The Miracle of Zionism

"Israel is the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago." - Historian Barbara Tuchman

"Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created by a sovereign act of God" - Pastor John Hagee

"All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" - Author / Atheist, Mark Twain (long before the Holocaust and Israeli-Jewish statehood)

"They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their Empire were but a Bauble in comparison of the Jews. They have given religion to three quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more happily, than any other Nation ancient or modern." - President John Adams - His 1808 response letter criticizing the depiction of Jews by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gaza, The Jews, and a Palestinian State

Until recently the last massive wave of Jewish expulsions occurred in Europe under Nazi rule before World War II, and from Islamic countries who were protesting Israel becoming a state. The most recent Jewish expulsion has occurred in August, 2005 with more to follow.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s decision to uproot Jewish residents from areas of their ancient homeland was greatly influenced by three major political announcements:
1. President Bush’s State of the Union address on June 24, 2002, in which he declared his vision for a Palestinian state.
2. Statement from the Quartet (United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States) in New York, on September 17, 2002, regarding the “Three-Phase Plan for Mid-East Peace”.
3. President Bush’s Roadmap to Peace in the Middle East that was unveiled to the world on April 30, 2003.
During this time President Bush was placing restrictions on loan guarantees to Israel in order to move Sharon towards his "unilateral" decision . One such pressure came on September 16, 2003 just four months after Bush unveiled his plan.
Sharon’s plan of uprooting the Jewish presence from Gaza was designed not only to ensure President Bush and the Quartet that Israel was committed towards their roadmap plan, but by doing so he was foolishly hoping to be able to keep some of the Jewish populated and military strategic areas in the ancient Jewish homeland in a final status agreement of the roadmap plan. Sharon’s plan seemed to have worked at least momentarily, as Bush assured him in a letter dated April 14, 2004:
"We welcome the disengagement plan you have prepared, under which Israel would withdraw certain military installations and all settlements from Gaza, and withdraw certain military installations and settlements in the West Bank. These steps described in the plan will mark real progress toward realizing my June 24, 2002 vision…."
In verifying that Jewish expulsion in Gaza was part of the United States roadmap plan President Bush seemingly rewarded Sharon by promising him in the same letter that future Jewish expulsions from Judea and Samaria would be averted:
"In light of new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli population centers, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949..."
However, just as soon as the Gaza expulsion was being completed, and in keeping up the United States’ tradition of breaking promises for their own interest, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack made the following statement in a State Department briefing on August 24, 2005:
"…with respect to our understanding of the settlements and settlement activity and with respect to our understanding about any changes to the 1949 armistice line, those are issues that must be agreed to by both parties. "
In other words, the Bush Administration was basically telling Sharon the following: “Thank you so much for making all of Gaza Judenrein, (a German-Nazi word, meaning, “cleansed of Jews”) and for using our Quartet-sponsored lie to convince the Israeli government and half of its Israeli citizens that Gaza should become Judenrein for the sake of peace of which you will never see. And by the way, unless the Palestinians who want all of Israel Judenrein to begin with, agree to allow Jews to stay in their ancestral land of Judea and Samaria, expect more US pressured / Quartet-sponsored Judenreins to be placed upon those ancient Jewish lands as well - yours truly, President George W. Bush".
Questions concerning this purposed Palestinian state:
  • In a free and democratic state of Palestine that implements free elections and full human rights that Bush believes will occur as a result of his roadmap plan, why couldn’t the Jews of Gaza, who have lived there for over 38 years, became citizens of this new Palestinian state in the eyes of any world governments including the United States?
  • Why didn’t any of the major world news medias who had something to report concerning Gaza on a daily basis leading up to the Jewish expulsion, never mentioned the idea of the Jews staying in Gaza under Palestinian rule? Since the Jews were not prisoners of the Israeli government, shouldn’t they have been afforded the opportunity to live where ever they wish to, especially in the same communities and homes that they have lived in most or all of their lives?
  • Is there something ludicrous about the idea of the free minority Jewish community in Gaza wishing to stay in Gaza under a Palestinian government? Why would a Jewish minority in a free and democratic Palestinian state of which all minorities would have full and equal rights, be out of the question?
  • If there is something ludicrous about the idea of the Jews living free and peacefully within a Palestinian state, then what does that say about such a state itself that President Bush is trying so hard to create? I mean, what is there to fear? Since Bush has spent 400 million dollars a year promoting a Palestinian state then surely in his mind he envisions that a Palestine democratic state will end its death threats to Israel and embrace security and equality for its Jewish minority? Yeah, right!
  • Will this new Palestinian democratic state that will supposedly live side by side with Israel in peace allow Jews from anywhere in the world to visit places within Gaza, Judea, and Samaria that holds significant ancient Jewish history, or will such state follow in the same Islamic footsteps with places like Saudi Arabia and not allow Jews to set foot in their land based upon their race and religion?

In January 2006 the Palestinians made known to all the world what type of government they wanted to represent them by overwhelmingly voting in a Hamas-lead government in their first parliamentary election since the death of Arafat! The Palestinians wasn’t forced to vote for either Fatah or Hamas, they could have so easely opted to simply withheld their vote in protest for either of the two terrorist groups if they were so anti-terrorism minded to do so. The world media portrayed this election to be between only Hamas and Al-Fatah. However, they weren't the only parties available for the Palestinians to hang their spiritual and political values on. The Palestinian people, as a people, gave the “liberal” party "Third Path" (one that at lest gave lip-service of recognizing Israel) a whopping two seats in the elections compared to the seventy-four seats that they as a people gave the terrorists of Hamas. As Hamas leader Khaled Meshal correctly stated just four days after the election, “The Palestinian people have chosen Hamas with its known stances.” Hamas’ covenant is even more explicit concerning the destruction of Israel than the PLO’s covenant ever thought about being. Therefore, what is the Hamas-electing Palestinians main motive for a state? Are their hearts for the most part, set on self-rule, or are their hearts for the most part, set on the destruction of the State of Israel? How a society votes tells an awful lot about the society itself.

Can a society that fully embraces the act of religious suicide for the purpose of murdering multiple Jews, ever love themselves more than they hate the Jews? That is a question to really ponder over concerning the Mid-East conflict as a whole. It was even the "moderate" West-loved, Palestinian poster-boy, President Abbas who referred to suicide murderers as "shahids (martyrs) who have entered the gardens of paradise". And if the Palestinians are incapable of loving themselves more than they hate the Jews, what kind of a state is the Quartet trying to create with these Palestinians?

I maybe a bit radical here, but I believe that the Gentile nations are spiritually not trying to merely create a Palestinian state for the sake of self-rule, but an actual Jew-killing state that will continue the Gentile conceived plan once known to us as the "Final Solution". This would be similar to evil prison guards placing of violent inmate in a cell with another inmate to harm him without the guards themselves being blamed for physically assaulting the inmate. The nations are wanting the Palestinians to do their Finial Solution dirty work for them. When one reads the Hamas Covenant and see just how far the Quartet is willing to go out of its way for the sake of a Hamas-electing Palestinian state, along with their illogical support at every level regardless of their terrorist activity, there is no another way to spiritually view it! The following is just one out of thousands of examples of proof that a real Gentile conspiracy exist. It's part of what I call "The Protocols of the Elders of the Goyim (Gentiles)":
  • On December 17, 2007 ninety Gentile nations (well over half of the entire nations on the globe) pledged 7.4 billion (billion with a "B") to Israel's most vicious and murderous enemy. The US alone (Israel's most trusted ally) pledged 550 million dollars to these Hamas-electing people. With this pledge came a warning from the Gentile world banks - not to the Palestinians on being responsible with such a great donation as to not use the money for the promotion of terrorism, Jew-murder, and the like, but to Israel. That unless Israel loosens their security checkpoints and allows the Palestinian terrorists more mobility, their world pledge amount of 7.4 billion will be a waste of time and money. In other words, it will be Israel's fault for having tight security in the first place against a people whose culture includes suicide bombings rather than a Palestinian fault for not controlling their own people in trying to dismantle suicide bombings that are very much apart of their evil culture! In the world's evil mind, it's the peaceful Israelis who should be pressured to find a way to make peace with the terrorist instead of pressuring the Palestinians into being responsible for their terrorist actions! Therefore, if Israel has the audacity to keep their tight security in place in an attempt to keep their murder rate down from people who wish to murder them, then the Gentile world powers will be watching with money in-hand to blame the Jewish victims of terror instead of the Gentile guilty terrorist themselves.
More Questions concerning Palestinians and statehood:
  • Is it possible for the Palestinians to rid themselves from their anti-Semitism which is in their political DNA and foundation as a people, once they have obtained statehood?
    To answer this question, one can simply look and see if the Gaza Palestinians have become more peaceful or more aggressive with Israel since they were given full control of Gaza in August, 2005. That's right. The Judenrein of Gaza can be a "measuring stick" as what is to come to the West Bank following its Judenrein!
  • Have more rockets than ever before been fired from Gaza or has less rockets been fired from Gaza than ever before?
  • Have terrorist attacks increased dramatically or have terrorist attacks decreased dramatically from out of Gaza?
  • Is stronger terrorist organizations such as Hezbolla and Islamic Army a.k.a. Al-Qudea operating in Gaza or is there less terrorist organization activities in Gaza since the Israeli pullout? Again, these are all tall-tell signs of how the Palestinian mind will change its course towards peace once statehood and further advancement of territories has been accomplished.
  • Is their ancient Jew-hatred that is openly expressed in every facet of life among the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people (before and after 1948 and 1967) simply due to a lack of statehood? To answer this question, one has to honestly ask themselves what had the Palestinians rather have?
    A. Their own state along side Israel.
    B. Their own state with there being no State of Israel.
    Remember, what they had rather have is exactly what they will ultimately seek with religious fervor.
  • Would a Palestinian state next to Israel cause the Palestinians to decrease, stay the same, or increase their desire to destroy Israel? The Palestinians’ pre-1967 expressed thoughts should help answer this question. Also, when a Palestinian school textbooks recognizes Israel as a legitimate state, and when religious Imams in the Palestinian area stop demonizing Israel and condemn those who do, that’s when we will all know that the Palestinian people are truly seeking a peace with the nation of Israel. But everyone knows (except George W. Bush) that all of Islam will covert to Judaism and become strong world Zionist before that would ever happen!
  • Why didn't we hear anything about a Palestinian state between 1948 and 1967? Was this because of the 1300 years of Islamic hatred for the Jewish people that is embedded in the hearts and minds of the Palestinian people the real driving force for seeking statehood more exposed since 1967? And if so, wouldn’t statehood simply feed that ancient Jew-hatred? A historical view of what befalls innocent Israelis every time “peace” is mentioned by both Israel and the Palestinian leaders should help make a definite answer to this question possible.
  • Will a “State of Palestine” be friendly to America and to Western values after American and UN driving forces see to it that a Palestinian state if formed? A good look at the Palestinians jumping up and down with joyous glee right after 9/11 should guide the unaware soul to truthfully answer this question. However, if that isn’t enough, then the same question concerning Israel can be asked concerning America.
    Would the Palestinians as a whole and who would be living in an American created Palestinian state rather have:
    A. For the USA to contributing to issues in the Middle East including Palestine as it does today.
    B. A completely destroyed America, where all of its towers has fallen by the works of Palestine-sensitive jihadist.

The Jewish residents in Gaza were forced to uproot from their homes and businesses and hand it over to a people who shoot Kassam rockets into their neighborhoods and spray machine gun rounds into their school buses loaded with Jewish children. And for what reasons? There are two main reasons for such Islamic hostilities towards the Jewish people living in the region:
Reason #1. They are Jews.
Reason #2. Their religion is Judaism.

Let me put this into a dramatic perspective that is in tune with a harsh reality: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was brought about mainly to give equal fairness to the black citizens as well as other minorities in the United States concerning employment opportunity. It was enacted so that any portion of the majority that might discriminate against them using race or religion would not do so. Now try to imagine this same United States government that enacted the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 wanting to create a new state, and let’s say they wanted to place it somewhere in the southern portion of the United States. In this new imaginary state, the United States government has plans for it to be inhabited by white people only. Every black persn that is living within the borders of this new state would have to be uprooted along with all their belongings including the bodies of their buried dead loved ones and moved out of the area just so only the white people could have their “black-free state”! Every single home of the black community and their businesses are to handed over to only the white people already living in the area. Now let’s continue to imagine that these white people that are to take the homes and businesses from the black communities within this proposed new state are not your average white Joe. Oh no, these white people are devoted Klu Klux Klan and Aryan Nation members who have elected David Duke (who like the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is a Holocaust denier) to be their state governor. The people that are to drive these black people out of their homes and livelihoods are other blacks from surrounding states that have been so pressured by the United States government in order that they comply. Without going any farther with this analogy that sounds racially insane, let me say without any exaggerating whatsoever, that these are exactly the same principles of what was carried out in the ancient homeland of Israel against the Jews of Gaza by the prompting of the United States government along with the aid of the Quartet! Their goal: to create a Jew-free / Jew hating, Palestinian state!

How would the United States and the rest of the world respond if the Israeli government put into action the transfer of all Arabs, and not just some of the more radical Arabs, but every last one of them, not from Gaza or the West Bank, but from out of the borders of Israel proper? I can tell you how the United State would respond. They would stop all Israeli aid including military aid and all loan guarantees while sponsoring economic sanctions by themselves at the UN. The State Department would criticize Israel up one side and down the other while never ruling out military action in the form of a peace keeping force to “solve the crisis”. The cries of Appartite would ring through the House and Senate floors, and the news medias would absolutely go berserk. The world news media would not cease from calling Israel and Zionism racists like Russia did at the UN forum in 1975. Liberal CNN as well as conservative FOX news outlets would order thousands of new cameras for the thousands newly hired cameramen to video each and every Palestinian being force to leave their homes. The UN resolutions against Israel would be so numerous that the UN would have to hire hundreds of more employees to process them all, and the emergency meetings at the UN would be conducted once every week, even during the off season (January - August). The International Court of Justice (so-called), would have a happy field-day condemning Israel with every court session. If a security fence that has proven to reduce the mass murdering of Israeli citizens can draw world condemnation from the world governments (including the US and World Court) and from every media outlet from around the world, I can just imagine what kind of reaction that the world would express at the transferring of every Arab person within Israel’s borders. Yet, when it is concerning "the Jews" who are being evicted from their homes for simply being Jewish, and are forced completely away from an area that they have lived in most or all of their lives, the world governments and news medias then embrace this kind of action hook, line, and sinker, and then they have the cruel audacity to call it a “peace process”.

After all the political debate is said and done the bottom line of why each individual that was forced to leave the Gaza area in August, 2005 was due to their being Jewish and being identified as members of the Judaism religion. Every person in Gaza who started their morning prayers saying: “Allaahu Akbar” (Allah is most great), was permitted to keep their homes and livelihoods without interruption, but every person who began their morning prayer with “Shema Yesroel…” (Hear O Israel…) was automatically placed on the expulsion list, separated from their homes, businesses, communities, and forced to live far away in another part of the country! Even Christians (although greatly persecuted) are allowed to live in Gaza while there is no room at all for Jews, even though Jewish history of Gaza is twice than that of the whole Islamic Arab history! It simply boils down to a matter of political anti-Semitism and religious racism, period! Anyone who doesn’t embrace the Jewish expulsion of Gaza in light of the world’s goal of a Palestinian state is labeled an extremist! If you happen to be Jewish and still living in Gaza, you are not only an extremist but a criminal against a form of international law as well!

All kinds of political points can be made while debating over the Gaza expulsion of Jews. However, in the end, after all is said and done, and after all the political debate has been stated, there are a couple of events in history that will remain in comparison forever.
1. There were Jews who were forced to leave Nazi Germany and Nazi occupied countries simply because they were Jews.
2. There were Jews who were forced to leave Gaza and from the West Bank simply because they were Jews!

All of these anti-Jewish acts by the nations are just foundations of a larger Gentile goal. It is through these anti-Semitic wrongs that Palestinian pure evil can be granted sovereignty over the holy city of Jerusalem and its Temple Mount as a forever denial to the God of Israel and His covenant with the Jews. This is what makes the final status of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount so unique. It brings to head the full evilness of man against the righteousness of God!

As long as Israel is committed to giving up their land to the Arabs instead of “Arab/Muslim transfer” out of the land, they will never have a true peace. It’s simply impossible. The way to true peace is the exact opposite of what happened in Gaza. The key ingredient to having “no-terror” in Israel is having “no-Muslims” in Israel plain and simple. I will go on record and guarantee that if there are no Muslims within Israel’s borders every last one of the suicide bombs will completely cease, all terrorist activity within Israel will halt, all riots will stop, the Security Fence will come down, Christians can come back to their homes in Bethlehem without fearing for their lives, and Israel will become the peaceful nation on earth named after its capital Jerusalem - City of Peace. However, this will never happen without God's intervention. The world is incapable of discerning right from wrong and righteousness from evil. To the nations of the world it is a great sin to transfer a brainwashed terrorist society out of an area where people (we’ll call them Jews) wish to actually live in peace. They can't see that giving the Jews some terror-free space in their own ancient land will benefit even the nations of the world greatly.

I have nothing against an Arab national or any other race of people living in the Israel worshiping the God of Israel (see Isaiah. 56: 6,7) but I have everything against any Muslim (regardless of nationally) living within Israel’s borders while worshiping a demonic god named Allah who vehemently hates the Jews and the God of Israel while seeking the destruction of both! Does this sound too political incorrect? If it does, then please chew on the reality of the following statement for a while:

"We succeeded, with Allah's grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life. We will not abandon the way of Jihad and Shahada [Martyrdom] as long as one inch of our holy land is in the hands of the Jews.
- Hamas election video, December, 2005

Oh yes, for the sake of sanity, these people need to be transferred out of land of Israel until the God of Israel deals with them! But like the Philistines during the biblical era, these Palestinians (who not by coincidence carries the same biblical name - see Joel 3:4 KJV) are there in the holyland that God may show His glory to the Gentile nations. Like it or not, because the Quartet is setting up the Palestinians in the area of the temple where the court of the Gentiles was but were not allowed to cross into the Holy of Holies lest they would be put to death, the Palestinians represent the entire Gentile world crossing that forbidden threshold!

According to the Bible, Gaza and all its cities are an inheritance to the tribe of Judah. Gaza has been a place of Jewish residence on and off throughout history since the Jewish conquest by Joshua of the land of Canaan. That means Gaza has had Jews living in it from a time that adds up to being over twice the length of time Islam itself has been in existence!

Also Judah took Gaza with its border, and Askelon with its border, and Ekron with its border.
-Judges 1:18

King Solomon’s empire controlled Gaza and the Maccabees re-took Gaza.
In those days Simon camped against Gaza, and besieged it round about; he made also an engine of war, and set it by the city, and battered a certain tower, and took it. -1 Maccabees 13:43

There actually has been several Jewish expulsions form Gaza with each time the Jews returning back to establish a Jewish presence there. The Jewish expulsions include:
Jews of Gaza being expelled by Roman emperor Gavinius in 61 AD, the Crusaders, Napoleon in 1799, Ottoman Turks, Arab rioters in 1929, and the Egyptian occupation in their War of Annihilation in 1948. Gaza was even the place where the infamous Jew named Sabbatai Zevi proclaimed himself to be the messiah at the persuasion of his right-hand man “Nathan of Gaza” (Nathan Benjamin ben Elisha ha-Levi Ghazzati) in 1665. One has to wonder why this Smyrna-born, deeply devoted Kabbalist Jew would have traveled so far from his home to only be so close to Israel’s ancient homeland to proclaim his messiahship if Gaza wasn’t indeed part of Israel’s ancient land?

Because God has given the land of Gaza to the Jews of the tribe of Judah for an eternal inheritance, there is no doubt in my mind that the Jews will again live in Gaza, but without the political resistance from the present world governments. Who knows, by the world leaders allowing a murderous Islamic system to occupy Judah’s inheritance, the stage maybe being set for God’s judgment to come into motion that will cause the Jews to inherit their land even without even a struggle?

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will enter into judgment with them there, on account of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations, and have divided up my land, -Joel 3:2

YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LOCATION

250 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carthage
415 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alexandria
554 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diocese of Clement (France)
561 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diocese of Uzzes (France)
612 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Visigoth Spain
642 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Visigoth Empire
855 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Italy
876 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sens
1012 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1182 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1182 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Germany
1276 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upper Bavaria
1290 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - England
1306 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1322 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France (again)
1348 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Switzerland
1349 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hielbronn (Germany)
1349 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Saxony
1349 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hungary
1360 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hungary
1370 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Belgium
1380 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slovakia
1388 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strasbourg
1394 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Germany
1394 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1420 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lyons
1421 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Austria
1424 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fribourg
1424 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zurich
1424 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cologne
1432 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Savoy
1438 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1439 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Augsburg
1442 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Netherlands
1444 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Netherlands
1446 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bavaria
1453 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - France
1453 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Breslau
1454 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wurzburg
1462 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1483 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mainz
1484 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warsaw
1485 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vincenza (Italy)
1492 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spain
1492 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Italy
1495 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lithuania
1496 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Naples
1496 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Portugal
1498 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuremberg
1498 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Navarre
1510 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brandenberg
1510 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prussia
1514 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strasbourg
1515 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Genoa
1519 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Regensburg
1533 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Naples
1541 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Naples
1542 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague & Bohemia
1550 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Genoa
1551 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bavaria
1555 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pesaro
1557 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague
1559 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Austria
1561 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague
1567 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wurzburg
1569 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Papal States
1571 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brandenburg
1582 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Netherlands
1582 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hungary
1593 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brandenburg, Austria
1597 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cremona, Pavia & Lodi
1614 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frankfort
1615 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Worms
1619 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kiev
1648 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ukraine
1648 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Poland
1649 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hamburg
1654 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Little Russia (Beylorus)
1656 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lithuania
1669 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oran (North Africa)
1669 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vienna
1670 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vienna
1712 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandomir
1727 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russia
1738 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wurtemburg
1740 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Little Russia (Beylorus)
1744 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prague, Bohemia
1744 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slovakia
1744 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Livonia
1745 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moravia
1753 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kovad (Lithuania)
1761 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bordeaux
1772 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deported to the Pale of Settlement (Poland/Russia)
1775 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warsaw
1789 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alsace
1804 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Villages in Russia
1808 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Villages & Countrysides (Russia)
1815 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L-beck & Bremen
1815 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria
1820 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bremen
1843 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russian Border Austria & Prussia
1862 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Areas in the U.S. under General Grant's Jurisdiction
1866 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Galatz, Romania
1880s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Russia
1891 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moscow
1919 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bavaria (foreign born Jews)
1938-45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nazi Controlled Areas
1948 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arab / Islamic Countries
20??...................................West Bank

Articles on Gaza:

2009 Update:
The Obama Administration began its term in 2009 by pledging another 900 million dollars towards Israel's arch enemy - the Palestinians.
The General Secretary of the UN, Tony Blair of the Quartet, and former US President Jimmy Carter has all called for a US dialogue with Hamas!

Palestinian quotes concerning Gaza taken from journalist Aaron Klein:
"We are proud to turn these lands, especially these parts that were for so long time the symbol of occupation and injustice, like the synagogue [the former "Neve Dekalim" synagogue] into a military base and source of fire against the Zionists and the Zionists entity" - Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesman for the "Popular Resistance Committees"

"The old (Jewish) settlements gave the Palestinians resistance enough space to have big training. We never had this space and these possibilities when the Zionists were in Gaza" - Abu Muhammad, Senior base leader of "Islamic Jihad"


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Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Gaza, Judea and Samaria: Prison or Paradise?" The article says:
How tourists’ accounts curiously collide with the Arab “Palestinian misery” narrative.
November 13, 2012 by Steve Feldman


“Peaceful sleep.”

“Laid-back luxury.”

“The pool is so inviting.”

These are hardly the terms one would typically use to describe prisons, concentration camps or places of oppression. And yet this is how some Palestinian-Arab-controlled locales are described – though not by Israelis, and certainly not by anti-Israel propagandists.

Rather, these are excerpts of reviews from people who have been to Gaza – and back – posted on the Web site “Trip Advisor,” which relies on candid descriptions from tourists for its popularity. The agenda is not political.

In fact, the web is full of reviews, photos and pages that contradict the popular myths that all Palestinian-Arabs are suffering and that Israel is to blame. That is the singular narrative from the Arabs, their propaganda apparatus and the media. Depicting normalcy or even extravagance is not a part of it.

Rarely if ever is the public told or shown that the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Authority’s cities in Judea and Samaria (commonly known today as “the West Bank”) have resort hotels, five-star restaurants, exclusive villas and other luxury residences. It might jeopardize the demonization-of-Israel industry.

But the tourism and real estate industries want to promote their businesses. Their goal is to attract, not repel. So we see photos of hotels with beautiful pool areas and fountains, not claims of Israeli water theft. We see photos of mansions that rival the best of Beverly Hills or the French Riviera, rather than charges of repression. We read from Arabs, Europeans, Americans and others about how relaxing Gaza is, and not accusations about how the Israelis have created prison conditions there.

It is all part and parcel of the war against the Jewish people (see an example here). And whether it is the Muslim fundamentalists of Hamas in Gaza or the equally anti-peace Palestinian Authority and PLO in Judea and Samaria, they all tell the same fables featuring the worst accusations to weaken support for Israel."

Anonymous said...

The article continues
"For decades, Israel’s enemies have used imagery and terms that tug at the heartstrings of decent people to turn them against Israel. Through this inversion they have convinced people that the real victims (the Israelis) are barbaric while the perpetrators are portrayed as the maltreated. Based on this propaganda, one envisions a mass of tents as far as the eye can see, amid a dreary dilapidated landscape, replete with filth, trash and debris scattered throughout.

The fiction seems believable, and who has time or motivation to comb the Internet for the truth? Nor can people readily comprehend why anyone would want to depict themselves falsely as victims. In short: lying succeeds.

Media figures who are in both areas in large numbers and surely witness the contradictions between the Arab lies and the facts in front of their eyes choose to perpetuate the falsehoods or decline to expose them. The Israeli government never seems to counter the allegations against it. Israel’s advocates need to be more active in countering the anti-Israel narratives with more offensive punch. Ironically, these anti-Israel narratives are discredited by tourists who have been to these areas and by the hoteliers, restaurateurs and real estate developers; all of them unwittingly offer a window into reality.

So while American novelist Alice Walker, who sailed aboard one of the Gaza-bound “aid” flotilla ships (in reality a cheap ploy to besmirch Israel), claims that “the way the Palestinians are treated is so reminiscent of the way black people were treated in the South when I was growing up. And it’s an intolerable situation,” she would not want anyone to know about the Al Deira, the Commodore, Al Mashtal or Gaza’s other resorts – a far cry from Selma circa 1965."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"The Arcmed Al Mashtal Hotel in Gaza City.

A buffet at the Al-Mathaf Recreational and Cultural House in Gaza City.

Tourist “Riley_Hord43” of Montreal posted on Trip Advisor about the Commodore:

The rooms provide a nice view of the sea. One feels comfortable staying in clean and spacious rooms. I really got peaceful sleep at nights snuggling under the clean sheets of the cozy bed. … One would not complain about this place after enjoying its five star service.

A 2010 Newsweek article about the Gaza Strip featured this claim from Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad: “It’s still like a big prison, mostly closed on all sides.” If Israel has such a choke hold on the territory, how did Jerusalem resident “Allegra” manage to make her way to Gaza’s Al Deira Hotel and then write:

The outdoor restaurant, located right over the beach, serves very nice food and is a haunt for foreign correspondents, international aid workers and rich, secular Gazans at night. Smoking sheesha on that terrace is an absolute must, and so is eating the shrimps in a clay pot dish. Lovely staff, lovely atmosphere and laid-back luxury which might come as a surprise.

Gaza’s Al Deira Hotel

What rarely is reported are the thousands of trucks full of medicines, clothing, supplies and other goods Israel allows to be unloaded into the Gaza Strip along with diesel fuel and cooking gas it sends into Gaza. Then there are tons of goods Israel allows to come out of Gaza to be exported. Israel keeps a close accounting of what goes in or comes out of Gaza and publishes it on the Web to refute the accusations.

For the week ending Nov. 3, with one of the border crossings closed for two days due to a Muslim holiday, 919 truckloads (26,142 tons) of Gaza-bound goods were unloaded at the crossings while 22 truckloads of goods were exported from the Gaza Strip according to COGAT – Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories.

Considering that the Gazan Arabs are engaged in a war with Israel (more than 800 rockets and mortars fired thus far this year) and that Hamas – which controls the territory – calls for the murder of Jews in its covenant, it would be an understatement to suggest that the Israelis are overly generous.

In a place where clean water is supposedly unavailable, allegedly because Israel has forced Gazans to subsist on raw sewage water, we have this from “Fatafeat” of Leeds, England regarding Gaza’s Al Deira Hotel: “… the pool is so inviting and one of the main attractions of the hotel …”

Anonymous said...

& continues
"Could it be that the hoteliers are to blame for any water crisis in Gaza?

A review by the British newspaper The Guardian about the Al Mashtal notes that it sits adjacent to where terrorists operate:

This looks and feels like an upmarket resort hotel in, perhaps, Sharm El-Sheikh. But this is Gaza City, and if you turn your eyes away from the setting sun you will see a Hamas military training camp next door which was recently bombed by the Israeli military.

If one day the hotel is obliterated by a slightly off-the-mark Israeli strike, this is the evidence why it occurred.

Thus, self-deluded Israeli “peace” organizations repeat the lies, depicting only scenes of rubble rather than glitz in an appeal brochure.

No wonder, then, that “Khader K” headlined his review of one Gaza hotel: “never imagined something like this in Gaza.” With the intensity of the propaganda war against Israel, how could he? Or anyone else for that matter? And yet, there he stood, and he wrote what he saw.

“Alaa B” of “Gaza, Palestine” wrote in July on Trip Advisor for this property: ”Simply you can find all you what hope to get a perfect rest through perfect service , perfect look , perfect sleep ,perfect foods and so on and I hope you get a moments at this great place[sic]” – hardly what one associates with a “prison.”

Meanwhile, “EngAnasRajab” of Ramallah also writing in July on Trip Advisor about his stay in Gaza:

Excellent hotel overseeing the sea. Very comfortable, very good service, The rooms are simply lovely, well decorated and luxurious with all modern amenities. The services are extremely impressive- you get international standard services here."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"But it is not just the tourist class who know that the real Gaza belies the invented Palestinian-Arab narrative.

In a July, 2011 “Marketplace” article headlined: “In Gaza, real estate is at a premium,” reporter Reese Erlich notes that “wealthy businessman” Suhail Halima “just paid $1 million for this lot in downtown Gaza City.” Poverty? Repression?

Erlich speaks with “real estate broker Essam Mortja” who “walks with confidence” on “a wide street packed with expensive homes and condos.”

Mortja tells Erlich: “This is the best place in the world. Real estate markets collapsed everywhere else. But here, it just goes up.”

Erlich: “Mortja is so bullish, he’s about to put his own house on the market. The three-bedroom/two-bath house will go for $900,000. What makes it worth that kind of money?”

Mortja: “You have a great view of the Mediterranean. The whole world wants to own property here. It’s clean and safe. It’s the best neighborhood in Gaza.”

Wanting to own property inside a “prison”? Not likely.

Other examples of “prison” life are readily available (at least until word of this article spreads) here. Or here. Or here. Or here.

Things are even better in the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria, which through journalistic and academic malfeasance has come to be known colloquially as “the West Bank” – a modern invention that helps to discredit Israel’s connection to these ancient Jewish territories. Anti-Israel propaganda to the contrary reigns however.

The large Palestinian-Arab population centers of Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus and Jericho amid the Jewish and Arab towns and villages are doing well – exactly what the Arabs do not want people to realize. Everyone from Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, to Palestinian-Arab mouthpiece Hanan Ashrawi, to the terrorists’ fawning media accomplices and other purveyors of anti-Semitism, splash around like cheap cologne cynical charges that Israel is stealing Palestinian-Arabs’ water, creating a hostile, repressive environment and committing persecution."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"This September, Abbas told the United Nations General Assembly that “the occupying power” (his pet name for Israel) is:

preventing the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) from implementing vital infrastructure projects and providing services to its citizens, who are also being prevented from cultivating their land and deprived of water for irrigation. It is also obstructing the establishment of agricultural, industrial, tourism and housing projects by the private sector in vast areas of the Occupied Palestinian Authority, … [according to a transcript from the Web site Information Clearing House].

The world might realize Abbas is lying when they see the villas in Ramallah and elsewhere amid the areas he controls. The Royal Villas in the Al-Tireh neighborhood of Ramallah are “a fabulous, modern and state of art residential community located on a wonderful view in the heart of the West Bank city of Ramallah,” according to the developer’s Web site. Most of the units are already sold. They will be located “in the calmness of a quiet district of the town.”

Each unit of the Royal Villas “will have a private garden, a parking lot and a number of open terraces with the possibility to add indoor swimming pool.”

Poolside at the Movenpick Hotel in Ramallah

One doesn’t expect Israel’s enemies to display these pictures, but the media should, especially when Palestinian-Arabs describe their areas as akin to repressive wastelands. But the media’s goal, it seems, is only to document a delay at a checkpoint or an Israeli response to an attack.

It would have to be an accident if word of resort hotels aplenty in these areas were to leak out. Here are some photos of them, and what tourists who have visited there have to say:

“alanweinkrantz”[sic] of San Antonio, Texas, posted on Trip Advisor about the Movenpick Hotel in Ramallah:

Everyone is very nice here and the rooms are VERY nice. It’s a higher end Swiss chain, and you can tell it has European roots."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"I rarely eat in hotel restaurants, but in this case, I can highly recommend the Allegro Italian Restaurant. They[sic] Chef is from Italy and has lived and worked all over the world. The restaurant has an amazing wine list and some really great cheeses that you can select from.

Reviewer “the-amazing-grace” from Israel noted:

The hotel is only 2 years old, and is clean, bright and welcoming. The bed is very comfortable, the bathroom well appointed, and everything about the room was warm and homely. We enjoyed a very nice breakfast as well as a few hours by the pool. The gym overlooks the pool which we thought was a great design feature.

The world would therefore scoff when Abbas speaks of “the occupation seizing the land and its water,” as he did at the United Nations in 2011, when pools and fountains – fixtures of luxurious homes and hotels in the Palestinian-Authority-controlled territories – can be readily seen.

Other guests from Nazareth, Hamburg, Germany, Ramallah, Dubai, United Arab Emirates and many other Americans, Europeans and Arabs have also been there and posted reviews.

“mushrooom288” from Sydney, Australia, wrote:

This hotel is absolutely stunning, and I just did not want to leave. Where do I begin? From the moment you enter the hotel, staff were serving champagne, wine and orange juice as you check in. Check in was efficient, staff were very friendly and helpful, great English. The lobby area in this hotel is stunning – one of the nicest I’ve seen anywhere in the world, nevermind that this is the West Bank. Amazing chandeliers, we had a function in their grandballroom, and its [sic] beautiful in there.

And yet Hanan Ashrawi, a longtime Palestinian-Arab propagandist and lawmaker, told Geraldo Rivera earlier this year:

When you have such a strong system of control where your resources are not at your disposal, particularly the water, the land is not at your disposal, there is no freedom of movement for people or goods. You have hundreds and hundreds of checkpoints that separates one Palestinian town from another. So, that limits your ability to function.


I certainly would like to see peace but peace with justice, with humanity, with morality not peace of power politics, of subjugation of the nation or stealing the land and resources, keeping us as though we are a sub human species."

Anonymous said...

& lastly says
"Then there is American writer Stephen Lendman, who often attacks Israel viciously, ranting:

How do Palestinians manage every day? How do they deal with state-sponsored denial of their rights? How do they survive under suffocating conditions?

How gullible many seem to be when it comes to believing the worst about Jews and Israelis.

In another Palestinian-Authority-controlled city, Jericho, Trip Advisor reviewer “TravelQueen2002” of Los Angeles wrote about the Jericho Resort Village:

We spent the last night of our tour at the Jericho Resort and the staff held back nothing for our Goodbye dinner. We were placed on the outside patio, overlooking the pool with a spread designed for a king. Thanks again to the lovely staff at the Jericho Resort Village for making our last night so memorable!

The city of Jenin also boasts a resort complex that includes an amusement park. Based on its brochure, there is no sign of suffering. See here and here.

Such sights are unlikely to be seen in an American ghetto or Appalachia.

Sure there are areas of extreme poverty, but whatever poverty may exist in Gaza or Jenin or elsewhere is not caused by Israel. Nor is it the point here to suggest that Palestinian-Arabs are not allowed to have luxury homes, resorts or pleasures.

But the problem is, it is exclusively scenes of suffering or destruction both the media feature and the propagandists display. Malibu-like mansions, sumptuous smorgasbords or Las Vegas-like resort hotels would completely destroy a narrative used as a bludgeon against Israel.

Accusations that Israel is stealing water from the Palestinian-Arabs would simply not be readily accepted if more people saw photos of luxurious pools and fountains.

Likewise, the lies that Gaza is “a giant prison” would not hold water if people read the candid reviews on Trip Advisor offered by Palestinian-Arabs, Europeans and others who have managed to enter and leave the area freely.

The truth is, if Palestinian-Arabs are suffering it is due to a system of corruption from their leaders who receive billions in aid donations. Were Israel truly trying to persecute or oppress the Palestinian-Arabs, there would be no resorts, no five-star hotels and restaurants and no travel to or between these areas.

The image of Israel as oppressor, forcing Palestinian-Arabs to live in “squalor” serves as fodder to bludgeon Israel at the U.N., on campuses throughout the world and in the streets and media of European capitals.

Israelis certainly do not deserve the boycotts, calls for divestment, attacks at the U.N. and other international arenas and on campuses the world over."

Steve Feldman is executive director of the Zionist Organization of America’s Greater Philadelphia District.

Anonymous said...

A person explained online why
Gaza is Not a Prison for
"The Gazan people are not prisoners and Gaza has crossings to both Israel and Egypt.
Both crossing are opened to limited civilian crossings and "import/export", which is the prerogative of any sovreign nation controlling its own borders.

Gaza is also at a state of war with Israel and a part of that war's consequences is that Gaza's naval and arial access have been blockaded by Israel.
This blockade, while unfortunate and in my opinion damaging to both sides, is legal and does not constitute illegal imprisonment of the Gazan people.

Saying that Gaza is a prison is demagoguery in the same sense as claiming that Mexico is a prison because the US doesn't allow any Mexican wishing to cross the border into the US to do so freely.
Nor is it legitimate to claim that a lawful and legitimate blockade on Gaza constitutes its becoming a prison.

Another point, regarding the demand for exit visas. You could claim that Gazan people are prisoners in their own land due to restrictions placed on exit visas in Gaza, but the same applies to many other countries with various totalitarian/strickter governments (Cuba, Bhutan, North Korea, all have limitations on passports and exit visas... are they also prisoners?)"

Anonymous said...

Another Anti-Israel Lie Refuted has an entry about Gaza headlined
"The Population Density of the Gaza Strip"

Gaza Strip
Latest Population Statistics for Israel
Palestinian Population Statistics
The Gaza Strip is frequently referred to as one of the most densely populated areas in the world. According to the CIA, it has a population of 1,957,062 in an area of 139 square miles which would be a density of 14,029 people per square mile, which is less than the density of the city of Tel Aviv (23,067/sq. mi.). If you compare Gaza to a country, then it would rank sixth, but is not even close to the top two ­­– Macau (56,247) ­and Monaco (51,167) ­– according to World Population Review.

Gaza City is the 63rd most densely populated urban area in the world at 42,059 per square mile. This is far below Bnei Brak in Israel (76,000 per square mile). A more apt comparison is Manhattan, which is 23 square miles compared to Gaza City’s 17. Its population density is more than 70,000 per square mile."

Anonymous said... has an article by Elliott A. Green
"Is Gaza Really the Most Densely Populated Place on Earth? — If So, Let Them Migrate" on
JUL 31, 2014, The article says
"When it comes to vilifying Israel, hyperbole and total fraud are the rule. This is true of one the main things said about the Gaza Strip in order to cast Israel in a bad light. But Gaza’s population density is not Israel’s fault. And anyway, Gaza is far from the most densely populated place on earth. But if there are those who truly believe, or really, really need psychologically to believe that that claim is true, then there is a solution. Allow Gazans to emigrate from Gaza. There are several Arab countries with much available undeveloped land. There are also quite a few non-Arab lands that could absorb Gaza Arab immigration.

Here are population and area stats comparing the Gaza Strip with Manhattan Island. You can calculate the density by dividing total population by area (in square miles or square kilometers).

Manhattan Island

population (2012)

1.69 million


22.7 square miles (or 58.8 square kilometers)

Gaza Strip

1.76 million (Index Mundi – 2013)

1.8 million (CIA World Factbook — 2014)


360 square miles (Information Please)
density of Gaza Strip

9,713 per square mile (Information Please)

density of Manhattan Island

74,449 per square mile

This web page has numbers for population density in many countries (here)

So we see that Manhattan Island is considerably greater in population density than the Gaza Strip. It is 7.66 times denser. That won’t make much difference to the fanatic Israel haters, but that is the real figure.

Nevertheless, those who think that Gaza is too densely populated should allow Gazans to emigrate to greener pastures"

Anonymous said...
Has an article headlined
"Gaza: The usual suspects and the usual lies"
By Paul Danish - June 7, 2018 this article says

"Whenever Hamas’s excitable boys in Gaza pick a fight with Israel — as they did in 2008, 2014 and this spring — it plays out the same way.

Hamas starts it by doing something that is considered an act of war when it occurs anywhere else in the world — like firing several thousand rockets at Israel civilian targets in 2008, or firing rockets and digging tunnels into Israel for use in terror attacks in 2014, or organizing lynch mobs to breach the border fence and kill or kidnap Israelis, which has been its shtick this year.

Israel responds with air strikes and ground attacks into Gaza, or in the more recent round, with sniper fire.

After a few days, Hamas starts yelping like a kicked dog about Israeli aggression, Israeli atrocities and civilian casualties.

Before long the international press joins in like a Greek chorus of velveteen anti-Semites, regurgitating Hamas’s lies and blood libels.

For the past two months this has taken the form of characterizing Hamas’s “right of return” marches in Gaza as grassroots civilian civil rights demonstrations that were “mostly peaceful,” and Israel’s response to them — with sniper fire and tear gas — as a “disproportionate use of force” against “innocent civilians.”

The international press lies.

The marchers are not peaceful. Nor are they intended to be.

If there’s any doubt on this point, consider how Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar described what they were intended to do in a pep talk he gave to some of the marchers April 6: “We will take down the border, and we will tear out their hearts from their bodies.” He also called on the marchers to “eat their livers.” (“Eat their livers,” huh? As we Jews are wont to reply: “Who do you think we are, asshole? Chopped liver? Tell it to the snipers.”)

And on May 13, in an interview with Al Jazeera, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, one of the founders of Hamas, brightly added: “When we talk of peaceful resistance, we are deceiving the public.”

One Hamas Facebook page urged marchers to bring knives and cleavers to the demonstrations and hide them under their clothes.

In an article at the website, Daniel Greenfield sarcastically and succinctly described one of the demonstrations, or more plainly riots, like this:

“Hamas supporters in Gaza held the world’s first peaceful protest with hand grenades, pipe bombs, cleavers, and guns. Ten explosive devices were peacefully detonated. There were outbursts of peaceful gunfire and over a dozen kites carrying firebombs were sent into Israel where they started 23 peaceful fires. And Israeli soldiers peacefully defended their country leaving multiple Hamas attackers at peace.”

Anonymous said...

The article continues and lastly says
"Nor was participation in the marches exactly the spontaneous uprising of the wretched of the Earth that most of the international media has been trying to portray it as.

According to a report in early April from the Middle East correspondent for the U.K. paper The Telegraph, marchers were paid $100 for showing up, $200 if they were shot and $500 for being severely injured. Families of the dead got $3,000.

The international media frequently reported that Israeli snipers were shooting innocent, unarmed civilians. That narrative fell apart on May 16, when a senior Hamas official named Salah Bardawil told a Palestinian TV station that 50 of 62 rioters killed on May 14 were members of Hamas.

But what of the 2,000 or so marchers who have been wounded by Israeli snipers, usually by being shot in the legs? Surely they were unarmed innocent civilians.

Whatever else the Hamas marches may have accomplished, they have raised, once again, a question the international press prefers not to ask of militants who, in Mao’s phrase, consider themselves entitled to “move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea,” even when the fish might prefer that they were in someone else’s shoal.

The question is “who’s a civilian?”

The Great March of Return casualties were civilians, at least to the extent of not wearing uniforms; a lot of militants fight in T-shirts, Levis and chinos. But the “innocent” part is another matter.

“Innocent” means, at a minimum, uninvolved. The Gaza protesters stormed an international border (Israel’s), which they do not recognize, with the intent of challenging the sovereignty of the country on the other side (Israel), whose existence they don’t recognize. That may be many things, but “uninvolved” isn’t one of them.

Indeed, violating an international border with the intent of challenging the sovereignty and existence of the country on the other side is an act of war.

A civilian who engages in such an act can be variously characterized as a rioter, a rebel, a partisan, a revolutionary, a non-uniformed militiaman, a non-uniformed combatant, a complicit civilian, a civilian combatant, or some other category of irregular forces. But they are not innocent bystanders, and to suggest they are is to reject reality.

The fact that the international press continues to portray the ones in Gaza as innocents and libel Israel for defending itself against the acts of war perpetrated by them raises two other questions: 1) Who’s a journalist?, and 2) Who’s an anti-Semite?"

Anonymous said...

The website
Has an article headlined
"Gaza: Open Air Prison?" On July 28, 2010 this article says

"British Prime Minister, David Cameron, exploited his visit to Turkey to curry favour with his hosts, using Palestinian propaganda hype, saying that Israel’s blockade turned the Gaza strip into a “prison camp”.

Every last Israeli left Gaza long before Hamas' bloody take-over. Closing the borders and even war has not stopped the incessant rockets and terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens and border checkpoints. More than 30 terrorist attacks come out of Gaza each month.

Applying international law, Israel inspects the constant flow of goods through its borders into Gaza, in an attempt to exclude war material. Propagandists (and it seems European politicians) conveniently ignore the rules of war and international law, and claim these actions to be a form of occupation. They declare that Israel ruthlessly keeps Gazans in poverty.

Visiting international politicians and aid agency representatives are taken to view the deliberately unrepaired damage of the war Hamas provoked. Poverty stricken areas, including families living in plastic tents since their houses were destroyed in the war, are all on the carefully pre-arranged agenda. Israel is obligingly condemned. And more western tax payer money is pledged to the highest ever per capita aid program.

Although of little interest to the mainstream media, Gazan "poverty" is strongly questioned in the blogosphere. No accumulation of facts seems to be able to stop the constant flow of lies, cynically manipulated into very effective anti-Israel (and often anti-Semitic) propaganda."

Anonymous said...

The article continues
"Even the Palestinian media reports a very different picture. There is an abundance of both basic and luxury goods. It is not clear if it comes via the Egyptian border, underground tunnels, or the thousands of trucks that the Israelis officially allow to stream through their border crossings. But the fact is that there is plenty, and often at very attractive prices.

Ordinary Palestinian citizens say that there is enough to go around - but the Hamas apparatchiks steal it.

And what of building materials to house those wretched families? Somehow, they don't seem to rank in the Hamas list of priorities. A brand new shopping mall replete with luxury goods, a luxury hotel, a fancy restaurant, an olympic size pool and a fancy jail to lock up prisoners accused of crimes such as "passing information to the Palestinian Authority" all make it into the list of latest completed projects, though.

Electricity shortages? Also an internal problem. Seems that Hamas collects electricity bills from the end user & then steals the money - expecting the Palestinian Authority and international donors to pay the Israeli suppliers. When the suppliers want their overdue money before providing more goods, who do you guess is blamed?

But those wretched Palestinians are suffering. Then again, life expectancy, infant mortality, and even cell phone penetration statistics show Gaza to be better off than other Muslim countries – and in many cases better than most places on earth!

Forgotten is the Economist report of 2004 that the West Bank and Gaza rank amongst the most obese populations in the world.

Clicking on the links embedded above will bring you to lots of reports and pictures showing the truth.

But what about the charge that Israel has turned Gaza into a large open-air jail? We all value freedom of movement. We want to be able to leave our country of residence either permanently or temporarily for vacation, to receive better medical care, to advance our education or business. But of course, we all know that no-one can get in or out. Don't we?

Israel can be forgiven for being very cautious about allowing enemy aliens through its territory - after all Hamas has officially and openly declared its intent to wipe Israel off the map and sends regular rockets across the border to remind us all. Nevertheless, many people do cross the border - usually for humanitarian reasons, often to receive medical treatment in Israeli hospitals."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"But what everyone seems to forget is that Israel is not Gaza's only border. Fellow Arab country Egypt, which has supported the Palestinian cause since it was first invented, is linked to Gaza with a little more than 11 km of border, and an official crossing at Rafah.

So why an open air prison? The Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) regularly exposes the real problem in its monthly reports. Here it is from this month's bulletin:

Violations of the Right to Travel and Movement

Gaza residents are still suffering from the unavailability of passport books since November 2008 until the end of this current month. According to ICHR information obtained from officials from the Ministry of Interior of the Deposed Government, the MOI in the West Bank does not send passport books for citizens in Gaza Strip which entails depriving them from the right to travel and movement. In addition, it affects most of those in urgent need for traveling abroad for seeking medical care, university education, students and thousands of expatriates whose passports have expired and require renewal.

International travel, even via Egypt, requires a passport. The PA won't issue Gazans with passports. Gazans can't travel. That's Israel's fault. Clear?" More Facts related to this article are listed

* The life expectancy and infant mortality rates in Gaza are better than the comparisons in Turkey - the very place Cameron made his remarks. And Turkey's rates are good enough for Cameron to be pushing for Turkey to join the EU

* Turkey continues to illegally occupy parts of Cyprus - which is a member state of the EU. What a double standard!!

* Cameron did not see fit to mention Gilad Shalit who is held so many years incommunicado by Hamas - no access to Red Cross visits. No information to his family. Isn't this an illegal act that deserves his attention?"

Anonymous said...

From an article is
"No, Prime Minister, It's Not a "Prison Camp"
BY CLAUDIA ROSETT ON JULY 27, 2010 the article says

"Did British Prime Minister David Cameron have some special reason for pandering to Ankara? Or is he simply clueless on Islamist terrorism and the Middle East?

Speaking Tuesday in the Turkish capital, Cameron called Gaza a “prison camp.”

No, Prime Minister. Gaza is not a prison camp. It is a terrorist camp.

Gaza is controlled by Hamas, an Iranian-backed terrorist group, whose leaders seized all power in the enclave in a bloody coup in 2007 — slaughtering Palestinian rivals. Hamas is dedicated in its charter to obliterating the sovereign state of Israel, hostile generally to the values of free societies, and dedicated on its current turf in Gaza to imposing strict Islamic law. Hamas has launched thousands of rockets into neighboring Israel. The reason for the Israeli blockade is to keep weapons out of Gaza — from which Israel withdrew entirely in 2005, trusting that the “international community” would help ensure a future there of peaceful coexistence. Instead, what’s emerged is a terrorist enclave, its staple needs sustained by enormous handouts from the U.S. and European Union, while Hamas spends resources on propaganda and weapons.

The real answer for Gaza is an end to Hamas, and an end to Iran’s tyrannical regime and its toxic influence both in the Middle East and beyond — extending, apparently, to such places as London. Whatever constituency Cameron is playing to, he’s kidding himself if he fails to understand that with utterances such as this latest in Turkey, he is giving a nod to Islamist terrorism. That is all too likely to come home to roost."

Anonymous said...

The website
Has an article headlined

Debunking 25 left-wing and Arab myths from a left-wing Arab perspective" on April 24,2018 by Fred Maroun , this article says
"I'm left-wing and Arab myself, but no, I don't believe this conflict is really a dispute over land

Left-wing and Arab enemies of Israel make a number of accusations that they repeat as if they were facts. Here I take apart those myths from a left-wing Arab perspective.

I summarize the facts, but I include many links to other articles that provide further background. Some of the articles referenced are mine, where I reference serious sources not considered pro-Israel, including Haaretz, BBC, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, and The Huffington Post. I also reference pro-Israel sources that are known for their journalistic integrity, including The Times of Israel, The Jerusalem Post, and The Gatestone Institute.

This article is not for everyone. It is intended only for a narrow audience: People who are willing to base their opinions on facts and not lies. Others are kindly advised to stay away, lest they be contaminated by facts that they would rather continue ignoring."

Anonymous said...

#3 on the Fred Maroun
Article is
. “Gaza is an open-air prison / under siege” and it says
"When Israel voluntarily left Gaza in 2005 under the hawkish Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and evacuated all Israeli settlements, it imposed no blockade on Gaza. Even the anti-Israel Al Jazeera admits that the blockade “has been in place since Hamas violently took over power from Fatah in 2007”, two years after Israel’s withdrawal. The blockade was imposed by Israel and Egypt only after the Hamas authority in Gaza started attacking Israel. The purpose of the blockade is to stop Hamas and other terrorist groups from obtaining weapons with which to attack Israel. The legitimacy of the blockade was even recognized by the United Nations, not usually known as a friend of Israel since it is controlled by a majority of countries hostile to the Jewish state.

A siege is defined as surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible. This concept does not apply to Israel’s blockade on Gaza since Israel provides for the regular transfer of non-military goods into Gaza from Israel and through Israel, even when Israel is under attack from Gaza. Every day, “an average of 800 trucks enter the Gaza Strip carrying food, medical equipment, fuel, building materials, agricultural inputs, textile products and more”.

In 2005, the Palestinians of Gaza had a choice. They could have used their newly acquired freedom to build a strong economy in that coastal and fertile land, or they could have used that freedom to fight Israel. The fact that they chose the latter is not Israel’s responsibility, and it is not too late for Gaza’s Palestinians to choose a different path. As an Arab, I hope that they do so for their own sake."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Gaza – land of the invaders"
Posted on December 2, 2015 by Richard Mather see also the website
Jewish Task Force by
Chaim Ben Pesach , it's a Superb Pro-Israel website

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Palestinian issue is about supremacy, not justice"
December 15, 2022 by Yochai Guiski
Once Again, Everyone should See the website Jewish Task Force
JTF by Chaim Ben Pesach

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
on JULY 8, 2016

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"Gaza Is Not Occupied by Anyone Other than Gazans — The War of Words"
on JULY 16, 2018
by Leonard Grunstein

Anonymous said... has an article by
Daniel Doron headlined
"Say No To A Palestinian State" on
May 16, 2009

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The myth of Gaza as an 'open-air prison' serves Hamas's agenda" on
October 11, 2023 by
Jake Wallis Simons

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Don’t believe the lies: Hamas massacre was only possible because Gaza is not occupied"
Gary Willig on
Oct 9, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"The Truth behind Humanitarian Aid to Gaza"
October 12, 2023

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"Take Back Gaza and Never Give It Back"
by Terry Paulson
Oct 10, 2023

Anonymous said...

Also from
Another article headlined
"The Ethical, Essential, and Imperative Yet Mythical Blockade of Gaza" by
Jonathan Feldstein
Oct 15, 2023

Anonymous said...

Satan the Devil and All His Demons will be Suffering and Screaming in Pain Forever in the Lake of Fire for the Terrorist Attack of October 7, 2023 in Israel that killed 1,300 innocent people, Satan the Devil, his Demons, all the Hamas Terrorists of that Terrible Day and their Supporters will be Suffering Forever, they will Never be Forgiven
They will truly deeply wish they didn't commit that Act , what they did, but they are Incapable of Remorse, Repentance
They are Forever Doomed
Jesus who is himself Jewish is standing with his own Jewish people
Jesus is Still Jewish in Heaven

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"The west's moral confusion"
OCT 13, 2023

Anonymous said...

Also from
Another good article is headlined
"An existential evil"
OCT 11, 2023 the article has a good link to Another article by
Colonel Richard Kemp

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead has a good article headlined
"How Israel’s Jewish and other media lie to you"
Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer
July 24, 2023, 

We cannot be Fooled by
Fake News

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Why I Stand by the Nation of Israel and the Jewish People"

by Greg Laurie on Oct 11, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Are Gaza Civilians Considered Innocent?" by
Ezri Tobe on
Oct 16, 2023, A Superb Article

Anonymous said... has an article headlined

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"Proportionality in Warfare" by
Keith Pavlischek in Spring of 2010 , a Superb Essay

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Tachles with Aviel – Why should Israel react proportionally?"
By Aviel Schneider on Oct 17, 2023
Countless Israel Supporters Agree, Enough with the
Anti-Israel BS
Hypocrisy and Double Standards unjustly Applied Only to Israel

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"The Lie Behind Hamas's 'Disproportionality' Claim"
Arutz Sheva Staff on
June 14, 2015,

Anonymous said... has an article by Fred Maroun headlined:
"The Lie of "Disproportionality" on
May 26, 2016

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Proportionality in Conflict"
by Mitchell Bard

Anonymous said...

From the New York Post an article is headlined
“Biden & Obama are wrong: Hamas, not Israel, is responsible for every civilian death in Gaza”
By Isaac Schorr
Published Oct. 23, 2023,

Anonymous said...

From an article is headlined
"A Reprehensible Statement from Palestinian Christians"
October 22, 2023 by Michael L. Brown showing that "Palestinian" Christians are Evil,Wicked, Heartless, Insensitive, Hypocrites, Liars and Nobody's Friend

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Just how ‘innocent’ are the civilians of Gaza?"
on October 25, 2023 by
Mitchell Bard

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Gazans aren’t innocent; they are the swamp Hamas swims in"
By Don Feder on
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article about Gaza headlined
"Not so innocent civilians"
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky on
Oct 27, 2023

Anonymous said...

Also from an article is headlined
"There are no 'innocent' Palestinians in Gaza" by
Jonathan Pollard on
Oct 19, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Calls for Israel to restrain itself against Hamas are illegal" on
October 15, 2023 , For More Information
On YouTube anyone can look up
"The Caroline Glick Show” with guest Professor Avi Bell, Ep. 74

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Retired Army legal expert blasts AOC's accusations against Israel for committing 'war crimes'"
By Greg Wehner Fox News
Published October 25, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"In Gaza, there is no such thing as 'innocent civilians' "
by Giora Eiland on May 8, 2014

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Gaza Rules"
JULY 09, 2014

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Egyptian illegal aid to Hamas must be stopped”
October 18, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"The U.N. shames Israelis for evacuating Palestinians – while Hamas uses the innocent as human shields. When will the world see that these vicious terrorists – not Israel – are Gaza’s worst enemy?"
By The Honorable Chuck DeVore on October 16, 2023

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead, has an article headlined
"Is Everyone REALLY Kahane Today?"
By Shmuel Sackett on October 30, 2023
A Superb Article
Also Mr. Whitehead what is Your Personal Opinion about the
Tragedy of October 7, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Dear world: I don’t care" on
OCT 30, 2023 by Avi Lewis
It's Also a Must Read Article

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"It’s high time Arab leaders denounce Hamas as ‘bloody-thirsty terrorists’ and ‘oppressors of Palestinians’"

by Joel C. Rosenberg on October 8, 2023 Good Facts are listed and discussed in this article

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Commentary that ''Palestinians innocent, Israelis evil" is morally bankrupt" by
David Cumin
on May 30 2018

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Terrorism Denial – Why Hamas Attempts to Deny"
OCT 16, 2023, by Lev Tapor

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: We Will Repeat The October 7 Attack, Time And Again, Until Israel Is Annihilated; We Are Victims – Everything We Do Is Justified" on
November 1, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Israel has the right — and the duty — to besiege Gaza”
By Avi Bell and Erielle Davidson
Published Oct. 11, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“How Israel’s Jewish and other media lie to you” by
Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer
July 24, 2023 The Article is a Must Read , A Very Informative Article

Anonymous said... an article about Anti-Semitism is headlined
“It’s tried and true blaming the Jews”
On October 19, 2023 by
Rory Lancman

Also from the website an article on
Sunday October 15, 2023 is headlined
“Why 10/7 was worse than 9/11” by Robert Satloff about the horrific Terrorist Attacks in Israel of October 7, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“American Christians Should Stand with Israel under Attack”
OCTOBER 7, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"War crimes in Gaza? How everyone is getting international law wrong" by
November 2, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
After the Events of
October 7, 2023
"What the West doesn't understand is that the extreme Islam, and almost all of the Palis, have created the idea of a World Caliphate. It's not just from the river to the sea. They, ISIS, HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH, AL QAEDA, BOKA HARAM, ETC. are not interested in anything short of world domination. Israel is fighting the civilized world's fight!"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online after the events of October 7, 2023

The US and Europe still talk about a two-state solution to the conflict as if that simplistic kind of deal could ever work.

The Failure of the Gaza experiment, Remember how in 2005. The USA and Europe pushed Israel to withdraw from Gaza and allow home rule in Gaza - with the promise that if it worked, it could be a model for the 2-state solution, and if its failed, Israel would never be pushed again.

So much for promises from the West.

But this latest effort by Hamas to murder, rape, burn alive, Jews, has exposed the truth that the two state solution can never happen.

Because, in Gaza, in the Palestine Authority, in places like London, Berlin, New York, Washington, and University Campuses in the West, and in Tunisia yesterday, came the real demand.

“From the River to the Sea”. Palestine. Meaning nothing short of the end of Israel and the mass murder or exclusion of Jews will be accepted.

I’m not going to look in the past to place blame. That is a waste of time.

But, the fact is that the only real solution to this entire problem is to realize that minds and hearts will not be won by Israel or the West, is to crush and utterly destroy those that want to destroy Israel and murder Jews, to make the cost of such attempts so high that they will be abandoned, and to solve the Palestine problem by deporting those who do not accept Israel.

What many are realizing is this: Meir Kahane. Speaking in Ohio in 1985, reiterated his belief, a belief intentionally distorted by his enemies, that the solution for peace is to deport all Arabs who refuse to live in peace and accept a Jewish State.

And think of this. The left’s cliche is that “one makes peace with one’s enemies, not one’s friends”. Is a lie.

World War II did not end by making peace with an enemy. Peace was made after defeating the enemy and making peace with its successors.

Peace for Israel will not come by trying to make peace with those who chant “Palestine from the river to the Sea” and who sponsor and subsidize terrorism. Peace will come only after that ideology is defeated or those that follow it are gone."

Anonymous said...

Yet Another person typed online
After October 7, 2023
"Erdogan has made clear that there is no "moderate" Islam: Says he, "Islam is Islam." I agree entirely with his observation, just as I agree with Russia's policy of utterly destroying the Axis powers of WWII, and for the same reason: coexistence is impossible with an opponent who will be satisfied with nothing short of one's death."

Anonymous said...

From the New York Post a good article is headlined
"One word explains the ugly hypocrisy of Hamas apologists: antisemitism"
By Victor Davis Hanson
Published Nov. 3, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined:
“Pro-Palestinian” slogans often amount to advocating terrorism or calling for genocide"
Nov 2, 2023 by Oved Lobel

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"5 Big Lies About Israel’s War with Hamas"
by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller on
October 30, 2023

Anonymous said...

Also from an
article on November 5, 2023 is headlined
"5 More Myths about Israel’s War with Hamas"
by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Woman explains meaning of ‘from the river to the sea' slogan, asks anti-Israelis to wake up and call out Hamas terror"
By Adarsh Kumar Gupta on
Oct 26, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Let’s Be Honest About the Hate That Drove the Hamas Attack"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead,
Hello, are you there ? has an article headlined
"Beyond the Cycle of Hate: The 3 Keys that Unlocked Peace for the Hatfields & McCoys and Their Promise for Transforming Israeli-Palestinian Relations" by
Dr. J. Bruce Stewart
Published Oct 25, 2023
Do you have any opinions on the article ? Israel is in a Fight for it's survival, it's Not like the Hatfield-McCoy Feud or
Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack type of thing. Israel is Fighting to Survive

Anonymous said...

An article from on
November 8, 2023
says in part
"Gaza is the largest terror base built by mankind, ever — the entire city is one big terror base,“ said Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on television Tuesday"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The nine Big Lies against Israel and what they really mean"
November 12, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined

"BBC News Promotes False and Defamatory Lies About ‘Genocide’ and ‘War Crimes’ in Gaza"
by Hadar Sela on
November 14, 2023

Anonymous said...

In November 2023 a person typed on Social Media
“The whole world is turing on Israel as foretold in the Book of Zechariah (and elsewhere).

-Yemen has declared war.

-Bolivia, Columbia, Chile severing ties

-Belgium and Spain are openly repudiating Israel

-China publicly denounces Israel

-The major of European/NATO allies are openly calling for

-All of the Arabic World (regardless of sectarian differences) and mobilizing for war.

-Iran (Russia) are calling for “wiping Israel off the map” to make way for their eschatological arrival of the Mahdi/12th Imam/ Antichrist Figure

-Once long-maintained alliance nations are calling for war crime tribunals

-Russia is calling for a 2-State Solution

-Other Governmental bodies are clamoring for these options:

-The US and Israel are exploring the possibility of a multinational force governing Gaza if Israeli forces succeed in ousting Hamas, people familiar with the matter say told Bloomberg Business News.

-A second option would establish a peacekeeping force modeled on one that oversees a 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty, while a third would see Gaza put under temporary United Nations oversight.

-Another option would grant temporary oversight to Gaza to countries from the region, backed by troops from the US, UK, Germany and France. Ideally, it would also include representation from Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, the people said – Bloomberg


This is headed towards the “big show” with a sharing of the Temple Mount, a rebuilding of the 3rd Temple, the establishment of a global governing body based out of Jerusalem, and ultimately the consolidation of all people under one system and one new, universal religion. It is also from this precedent manuvering that the Man of Perdition will arise!”

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Is Israel to blame? The role of confirmation bias and antisemitism in the current war" By DAPHNE KLAJMAN   Published: NOVEMBER 12, 2023

Anonymous said...
has a pdf article headlined
"Why Is the World Obsessed with the Jews?"
Avi Beker

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead, Hello are you there ?
A person recently typed online after the events of October 7, 2023 that
“I’m constantly amazed at frum Jews who eagerly boast about Israel putting its soldiers lives in danger to save the lives of enemy civilians. “See how moral we are!”

No, putting your enemy first does not make you moral. It makes you immoral.” Plus many have explained why many of those enemy “civilians” aren’t exactly so innocent

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online after
October 7, 2023 that
"From the Chumash commentary of Rabbi Joseph Hertz, chief rabbi of England from 1913-1946:

"The fact is that the population of nearly every European country ... conquered its present homeland and largely destroyed the original inhabitants. Thus, the Saxon all but exterminated the Romanized Celts; and, in turn, the Saxons were 'harried' by the Normans on their conquest of England."

We lived in the Land of Israel long before the Arabs did, but even if we hadn't, why exactly should the clock be turned back to 1947? Why not to 1547 or 1047 or 547 or 47? Perhaps every population around the world should be repatriated to the land from which they originally came.

We shouldn't be any more defensive than other nations. In fact, we should be LESS defensive since we actually have a divine title to our land. Which other nation in the world can claim that?"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Netanyahu Is Churchill; Obama Is Halifax"
November 6, 2023

Anonymous said... on
OCTOBER 11, 2023 has an article headlined
"Hamas attacks – cowardly and morally indecent"
Peter Baum

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"The Big Lie: “Genocide” in Gaza"
Nov 23, 2023 by Oved Lobel

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Letter from a left-wing atheist Arab to Jewish enablers of Hamas” on
NOV 9, 2023 by Fred Maroun , a
rare, extremely rare decent Arab

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
in November 2023
"Qatar, a country that gladly harbors terrorists and is the home base for the leadership of HAMAS. A nation that allows HAMAS, Islamic Jihad and other violently Antisemitic, anti -Western groups to operate openly and freely. A nation that has given billions to HAMAS, knowing it was using the $ for terror not to help Gazans.

Qatar and many other countries empowered HAMAS which allowed it to carry out its attack on Oct 7th. HAMAS thrives because of Qatar.

Instead of always blaming Israel for all of the troubles in the region, maybe the real focus should be Qatar and other Arab nations that enable, promote and fund terror.

Thanks, Qatar."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about UN agencies calling for a "humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza
"Instead, why don’t these well meaning, unbiased, sincere global bodies demand that HAMAS relinquish its control over GAZA. If Hamas left or otherwise turned the keys over to the PA or some other group, that would immediately put Israel in a very tough spot ( meaning it would undermine its rationale for war) and probably lead to an immediate cessation of violence. Easy peazy. No HAMAS, no war. Isn’t that what the Jew hating, progressive, radical socialists and human rights groups are demanding. So why aren’t they calling for HAMAS to give up control over Gaza-especially since we are being told that the “vast majority of ordinary Gazans hate Hamas”.

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Palestinians: ‘Extreme’ support for Hamas, Israel’s destruction"
By Bassam Tawil Nov 23, 2023

Anonymous said... has a
Superb article headlined
"4 More Myths About Israel’s War with Hamas"
by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller
November 26, 2023 a good article, but don't believe the
BS Lie about "innocent civilians" in Gaza

Anonymous said...

Earlier this November 2023 a person typed online
"Israel, the Jews, and the IDF are held to a different standard. We are Jews and the reality is that we live in a strong Anti Semitic world. The good that Israel has to other countries providing field hospitals, and emergency technical support and aid is quickly forgotten by the those countries. One can only recall the lack of support Israel has received at the UN from countries that Israel has helped. That is with the exception for good, bad, or indifference, that only the US who is our biggest ally and supporter of financial aid, military equipment and weapons has vetoed. Caroline Glick has a very strong point that we rely too heavily on military and financial aid from the US because they can and they do dictate policy. which weakens Israel. Israel according to Caroline Glick, should be manufacturing, and producing our own weapons and equipment"

Anonymous said... has
a good article headlined
"Stop worrying about Gazan civilians"
Dr. Elliot Resnick
Nov 26, 2023
Why should we or anyone care about
Gazan "civilians" ? They don't
care about Israeli Civilians who are the TRUE civilians in the

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
November 26, 2023
"Fooled Again

This latest hostage deal, where Israel has once again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, is becoming the final straw for the Bibi apologists. For years we’ve heard how Bibi is the best we have, its better him than someone else, he’s “right-wing”…

Bibi supporters overlook his continuation of Oslo through the Wye agreements and continued embrace of Arafat. They turn a blind eye to the release of thousands of hardcore Arab terrorists, first in the Gilad Shalit embarrassment and later as a "gesture" to Obama and Kerry. They disregard the dismantling of settlements and hilltops that occurred under his watch. If it were Shimon Peres undertaking these actions, Bibi supporters would be calling for the head of that "traitor."

There are two reasons why Bibi is so popular among right-wing nationalist Jews, despite his policies. First, because he so reviled by the left and the Israel-bashing world media, it causes us to naturally like him. Anything that these leftists despise, we automatically support. But this is wrong. We have to think with our heads, and not with our heart. Do we like Biden more because the Arabs in America are protesting him? We can’t evaluate leaders by reacting to the reactions of others. We have to evaluate them on their actions and the impact on the nation.

The other reason many are drawn to Bibi is because he is a great speaker in two languages. This reminds me of a Jackie Mason routine where he makes fun of the fact that we choose leaders based on their speaking abilities. Would you go to a dentist because he gives a great speech? Would you say, "Well, he destroyed my mouth, did a terrible job, but... what a speaker!" Or would you hire a plumber because he's a good speaker? So why is it that when we are talking about someone who has to solve big, world problems, we evaluate them based on their rhetoric skills?

What Bibi excels at is holding onto his seat as Prime Minister. He achieves political success by pretending to be a "Kahanist" before each election. Suddenly, before an election, he speaks of the growing Arab vote and emphasizes that we shouldn't allow them to determine who the next Prime Minister will be. Before the last election, he openly supported Ben Gvir. He understands that the people of Israel are essentially normal. However, when he comes to power, he reverts to his "centrist" stance.

After the October 7th massacre, we all thought that it would be different this time. Maybe
Bibi would do the right thing. That he would finish off the Hamas. But he capitulated once again. Yet we continue to believe this snake-oil salesman over and over again."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today November 29, 2023
"It is not righteous to play by rules that the enemy does not honor. It is evil to sacrifice one’s own boys’ lives on an altar to a fake morality that does not exist, a “global morality” that is neither global nor moral. The enemy hides behind civilians, leveraging them cynically as human shields. For example, the headquarters of Hamas-ISIS being located in Gaza tunnels under a hospital. They figure Israel never would strike deliberately at a hospital.

Biden and Blinken are counseling Bibi and his military staff with the wisdom of a country that has not won a single serious war in 80 years."

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Accusing Israel of genocide is despicable doublethink"
Brendan O'Neill

22nd November 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
November 29, 2023
"Go to Wikipedia and type in “Jeffrey Dahmer”. Read the details of his crimes.
Then imagine a mechanized army of 40,000+ Jeffrey Dahmers.
That’s Hamas."

Anonymous said...

On November 26, 2023 has an article headlined
"Gazastinian and West Bankian populations keep growing as leftists redefine ‘genocide’"
By Andrea Widburg

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday about Palestinian "civilians" :
"Can someone explain how there is not a single Palestinian man or woman helping the Jews who were kidnapped to Gaza, the wounded, babies, children and the elderly? The conclusion: there are no innocents in Gaza. They all support terrorism and take an active part in it."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today December 1, 2023 that
"*Why is there no international demand to release Israeli hostages, violently kidnapped from their homes?!?*

Why has the Red Cross done *NOTHING* to help Israeli hostages, held over 50 days in horrific conditions?

Why is Israel being treated differently than any other nation in such a situation?

*This is NOT a hostage exchange. Israel does not take hostages!*
This is a deal with the devil - Israel is releasing Hamas terrorist prisoners in order to get its innocent hostages back – babies, children, elderly, women and men.

*And world organizations remain silent.* "

Anonymous said...

A person typed in reply to the comment yesterday about
Palestinian "civilians" in Gaza
“Case in point. An Israeli escaped capture by Hamas, only to be captured by Gazans and turned over to Hamas. After his release he wrote about his experience. No, they are not innocent.”

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"When Neutrality is Immoral: Israel, Hamas, and the Problem of Moral Equivalence"
by André Villeneuve
November 19, 2023

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"What Norman Finkelstein Gets Wrong About Gazan Misery"
Jonah Cohen
November 30, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Iran sues Canada for allowing victims to pursue terror charges”
On June 29, 2023
Can you believe that BS
Hypocrisy from Iran ?

Anonymous said...

A person typed earlier online today in reply to Someone who was Pro-Hamas that
"so you believe the Palestinians suffered some kind of wrong, real or imagined, and that gives them a special right to murder, rape, burn and pillage to act out their frustration? And that the innocent Israelis who suffered at their hands are somehow to blame for their fate? What a load of garbage. There are people in Asia and Africa (I think the Uyghurs in China as one example) who suffer just as badly as the Palestinians, if not more so, who do not behave like Orcs from Mordor, who do not indoctrinate their own people (including innocent children) with violence and hatred as Fatah and Hamas has done. Trying to excuse such medieval barbarism is moral relativism at it’s worst and it’s thoroughly un-Christian (especially un-Catholic Christian).

The fact remains, it is irrelevant why Hamas did what they did. All that matters is that they did it, doing it makes them scum"

Anonymous said... has
an article headlined
"Holocaust Historians, the Genocide Charge, and Gaza"
Norman J.W. Goda & Jeffrey Herf
23 Nov 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
“The Brandon administration is trying to control the way Israel is conducting the war against Hamas who control the Gaza Strip. 75 % of Palestinians support Hamas and celebrated October 7th as a victory against the Jews. These are the same people who cheered when the World Trade Center towers went down in New York. Brandon and Obama have sent billions of our taxpayer dollars to Iran and Gaza. These people are responsible for the growing antisemitism in the USA by sending millions to various colleges who fail to protect the Jewish students in the name of free speech and indoctrinating students in colleges and high schools to hate peaceful Jews.
Did anyone tell the USA how to conduct the war after Pearl Harbor when dropping Atomic bombs on Japan.
Did anyone, tell the USA how to fight after 9/11.?

Our Southern border is wide open with many terrorists seeking across ourborder.
Another attack on America looks imminent while the prez is at the beach
I stand proudly with Israel.

How come none of the 57 Muslim Arab countries are willing to accept the Palestians?
but remember who attacked on October 7th slaughtering innocent civilians,raping women,killing babies and the elderly and kidnapping hundreds.
Never Again, Never Forget.”

Never Forgive

Anonymous said...

Did anyone hear that
Saudi Arabia has asked the United States to show restraint in responding to attacks by Yemen’s Houthis against ships in the Red Sea , can you believe that
Saudi Arabia is urging
“restraint” Saudi Arabia which unleashed and caused the Attacks of September 11,2001 is
Urging America to show Restaint

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Casualty Figures in Gaza Are a Scam" by
Lenny Ben-David, November 30, 2023
A Must Read Article

Anonymous said...

Also from another good article is headlined
“A New Poll of Palestinians: Supporting Terror and Rejecting Peace” by
Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch, on November 22, 2023
What about some people who claim that History doesn't repeat itself, it Rhymes
Anyone agree ?

Anonymous said...

From an
Article is headlined
"The Dangerous Lies of Guardian Columnist Owen Jones About Israel-Hamas War" by
Rachel O'Donoghue on
December 4, 2023

Anonymous said...

Plus has an article headlined
“Hamas’ “Numbers Warfare” by
Prof. Kobi Michael, November 12, 2023 Another Must Read article

Anonymous said...

Dr. Eli David on December 7th, 2023 typed on X aka Twitter
"Hamas terrorists fighting in civilian clothes from residential areas. When killed, they will be counted as civilian deaths 👇

Video from the GoPro of a killed terrorist."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today "So the Calgary mayor says. “eradicating Hamas must come in a different form than mass casualties.”
Maybe those “palestinian civilians” should be helping eradicate Hamas since they are supposedly being used as human shields by the Hamas terrorists."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online after the events of October 7th, 2023 that
"History shows most people don't think killing Jews is evil. Apparently that hasn't changed."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday "Besides the initial brutality and butchery of the Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel perpetrated by Hamas, is the brutal rape of Jewish women by Hamas. To me this should be a rallying point. We need to bring out that rape of women is brutal and never be acceptable. However radical Islamists like Hamas accept and even encourage the rape if the infidel women which are all non Muslim women. This is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. This is not even a Palestinian vs. Israel issue. This is not an antisemitic issue. This is a universal issue. If you have gentile friends, would they want their, wives, girlfriends, sisters, daughters and nieces go though such an experience. Remember, this was worse that an issue of rape. This was a condoned "religious rape" in the name of Islam. This must be brought out to women's groups too. A religion that allows women to be raped."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday "There are (almost) no innocent civilians in Gaza. They are all radical islamists. They've been radicalized since birth, taught (by UNRWA and Islamic imams) to kill, to mame, to rape, to hate!!!"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Hamas broke temporary truce in Gaza minutes after it began, senior IDF officer says" on December 8, 2023
Speaking to ToI from wrecked town outside Jabaliya in northern part of Strip, commander of reserve battalion says 'there isn’t a single house here without weapons’
By EMANUEL FABIAN , the entire article online is a Must Read

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about the Attacks of October 7th, 2023
"Nope. No “context” could ever justify burning babies, gangraping women to death and then hiding behind human shields like cowards. Those are intrinsically evil acts, and the people who commit them are pure evil who need to be defeated. End of story."
Articles online document how
even the pets of Israelis
were Murdered by Hamas Terrorists on October 7th, 2023
Even innocent animals were butchered by Hamas Terrorists

Anonymous said...

A Christian Zionist typed
online the following in response to False BS Arguments from
a Hamas supporter that
"Thanks for the antisemitic perspective. We Christians are not called to endorse, support, or condone terrorism from Palestinians. Doing so constitutes grave sin. People do have a right to defend & protect themselves from terrorists, however. You are defending the indefensible."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"NP View: No truth behind claim that Israel is committing genocide"

Published Dec 08, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"It was 2 am and IDF soldiers noticed some suspicious movements in the horizon.
In a time of war, that would generally mean to open fire.
But the IDF, being the IDF, waited and then noticed it was a kid, a 4 year old girl. She was walking around aimlessly without shoes and with multiple wounds.
The IDF soldiers took her to the field doctor, they treated her wounds and helped her in every way they could.
After they treated her, they brought her to the humanitarian corridor so they can try to locate her family and care for her.

*Turns out, the child was sent by Hamas into the heart of a war zone to see if the Israeli soldiers were up and alert.*
*Their cruelty knows no bounds.*

Why don’t you see this story in the press? Good question.
If there was ever a story that illustrates the endlessly savage nature of Hamas and the deeply compassionate nature of the IDF - this would be the one."

(Story brought by Hillel Fuld)

Please share."

Anonymous said...

On Twitter aka X
on December 3, 2023
Robert Kelner
@robkelner typed about the Gaza War
"It is NOT indiscriminate bombing, and she knows it. When Hamas enmeshes itself with civilians in schools, mosques, and residential buildings, those become legitimate military targets under the law of war. Israel targets Hamas terrorists where they are. Hamas targets civilians." In Response to Pramila Jayapal

Anonymous said...

In late October 2023 a person typed online
"Most media about the conflict now are false claims that Israel is bombing indiscriminately, or even carpet bombing Gaza.

After 2.5 weeks of conflict, the IDF and their 350,000 mobilized soldiers, with their overwhelmingly powerful military, equipped with heavy artillery, fighter jets, precision weapons, and almost absolute green air, have inflicted less than 3 times as many casualties as ~3000 Hamas militants were able to inflict in Israel in 2 days, using small arms and home made rockets. And that’s according to the Gaza Health Ministry, an arm of Hamas that deliberately inflates civilian casualties, and reports the deaths of Palestinians killed by Hamas, PIJ, and others, including for not supporting their war effort, but also collateral damage, as victims of the Israeli campaign.

This is because Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties, and Hamas/PIJ/PFLP/DFLP and even Fatah are deliberately trying to kill as many Israelis as they can—especially civilians.

It’s incredibly obvious to the point that if you can’t figure it out, it seems as though you’re making a conscious decision to favor the bad guys."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today: "*Dr. Tzachi Fried* highlights some simple guidelines for war management:

1. You can’t start a war, deliberately put your population in harm’s way, and then expect the ones you attacked to be responsible for YOUR people.

2. If you threaten, you WILL do it again, repeatedly, then your enemy HAS to make sure you CANNOT.

3. No one ever stopped a war before reaching its objectives just because “too many people were killed” on the other side.

4. Most importantly - there has *never* been a military that did *more to protect civilians on its enemy’s side than Israel is doing in Gaza*.

Israel did not start this war; Hamas began it and can quickly end it… but when martyrdom is more important than life, there is no peace for anyone."

#FightForHumanity "

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"ABC News Refutes Biden's Claim of Israel 'Indiscriminate Bombing'"
JOEL B. POLLAK 16 Dec 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online recently this comment related to the current War in Gaza :
*My name is Prof. Aryeh Eldad from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.*

Years ago I founded the Skin Bank in Israel, which is the largest of its kind in the world.

The skin bank contains skin for routine care as well as for times of war.

The skin bank is located in the “Hadasa Ein Kerem” hospital in Jerusalem, where I was the director of the plastic surgery department.

One day I was asked to send skin for a Muslim woman from Gaza, who was hospitalized in “Soruka”, after her family members burned her.
Such horrors occur quite often in Muslim families when it is suspected that the woman had an affair.

We provided all the homograft (skin cells from the donors) needed for her treatment.
She was successfully treated by my friend and colleague, Prof. Lior Rosenberg and was released to her home in Gaza.
She was invited for regular follow-up visits to the outpatient clinic in Be’er Sheva.

One day she was caught at the border crossing wearing an explosive belt.
Her mission was to blow herself up in the outpatient clinic of the hospital where her life was saved.
After an inquiry it apparently turned out that her family had promised her that if she did it, they would forgive her.

This is just one example of the war between the Jews and the Muslims in the Land of Israel.
This is not a territorial dispute.
This is a cultural conflict, or rather a war between civilization and barbarism.

*I never wrote a letter that I asked to spread further.*
*This time I ask that you pass it on so that the world can understand what extreme Islam means*
*And what awaits the world if he doesn’t take care to stop him*

*Thanks for listening.*
*Professor Aryeh Eldad*
*Hadassa Ein Kerem Hospital* "

Anonymous said...

About the 1942
Humphrey Bogart film
“Casablanca” has an article headlined
“How the movie Casablanca is relevant to today’s Middle East”
By  Clifford D. May
Published on  December 14, 2023

Anonymous said...

an article is headlined
"Israel Is Under Attack Again And The Usual Suspects Are Lying About It"

TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2021
It's 2023 and very little has changed

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Bad Ideas Have Bad Consequences: How NOT To Think About The Middle East Crisis" by
Bill Muehlenberg on
November 15, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about the War in Gaza
"I would love to see this shared around the world. If someone responds negatively to it, then that tells you a lot about them and their stance about protecting innocent non-combatant civilians' lives and they are Jew haters; not proponents for humanity:

"To those who are doing so, please stop saying, every time you see the grossly inflated figures released by the Gazan News Agency or the Hamas News Agency, which REFUSES to differentiate between combatants' and civilians' deaths, that "they are a tragedy".
It is most definitely NOT a tragedy when you kill killers, because you are saving lives, since they cannot go on to kill again and many of those people, multiple thousands of them, who have been killed are themselves killers of innocent people! So it is not only NOT a tragedy; it is a great thing."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
“I’m not angry at pro Palestinian people for being anti-Semites, nor for them being anti Israel. I’m angry at them because they are showing me how much stupidity there is in this world. How easy it is to spread lies, how gullible people are, how much they crave to take one side, without the need to know the truth.
It saddens me to know how many people there are, who are not able to judge a situation because they are not willing (or not able) to learn, to look at the whole picture”

Another person typed online in
Early December 2023
“Antisemites love to label indigenous Jews as ‘settlers.’ So let’s use that same language but accurately to explain who lives in Gaza (since 1948) and the Arabs in Judea & Samaria…

Gazans are nothing more than Arab settlers from mostly Egypt, some Saudis, and some former Israeli Arabs (who settled in Israel from 25 different countries). The Black Gazans came as slaves of the Egyptians and Saudis in the 1950s and 1960s. They make up 1% of Gazans.

In Judea & Samaria, vast majority of Arabs are settlers as well, mainly from Jordan from the time of the Jordanian occupation. Then there are genetic Jews who were forcibly converted to Islam in the 11th century and those clans know they are Jews. As does the Israeli government.”

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online earlier today
"These phony, Jew hating protestors are “outraged” that US tax dollars ( as if these miscreants actually pay taxes) are being used to subsidize Israel’s defensive war against Palestinian terrorists.

But they don’t seem to bothered one wit that the same Palestinians misappropriated BILLIONS in U S taxpayer largesse and diverted it to build a war machine to kill Jews and destroy Israel.


Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"After the September 11 terrorist attack in 2001 on the twin buildings, the United States went into a wide-ranging war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the murderous terror attack in New York 2977 people were killed. In Afghanistan and Iraq more than 250,000 uninvolved civilians were killed according to a number of different and accredited sources.

Has anyone ever been bothered by this in the world? Did someone put pressure on the U.S.? Have there been widespread protests around the world? Have governments in the world pressured the U.S. not to hurt those who are not involved? Did the U.S. endanger its troops to avoid "secondary harm"? (American code for harming civilians as a result of a military attack). "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
“Neighborhood Bully” by Bob Dylan
Could not be more appropriate today. Listen to every single word.”
This 1983 song by Bob Dylan is from the perspective of a person using sarcasm to defend Israel’s right to exist

Anonymous said...

From the New York Post an article is
"Israel checking terror suspects for suicide bombs is no ‘outrage’
By Post Editorial Board
Published Dec. 11, 2023 A Must Read Article

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Laws of War"
by Samuel Estreicher on
14 Nov 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Hamas terrorists shot at a crowd of Gazan civilians who attempted to access humanitarian aid which arrived in the Gaza Strip before it was siphoned off by Hamas terror stockpiles.😡😡😡😡😡

*To get all the major updates and Breaking News now in Israel click the link*"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The ‘genocide,’ ‘colonialist’ and ‘racist’ lies" by
November 13, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Putting Israel's Self-Defense in Context"
By Louis René Beres on
July 30, 2014
About how Israel's Actions are Perfectly Legal and Moral

Anonymous said... has an article headlined:
"'Disproportionate' in What Moral Universe?"
By Charles Krauthammer on July 28, 2006

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"An Arab blogger, Hoda Jannat, writes:

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people... has 36 hospitals. There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel. Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone, $120 million a month from UNRWA, $50 million a month from the European Union and 30 million dollars a month from the US. There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them even with one million dollars. This shows the influence of Iran within the UN!!

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged and all goods were entering it as were foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were traveling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and Fafo is the biggest example.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.

🔴 Suddenly...we discovered that our minds were besieged by a programmed lie... by the (Muslim) Brotherhood medias."

Anonymous said... has an article by
Chaya Lester headlined
"The World is Getting Gaza-lit" on
DEC 21, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article by
Ben Shapiro headlined
"Ben Shapiro: Standing in middle is comforting, but wrong"
October 29, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined "DEMAND FOR ISRAEL TO USE “PROPORTIONALITY” IS INSANE"
by Avi Abelow October 18, 2023

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post , has an article headlined
"Why moving to the Sinai peninsula is the solution for Gaza's Palestinians"
By JOEL ROSKIN Published: DECEMBER 25, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"The amount of *misinformation* and *omission of facts* by the media is staggering.
*Finding the truth* is hard; but *spreading it* can be dangerous!

*Dr. Dalia Ziada* was forced to leave her home in Egypt after receiving serious death threats.
Her "crime": sharing the TRUTH about the Hamas attack against Israel on October 7th, when official Egyptian *news agencies blatantly covered up* every relevant fact about this attack, and instead rapidly spread *#disinformation* to the Egyptian public.

*Dr. Ziada* is admirably courageous!
*Let's share the truth* coming from her mouth.


*Help us increase the sympathy of the world and share our content even further*
Join here:

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today about the conflict between Israel and Hamas in defense of
Israel that
"The history of the entire planet has been about one nation fighting and taking the land of others. Its how humans have operated from time immemorial, and before written history.It happened in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. Just pick the time period and find a war. Thats life. And life, notoriously, isn’t fair. Get over it. Using what happened in the past, whether it was 20 years ago or 200 years ago, is not sufficient reason to continue the warfare by involving innocents who had nothing to do with the original conflict.

If you are indeed a catholic, one assumes you are familiar with the bible. Surely you must have noticed that thousands of years ago, Jews owned the land which they currently inhabit. Including a place called Jerusalem. It is almost certainly why it was selected as a resettlement area for what was left of the Jews after WWII ended. They did not just fly in from Mars and usurp the land. If you want to talk about “historical context” with the Muslims, the Jews were there FIRST. One can also ask why the palestinians, over decades, continued to war with the Jews no matter WHAT concessions the Jews gave them over the years. And the Jews gave them plenty. It was never enough. The bombings and rocket attacks would always continue. The palestinians never seemed to have the brain power to take a bird in the hand, end the fighting, and begin building up Gaza. Given its ocean-side location it would have made an excellent tourist area. Prosperity could have been their choice. But their choice was hatred. They filmed THEMSELVES killing and raping women and murdering children. The sheer barbarism and cowardliness of this attack makes the decision about who to support in this war a simple matter for anyone with a brain and a genuine education. Education and indoctrination are NOT the same thing. I do not see the distinction between Hamas and the “palestinians”. Hamas didnt spring up from nowhere. They were raised by Palestinians in that culture of hate. What can you say about a group that will hide their munitions under hospitals and schools used by their own people, and then blame their opponents for having to take out those facilities? That they lack ANY moral compass, at the very least. I am neither Jewish nor Muslim. I dont have a dog in this fight. But you reap what you have sown. It remains to be seen if the palestinians are capable of learning this lesson."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Released hostage Mia Schem says she was held in Gaza hospital, operated on without painkillers" on December 29, 2023 A Must Read Article

Anonymous said...

From the New York Post an article is headlined:
"Freed Israeli hostage Mia Schem ‘went through holocaust’ in Hamas captivity in Gaza: ‘Everyone over there is a terrorist’
By Yaron Steinbuch
Published Dec. 28, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
by Caroline Glick on October 22, 2023

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"How media use the false myth of proportionality to hide Hamas’s war crimes" on
November 6, 2023

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Does obsession with disproportionality compromise responsible warfare?"
By MICHAEL STARR Published: JULY 17, 2021

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Israel war: Media willfully misunderstand what 'disproportionality' means"
By Mark Goldfeder
October 11, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined:
“Disproportionality” and the Guilt-by-Numbers Argument" on
Jan 12, 2009

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Fighting Terrorism In Lebanon And Gaza: The Lie Of Israeli ‘Disproportionality’ "
By Louis Rene Beres on August 9, 2006

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Jim Hanson on Waging Lawful Warfare Against War Criminals"
by Marilyn Stern
October 30, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The myth of Gaza’s innocent civilians" by
November 23, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Innocents in Gaza? Don’t be naive" by Avigdor Liberman on
DEC 4, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Freed hostage Mia Schem: ‘I experienced hell. There are no innocent civilians in Gaza"
29 December 2023

Anonymous said...

About Gaza has an article headlined
"There Are No ‘Innocent Palestinians’ "
by D.W. Wilber on
Dec 7, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Mark Levin Shreds Jake Tapper For His Anti-Israel Narrative"
By Hank Berrien
Dec 5, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"‘Genocide’ is a word whose meaning should matter"
December 7, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"How the term “genocide” is misused in the Israel-Hamas war"
Nov 10th 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"They’re lying to you about the war" by
October 18, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article on
January 1, 2024 headlined
"A de-facto army: The war in Gaza proves Hamas not just a gang of terrorists"
Yoav Zitun

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"The Palestinians, not just Hamas, have declared war on Israel"

Anonymous said...

Also from The Jerusalem Post an article is headlined
"Israel-Hamas War: Israel doesn't need 'credit' for its war in Gaza "

Anonymous said... on January 1, 2024
has an article headlined:
"'Honestly, I prefer the IDF': Palestinians in Gaza speak out on Hamas abuse"
by Yoav Zitun

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"What is proportionality in international law when it comes to Israel?" By MAURICE HIRSCH   Published: AUGUST 10, 2022

Anonymous said...

The New York Post, has an article headlined
“Moment ‘hero’ Israeli hostage Rimon Kirsht gives Hamas captor a death stare during release”
By Olivia Land
Published Nov. 29, 2023
She had Guts for giving a
death stare

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"MIND OF EVIL Blood-curdling confessions of ‘Gaza’s Bin Laden’ Yahya Sinwar revealed…as he admits he loves to kill with his bare hands"
James Macaskill
Published 2 Jan 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"How come we get so excited when a journalist presents the truth?
It's sad, but this is our reality now:
*Too many people in the media repeat Hamas' lies and fake info without even checking them.*

*CHRIS KENNY*, an author, political commentator, columnist, and TV host for @SkyNewsAust, exposes the naked truth: *Hamas controls every figure coming out of Gaza.*

It's so important to share his speech!


Anonymous said...

The New York Post has an article headlined
“Israel cannot let the Palestinian Authority run Gaza or allow Hezbollah to remain on border”
By Post Editorial Board
Published Dec. 20, 2023,
& has an article headlined
“Nikki Haley says Palestinians in Gaza should resettle in pro-Hamas countries” by
December 21, 2023 Many have stated that after the events of October 7th, 2023 that
Palestinians should Never even be Allowed to visit Gaza

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“I’m a Palestinian in the West Bank. Hamas Alone Is Responsible for Any Bloodshed in Gaza” on Oct 17, 2023
By Bassem Eid

Anonymous said...

After the October 7, 2023 Attacks a person typed online
“In 2018, Dr Michael Ben-Ari , a student of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane when speaking about the Gazans said that their dream was to cross the border and slaughter the Jews in the nearby villages.
He was right.
100% right.

He was so right in fact, that on the grounds of “racism”, HE WAS BANNED FOR RUNNING FOR THE KNESSET.”

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Terrorism Denial – Why Hamas Attempts to Deny”
OCT 16, 2023, by Lev Tapor
has an article headlined
“Dear world: I don’t care” on
OCT 30, 2023 by Avi Lewis has an article headlined
“Is Everyone REALLY Kahane Today?”
By Shmuel Sackett October 30, 2023
Very Good Points are made in this article has an article headlined
“Israel Has Changed Forever, Have You?”
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg on
October 29, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Israel in talks with Congo and other countries on Gaza ‘voluntary migration’ plan”
3 Jan 2024
Any Gazans that Voluntarily Migrate Must Never be Allowed to Return or Even Visit

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Offensive words for defensive actions"
Howard Rotberg
on January 1, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Who is the number 1 Donor (by a large margin, for years now) funding Ivy League universities in the United States of America?

It is the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, savagely anti-American, Islamic nation of Qatar.

Qatar has one of the largest deposits of petroleum and natural gas on Earth and after 9/11 they figured out how to use their incredible wealth to take over America in a different way....."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about the current War in Gaza
"*"There's no military in the world that has faced the challenge Israel is facing in the war against Hamas."*

Watch the facts detailed by *John Spencer*, a renowned expert at the Modern War Institute at West Point.

#FakeNews #Hamas

*Help us increase the sympathy of the world and share our content even further*
Join here:

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Former terrorist: 'Drive the Gazans into Sinai until they change' " on
Jan 4, 2024

Anonymous said...

About the "civilians" in Gaza has an article headlined
"Yes, they are ‘civilians’, but they are neither innocent nor uninvolved" by
Dr. Avi Perry
Jan 3, 2024

Anonymous said...

On January 4, 2024 an article from is headlined
"Legal experts: No obligation to allow Gazans to return north"

Anonymous said...

From an article on November 6, 2023 is headlined
"No Reliable Data on Gaza Death Count" this article says

"Citing the Gaza Health Ministry, media outlets reported on November 6 that more than 10,000 Palestinians have died in Gaza since Hamas provoked a war with Israel on October 7. Despite weeks of active warfare conducted by Hamas, the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry does not differentiate between military and civilian deaths. The United Nations also cited the Gaza Health Ministry in the data it published on November 5.

On October 25, President Joe Biden said he has “no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed.” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby warned the following day against using “numbers put out by an organization that’s run by a terrorist organization.”
Expert Analysis

“Anyone who cites Hamas statistics as fact is knowingly amplifying Hamas propaganda aimed at pressuring Israel into a ceasefire before Hamas can be destroyed. Hamas lies — it’s just what Hamas does — and those lies will become louder and more outrageous as the group’s final hours approach.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

“Every civilian casualty in war is a tragedy. Hamas has a long history of inflating civilian casualty numbers to demonize Israel. The same Iran-backed terror organization that denies killing Israeli civilians on October 7 is now controlling and distorting the narrative out of Gaza. There is no independent reporting or reliable data coming out of the enclave.” — Enia Krivine, Senior Director of FDD’s Israel Program and National Security Network
Unverified Reporting

Following the October 17 explosion at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza caused by an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket, major media outlets quickly repeated claims from the Gaza Health Ministry that approximately 500 Palestinians had died. However, American intelligence subsequently estimated that the count was between 100 and 300. A senior European intelligence source told Agence France-Presse that the toll was 50 at most. The New York Times published an editor’s note on October 23 admitting that “the death toll might be lower than initially reported” and that the editors should have “been more explicit about what information could be verified.”
The United Nations Is Not Neutral

The United Nations has worked with the Palestinian organization Al-Haq to track casualties during previous rounds of violence. The Israeli government recognizes Al-Haq as a front for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is no less partial. In 2021, the agency recalled its Gaza chief after he publicly acknowledged that the Israeli military carried out “precise” and “sophisticated” strikes to avoid civilian casualties."
Related Analysis

“5 Things to Know About the Hamas-Run Gaza Health Ministry,” FDD Insight

“Israel’s Proportional and Humanitarian Response,” by Sinan Ciddi and David May

“Inside Hamas’ Propaganda Machine,” by Joe Truzman
We Must Never be Deceived by Hamas, Arab "Palestinian" Lies and Propaganda

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"IDF said to find cages in Gaza that Hamas is suspected of using to hold hostages" on
6 Jan 2024

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Are ‘innocent Palestinians’ truly innocent?"
NOV 5, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online this January 2024
"Wars are nasty.. more so when it’s against a terror organization that is fighting guerrilla warfare using its own civilians as human shields.

Before criticizing Israel, the US and NATO must remember how they performed in Iraq and Serbia.

When Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was interviewed about the Iraq war on 60 minutes, Lesley Stahl asked her:

“We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it? “

Madeleine Albright answered: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price—we think the price is worth it!”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"6,700,000 refugees from Syria scattered around the world!

3,300,000 in Turkey🇹🇷
1,400,000 in Lebanon🇱🇧
900,000 in Germany🇩🇪
650,000 in Jordan🇯🇴
250,000 in Iraq🇮🇶
250,000 in Egypt🇪🇬
200,000 in Sweden🇸🇪
20,000 in Canada🇨🇦

But when we dare to talk about helping the Gazans to find a better place, the world is going nuts. Why?

Because Islamists wants to use Palestinians as a proxy against Israel at the expense of Gazans that wants to leave.

The world must wake up to the reality- most of Gaza by the end of this war will be uninhabitable!"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"The terrorists who started a war on Oct. 7, according to Palestinian Authority law, will be compensated financially for a massacre well done. The same PA that President Biden wants to run postwar Gaza will reward the murderers’ families with grants followed by monthly stipends for life. That means taxpayers from the U.S. and Europe and Canada will help pick up the tab. That means that whoever is reading this will pick up the tab. Don't you feel great about using your tax money to reward murderers?"

Anonymous said...

From the Los Angeles Times a
Letter to the Editor on
January 8, 2024 says
“Letters to the Editor: Hamas knew Israel would respond this way. The devastation in Gaza isn’t a surprise” the letter says

“To the editor: Every writer who bemoans the devastation in the Gaza Strip without acknowledging its cause is like a person complaining about how horribly they’ve been mauled by a bear without admitting that the bear had been sleeping when they poked it in the eye with a stick and slaughtered a few of its cubs. (“Israel’s Gaza strategy: Create facts on the ground that can’t be undone,” Opinion, Jan. 2)

What on Earth did they think would happen?

Enough complaining. Either demonstrate your intention to never slaughter another cub and to let the bear forever live in peace in its ancestral homeland, or expect to continue to reap the overwhelming consequences of your ill-considered provocations.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Does anyone else think about how little Jewish lives mean to the world?

Jewish men tortured, kidnapped and murdered.. ho hum no one cares. No "Jewish lives matter".. no protests. In order to squeeze out even a miniscule emotional response for the suffering of Jews, we have to parade out our young daughters almost to the exclusion of anyone else. Because the face of a pretty girl MIGHT manage to evoke some sympathy .. despite the fact that she is Jewish."

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online earlier today
"I wonder what would've happened if the world applied even 1/3 of the pressure it applied on Israel these past months on Hamas instead. What would've happened if they all threatened Hamas with retribution for not surrendering and releasing hostages? How many IDF soldiers and Palestinans would still be alive today? How many hostages would be at home? The countries that care so much and do so little and harrangue only those they do not fear, are ineffectual at best and complicit at worst."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about the Pathetic "actress" Susan Sarandon that
"…..And it’s my tax money that’s paying for all these horrible weapons…”. So sayeth this has-been Jew hater.

Susan doesn’t seem so upset about the Billions in tax money the U S gave the Palestinians which they promptly used to build bombs and tunnels instead of schools and hospitals.

Wonder why?

When she protests that AND gang rape AND beheadings AND kidnapping AND mass murder, then she will have more credibility.

But she won’t. Wonder why?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today :

"The "innocent" residents of Gaza are celebrating the barrage of rockets launched this evening (a statistical weapon) towards the concentrations of the civilian population in central Israel. - Launching a statistical (inaccurate) weapon at population concentrations is considered a war crime according to international law."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
" reveals the true face of Gazan journalists employed by the news agencies Reuters and AP. Photojournalist Mohammed Fayq Abou Mustafa was in Israeli communities on October 7 during the massacre. He filmed the lynching of an Israeli soldier by a Hamas terrorist. He shows the video with a smile to his colleague, the journalist Ashraf Amra, also employed by international press agencies. Ashraf Amra admits to having been with his colleague in Sderot. They stayed there for two hours according to him. He describes a scene where Israelis were hiding in a room and were taken out by Hamas terrorists."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Israel has been fighting the terrorists with one hand tied behind their back. The Hezbollah threat could have been neutralized after Oct 7, when they started their attacks on Israel.
The Israeli Air Force was in the air when Biden threatened, and demanded Israel not retaliate and return to their bases."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"*Mohammad Tawhidi*, AKA *Imam of Peace*, warns on CBN News:
"*The Muslim brotherhood is the most organized, extremist terrorist organization on this planet*, with banks, institutes, politicians; *it has in-roads into every parliament you can think of."*
If Christians don't wake up soon, Muslims who fled from extremists won't be able to help anymore.

This was in 2019. Look what's become of the world ever since.
*How long will the democratic world be deaf and blind?*


*Help us increase the sympathy of the world and share our content even further*
Join here:

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"*94 days and ZERO Results to the Red Cross!*
“We know how to do our work,” says the Red Cross president when asked about it. Really?
❌ Hostages seen: ZERO
❌ Medicine delivered: ZERO
❌ Proof of life obtained: ZERO

#DoYourJob already #ICRC and help us #BringThemHomeNow!


Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Are the IDF’s Actions in #Gaza disproportional to the October 7th #Hamas attack on #Israel?

According to *Nikki Haley,* Former #UN Ambassador and South Carolina Governor, Israel does what is needed to make sure October 7th won’t happen again.

“Israel watched their people butchered that day. If that were us, we would do whatever it takes to ensure #Americans are taken care of and that we had our say.”

*“It’s not Israel’s issue. It’s our issue too because 33 Americans were butchered that day”.*

Please share.


Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Meet UNRWA teacher *Waseem Ula*. He runs a chat for 3,000 #UNRWA teachers:
His username is “Handsome” (أ. وسيم).

Ula posts salary info from UNRWA #Gaza education chief *Sami Abu Kamil.*
*He also calls to kill Israelis and glorifies the Oct. 7th #massacre.*

*Hillel Neuer*, #UNWATCH, with screenshots that will blow your mind off.


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