The Miracle of Zionism

"Israel is the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago." - Historian Barbara Tuchman

"Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created by a sovereign act of God" - Pastor John Hagee

"All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" - Author / Atheist, Mark Twain (long before the Holocaust and Israeli-Jewish statehood)

"They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their Empire were but a Bauble in comparison of the Jews. They have given religion to three quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more happily, than any other Nation ancient or modern." - President John Adams - His 1808 response letter criticizing the depiction of Jews by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Palestinian Resume'

Western advocates for a Palestinian state (mostly liberals but a large and growing number of conservatives) tend to look the other way when it comes the cold hard facts of truth concerning the Palestinian society. Living in America they seem to be unable to compute in their mind the expressed level of insanity (due to their Hitler-like Jew-hatred) the Palestinian society has historically displayed. In thinking that all world societies would like to be more-less like ours here in America, it becomes easier to pass the Palestinian national past-time of terrorism off as caused by a minuscule number of "radicals" within the Palestinian society instead of the national Islamic-terrorism culture that thrives at every level of education, profession, age, sex, religious aspects throughout the Palestinian society.

Here is a Fact: Whether it's coming from three year old girls calling Jews "pigs" (as seen on You-Tube - a term taught them from the Koran) before smiling parents and media cameras, to a Holocaust-denying / shahid martyr-praising prime minister being the elected head of the Palestinian society, their main focus and function as a society is simply the "destruction of Israel" rather than a self sovereign state of their own. Perhaps I seem to be too Zionistic and stretching my ridicule of the Palestinians way out of proportion when I make such a statement? Is there undenying proof to this fact? Yes, there most definitely is!
A Palestinian state was "never" an issue from 1948 to 1967 and certainly not before 1948. Have you ever considered this fact and wonder why that is? In fact the original 1964 Palestine National Charter - Article 24 states "This Organization (The PLO) does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area."
The Palestinian state issue only arose and became an issue (now a New World Order - Quartet issue) from the events of the Six Day War where the Israeli-Jews gained control of their ancient lands of Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and all sections of the city of Jerusalem while defending themselves against a Muslim war of annihilation. Therefore, today's Palestinian state issue exist for the main purpose to - in their eyes - rectify that outcome by obtaining those lands back into Muslim possession through a phase-plan of statehood and then jihad - another "war of (Jewish) annihilation" from where it left off in 1967.
It takes the spiritual willingness of being naive (not allowing the conscience-mind to acknowledge the cold hard truth of what the subconscious-mind knows to be true) to think that the Arab nations (especially the Wahabbists of Saudi Arabia) would be content with having a Palestinian state limited to within the boundaries of the West Bank and Gaza. Here is what we are suppose to "believe" in our non-antisemitic minds about the Quartet's Roadmap plan:
  • Arafat's PLO / Fatah and Hamas will stay within the borders of the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and Gaza living in "peace" side by side with the Jewish state of Israel - their most religiously hated enemy!
  • Millions of Arab Muslims calling themselves Palestinians, flood (not into a new Palestinian state) but into the Jewish state of Israel under the Quartet policy of "Right to Return". All of this in the mean-time is seen by Fatah and Hamas not as a weakening of the Jewish state, but as a "peace-partner" that they can live side by side in "peace" with!
  • Palestinians are given the Temple Mount but in no way see such a Quartet gift as vindication of Allah's religion being supreme over Judaism and Christianity - further reducing Palestinian "Islamic-Jihad" tendencies of Jew-murder in the name of Allah as instructed in the Koran and hadiths.
One would have to be willfully ignorant to not see what's wrong with the concept-picture above. It must be remembered (by one who cares to remember) that it was the time when no Jews were living in those lands of Gaza and the West Bank that the Muslims countries of the region started their war of Jewish annihilation that ended up causing their so-called " Israeli Occupation" to begin with? The main question concerning this fact is: Has there been a change in Middle East that has caused the spirit of Islam to no longer hate the presence of Jewish sovereignty within their own ancient land due to it being a spiritual and doctrinal threat to whole of Islam, since 1967 ???
Further vindication of Palestinian statehood for the sole purpose of Israeli destruction (hating Jews more than they can love their Palestinian selves) is the overwhelming election-victory the terrorist group "Hamas" was given by the entire Palestinian society in January, 2006. This elected Jew-murdering terrorist organization has now being accepted and legitimized by the world Quartet even while their national terrorist covenant calls for the destruction of Judaism and Israel! Russia and Tony Blair (Quartet Representative) have already outright accepted Hamas as the main Palestinian voice for their so-called "peace process" with the Obama Administration soon to follow.
Fact: Only a nation, news media, or individual who is anti-Israel / anti-Judaism / anti-religious Jew in their hearts (spiritually antisemitic in their Christian and Islamic societies and or belief doctrines) having a subconscious despise for the Jewish people and their religion (see Isaiah 53:3) - could support a Palestinian state after seeing and knowing the no-doubt Quartet-placement for Israel's destruction placed before them.
When many of the Palestinian state supporters are pushed to face the facts of Palestinian evils throughout their society they then begin to start the blame-game using Israel as "the cause" for every evil the Palestinian ever committed instead of addressing the real root of the conflict and placing responsibility upon the Palestinian society itself for their own unprovoked antisemitic terrorist actions. In their minds, Palestinian Islamic Jew-hating terrorism can never be the "main focus" in resolving any conflict with Israel, and Israel can never do enough to appease these Palestinians - even putting their nation's citizens at great risk.
The more Israel appeases the Palestinians on any issue, the more that appeasement is seen as weakness (which in reality it is) the more Islamic terrorism then follows. The 1993 Oslo Accords is a perfect example of this very fact, which then relates to the issue of Palestinian statehood the "appeasing" Obama Administration is currently pushing for more than ever.
In this the Palestinian terror-state supporters becomes part of the Palestinian evil by spiritually binding themselves with the Palestinian's "true cause" in their quest to destroy Israel. They become spiritually linked to the antisemitic victim-villain role switch lies the Palestinian place on the Israelis in seeking their own state! Even worse, they become the enemies of God and His eternal covenant that He has with the Jewish people. It is the "evil spirituality of the world" that will seek to punish Israel - (the guiltless - see Isaiah 53:9) even inadvertently while willfully disregarding Palestinian responsibility for their own evil terrorism. It's a Quartet-Gentile spiritual thing with some help from apostate-liberal Jews.
It would literally take volumes of books to account for all the evil that has came out of the Palestinian people. Since the Palestinian people are spiritually seeking (and succeeding I might add) to be the most evilest people to have ever lived, I began to wonder how their "resume' of evil" might look in a standard resume' form, creating an overall view (by just hitting the highlights) of the evil aspirations of the Palestinian society. And so here it is, I give you the Palestinian Resume':
****************Palestinian Resume'*****************

Palestinian People: A fictitious Arab people who borrowed the name from the ancient Aegean Sea people known as "the Philistines" (a former ancient enemy to the God of Israel and His covenanted Jewish people).

Place of Residence: "Occupying" ancient and modern Jewish lands of Judea (from where the words "Jew" derives) East Jerusalem (city of Jewish King David) Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza. See Hebrew Bible-scriptures for original abstract and title-deed verification and clarification.

Prime Minister: Mahmoud Abbas a.k.a. Abu Mazen
Prime Minister Qualifications: Holocaust Denier / Minimizer, suicide shahid-martyr praiser, Jew-murder promoter, State of Israel denier and condemner.

  • To destroy the State of Israel by any means including terrorism, "land for peace" destruction phases, U.N. recognize statehood, and the so-called "Right to Return" of Palestinian Arabs into Israel proper rather into a new Arab state of Palestine.
  • To have full physical and spiritual control of the Temple Mount a.k.a. Holy of Holies, to make the word of God, His covenant, and His people Israel return unto Him void.
  • To maintain the status of the most evilest people to have ever lived including the Nazis, Soviet Communists, Crusaders, Inqusitioners, Romans, and Babylonians.
  • To be the front-line jihadists in the global jihad movement, knowing that the destruction of only democracy in the Middle East (Israel) is the greatest step towards destroying the West.
From the pre-Jewish state city of Hebron massacre of 1929 to the latest rocket coming out of Gaza - over 80 years of continued Jew-murder, be it Jewish man, Jewish woman, Jewish seniors, Jewish children, Jewish infants! Thousands of Jews have been murdered-massacred by the Palestinian Arab / Muslim people because of their race as Jews and their religion of Judaism.

Acts of Terrorism includes but certainly not limited to:
  • 1919/1920 anti-Jewish riots (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
  • 1929 Hebron massacre (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
  • 1936-1939 Palestinian Anti-Jewish Riots known as the "Great Arab Revolt" (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
  • 1948-1967 Hundreds of Fedayeen sponsored attacks on Jewish civilians - with no Jewish presence in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
  • 1964 Creation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) that would later become the Palestinian Authority (PA) under Al-Fatah - with no Jewish presence in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.
  • 1972 Olympian-athlete Munich Murder-Massacre.
  • 1975 Murder-massacre of Jewish school children of Ma'alot, Israel.
  • 1987 First Intifada uprising.
  • 1987 Creation and later elected Hamas terrorist organization.
  • 2000 Second Intifada uprising.
  • 2001 - Present multiple public bus, hotel, and restaurant suicide massacres.
  • 2001 - Present over 10,000 rockets sent into Jewish / Israeli population centers.
  • 2002 Passover massacre at the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel.
Prominent Palestinian Personalities to Emerge from the Palestinian Society:
  • Haj Amin al-Husseini (Hitler / Nazi / Axis of Evil proponent - Grand Mufti of Jerusalem)
  • Yassir Arafat - "Father of Modern Day Terrorism" - "Arch Terrorist of the World"
  • Abdullah Azam (Jordanian Palestinian who inspired Osama bin Laden)
  • Mariam Farhat (Mother of the Faithful) - gave all three of her sons to shahid suicide missions - became female elected government official - Hamas, 2006
  • Yahya Abd-al-Latif Ayyash (The Engineer - Al-Muhandis) Inventor of the suicide bomb-belt that continues to murder innocent Israeli-Jewish men, women, seniors, children, and infants. Over 150,000 Palestinian society members attended (celebrated) at his funeral in 1996.
Jew-Murder Jubilation Expressions within the Palestinian Society
  • Palestinian mothers passing out candy at their son's "shahid-martyr's funerals".
  • Loud public speakers announcing "wedding" of suicide-martyr with 72 virgins.
  • Jumping up and down with joy and glee before cameras at the breaking news of the 9/11 tragedy.
  • Posters of shahid-martyr produced and displayed all over Palestinian public areas.
  • Video farewell presentation of shahid-martyr.
  • Burning Jews and Israeli public buses in effigy and Israeli flags in crowded celebrations.
  • Funeral celebrations (with guns / rockets) of shahid-martyrs. The more the shahid Jew-murderer murdered, the bigger the funeral society celebration.
Methods in which Jihad - Shahid-Martyrism is Promoted within Palestinian Society:
  • Official PA and Hamas children television shows, commercials, and music videos.
  • Official PA and Hamas radio broadcasts.
  • Official PA and Hamas newspapers (including anti-Israeli / anti-Jew cartoons).
  • Friday Imam Mosque indoctrination sermons from all over Palestinian controlled areas.
  • Posters, signs, and billboards of shahid-martyrs and message declarations for main pubic viewing.
  • Allowed (not even sightly discouraged by Palestinian society members) Elementary School to University Shahid-Martyr recruitment (including recruitment of females).
  • Shahid glorification on street signs, hospitals, schools, soccer stadiums, ect.
  • Streets signs bearing the names of Palestinian mass-murderers and supporters living inside Israeli prisons.
  • Support (including financial) from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria, Egypt (border weapon supply).
  • Parading small children in marches wearing cameo military uniforms, shahid-martyr head bands, masks, toy suicide belts, rifles, and of course Qurans in their hands!
  • Elementary school children are taught by teachers and textbooks that Jews come from monkeys and apes (a Quran authoritative teaching) that there is no Jewish state of Israel, the Jews (yahud) stole "their" land, and shahid-martyrdom is the highest "honored" calling a Palestinian can do for himself, his family (receiving 70 members of his family to paradise for his suicide-martyrdom) and his Palestinian people.
Objects within Palestinian society that bear and glorify the names of shahid-terrorist martyr-murderers:
  • Children Trading Cards (copying American Baseball cards)
  • Hospitals along with other medical buildings and facilities
  • Succor Fields, Stadiums, Tournaments
  • Schools - including the "Dalel Al-Mughrabi" girl's school named after the Palestinian female terrorist that murdered 36 Jews in March, 1978
  • Streets / thoroughfares
  • Shahid-martyr posters plastered throughout all Palestinian metros and communities.
  • Government buildings - including the name of "Dalel Al-Mughrabi"
  • Police units - including the name of "Dalel Al-Mughrabi"
World Contributions from the Palestinian People:
  • Most terrorist / terrorism acts sponsored and committed against and upon innocent men, women, seniors, children, and infant civilians than any other people on the face of earth! More astonishing, holding such a record while having one of the lowest numbers of population among the peoples of the earth! Even more astonishing, this record does not included the "hundred of thousands" of Palestinian thwarted terrorist attacks caught in time by the tight security of the State of Israel.
  • Electing the world's most terrorist oriented and motivated political party by an overwhelming landslide victory to be their representative in government leadership. (Hamas - January, 2006)
  • The Palestinians have taken the title from the German Nazis as "The Greatest Threat to the Jewish People and Nation".
Special Interests as a Society:
  • Reading Adolph Hitler's manifesto "Mein Kamph" placing it sixth on the Palestinian "Best Sellers" book list (2003).
  • Honor Killings / Murder - An average of 25 teenage girls and women per year in Gaza alone are officially "reported" murdered by a Palestinian male family member for "the honor" of the Palestinian family! This does not include the honor-murders that goes on unreported by a Palestinian society who as a society accepts such practice.
  • Judenrein Laws - It is a capital offense and considered high treason for a Palestinian to sell a small piece of land to a Jew. Many Palestinians have been put to death in recent years for breaking such antisemitic-based laws.
Character References of Palestinian State Supporters:
  • Momoud Ahmadinejad - Holocaust Denier, Nuclear Weapon seeker, Second Jewish Holocaust supporter.
  • Jimmy Carter - Nazi Concentration Camp Guard sympathizer, Hamas advocate, former (pre-Quartet) US president, anti-Israel book writer, anti-Semite with a peanut-brain smile.
  • Hassan Nasralla - Hezbollah leader, Israel-destruction advocate.
  • Tony Blair - Quartet Representative, Christian-Homosexual advocate, Islam advocate, Hamas supporter.
  • Osama bin Laden - Al-Queda leader, Chief Architect of 9/11 and many attacks on US military personnel and property.
  • Barack Hussein Obama - US (Quartet) President, Advocate for flying "United Nations" flags over Judaism holy sites during Pope's visit to Jerusalem, Head of the most racist US policy towards Jews living within land-portions of their ancient homeland.
  • Khaled Mashaal - Head of Hamas (having to live in Damascus, Syria) Jew-murderer.
  • Every Islamic Terrorist / Jihadist member - of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al-Queda, Al-Fatah, Al-Aska Martyrs' Brigade, Hezbollah, Taliban, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Tanzim.
  • David Duke - White Supremacist, former Grand Wizard of the Knights-Ku Klux Klan, Republican Louisiana State Representative, antisemitic Jew-hater.
  • Louis Farrakhan - Black Supremacist, Nation of Islam leader, Jew-hater
Deceased (would be) Character References for a Palestinian State (coming from the Pits of Hell):
  • Publius Aelius Hadrianus a.k.a. Hadrian - Emperor of Rome, who in 135 c.e. changed the name of "Israel" to "Provincia Syria Palaestina" and renamed "Jerusalem" to "Colonia Aelia Capitolina". Instigator of the Jewish Revolt (132-135 c.e.) where over half million Jews was murdered due to his willful desecration of the Temple Mount.
  • Pope Urban II - Initiated the First Crusade (1095 c.e.) that consisted of burning Jews in Jerusalem synagogues - that the "Holy Land" (Israel) might be controlled by "Christians".
  • Adolph Hitler - Germany Nazi Fuhrer, Holocaust and "Finial Solution" Architect , All-time Record Holder for "Most Jewish blood on Ones Hands".
  • Haj Amin al-Husseni - Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Instigator of the 1929 Hebron Jewish-massacre, "Kill the Jews" proclaimer on "Berlin Radio", Bosnian Muslim SS Handzar Division recruiter.
  • Saddam Hussein - President of Iraq, Overseer of multi-SCUD Missile Attack upon Israel (1991), Palestinian Suicide Shahid-Martyr Family-Financial supporter.
  • Yassir Arafat - Known as "Father of Modern Terrorism" - Architect of the 1975 Ma'alot Massacre of Jewish children - Overseer of the US diplomat murders in Khartoum (1973). Runner-up to Adolph Hitler as being responsible for the "Most Jewish Blood on Ones Hands".
  • Ayatollah Khomeini - Iran's most spiritual leader, Issuer of the Salman Rushdie fatwa, Israel / Jew hater.
  • Every Islamic Terrorist / Jihadist member - of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al-Queda, Al-Fatah, Al-Aska Martyrs' Brigade, Hezbollah, Taliban, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Tanzim that has been put to death during and after the fact for their terrorists acts upon the Jewish people of Israel and upon Jews from around the world.
  • Every Nazi - from the concentration camp guards - to all those convicted of war crimes in high government positions, and those that should have but wasn't - as well as every neo-Nazi of the past.

*Note: All are encouraged to Google-search for verification of any and all statements contained in this resume'.


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Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"At this point wearing a Keffiyeh is a hate symbol. After the torture, slaughter and rape we saw on October 7th, people who are not supportive of violence and hate should have distanced themselves from demonic Hamas in the strongest of terms. If they are really about “liberation,” they should have made clear that their movement does not support violence, hate and rape.

For months we saw terror supporting creatures appropriating the Keffiyeh while calling for the slaughter of Jews (globalize the Intifada) , the elimination of Israel aka the ancestral homeland of the Jews, and actually committing crimes of physical violence against Jews.

The Keffiyeh today is a marker of hate. Criminal terror supporters who wear it do so to conceal their identity because they know they are supporting a demonic entity and also to openly show support for what demonic terrorists did on October 7th.

It is just like the KKK hood.

You disagree? It is on you to prove it!!!"
And typed the word

Anonymous said...

More about the Evil of Fakestinians A person posted a Sticker online today that said
"Keffiyeh Karen
Supporting Terrorism one
Fugly Scarf at a Time" with the word Fugly being underlined
A drawing of a Woman in a Keffiyeh is shown with shaded glasses and a
Keffiyeh facemask
The woman in the drawing is Not very lady like
Not very Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
We Proudly Wipe our Ass with the Keffiyeh !!
On the Sticker it also said

Anonymous said...

Also add to the Palestinian Resume , Gulf Air Flight 771
Wikipedia says about this event
"Gulf Air Flight 771 was a flight from Karachi, Pakistan, to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. On 23 September 1983, while the Boeing 737-2P6[1] was on approach to Abu Dhabi International Airport, a bomb planted by Palestinian nationalist militant group, Abu Nidal Organization, exploded in the baggage compartment. The plane crashed in the desert near Jebel Ali between Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the UAE. All five crew members and 107 passengers died. To date, it is the deadliest air disaster in the history of the United Arab Emirates along with Sterling Airways Flight 296 which also killed 112 in 1972."
The Full entry is on Wikipedia

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online in March 2023
"There’s a false narrative about the Palestinians. It claims it’s Palestinian leaders that are the “bad” ones, but your average run of the mill Palestinian is a good person who abhors terrorism and would gladly live in a Democratic Palestinian State at peace with Israel.


Poll after poll shows the overwhelming amount of Palestinians either support violent terror against Jewish Israelis or is perfectly happy to allow terror to go on. Current Palestinians might not commit terror themselves, but they’ve created a culture that celebrates violence against Jews. This is who they are, and anyone who ignores this part of contemporary Palestinian society so that their “pro-peace, pro-deal, end of the conflict is right around the corner” narrative they tell themselves still seems plausible is doing nothing but fooling themselves.

It’s time to stop being naïve and assuming people want what’s best for them because that’s what we want for ourselves. That’s nothing but projection borne of privilege. Assuming someone of a different culture has your same values is not only naïve, it’s obnoxious. Our desire to see a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict doesn’t mean our adversary has the same desire. Throughout our people’s history, our enemies have always been motivated by different priorities than our own, and those who refused to recognize it did so at their own peril.

Uri Pilichowski
Female terrorists become Palestinian role models on International Women’s Day

Dalal Mughrabi, who killed 38 civilians in 1978, and Fatima Bernawi, who served 10 years for failed Jerusalem bombing, honored in special broadcast on official PA TV
The Palestinian Authority used International Women’s Day to glorify convicted female terrorists as role models, according to a translation published Monday by the monitor group Palestinian Media Watch.

In a broadcast on the official PA television network during International Women’s Day, four “role models of honorable and fighting women” were presented — a poet, a photographer, and terrorists Dalal Mughrabi and Fatima Bernawi."
Some people typed in reply
"they are masters at distorting narratives."
"The world ate up Palestinianism no questions asked. Meanwhile, they think Jews just appeared one day in ww2 out of nowhere."
"You are 100% correct Naveed. But there is a something of a caveat. There is a difference between brianwashed citizens who are forced to believe evil and leaders who know the truth and use their power to brainwash their subjects via control of the press and the education. I'm not saying that all Palestinians would be angels in a free society, but there would likely be more balance if it was not for brainwashing by leadership, imams (and western leaders that back them up). Its impossible to put numbers on what a free Palestinian society would be like but we do knoe there are examples of some Palestinians who flip their views once they know the truth (e.g. Son of Hamas, and others). So there are some Palestinian victims who are simultaneously evil and violent and victims of their own leadership. This does not excuse their activity, nor does it mean Israel needs to defend itself any less. Israel has to do what is has to do to protect its own citizens. It simply means that there are different levels of evil; and leaders who know the truth yet manipulate others into evil acts are the highest level of evil."

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online
September 30, 2024
"On September 30, 2000, an image of a bloodied “Palestinian” teenager crouching in front of a club-wielding Israeli policeman made front page headlines in the Associated Press, New York Times, and other major media outlets.

The caption, “An Israeli policeman and a Palestinian on the Temple Mount,” implied that the Israeli policeman was the cause for this unknown “Palestinian’s” battered state.

But it turns out that the teenager was not a Palestinian Arab – he was Tuvia Grossman, a Jewish American yeshiva student who was pulled from his taxi in Jerusalem by a mob of Arabs and beaten to an inch of his life.

Tuvia managed to make a run for it and found an Israeli border policeman before collapsing due to blood loss. The policeman, Gidon Tzefadi, succeeded in warding off the terrorists and called an ambulance for the severely injured Grossman.

Upon seeing the image of his son in the New York Times, Alan Grossman sent the following letter to the newspaper: “…that Palestinian is actually my son, Tuvia Grossman, a Jewish student from Chicago. He, and two of his friends, were pulled from their taxicab while traveling in Jerusalem, by a mob of Palestinian Arabs, and were severely beaten and stabbed. That picture could not have been taken on the Temple Mount because there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount and certainly none with Hebrew lettering, like the one clearly seen behind the Israeli soldier attempting to protect my son from the mob.”

Although a retraction was issued, considerable damage was already done as the infamous picture circulated worldwide casting the Israeli policeman as the perpetrator."
A person typed in reply
"Pa-lies should be renamed Taqiyyans."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"Inbar Segev Vigdar, 33 years old, mother of a 9-month-old baby, was murdered Tuesday by two Palestinian gunmen in a terror attack in Jaffa while carrying her baby.
A witness took the baby to the hospital where the body of Inbar was taken.
May the memory of Inbar be blessed.

One year on and Palestinians still go hunting to kill Jews.
The stark difference between Palestinian savagery and Israeli beauty in this one act, and picture.
Inbar. One of 8 Israelis, including 3 females, murdered by these Palestinian killers.

As an obituary, beautiful Inbar represents the real face of Israel.
Her savage killers represent the real face of Palestinians.
And this fact is repeated day after day with never ending Palestinian killers and dead Israeli victims.
I know. I was one of the co-founders of the Netanya Terror Victims Organisation more than a decade ago, and the slaughter continues.
7/10, anyone?

Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online
October 1, 2024
"🇵🇸 These are the civilians of #Gaza who show their joy, pride and celebrate #Iranian missile strike on #Israel.

Do you still see them different than the #Hamas? I don’t."
"🇵🇸 Palestinians were celebrating Iranian attack on Israel.


🇮🇷 Iranian missile hit the Palestinian area and killed one Palestinian.


🇵🇸 Identity of a Palestinian killed by Iranian missile.

Blame to Iran not Israel."
"🚨 Breaking: 5 Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces were killed and at least 12 injured in the explosion of a ballistic missile during launch.

Result so far:
🇮🇱 0 Israelis killed
🇵🇸 1 Palestinian killed
🇮🇷 5 Iranians killed

Well done Iran 😂"

Anonymous said...

Khaled Hassan
@Khaledhzakariah typed on X
"I know that there's a lot of confusion in the US and Israel over 'post-war' arrangements; who runs Gaza, where Hamas leadership go, security in the Strip, etc.

I want to make this perfectly clear. I worked with, met and personally knew many Palestinians, including the most senior diplomats and politicians. Every single one of them, except one person, believes and hopes that the 2-state solution is a stepping stone towards the 'final solution', where Israel is eradicated and a Palestinian state, from the river to the sea, is established. This is an account of every interaction I can recall. Make of that what you will.

Shabbat Shalom!"
11:55 AM · Jan 19, 2024

Anonymous said...

More information for the
Palestinian Rap Sheet

Khaled Hassan
@Khaledhzakariah typed on X
"You can lie to yourself for as long as you want. For me, Palestinians developed and maintain one of the most horrific societies known to man. It's not a minority that represents the worst of this society, it's collectively a disgusting society.

We've seen them kidnap infants, kill a mother with a baby in a pram, rape women, burn Jews alive, kidnap Holocaust survivors, take and keep a sex slave for over 10 years, hijack planes, kill their own Arab allies, dance when Sadat was murdered, dance when Jews are murdered, elect and support serial murderers for decades, murder the rare voices of dissent, glorify and celebrate Nazism and Hitler.....

I don't know what else you need to believe that this is a disgusting society. But, you do you. Keep the fantasy of a two-state solution. Tell yourself that all societies are equally valid and good and that Santa is real.

Personally, I am done."
6:04 PM · Oct 3, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Who is dehumanizing whom?"
by Rabbi Uri Pilichowski
Feb. 28, 2024

About how the Fakestinians are the ones who unjustly dehumanize Israel and the Jews

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"In Beer Sheba, one Israeli killed, 13 injured, by a 29 year old Bedouin Arab killer in the service of the Palestinian cause.

Tell me honestly.
For how many years have you heard of Palestinian terror attacks?
How may decades?
What does it take for the obvious message to sink in.
Palestinism is about nothing more than the slaughter of Jews and a world without Israel.
Wake up to this reality and shake off your delusional, myopic, fantasies that peace will descend like honey from heaven if we only give them more of our land.

Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
Some people typed in reply
"Actually the slaughtering has gotten worse with the green light given by accepting “ Palestinianism” by Biden, European countries with no conscience….
Shame on them… historians will tell this story and add today’s barbarians to those of former times. Civilization will proceed without them."
"Agreed and history tells me that the moment the State of Israel was provlaimed in 1948 the Jewish State was attacked from all of the surrounding Arab countries - They have shelled Israel for 76 years - Please don't give them any land for peace as obviously it is not possible to have peace with savages -
"This morning the news showed us again some deranged demonstrators for the ‘Palestinians’ marching and waving their ugly flags! I blame our government for that but also our police! Are they not supposed to uphold the law? How can supporting murderers and rapists be lawful?? It’s shameful that this is allowed and especially today- Oct. 7th! I’m embarrassed for my country! 😤😤😤"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"October 7th hasn’t stopped.

This is the point.

When it happened, we couldn’t mourn because we were instantly being verbally and physically attacked across the world.

One year later, a year of verbal and physical attacks later, here we are, about to try to mourn and process on the anniversary of October 7th, and there are demonstrations planned across the nation AGAINST the people October 7th happened to.

It’s all just October 7th from then through now, and for the foreseeable future.

The voices from the handful of allies have been beautiful. The silence is haunting and deafening. And I think we all know which has been louder." That was in reply to Another person posting
"How do we Commemorate Oct. 7 when it still feels like Oct. 7"
& Another person typed in reply
"It feels like Oct 7th because it is still Oct 7th for our people who are still held hostage. Our commemoration is more of our daily vigil and fight to Bring Them Home. It is now the 365th day of the fight."

Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"The Hamas Holocaust, One Year Later

Today marks one year since the massacre, the murder, the genocidal slaughter of over one thousand, two hundred Israelis.

October 7, 2023 Palestinian Hamas terrorists and thousands of Palestinian civilians invaded Israel and raped, tortured, mutilated, burned alive and beheaded 1,200 human beings, men, women, the elderly and children even infants, because they were born JEWISH.

Hamas savages brutally kidnapped 234 men, women, the elderly and children, the majority being Jewish.

The hostages have been tormented, tortured, starved and murdered in captivity. Scores of young Jewish female hostages have been horribly sexually abused, raped.

They were forced to live in darkened tunnels, denied the use of toilets, denied food and water. Confined in a living hell.

Back in Gaza they were celebrating with shouts of 'Allah Akbar' the massacre of the Jews and cheered when the bodies of Jewish men and women, some stripped naked, both living and dead were dragged through the streets.

Hamas continues to hold the bodies of the Jews they murdered and those still alive, who are continuing to suffer from their captors depraved sadism.

Not since the Holocaust of WW2 has there been such a horrific loss of Jewish lives.

Palestinian Hamas are the Nazis of the 21st century. In fact Hamas in many ways are worse, more extreme, more depraved than the Nazi monsters of the Third Reich, as they tried to conceal from the world their abominable crimes against the Jewish people. Whereas the Hamas barbarians made sure that the world saw in graphic detail their sear sadistic violent depravity.

So on this solemn day, on this day of mourning, we remember the all the victims, the Jewish victims of this bestial Palestinian barbarism and their family members who survived, that witnessed their loved ones, their friends being raped, tortured and murdered. They will carry this with them for a lifetime.

The valorous IDF warriors, that gave their lives and the wounded that gave their limbs and minds, on the battlefield, who bare the seen and unseen scars of war, we remember them, we honor their immense scarifies, and we thank them for their great heroism.

May the loving healing grace of G-D bind up the wounds of the body, heart and mind and grant peace, comfort and strength to the Jewish people of Israel.

~Chaplain Michael Green ✡️"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined :
"‘Raised on Terror’: After Gaza Tour, IDF Soldier from N.Y. Shocked at Scope of Hamas Brainwashing"
By Ryan Mills
October 7, 2024

Anonymous said...

@leekern13 typed on X
"The Palestinian cause is one of hate, racism, terrorism and bullying wherever it exists. That is its goal. That is its purpose. That is its methodology. There is no such thing as the peaceful supporting of Palestine when the goal of those who drive the movement seeks to destroy Israel and kill Jews."
On October 8, 2024

Anonymous said...

@leekern13 typed on X
"Palestinians celebrate footage of the most disgusting crimes they commit. Imagine that. Things any of us would feel ashamed if someone knew about, they share with pride as representing the best about themselves. There’s a culture of racism & disgrace that no apologism can erase"
8:51 AM · Oct 7, 2023

Anonymous said...

More about the Fakestinians , the Precious
"Palestinian people" has an article headlined
"Palestinian-owned Oakland cafe features drink named for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar"
By Jackie Hajdenberg
October 11, 2024

Very Appalling and Disturbing
Yet Not Surprising

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online today
"Israel: The only country in history that feeds and vaccinates a population they are “Genociding”.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that carries the refugee title generation to generation. The only group of refugees that grow year over year.

Israel: The only country in history that has to constantly prove to the world that it has a right to exist.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that claim their rights to a country that never existed.

Israel: The only country in history that has never started a war, has fought many, and has also never lost one.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that votes for terrorists and then claims victimhood.

Israel: The only country in history that is accused of apartheid even though the people they are allegedly persecuting have representatives in parliament and every other part of their society.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that can record atrocities with a GoPro and then claim it didn’t happen.

Israel: The only country in history that spends more resources trying to avoid civilian casualties than the actual government of those civilians.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that can state clearly that they want to kill every member of a group and then be told by the world that they really just want peace.

Israel: The only country in history that is told to retaliate proportionally when its people are massacred and raped at scale.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that were given a state multiple times, rejected it each time, and then proceeded to yell how they want a state.

Israel: The only country in history that is smaller than New Jersey yet leads the way in technology and is still accused of ruining the world.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that openly and overwhelmingly support terror and are still perceived as peaceful people. "

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Israel: The only country in history that fought seven armies (Multiple times) who attacked them for no reason whatsoever and are still called the aggressor.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that stole the name of a country that was the exact country they are now claiming stole their land. (Palestine was Israel before 1948. There was never an Arab Palestine in history.)

Israel: The only country in history that performs life saving surgery on a person who has and continues to threaten its existence (Israel saved Sinwar’s life. He had a brain tumor. Yes, for real.)

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that stole billions of dollars of aid to build terror tunnels and to whom the world wants to send more aid.

Israel: The only country in history that has archeological evidence of a nation living there, a nation that is now told that they are not indigenous to the land.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that has been caught red handed sharing fake propaganda videos and casualty numbers that are then quoted by otherwise reliable sources.

Israel: The only country in history that is the recipient of unprecedented global hatred and is still believed to control the banks, the media, and the western world.

The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that states clearly in writing what it wants, and is still told, despite its own admission, that all they want is to live in peace.

Israel: The only country in history that would tolerate tens of thousands of missiles from the north and the south, both orchestrated by an evil regime, and not totally obliterate the source, all the while still being called the aggressor.

Listen, I can go on for hours. The reality is that the Israel story is so preposterous, that if I walked into a movie production company with the script, they’d tell me to come back with a more realistic script.

When it comes to Israel and the Jews, all logic, reason, and critical thinking goes out the window.

The good news is, we’ve been down this road before and we know how it ends.

Hint: How many Babylonians do you know? How about Byzantines? Crusaders? Assyrians? Exactly. They’re gone and the Jews are here and stronger than ever.

Am Yisrael Chai is not just an empty phrase. It’s a historical reality. 🇮🇱💪✡️🙏❤️🔥"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Bringing the War Home
The Palestinian War on America"
October 14, 2024

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri who is Muslim typed online today
"🇵🇸 A #Palestinian father cries for his son who has passed away in #Gaza, feeling an unexpected itch on his leg.

Presenting fake children’s death is a monopoly of Palestinians."

Anonymous said...

The New York Post has an article headlined
"Yahya Sinwar’s post-death plans show he and Hamas NEVER wanted the war to end"
By Post Editorial Board
Published Oct. 21, 2024

Yahya Sinwar was basically a typical Arab , Quintessential Arab

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Israeli woman bravely describes horror as Hamas hostage: 'They were taking pleasure in hurting me' "
By Efrat Lachter Fox News
Published October 24, 2024

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef
typed online today
"How many Gazans have been killed because of Hamas misfire?

Al Jazeera cooperated with Hamas to cover up Hamas's crimes caused by booby traps and missile misfiring.

The "Palestinian" Health Ministry never reported any causality because of Hamas misfire

The Qatari TV Al Jazeera is exploiting the freedoms of the Press to spread false, inciting, and hateful narratives.

Are you on the right side of history?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
November 1, 2024 about
Yasser Arafat who died of
AIDS in 2004
"Sad he was not “Sinwared” or “Nasrallahed” as soon as he created all this misery. Allowing to him continue on this planet was an error that hopefully Israel has learned from this mistake. ☠️"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Palestinians were given multiple opportunities to have a state for almost 100 years now. Every single time, their leadership said no. Because they didn’t want a Palestinian state. They wanted there to be no Jewish one. Even if it was, quoting one Palestinian leader, “the size of a postage stamp.”

They were offered everything they could possibly realistically want, and they turned it down and instead launched an other “intifada.”

The idea that after their last “intifada” on Oct 7 they should get a state, as a reward for more massacres and savagery, is absurd.

The Palestinians can have a state when they give up the desire to destroy Israel. Those who are good with that can have a state. The rest can suffer for eternity.

It’s time to de-radicalize the Palestinians. If they can’t figure out that the path to nationhood comes at accepting the loss of the dream of the destruction of the state of Israel, then they aren’t ready to have a state.

Here is actual history for you: the word “Nakba” means catastrophe. But it didn’t originally refer to the almost 100,000 displaced Arabs that were the result of the war of aggression by all of Israel’s neighbors. The “catastrophe” referred to the failure of the invading genocidal armies to ethnically cleanse all the Jews.

We are dealing with a people who have been raised to believe that a failed ethnic cleanse of Jews from their indigenous homeland was a “catastrophe.” That needs to end if there is going to be peace."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"When will the free world understand that the slogan "free Palestine" actually means "no-more-free-world , Islamic empire (caliphate)instead "? "

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Women of Pallywood"
By Video of the Day April 29, 2024

We Must Never be Deceived by
Pallywood or Gazawood Lies

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online
November 15, 2024
"The term "Palestinian" is itself a masterful twisting of history. To portray themselves as indigenous, Arab settlers adopted the name of an ancient Mediterranean tribe, the Philistines (“Invaders” in Hebrew), that disappeared out over almost 3000 years ago. The connection between this tribe and modern day Arabs is nil. Romans, in order to conceal their shame and anger with rebellious regions, changed the references to Judea and Samaria by naming them Palestine"

Anonymous said...

Abe Greenwald - The Executive Editor of Commentary Magazine recently said about Gaza

"Gaza is precisely what the Western left says it hates: a racist, sexist, homophobic, militaristic, anti-Democratic, kleptocratic, dogmatically religious police state of science fictional inequity and oppression. And they love it more than anything in the world."

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online today
"And that's why Arafat's wife and daughter have never returned to visit the sacred land their beloved Yasser fought so hard to pilfer.

It's all a scam, Palestine isnt about Peace its about delegitimization of the Jewish state while the few get rich off sympathetic nations."
A photo is shown of
Arafat's "wife" and daughter and it says
"Late Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat's daughter Zahoua, is the only heir to inherit an estimated
$8 Billion fortune, she owns an
entire street in London .
After graduating from top university in Paris , she lives with
her mother in a chic area. They are never seen walking in the streets of Gaza"
Some people typed in reply
"and I believe that they do not speak Arabic"
"Who's surprised of their "tidy" little set up ? Not me !"
"They have no shame. And notice the daughter is so fake. No woman is ever allowed to wear a keffiyeh!
The two of them should be shrouded in a burqa but then how could they show off their designer outfits?"
"The Palestinians are being played"
" Sadly they are. And you can't talk to them. They refuse to listen to facts."
"They have been fir generations. They are too stupid to understand it."
"The entire world is being “played”. "
"Arafat stole billions of dollars of aid and put it all in his bank account. He started off as a poor Egyptian who adopted a narrative concocted in the USSR who were looking for ways to manipulate populations in the Middle-east to further their geopolitical aims."
"The daughter and the widow of a murderer."
"Are they still considered refugees?"
"oh yes!! UNWRA make sure the refugee status is passed down through the generations. The Hadid family are also multi-millionaires but still considered refugees!!"
"“Steal the money and run”🏃🏽‍♂️"
"Absolutely. And the theft from the Pal people. What a total disgrace."
"Criminal thieves , just like the Hamas thieves living in Qatar with billions in stolen aid money sent by gullible naive nations to supposedly suffering Gaza"

Anonymous said... has an article by
Bassem Eid himself a
"Palestinian" headlined

"After massacre at Jerusalem synagogue, Palestinians must confront the violence in our culture"
January 29, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article by Bassem Eid himself a
"Palestinian" headlined
"Abolish ‘Nakba Day’ "
May 12, 2022

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online this
November 2024
#Palestinians are thieves and usurpers of
Money "

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef the
Son of Hamas
Typed online
September 1, 2024 :
“Palestinians” are too hateful to understand the value of human life. By executing the defenseless hostages, “they” have reached a new depth in hell. A fallen society. Doomed by their wrong doings.

My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Rest in ETERNITY."

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef
typed online
November 16, 2024
"Dutch authorities have no choice but to deport every Muslim thug who participated in the attack on peaceful soccer fans in Amsterdam.

The pro “Palestine” fanatics and useful idiots have been determent to globalized the Intifada. Spreading the “Palestinian” victim narrative to justify and validate their violence against the Jewish successful minority, using Gaza tragedy to recruit weak westerners who lack the power of discernment to their angry cause, aiming to validate their violence.

Muslims and westerners who have been adapting the “Palestinian” violent indoctrination are serious enemy operating freely from within and they must be countered by force if necessary.

Oct 7 barbaric attack on the Jewish minority ignited the bloodlust among Muslims. Instead of condemning the unprecedented crime against peaceful farming communities they launched a global assault to delegitimize, dehumanize and demonize the Jewish victims, completing Hamas barbarism by portraying terrorists and rapists as freedom fighters, spreading false allegations of occupation, apartheid, colonialism and genocide to turn the west against the Jewish people.

If Westerners continue to ignore the danger of such false and violent indoctrination, the same westerners who have been supporting the cause of “Palestine” will be first to slaughter on the hands of their “Palestinian” heroes.

“Palestinians” have ZERO legitimacy, their claim to be the indigenous is the biggest lie in modern history. and “Palestine” is nothing but a device that has been used with one goal in mind, to destroy Israel."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online
November 24, 2024
"Consider this.
The Israeli Police have recovered 20,000 bullets. I repeat, 20,000 bullets intended for terror purposes (read - the murder of Jews) in territories under the control of the Palestinian Authority.

This is the PA that incentivises the killing of Israelis.

No wonder there is a massive demand for Palestinians to buy weapons and bullets.
It's their investment in the PA's PAY SLAY reward system.

Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Deception of Palestinian Nationalism"
by Christopher Fish
February 27, 2008

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef typed online late November 2024
"The U.S. government and its security agencies MUST hold the pro “Palestine” leaders and influencers who have enjoyed their 15 minute of fame accountable.

They have been spreading the hateful false narrative inviting the “Palestinian” violence to our streets and campuses.

The same way the U.S. government cracked down on the communist leaders in the past. Deportation and imprisonment.

This is a war time, a serious war against Islamists and communists, those who choose to advocate on behalf of the enemy during war are fifth column and must be treated as such."
“Palestinians” live in a sexually repressed society.
“Palestinian” males have been glorifying Oct 7 rapists, because Jewish women to them are nothing but sex slaves “Sabaya”

Western women who have been sympathizing with the “Palestinian” cause have been indirectly validating the sick culture without knowing it. Western women who have been denying the rape atrocities committed by “Palestinians” to suit their political imposture are more evil than the rapists.

The Gazan sexual assault against Jewish women on Oct 7 has been celebrated by “Palestinians” because they view it as the ultimate punishment against their enemy.

Glorifying rapists, denying rape stories against evidence and the dehumanization of rape victims to protect the “Palestinian” victim narrative is great evil .

Western women must choose civilization or barbarism, they can’t choose both."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today about the Fakestinians
"I am on my phone and can't link, but you can easily find Dennis Prager's article comparing the Palestinian Arabs to Nazis.

He points out that the Nazis tried to hide evidence of their crimes. Even though in their twisted way they believed what they were doing was necessary, they didn't publicize the worst actions and as they were losing they attempted to destroy the camps and so forth.

The Palestinian Arabs proudly proclaim what they do . See, for example, their videos contained in They want you to know what they do.

Are Palestinian Arabs the worst people on earth? Who else?"

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Eyeless in Gaza.
A History of a cursed Land."
Dec 01, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Many of the Arabs who now call themselves ‘Palestinians’ and their apologists assert that their brutality is a response to the supposed oppression of the State of Israel.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The hatred some Arabs hold for Jews and the willingness of those Arabs to rape, maim, and murder Jews and then lie about what they have done is not a new phenomenon.

It has been going on for thousands of years.

Mohammed massacred the Jews.

In 1929, the Arabs massacred the Jews in Eretz Yisrael.

There was no Jewish State then to “oppress” or “occupy” anyone.

Many Arabs and their supporters hate Jews and want them dead.

October 7 was just one more of hundreds of Arab massacres of Jews.

Shame on the savage and vicious Jew-haters."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"One hundred years of Arab warfare against Jewish civilians"
Dr. Michael Krampner
Dec 2, 2024

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online December 2, 2024
About the Vile
Rashid Khalidi "book"
"The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017" Published in 2020
"🇺🇸 Interesting Biden picked up Khalidi’s book. He should read it carefully, because he will find the following written: 👇🏼

“on March 1, 1899, Yusuf Diya sent a prescient seven-page letter to the French chief rabbi, Zadoc Kahn, with the intention that it be passed on to the founder of modern Zionism. The letter began with an expression of Yusuf Diya’s admiration for Herzl, whom he esteemed “as a man, as a writer of talent, and as a true Jewish patriot,” and of his respect for Judaism and for Jews, who he said were “our cousins,” referring to the Patriarch Abraham, revered as their common forefather by both Jews and Muslims. He understood the motivations for Zionism, just as he deplored the persecution to which Jews were subject in Europe. In light of this, he wrote, Zionism in principle was “natural, beautiful and just,” and, “who could contest the rights of the Jews in Palestine? My God, historically it is your country!””

𝙔𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙛 𝘿𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧’𝙨 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩-𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩-𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙐𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙚.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵-𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵-𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘜𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘦 (𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦) 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘳 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘻𝘭 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘑𝘦𝘸𝘴."

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef typed online This December 2024
"American and European governments should cut all financial support for the
“Palestinians” as long as they haven’t dealt with the following problems:

-Honor killing
-Gender apartheid
-discrimination against black people
-Child indoctrination
-violence against women
-Violence against Jews
-Pay to slay programs

The taxpayer money from developed countries shouldn’t be spent to encourage savage practices.

“Palestinians” are entitled to nothing, their claim to have been occupied is false. And the root cause of their suffering is their hatred, jealousy, delusion and VIOLENCE."
"American citizens who have been publishing material support on behalf of terrorist organizations will be brought to justice.

‎American citizens must know their responsibilities and the redlines that separate us from savage societies.

‎Providing terrorists with material support is a serious crime not freedom of speech. "
"Muslims in the Europe must declare their loyalty to their host countries. In word and in action.

If they choose Quran as an authority above the constitution, deport them."
"I have seen miserable societies around the world who have no resources, but they still maintain a certain level of dignity

On the contrary, “Palestinians” have all the resources, yet they choose to live
in misery and without dignity."
"Norman Finkelstein last minute debate cancellation at the Oxford Union was due severe diarrhea."

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef typed online today
"IDF Investigation reveals that six former hostages:
-Alex Dancyg, 75
-Yagev Buchshtav, 35
-Chaim Peri, 79
-Yoram Metzger, 80
-Nadav Popplewell, 51
-Avraham Munder 78

Were all executed by “Palestinians”. "

Anonymous said... has an article by
Charles Abelsohn
"Note to the EU and UN: The Palestinian leopard does not change its spots"
July 27, 2020

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef
The "Son of Hamas" typed online today :
"The illusion of “Palestine” is changing the world order in favor of Israel.

The “Palestinian” slaughter of Jews on October 7 led to the destruction of Hamas, Hizbollah and led to an open war between Ayatollah and Israel which will eventually lead to the destruction of the Islamic republic.

Hizbollah defeat in Lebanon encouraged Sunni Jihadists to launch a surprising assault against the Syrian dictator.

Russia can’t save the Assad regime this time, Ayatollah hands are tied, and Hizbollah his greatest asset in the past is too weak to fight to his side.

As a result Bashar al Assad will certainly fall. Sunni Jihadists will take over Syria for a while, this will result in a bloodbath between Sunni and Shi’i Muslims.

The Islamic temporary unity against their common enemy Israel is coming to an end and Muslims are about to display their brutality against each other.

I don’t know how long this new ugly Islamic war will last but I am certain that Israel will emerge as a superpower.

Regimes will fall and rise as a result of the “Palestine” trigger. The black hole that will swallow its creators."

Anonymous said...

Mosab Hassan Yousef typed online
December 6, 2024
"15 years ago “Palestinians” sentenced me to death for opposing their suicide bombing strategy. In the meantime they glorified war criminals who sacrificed children for financial gain.

Today they wish to crucify me again for their evil choices even though I wasn’t there when their lunatic leadership decided to carry October 7 attacks against peaceful civilians which led to the total destruction of Gaza and the suffering of so many people on both sides.

They agreed on evil and when they reaped the bitter fruit of their wrong doings they blamed.

Had they listened and accepted the two state solution back in 2000 instead of starting the second Intifada, we wouldn’t be in this bloody ditch.

The new generation of “Palestinian” fanatics are repeating the same mistakes by glorifying criminals who gambled with children’s blood, and when tomorrow comes and they suffer the consequences of their lies and violent indoctrination there will be no one left to blame."
& Typed online
December 7, 2024
"The Kuffiyyah is not “Palestinian”
For centuries Bedouins from Kufa to the Nile wore it as a practical way to shield themselves from the desert climate; the name "keffiyeh" more correctly Kuffiyyah is thought to derive from the Iraqi city of Kufa.

Until the 1920s, the Kuffiyyah was mostly worn by nomadic Bedouin men, distinguishing them from settled villagers.

During the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt against the British Colonial Project “Palestine”, began using the Kuffiyyah as a symbol of resistance, often covering their faces with it to conceal their identities from British authorities."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
by Emanuel Winston

Anonymous said...

Another thing to add to the
"Palestinian" Resume/Rap Sheet

The New York Post has an article headlined
"Unhinged man dubbed ‘MackNazi’ terrorizing NYC, ripping down Israeli hostage posters"
By Matthew Sedacca and Rich Calder
Published Dec. 8, 2024

Thanks to the Precious
The poor poor "Palestinians"
and their LIES
Since October 7th, 2023
Countless Hate Crimes against Jews have been committed in America and Worldwide , Literally Every Single Day
The Precious "Palestinians" and their Supporters are destabilizing the entire Planet
Because of the "Palestinians"
The Whole World is in danger of World War III ,
Because of Them

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Puncturing the big lie of Palestinian identity"
By Melanie Phillips Published on
August 30, 2019

No "Palestinians"
Only Fakestinians

Anonymous said...

In Summer of 2012 has an article headlined
"Founding National Myths
Fabricating Palestinian History"
By: David Bukay

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Why Is There No Greater Myth Than That of Being Palestinian? Part 1 of 3"
by Peter A. Baum
October 7, 2023

Part 2 of this article by
Peter Baum is on
October 8, 2023

Part 3 of this article by
Peter Baum is on
October 9, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today :
"Journalists" who accuse the Jews of "ethnic cleansing" are themselves guilty of "ethics cleansing."

& typed
"Most importantly: They were silent and did not protest or object while Hamas was making them tactical human targets -- nor did any palestinian-Arabs anywhere. Everything is fine so long as all is channeled into slaughtering Jews and Jews do not defend ourselves -- but when we do ... "
In reply to a Person who typed
"Before shedding tears for the people of Gaza, remember that they created Hamas , elected it
supported it, supplied it, worked for it,
hid it, sheltered it, filled it ranks
and celebrated all of its atrocities."
Some people typed in reply
"we must never forget the jubilation and how they cheered as our innocent people were tortured and massacred. they are mostly brainwashed in evil hatred and violence , and the fact that not one country would take them in, not even the arab countries, says it all..................................."
"I have and will never shed a tear for them.
Never forgive
Never again"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Promoting the “Palestinian” Fallacy"

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