they so very inappropriately called “honor killing:”

Its cold blooded premeditated murder To call callous vicious and deadly Islamic tradition an ‘honor killing.” is just like scraping the warning label “Danger Deadly Poison ” off a jar of ricin and replacing it with another nice sounding refreshing label that reads “Apple Juice.” Just changing the words doesn’t change the deadly contents in thta jar

That ruthless horrendous savage primitive Islamic custom that’s so unfit-tingly called “honor killing” is really an horrible horrific evil , and that’s exactly what it needs to be called."
with a link to a article headlined
"Germany: Muslim migrants suspected of murdering their 15-year-old daughter, ‘they did not agree with her lifestyle’ "

The person also added
"This is yet another ,tragic, example of the great contrast between Christianity and Islam.

For if Christian father is disappointed if his daughter has taken on a lifestyle;that isn’t Biblical , he will , at best ,pray for her. ,or at the very worst shun her. Yet he wouldn’t harm her ,much less kill, her , because Jesus gave much value to a person having mercy for other person, Matthew 5:7.

It’s the very opposite with Islam . For if a Muslim father is disappointed if his daughter has taken on a lifestyle that he views as un-Islamic he might murder her.

The difference between Christian values because of Jesus, and Muslim “values” because of Islam are very obvious and outstanding."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"European nations face challenges posed by Islamic extremism"
By Peter Baum
June 14, 2024

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online today
“Like the miserable dog without an owner, he [the Jew]
is kicked by one because he crosses [a Muslim’s] path,
and cuffed by another because he cries out—to seek
redress he is afraid, lest it bring worse upon him; he
thinks it better to endure than to live in the expectation
of his complaint being revenged upon him.”

—British Consul in Jerusalem, William T. Young, to Colonel
Patrick Campbell, May 25, 1839"

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri himself a Muslim
Typed online
June 22, 2024
"𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗮𝘇𝗶 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱"

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘮 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘭-𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘧𝘵𝘪 𝘰𝘧 𝘑𝘦𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘮, 𝘏𝘢𝘫 𝘈𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘈𝘭-𝘏𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘪 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘕𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘴.

Document ⬇️

📌 Al-Bana served the Nazis in order to advance the MB's political aspirations, and Al-Husseini served as liaison between them.
📌 From 1940-45, stated the article, Al-Bana operated in Cairo as a spy for the Third Reich while simultaneously maintaining an intelligence relationship with the British authorities.
📌 Al-Bana and Al-Husseini recruited 55,000 fighters from among members of the MB in Egypt and the Arab world to fight as Muslim Nazis in WWII under the command of the Third Reich.
📌 Hassan Al-Bana maintained secret ties with several foreign intelligence apparatuses.
📌 Hassan Al-Banna has bought an apartment in 1940, its balcony was overlooking Abdeen's Palace. from it he worked as a full time spy for the Nazis.

Further read👇🏼 "

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online today
"Terrorist groups like Hamas and their backers, including Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), cannot be allowed to speak for all Muslims or Islam."

The organization Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism (CMAA) used a full-page ad in the Canadian "National Post" newspaper to enforce their support for the Jewish community and condemn the Hamas terror organization and its October 7 attack on Israel, the organization said in a Saturday X, formally known as Twitter, post.

According to its website, CMAA is "a charitable organization comprised of Muslim thinkers, professionals, and activists committed to fighting antisemitism in all its guises."

(The Jerusalem Post)

Nice to see some Muslims speaking up."

Anonymous said...

More Disturbing News about Islam and "Palestinians" has an article on
January 8, 2016 headlined
"Ex-State Dept. Rep. Says Stabbing Jews Is Okay, Compares Them to Animals" by

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"To apologize for speaking the truth for calling ISIS a “terror group is both absurd and weak . For ISIS is a terror group , that’s putting it in a mild way to describe that brutal cruel vicious malicious and murderous jihad entity.

It’s very important to call such an “organization” this thing that it actually is.

If those local Muslims are immature that they can’t handle hearing the truth spoken about ISIS that that should be their problem . That they had become to very “enraged” about a short statement of truth is unreasonable , yet many can’t reason about when it comes to the topic of Islam or Islamic things

Furthermore this is a reflection of the wisdom printed in the periodical POOR RICHARD’S ALMANAC by Benjamin Franklin which reads “There are many reasons to become angry but very few good ones”
A link to a article is given headlined
"New Jersey school district apologizes for enraging Muslims by calling ISIS a terror group"
The person also added
"When it comes down to it the people who make up that New Jersey school district by issuing an apology for speaking the truth of calling ISIS a "terror group” are in “the long run ” only revealing themselves to be weak “by caving in ” in the sight of those those Muslims who had complained.

Therefore , they will grow in their contempt for those who compose school district , maybe they were just being “tested” by those local Muslims and came out from that “test” showing themselves to be very weak."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today in reply to a BS article claiming
Lebanon doesn't want War with
"We must be crystal clear in asserting the following in response to the propaganda campaign described at the link:
The Lebanese government, people and ex-pats are thrilled to have Hezb'allah slaughter, maim and terrorize Jews -- more than 100,000 Jews have been displaced from their homes and their businesses and livelihoods destroyed and their way of life interrupted for 7 months.
These Lebanese just do not want there to be so much spilled Jewish blood and pain that the Jews find it necessary to put a stop to the Lebanon-inflicted spilling of Jewish blood and suffering.
The Lebanese have not raised their voices as their fellow Lebanese have fired more than 1,000 rockets at Israelis -- murdering too many Jews and terrorizing millions.
WE MUST expose this ruse that any Lebanese oppose Hezb'allah for the scam that it is!"

Anonymous said... has an article
Micah Ben David Naziri

"Earthquakes Destroyed Masjid al-Aqsa on the Temple Mount"
MAY 7, 2024

Anonymous said... has yet Another good article headlined
"How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War
Defeating Jihadist Terrorism"
by Raymond Ibrahim
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2010, pp. 3-13

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"War and Peace – and Deceit – in Islam" by Raymond Ibrahim
Feb 12, 2009

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Taqiyya about Taqiyya"
04/12/2014 by Raymond Ibrahim

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"In Defense of Islamic Doctrine: Taqiyya about Taqiyya"
By Raymond Ibrahim, CP Op-Ed Contributor
Friday, April 11, 2014

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"The West fails to understand the enduring roots of antisemitism in Islam"
By MICHAEL J. SALAMON Published: JUNE 18, 2024

Anonymous said...

About Arabs & Islam
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"The Golden Age of American Muslims is starting"
By BARAK SELLA Published: JUNE 30, 2024

Some of this Article is BS
Like the Lie of "Hate Crimes" against Arabs & Muslims in America after 9/11

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"That’s terrible folly by the Arab league to remove Hezbollah from list of terrorist organizations, but what else can be expected out of them since that league is thoroughly Islamic.

Nevertheless, the reality of the truth is that Hezbollah is a brutal cruel vicious murderous jihad entity, For example, that secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah declared that his jihadists will fight “without restraints or limitations” there should be no doubt ,at all , that he means it.

For ,indeed, there is and will be no limits to the despicable unconscionably cruel callous evil actions of those savages who are the jihadists of Hezbollah.

The reason why this is so is because Hezbollah is an Islamic terror /murder organization that is based on the Quran ,which Instructs devout jihad minded Muslims to engage in the brutal and bloody violence for the cause of Islam, Sarah 2:191. 4:89. 9:5,123. 47:4.

Such horrendously malicious and death inflecting violence are the result of a hard- core , non- watered down Quran base Islam and not any kind of “hijacked ” or warped” type of Islam as the apologists that that religion ,so often, disingenuously claim."
A link to a Jerusalem Post article is given headlined
"Why is the Arab League reaching out to Hezbollah?- analysis"
The person also added
"In any future war between the State of Israel and that militant murderous jihad terror entity, Hezbollah in the long run, the jihadists who make up Hezbollah will completely fail in their Islamic goal of destroying Israel and replacing her with an Islamic state.

The reason why this is so is because God loves Israel and will not let her be destroyed. Therefore, Hezbollah is fated to lose in its war against Israel in the end.

In fact, God loves so much that He even views her as His “special treasure.” Psalm 135:4. [N.K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said...

The person typed online yesterday about Islam & Iran that
"It should be and needs to be made known that the hostile vicious and malicious ‘mullah regime” of Iran supports that jihad entity ,Hezbollah, in many sinister and insidious ways . One of which is that is supplies Hezbollah with many deadly weapons so that it will engage in murderous jihad attacks against the peaceful=ul Jewish people who are the citizens of the State of Israel.

All that murderous malice and vicious hate that the Muslim despots of Iran and the jihadists of Hezbollah have for the Jewish people is very evil.

Those spite –filled Hezbollah jihadists didn’t obtain all that anti-Jewish , anti-Israel their own imagination.

For according to Qu ran ,which is the entire foundation of Islam, the Jews are “apes and swine in human form.” Such vicious and malice -filled vicious murderous spite and hate of jihadist Muslims ,as those of Hamas ,Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad for the Jewish people is based upon the foundation of Islam’s “holy book” the Qu ‘ran.

The roots of this awful Muslim murderous hostility towards the Jewish people is the result of a firm but blind and unquestioning Muslim faith in the Qu ‘ran. Which instructs in violence and killing for the cause of Islam. As found in, for example, 4: 89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4.

In other words the Qu ‘ran inspires and causes such hideous violence. Furthermore, another role the Koran has in such deadly Islamic terror attacks in the Jewish nation of Israel is that the Koran contains many negative about the Jewish people.

The reason that the Qu ‘ran reads as it does have much to do with the history of the founder and prophet of Islam, who is Muhammad. This is for a specific time period of his life Muhammad lived among many Jewish people and he liked them at first.

Later then they would not accept his claim of being of prophet, Muhammad then took is dislike to them that then turned into bitterness and even hate for them. So in the hate and bitterness he spoke many derogatory things about the as even referring to them as “apes and swine.” Such word of bitterness and hate, along with other thing he said, where written down on things and then later after his death those words were together and then eventually, in time went in the composition of the Qu ‘ran.

Therefore, that why the Koran reads and in does about the Jewish people, as in calling them descendants of “apes and swine.” As seen in the Qu ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60.

Furthermore, as a Christian I can keyboard that there is a chance the Muhammad actually might had been a prophet but the important thing to understand is that Muhammad was NOT a prophet send by God. Instead, Muhammad was a deceptive, lying false prophet send by Satan to lead many people astray and even and straight into hell. Jesus, in fact, had predicted and warned of the coming of such men as Muhammad. For Jesus taught “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15. In addition, the Bible further warns that “many false prophets have gone out into the world.” First John 4:1. [N.K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said...

The person also added that
"That “mullah regime” of Iran is indeed, very guilty of originating that bloodthirsty and death inflecting jihad entity Hezbollah. Likewise, Iran continues to supply Hezbollah with many deadly weapons.

Therefore, Senator Lindsey Graham is very justified and 100% right when he said that “Iran must be held liable for any major Hezbollah attacks on Israel.”

In addition to the information that hostile and vicious Islamic regime of Iran even supplies deadly weapons to that horrifically evil and horrendously vicious and murderous jihad entity ,Hezbollah.

It also should be made known that if the founder of the current Islamic tyranny ,Ayatollah Khomeini would still be alive today ,he would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.”

For as Ayatollah Khomeini had clearly announced that “Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war….There are hundreds psalms and hadiths urging of Muslims to value war and to fight. …I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.” [1] So if he was alive today who would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.” [1]

There are also many places in the Qu ‘ran that instruct in violence and killing for the cause of Islam.

As found in ,for example Surah 2:191. 4:89.. 5:33. 9:5, 111,112 ,123. 47:4.

Those jihadists operatives of that Islamic regime of Iran in the different Western countries will not lose interest in their insidious dangerous strategic scheming and actions against the State of Israel.

[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 339."

Anonymous said...

Pamela Geller typed online today
"NYC: Consul General Akunis Warns of ‘Radical Muslim Occupation’, ‘Wake Up Before It’s Too Late’

It’s not ‘radical’, it’s Islam. “There is no moderate Islam, there is no extreme Islam, Islam is Islam.” President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online this
July 2024 :

"About the “Palestine flag “ it’s a fake flag . The reason why this is so is because “Palestine” is a fabricated fiction and a Muslim fantasy. In contrast, Israel is an historic and Bible based reality , Psalm 135:4. The “Palestine’s” are Arabs. Likewise, the “Palestine flag” is a bogus flag.

As for getting the question posed in title of this article, which is “ How can the Heathrow Arab-language staff wear flags of Palestine while on duty ? “ In other words. “How come the Arab/Muslims at Heathrow airport be allowed to wear ‘Palestine “ pin flags while on duty ?”

The answer to that question is because that is permitted as the result of the creeping insidious Muslim movement in the United Kingdom which is known as the “Stealth jihad.” The technique is practiced by Muslims who are also stealth jihadists to infiltrate the UK as well as other Western countries using lies and deception, Taqiyya, for the advancement of Islam with its Sharia.

This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads, “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.”
The article the person referred to is from
The person also typed
"The reason why the Muslims who work at Heathrow airport are allowed to wear their biased flag pins while on duty is because there are many Muslims in England who committed to and are actively engaging the Islamic goal of stealth jihad for the advancement of Islam with its Sharia in the United Kingdom as well as in other Western countries is the means that known and called the “Stealth jihad.” By this technique the Muslims who are the stealth jihadists are able to infiltrate the different nations of the West and gradually “ ,inch by inch” and likewise “step by step.” Further, archive progression for their Islamic agenda for Western nations.

To this end the stealth jihadists will and do use the Islamic of Taqiyya, which the modus operandi of speaks and printing lies that are very deceptive.

As explained in a more detail by a former Muslim and Hezbollah member who now a Christian .In his book he reveals” Lying , treachery and deception became Islam’s key tactics in conquering others. Those tactics are gathered in a doctrinal statement called “Taqiyya” which is one of the most effective arms for the spread of Islam. It means “Holy Deception” which means the use of every lie you can in order to spread Islam or to win the war against the enemy.” [1]

]1] Islam and the Son of God by Daniel Shayesteh , page 41."

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online today
"Apparently the new Iranian president is a reformist.

Ok, now that you stopped laughing, I think you're right to laugh. Saying that anyone approved by the Iranian regime is a moderate or a reformist is like saying that someone is a little pregnant. It just isn't an option. Only candidates approved by the regime were allowed to run, and they can remove him anytime they wish to do so. The idea that the new president is a reformist is undoubtedly a PR ploy by the regime to fool Western regimes into lowering their guards. I hope it won't work, but I'm afraid it will."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Jihad Threat: Inside Sheikh Abu Usama At-Thahabi's Florida Mosque, Indoctrinating Muslims Against Jews, Gays, Christians, and More (Video)" by
Amy Mek July 5, 2024

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online today
"7/7 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻 𝗨𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗴"

19 years ago (on todays date), London underground was blasted with suicide bombings carried out by British Islamists inspired by worldwide Political Islamist ideology.

🇬🇧 They killed innocent people in the name of Islam
🇬🇧 They murdered people from every walk of life to instil fear of Islamism.
🇬🇧 They took lives of the people from every religion to try to impose Islamist Sharia in the UK.
🇬🇧 They changed the lives of 52 families of the 7/7 bombing completely in order to raise a flag of Jihad against the West.
🇬🇧 They had started non-ending war against the western civilisation.

🏴‍☠️ Islamism is still there where it was 19 years ago, Political Islamist ideology still exists in the same way as it was on the day of 9/11, Jihadization still challenges the western democratic systems in different domains (in the name of Palestine, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamophobia, etc).

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘸𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘐𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦.

🌹 𝙒𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 7/7 𝙄𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
The conclusion is that the Arabs feel bad...
They feel bad in Gaza.
They feel bad in the West Bank.
They feel bad in Libya.
They feel bad in Algiers.
They feel bad in Tunisia.
They feel bad in Yemen.
They feel bad in Iraq.
They feel bad in Afghanistan.
They feel bad in Pakistan.
They feel bad in Syria.
They feel bad in Lebanon.
They feel bad in Sudan.
They feel bad in Jordan.
They feel bad in Iran.
They feel bad in Chechnya.

And where do the Arabs feel fine...?

They feel good in England.
They feel good in France.
They feel good in Italy.
They feel good in Germany.
They feel good in Sweden.
They feel good in Holland.
They feel good in Belgium.
They feel good in Norway.
They feel good in the USA

The only problem is they want to convert these countries to Islam."

Anonymous said...

Cheryl E 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🎗️ typed on X, formerly Twitter
"Dear Europe,

After some consideration, many of us in Israel believe we have found the perfect t solution that will bring ever-lasting peace to the region, and immediately resolve the two state solution you all desperately wish to force on us. The Palestinian people will be able to finally enjoy a life in a state of their own with equal rights and the most beautiful opportunity for their futures

The proposal is as such:

All Jews across all of Europe will move to Israel in exchange for all Palestinians who will move to Europe. It will remove antisemitism from within the European Union, and simultaneously the Palestinians can live freely off your social benefits handouts and blowup all the buses and restaurants and hotels and embassies they like to their hearts content.

The Middle East will be at peace, Palestinians will have their state, and Hezbollah can fire their rockets at you instead of us each time you deny their Palestinian brothers and sisters whatever they want.

If you truly care for these people, and Palestinians are so important that your own elections put them miles ahead of your own people, then give it some thought. It’s a win-win. Show the world how Europe are leaders at embracing and accepting people of all faiths and ideologies… even those that want only to rape and murder you. We’re sure they don’t mean it. They are the “religion of peace” after all."
2:55 PM · July 7, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"During this video discussion both Robert Spencer and David Wood mentioned that imam in Lafayette Louisiana,, who hates the Jewish people with a vicious passion prayed to Allah that he would ” Annihilate the Jews and the Ch” That imam stopped there before finishing his prayer because he remembered than, that he was being recorded.

That was too late because it was very obvious that his full prayer to his god, Allah that he wound “Annihilate the Jews and then the Christians.”

As the Arab scholar, on Islam , Brigitte Gabriel, who used to live in the Middle Eastern nation of Lebanon in her book entitled BECAUSE THEY HATE revealed that many Muslims who are also jihadists have a saying which is “First comes Saturday and then comes Sunday” which means to them “First kill all the Jews and then kill all the Christians”

This Islamic saying is a reflection of the prayer of that imam in Louisiana."
A link to a article is given headlined
"Video: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Toronto Dyke March Edition)"
The person also added
"That imam who, lives in Lafayette, Louisiana, prayed “Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews…. Oh Allah count them kill them.”

That imam doesn’t have all that vicious spite and deadly hate filled malice for the Jewish people because he obtained that horrendous anti-Jewish hate-full mindset from his own imagination.

For according to Qu ran ,which is the entire foundation of Islam, the Jews are “apes and swine in human form.” Such vicious and malice -filled vicious murderous spite and hate of jihadist Muslims ,as those of Hamas ,Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad for the Jewish people is based upon the foundation of Islam’s “holy book” the Qu ‘ran.

The roots of this awful Muslim murderous hostility towards the Jewish people is the result of a firm but blind and unquestioning Muslim faith in the Qu ‘ran. Which instructs in violence and killing for the cause of Islam. As found in, for example, 4: 89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4.

In other words the Qu ‘ran inspires and causes such hideous violence. Furthermore, another role the Koran has in such deadly Islamic terror attacks in the Jewish nation of Israel is that the Koran contains many negative about the Jewish people.

The reason that the Qu ‘ran reads as it does have much to do with the history of the founder and prophet of Islam, who is Muhammad. This is for a specific time period of his life Muhammad lived among many Jewish people and he liked them at first.

Later then they would not accept his claim of being of prophet, Muhammad then took is dislike to them that then turned into bitterness and even hate for them. So in the hate and bitterness he spoke many derogatory things about the as even referring to them as “apes and swine.” Such word of bitterness and hate, along with other thing he said, where written down on things and then later after his death those words were together and then eventually, in time went in the composition of the Qu ‘ran.

Therefore, that why the Koran reads and in does about the Jewish people, as in calling them descendants of “apes and swine.” As seen in the Qu ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60.

Furthermore, as a Christian I can keyboard that there is a chance the Muhammad actually might had been a prophet but the important thing to understand is that Muhammad was NOT a prophet send by God. Instead, Muhammad was a deceptive, lying false prophet send by Satan to lead many people astray and even and straight into hell. Jesus, in fact, had predicted and warned of the coming of such men as Muhammad. For Jesus taught “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15. In addition, the Bible further warns that “many false prophets have gone out into the world.” First John 4:1. [N.K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said...

The Iranian navy frigate Sahand capsized during repairs in the southern port of Bandar Abbas, Iranian state media reported on Sunday 😆😆😆

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Joe Biden was again speaking balderdash when is said “Jill and I wish a Happy Islamic New Year to all families who celebrate. May the arrival of the 1446 Hijri New Year bring you love, peace, and prosperity.”

That’s another Biden lie when he spoke of the Islamic new year that included the words “love and “peace.”

Related to Biden’s use of the word “peace” in regards to Islam. For it should be kept in mind that it’s a good idea not to take at face value the claim that the word Islam means “peace.” For example, the ENCARTA WORLD ENGLISH DICTIONARY copyright 1999 defines Islam as “submission” based on the word “aslama” meaning “he surrendered.” Given the definition it’s an odd phenomenon that after about fourteen hundred years starting on September 12, 2001 the meaning changed from “submission” to “peace.” It’s very well known that if the police are questioning someone and he changes his story something is wrong. Nevertheless, when it comes to Islam no one gets suspicious of the change. The jihadists brag that they will win the war against the West by using the Western ignorance and naive gullible mindset on the subject of Islam against us. It seems that they do have some basis in that claim since so many Westerners are beguiled by the Muslim disinformation campaign.

For the terrible reality is that Islam is a religion of brutal blood vicious violence, As the Quran instructs devout Muslims in Surah 2:191. 9 :5. 123,"
A link is given to a article headlined
"With 161 Dead, Biden Welcomes Islamic New Year of ‘Peace’ "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today "That imam of Chicago’s Darul Quran mosque is committing child abuse to the extreme. That despicable imam is brainwashing children in in his hope of them ,in the future becoming stooges and tools for Islam’s jihad demonically wicked.

Furthermore, to use children as brainwashed Muslim soldiers in the jihad for is totally unconscionable. Those Muslim clerics, as the mullahs, with their Islamic lies and lines to must have kept telling them are completely despicable. Such Koranic lies and lies the say are “We will honor you” and “You will go to paradise” and “We are doing this for Allah.”

That’s some very strange kind of “We.” For the reader might, very well, notice that the imams never, ever, strap bombs vests on themselves and then go out and commit the suicide bombing. All those heinous mullahs do is brainwash other people into actually wanting be becomes mind programmed human bombs. Then they manipulative those people to go out and engages in murderous jihad attacks. In other words they create the delusional and dangerous mindset in other to such a demonic extent. Then all the while those suicide/homicide bombings are going on those same Muslims clerics, who mind program those people in the first place ,site home safe.

This alone shows the real deplorable character of those Muslims clerics . . In addition to all this, there are some good decent people who would be shocked by all this and then stop and wonder and ask “Just how can the Muslim clerics be to very heartless, unfeeling and heinous as the brainwash young and in such deadly ways ,as that ?”

The answer to that question is found in the Bible. For the Bible teaches the there are some men who are so hideously cruel, callous and dangerous because that have had “their own conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [N.K.J.V.] The “hot iron.” in this case is Islam."
A link to a article is given headlined
"Chicago: Imam tells children that their number one goal should be to die as a Muslim and go to paradise"
The person also added
"Those despicable and deceitful Muslim clerics ,as that imam who lives in Chicago who indoctrinate, brainwash, impressionable youth into the awful way of thinking that fighting and dying in the jihad for the cause of Islam is a “grand and “thing and wonderful” thing to do are beguiling as they are also evil.

The Bible informs its reader “the counsel of the wicked is deceitful “ Proverbs 13:5. [N.K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said...

The person also typed regarding
Sweden considering introducing
Islamic Blasphemy Laws and banning Quran burning
"To stop and think about it, the burning the Qur ‘an is a very stupid thing to do. By contrast ,an intelligent way to handle that religious book of Islam and all the deadly violence that it inspires to to study and examine that specific religious book of Islam and then expose the errors and contradictions that it contains.

This has actually already been done, For example, on pages 145 through 157 in THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey in which he wrote a section on the Qu‘ran with its self-contradictions. Just two of the many he cited are the following “The Qu’ran differs on whether a day is a thousand years or fifty thousand years in God’s sight’ and “Who was first to believe? Abraham or Moses [Sura 6:14 versus 7:143]? The above is inconsistent and illogical. Further, Morey wrote about “The fact that Judaism and Christianity broke up into different sects was used in the Qu ‘ran to prove that they are not of God [Suras 30:20-32. 42:13, 14]. Yet Islam has broken up into many warring sects and therefore cannot be true if the Quran is right.”

Moreover, Morey in his book shows many more contradictions and absurdities in the Quran, there are and how Muhammad incorporated extra Biblical and Jewish folklore along with pre-Islamic Arabian myth and parts of Zoroastrian and Hindu stories into the Quran.

Furthermore, the Muslims claim that “the Quran is the direct, literal word of God unmodified in any way by the Prophet who uttered them at the bidding of God.” In addition , in the book UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Eethi Caner has shown that the Quran was modified in the following account on pages 45. “Muhammad felt the need to improve on the words of Allah, since he changed Allah’s wisdom for his own on several occasions. A hadith tells of the nonchalant emendations of Muhammad:’ On a number of occasions he [a scribe] had, with the Prophet’s consent changed the closing words of verses. For example, when the prophet had said ‘God is mighty and wise ‘ Adbollah b. Abi Sarh suggested writing down ‘Knowing and wise’ and the Prophet answered that there was no objection. Having observed a succession of changes of this type, Adbollah renounced Islam on the grounds that revelations, if from God could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as himself. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites.’ Other writers reveal that later Muhammad and his people did go war with the Qorayshites and he personally killed Abdollah. Obviously Abdollah knew too much and Muhammad wanted Abdollah’s knowledge to die with him.”

In conclusion, the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction, it’s also a hoax.

Even though the above essay was posted before, it should now be added that the last statement of the above that “the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction, it’s also a hoax.” To put this in a Biblical way. As in from the Bible, it may be truly explained that the Qu ‘ran is a deceptive work of “the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 14:12.. [N.I.V.]"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Why Oct. 7 Is An Attack Against The Collective West – Oct. 7 Was Part II Of 9/11"
Anna Mahjar-Barducci
July 5, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
June 2024
"I believe Gaza is more evil than Nazi Germany ever was. And they've proven me right.

Just say you hate Jews and that you’re a racist who thinks Arabs aren’t as capable of being compassionate humans as white people.

There was no resistance, there was no hiding Jews to smuggle them back to Israel or to keep them safe until they could hand them over to Israeli forces, because the number of Gazans who would do such a thing are next to nonexistent.

Because Gazans are more Nazi-fied than Nazi Europe.

Saying that all these people wanted a two state solution and hated Hamas before the war - they didn’t hate Hamas THAT much, and they didn’t care about Jews at all. If they did, October 7th wouldn’t have been almost universally celebrated. The attempt to paint it as “well, we don’t know how many people really were happy about it” is a farce.

Streets were flooded with revelers all over Gaza. I’m not going to pretend I didn’t see the footage. It wasn’t a few people. It was literally almost everybody. The trucks that held Israeli hostages and dead bodies could barely get through the sea of Gazans, many of whom did what they could to get their own spitting and punching in of the broken half-naked bodies of Israelis in civilian clothes.

I’m not going to pretend I didn’t see tweet after tweet from Gazans calling it the greatest day of their lives.

I’m not gonna pretend that supposedly non-Hamas “journalists” and poets and teachers didn’t take to social media to celebrate, let alone participate in the hostage-taking and the atrocities.

I’m not gonna pretend that a revered Gazan poet who was later killed in an airstrike that he refused to evacuate for didn’t make jokes about the burnt babies of October 7th.

To act like even 10% of Gazans were horrified by the news on October 7th is to live in a fantasy world. To act like Gazans would have freed hostages if they could is to reject reality.

They all had a choice. But almost no one cared."
The person in June 2024 was making the point that
Even in Nazi Occupied Europe there were decent Righteous Gentiles who Risked and Sacrificed their lives to save Jews from the Nazis
There has Not been a Single Righteous Decent Arab in Gaza who tried to Help Jews or
Israeli Hostages, Not even one
Not even one

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"There is a movement that is known as the “Stealth jihad.” The technique is practiced by Muslims who are also stealth jihadists to infiltrate the United Kingdom as well as other Western countries using lies and deception, Taqiyya, for the advancement of Islam with its Sharia.

This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads, “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.”
A link to a article is given headlined
"UK columnist: ‘Islamist intimidation is poisoning our politics’ "

The person also added
"There are many Muslims in England who committed to and are actively engaging the Islamic goal of stealth jihad for the advancement of Islam with its Sharia in the United Kingdom as well as in other Western countries is the means that known and called the “Stealth jihad.” By this technique the Muslims who are the stealth jihadists are able to infiltrate the different nations of the West and gradually “ ,inch by inch” and likewise “step by step.” Further, archive progression for their Islamic agenda for Western nations.

To this end the stealth jihadists will and do use the Islamic of Taqiyya, which the modus operandi of speaks and printing lies that are very deceptive.

As explained in a more detail by a former Muslim and Hezbollah member who now a Christian .In his book he reveals” Lying , treachery and deception became Islam’s key tactics in conquering others. Those tactics are gathered in a doctrinal statement called “Taqiyya” which is one of the most effective arms for the spread of Islam. It means “Holy Deception” which means the use of every lie you can in order to spread Islam or to win the war against the enemy.” [1]

]1] Islam and the Son of God by Daniel Shayesteh , page 41."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Palestinian Arabs: Turning the Biblical Heartland into a Hotbed of Hatred"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"There are many Muslims who strongly dislike Christians. Some Muslims even hate Christians so much that they even become violence against them and burn their Bibles. One reason for this is that in the mosques and madrasas the Muslim clerics, as the imams who speak many awful and unproven terrible things against Christians and Christian doctrine. So much so the many Muslims get all worked up against Christians and Christian teachings and some those Muslims commit violent actions against Christians. Such false religious teachers, as those Muslim clerics, who speak to people unfounded and invalid evil things about Christians and Christian doctrines have been described in the Bible. For the Bible informs the reader in Second Peter 2:12. “They speak evil of things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption.” [N.K.J.V.]

It also should be make clear that in this specific above Bible verse, as well as in John 3:16. The word “Perish” does not mean loss of being but loss of well-being. As in going to ruin by ending up in languishing in torment in a terrible place of suffering that the Bible calls hell. Luke 16:19-31."
a link to a article is given headlined
"Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Christians face ‘devastating’ persecution under blasphemy laws"
The person also typed
"Any forced “profession of faith” in Islam reveals that there has to be something wrong with a religion that, even in modern times, requires that its followers use savage murderous violence of brutal force against people who are of another faith, In case Christians.

The violent and deadly might is used to oppose Christian’s does reveal that the religion of Islam doesn’t have an rational any sound Bible based reasons to uphold it. Likewise, such cruel malicious violence engaged in by jihad-minded Muslims further shows that a firm belief in Islam isn’t based on reason or logic but instead malice-filled emotions and murderous feelings of hate.

The bloody violent and deadly essence of Islam against Christians, and people of other religions as Judaism. Is seen in the instructions found in the Qu ran. For example in Surah 9:123 it reads “O you who believe ! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you…”

Likewise in Surah 47; 4 instructs “When you encounter the disbelieves strike off their heads until you make a great slaughter among them…”

In addition. it’s a good idea not to take at face value the claim that the word Islam means “peace.” For example, the ENCARTA WORLD ENGLISH DICTIONARY copyright 1999 defines Islam as “submission” based on the word “aslama” meaning “he surrendered.” Given that long time definition, it’s very odd to so very fast after 9/11 the meaning of the word Islam was changed from “submission” to “peace.”

It’s very well known that if the police are questioning someone and he changes his story something is wrong. Nevertheless, when it comes to Islam no one gets suspicious of the change. The jihadists brag that they will win the war against the West by using the Western ignorance and naive gullible mindset on the subject of Islam against us. It seems that they do have some basis in that claim since so many Westerners are beguiled by the Muslim disinformation campaign."

Anonymous said... has an article by
Peter Baum headlined
"Black non-Muslim Africans face atrocities"
June 29, 2024

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"Kamala Harris is now demanding we abolish the term "radical Islamic terror."
I guess any expert using that expression, specifically and with evidence, will be guilty of the crime of Islamophobia which is the Harris shield to defect legitimate complaints about the development and growth of radical Islamic terror as a dangerous phenomenon that is not only rampant in the Middle East (with Israel as its main target), but also alive and killing in Africa, and is stretching its roots within Western societies.
I can list dozens of examples of radical Islamic terror in action in Europe, South America, and absolutely within the United States.
You decide whether she intends to impose her rule through ignorance, or with deliberate malice and intent.

Barry Shaw,
Israel Institute for Strategic Studies."

Barry Shaw gave a link to a article headlined
"Kamala: 'Abolish the term Radical Islamic terror'

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Victory of Fantasy"
July 31, 2024 By Robert Spencer
Good Article

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"If you think it’s just about Israel, or American foreign policy, why are Islamists going on a raping murderous rampage against non-Muslims (and Muslims!) in Sudan, Bangladesh, and elsewhere? Those places have nothing to do with us.

Wake up. Your suicidal empathy and anti-western self-flagellation is not shared by our enemies. It is not a strength. It will be our undoing."
And also stated
"Two ISIS-Linked Terrorists were just arrested for plotting a terror attack at the Taylor Swift concert in Vienna , so here's your reminder that Islamists hate America and Swift is a Symbol of American culture"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Oct. 7: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What Made It Horribly Inevitable"
Robert Spencer August 06, 2024

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online today
"🏴‍☠️ The #MuslimBrotherhood (MB - Ikhwan) is the mother organisation of the all Islamist movements in the 21st century.

It’s a security threat to the western democracies and a growing danger for the rest of the world.

It has successfully penetrated into the global political system and changed the world democratic culture into the Islamist culture by inducing extremist ideology in western educational institutions.

🇺🇸 According to the FBI’s declassified:

“..𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙄𝙆𝙃𝙒𝘼𝙉 (𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙙) 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙨 𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤𝙣-𝙄𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙘 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙.”

⚠️ They can never be integrated into the western society even they born and grow up in the western world.

The MB believes:

"𝙐𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨. 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙮."

🇺🇸 One of their goals is to control all institutions in the US in order to impose the worldwide Islamist Order.

This is how they work hard to achieve their goals:

“𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙𝙨: 𝙉𝙤 𝙙𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙩 𝘼𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙𝙬𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙𝙨 - 𝘼𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙣-𝙋𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨.”

⛔️ To impose ban on MB, seize their assets/properties and investigate their financial sources is the only way to secure the democratic political system of the western world."

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online today
"Just a few the numerous statements from Winston Churchill on Islam

“A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apa­thy.”

“But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness.”

“The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed.”

“The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.”

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum himself a Muslim typed online today

An Islamic society where Christianity exists in secret
Afghanistan is a tribal society, and loyalty to one’s family, clan and tribe are extremely important. As an Islamic society, it is illegal for an Afghani person to leave Islam. The country is increasingly challenged by Islamic militants, the Taliban controls or contests more and more areas, and an ISIS-affiliated group also targets minorities. Those who decide to follow Jesus do so in secret.

How Christians are suffering
Those who are discovered to be Christians may be sent to a mental hospital—because their families believe no sane person would leave Islam. They may also be beaten or even killed by family members, or members of Islamic extremist groups like the Taliban. Violence against Christians remains very high, but the measures taken against converts depends on the family. One Christian in Afghanistan says, “How we survive daily, only God knows. He knows because He has been kind to dwell with us. But we are tired of all the death around us.”

There are reports that several Christians have been killed in the World Watch List 2020 reporting period, but for security reasons, no details can be published.

Any visible acts of Christian worship are dangerous. As all religious ‘changes’ are noticed and reported, this often means that converts have to relocate; neighborhood pressure and the influence of the Taliban and ISIS is strong. If someone is found even exploring any faith other than Islam (and especially if they are suspected of having converted), the penalty can be death. Christians will be employed as long as it is believed they are Afghan Muslims. If it is discovered that they are even exploring Christianity (e.g. via websites in the internet), immediate action is taken to re-indoctrinate them until they and (any group involved) comply. This can mean torture.

Population statistic: Johnson T M and Zurlo G A, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, accessed April 2019).
Number of Christians statistic is an Open Doors estimate."

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online today
"In the UK, you have white nationalists who fear that Muslims are taking over and the people responsible for that happening are….the Jews. You also have lefties who think that all of Labour and Muslims are under attack by…..the Jews. Lastly, you have Muslims who are rioting and threatening jihad because there are all sorts of things happening in England that they don’t like, and the group who is responsible that they ultimately want to genocide is….the Jews.

If you are visibly Jewish, you might get a “Heil Hitler” salute from a white nationalist, a Black progressive, or an Arab or South Asian Muslim.

Do I hate everybody? No.

Should I? Probably. 🙄"

Anonymous said...

About how Muslims are taught to Hate Jews has an article headlined
"We Were Taught to Hate Jews"
By Madeleine Rowley
December 16, 2023

Anonymous said...

Another Example of Arab & Islamic Evil & Wickedness
Did anyone hear how
Iraq Proposes a Law To Reduce Legal Age Of Marriage For Girls To 9 , to Nine , that’s Sick

Anonymous said...

A person typed online this
July 2024
"By Diane Bederman:

“The Muslim attitude towards Blacks

Then you have BLM standing with [the Arabs]. I doubt black people have any idea what Islam thinks of them. Blacks in Africa SOLD their own children to Muslim slave traders. They have a word for black people and it isn’t pretty.

The Arab/Muslim slave trade of Blacks in Southeast Africa predates the European transatlantic slave trade by 700 years as Islam spread into eastern Africa in the seventh century. Muslims were selling goods to the African kingdoms and the African kingdoms were paying with their own people. In most instances, no violence was necessary to obtain those slaves.

It’s estimated that between 650 CE and 1900, 10 to 20 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders. Others suggest more than 20 million enslaved Africans had been delivered through the trans-Sahara route into the Islamic world. At the beginning of 10th century the calipha in Baghdad had 7,000 black eunuchs and 4,000 white eunuchs in his palace.

As casual association with Black skin and slave began to be established, racist attitudes towards Blacks began to manifest in Arabic language and literature. The word for slave – Abid – became a colloquialism for African. Other words such as Haratin express social inferiority of Africans.

To the Arab Muslims, African, black skin, and slave came to mean the same thing. The symbolism is astounding. And in Islam a slave is a dhimmi, if that. Freedom was not guaranteed even if an African chose to convert to Islam, his children now born to a Muslim were still not guaranteed freedom. There was and is no escape from that dhimmitude.

Today, Arab Muslims belittle black people.

“Yet year after year, racist mockery and derogatory language against Afro/black Arabs and black African migrants make it to the TV screens of millions of Arab families gathered to enjoy TV series produced especially for Ramadan.” Think about. The holiest month in the Muslim calendar and black people are stigmatized and dehumanized.

But you stand with the people who belittle you. Why?”

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online today
"🇺🇸 “𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗡𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗦 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 1980𝘀”

Two #Hamas members were arrested on 19 August 2004 for allegedly participating in a fifteen-year racketeering conspiracy.

Muhammad Hamid Khalil Salah of #Chicago and Abdul Haleem Hasan Abdul Raziq Ashqar of #Washington, DC were accused of illegally financing terrorist activities. In addition, an arrest warrant was issued for a third Hamas member, Moussa Mohammed Abu Marzouk, a former #US citizen living in #Damascus, who was described as a fugitive from justice. (He was assassinated by #Mosaad )

This was the first time Hamas had been identified as a criminal enterprise, citing activities in the US which included:

❌ Conspiracy to commit first degree murder
❌ Conspiracy to kill, kidnap
❌ Injure persons in a foreign country
❌ Money laundering
❌ Obstruction of justice
❌ Providing material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations
❌ Hostage taking
❌ Forgery or false use of a passport, structuring financial transactions
❌ Travel in aid of racketeering.
❌ Raising Charity funds for terrorist activities"
& Noor Dahri also typed
"The only obstacle in establishing the worldwide Islamic #Caliphate is Israel. There is no challenge for growing threat of #Islamism in the world except #Zionism.

#Islamist World Order can’t achieve its goals without eliminating the #Jewish state of Israel which can’t be possible because if #Israel is defeated, the One World Order (modern civilisation) will be destroyed in the hands of #Islamists.

Every single person from every walk of life and faith should fight the war (in their own way) to save the #civilisation for their future generations."

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online today
"“𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗡𝗼𝗻-𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗺𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗜𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗺”

🇧🇩 🇵🇰 In South Asia, you massacred Hindus
🇳🇬 🇸🇴 In Africa, you massacred Christians
🇮🇱 In Israel, you massacred Jews
🇪🇺🇬🇧In the West, you massacred Humanists

If you can’t find non-Muslims:

🇸🇾🇮🇶 In the Middle East, you massacred your own Muslims

☪️ Everything, you did in the name of Islam.

🏴‍☠️ What kind of barbaric blood thirsty ideology do you Islamists follow?"
"🚨🇱🇧🇸🇾BREAKING: EARTHQUAKE ROCKS THE MIDDLE EAST (It’s a Tisha B’av night in #Israel).

Estimated magnitude 5.0 earthquake
Affected countries: #Turkiye, #Lebanon, and #Syria.

1 miles from Zaghreen, Syria."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Palestinianism and the Red-Green Alliance: Similarities in the Ideology and Practice of Marxists and Islamists"
Tirza Shorr, July 2, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"The Taliban have banned women from the university because the Islam is a religion of oppressive misogyny and their regime in Afghanistan is based on Islam with its Sharia.

The Taliban want the women trapped in Afghanistan to under the darkness tyranny and oppression of Sharia. Therefore, they ban them from receiving an education.

As Thomas Jefferson had, so wisely, declared “Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”
with a link to a article headlined
"Afghanistan: Taliban kills female YouTuber, then invents a story to cover up the murder"
Aug 21, 2024 By Robert Spencer

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Yes, certainly, the editor of the Jerusalem Post is absolutely right when he wrote that if Kamala Harris would become the next US President that “Would be a disaster for Israel and for the Jewish people.”

For example, the supreme Ayatollah of Iran ,Khamenei as well as the other Muslim clerics as the ayatollahs and mullahs along with the Muslim members of the Iranian parliament n do naturally favor having Kamala Harris in the Office of the President of the United States. This is because she would continue the policy of appeasement of Joe Biden of giving those despots of Iran everything they demand.

For Kamala Harris ,along with her many of her comrades of the Red /Green alliance that she would fill her administration with would gladly grant that anti America and anti-Israel Islamic regime all provisions that those tyrants clamor for. As the Jewish and Israel hating Islamic tyranny would then use the financial support given to it by Kamala Harris and use that money to obtain many deadly weapons to the it’s proxy jihad murder machine entities and Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad so that that those jihad groups would launch in many murderous Islamic terrorist attacks against the peaceful citizens of the State of Israel.

In addition , that “mullah regime” of Iran would also use that money to send its jihadist operatives through the porous US /Mexican borders ,created by the Biden/Harris team , to engage in future 9/11 murderous jihad affronts across the US.

So, indeed, those hostile and vicious Islamic dictators of Iran will do everything that they are able to do to ensure the Kamala Harris will be the next President of the United States."
& also typed
"That those tyrants in power in Iran want Kamala Harris to become the next US President should be of no surprise to any well informed person. The reason why this is so is because those in power in that Islamic tyranny of Iran will do everything they are able to interfere in the process on the 2024 national election in order to have that Jewish hating pro-Islamic radical far -left, wing Marxist Kamala Harris ,who is part of the Reed/Green alliance, in the White House as President.

For if those Muslim dictators of Iran would have Kamala Harris as the next US President, that would ensure that they would have a friend in the Oval Office of the White House granting them everything that they demand.

Looking all this from the view of those despots of Iran. It’s like in the insidious sense, they would think “Why shouldn’t we meddle in the US general election, again, ? We did before in 2020 and it worked [1] ,we got our useful idiot Joe Biden , in the White House who conceded to all our demand. For our cunning stealth jihad strategy worked for us so then, we should do it again.”

The sly and effective influence by those in power in the hostile America hating Islamic tyrannical regime on the 2024 US Presidential election should not be underestimated.

[1] TRUMP CARD the video documentary by Dinesh D’ Souza"

Anonymous said...

The person also typed online today
"Kamala Harris with her support for what she calls “Palestinian self- determination,” actually means that she supports the idea of what some people call a “two –state solution.” With ins reality is no genuine solution, at all.

That terrible folly of Kamala Harris is revealed by his total lack of wisdom about the State of Israel two-state solution.” One the other hand maybe she, with her Red/Green alliance, she’s just evil.

Thus a “two state solution” is out of the question. .This is because a “two state solution” not really a “solution” but an Islamic ploy of deception , a smokescreen and hoax and a fraud.

For example those Hamas rocket attacks in to Israel from Gaza reveals that even the idea of some people of dividing Jerusalem as well as other parts of the State of Israel between the Jewish people of the Muslim/ Arabs is nothing but folly. To engage the madness of such “talks” is a hoax and a farce .This is because in the so called “negotiations” between the heads of the Jewish nation of Israel and the leaders of the “Palestinians” the Muslim /Arabs the “Palestinian” leaders will speak the truth only when in happens to fit their agenda. The rest of the time the will be speaking half-truths and outright lies. For their goal is to obtain all of the land of the State of Israel. Even in it takes much time and it means getting the land piece by piece. Therefore, those “peace talks” are a hoax.

For the “Palestinian” leaders are employing what is the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya . Which is the Islamic dogma that lying and deception are good things to do as long as it’s done for the cause of the advancement of Islam. The insidious scheme is part of the stealth jihad .Otherwise known as “Islamic Gradualism.” This sly and something subtle strategy of disingenuous speech, lying deception of achieving the goal of all the land of Israel a war ploy that will be a disaster if the heads of the State of Israel are foolish enough to agree to divide the land of Israel with Muslim /Arabs ,the “Palestinians.” For if such a “peace dialogue” results in a divided land, the outcome will literally be murder. For “Palestinian” leader will allow the jihadists use that land as a base to launch murderous rocket attacks in to Israel. As for example, Hamas of Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Such false hopes for peace which are based on the foundation of lies are nothing new when it comes to Israel. For example, the Bible in Psalm 55:20, 21. Reads “Such men do violence to those at peace with them and break their promised word; their speech is smoother the butter but their thoughts are of war.” [N.E.B.]"
& also typed
"Even that leftist US President Franklin D. Roosevelt with all liberal socialist ideology still had more common sense and understanding than Joe Biden ,with comrades of the Red/Green alliance, for Biden is still striving to obtain that folly of an idea of a “two state solution.” Which in reality is no solution but a recipe for disaster. The reason why this is so is because a “Palestine state” that would be, no doubt, controlled by wicked jihad-minded Muslims with all their Islamic intolerance would only be a set up for a catastrophe in the Middle East.

As President Roosevelt, had so very wisely declared, “No compromise can end that conflict. There never has been—there never can be—successful compromise between good and evil. Only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance, and decency, and freedom, and faith.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Well, now what?
A Brooklyn “religious leader” who appears to be politically connected is caught on tape calling for the killing of Jews, support for HAMAS, and the destruction of Israel. I suppose that’s his right-after all, we live in a free country where people are allowed to express themselves no matter how odious their views.

But imagine if this Imam said something similar about ANY OTHER religious, ethnic, or other identifiable group, he’d be gone in a NY minute. There would be an uproar that would shake the ground. Now? Crickets.

This is a big part of the problem. Jew hatred is tolerated if not outright condoned in our City and across the country. No one is going to stand up for us except us.

With a link to an article from headlined
"Extreme rhetoric in New York mosques as imams call for destruction of Israel, praise Hamas"
By Isabel Vincent and Benjamin Weinthal
Published Aug. 26, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews"
By Daniel Greenfield August 28, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"‘The Problem is Islam — Not Islamism’ "
Aug 25, 2024 By Robert Spencer

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Jihad Against Music"
Robert Spencer August 27, 2024

Anonymous said...

Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"Pakistani Islamic man in UK is very angry with a Pakistani model because her ankles and wrists are visible.
WARNING ⚠️ Strong Language

They are demon 👺possessed and mentally ill 🤢"

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Ebba Busch:
“Islam must adapt to Swedish values. Muslims who do not integrate must leave the country. Honor killings, beheadings, stoning of women and Sharia law have no place here.”
Too little, too late."
Some people typed in response
"We warned them over and over again. The limited scope of the western civilization that is so short sighted that they look at this through a western eye and do not understand their tribe mentality. Islam means obey. Its no accident that the people in Gaza did not create their own state. We (immigrant families from outside the USA) embraced and continue to embrace the "melting pot" idea, pluralism. We have always beeen grateful and embrace Irving Berlin's Gd bless America."
"Coming to a western country near you and if you dare say anything, you are labelled a rascist!

Peter Dutton, the Australian opposition leader did just this last week when he questioned the granting of visas without adequate security checks to Gazans, and guess what he was called in parliament?"
"FAR too late. All over Europe, the USA and the West. It's the 11th hour. If the invasion is not reversed it will be too late."
"So much for the love of multiculturalism in one society. Not all cultures are compatible. Those voices have been always there but nobody wanted to listen."
"Colonized, Jihadist Sweden is far gone and she is another useless, know-nothing politician."

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online
September 2, 2024
"This organization is Islamic and stands with the Palestinian people; and they are holding Hamas and Iran responsible for all of this mess - not Israel. They are saying their actions are barbaric and illegal and against Islam and every other religion as well as against international law.

Is this what Rashida Tlaib is saying? No. Is this what her local imam is saying? No. Is this what Marxist university professors are saying? No. Is this what Medhi Hassan is saying? No.

So let’s call a spade a spade, shall we?

We are under attack by radical Islamists and Marxists who are attempting to destroy western society. It is not “Islamophobic” to say so.

Grow a pair."
This was in response to a statement issued on
Sunday September 1, 2024
by the
Global Imams Council , about the Execution of Hostages by
Hamas Terrorists, the Statement condemned the Execution of the Israeli Hostages by Hamas Terrorists
The statement was issued by
The Global Imams Council
(GIC) Issued at the Islamic seminary of Najaf, Iraq

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Islamophobia is a fiction to shut down debate"
Melanie Phillips
Monday May 07, 2018

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online today
"🇸🇪 Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Ebba Busch:

“#Islam must adapt to #Swedish values. #Muslims who do not integrate must leave the country. Honor killings, beheadings, stoning of women and #Sharia law have no place here.”

I agree with her statement, do you?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Part of this article reads “Scores of Palestinian diplomats at the United Nations, across Europe and around the world celebrated the attack on Israel on October 7th…”

By doing so they exposed their malice-filled vicious Islamic hearts and minds.

That such horrific spite about that murderous abomination likewise exposes the demonic evil of the influence of Islam on the minds and hearts of men.

Those PA diplomats when they celebrated those murderous affronts committed by the jihadists of Hamas, they don’t know it but they will have to answer and God for celebrating those Hamas massacres that occurred on 10/7/23 and they will be punished for it

For the Bible reveals that every man “shall account of himself to God” and that He who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished..”

Bible references Romans 14:12 and Proverbs 17 5. [N.K.J.V.]"
with a link to a article headlined
"Palestinian Authority Diplomats Celebrated October 7 Atrocities"
Sept 2, 2024 By Hugh Fitzgerald
The person also typed
"A mindset of such cruel vicious spite must be the results or ”fruits” of a demonic false religion.

Jesus taught, “By their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:20. [N.K.J.V.]"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"7,000 Gazans Took Part In October 7 Atrocities"
Sept 3, 2024 By Hugh Fitzgerald

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"U.S. Campuses: The 'Taboo' Ignored Pandemic of Muslim Jew-Hate"
by Andrew Bostom
September 6, 2024 

Anonymous said...

Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"A Pakistani Islamic national that Canadian authorities arrested on Wednesday, was planning to carry out a mass shooting terrorist attack against Jews in New York, the U.S. Justice Department revealed on Friday.

Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, who also goes by the name Shahzeb Jadoon, “attempted to travel from Canada to New York City, where he intended to use automatic and semi-automatic weapons to carry out a mass shooting in support of ISIS at a well known Jewish Center in Brooklyn, N.Y.,” the complaint states.

Khan distributed ISIS videos and literature and expressed support for ISIS on social media and via encrypted messages. Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham is a U.S.-designated terror organization.

Khan told undercover agents that he wanted to “go for Oct. 7 or Oct 11, Yom kippur, a major festival for the Jews,” per the complaint. “Khan emphasized that ‘Oct. 7 and Oct. 11 are the best days for targeting the Jews,’ because ‘Oct. 7 they will surely have some protests and Oct. 11 is Yom Kippur,’ and ‘they don’t have any other major festival then till next summer.’”

“In selecting New York City as his target location, Khan told the undercover law enforcement officers that ‘New York is perfect to target Jews’ because it has the ‘largest Jewish population In America,’ ‘even if we don’t attack a event, we could rack up easily a lot of dead Jews,” the complaint says.

The Islamic man told the undercover officers that “he intended to kill as many Jewish civilians as possible, proclaiming that ‘we are going to New York City to slaughter them,'” per the complaint, which added that Khan allegedly sent a photograph “of the specific area” where he planned to attack to the undercover officers.

“What’s the point of living till you’re 70 and dying on a hospital bed when we can attain shahadah in our youths, Inshalah,” he said, per the complaint. (The complaint defines the first term as the ISLAMIC declaration of faith and the second as God willing.)

The religion of peace...

Source article : JNS "

Anonymous said...

The comment by James continues
"The Devil & his demon filled fleshly minions in the Satan/Baphomet worshipping Global Communist Cabal are always falsely accusing others of what they are guilty of doing themselves.

Isaiah 5:20 NKJV
20. Woe unto those who call evil good, & good evil; who put darkness for light, & light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, & sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20

Conspiracy Theories are actual conspiracies, ploys, plots & plans of evil & wicked men that are being exposed.
Conspiracy Theorists are the courageous Watchmen who discern the conspiracies of evil & wicked men & expose them with the light of truth for everyone to see.

Do not fear evil men, but rather bring the fear of the Lord to them through the preaching of the Word of God, gospel of Jesus Christ.

Read: John 3:15- 21 KJV

W = Willfully
O = Overlooking
K = Known
E = Evil
This true definition of WOKE was copied & pasted from someone else.

A = Always
W = Warning
A = About
K = Known
E = Evil
A Watchman's warning.

Sincerely & Unapologetically,
James H. Taylor Jr.
"One Man of Courage".
"Watchman Warrior".
"American Crusader for Christ".
Joshua 1:9
Deuteronomy 31:6
Isaiah 26:3 & 4; 35:4; 41:9 & 10; 53:1 - 12; 59:1 - 21 (19)
Psalms 3:3 - 6; 144:1 - 3; 91:1 - 16
Proverbs 3:5 & 6
Ezekiel 3:17 - 19; 33:1 - 33
John 3:14 - 18
Romans 1:18 - 32; 3:23; 6:23
1 Corinthians 16:13
2 Timothy 1:7; 3:1 - (16 - 17)
Ephesians 5:6 - 17; 6:10 - 18"

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online today
"1/ 𝗗𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗝𝗲𝘄𝘀?

It’s because Jewish are and have remained one of the most successful nations in the world.

2/ 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙢 𝙞𝙨 𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙨?

It’s because, we were once the successful nation in back in days, we lost the ability and Jews gained the ability to be successful nation again. We feel jealous of their achievements so we blame them for controlling the world to satisfy our anger, jealously, hate against them.

3/ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙅𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙎𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨!

🇮🇱 Since the Jewish people separated religion from world affairs, stop judging others through the religious angle, they achieved their goals to be the best creative nation on earth.

4/ 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣?

There are many ways for us to be one of the successful nations in the world, such as:

👉🏼 Drop hate against other nations immediately
👉🏼 Stop blaming others for our own failures
👉🏼 Stop Judging people through religious angle
👉🏼 Stop dreaming of controlling the world via wars, violence or implementing religious ideology
👉🏼 Stop imposing war on other countries and people
👉🏼 Stop considering women as our property
👉🏼 Stop spreading, supporting, promoting, financing and exporting political violence (Terrorism) in the name of religion
👉🏼 Reform Islam from Islamism and within Islamic laws to the level of today’s society
👉🏼 Reform our educational systems
👉🏼 Adopt Jewish tools of success
👉🏼 Accept Israel in order to learn to be the successful nation
👉🏼 Spend all your resources, talent, knowledge and wealth to achieve the goal how to benefit humanity.
👉🏼 Control your anger, emotions and frustration especially on religious matters
👉🏼 Keep religion as a your personal matter
👉🏼 Give other nations right to have their own space (states)
👉🏼 Hindus and Jews have only country (India & Israel), let them live in peace
👉🏼 Seek peace, promote peace, spread peace and bring peace in your and others lives

5/ We Muslims are the most resourceful nation with huge manpower (1.9b), state power (57 states), wealth (The combined GDP (nominal) of 48 Muslim majority countries was over $50 trillion in 2019) and natural resources (raw minerals, agricultural, 75% oil reserves in the world, etc). We should have served the humanity more than another nation.

6/ 𝙒𝙚 (𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙨) 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙

☪️ Al-Khwarizmi
☪️ Ibn Sina
☪️ Al-Kindi
☪️ Ibn Battuta
☪️ Al-Ghazali
☪️ Al-Biruni
☪️ Ibn Khaldun
☪️ Al-Razi
☪️ Ibn Rushd
☪️ Al Bairuni

7/ 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙬𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙

🏴‍☠️ Hamas
🏴‍☠️ Al Qaeda
🏴‍☠️ Taliban
🏴‍☠️ Al Shabab
🏴‍☠️ Boko Haram
🏴‍☠️ Hezbollah
🏴‍☠️ ISIS
🏴‍☠️ Hizb Tahrir
🏴‍☠️ Muslim Brotherhood
🏴‍☠️ IRGC

8/ 𝙒𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙨 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙅𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 (𝙗𝙮 𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙝𝙖𝙢 𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙) 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙/𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮"

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef the
"Son of Hamas" typed online today
"The current Middle Eastern war exposed the ugly face of Muslims as a racists, violent and intolerant people. United in hatred they took the side of evil to please Allah. Muslims are unworthy of other religions’ tolerance as long as they continue to validate Jihad and violence against non Muslims.

In their twisted minds they see themselves as superior but in reality they are nothing but inferior people."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
“During the blessed last 10 days of Ramadan, we celebrate our Administration’s incredible Muslim team,” Vice President Kamala Harris announced, posing on the steps of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building with some of the most controversial figures in the administration.
There right behind Kamala was Nasrina Bargzie, her deputy counsel who had fought a lawsuit Jewish students over harassment by pro-terrorist activists at Berkeley.
Second from Kamala’s right was Mazen Basrawi, Biden’s current Muslim liaison who attended a conference honoring one of the unindicted co-conspirators of the World Trade Center bombing, and whose appointment was hailed by Muslim Brotherhood groups.
Second from Kamala’s left was Brenda Abdelall, who had taken part in anti-Israel protests in college where she accused Jews of controlling America.
Yousra Fazili, who had studied Islamic religious law or sharia at Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, notorious for its terrorist teachings now serves as the Chief of Staff to the Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Pentagon.
His sister, Sameera Fazili, had served as the deputy director of the National Economic Council despite being praised Osama bin Laden.
Other members of Kamala’s “incredible Muslim team” included Maher Bitar, a former executive board member of Students for Justice in Palestine, a campus hate group which has since endorsed Hamas and the atrocities of Oct 7. Under the Biden-Harris administration, Bitar became the Senior Director for Intelligence on the National Security Council.
attended a conference honoring one of the unindicted co-conspirators of the World Trade Center bombing, and whose appointment was hailed by Muslim Brotherhood groups.
Reema Dodin, who had described suicide bombings against Jews by Muslim terrorists as “the last resort of a desperate people”, was brought on as the deputy director for the Office of Legislative Affairs.
Near the top of the stairs was Abdullah Hasan, a recipient of a CAIR Islamic Scholarship Fund who defended BDS before becoming an assistant press secretary for the Biden-Harris administration.
Uzra Zeya worked at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs claimed that Jews secretly control the United States. In the Biden-Harris administration, Zeya became the Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights.
In Congress, she defended Rep. Ilhan Omar’s antisemitic remarks and her sympathy with activists who assailed Israel during her remarks after Oct 7 was not feigned.
Kamala spoke with Layla Elabed, Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s sister and told her she was open to discussing an arms embargo on Israel.
Kamala has built a Muslim team whose views are extreme and whose hostility to America and Israel.”
A person replied
“She’s two faced .She says what each group she’s in front of wants to hear. She stands for nothing and claims to stand for everything, that is impossible.”
It appears that Trump is the Better Choice

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