
Today in America there is a tremendous pull to separate the Jewish soul from his covenant with the God of Israel through conversion. In June 1996 at the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans their 10th resolution on Jewish evangelism was passed. The mandate to this resolution was this: "
to develop evangelistic ministries among Jews and start churches in predominantly Jewish communities." Now here is my question for Southern Baptist as well as other denominations who seeks Jewish conversion:
Why are the Jews of Judaism who represent one of the tiniest religions in the world are the ones most specially targeted for conversion purposes?
The Southern Baptist is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States with approximately 16 million members. That’s more members in this single Christian denomination in the United States than the entire world-wide Jewish population! Yet, out of all the other religions of the world including Islam (the second largest and fastest growing religion of the world), and a thousand of other Christian denominations to whom the Southern Baptist oppose doctrinally (including the Catholic Church, the most numerous single religious denomination in the world), it is Judaism (one of the smallest religions of the world) that is singled out as “the prize catch” for conversion at these Southern Baptist conventions. Again, my question is, why the Jews?
Since 1867 the Southern Baptist (who originally supported black slavery) has passed ten resolutions (averaging about one every fourteen years) urging their organization leaders and members to convert the Jews. Historically, how many resolutions at these conventions do you suppose the Southern Baptist organization has passed concerning conversion of other religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Catholicism (the “Mother of Harlots” of Revelation 17:5 as believed by Southern Baptist)? Let me give you a hint: Its more than minus-one, but less than one! It is therefore fair to say, that the Southern Baptists seeks out the tiny member Jewish nation for conversion more than ten times the amount as other world religions or non-Southern Baptist. One more time, why the Jews? What is it about these Jews and their covenant that causes this great uncontrollable pulsating urges among the Gentile evangelicals to persistently and methodically seek out Jewish conversion?
To understand the evangelical psyche of Jewish favoritism for conversion, one has to realize that what motivates these evangelicals is theological domination rather than a genuine love for the Jewish soul. The evangelicals who target Jewish are really fighting (not even being aware of it subconsciously) for the validity of their Christianity by favoring Jewish conversion over their fellow Gentile conversion. Isn’t a soul a soul and an eternal life an eternal life regardless if that life is a Jew or Gentile? Not from some, (if not most) evangelists viewpoints. I heard of one minister telling a prominent rabbi that he had rather convert one single Jew to Christianity than convert over 50,000 Gentiles! What is the spiritual logic and reasoning to this? What is the over-all motive in such conversion desires coming from Christian leaders?
As is was from the beginning of Christianity, modern Christianity hinges on Jewish conversion and without that Jewish conversion Christianity losses its force, (Romans 1:16, 2:9-10) especially just before and at the End of Days that we are now approaching (Romans 11:25-28). It is the "Jew" that lends any spiritual credibility to the Church, not the Gentiles no matter how abundant they may be. This is why we see such a strong push among many of the Gentile churches trying in their minds, to return the church to its “Jewish roots” by incorporating Jewish style rituals into their Christian worship. They are doing whatever they can to incorporate themselves into the covenant that God has with Israel without the proper credentials while seeking to convert every Jew that they can away from of that very covenant! They are making the same spiritual mistake that the Jew-what-to-be Samaritians made when they tried to make Mount Gerizim God's provided place of worship instead of David's Jerusalem as the true place to worship (see St. John 4:20,22).
Both Christianity and Islam have used force and intimidation to persuade Jews to convert for centuries, but in societies where the Church don’t have absolute control over secular governments, proselytizing in many different forms and methods have become the norm. For example, never before until now has there been so many evangelical Christians dressing, eating, drinking, talking, and acting like orthodox Jews. They call themselves Messianic Christians, Hebrew Believers, Jews for Jesus, Completed Jews, as well as other names that indicates their mixing of Christianity with traditional Jewish beliefs. Most of their rituals are Jewish biblical rituals, and even including non-biblical Jewish traditions such as wearing yarmulkes, lighting Hanukkah candles, and conducting Seder Passover meals, all the while claiming that they only stick with the scriptures and the Rabinnic Jews whom they imitate to the core, are false.
Can you image the Medieval Christians of Europe expressing their Christianity by using Jewish traditions? In many places throughout Christian Europe it was forbidden on pains of death for Christians to have any dealings with the Jews or to even be present at a Jewish service, much less to eat, drink, dress, talk, or act like the hated Jews! So why now in this present day can we find in any big city’s phone book, a yellow-page listing of a messianic synagogue (in the synagogue section) when one was not even heard of before 1970’s?
This is a relatively new tactic used by the evangelicals since the old methods failed to yield the desired body-count. I use that term because this “tactic of disguise” is actually a military tactic in which I am surprised it has taken as long as it has for the evangelicals to use it. How many times in history has an army disguise itself to look, act, and talk like their enemy in order to wipe out the ones whom they were dressed and acting like? If true Judaism would ceased to be, it would only be a matter of weeks before the messianic movements would collapse. The reason why: There is no reason to keep working once a job has been completed.
Here is what I see the Messianic movement leaders saying to their students (in my own radical way):“If you are going to go out and trick the Jews into Christianity instead of killing them or forcibly converting them, you must be trained in the art of Jewish disguise.”
Rule # 1. “Never expose your true beliefs openly as they are, but make it sound Jewish.”
Rule # 2. “Don’t let him know you mean to wipe out the Jewish nation through conversion to a cult. Rather, make the Jew think that he is staying Jewish when in reality he is like Esau, giving up his birth right.”
Rule #3. “Though you hate the very depths of their souls because they are Jews, show them love-love-love. Ask them about their families, invite them over to your house, see if they need anything, and tell them about how you just love and support the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Now, here is your training card when conversing with a Jew using Biblical issues. Remember, make him think its Jewish!”
To see how far the Messianics will go to lure scriptural-ungrounded Jews (or evens Gentiles for that matter), into their cult is really quite amazing. For the sole purpose of converting Jews, they have created what they call a “Complete Jewish Bible” interpolated (not translated) by David H. Stren. Its not called a “Holy Bible” or “Holy Scriptures” but a “Complete Jewish Bible”. Stren just had to make sure he got that keyword “Jewish” on the front cover to create a Jewish lure. What Stren does with his so-called “Jewish” bible is essentially this:
1. He has taken the English language and mixed it with Hebrew sounding names (as do many Messianics with their own personal names) to give it that special Jewish effect.
2. He placed the books of the Old Testament in the same order as found in the Jewish Bible, since the Christian Bible has them in a different order than that of a Jewish Bible. In so doing, Stren sought to carefully eradicate any reminders that might appear to the Jew as being “different” or non-Jewish in the traditional sense.
3. He added Jewish Parashahs (weekly synagogue readings sections), so it will mimic a Jewish Bible used in traditional synagogue services. To stimulate Jewish conversion, the Jew don’t have to give up his Shabbat (Jewish Sabbath) for the Sunday worship anymore. This bible is intended to aid to Jew in continuing with this ancient Jewish Parashah practice.
4. He added the New Testament books (also with Hebrew sounding names) by which no separation distinction is made as it is found in a typical Christian Bible, in order to stress the belief that the New Testament is a continuation of the Jewish Bible instead of an addition. Additions causes questions, especially when the Jews were taught that their Jewish Bible is complete.
5. He added Jewish Bible-like sections to his New Testament so that it will appear similar and in continuance with the Jewish Bible. As the Jewish Bible is broken up into three sections called The Torah, The Prophets, and The Writings, Stren sought to continue that trait by adding sections of his own in the New Testament such as “Sha’ul’s (Paul’s) Letters to Communities” and “Sha’ul’s (Paul’s) Pastoral Letters”.
6. He added his own personal “corrections” in the New Testament which according to the publisher were: “mistranslations that resulted from anti-Jewish theological bias”. Meaning, anything that might offend the Jews as being anti-Jewish had to be removed or retranslated in order to make it easier for Jew to swallow.
The whole purpose of Stren’s messianic bible is the same as the whole purpose of the messianic movement in general, and that is to put forth enough Jewish appearance in order to trick and beguile as many people with Jewish backgrounds as possible, away from their covenant into another religion (or in this case a religious cult) as possible! It is kind of funny, but guess what the New Testament book of “Hebrews” is called in Stren’s bible? It’s not “Eve-reem” meaning “Hebrews” in Hebrew, but his book of Hebrews is called: “Messianic Jews”. Go figure.
What does this kind of childish-trickery evangelism say about the Jewish-disguised evangelist themselves? It says that they themselves believe their religious doctrine and beliefs must be disguised and sugar coated in order for it to be received by unsuspecting Jews, and without such deception it will surely fail. It also states that they are so fixated on seeing the Jews convert from their ancient heritage belief system that they are willing and able to stoop to whatever lows are necessary to see it accomplished. The New Testament by itself isn’t good enough to do the desired job of Jewish conversion in their minds, so it needs a little deception-help. In their minds and rightfully so, it will take an extraordinary effort to convert the chosen people out of being chosen so their offspring too will cease to be “chosen” - there is a three or four generation rule that whenever a Jew converts form the covenant, within three to four generations his offspring looses all identity as Jews (Exodus 20:5).
What does it say about the mainstream church organizations such as the Baptists and Assembly of God, who support the messianic movement efforts but still separate from them doctrinally? It says quite a lot. Such support actually remains me of the principles that the Palestinian suicide bombers use when they dress themselves up in Hasidic Jewish attire in order to blow themselves up from among the Jews. It is prohibited in the Palestinian society for a Palestinian to dress like a Jew unless he is doing it for the Palestinian cause of killing Jews, in which case, will bring him much praise for doing so from among the other Jew-hating Palestinians. Likewise, the mainstream churches are opposed doctrinally of dressing in TziTzis, having worship services on Saturday, and drinking four cups of wine on Passover, but they will give full support and blessings to these Messianics who practice these things for the cause a Jewish conversion into Christianity. They might wish to have them in their traditional church for a denominational feather in the hat, but as long as the Jew separates himself from his God-given covenant for some form a Christianity - well, that’s the main thing! The Jews must be saved at all cost from his covenant that the God of Israel gave them to a Christian covenant using the same logo.
Another display of messianic Christianity spiritual motive as well as their uprightness in heart is given in Jackie Mason’s 2006 lawsuit against the group “Jews for Jesus”. Everybody (especially the people in New York) knows Mason is Jewish (in his own words, “as a matzo ball”). What prompted Mason to file the lawsuit was a "Jews for Jesus" tract that featured an image of himself along with the words “Jackie Mason ... A Jew for Jesus!?” This tract was intended to make the unsuspecting Jew to think that Mason being the prominent Jew he is, had became a Christian and joined the Jews for Jesus organization. And if a well prominent Jew like Mason can became a messianic Christian, then surely they being Jewish should see about becoming one as well? At least that was the thinking of the tract creators. Susan Perlman, was the spokeswoman for Jews for Jesus, and said the tract was “good-natured” and “Shame on him (Mason) for getting so upset about this”. The tract was “good-natured”? Since when is a willful outright, deceiving, evil lie about someone “good natured”? Would she be "shamefully" upset if the Jewish organizations in her area printed and passed out pamphlets to messianic Christians that featured an image of her on the front cover that stated “Susan Perlman denounces Jews for Jesus”? Would this kind of pamphlet bearing her image be “good natured” too, or would it be deemed by her and others within the Jews for Jesus camp as: “those bad O Jews are trying to persecute us good O Christians” at that point?
What gets me is the lying audacity that groups like "Jews for Jesus" has when it comes to seeking-out Jewish conversion! To them, it is far better to lie in Jesus’s name and convert a Jew, than to be honest and let a unknowing Jew keep his / her faith! And what really gets me is the fact that other Christians will applaud their effects if they are able to pull-off a Jewish conversion, with such lying acceptance as “oh well, God can even use deceit to change a sinner’s heart”. But if the roles were reversed and Christians were giving up their faith to follow Judaism, then it would be high spiritual treason against the church. To me, its utterly disgusting that someone can even believe that God could glory in such a false-base foundation for the belief in Him.
They also want you to believe in Jesus your only savior from sin and be saved ..
Galatians 3:8
Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”
To Junker Bob, (November 12, 2001 post)
Excuse me, but "scripture foresaw" that the Torah and the principles therein cannot be added to nor deleted.
""You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of YHVH your God which I command you. - Deuteronomy 4:2
...and that Abraham was blessed by obeying the voice of YHVH and blessing Israel whom you as a tritheism three-person god trinitarian curse.
"That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice."
- Genesis 22:17-18
"And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws." - Genesis 26:4-5
Joe Whitehead, Please Respond, I respect your beliefs, but have you ever heard of
Michael L. Brown, he is a famous Messianic Jew & very Pro-Israel and Supports
Christian Zionism, he wrote a 5 Volume book series titled
"Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus" which can be ordered from Amazon.com or from his website, www.askdrbrown.org , in this series of books, he argues that Jesus Is the Promised Messiah and Son of God and for the Belief in the Trinity,
The names of the 5 Volumes in the series are
1. General and Historical Objections
2. Theological Objections
3. Messianic Prophecy Objections
4. New Testament Objections
5. Traditional Jewish Objections, to the best of my knowledge I don't think anyone has been able to Refute Michael L. Brown or his arguments, he has engaged in debates with numerous people & with Rabbi Tovia Singer,
Michael L. Brown has also written about the tragic history of
Christian Anti-Semitism in his 1992 book "Our Hands Are Stained With Blood" an updated and expanded edition of that title is coming out in September 2019 , and it can also be ordered from Amazon.com or from any Bookstore, if you ever read the 5 Volumes by Michel L. Brown, would you like to offer a Rebuttal ? What is your opinion of his work ? I'm a Christian Supporter of Israel Myself, I sense Mr.Brown is sincere in his Views, Hope we can keep the Debate Civil & Polite
Joe Whitehead, Another book I discovered is titled
"Refuting Rabbinic Objections to Christianity & Messianic Prophecies" Paperback – January 3, 2019
by Eitan Bar (Author)
It can be ordered from Amazon.com along with other books by Eitan Bar
Mr. Whitehead , Also what is your opinion of these two additional books
from barnesandnoble.com
"Jews Don't Need Jesus..and other Misconceptions: Reflections of a Jewish Believer"
by Avi Snyder
With a foreword by John Piper
"Why I Left the Jewish Religion to Follow Jesus"
by Bernard Levine
Mr. Whitehead versebyverseministry.org has an article headlined
"Jewish Objections to Jesus" on
Aug 7, 2011 by Brady Stephenson
How would you respond ?
askdrbrown.org has an article headlined
"Why Not Judaism for Jews and Christianity for Gentiles?" on
May 15, 2020 by Michael L. Brown
Good Article
Joe, what is your opinion of the
2019 book titled
"Rabbinic Judaism Debunked : Debunking the myth of Rabbinic Oral Law"
by Golan Broshi and Eitan Bar
In The Simpsons episode
"Hurricane Neddy"
Ned Flanders talks out loud to
God after his house is destroyed
"Why me, Lord? Where have I gone wrong? I've always been nice to people. I don't drink or dance or swear. I've even kept Kosher just to be on the safe side."
Ned Flanders says he even kept Kosher just to be on the safe side , so do we speculate
Flanders is supposed to be a Christian Supporter of Israel , any Simpsons fans here ? The episode
"Hurricane Neddy" was from 1996
Mr. Whitehead, Remember how in the 2003
Christmas comedy film
"Bad Santa" in one scene the character of Willie Soke is
extremely drunk
Gin , played by Bernie Mac
sees this and says
"Sweet Jews for Jesus!"
Mr. Whitehead
christianpost.com has an article headlined
"Israel needs to stop denying citizenship to Messianic Jews"
By Greg Denham on
February 15, 2024
Do you agree with this article and it's Arguments ?
Mr. Whitehead
shelbystar.com has an article headlined
"My Turn: No, Mr. Highland, the New Testament is not anti-Semitic" by
Dustin Mace on
January 21, 2024
Do you have an opinion ?
Mr. Whitehead ,
Hello are you there ? Is it correct that you were born a
Non-Jew , but decided to Convert to Judaism later in life , what were the reasons and story behind your conversion to Judaism, Which branch of Judaism ?
Mr. Whitehead
The 1992 version of the book
"Our Hands are Stained with Blood: The Tragic Story of the Church and the Jewish People"
by Michael L. Brown
And the 2019
Revised & Expanded edition of the same exact title are Both Must Reads , both the
Original 1992 Edition & 2019
Revised & Expanded Edition have Useful information , they are Both Written with
Heart, Emotion & Passion and are deeply moving
Michael L. Brown is a
Jewish Believer in Jesus
You can tell from the two Editions of this book the pain and sorrow he feels about the Persecution of the Jews throughout 2,000 years of Christian History which directly made the Nazi Holocaust happen . Both Editions are
Must Reads as they contain somewhat different information
In Fact many Gentile Christians who read the 1992 Edition of the book were deeply saddened, deeply moved and horrified by the terrible hideous history of
Two Millenia of Christian Anti-Semitism , that they were literally weeping and crying, actual tears in their eyes, the two Editions are Powerful Calls for Genuine Christian Remorse and Repentance
To Make Sure that All
Anti-Semitism and
Jew-Hatred & False Teachings are Purged from Christianity Forever
Both the 1992 & 2019 Editions of the Book Completely Refute
and Debunk the False Teaching of Replacement Theology aka
The Jews are Still God's
Chosen People and Shall Forever Remain So
The Tragic History of 2,000 years of
Christian Anti-Semitism leading up the Holocaust has made it Psychologically & Spiritually, Intellectually, Impossible for Most Jews to Truly Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior as the Gentiles do
In Fact
jewsforjesus.org has an article headlined
"Why Do Most Jewish People Not Believe in Jesus?"
by Jews for Jesus | January 07 2021 , A Must Read Article
Also by Michael L. Brown
a Superb book in 2021 is titled
“Christian Antisemitism: Confronting the Lies in Today’s Church”
by Michael L. Brown Ph.D
Did anyone read the 2003 book
“A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair” is a 2003 book by the political scientist Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, previously the author of Hitler’s Willing Executioners (1996). In his 2003 book
“A Moral Reckoning” Goldhagen suggested the Catholic Church should pay Reparations to Jews and the State of Israel
Goldhagen argues that the Catholic Church directly caused the Holocaust, the sad truth is that the Catholic Church, the Protestant Churches and all the Christian Churches directly caused the Holocaust and should all pay Massive Reparations to Jews in America, Israel and Worldwide.
Countless Jews and people who are half-Jewish are self-hating, they do Not like being Jewish or looking Jewish and they try to hide their Jewishness, but that is often impossible, Many Jews in America, Israel and Worldwide have Severe Jewish Self-Hatred, an inferiority complex and psychological problems related to being racially, ethnically Jewish or half-Jewish and they are jealous of people who were born fully Gentile
Jewish Self-Hatred is Very Common, countless Jews and half-Jewish persons wish that they were Not born Jewish.
blogs.bu.edu has an article
“Christianity’s Role in the Holocaust”
by Shoshana Koff
Plus ,
has an article headlined
“The shocking truth about Christianity and the Holocaust”
By Simon Ponsonby 13 December 2020
The late Roman Catholic Priest Edward H. Flannery in his Superb book
“The Anguish of the Jews: Twenty-three Centuries of Antisemitism”
Notes that Historians
Estimate that throughout the Centuries Before the
Nazi Holocaust that between
7 to 10 Million Jews were Murdered . Between 7 to 10
7 to 10 Million Jews murdered in 2,000 years Prior to the 20th Century. Truly Horiffic
Another good book to read is
“They Conspire Against Your People: The European Churches and the Holocaust ”
by Colin Barnes
Anyone read the book
“Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Dialogue: After the Flood, Before the Rainbow”
by Alan L. Berger
timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
“Church of England report admits Christian anti-Semitism helped lead to Holocaust”
22 November 2019
The really sick messed up thing is that If History had gone Differently and if there was Never a World War II, And Never a Holocaust, All of the Christian Churches in 2024 would be teaching the same old Hate-Filled Toxic “Theology” that made the Nazi Holocaust happen, The Extermination of Six Million Jews happen. That’s the sad Ugly Truth. We Cannot sugarcoat the sad Ugly Truth
It took the Evils of the Nazi Holocaust, The murder of Six Million Jews and the Guilt it Produced, To Force the Christian Churches to officially Change their old Anti-Semitic Doctrines, Teachings and Theology that directly led to the Nazi Holocaust and made it happen.
It took the Murder of Six Million Jews, The Enormous Magnitude of the Nazi Holocaust and the Guilt, Shame it Produced to Force the Christian Churches to Change their teachings about Jews, Such as Jews allegedly being
“Christ-Killers” etc
If World War II and the Nazi Holocaust Never Happened, We All Know the sad Ugly Truth that All of the Christian Churches in America and Worldwide would Still be Teaching Virulent Hatred of Jews in 2024 as if it was still
The year 1920 or Medieval Europe in the Middle Ages.
The sad fact is that 2,000 years of Christian Anti-Semitism & Jew-Hatred directly led to the Nazi Holocaust of World War II. Many have said that
So just to be Fair and Just for the next 2, 000 years starting this year 2024 and going up to
the year 4024. All of the Christian Churches from All branches of Christianity should pay each and every Individual Jewish or part Jewish person on the Planet Large Amounts of Money, Very Large Amounts of Money to each and every Individual Jewish or part Jewish person in America, Israel and the World for literally the Next 2, 000 Years, Until 4024. Large Amounts of Money, Very Large Amounts of Money to each and every Individual Jewish or part Jewish person on the Planet and their Descendants for the Next 2, 000 Years. Literally till the Year
4024. Christian Anti-Semitism, Jew-Hatred and Persecutions leading up to the Holocaust had Severe Psychological Harmful effects on the Jewish people, Causing Jewish Self-Hate and an Inferiority Complex. If Blacks can ask for Reparations for Slavery, why can’t Jews have Reparations & Restitution for 2,000 years of Christian Anti-Semitism & Persecution leading up the Nazi Holocaust.
It’s a well known historical fact that 2,000 years of
Christian Anti-Semitism , Persecutions & Jew-Hatred directly led to the Holocaust of
World War II.
It should be Required by Law of All
Christians in America, Europe and Worldwide to learn in detail about the 2,000 year tragic history of Christian Anti-Semitism that directly led up to the Holocaust and made it possible
jewishvoice.org has an article headlined
"10 Biggest Lies about Yeshua, His Jewishness, and What Some Call ‘Jewish Christianity’ " on
December 01, 2015
Mr. Whitehead
What is your opinion of this Messianic website
hebrew-streams.org has an article headlined
"The Myth that All Jews Rejected Jesus"
by Paul Sumner
Also from
hebrew-streams.org an article is headlined
"Yeshua Did Not Hate Jews"
by Paul Sumner
bibleworkbook.com has an article headlined
"Dan: the “missing” tribe of Israel"
March 10, 2020 by madisonlaird
Do you agree ?
israeltoday.co.il has an article headlined
"The Truth About the Oral Law – A Response to Josh Feinberg"
By Dr. Michael Brown Dec 6, 2021
oneforisrael.org has an article headlined
Interesting Article
equip.org has an article headlined
"The Jewish Talmud And Its Use For Christian Apologetics"
Author: Daniel Mann
Updated: September, 2023
Published: Nov 7, 2018
allisrael.com has an article headlined
"How Evangelicals can help Jewish believers in Jesus the Messiah return to their homeland"
Greg Denham March 5, 2024
stream.org has an article headlined
"Is God Finished With Israel as a Nation?"
February 6, 2024
About how God is NOT finished with Israel
jewsforjesus.org has an article headlined
"What Happened to Jewish Believers in Jesus in Nazi Germany?"
by Judith Mendelsohn Rood April 26 2016
christchurchjerusalem.org has an article headlined
"Jewish Christians in the Netherlands during the Holocaust" on
22 FEBRUARY 2022 BY PSALM 122 & Kevin Crombie
jewsforjesus.org has an article headlined
"What Did Jesus Say About Antisemitism?"
by Laura Costea September 12 2023
mycharisma.com has an article headlined
"The Hoax of Denying Replacement Theology"
Posted by
Michael L. Brown
April 9, 2024
lifeinmessiah.org has an article headlined
"God's Great Distinction (Are Christians “Spiritual Jews?”) on
Feb 27, 2024 by Levi Hazen
spiritandtruth.org has an article headlined
"Q104 : Are Gentile Believers part of Israel?"
An answer is given by Pastor
Tony Garland
drcone.com has an article headlined
"The Descendants of Abraham: Do Church-Age Believers Become “Spiritual Jews?” on
November 8, 2012 by
Christopher Cone
vividchristianity.com has an article headlined
"Gentile Christians Are Not Spiritual Jews" on
Jan 17, 2024 by Dave Root
stream.org has an article headlined
"Are Gentile Christians Spiritual Jews?"
October 27, 2023 Good Article
forward.com has an article headlined
"Are Jews for Jesus a Secret Weapon in Anti-Semitism Fight?"
By Sam Kestenbaum
November 30, 2016
weekly.israelbiblecenter.com has an article headlined
"Are Gentile Christians a New Israel?"
By Dr. Nicholas J. Schaser
December 06, 2023
oneforisrael.org has an article headlined
"Are Bible translations wrong?"
March 31, 2021
firmisrael.org has an article headlined
"What is a Gentile and Their Role in the Bible"
christianpost.com has an article headlined
"Jews and Gentiles: Distinction vs. discrimination in Christ"
By Kirt A. Schneider, Op-ed contributor
February 09, 2023
Mr. Whitehead
According to the Bible , and Not man made tradition
Is Jewishness transmitted from the Mother's Side or
Father's Side ?
According to Science or Biology is it the Mother's Side or Father's Side that determines the Race of a Child ?
myjewishlearning.com has an article headlined
"How Jewish Christians Became Christians"
By Lawrence H. Schiffman
Three different views of the Jewish-Christian schism are discussed
jewishvoice.org has an article headlined
"I’m A Messianic Jew Not a Christian Convert"
by E. Andrews
February 12, 2020
Mr. Whitehead do you have a response ?
jewsforjesus.org has an article headlined
"Is Christianity Antisemitic?"
by Barry Leventhal April 24, 2018
Sadly this Article Whitewashes and Sugarcoats the Ugly Truth that Christianity has Always been deeply Anti-Semitic
Even after the Holocaust of
World War II and After
6 Million Jews were Murdered
Much of Christianity Remained
Heartless and Deeply
Anti-Semitic & Anti-Israel after
Israel became a Nation again in
1948 , Heartlessly siding with the Genocidal Enemies of Israel who Lust for a Second Holocaust
That is Truly Disgusting and
Plus Many articles online have pointed out that since around the year 2000 ,
Christian Anti-Semitism is sadly making a comeback in Areas of
Christianity where it had declined after the Horrors of the
Holocaust became known to the World , Guilt over the Holocaust is fading away and sadly many
Christians are embracing
Jew-Hatred again and Unjust Hatred of Israel
blog.oup.com has an article headlined
"The New Testament: Jewish or Gentile?"
By Ann Conway-Jones April 25th 2018
archive.askdrbrown.org has an article headlined
"What Does the Jewish Community Want from Jewish Followers of Jesus?"
Posted Jun 02, 2021 by Michael L. Brown
The Jerusalem Post
jpost.com has an article headlined
"Rabbi Shmuley is wrong about the New Testament and Evangelical Christians"
By MICHAEL BROWN Published: AUGUST 11, 2019
catholic.com has an article headlined
"The New Testament and Anti-Semitism"
Jimmy Akin 6/1/1999
The Watchtower Online Library
wol.jw.org has an article headlined
"The Bible’s Viewpoint
Is the “New Testament” Anti-Semitic?"
Let's be Clear, the
Jehovah's Witnesses are a
Cult , a False Religion
Still this article makes some valid Legitimate points
has an article headlined
"Old Testament, New Hatreds: The Hebrew Bible and Antisemitism in Nazi Germany"
By Doris L. Bergen
Department of History, Notre Dame
oneforisrael.org has an article by
Dr. David R. Reagan
"Do the Jews need Jesus, or is He the Gentile Savior?"
oneforisrael.org has an article headlined
"Was Jesus an Anti-Semite?"
May 30, 2016
catholic.com has an article headlined
"Did ‘the Jews’ Kill Jesus?"
Trent Horn May 7, 2024
Also from
christianitytoday.com an article is headlined
"A Flawed History"
by Steven D. Greydanus
Christianity Today
April 25, 2008
has an article headlined
"So, Why’d You Switch Teams?"
by Rich Robinson April 16 2024
Any Opinions ?
thelineoffire.org has an article headlined
"The Surprising Response to My ‘Rabbi Jesus’ Post"
August 29, 2024
Mr. Whitehead
Voice of the People has an article headlined
"Readers sound off on aging politicians, N.Y.’s third football team and proselytizing in Israel"
PUBLISHED: December 28, 2024
One letter says "Jewish messiah"
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. and it says "There’s a Youtube video showing a Christian in Tel Aviv reading some passages from the Bible to a small group of Jews: “Like a lamb He was slaughtered, like a sheep that is silent before his shearers… He was pierced through for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquity… by His stripes we are healed.” One of them interrupted, saying he was reading from the New Testament, which is about Jesus Christ. The Christian showed them that he was not reading from the New Testament, but from Isaiah, chapter 53. They were surprised. Many synagogues don’t permit Isaiah, chapter 53 to be read. The Jewish prophet Daniel was given a vision of “One like a son of man coming with the clouds” (Dan. 7:13). Jesus Himself said, “You will see the son of man coming with the clouds” (Mt. 24:30)." Jim Black
What is your reply ?
Mr. Whitehead , I think that with
Some Jewish and Half-Jewish believers in Jesus in America and other Nations
That while they Sincerely believe in Jesus as Messiah and accept Christ as Lord and Savior just
Like the Gentiles do, at the same time they don't want to be Jewish , of course they realize and Know that Jesus himself Was and IS Jewish, that Jesus himself IS Jewish , but Still
They wish that they were
Fully Gentile and Attend
Gentile Christian Churches
They Attend Gentile Christian Churches that are Virtually All Gentile as Opposed to Attending
Messianic Jewish Synagogues , Messianic Jewish Congregations with other Jewish believers in
That they don't Hate or even dislike their own Jewish people , and they still Support Israel
But they Attend Gentile Christian Churches and at times they are
Deeply Jealous and Envious of all the other Christians in the
Church who are Fully Gentile and Non-Jewish, they feel different and inferior to the other Christians who were born
Fully Gentile and Non-Jewish
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