The Miracle of Zionism

"Israel is the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago." - Historian Barbara Tuchman

"Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created by a sovereign act of God" - Pastor John Hagee

"All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" - Author / Atheist, Mark Twain (long before the Holocaust and Israeli-Jewish statehood)

"They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their Empire were but a Bauble in comparison of the Jews. They have given religion to three quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more happily, than any other Nation ancient or modern." - President John Adams - His 1808 response letter criticizing the depiction of Jews by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yom HaShoah

The 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calender (April 11, 2010 of this year) commemorates the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. 1 It is called Yom HaShoah in the Hebrew and it is known in the West as the "Holocaust Remembrance Day". The word (שואה) means, "tumult / tempest / desolation" and is used in the Hebrew Bible in Isaiah 47:11.

The ashes within the Nazi ovens produced a great hastening to seek a world "Jewish safe place". This safe place became the State of Israel. Therefore, since this blog-site is primarily centered around Biblical Zionism, I seek to "remember" the Shoah (Holocaust) through a Biblical Zionism perspective.

So What Are We Remembering Exactly?
We already have a day set aside in remembering military sacrifices in which our friends and family members have became included. That day is Memorial Day (and Veteran's Day). Therefore, what should be our focus on Yom HaShoah? Are we to just remember a war-time tragedy of war crimes by the Nazi regime or something far beyond the ordinary in the epic of mankind? For me, remembering the Holocaust is to journey into spiritual world that goes much deeper than just "events" of the Holocaust and into a place of origins that reveal that the Holocaust did not begin nor end with the Nazis!

Was The Holocaust Strictly Jewish?
About three years ago my wife and I was touring the Holocaust exhibition at the Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Soon after beginning the tour I noticed a group of three ladies (one of them being elderly) just ahead of us reading the words on one of the displays that was addressing the many Jewish children that were put to death (1.5 million Jewish children). Immediately the elderly women of the group spouted off, "These Jews need to understand that there were others who died during the Holocaust and not just them". Because I had visited this exhibit prior to this particular visit and therefore knew the layout of the exhibition, it was all I could do to not address this woman by stating the following:

"Listen you gentile-devil, if you'll turn your evil back and cast your Jew-hating eyeballs onto the display behind you, you will see huge display that is bigger than the one you just viewed that is dedicated to the non-Jews effected by the Holocaust! Perhaps then 'you' yourself it might 'understand' that the ones to whom you refer as "these Jews" in literally every venue regarding the Holocaust go elaborately far out of their way to acknowledge not only the non-Jewish victims, but the righteous Gentiles who put their lives on the line for Jews!"

There is no doubt in my mind that there are antisemites who will go to Holocaust memorials with a mindset to criticize as did the woman mentioned above. There has even been white supremacists / neo-Nazis visit such exhibits in order to gloat over the tragedy itself! Because recognition by Jewish educators of the Gentile Holocaust victims is so prevalent in books, lectures, memorials, web-sites, radio, ect., it is an antisemitic based claim to even suggest that there is some sort of Jewish "conspiracy" to avoid acknowledging Gentile suffering during the Holocaust. Myself being a Gentile, I would argue that Jewish Holocaust educators actually go too far in Gentile victim recognition. Trying to place the Gentiles in the same grouping as the Jews negates the main purpose, root-cause, and focus, of the Holocaust which was none other than "Jewish annihilation". It must be completely realized that it was Hitler's "War Against the Jews" that indeed was the sole root cause for the 45 million Gentile deaths during World War II.2
There is also the fact that antisemites actually exploit and give preeminence to Gentile victimhood in order to avoid or dilute the Gentile Holocaust sin - the worst of mankind's history!

Fact: Only an antisemite will overly place strong emphasis on the Holocaust Gentile victims without acknowledging the root cause of "Jewish annihilation"!
Fact: While it is expected of everyone in mainstream society to condemn the Holocaust of which every incognito antisemite will do, a true antisemite will NEVER go beyond Holocaust-condemning lip-service and condemn the Gentile origins and makeup of the Holocaust!

The Holocaust Unholy Trinity:
There are three methods of thought from which the antisemitic Gentile world portrays the Holocaust:
  1. Holocaust Denial - Usually a denial of the Nazi usage of gas chambers and number of "Death Camps" while greatly reducing the number of Jewish victims (from 6 million to a mere one hundred thousand or so) while greatly inflating the non-Jewish victims of Nazi Germany. Also known as "Holocaust Minimizers".
  2. Holocaust Glorification - Mostly coming out of the Islamic countries in which Hitler is actually praised and rebuked (for not finishing the Jewish annihilation job). The claim is that the Jews / Zionist purposely caused the Holocaust by "oppressing" the Nazi-electing German people. Note: This is the exact same claim that Palestinian advocates use today against the Jewish people of Israel in defending the Hamas-electing Palestinian people!
  3. Holocaust Relativism - An attempt to make all victims equal as "targets" while denying or purposely avoiding the core-root cause of the Holocaust which was Hitler's "War Against the Jews" (The Russian Jewish Bolsheviks and the Jewish capitalists West) culminating in the "Finial Solution" of which no Jew-hating Gentile was slated to become its victim.
It must be pointed out that all three method of thoughts are antisemitic based and work together with the same goal and mindset against the Jews. A Saudi Arabian Holocaust Glorifier will find common ground with a European Holocaust Denier, and a European Holocaust Denier will find brotherhood with an American Holocaust Relativist, and so on. Where they are politically banned together is a place called "The Quartet".

I had a discussion just this week about Holocaust remembrance with a person that I would label a "Free-Palestine' Liberal". She advocated "Holocaust Relativity" by suggesting that the Holocaust was equally "forced" on all peoples who outside the Nazi regime - Jews and Gentiles alike. It was that suggestion that prompted me to write this blog. Her being a Catholic immediately reminded me of a 26 foot Catholic cross being place at Auschwitz by Carmelite nuns in 1988>

A "cut to the chase" response to such Holocaust Relativism is to ask: What was the "question" that connects with the answer, "The Finial Solution"? In other words, the "Finial Solution" was an answer to a "problem", therefore, what was the "problem / question"?
Fact: In Nazi ideology "The Finial Solution" is the answer to the "Jewish Problem / Question".

The "Finial Solution" wasn't linked to a POW, political prisoner, mentally retarded, homosexual, Jehovah Witness, and Gypsy "Problem / Question" even though these groups all shared as Holocaust victims with the main target - the Jews. As it has been stated, "Not every target was a Jew, but every Jew was a target". Every other victim-group exception perhaps being the Gypsies,3 could have changed their "target valve" by siding with the Nazis and their ideology, of which the Jews (having tainted inferior blood in the Nazi view) didn't have such a choice.

From Hitler's Mein Kamph written in 1924 to his last political statement written a single day before his suicide in April 1945, focused solely on the Jews as his cause for war. To Hitler, it was only "International Jewry" that is blamed for the war between England and Germany - no other people (target) could be so deviant. >

Just Another Genocide?
The Jewish people are unique in the world of "genocide" (a word coined as a result of the Holocaust). Whether it is the region of Darfur region of Sudan, the "Killing Fields" of Cambodia, or Rwanda, no other people has the three millennium tract record of being the target of a WORLD SOUGHT ANNIHILATION BY "GENOCIDE"! In other words, it has been only the Janjaweed who has sought to murder the black Christians of Sudan, only the Khmer Rouge regime who sought a Cambodian genocide, and only the Hutus who worked a genocide on the Rwandan Titsis. Jewish genocides on the other hand, has been physically sought from every part from within the New World and Middle East from time immemorial, and is currently being sought yet once again by Ahmadinejad and the Quartet even after all the 20th century genocides!

It is the world concept of "Deicide" (the murder of God) of which no other people besides the Jews has been identified which has caused the Jews to be singled out for a "special" genocide throughout Replacement Theology Christendom. Of this genocidal concept Islam connects both physically and in theology. 4

This uniqueness of being a genocidal target throughout history is displayed in the Jewish ritual Passover reading of the Haggadah. Even centuries before the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Pogroms, the Holocaust, an now before Ahmadinejad, the eight century Haggadah states:
"In each and every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. And The Holy One, blessed be He, rescues us from their hands."

Perhaps it would be a good Holocaust remembrance practice to "remember" this statement above that is contained within the Jewish Haggadah every Holocaust Remembrance Month that happens for the most part to be in April? Isn't it ironic that the Jews are reading such a statement every April while the Gentiles focus only on the years 1933-1945?

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9

When I first started my in-depth study the Holocaust it was the Kielce Pogrom that happened after the supposed Holocaust years (1939-1945) that stood out in my mind. Poland, the home to the infamous Auschwitz, Dachua, Treblinko, concentration - extermination camps, and Death Marches, was not finished with Jew-murder in "1946". After 1.5 million Jewish children being murdered mostly at Auschwitz, the Poles of Kielce including police officers of all people, acted on yet another child-kidnapping blood libel and murdered 42 Jews and wounded 40 more. Apparently, these Poles didn't appreciate 200 Jews returning and reclaiming their homes after having the audacity to survive the German concentration champs. >

This pogrom to me was a small yet powerful sign that even though the Nazism regime had forever ended, the "spirit" behind Nazism continues on. The fact is, this spirit is not a "Nazi spirit" that began in 1933 with the rise of German Nazism. It is the spirit of Jew-hatred (I called it the "Spirit of Covenant Hatred") that has expressing itself since time memorial. The only thing the Nazi did new that past Jew-hating generations didn't use as a method of expression was the use of Zyklon B gas. The Nuremberg Laws, ghettos, yellow badges, Hitler's "blood purity" ideology, Jewish expulsion, and of course Jewish book & body burning, have all been a method of expression many times over in past centuries and in past generations! > These past murdered Jews - murdered for the same exact reasons (for being Jews) as was the Jews of the Nazi era - should be remembered with the same reverence every Yom HaShoah. For me, they are remembered - they're one of the main reasons I wrote this blog.

"...because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous, and say, if we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers." - Matthew 23: 29-32

In turning around this first century old "New Testament" condemnation of the Jews onto this Gentile generation that is guilty of Holocaust-murdering Jews, I have to say, the Gentiles are very good about "garnishing" European Holocaust memorial "sepulchers". I mean the Europeans did a garnishing good job at preparing and polishing up the attic at the Anna Frank Memorial in Holland and the "European Holocaust Memorial" in Landsberg, Germany (in the land of the Holocaust) has been nicely prepared and looks to be very well kept. >
No doubt, the members of the Gentile World Quartet would state that they would not be partakers of Hitler's European "willing executioners" while they go out of their way to supply the new generation of the "Haj Amin Al-Hussini people" with weapons, billions of dollars, bias media coverage, and of all things, a world-recognized state - a state of Jew-murderers! 5 Therefore the Europeans are "witnesses unto yourselves" that their Quartet (and all who support them) "are of them" that murdered 6 millions Jews during the Holocaust - "filling up the measure" of their European Holocaust-guilty fathers!

It must be remembered that the same "spirit" behind the Nazi regime that manifested itself centuries before > is very much in the present (in the form of the "Haj Amin Al-Husseini ideology people") and will continue to be in the future. Therefore we have among in the world there is the "democratically elected" Hamas just west of Jews (inside the very Land of the Covenant) Hizbollah just to the north of the Jews, and of course there's Ahmadinejad with his soon to be nuclear Shahab III missiles. Therefore, when I remember the Holocaust I'm not only look into the past but the future as well, knowing that not so long ago in a time prior to 1938, the Nazi Holocaust was then a "future" event.

1. The Warsaw ghetto uprising actually occurred on Nisan 14th. but being that day was the day before Pesach (Passover) Yom HaShoah was moved to the 27th of Nisan, which like all Hebrew holidays varies every year on the Gregorian calendar.
2. "Germany was at the present time engaged in a life and death struggle with two citadels of Jewish power: Great Britain and Soviet Russia" - quoted by Adolph Hitler / - A Lethal Obsession by Robert S. Wistrich - page 670
3. As pointed out in the book "Why the Jews?" by Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin - pages 137, 217 - Gypsy murder was due to their incompatibility with Aryanism and Nazism. Indeed some Gypsies as individuals were spared and some even served in the Nazi army! The Jews on the other hand were targeted for their "Characteristic of Jewish blood" that sought to dominate the Germanic Aryan world, thereby leaving no alternative that no "Jewish blood" could be spared in the mindset of Hitler and the Third Reich.
4. Islam is a spin-off of the Catholic Church (i.e. veneration of Mary and usage of the rosary called Misbaha or Tasbih as well as many other ritual and ideological connections). Both religions single out and depict the Jew as the main enemy of their faith - see I Thessalonians 2:15 and Koran 5:82. The End of Days according to Islam is the total "Genocide" of the Jews - see Hadith "Muslim - book 041 number 6985.
5. There is currently only four "countries" that are on the US State Department list of "State Sponsored Terrorism > My question would be "how long" will it take the US State Department to add "Palestine" to the official list of "terror 'state' sponsors" once they have been recognized by the UN and have carried out terrorist acts across the UN green-line border into Israel? Maybe placing "Palestine" on the US "State Sponsored Terrorism" list will be the "first official act" towards a state of Palestine that the US (along with the rest of the Quartet) are trying so hard to create? That would make a lot of sense wouldn't it?


Anonymous said...

Joe , How many Non-Jews were killed in the Holocaust ?
6 Million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, but how many
Non-Jews were murdered has an article about this headlined
"‘Remember the 11 million’? Why an inflated victims tally irks Holocaust historians"
JANUARY 31, 2017

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"No, The Holocaust Is Not Just One Of Many Tragic Events Of Human History"
February 8, 2023 by Dr. Michael Brown

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead has an article headlined
"How individual, ordinary Jews fought Nazi persecution − a new view of history"
on August 29, 2023
by Wolf Gruner
Also Mr. Whitehead, am I correct in
understanding that you were born a Christian
Gentile but decided to convert to
Judaism, what is the story of your conversion to Judaism

Anonymous said...

Many have said that
Psalm 102 in the Bible was a Prophecy that foretold the
Nazi Holocaust of World War II
Did Psalm 102 or any part of the Bible prophesize the Holocaust ..?

Other online articles have said that in the Bible
Psalms 39-45, & Jeremiah chapter 30 were also prophecies about the
Nazi Holocaust of World War II

Plus in the Bible it says in
Jeremiah 31:35-37 , that as long as there is a sun, moon, stars, earth, and sea, there will be a distinct people of Israel, a Jewish people, no matter what they do. It’s God Promise,

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Was the Holocaust Predictable?”
JANUARY 27, 2023

Anonymous said...

When the Rabbis Marched on
Washington D.C. in October 1943 to Protest the Nazi Extermination of the Jews , did any members of the Christian Clergy or Other
Christians join the Rabbis in demanding that FDR take more Action to Save the Jews of Europe
Does anyone Know ?

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
Earlier today
"Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

If we extrapolate the percentage of Jews in 1939 to the world population then and now, it shows that the Nazi’s really murdered 50 million future Jewish souls.
This is who we are fighting for. #NeverAgain "

Anonymous said...

A Christian Chaplain typed online earlier today
"Today, International Holocaust Remembrance Day We say 'NEVER AGAIN', yet Never Again happened on 7 October when over 1200 Jewish men, women, the elderly and little children were targeted for death, because they were Jewish. More then 4000 were wounded.

They were raped, tortured, burned alive, because they were Jewish. Young women had their breasts cut off, knives and nails were found in their genitals. Men had their genitals cut off. Absolute acts of sadistic depraved barbarism was perpetrated on these Jews.

At a Music Festival, which was a celebration of life, death came calling. More than 300 young Jewish men and women were slaughtered, cut down in cold blood, a shocking scene when the IDF soldiers came, looking for signs of life, there was none, they were all dead, piles and piles of bodies like the Holocaust of the 20th century.

At the Kibbutz's, whole Jewish families were found slaughtered. Beds soaked with blood in the rooms of young children. Parents were bound together back to back, forced to watch as their children were tortured in front of them, limbs cut off, burned alive in front of them.

In the safe rooms and bomb shelters were piles of dead mangled bodies of Jews, in pools of blood. They were shot at close range and had large gaping wounds from the shrapnel of hand grenades.

Israeli Soldiers were beheaded, and in a field were scores of heads with no body, the heads were smashed, flattened, unrecognizable.

A Hamas terrorist used an Israeli woman’s cellphone to call his parents “Father I am in...I just killed 10 jews, their blood is in my hands, thank god, tell mom, your son is killing jews.” The man (dad) and woman (mom) he is talking to just yell & reply “kill, kill, kill.”

Hundreds were brutally kidnapped, young children, babies, the elderly and even some elderly Holocaust survivors. Many were murdered in captivity, others raped and tortured and are still hostages of Palestinian Hamas.

The death and destruction, the carnage and horror, the misery and suffering that took place on 7 October against the Jewish people of Israel is unparalleled in human history, expect for one other time, the Holocaust of the 20th century.

The difference of October 7 Holocaust is that the Palestinian Hamas terrorists, didn't try to hide their crimes from the world, as the Nazis of World War Two did.

The Palestinian Hamas monsters recorded their atrocities, their crimes against humanity and reveled in them for the world to see and they praised their false demonic god, with chants of Allah Akbar as they committed their deeds of savagery.

So today as we remember the Holocaust of the 1940's, the 6 million Jewish men, women, the elderly and young children that were exterminated, we also remember the Holocaust of 7 October and we say, NEVER AGAIN IS NOW.

~Chaplain Michael Green

Humble servant of God"

Anonymous said...

The Chaplain also typed
"International Holocaust Remembrance Day 🙏✡️🙏

Today January 27th is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On this most important day, this solemn day, we remember the six million Jewish men, women and children who were starved, tortured and mass murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators.

We also remember the millions of other non-Jewish victims, Russian, Polish, Serbian, Roma etc. who were also exterminated based upon Germany’s virulent racial genocidal policies.

Let us also not forget the Soldiers that died is the War battling the scourge of the Third Reich’s Nazism.

May the souls of the murdered be at peace ✨ May their memory be a blessing 🕯️

Chaplain Michael Green ✡️✝️

#neverforget #neverforgive #neveragain #WeRememberYou"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whitehead has an article headlined
"Why the “Holocaust” was not a holocaust: A reflection on the gravest crime in human history" on

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today

No, I am not against people remembering,

But what I am against is hypocrisy.

Because in World War II, though it was the Nazis that designed, started, and engineered the Holocaust, the real attempted genocide of the Jewish People, it is conveniently forgotten that the nations of Europe and some others colluded with the Nazis, cooperated with the Nazis, and/or did nothing at the time to provide places of safety for people targeted with extermination.

How many citizens of every European nation and Government, cooperated in deporting Jews to Nazi Death Camps?

After Germany lost the war, how many nations still had some citizens that kept stolen Jewish property and in some cases continued to kill Jews?

And when Jews tried to get to Eretz Yisrael, what happened? Oh, yes, the British tried to stop them, armed Arab terrorists and even allowed an Iraqi Army into British Palestine and called for an International embargo in an attempt to destroy the Jewish State when it came into being.

It’s easy to blame Germans. I guess that is why no one else has been honest enough to tell the whole truth.

And what do we see today? ---- students at US and European universities supporting Hamas' attempted genocide against Jews and threatening Jewish students and Jewish businesses.

And again, where are the US politicians - especially Democrats. I'm sure they will make pious speeches while refusing to condemn antisemitism in Congress.


Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Hamas's October 7 massacre shows that Never Again was a lie"
By BEN M. FREEMAN Published: JANUARY 28, 2024 12:24

Anonymous said... has an article headlined :
"“Never Again” After October 7th"
Linda Kinstler
November 29, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Holocaust Deflection and Whitewashing”
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, August 9, 2009

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“How 99% of Nazis got away with murder” by PJ Grisar on January 30, 2023

Anonymous said...

From the Jerusalem Post an article is headlined
"The UN is a morally decayed institution paving the way for another Holocaust"
By MICAH LAKIN AVNI Published: JANUARY 23, 2024

Anonymous said... has a Superb article about the Holocaust headlined
"Understanding the Jewish Catastrophe" by
Ralph Leonard
5 Feb 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"How trauma suffered by Holocaust survivors has affected the next generation"
Perlita Stroh · CBC News · Posted: Jan 27, 2023
A Must Read Article

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Theologians Trace Why Holocaust Happened"
By Paula Herbut
April 16, 1983

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Christian Origins of the Holocaust"

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"The Holocaust is a Christian Issue" by
Richard A. Cohen

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"The Catholic Church & the Jews: What Is the True Story?"
By Filip Mazurczak August 12th, 2017

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
“Ok my Jewish friends and family that are afraid of another Holocaust.
Answer # 1 Convert externally to Christianity and wear a cross but continue to observe Judaism at home. This was done during the Spanish Inquisition and during WW2 when certain churches harbored Jews.
Answer # 2
Move to Israel and make Aliyah where you’ll be in the majority and protected by the IDF

Answer #3
Since there are many very wealthy Jews have them hire a one thousand man paramilitary security force to go wherever Jews are threatened in the U.S.A.
Answer # 4 and the easiest solution will be to elect President Donald J Trump who made peace between Israel and Arab countries in the Middle East and won’t allow these left wing socialist Pro Palestinian Anti American punks to threaten Jews , assault Jews and take over colleges with violence.
Answer #5
Create more Jewish Universities like Yeshiva University and give scholarships to any Jewish students who want to study in Israel.

Personally I like Answer number 4.
Elect a president who will federalize the National Guard when necessary to put down illegal activities just as President Eisenhower did in 1950s to allow black students to integrate schools and President Kennedy did on 1963 when Governor George Wallace of Alabama refused entrance for black students at the University of Alabama”
The person also added
“I’d like to know where are the black people who were discriminated against while attempting to register to vote throughout the Southern states in the 1960s and many Jews marched with them to achieve their Civil Rights. Two Jews named Schwerner and Goodman were killed along with a young black man in Mississippi while trying to help. It seems to me that the majority of black people today like Jesse Jackson, AL Sharpton , Barack Obama aren’t there for us. Israel rescued many thousands of black Ethiopians who we believe are descended from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.”

Anonymous said...

A person typed online this
May 2024
"I plead with you PLEASE take the time to READ to the end!!
I also ask that you PLEASE share this widely!!

Today is Yom HaShoah -Holocaust rememberance day here in a very sadden and somber Israel.

Yom HaShoah is where we remember the very REAL "Genocide" of our relatives, our MORE than SIX MILLION -recorded-Jewish people who perished due to virulent anti-Semitic hatred!

With the elevation of Adolph Hitler to be the leadership of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Hitler and the German implemented a policy that came to be known as the “Final Solution”, a horrific episode in the history of mankind.
A plan made worst by the utter silence and complicity of the world!!

After the infamous Wannasee conference in January 1942 Hitler’s Final Solution became official Nazi policy.
A plan and policy of mass liquidation eradication of the Jewish People made horribly worst by the sheer hypocricsy of the British through their control over the Mandated Area of "Palestine". The British government's White Paper enforced sealed "door"- "entrance denied", to our "Balfour Declaration" and League of Nations ordered promised "Jewish State"! A gateway to life slammed shut by the demands of the "Arabs of the Mandated Territories" to Jews who desparately wished to flee Nazi Germany and Europe.

Hitler was determined not just to isolate Jews in Germany and countries annexed by the Nazis, but by subjecting them to dehumanizing regulations and random acts of violence. Hitler was convinced that his “Jewish problem” would be solved only with the elimination of every Jew in his domain.

In my multiple blog entries, some from years passed, I have attempted to explain how Hitler and his subordinates used all the orchestrated means of a modern industrialized and highly educated civilisation to complete the task known as the "Final solution to the Jewish question" -in German Die Endlsung der Judenfrage a very REAL coldly calculated and laid out plan of "genocide" of our Jewish people.

The term "Genocide" has been horrifically been misused by Palestinian apologists and lately by "Senior News correspondents" in their quest to defame Israel in the eyes of the world by quoting the high (inflated) number of casualties -read "Human Shields"- libelously and falsely reported by the Hamas controlled Ministry of Health conflict in Gaza. Casaulties that are a direct outcome of the conlict STARTED by Hamas!"

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"I have written my previous blog entries to explain how the "Genocide" of the Jewish People differed from that of the other nations and peoples.

Not to belittle them -but to show how a nation of "superior intellect" and highly educated leaders could be so utterly cruel in their inhuman- coldly calculated- (read my blog entry regarding the use of the IBM German subsidiary Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft, or Dehomag, produced punch card and card sorting system-a precursor to the computer) to literally eradicate a people!

A machine designed and calculated to expedite and, in many ways, automate, all six phases of Hitler's war against the Jews.
Those six phases were: identification, expulsion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation and ultimately even extermination.
The Dehomag machine was designed, calculated and used to NOT just exterminate and eradicate all evidence of their Jewish citizens but to gain financially for the effort!

The Final solution was a fullscale Extermination Plan, from the creation of the Ghettos, to the use of the Seven Einsatzgruppen Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary death squads. After the opening of the "War in the East", during Operation Barbarosa, these "Death Squads" murdered over ONE million Jewish men, women and children. Their numbers NOT included in the "Six Million" as they were NOT recorded.

The fullscale Extermination Plan also incorporated industrilized "death Camps" with the use of Zyklon "B" gas to murder hundreds cheaply at a time in gas chambers and crematoriums, that used the foremost deigned German made ovens / furnaces to wipe out any sign of the deed. NOT JUST by cremating the remains but to crush their bones into ash as well!

The sheer immensity of the hatred and brutality of the cold blooded murder of innocent men, women and children seers the mind.

Truly as Hannah Arendt so correctly asserted "the banality of evil". "

Anonymous said...

& lastly says
"Many ask. Why was the day January 27 designated as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in most countries?
The reason is that on this day it is noted that Auschwitz-Birkenau, the most well known slave labor and death camp was liberated by the Russian's. Auschwitz is where the Nazis implemented the industrialized mass production scale of the genocide of the Jewish people.

Why was Auschwitz-Birkenau so special?
The answer as the saying goes; "Location".

Located in southern Poland, Auschwitz was deemed an ideal death camp locale, for it was situated near the center of all German-occupied countries on the European continent and in close proximity to a hub of railway lines from Western Europe and from the East. It made for the rapid transportation of detainees by rail "expeditious" and economical since the cost of "transport" was deducted from the wealth collected from the Jews and their communities! Some poorer Jewish communities transportation costs -like that of the SS documented records of the Jews of the Balklands and the Aegean Islands, were deducted from the wealth collected from the wealthier Jews of Austria.

Auschwitz-Birkenau was initially converted from a Polish Army Cavalry Base in 1940 later evolved into a network of camps. Auschwitz became operational as a death camp, in February 1942. By the time it was liberated slightly less than 3 years later, 960,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz and another 100,000 non-Jews were killed. On average, over 1,000 Jews per day were murdered at Auschwitz once the gas chambers became operational. Industrialized mass-murder.

In January 1945, with the Soviet army approaching, Nazi officials ordered the camp abandoned and sent an estimated 60,000 prisoners on a forced march to other locations. When the Soviets entered Auschwitz, they found thousands of emaciated detainees and piles of corpses left behind.

But the Holocaust didn’t start at Auschwitz. The Holocaust didn’t also start with the many other death camps, concentration camps, slave labor camps, ghettos and killing fields in Europe where over 5 million other Jews were murdered.

The Holocaust started because of systemic and endemic Jew-hatred, and the prevalence and wide-spread acceptance of antisemitic conspiracy theories.
The Holocaust started with the indifference to that hatred and to the violence it inspired.
The Holocaust happened because Jews had no organized way to defend themselves and no country that cared enough to try and stop their genocide or even give them shelter from the rising storm of antisemitic hate in Europe.

Today, we see the same rise in Jew-hatred and the same increasing prevalence of antisemitic conspiracy theories. We also see an increase in the concerted discriminatory, ahistorical and counterfactual campaign to not only demonize the one Jewish state, but to try to delegitimize it out of existence. To destroy the one thing that could have prevented the Holocaust had it existed before 1939, the State of Israel.

I wish to point out that NOT "just" Ashkenazic "European" read "White Jews"- as the vile vulgar HATE filled anti-Semitic pro-"Falestinian" propagandists have branded our people to those brainwashed and horribly duped UNEDUCATED "Prestigeous University students" demonstrators!

I have several entries filled with documented historical facts regarding the horrors of the truth behind the Nazi Final solution to the Jewish question in German Die Endlsung der Judenfrage. The links to the pages are in the comments.

In conclusion I wish to add what Rabbi Jonathan Sacks once stated; "People ask me; Where was God at Auschwitz? My reply is: Where was humanity at Auchwitz?" Where were we when he called to us, to warn us?" When human life is no longer sacred Aushwitz became possible."
A link is given to an article from article by Yakov M
"Nazis, the Holocaust and the Jews of Tunisia" on Wednesday January 3, 2018 "

Anonymous said...

Justin Amler typed online this
May 2024
"Almost every Jew lives with the memory of the Shoah - that moment in history when humanity truly turned on the Jews in a way that was so barbaric and evil that almost 80 years after it ended we still have trouble processing it.

6 million Jews were systematically and deliberately murdered - not just by the Nazis as much of the world want you to believe, but by their neighbours and what they believed were their friends in small towns and large cities all across Europe.

And as much as the world might want to ignore their own history, many of the great countries of the world chose to do nothing. I say much of the world, because there were also those brave individuals who chose to stand against the darkness and those who knew right from wrong and light from darkness. They showed more courage and humanity than most of the leaders in their own countries.

And that's the reason why Jews say "Never Again", because we know that should we ever be in that position where we rely on the world to protect us, the world will fail us once again, just as they have failed us in the past, just as they're failing us now.

This year in particular reinforces that message in a way that gives it more meaning and importance that ever before.

Because on October 7, the Jews of today, witnessed and experienced a pogrom. We witnessed the nightmarish images of something that for most of us, had only read about and seen in old black and white pictures. It's hard not to think about the horrors of that day. I shed tears as most of us did, witnessing something that tore at our very soul and ripped into our heart, breaking and twisting it.

On that day the Shoah was not a memory of the past, but an event of the present.

We were living in the era of our grandparents once again.

And watching all the anti-Israel Jew hatred on university campuses today only reminds us of a time that people like to think was part of the past, but in reality is part of present too.

The Shoah is the price we paid for not having our own Jewish land - a land which has been ours for thousands of years longer than any others.

And next week, on Yom Hazikaron, we remember the price we pay for keeping that land so that another Holocaust can never happen again.

There is much pain in days like these, much sorrow and much hurt. And the pain doesn't just come from what was done to us, but from these who turned their back on us - those who might think of themselves as enlightened and progressive, but in reality are the exact opposite.

This is why Jews must always stand up against anyone who will try to kill us again, or those who will choose to stay silent and try prevent us from defending ourselves. It's our obligation to do so and to fight for our rights, no matter the cost.

I will always remember the price that the Jewish people have paid throughout history, through blood and tears and pain, because they were not pages of a dusty forgotten history. They are part of our present and they are part of us and as long as their memories live on is us, we'll always we keep their spirits alive.

Through them and through us, the Jewish people will live on forever."

Anonymous said...

Justin Amler typed online today
"Antisemitism Is The Same Old Story
Over the last few weeks, some of the most prestigious college campuses in America including Columbia, NYU and Yale have been engulfed in a wave of anti-Israel protests that have led to violence and intimidation of Jewish students and faculty members, including verbal and physical abuse. These acts of hatred and intolerance have now found their way to Australian campuses too where students eager to embrace these anti-Israel fashion sentiments have set up tent encampments to protest too, emulating their American counterparts.

Many Jewish students feel unsafe to go onto campus just as they did in the 1930s when brown shirted Nazi thugs physically blocked their access to universities.

Apologists insist that today’s hostile incidents are isolated cases, and the protestors are merely standing up for Palestinians, but this is a falsehood and a lie, designed to distract and mask the rampant eruption of Jew hatred that has been on open display since the October 7 terrorist attack.

That attack unleashed a tsunami of hatred against Jews worldwide, removing the thin veneer of protection that existed between civilisation and anarchy, and exposing the world to a vicious Jew-hatred that had been bubbling under the surface for a very long time. Even as the bodies of the victims still lay broken, their blood still warm, and even before a single Israeli soldier had entered Gaza, demonstrations had already sprung up world-wide, including at Australia’s iconic Sydney Opera House, where a mob had gathered in a frenzy of unbridled glee, the smell of blood in their nostrils, shouting, “F*** the Jews! F*** Israel”.

Similar frenzied demonstrations were repeated across London, Paris, New York and many other worldwide cities with protesters calling for a violent uprising against Israel, including shouting genocidal chants in full view of police and other authorities. "

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Yet, the continuing inability of political and university leaders to show moral courage and forcibly call this violent hatred out has emboldened the demonstrators to such a degree that the protests continue to grow in strength and numbers, and the only people who seemed to be “moved on” by police for their own “safety” are Jews! This has led to an unacceptable situation that rather than terrorists and their supporters hiding in shadows today, many Jewish communities and individuals worldwide have been violently targeted and intimidated by these anti-Jewish protests, masquerading as pro-Palestinian.

In a time when all decent people should have been united in revulsion against the horror that befell the innocent victims, many chose not to align themselves with the victims of this brutality, but with the perpetrators.

And yet, as shocking as all this is, it’s not a surprise. It forms part of a continuing cycle of historical injustice and persecution of Jews for thousands of years. Almost every society in the world has been touched by this unrelenting phenomenon that supersedes mere politics, religion or ethnic hatred.

Throughout history Jews often lived subject to the “pleasure” and “protection” of authorities but it was a tentative existence, and that “pleasure” was easily revoked, leaving Jews at the mercy of others.

Without the protection of authorities, Jews were often subjected to violent pogroms, vicious discrimination, or expulsion, with Jew-hatred having the unique ability to unite people of all backgrounds by tapping into the worst of humanity.

Today, many Jews feel that same vulnerability and isolation, as they see the Jewish State of Israel demonized by many in the world community, who fallaciously accuse it of genocide, starvation and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

This has encouraged more violent protests around the world, including Australia, where protestors have set up encampments at the universities of Melbourne and Sydney. They too want you to believe they are protesting for “justice”.

But the hypocrisy is clear.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been killed by their fellow Muslims in Syria and Yemen, yet no-one marched through the streets of London demanding justice for them. Muslim Uyghurs are kept in concentration camps in China, yet there are no mass movements shouting, “Free the Uyghurs!” There are also hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanese refugee camps kept purposely stateless by their hosts with very few rights, but no university students have protested that.

Only silence.

Yet when Jews are involved, demonstrators conveniently find their voices and their faux moral outrage, twisting the narrative so completely that Hamas is portrayed as the innocent victims and Israel as the perpetrators!

Antisemitism is poisonous to society, and it can only be countered by strong unequivocal political leadership. Otherwise, the heinous attack by Hamas on October 7 that should have awoken the world to the realities that Jews and Israel face, will end up just reinforcing what many Jews already knew.

The world may move on, but for Jews, it’s the same old story."

Anonymous said...

Has anyone read the book
"IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation" by investigative journalist and historian Edwin Black, first published in 2001
How IBM helped make the
Holocaust happen

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Churchill and the Holocaust"
By Sir Martin Gilbert
Last updated 2011-02-17

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
JUNE 3, 2009
By Martin Gilbert, CBE

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Why I require FBI agents to visit the Holocaust Museum"
By James B. Comey
April 16, 2015

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Remembering the Holocaust - as a Christian"
Jan 9, 2017 by
Dr. Andy Tix

Anonymous said... has an article by
Dr. Philip Irving Mitchell
"Christian Responses to the Holocaust"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Holocaust is a Christian Issue"
by Richard A. Cohen
7 May , 1997

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"How should Christians remember the Holocaust?"
By Lyndsey Koh May 13, 2024

Anonymous said... has a PDF article headlined
"Christian Theology After the Holocaust"
by Kenneth Cracknell

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Remembering The Holocaust"

Anonymous said...

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website has a 30 page PDF article headlined
Click on it , the full headline then appears
"Christian Complicity? Changing Views on German Churches and the Holocaust"
by Robert P. Ericksen

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Failure of Christian Love in the Holocaust"
May 4, 2016 by Andrew Tix

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Evangelicals for Adolf: Christians in Hitler's Germany"
Oct 20, 2020 by
Ralph Allan Smith

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Christianity Blamed For Nazi Holocaust"
April 5, 1985 A Must Read Article

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"3 Ways Christianity Was Largely Responsible For The Holocaust"
by Travis Haan

Anonymous said...

A book Published in 2022 by
Peter M. Waddell is titled
"Broken Gospel?: Christianity and the Holocaust"
The description of the book says
"The Holocaust lies, often unacknowledged, near the heart of our contemporary crisis of religious faith. The horrific fruit of two millennia of Christian antisemitism, the slaughter calls into sharp question the moral and intellectual credibility of the Churches and the Christian faith itself. Can Christianity ever recover? In Broken Gospel? Peter Waddell suggests that it can, but only by facing unflinchingly the history that paved the way for the Nazi genocide, and the Churches' sins of omission and commission as it took place. Engaging with both Christian and Jewish scholarship, Waddell also approaches with sensitivity the theological issues that arise from the horror: questions of how the claimed holiness of the Church relates to its wickedness; of Christian-Jewish relations; of prayer and providence; of heaven and hell, and the faint possibility of forgiveness. Scholars, clergy and general readers alike will be challenged by this exercise in repentance and reconstruction, and inspired by the possibility it offers for Christian theology and practice to flourish once more."

Anonymous said...

A book Published in 2007 by
Kevin P. Spicer is titled
"Antisemitism, Christian Ambivalence, and the Holocaust"
The description of this book says. "In recent years, the mask of tolerant, secular, multicultural Europe has been shattered by new forms of antisemitic crime. Though many of the perpetrators do not profess Christianity, antisemitism has flourished in Christian Europe. In this book, thirteen scholars of European history, Jewish studies, and Christian theology examine antisemitism's insidious role in Europe's intellectual and political life. The essays reveal that annihilative antisemitic thought was not limited to Germany, but could be found in the theology and liturgical practice of most of Europe's Christian churches. They dismantle the claim of a distinction between Christian anti-Judaism and neo-pagan antisemitism and show that, at the heart of Christianity, hatred for Jews overwhelmingly formed the milieu of 20th-century Europe."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Whose Holocaust? Plan to Recognize Gay Victims at Memorial Sparks Row"
By Alex Weisler
June 10, 2009

Anonymous said...

Also about the Holocaust
The New York Post has an article headlined
By Edmund Demarche
Published June 8, 2009

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum who calls himself
A Muslim soldier of Truth
Typed online today
"The Righteous Nazi
He hid Jews in his basement and attic.

Helmut Kleinicke was a German engineer who supervised construction projects at Auschwitz while saving Jews from the gas chambers

Born in 1907, Helmut grew up in the forest of Lower Saxony – literally. His parents were forest rangers. Helmut studied civil engineering and joined the Nazi party in 1933. In 1941, right after getting married, Helmut was hired to join the team planning the construction of Auschwitz concentration camp. He moved to Chrzanow, Poland to work on the project.

In Chrzanow, Helmut was ordered to select local Jews who were young and healthy to work on the construction site. He treated them well and didn’t allow the SS to harass them. One survivor remembered, “Those of us who worked for Kleinicke were like VIPs. We had a certificate that we worked for him, and that was our insurance policy.”

When he heard about plans to round up local Jews, Helmut located every person on the list and warned them they were about to be arrested. Then he transported many of them to the border and helped them escape. Others he hid in his attic and basement. Helmut didn’t keep track of the Jews he saved, but it’s estimated there were hundreds."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"By late 1943, the higher-ups at Auschwitz noticed that Jews who interacted with Helmut kept disappearing. He was removed from his job and drafted to an artillery unit, then sent to the front lines. When Germany surrendered in 1945, Helmut was arrested by the British because of his membership in the Nazi party. While he was in prison, Jews he had saved submitted affidavits testifying that he had rescued them “without regard to his person” and that many Jews owed their lives to Helmut Kleinicke. He was exonerated in 1949. For the rest of his life, he did not talk about his wartime activities. He told his daughter only that he’d saved some Jews, but wished he’d saved more. He never considered himself a hero. In 1979, the American miniseries “Holocaust” aired on German TV. Helmut watched it and was deeply shaken. Three days after that he had a stroke from which he never recovered. He died a few months later.

Helmut’s heroism was unknown until recently. In a 2015 documentary, Josef Konigsberg, an Auschwitz survivor, testified that Helmut Kleinicke saved his life by pulling him out of a line of people being deported. This interview, and corroborating evidence that Helmut had saved many Jewish lives, led to Helmut Kleinicke being honored posthumously as Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem. The ceremony was held at the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, and was attended by Helmut’s daughter Juta Scheffzek. Also in attendance was Josef Konigsberg, who told his story of being rescued by Helmut. “I owe him my life,” said Josef, describing how Helmut rescued him from a transport line to Auschwitz: “My mother came and begged him to rescue me. Kleinicke grabbed me and said that I was his best worker.” Josef’s mother and sister were not so lucky and both died in the gas chamber. Crying as he addressed Juta, Josef said, “This is one of the most beautiful days of my life. Thank you, thank you.”

Juta was deeply touched. “It verified what my father said to me in very few words – and I never knew if he had been telling the truth.” She told the Times of Israel after the ceremony, “It was a very long and emotional search to discover the truth about my father, and I hope that people in America, the UK and Israel will hear about it.”

Israeli Ambassador to Germany Jeremy Issacharoff, who hosted the event honoring Helmut, commented, “When you’re in the context of Germany, you’re never free of the historical dimension of the Holocaust, and it’s a very heavy burden to bear for the Germans, and also obviously for the Jewish people, and it’s always there. And I think it’s really important that this type of ceremony also recognizes that there were a few really important people who did the right thing. And that, to me, is the main message that should come out of this.”

For saving Jews while his peers were killing them, we honor Helmut Steinicke as this week’s Thursday Hero.

~ Accidental Talmudist

Naveed Anjum"

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online today
"by Alexander Kimel- Holocaust Survivor.

Do I want to remember?

The peaceful ghetto, before the raid:

Children shaking like leaves in the wind.

Mothers searching for a piece of bread.

Shadows, on swollen legs, moving with fear.

No, I don’t want to remember, but how can I forget?

Do I want to remember, the creation of hell?

The shouts of the Raiders, enjoying the hunt.

Cries of the wounded, begging for life

Faces of mothers carved with pain.

Hiding Children, dripping with fear.

No, I don’t want to remember, but how can I forget?

Do I want to remember, my fearful return?

Families vanished in the midst of the day.

The mass grave steaming with vapor of blood.

Mothers searching for children in vain.

The pain of the ghetto, cuts like a knife.

No, I don’t want to remember, but how can I forget?

Do I want to remember, the wailing of the night?

The doors kicked ajar, ripped feathers floating the air.

The night scented with snow-melting blood.

While the compassionate moon, is showing the way.

For the faceless shadows, searching for kin.

No, I don’t want to remember, but I cannot forget.

Do I want to remember this world upside down?

Where the departed are blessed with an instant death.

While the living condemned to a short wretched life,

And a long tortuous journey into unnamed place,

Converting Living Souls, into ashes and gas.

No. I Have to Remember and Never Let You Forget.

Source: The Havok Journal"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Dilemma of Forgiveness" by Alica L. Eckardt

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Has God Forgiven the Nazis for the Holocaust?"
by Todd Baker

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"The UN is a morally decayed institution paving the way for another Holocaust"
By MICAH LAKIN AVNI Published: JANUARY 23, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article by
Dani Ishai Behan headlined
"The Holocaust Absolutely Was About Race"
FEB 2, 2022
This article explains why
Whoopi Goldberg is Full of Crap

Anonymous said...

When the Rabbis Marched on
Washington D.C. in October 1943 to Protest the Nazi Extermination of the Jews , did any members of the Christian Clergy or Other
Christians join the Rabbis in demanding that FDR take more Action to Save the Jews of Europe
Does anyone Know ?

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online today
"In June 1942, Jewish prisoners wearing the discriminatory yellow patch began to arrive at the prison in Bourges in the Nazi occupied zone of France.

Dr. Adelaide Hautval, a non-Jewish psychiatrist, was also imprisoned in Bourges. Witnessing the maltreatment of the Jewish prisoners, she protested vigorously to the guards, proclaiming that “The Jews are people like everybody else.”

The guards answered that from that moment on, Hautval would share the same fate as the Jews. Undeterred, Hautval pinned a piece of yellow paper to her clothes, saying “Friend of the Jews.”

In January 1943, Dr. Hautval was sent to Birkenau where she applied her medical knowledge to treat Jewish prisoners and refrained from reporting their illness, sparing them from immediate death.

“Here,” she said, in words engraved on the prisoners’ memory, “we are all under sentence of death. Let us behave like human beings as long as we are alive.”

Eventually, Dr. Hautval was transferred to Block 10 of the Auschwitz I camp, where medical experiments were performed. She insisted that she would not participate in these experiments and that no person was entitled to claim the life or determine the fate of another.

When asked by the Nazi doctor, “Don’t you see that these people are different from you?” she replied, “In this camp, many people are different from me. You, for example.”

She is pictured below, along with the yellow tag she created in solidarity with the Jewish prisoners in the Bourges prison. Yad Vashem recognized Dr. Hautval as Righteous Among the Nations in 1965."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in 2019
"As the grandson of a German-American immigrant who was drafted and went back to Europe to fight his former countrymen in WW II, I will proudly state what my grandfather said. "Don't ever let anyone tell you it didn't happen (The Holocaust) because it did. I've walked through a camp. It was terrible. Those poor people. I feel that the Nazi's destroyed the soul of my homeland, I am forever an American because I can no longer stand to be called German. I'm glad I fought them."
Grandpop is gone now but I have passed his words down to my son and hopefully he will oass them down to his kids someday. I support Israel as an American and as a Christian friendly to Jews. G-d bless."
Another person typed online in
"I'm not Jewish but I have and always will have a special love for the Jewish people.they are the bravest strongest people I ever saw.its so sad how they are treated.what did they ever do to be treated like this? Nothing! I will continue to pray for them.Shalom!

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
May 2019
Rabbi Yakov Saacks, The Chai Center, Dix Hills, NY.

Another tough week for the Jewish people and for that matter, good and moral people. It seems like things will have to get worse before they get better. There were so many egregious things that occurred that are too numerous to mention. I will bring up briefly just three.

You be the judge.

Punch #1
The first punch in the moral gut was that a hateful and spiteful member of the clergy was asked to lead the congress in prayer. While it is true that the prayer that was offered was benign and warm, the man offering and leading is anything but.

I am of course referring to the imam, Omar Suleiman of Irving, Texas, who was introduced by Speaker of the House Pelosi before he delivered the prayer from the rostrum on Thursday.

The Algemeiner Journal was the first one to report that Suleiman had posted on Facebook and Twitter during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas: "God willing on this blessed night as the 3rd Intifada begins, the beginning of the end of Zionism is here. May Allah help us overcome this monster, protect the innocent of the world, and accept the murdered as martyrs."

For crying out loud. This is insanity. Who will they invite next, David Duke or Louis Farrakhan?

Come on. THIS IS THE GUY WHO IS INVITED TO LEAD THE PRAYER SERVICE? Did anyone walk out? Anyone? Do we know?

Thank G-d, at least one person stood up to this outrage. We give credit to Congressman Lee Zeldin who said, "Either the speaker's office did not vet this imam at all, or worse, they did vet the imam and then decided that it would have been OK for the imam to come onto the floor of the House of Representatives anyway," said Zeldin. "It's a bad call to have this person.

Punch #2

What did Tlaib say?

"There's kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, the human dignity, their existence in many ways had been wiped out," Tlaib said.

"All of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post the Holocaust, post the tragedy and horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And, I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right?" she continued. "But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away, right? And it was forced on them."

Oh My G-d.

Tlaib falsified history, brazenly claiming that Palestinians provided a “safe haven” for Jews during the Holocaust, when in reality Jews were massacred in the Holy Land while the Holocaust occurred.

We need to call her out for what “appears” (I don’t believe this for a minute) to be historical ignorance concerning the connection between top Nazi leaders and Haj Amin al-Husseini, the top Islamic leader in Jerusalem during the inter-war period who remained a top leader during the war."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Not only did the Grand Mufti, al-Husseini, meet with Adolf Hitler during the war, but he held a well-documented relationship with SS commander Heinrich Himmler, the mastermind behind the Nazi "final solution." There is an incredible telegram from Himmler wishing him good luck!

Punch #3

A Tennessee judge posted racist and anti-Semitic articles on his Facebook page, including one saying that Jews should “get over the Holocaust.” Hey judge, what if 1.5 million Tennessee kids are killed just because they live in Tennessee, let’s see how it feels.

To add insult to injury, this looney tune posted a link to an article written by known Holocaust denier David Cole that referred to Muslim immigrants as “foreign mud” and made the Holocaust slur. He also shared anti-immigration articles, memes and conspiracy theories, The Commercial Appeal reported.

I know I will receive comments about Israel and the ridiculous notion of occupation. Let’s say for argument’s sake that Israel is terrible, obnoxious and treats people bad, which it does not,

I ask you though.

Why always Israel? Why always this hatred for the Jew and the Jewish state of Israel? Why do they not stand up for the 650,000 people massacred in Syria, around 150,000 women and children? Why not stand up for the 250,000 people massacred in Yemen, of which 75,000 were children under the age of 15? Why not stand up for the inhabitants of West Papua where the indigenous people are being slaughtered? All these crimes are carried out by one religion, but no mention by anyone?

The answer is the 3 Ds. The “3 Ds” criteria is promoted by human rights activist Natan Sharansky to determine when criticism of Israel amounts to anti-Semitism:

The first "D" is the test of demonization by blowing Israel’s actions out of all sensible proportion, such as comparing Israelis and Nazis.

The second "D" is the test of double standards, which examines when criticism of Israel is applied selectively, while real human rights abuses by known abusers such as Cuba, Venezuela and Syria are ignored.

The third "D" is the test of delegitimization—when Israel's fundamental right to exist is denied, alone among all peoples in the world.

So yes, Roger Waters, Linda Sarsour, Marc Lamont Hill, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and others (please feel free to add) are anti-Semites -- Jew hating, rotten to the core, purebred anti-Semites.

“Better a strong defiant Israel loathed by the world than another Auschwitz filled with starving, beaten, tortured, gassed, Jews admired by the world.'' "

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"FDR and the Holocaust"
Ronald Radosh
27 Oct 2022
Mr. Whitehead , what is your opinion of Pope Pius XII and his role during the Holocaust

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
April 2020
"I think it should be clear that using Nazi imagery--besides being inane--when referring to Jewish governors, or Jewish States, is as antisemitic as a white person accusing a Black leader of "lynching" or "enslaving" them. One might not *intend* the comment to be antisemitic, but it is in effect. The gay Jewish governor of Colorado has something to say... []("
A person typed in response
"Using the atrocity of Nazism, Hitlerism to compare to anything or any one political in this era is a disgusting vile thing for any person to do, and just insults and waters down the memories of all of us survivors and generational ones"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Valuing Free Speech Doesn’t Mean Accepting Antisemitism"
By Gadi Ezra May 9, 2024
We at this Blog
Proudly say once again that
"Free Speech" won't save all the
Vile Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites &
Anti-Israel Bigots and Hatemongers from
God's Wrath , Justice, Punishment & Holiness
When those Vile Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites &
Anti-Israel Bigots ultimately pass away, they will find out that their
Precious "Free Speech" &
1st Amendment
Means Nothing to God
And their "Free Speech" won't Save them from
Hell & The Lake of Fire
With Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth
Those Haters, when they are Suffering Forever
Eternal Conscious Torment
& Eternal Damnation for their
SIN , for their Horrible Evil Sin, Evil & Wickedness of
Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism &
Anti-Israel Hatred, they will Deeply Wish that they had kept their Big Fucking Mouths Shut and curse the day that they were born

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Why 2 Holocaust scholars think comparisons with the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre are valid"
By Avinoam Patt and Liat Steir-Livny
9 December 2023

Anonymous said... has an article by
Steve Wenick headlined
"‘The case against ‘Holocaust Comparers’ "
AUG 11, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Holocaust Isn't a Feel Good Story for Christians"
Noah Berlatsky
April 12, 2023
A Must Read article
People gave good comments

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined "What have Jews learned from the Holocaust? Not much"
By DENNIS PRAGER Published: MAY 4, 2019

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
September 2023
"The “moderate” leader of the Palestinian Authority literally has a PhD in Holocaust revisionism, and to this day continues to spout Nazi apologism, makes sure that the Holocaust isn’t taught in Palestinian schools under the PA’s jurisdiction (and obviously Hamas-controlled Gaza doesn’t either), and yet when I say that Palestinian governments are run by literal Nazi fanboys and Nazi apologists, people act like I’m some sort of rhetoric-spouting propaganda-sharing Jewish extremist.

The same people who can’t believe the audacity that American schoolbooks keep having slavery apologetics creep in and that of course that would have an influence on how white supremacy manifests in American society somehow wear a blank expression across their stupid blinking faces when people like myself insist that a big part of the I/P conflict is the result of literal Jew-hatred and Nazi apologetics being a mainstream aspect of the formation of Palestinian worldviews down to their poisoning the minds of children.

Is that the only reason why Palestinians would have any misgivings about Israel? Of course not. That’s absurd. At this point, Israeli political and military actions in Palestinian territories would be reason enough for conflict and strife. But acting like over half a century of Nazi apologetics and anti-Jewish propaganda hasn’t played a defining role in the conflict, especially from so-called progressives who have meltdowns over the very audacity of white supremacy to propagate itself in our school system and who somehow understand how words matter and language matters and dehumanizing propaganda matters when it comes to the damage done by bigoted right wing white people in America, is insanity. All of their values and beliefs suddenly go out the window when confronted by the reality that Palestinian society could be just as much inundated with an absolute avalanche of racist brainwashing, and that yes, those words have consequences.

If you didn’t know before, now you do.

Turn off the money to the PA until they can stop teaching Nazi bs and their leaders can actually have the basic human decency to not lie about the Holocaust to play to their base. It’s a kleptocracy run by thieves who keep Palestinians in poverty while providing them with lies and hatred instead of progress and peace.

Also, the audacity of gentiles with no skin in the game telling Jews how they need to make peace with neighboring Nazi apologist regimes is proof that they don’t really feel bad about the Holocaust, or at the very least don’t like that they feel bad about it, and want Jews today to pay for how they feel. “Chutzpah” doesn’t even begin to do it justice."

Anonymous said...

From the New York Post
an article is headlined
"Why Hamas victim Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s name — like Anne Frank’s — will live forever"
By Gil Hoffman and Jacki Alexander
Published Sept 6, 2024

Anonymous said...

A good book published in
2014 is titled
“The Holocaust, the Church, and the Law of Unintended Consequences: How Christian Anti-Judaism Spawned Nazi Anti-Semitism, A Judge’s Verdict” by Anthony J. Sciolino

Anyone read the 2010 book
“Six Million Crucifixions: How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust” by Gabriel Wilensky has an article headlined
“Did Christianity Cause the Holocaust?”
on APRIL 27, 1998 Sadly this article whitewashes and sugarcoats the direct role Christianity had in causing the Holocaust
Even Jewish believers in Jesus,
Messianic Jews have admitted the painful truth that
Christian Anti-Semitism did indeed directly cause the Holocaust

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Julianna Margulies – The Vital Importance of Holocaust Education"

Anonymous said... on
August 15, 2024
Has an article headlined
"Holocaust inversion is going mainstream – it's deeply disturbing"
By Karen Bekker

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online
September 18, 2024
"The Oddball Hero
They called him the village idiot

Anton Sukhinski was an eccentric loner who lived in a squalid shack on the outskirts of Zborow, Poland. Considered to be mentally defective, Anton was cruelly mocked by the townspeople as the “village idiot.” Anton may not have been the smartest, richest or most impressive resident of Zborow but during the Holocaust, he was the only one who protected local Jews.

In July 1941, the Germans occupied Zborow and immediately murdered a thousand Jewish men. The rest of the Jews were herded into a ghetto, and the deportations began. Itzhak and Sonya Zeiger, a local Jewish couple with two young sons, escaped from the ghetto along with two orphans who had lost their entire families. Desperate for a safe haven, the Zeigers started approaching their non-Jewish former neighbors, but nobody wanted to get involved.

Only Anton, extremely poor and decidedly odd, was eager to help. Despite his small size (under five feet), Anton singlehandedly built a bunker underneath his shack that was just big enough for the group of Jews to hide in. The six Jews lived in that pit, unable to move or go outside. The only light came from a small kerosene lamp. Despite having very little money himself, Anton now had six people to feed, and he spent his days scavenging for food.

Anton cared for all the Jews’ needs, including removing the bucket that served as their toilet. He did it without attracting attention from the Germans or from his own neighbors, who were eager to get a reward for turning in Jews. At one point, the Germans heard that Anton was hiding Jews, and they searched the home. In their basement hideout, the terrified Zeigers could hear the Nazis storming through the house. They stuffed rags in their sons’ mouths to prevent any sound from escaping.

The Jews in Anton’s basement were never discovered, and they stayed in the pit for nine long months. Zborow was liberated by Russians in 1944 and Anton’s hidden Jews finally emerged, blinking at the sunlight. They went their separate ways, some to Israel, others to the US, another to Uruguay. In 1974, Israeli Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem honored Anton Sukhinski as a Righteous Gentile. The Jews he saved reunited in Israel to pay tribute to this remarkable man.

Image: Anton with two of the people he saved.

Source: Accidental Talmudist"
A person typed in reply
"Sometimes the " idiot" is the most sensible person in the world because they understand what it means to be misunderstood and rejected."

Anonymous said... has an article by
Noru Tsalic
"It’s the Holocaust, stupid!"
Sep 28, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
November 18, 2024
"Oskar Dirlewanger was a German SS commander.

The Germans were so proud of him they gave him medals, including the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, the Clasp to the Iron Cross, Close Combat Clasp and the Spanish Cross.

Oscar didn't just kill Jews; he enjoyed savaging them.

Atrocities committed by Dirlewanger include burning the genitals of women he abused with a petrol lighter, whipping and then injecting strychnine into Jewish girls and watching their death agonies in the officers' mess. He would often rape children, whether boy or girl, and then shoot them afterwards. The Jewish girls which Dirlewanger raped were taken away and shot by his men so they could not report him nor testify.

One day Dirlewanger poisoned 57 Jews by his own initiative. He encouraged his soldiers to rape dying women.

Raul Hilberg noted that this camp was where "one of the first instances that reference was made to the 'soap-making rumor." According to the rumor, Dirlewanger "cut up Jewish women and boiled them with horse meat to make soap."Georg Konrad Morgen, who investigated the conduct of Dirlewanger, testified after the end of the war that:

Dirlewanger had arrested people illegally and arbitrarily, and as for his female prisoners — young jewesses — he did the following against them: he called together a small circle of friends consisting of members of a Wehrmacht supply unit. Then he made so-called scientific experiments, which involved stripping the victims of their clothes. Then they [the victims] were given an injection of strychnine. Dirlewanger looked on, smoked a cigarette, as did his friends, and they saw how these girls were dying. Immediately after that the corpses were cut into small pieces, mixed with horsemeat, and boiled into soap."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Holocaust envy"
Brendan O'Neill
chief political writer
27th January 2025

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Holocaust Inversion Latest Example of Antisemitism"
January 27, 2025
By Belle Etra Yoeli

Anonymous said... has an article by
Maia Zelkha
"When the Holocaust is evoked for everything – except Jewish suffering"
Feb 9, 2025