Here is a Fact: Whether it's coming from three year old girls calling Jews "pigs" (as seen on You-Tube - a term taught them from the Koran) before smiling parents and media cameras, to a Holocaust-denying / shahid martyr-praising prime minister being the elected head of the Palestinian society, their main focus and function as a society is simply the "destruction of Israel" rather than a self sovereign state of their own. Perhaps I seem to be too Zionistic and stretching my ridicule of the Palestinians way out of proportion when I make such a statement? Is there undenying proof to this fact? Yes, there most definitely is!
The Palestinian state issue only arose and became an issue (now a New World Order - Quartet issue) from the events of the Six Day War where the Israeli-Jews gained control of their ancient lands of Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and all sections of the city of Jerusalem while defending themselves against a Muslim war of annihilation. Therefore, today's Palestinian state issue exist for the main purpose to - in their eyes - rectify that outcome by obtaining those lands back into Muslim possession through a phase-plan of statehood and then jihad - another "war of (Jewish) annihilation" from where it left off in 1967.
It takes the spiritual willingness of being naive (not allowing the conscience-mind to acknowledge the cold hard truth of what the subconscious-mind knows to be true) to think that the Arab nations (especially the Wahabbists of Saudi Arabia) would be content with having a Palestinian state limited to within the boundaries of the West Bank and Gaza. Here is what we are suppose to "believe" in our non-antisemitic minds about the Quartet's Roadmap plan:
- Arafat's PLO / Fatah and Hamas will stay within the borders of the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and Gaza living in "peace" side by side with the Jewish state of Israel - their most religiously hated enemy!
- Millions of Arab Muslims calling themselves Palestinians, flood (not into a new Palestinian state) but into the Jewish state of Israel under the Quartet policy of "Right to Return". All of this in the mean-time is seen by Fatah and Hamas not as a weakening of the Jewish state, but as a "peace-partner" that they can live side by side in "peace" with!
- Palestinians are given the Temple Mount but in no way see such a Quartet gift as vindication of Allah's religion being supreme over Judaism and Christianity - further reducing Palestinian "Islamic-Jihad" tendencies of Jew-murder in the name of Allah as instructed in the Koran and hadiths.
Fact: Only a nation, news media, or individual who is anti-Israel / anti-Judaism / anti-religious Jew in their hearts (spiritually antisemitic in their Christian and Islamic societies and or belief doctrines) having a subconscious despise for the Jewish people and their religion (see Isaiah 53:3) - could support a Palestinian state after seeing and knowing the no-doubt Quartet-placement for Israel's destruction placed before them.
When many of the Palestinian state supporters are pushed to face the facts of Palestinian evils throughout their society they then begin to start the blame-game using Israel as "the cause" for every evil the Palestinian ever committed instead of addressing the real root of the conflict and placing responsibility upon the Palestinian society itself for their own unprovoked antisemitic terrorist actions. In their minds, Palestinian Islamic Jew-hating terrorism can never be the "main focus" in resolving any conflict with Israel, and Israel can never do enough to appease these Palestinians - even putting their nation's citizens at great risk.
The more Israel appeases the Palestinians on any issue, the more that appeasement is seen as weakness (which in reality it is) the more Islamic terrorism then follows. The 1993 Oslo Accords is a perfect example of this very fact, which then relates to the issue of Palestinian statehood the "appeasing" Obama Administration is currently pushing for more than ever.
In this the Palestinian terror-state supporters becomes part of the Palestinian evil by spiritually binding themselves with the Palestinian's "true cause" in their quest to destroy Israel. They become spiritually linked to the antisemitic victim-villain role switch lies the Palestinian place on the Israelis in seeking their own state! Even worse, they become the enemies of God and His eternal covenant that He has with the Jewish people. It is the "evil spirituality of the world" that will seek to punish Israel - (the guiltless - see Isaiah 53:9) even inadvertently while willfully disregarding Palestinian responsibility for their own evil terrorism. It's a Quartet-Gentile spiritual thing with some help from apostate-liberal Jews.
It would literally take volumes of books to account for all the evil that has came out of the Palestinian people. Since the Palestinian people are spiritually seeking (and succeeding I might add) to be the most evilest people to have ever lived, I began to wonder how their "resume' of evil" might look in a standard resume' form, creating an overall view (by just hitting the highlights) of the evil aspirations of the Palestinian society. And so here it is, I give you the Palestinian Resume':
****************Palestinian Resume'*****************
Palestinian People: A fictitious Arab people who borrowed the name from the ancient Aegean Sea people known as "the Philistines" (a former ancient enemy to the God of Israel and His covenanted Jewish people).
Place of Residence: "Occupying" ancient and modern Jewish lands of Judea (from where the words "Jew" derives) East Jerusalem (city of Jewish King David) Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza. See Hebrew Bible-scriptures for original abstract and title-deed verification and clarification.
Prime Minister: Mahmoud Abbas a.k.a. Abu Mazen
Prime Minister Qualifications: Holocaust Denier / Minimizer, suicide shahid-martyr praiser, Jew-murder promoter, State of Israel denier and condemner.
- To destroy the State of Israel by any means including terrorism, "land for peace" destruction phases, U.N. recognize statehood, and the so-called "Right to Return" of Palestinian Arabs into Israel proper rather into a new Arab state of Palestine.
- To have full physical and spiritual control of the Temple Mount a.k.a. Holy of Holies, to make the word of God, His covenant, and His people Israel return unto Him void.
- To maintain the status of the most evilest people to have ever lived including the Nazis, Soviet Communists, Crusaders, Inqusitioners, Romans, and Babylonians.
- To be the front-line jihadists in the global jihad movement, knowing that the destruction of only democracy in the Middle East (Israel) is the greatest step towards destroying the West.
From the pre-Jewish state city of Hebron massacre of 1929 to the latest rocket coming out of Gaza - over 80 years of continued Jew-murder, be it Jewish man, Jewish woman, Jewish seniors, Jewish children, Jewish infants! Thousands of Jews have been murdered-massacred by the Palestinian Arab / Muslim people because of their race as Jews and their religion of Judaism.
Acts of Terrorism includes but certainly not limited to:
- 1919/1920 anti-Jewish riots (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
- 1929 Hebron massacre (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
- 1936-1939 Palestinian Anti-Jewish Riots known as the "Great Arab Revolt" (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
- 1948-1967 Hundreds of Fedayeen sponsored attacks on Jewish civilians - with no Jewish presence in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
- 1964 Creation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) that would later become the Palestinian Authority (PA) under Al-Fatah - with no Jewish presence in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.
- 1972 Olympian-athlete Munich Murder-Massacre.
- 1975 Murder-massacre of Jewish school children of Ma'alot, Israel.
- 1987 First Intifada uprising.
- 1987 Creation and later elected Hamas terrorist organization.
- 2000 Second Intifada uprising.
- 2001 - Present multiple public bus, hotel, and restaurant suicide massacres.
- 2001 - Present over 10,000 rockets sent into Jewish / Israeli population centers.
- 2002 Passover massacre at the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel.
- Haj Amin al-Husseini (Hitler / Nazi / Axis of Evil proponent - Grand Mufti of Jerusalem)
- Yassir Arafat - "Father of Modern Day Terrorism" - "Arch Terrorist of the World"
- Abdullah Azam (Jordanian Palestinian who inspired Osama bin Laden)
- Mariam Farhat (Mother of the Faithful) - gave all three of her sons to shahid suicide missions - became female elected government official - Hamas, 2006
- Yahya Abd-al-Latif Ayyash (The Engineer - Al-Muhandis) Inventor of the suicide bomb-belt that continues to murder innocent Israeli-Jewish men, women, seniors, children, and infants. Over 150,000 Palestinian society members attended (celebrated) at his funeral in 1996.
- Palestinian mothers passing out candy at their son's "shahid-martyr's funerals".
- Loud public speakers announcing "wedding" of suicide-martyr with 72 virgins.
- Jumping up and down with joy and glee before cameras at the breaking news of the 9/11 tragedy.
- Posters of shahid-martyr produced and displayed all over Palestinian public areas.
- Video farewell presentation of shahid-martyr.
- Burning Jews and Israeli public buses in effigy and Israeli flags in crowded celebrations.
- Funeral celebrations (with guns / rockets) of shahid-martyrs. The more the shahid Jew-murderer murdered, the bigger the funeral society celebration.
- Official PA and Hamas children television shows, commercials, and music videos.
- Official PA and Hamas radio broadcasts.
- Official PA and Hamas newspapers (including anti-Israeli / anti-Jew cartoons).
- Friday Imam Mosque indoctrination sermons from all over Palestinian controlled areas.
- Posters, signs, and billboards of shahid-martyrs and message declarations for main pubic viewing.
- Allowed (not even sightly discouraged by Palestinian society members) Elementary School to University Shahid-Martyr recruitment (including recruitment of females).
- Shahid glorification on street signs, hospitals, schools, soccer stadiums, ect.
- Streets signs bearing the names of Palestinian mass-murderers and supporters living inside Israeli prisons.
- Support (including financial) from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria, Egypt (border weapon supply).
- Parading small children in marches wearing cameo military uniforms, shahid-martyr head bands, masks, toy suicide belts, rifles, and of course Qurans in their hands!
- Elementary school children are taught by teachers and textbooks that Jews come from monkeys and apes (a Quran authoritative teaching) that there is no Jewish state of Israel, the Jews (yahud) stole "their" land, and shahid-martyrdom is the highest "honored" calling a Palestinian can do for himself, his family (receiving 70 members of his family to paradise for his suicide-martyrdom) and his Palestinian people.
- Children Trading Cards (copying American Baseball cards)
- Hospitals along with other medical buildings and facilities
- Succor Fields, Stadiums, Tournaments
- Schools - including the "Dalel Al-Mughrabi" girl's school named after the Palestinian female terrorist that murdered 36 Jews in March, 1978
- Streets / thoroughfares
- Shahid-martyr posters plastered throughout all Palestinian metros and communities.
- Government buildings - including the name of "Dalel Al-Mughrabi"
- Police units - including the name of "Dalel Al-Mughrabi"
- Most terrorist / terrorism acts sponsored and committed against and upon innocent men, women, seniors, children, and infant civilians than any other people on the face of earth! More astonishing, holding such a record while having one of the lowest numbers of population among the peoples of the earth! Even more astonishing, this record does not included the "hundred of thousands" of Palestinian thwarted terrorist attacks caught in time by the tight security of the State of Israel.
- Electing the world's most terrorist oriented and motivated political party by an overwhelming landslide victory to be their representative in government leadership. (Hamas - January, 2006)
- The Palestinians have taken the title from the German Nazis as "The Greatest Threat to the Jewish People and Nation".
- Reading Adolph Hitler's manifesto "Mein Kamph" placing it sixth on the Palestinian "Best Sellers" book list (2003).
- Honor Killings / Murder - An average of 25 teenage girls and women per year in Gaza alone are officially "reported" murdered by a Palestinian male family member for "the honor" of the Palestinian family! This does not include the honor-murders that goes on unreported by a Palestinian society who as a society accepts such practice.
- Judenrein Laws - It is a capital offense and considered high treason for a Palestinian to sell a small piece of land to a Jew. Many Palestinians have been put to death in recent years for breaking such antisemitic-based laws.
- Momoud Ahmadinejad - Holocaust Denier, Nuclear Weapon seeker, Second Jewish Holocaust supporter.
- Jimmy Carter - Nazi Concentration Camp Guard sympathizer, Hamas advocate, former (pre-Quartet) US president, anti-Israel book writer, anti-Semite with a peanut-brain smile.
- Hassan Nasralla - Hezbollah leader, Israel-destruction advocate.
- Tony Blair - Quartet Representative, Christian-Homosexual advocate, Islam advocate, Hamas supporter.
- Osama bin Laden - Al-Queda leader, Chief Architect of 9/11 and many attacks on US military personnel and property.
- Barack Hussein Obama - US (Quartet) President, Advocate for flying "United Nations" flags over Judaism holy sites during Pope's visit to Jerusalem, Head of the most racist US policy towards Jews living within land-portions of their ancient homeland.
- Khaled Mashaal - Head of Hamas (having to live in Damascus, Syria) Jew-murderer.
- Every Islamic Terrorist / Jihadist member - of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al-Queda, Al-Fatah, Al-Aska Martyrs' Brigade, Hezbollah, Taliban, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Tanzim.
- David Duke - White Supremacist, former Grand Wizard of the Knights-Ku Klux Klan, Republican Louisiana State Representative, antisemitic Jew-hater.
- Louis Farrakhan - Black Supremacist, Nation of Islam leader, Jew-hater
- Publius Aelius Hadrianus a.k.a. Hadrian - Emperor of Rome, who in 135 c.e. changed the name of "Israel" to "Provincia Syria Palaestina" and renamed "Jerusalem" to "Colonia Aelia Capitolina". Instigator of the Jewish Revolt (132-135 c.e.) where over half million Jews was murdered due to his willful desecration of the Temple Mount.
- Pope Urban II - Initiated the First Crusade (1095 c.e.) that consisted of burning Jews in Jerusalem synagogues - that the "Holy Land" (Israel) might be controlled by "Christians".
- Adolph Hitler - Germany Nazi Fuhrer, Holocaust and "Finial Solution" Architect , All-time Record Holder for "Most Jewish blood on Ones Hands".
- Haj Amin al-Husseni - Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Instigator of the 1929 Hebron Jewish-massacre, "Kill the Jews" proclaimer on "Berlin Radio", Bosnian Muslim SS Handzar Division recruiter.
- Saddam Hussein - President of Iraq, Overseer of multi-SCUD Missile Attack upon Israel (1991), Palestinian Suicide Shahid-Martyr Family-Financial supporter.
- Yassir Arafat - Known as "Father of Modern Terrorism" - Architect of the 1975 Ma'alot Massacre of Jewish children - Overseer of the US diplomat murders in Khartoum (1973). Runner-up to Adolph Hitler as being responsible for the "Most Jewish Blood on Ones Hands".
- Ayatollah Khomeini - Iran's most spiritual leader, Issuer of the Salman Rushdie fatwa, Israel / Jew hater.
- Every Islamic Terrorist / Jihadist member - of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al-Queda, Al-Fatah, Al-Aska Martyrs' Brigade, Hezbollah, Taliban, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Tanzim that has been put to death during and after the fact for their terrorists acts upon the Jewish people of Israel and upon Jews from around the world.
- Every Nazi - from the concentration camp guards - to all those convicted of war crimes in high government positions, and those that should have but wasn't - as well as every neo-Nazi of the past.
*Note: All are encouraged to Google-search for verification of any and all statements contained in this resume'.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 655 Newer› Newest»A person typed online today
"The Arab pro-genocide protests all over the world have been an absolute failure. Bill Maher accurately called them ASSHOLES." has an article headlined
"Palestinian Death Culture and Its Western Enablers"
MAY 06, 2024
Even More about Arab Wickedness, Evil, & Deceit has an article headlined :
‘Al Jazeera’ plays the free-speech card”
May 6, 2024 by
Ruthie Blum
Fred Maroun typed online today
"I don't like everything in my Arab culture. I love the food. But there are things that I very much dislike: the antisemitism, an obsession with organized religion, and the inability to take responsibility for one's actions."
Fred Maroun typed online today
“The Israeli military on Saturday morning began calling on Palestinians in additional neighborhoods of Rafah to evacuate the area, as it pressed on with an operation against the Hamas terror group in the city in the southern Gaza Strip.
Last week, the Israel Defense Forces issued an evacuation warning for the eastern outskirts of Rafah, before it pushed into the area.” (The Times of Israel)
Note to the idiot “pro-Palestinian” protesters: On October 7, Hamas’ murderous animals attacked without any warning then proceeded to rape, murder, and kidnap men, women, and children. Can you see the subtle differences between the two pictures?”
The New York Post has an article headlined
"Just how many of Gaza’s civilians are entirely ‘innocent’?"
By Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Stein
Published May 10, 2024
It’s Disgusting that
Fakestinian Hamas Terrorists are being treated in Israeli hospitals
No help should be given to them
Many Israelis are Outraged
The Hamas Terrorists are
Incapable of Changing
Only Jewish Lives Matter in this Mideast War
Arabs and Fakestinians have Never Suffered throughout Human History , they sadly make everyone else suffer
All of their alleged “Sufferings” are their own Fault
In the 2013 satirical sketch comedy film
“Inappropriate Comedy” at one scene in the movie a
Character says about Arabs
“Oh, no, no, no,
not sand people.
Oh, please, not Arabs.
They smell so bad!
Come on, please!
Oh, you guys stink so bad,
please. This is like Detroit.
Oh, please don’t come near me.
Oh, I hate the smell.
I can bring you children. I can
totally bring you children.
Towels are for washing,
not for wearing.
Oh, I hate Arabs so much!
No!” the character
also says about Arabs
“Your beards are horrible
You stink when you talk so much , please , put down the guns, pick up some soap” 😆😆😆
A serious Question are the Arabs trying to Terrorize & Weaponize Space, Anyone can do an Online search about how the UAE, United Arab Emirates is trying to
launch a probe to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in 2028, Is their a Sinister Arab Motive behind this UAE Plan to launch a probe to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in 2028?
Are America, Israel and the entire Western World in Danger from this Arab probe? Not to sound paranoid, But are the Arabs trying to Terrorize & Weaponize Space, Remember when President Ronald Reagan tried to have a Weapons system in Space, Google it, The Strategic Defense Initiative program, Which some nicknamed the “Star Wars Program” what are those Sneaky Arabs up to this time? Are the Arabs planning Terrorist Attacks in Space ?
Saeb Erekat died of
Covid-19 in 2020 at the age of 65.
Fakestinian Negotiator
Seab Erekat was a monster
Arab Terrorist Nazi Murderer and War Criminal who deserved to suffer and die from Covid-19.
Good that he’s dead .
It was wrong of Israel to allow to receive Medical treatment in an Israeli Hospital. It’s impossible to dehumanize Arabs and Fakestinians, they dehumanize themselves..
Saeb Erekat was a Terrorist ,
Good that he Suffered and died from Covid-19
Some newspapers referred to
The Arab Erekat as being #2 in the
Fakestinian leadership
He was Definitely Number 2 , as in the term used for Solid Excrement,
Erekat was a real POS ,
Piece of Sh-t , piece of
Arab Excrement
It was Wrong of Israel to Help him recover from the Covid-19, it’s Wrong to help the Enemy that will Never Change their Evil, Wicked Ways , Insanity to help them
Israel should have Refused to treat Erekat and just let his
Arab Ass suffer and die
Still it’s good that Erekat died , he was a typical bloodthirsty Arab with an Endless Lust for Violence.
It’s Sickening and disgusting how Israel helps Arab Terrorists in
Israeli hospitals, Arabs and Fakestinians deserve Nothing and must be given Nothing , they will Never Change their Wicked, Evil, Diabolical ways , they only Respond with More Hate, Terrorism and Violence
Yasser Arafat aka Arab-Fat ,
Arab-Fart, Arab-Rat was the Worst Terrorist in World History, Arafat was the Quintessential Arab, typical Arab Monster
Hillel Fuld typed online today
"I wish they would send a “Palestinian” representative to the Eurovision. No, seriously, I do. I even wish that person would win. For real. Hear me out.
Know what happens when a country wins? They have to host the year after.
I’d love to be a fly on the wall when all of those anti Israel protestors realize that there’s no such place as Palestine.
I’d pay good money to see a crowd of LGBTQ individuals from Europe with their flags show up in Khan Yunis for the Eurovision.
I’d pay good money to see Sinwar’s face as the Gaza checkpoints get filled with woke folks chanting about women’s rights or some other agenda that could not be more foreign to Hamas. I’d pay even more money to see his reaction when they tell him to call them by their pronouns.
I’d love to see his reaction to the outfits worn in the context.
Oh man, this would provide me with enough laughs to last me a lifetime.
So, how do we make this happen?
(By the way, I heard this said by a comedian but I can’t find the original clip, otherwise I’d share it.)"
Add to the Palestinian "Resume" how their "supporters" are Troublemakers, causing all sorts of Problems and Misery all over America and the World
The TV news channels show pictures and footage of "Palestinians" in Gaza weeping and crying over family members killed in the War with Israel
Now many people are asking are these "Palestinians" genuinely weeping, crying , mourning like normal people do when they lose loved ones, or is this just bad acting, bad Pallywood acting when these "Palestinians " in Gaza know the cameras are rolling, so that they the
Fakestinians aka
"Palestinians" in Gaza can use this as Propaganda against Israel and "The Jews"
People ask this because they know that most Arabs simply don't value human life like Normal people do,
Many Arabs want to Die in Battle and become Martyrs anyway ,
Fred Maroun typed online today
""Egypt plans to join South Africa’s genocide petition against Israel at the International Court of Justice, its Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday, as part of its campaign to force Israel to halt a pending major military operation in Rafah." (The Jerusalem Post)
Two things we can always expect from Arab regimes is hypocrisy and cowardice, and Egypt's regime is proving it yet again. They had a big part in allowing weapons to flow to Hamas, and there is a lot that they could do now but refuse to do, yet they expect Israel to give up and allow Hamas to continue threatening Israel. They refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, and they deflect by demonizing Israel even though everyone knows that they're so scared of Palestinian terrorists that they refuse to take any Palestinian refugees. They're not friends of the Palestinians because if they were, they would have done a lot more to get rid of toxic entities like Hamas, and they could be doing a lot now, but they choose hypocrisy and cowardice instead."
A person typed online earlier today about Gaza that
"I don’t think there’s a single person in Gaza who is innocent, except our hostages" has an article headlined
"Don’t buy Rashida Tlaib & Co.’s lie: ‘From the river to the sea’ has always meant erasing Israel"
By David Adesnik and Ahmad Sharawi
Published May 16, 2024 has an article headlined "Take off the masks, you anti-Israel cowards! Protesters aren’t really scared of COVID — they’re hiding shame of their prejudice"
Douglas Murray
Published May 16, 2024 has an article headlined
"Senior Saudi Journalist: Arabs Have Double Standard On Israel And Hamas"
December 4, 2023 has an article headlined
"Saudi Woman Columnist: Arab Culture Has Doubly Devalued Human Life"
April 24, 2014
Also from an article is headlined
"Arab Progressive: The Arabs are Still Slaves to a Medieval Mentality"
September 20, 2004 has an article
"Responding To Ray Hanania’s Myths"
by Judean Peoples Front
January 13, 2017
About the BS Myths of
"Palestinian" reporter and
"stand-up comedian" Ray Hanania
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Palestinian conspiracy theories - editorial"
By JPOST EDITORIAL Published: NOVEMBER 22, 2023 has an article headlined
"Hanan Ashrawi proves – yet again – why she should never have been a candidate for any peace prize"
Nov 6, 2023 | Alana Schetzer, Allon Lee
Debbie Schlussel typed online today
"A few things you may not know or remember about the countries that have now endorsed a Palestinian terrorist state and how the world has rewarded Palestinian terrorism over the years. In 1972 Palestinian terrorists murdered 11 Israeli Olympians (athletes and coaches) at the Munich Olympics and were rewarded very soon with a Palestinian UN Mission. In October 2023, Palestinians gang raped, tortured, murdered and/or kidnapped 1400 Israelis, and as a reward, Ireland, Spain. and Norway reward them with Palestinian state recognition. By this logic, they'd reward Hitler with the world. Good thing they weren't around in 1944. But don't forget that Ireland trained the PLO, the HAMAS forerunner (HAMAS' charter acknowledges this); that Spain just centuries ago tried and executed 30,000-300,000 Jews in the Inquisition beginning in 1478 and then exported the Inquisition to Latin America to try to get the Jews who escaped there (which was after the Al-Mohad Muslims dominated Spain and called parts of it Al-Andalus, forcibly converting many tens of thousands of Jews to Islam in the 1100s and beyond) ; that Norway was easily dominated by the Nazis and home to top Nazi Vidkun Quisling, and that's from whom the word "quisling" comes. These 3 countries were always ensconced in Jew-hatred and the obliteration of the Jewish people. Now, they are coming full circle, rewarding HAMAS for its acts. Despicable . . . " has an article headlined
"Father-son Hamas terrorists casually describe taking turns raping Israeli woman, then executing her, in bone-chilling video"
By Reuven Fenton and Olivia Land
Published May 23, 2024 has an article headlined
"Some awkward truths about Palestinian keffiyehs"
April 27, 2024
A person typed online in
May 2021
"The Jerusalem bureau chief for Reuters posts on Twitter yesterday that Hamas' rockets are "home-made."
My reply to his tweet:
""home-made"??? Is this like a Betty Crocker cake mix?
Their weapons are produced is a weapons-making facility. Cut out this "home-made" lie!"
Folks: We have got to push back, and push back directly to the liars and distorters -- particularly those in media and government who have audiences and are influential.
Each of us -- me and each of you -- MUST participate. It is not enough to talk amongst ourselves nor to wring our hands and say how terrible they are!"
Fred Maroun typed online today
"People should be proud of their achievements and the achievements of their ancestors. But being proud of a culture is not inherently justified. Some cultures deserve pride much more than others. Palestinian culture has a long way to go before pride is justified."
Many people have said that
Spanish bodegas are so much better than shitty Arab grocery stores
A person typed online
May 26, 2024
"This is a must-read.
Here is the response that Dina Roubina, a Russian and Israeli writer, sent to the Pushkin House in London, inviting her to a conference but first asking her to clarify her position on Israel
Dear friends and colleagues
Recently, the Pushkin House in London, in collaboration with the University of London, invited me to a literary debate broadcast on Zoom. The conversation was supposed to be about my books.
I just received this email from the moderator of this meeting.
I suggest you read it, as well as my response, which I invite you to share on social networks.
By: Nataliya Rulyova
Hello, Dina!
The Pushkin House announced our upcoming conference on social media and immediately received critical messages regarding your position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They wanted to understand your position on this issue before responding. Could you formulate your position and send it to me as soon as possible?
Please accept, Madam, the expression of my distinguished greetings,
By: Dina Rubina
Dear Natalia!
You've written beautifully about my novels, and I'm so sorry for the time you've wasted, because apparently we have to cancel our meeting.
The universities of Warsaw and Torun have just canceled lectures by the wonderful Russian-speaking Israeli writer Yakov Shechter on the life of Galicia's Jews in the 17th and 19th centuries - "to avoid making the situation worse."
I suspected that this would affect me too, since academia is now the main breeding ground for the most disgusting and virulent anti-Semitism, disguised as so-called "criticism of Israel."
. I was expecting something like this, and I even decided to write you an email about it... but I put it aside. It's time for me to publish it.
This is what I want to say to all those who expect from me a quick and obsequious report on my position regarding my beloved country, which currently lives (and always has) surrounded by ferocious enemies who seek to destroy it . My country which is waging a just war today against a rabid, ruthless, deceptive and cunning enemy.
The last time I apologized was in elementary school, in the principal's office, I was 9 years old. Since then, I have been doing what I think is right, listening only to my conscience and expressing exclusively my understanding of the world order and human laws of justice.
Natalia, thank you for your efforts, and I personally ask you to send my answer to all those who are wondering:
"On October 7, Saturday, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, well-prepared and well-equipped Hamas terrorist regime of Iran, Hamas, which rules in the Gaza enclave (which Israel left around twenty years ago), attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim, and bombarded my country with tens of thousands of rockets.
Hamas has committed atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities that rival the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah. Atrocities filmed by the way, by GoPro cameras, the murderers having taken the horror to the point of sending the images to their families or on social networks in real time.
For hours, thousands of happy, blood-drunk beasts raped women, children and men, shooting their victims in the crotch and heads, cutting off the women's breasts and playing football with them, cutting off the babies from the wombs of pregnant women and immediately decapitating them, tying up and burning the small children. There were so many charred bodies that, for many weeks, forensic pathologists could not cope with the enormous workload of identifying individuals.
A friend of mine, who worked in the emergency room of a New York hospital for 20 years, then in Israel for 15 years, was one of the first to arrive in the kibbutzim, as part of a team of rescuers and of doctors.
She still hasn't been able to sleep since. While she is an emergency specialist, accustomed to dissected bodies and at the corpses, she fainted when she saw the macabre sight and vomited all the way back in the car."
The comment continues
"Among the Hamas militants, Palestinian civilians rushed in, participating in pogroms of unprecedented scale, pillaging, killing, dragging everything they could get their hands on.
Among these "Palestinian civilians" were 450 members of this highly regarded organization UNRWA (United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).
Judging by the utter joy of the population (also captured by thousands of mobile cameras), Hamas is supported by almost the entire population of Gaza.
But the essential is there for us:
More than two hundred Israelis, including women, children, the elderly and foreign workers, were dragged into the beast's den.
A hundred of them are still rotting and dying in Hamas dungeons. It goes without saying that these victims, who continue to be mocked, are of little concern to the “academic community”.
But that's not what I'm talking about right now. I am not writing this so that anyone will sympathize with the tragedy of my people.
During all these years, while the international community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip)l - and UNRWA's annual budget alone is equivalent to a BILLION dollars! - During all these years, Hamas used this money to build an empire with a complex system of underground tunnels, stockpile weapons, teach schoolchildren from primary school to disassemble and assemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle, print textbooks in which hatred of Israel is indescribable, in which even math problems look like this: "There were ten Jews, the shahid killed four, how many are left?...", calling for the murder of Jews with every word.
And now, when, finally shocked by the monstrous crime of these bastards, Israel is waging a war of annihilation against the Hamas terrorists, who so carefully prepared this war, who placed thousands of shells in all the hospitals, the schools, kindergartens... - this is where academia around the world is on the defensive, concerned about the "genocide of the Palestinian people" - based, of course, on data provided by... . Who ?
The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, nor the massacre in Somalia, nor the mistreatment inflicted on the Uighurs, nor the millions of Kurds persecuted by the Turkish regime for decades, this very worried community, which wears "arafatkas" - the trademark of murderers - around their necks and rallies under the slogan "Liberate Palestine from the river to the sea", which means the total destruction of Israel (and Israelis). "academics", as polls show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where certain borders are located. And it is this same public which asks me "to express a position clear on the issue."
Are you really serious?
As you know, I have been a professional writer for over fifty years. My novels have been translated into forty languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto... and many more.
Now, with great pleasure, without choosing my expressions too much, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send to all the brainless "intellectuals" who are interested in my position to go fuck themselves.
In fact, you'll all be going without me soon.
Dina Rubina "
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Stop making excuses for Palestinians"
By MATAN ASHER Published: OCTOBER 28, 2015 has an article headlined
By Richard D. Heideman
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Israel 7.45 pm.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad released a video showing Israeli hostage, Alexander Trubanov, proving that the terror war against Israel from Gaza is Palestinian in character, and not confined to Hamas.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
People have pointed out that
Half-Fakestinian "model"
Gigi Hadid looks like a
Ugly Retarded Circus Clown in her profile
Photo dated
December 1, 2023
Naveed Anjum typed online today
"The goal of Palestinians is and always has been to continue the war began in 1948 which they never accepted resulted in a Jewish state.
Those who support the Palestinian Lie engage in a duplicitous war against Israel. No other nation has been treated as unjustly, has been vilified, dehumanized, deprived of rights, had agencies created specifically for the purpose of distorting logic and law to assure that the thier nation is deemed 'guilty' and 'illegitimate': while the Palestinians are afforded the opposite extreme from the global community, gifting the Palestinians unprecedented power to create any lie, any amount of violence, and suffer absolutely no consequence while each and every violation of truth and security, of the environment, of Israeli Jews and even their livestock, is ignored, denied, rationalized, outrageously ricocheting blame and outrage onto their Jewish victims. The international masses tightly shut their eyes to any Palestinian violation, stifling balanced discussion on social media and making taboo such dialogue - literally punishing those who engage the conversation with solid facts in hand. Whether in classrooms or dining rooms, on political podiums or entertainment stages - those who support truth learn they too will become victim, they must become silent, scared, and defeated - and alone. Many of those who feel such suppression and threat, consciously or not, are apt to join the very powerful enemies of truth to protect their conscience, their psyche, their membership, their power, by merely abdicating mind and soul to join the morally bankrupt popular mass delusion, which absurdly claims that its mass-might assures its ethical legitimacy.
For the burden of being Jewish, generations of Jews have become embarrassed to speak or even educate themselves on facts of politics and history, and prefer to remain in denial or absurdly ignorant, affording them the ability to join the popular communities which are legitimized for the safety in numbers such affords. Logic destroys reason in the name of Jew Hatred, built upon a mountain of lies reaching throughout religions, cultures, politics, history, and has become, again, ultimately fashionable, therefore empowering the nefarious pandemic of Antisemitism. Jew Hatred has been welcomed because it is entitles each individual entrance to a global movement which has been embraced as it diseases minds and hearts across the planet.
Why would the Palestinians ever compromise when the global community promotes their genocidal insanity?
First, the Palestinians must accept that the war of 1948 is over and that the Israeli nation is a reality they must cease from trying to eradicate. Second, the West needs to stop fueling the genocidal Palestinian Lie. Then, and only then, will logic and reason have hope of being restored and peace attained."
An Example of Arab Racist
Chauvinism and Hypocrisy
Many Arab Americans had a hissy fit about the 1962
Ray Stevens song
“Ahab the Arab” and called the song and it’s lyrics
“Racist” however those same Arabs spewed Hate and Racism against Jews Non-Stop
Arab Chauvinism is Sickening
Hillel Fuld typed online today :
“The Palestinian leadership, both Hamas and Fatah, are what someone told me today, Nazis without a conscience.”
From Hillel Fuld:
The Palestinians, or more accurately, the Jordanians and Egyptians who hijacked the word “Palestinian”, which previously described Jews who were from Palestine aka Israel, those people? They don’t deserve a state of their own.
The “Palestinian” society, over 80% of it based on any poll, support terror.
They abuse their children by brainwashing them to hate western values.
They celebrate murder and rape publicly.
They glorify death and suicide.
They don’t only verbally support terror, they support it in the way they vote, the way they act, and those who don’t actively perpetuate terror, celebrate in the streets when terrorists murder Jews.
Am I generalizing? You better believe I am.
First of all, life is about generalizations.
Do you like Pizza? Yes? You’re generalizing! Aren’t there pizza stores you don’t like?
Life is about generalization.
But it goes way deeper than that.
Are there Arabs/Muslims living in Gaza or Judea and Samaria (what the world likes to call The West Bank) who genuinely just want to live in peace and quiet?
Of course there are!
But they are silent in the face of the atrocities committed by THEIR government. So they are irrelevant.
Does that mean they deserve to die? Of course not! But does the danger of them dying in a war started by their own government detract in any way whatsoever from the legitimacy of the war Israel
Is fighting? Abso-freaking-lutely not!
The Palestinian leadership, both Hamas and Fatah, are what someone told me today, Nazis without a conscience.
The Nazis had to drink themselves to sleep because they were deeply ashamed of what they were doing. Hamas live streams it!
Go research how many innocent Germans died in WWII when the allies attacked Nazi Germany. Is that sad? Definitely. It would be amazing if there was a way to wage a war without innocents dying. Truly. But that’s not how war works and those innocent Germans who lost their lives were a result of their government who needed to be eliminated at all costs, including the cost of innocent lives.
Israel’s war on Hamas is no less just than the war on Nazi Germany. In fact, one can easily make the argument that Hamas is infinitely more barbaric than the Nazis. The Nazis didn’t murder their own. The Nazis didn’t abuse their own children. Hamas does.
So, the Palestinian people as they call themselves have chosen a path. They made a very bad choice. And now they are and will continue to pay the price for that decision.
It’s so convenient and easy to forget that in 2005, Israel handed them a state. It’s called Gaza. They immediately elected Hamas. So if they would ever have their own state, who would they choose to govern them? Mother Teresa?
Rewarding them with a state? Are you kidding me?
The Palestinians don’t deserve a state of their own.
Period. Full stop."
Bassem Eid , himself a
"Palestinian" typed online today
"Recognizing a Palestinian state in response to the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 is morally indefensible, sets a dangerous precedent, and undermines efforts to achieve genuine peace.
Read my latest in Algemeiner: " has an article headlined
“KINSELLA: Self-professed ‘pro-Palestine’ protests now hate non-Jews too”
by Warren Kinsella
Published Dec 18, 2023 has an article headlined
“Caution: Samson is Israel”
April 19, 2024
This article argues that
The nations of the world could be Israel’s Delilah
A Must Read article has an article by Fred Maroun headlined
"As long as the false Palestinian narrative remains, there is no day after"
MAY 31, 2024
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Has it ever occurred to you that the Palestinian narrative, for half a century, has been one of entitlement.
They are entitled to the world's sympathy.
They are entitled to the world's money.
They are entitled to all the land.
And, if they don't get what they want, they are entitled to "resistance," the time-worn catch-phrase for kill the Jews.
Because they are entitled to what the Jews have.
Hasn't that been the fate of the Jews for thousands of years?
From the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Romans, the Crusaders, the Muslim hordes, the pogroms in Europe, in Hebron, in Jerusalem, in Tel Hai, in the Iraqi Farhud, the Nazis, the combined Arab world, the Palestinians. And let's not forget Iran.
All felt themselves entitled to kill the Jews and take their possessions.
Isn't this, at its deep and nasty heart, what is going on today?
Isn't this what happened on 7 October?
Isn't this the ultimate aim of the Ayatollahs?
Hasn't this been what the Palestinian movement, in its stated policy and its incessantly deadly actions against Israeli Jews, have been doing before and after the devious Yasser Arafat was gifted the Nobel Peace Prize.
Isn't this the driving cause of Mahmoud Abbas and his "Pay to Slay" reward system?
If you don't agree, prove me wrong."
A person typed online today
"Gazans are deeply supportive of Hamas and their wars against the Jewish State. Palestinians elected Hamas to 58% of the Palestinian parliament in 2006. In polls since 2007, a majority of 65% of Gazans support killing Israeli civilians. Hundreds of regular Gazans participated in the October 7 slaughter and a post-October 7 Massacre poll of Gazans showed 64% supported the attack and 60% support Hamas."
More about the Fakestinians , The
Precious "Palestinian people"
The New York Post has an article headlined
"Bella and Gigi Hadid to donate $1M to Palestinian aid groups, including UN agency with alleged Hamas ties"
By Matthew Sedacca
Published June 1, 2024
Bella & Gigi Hadid look
Ugly and Stupid in this article
Barry Shaw typed online today
Shocking news.
Just when you thought that Hamas could get no lower in the sub-human scale...
Israel intelligence announced that 4 elderly Israelis, Yoram Metzer, Amiram Cooper, from Kibbutz Nir Oz, who appeared in a Hamas video, released a couple of weeks ago, and Haim Peri, together with Nadav Popplewell, who appeared in a more recent Hamas publicity release, were killed by Hamas in Khan Younis a few months ago, but Hamas released their pictures more recently giving their families hope they were still alive.
Hamas is lower than scum!" has an article headlined
"True meanings of Palestinian Statehood"
Prof. Louis René Beres
June 2, 2024 has an article headlined
"The delusional search for peace-loving Palestinian Arab leadership"
Dr. Alex Grobman
Nov 14, 2023 has an article headlined
"Peace now?"
Simone Rodan-Benzaquen
May 28, 2024 has an article headlined
"There is no such thing as 'making peace' "
Victor Sharpe
June 28, 2023
Barry Shaw typed online today :
"When "Palestinians" tell you they want to return to Palestine
(today's Israel) because they are indigenous to that part of their land, keep this list to remind them of their lies.
Most Arabs belong to tribes or clans. In other words
inter-related family members. Such tribes and clans can represent many hundreds of people and often the
clan/tribal/family name gives away the source of where these families actually originated
Check a few of the prominent
Palestinian family names
Almasri - Egypt
Masarwah - Egypt
Hourani - Hauran in Syria
Sourani - Tyre, Lebanon
Tarabulsi - Tripoli, Lebanon
Dibini - South Lebanon
Boushnaq - Bosnia
Iraqi - Iraq
Zarqawi - Zarqa, Jordan
Al-Karaki - Kerek, Jordan
Trabulsi - Tripoli, Lebanon
Abayat - Turkey
This means that hundreds of thousands of "Palestinians" are claiming their right to return and reclaim parts of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Bosnia, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey in the name of Palestine" has an article headlined
"lies about 1948"
NOVEMBER 30, 2023
Good article Exposing
Arab & "Palestinian" LIES has an article headlined
"Puncturing the big lie of Palestinian identity"
By Melanie Phillips
Published on 08-30-2019 has an article headlined
"Palestinian Libels Against Jews: No Difference Between Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas"
by Bassam Tawil
June 6, 2024 has an article by Fred Maroun headlined
"The nasty and antisemitic world of pro-Palestinian advocacy" on
AUG 25, 2022
Another one bites the dust
High ranking Hamas Terrorist
Salame Muhammad Abu Ajaj was killed in Rafah this June 2024
He was one Ugly Fucked up Arab
His Ugly Face would have made a good Arab scarecrow 😆😂 has an article headlined
"There are reports of civilian casualties in the Israel hostage rescue. But what is a 'civilian'?"
by Vivian Bercovici
Published June 09, 2024
Good Article
has an article by
Henry Kopel headlined
"How the Keffiyeh Became the 21st Century’s Swastika"
MAY 19, 2024 has an article headlined
"The Palestinian Flag Is a Symbol of Hate"
by A.J. Caschetta
June 8, 2021
Fred Maroun typed online this
June 2024
"Should people be held responsible for their own actions?
Israel is blamed because some civilians are occasionally killed while Israeli soldiers target terrorists or rescue hostages held by terrorists, but do the civilians themselves hold any responsibility at all?
Let's see the reasons that they should be held responsible:
For raising their children on a false narrative of history that promotes hatred and encourages youth to become terrorists.
For electing terrorists at every opportunity.
For celebrating terrorist attacks on Jews, thereby encouraging more attacks.
For praising their young sons for raping and killing Jews, again encouraging more attacks.
For calling their terrorist sons killed by Israel "martyrs" rather than criminals.
For demanding that criminals with blood on their hands be released from Israeli jails and for celebrating when it happens.
For helping the terrorists hold hostages captive.
Is that not enough?" has an article headlined
"Kill Them When You Grow Up’: Jewish Convert Reveals Shocking Culture of Jew Hatred in Gaza"
June 10, 2024
By Sveta Listratov, TPS
A Must Read article
Fred Maroun typed online today
"Negotiations with Hamas are going nowhere because they will never give up unless they can stay in power and get to attack Israel again. Negotiating with vile scum was a mistake from the start."
Noor Dahri typed online today :
"Found in #Gaza.
“We will conquer #Rome just like we conquered Constantinople”
Map of #Italy."
More about Fakestinians has an article headlined
“How Palestinian terrorists train ‘journalists’ in Gaza”
Gabe Kaminsky
June 12, 2024
A website typed online today
"Everybody knows what happened on 9/11, what many dont know is, while Americans and the rest of the world were mourning for the loved ones they lost on that day, the Palestinian were celebrating the attack.
After Jordan accepted the Palestinian refugees, they assassinated their king and tired to seize power by starting a civil war in 1970 commonly known as the Black September.
After Lebanon accepted Palestinian refugees from Jordanian expulsion, they attacked the Christians in Lebanon to cause a 15 year civil war.
Palestinian refugees in Kuwait welcomed Saddam Hussein's invasion in 1990 and collaborated with Iraqi occupiers until Kuwait was liberated by UN coalition troops. They were expelled from Kuwait afterwards.
Egypt have built a huge border to prevent any Palestinian refugees from entering their country.
There is a important reason why specifically, America shouldn't take in Palestinian refugees and it's often forgotten that Robert F. Kennedy, who served as the 64th United States attorney general was assassinated by a Palestinian man for Kennedy's support for Israel back in 1968."
About the Fakestinians
A person typed online today
"#metoo feminist women talking about how well stolen humans were treated, human rights activists saying it wasn’t all that bad that Noa was kidnapped and forced to clean a mansion over and over (“house negroes had it good”), and then Bella Hadid described this situation, of making a captive a birthday cake on his birthday just to mock him as, “See? Look how humane these evil Zios’ captors are!”
The Palestinian cause is one that attracts the worst human beings on this planet, and illustrates for others the breaking point, where literally all of their values disappear.
This movement is pure poison. They can’t even help themselves. They don’t give a damn about Palestinians. If they did, they would have spent this whole time doing whatever they could to have prevented Hamas from spending the last 8 months using Gazans as glorious cannon fodder by doing EVERYTHING in their power to maximize the number of dead Gazans.
Instead, what do we get?
People picketing Oct 7 memorials promising more Oct 7ths. “Peace activists” waving the banners of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime, Houthis, and other terrorists. And almost every white supremacist flocking to the Palestinian cause, because there is no one, literally no one on earth, not even Black people or Native Americans, that white supremacists hate more than Jews.
It’s a movement for terrorists, rape apologists, psychic vampires, losers, and whores for violence and chaos of every persuasion. "
A person typed online today
"I said this over two years ago: that the pro-Palestine movement was toxic and had an antisemitism problem, that it was attaching itself to literally every cause from anti-capitalism to anti-racism to anti-homophobia and transphobia to fighting climate change to feminism and more. And that each movement it injects its mind poison into, those movements tie their ship to the anchor of the supposed Palestinian cause and become a litmus test for whether anyone can stay involved with the cause.
I say “so-called” cause, because it’s not. It’s a movement that largely only succeeds in getting Palestinians killed, continuously oppressed by their governments and terrorists, and encourages counterproductive ahistorical delusional myth-making that prevents them from moving on and acting like people who actually deserve their own country. Because no, if you’re gonna make a country with the specific intent of killing all your neighbors, they don’t owe it to you to let that “dream” become a reality.
This is not the first time I had said this. I had been saying for over a decade.
And now you’re watching it truly come to pass. Jews who don’t want to see Israel destroyed are being barred from feminist circles, BLM, environmental causes, music festivals, pride parades, and Jewish life is being demanded to be destroyed on college campuses that have large encampments.
It’s happening. You didn’t listen.
Are you ready to listen to Jews like me yet? Or are you gonna ride the denial train all the way off the broken bridge and then, when the train bursts into flame in the valley below, exclaim “How could we have seen this coming?”
PS - the context to the original post was Shaun King and Bella Hadid and others trying to compare Gaza to Ukraine. I know, they have moved on to so many other crazy comparisons since that it’s difficult to remember them all. 😂"
The original comment from
March 21, 2022 was
"Aka why Bella Hadid and Shaun King and countless other lying dumpster fires should not be taken seriously.
These reasons are just the tip of the iceberg. But the most important factor is that these people know they are lying. Pro-Palestinian activists who say such things know they are lying. The point is not truth. The point is to tie every legitimate issue to Palestine because then they can taint everything by making you anti-that issue if you don’t agree with what they’re saying about Palestine.
Disagree on Palestine? Then you hate women, LGBTQ, people of color, and even the environment.
These people have tainted progressive causes by centering that conflict in literally every struggle, from racist policing in America to climate change. Despicable. It’s toxic and narcissistic." a link is given to Explaining why Ukraine is not like Gaza
Hillel Fuld typed online today
"Listen to me very carefully.
If you share casualty numbers from Gaza, you are quoting Hamas propaganda and you are lying. Even the UN admitted that.
If you share photos of famine in Gaza, you are quoting Hamas propaganda and you are lying. There is no famine.
If you share videos of Gazans yelling about the destruction in Gaza, nine out of ten times, you are quoting Hamas propaganda and you are lying.
If you share posts about Israel not sending in humanitarian aid, you are quoting Hamas propaganda and you are lying. A billion pounds of food have entered Gaza. A billion!
If you share stories about how Israel killed its own civilians and hostages, you are quoting Hamas propaganda and you are lying. This is psychological warfare. Don’t be a part of it.
If you share content doubting the events of 10/7, you are quoting Hamas propaganda and you are lying. They freakin live streamed it!
If you share videos of Palestinian mothers crying about their kids or houses, you are quoting Hamas propaganda and you are lying. In their culture, losing a son as a shahid is the ultimate honor. The tears are fake.
Hamas’ propaganda army is endlessly stronger than their physical army.
If you listen or spread their lies, you are being played and if you think they won’t come after you when they get a chance, perhaps listen to them when they say the west is next.
Stop being Hamas’ puppet. It’s not a good look."
& Another typed today
"Israel has now sacrificed 308 troops with thousands more injured -- all to save the lives of Gazans who would like every Jewish person to be slaughtered.
When anyone -- individuals, media, politicians -- claims there is "genocide" or "disproportionate response" or excessive "palestinian" casualties -- remind them that not an Israeli soldier would be killed or injured if Israel was not disproportionately humane."
Noor Dahri typed online today
"They (#Hamas & #PIJ) are firing mortar shells from inside tents in refugee camps in civilian clothes from civilian areas.
There are no civilians."
A person typed online today
“Bella Hadid, a creepy creature indeed”
In response to a
Jerusalem Post , article headlined
“Hamas’s birthday cake: Bella Hadid shares post of ‘benign’ treatment of hostages”
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: JUNE 13, 2024
Bella is half Fakestinian and half Dutch , Imagine how Hateful Bella & Gigi would be if they were fully Fakestinian
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Convinced the children and women linked to Hamas, indoctrinated like Hamas, related to Hamas, wedded in spirit and motivation to Hamas, are innocent bystanders?
Think again.
The pictures below were taken from a Hamas snuff video showing brainwashed, weapon- trained children, incited to hate Israel and kill Jews.
These children are not in Gaza. They live in Tulkarm.
Do you know where Tulkarm is? Do you care?
Tulkarm is a 20 minute drive to where I live, in Netanya on the Mediterranean Sea, as in "From the River to the Sea."
They are a five minute drive to Kfar Yona.
They are 200 yards from the village of Bat Hefer.
They are 100 yards from the central north-south 6 Highway.
And their one ambition is to become a terrorist superstar and kill Jews.
This is a real time reflection of Gaza.
This is developing and encouraged by the Palestinian Authority in Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm.
When the shit hits the fan, do not consider them innocent bystanders." has an article headlined
"There are no civilians in Gaza"
June 13, 2024 has an article headlined
"The Palestinian Princess and the Pea"
Feb 16, 2020 by
Diane Bederman
A website typed online today
"The "Gaza famine" MYTH is slowly coming to an end
Hamas’s desire to maximize Palestinian suffering is well known, but there’s an easy way to tell whether supposed pro-Palestinian advocates share that revolting instinct: How do they react to good news?
The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification’s Famine Review Committee concluded in May that there was no evidence of famine in Gaza as of April, and that the analysis done in March by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS) warning of famine was not plausible.
As the IPC notes, FES did not count commercial trucks of food going into Gaza, which more than doubled the amount of food entering the sector that FEWS counted. How did FEWS get it wrong? One reason is that FEWS doesn't trust Jews.
Source Commentary" has an article headlined
"How to tell that the West’s ‘pro-Palestinian’ protesters really only care about bashing Israel"
By Victor Davis Hanson
Published June 14, 2024
Barry Shaw typed online today
"No amount of peace activism saved the kind kibbuzniks next to Gaza from Palestinian savagery, torture, rape, genocidal killings, and hostage-taking resulting in their deaths.
Ask the survivors today if they look forward to a Palestinian state outside their kitchen windows."
About the "civilians" in Gaza has an article headlined
"It's Time to Start Using the Term 'Palestinian Civilian' Correctly"
Published June 17, 2024
By Arsen Ostrovsky and John Spencer
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Did you notice how a whole neighborhood of Gaza erupted into gunfire, RPGs, and grenades to prevent the special units from trying to extract our hostages.
A whole neighborhood!
Puts the lie of "innocent civilians" in a whole new light.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel." has an article headlined
"Survey: 96% of Palestinians deny October 7th massacre"
by Dalit Halevy
June 14 , 2024
About the Fakestinians
A person typed online today
"Bella Hadid is a complete piece of shit" & Another added
"Her mother is a Dutch Nazi. She keeps the Nazi coffee book on her living room table. I saw it on the table during the TV interview with her." has an article headlined
"All eyes should be on Al Jazeera for being founded, funded — and directed — by terrorists"
By Douglas Murray
Published June 20, 2024
Naveed Anjum typed online
June 21, 2024
"The Tweet That Shocked the Arab World and Demolished the Palestinian Narrative
The Palestinian narrative tells us that there was once a “Palestinian” people or nation living in a country called “Palestine” that was conquered and occupied by Israel.
This fiction is necessary because under international law, there can only be “occupation” if one nation takes land from another. If one nation took land that didn’t legally belong to any another, and has some compelling reason to have done so, then it is “disputed,” not occupied.
Back to the point, the Arab world at large has today internalized the lie that there was once a “Palestine” that is today occupied by Israel. But it’s a lie that is exceedingly simply to disprove, no matter how deep the brainwashing.
And that’s just what our very own Arab affairs correspondent Dr. Edy Cohen did last year with a Twitter post that went viral across the Arab Middle East.
“I will pay $100,000 to anyone who can tell me the names of the Palestinian president and army chief of staff at the time Israel occupied Palestine. Also attach photos of these men,” wrote Cohen in Arabic.
Cohen has half-a-million followers on Twitter, and the post was shared and seen by hundreds of thousands. Of course, no one could provide an acceptable response. There was no president or chief of staff, because there was no “Palestine.”
Addressing his Hebrew-speaking followers on Twitter, Cohen later reported:
“The tweet aroused great interest among the Arabs and received more than 291,000 views. They had no answer. The Arabs were in shock. Slowly they begin to understand the brainwashing they have been subjected to for 75 years.”
By: Ryan Jones "
But seriously the 4 ugly females in “The Squad” Tlaib, AOC, Omar , Pressley look like the younger dumber uglier Communist version of The Golden Girls, those 4 Losers have a total collective IQ of Negative 100 ,
-100 . They really are that stupid, can’t wait to see them get Voted out next time they run for re-election .
Plus around 2 years ago on
Facebook a man said about AOC that
“the lady is so dumb she probably has put Diesel fuel in a unleaded vehicle” and said AOC is a Moron
One thing people have said about AOC
is that when she eats
Ice Cream getting
Brain Freeze is Never a problem for her !
Ever notice when
AOC talks , she sounds like a 5 year old ?
Many people have pointed that out !
An online article by
Wayne Jackson says in part about Genesis 16:12 and the Arabs that
“Ishmael was characterized as a “wild ass.” What is the significance of that expression? Several ideas have been suggested. Hamilton contends that the habitat of the wild ass is in the waste places (cf. Job 39:5-8), hence, the idea is that of a life of nomadic existence (454).
Anderson/Freedman thought that the figure hints of a “forlorn and friendless” existence (505; cf. Genesis 21:20). Baur/Harrison suggested that the wild ass was a creature proverbially skilled at escape — only a hunter of “obvious prowess” could capture him (Bromiley, 905).
All of these descriptives are traits of the bedouin tribes of the Arabian peninsula.
His Hand Against Every Man
Of special interest, though, is the foreboding indication that the descendants of Ishmael would be a fierce people — “his hand against every man, every man’s hand against him” (Genesis 16:12).
Moses wrote that the Ishmaelite “abode over against all his brethren” (Genesis 25:18; cf. 16:12b). Many scholars believe that this language reflects a hostile disposition (cf. NIV).
William Beck’s, An American Translation, renders the phrase: “They fought with all their relatives.” E.A. Speiser argued that the language depicts the attacks characteristically made upon the Ishmaelites’ various kinsmen (188).
History has amply illustrated the warlike temperament of the Arabian people. Thomas Newton, who traced the bloody history of the Arabs with precision, said these people
“live in a state of continual war with the rest of the world … they have been such enemies of mankind, it is no wonder that mankind have been enemies to them again” (23).
Many nations have fought against these rugged people, but none has been able to subdue them completely.
Herodotus, the Greek historian, notes that the Persians were never able to conquer the Arabians (III.88). Strabo, the geographer, said that when Alexander the Great overturned the Persian empire, of the surrounding peoples who sued for peace, only the Arabs resisted. Alexander’s preparation to engage them in battle was terminated by his premature death.
When the Romans swept from the west to the east, they were never able to reduce the Arab peoples to a province. Pompey, the Roman general who vanquished so much of the Mediterranean world, failed to subjugate the fierce Arabs.
Later, the emperor Trajan attempted to conquer these peoples, and though he was not without isolated victories, his objective ultimately failed. Meanwhile, these bedouin continued their ravages in various Roman provinces.” has an article headlined
"Stop the lie: Israel never ethnically cleansed Palestinians"
May 30, 2023
A website typed online this
June 2024
"Hamas’s desire to maximize Palestinian suffering is well known, but there’s an easy way to tell whether supposed pro-Palestinian advocates share that revolting instinct: How do they react to good news?
For example, thanks to a report issued quietly earlier this month by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification’s Famine Review Committee (quite the name), we now know there is no famine in Gaza. Yet you will only see this discussed among pro-Israel Jews online. The vast digital army of Twitter martyrs is quiet. Western media appear to be experiencing a self-imposed blackout. The Palestinian cause seems nothing less than deflated at the news that children will not be dying of hunger."
The Pro-Israel website also said
"Free Palestine" is and always was a N*zi movement. Antisemitic movement against existence of Jews, and nothing else.
How can I tell you all in the simplest way, so you'd understand, finally? They want to m*rder all Jews.
In 1941, Haj Amin el-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, met with H*tler in Berlin, where mufti’s influence will be heard in years to come. In 1943, el-Husseini said that Jews “lived like a sponge among peoples, sucked their blood... All this has brought the hostility of the world down on them that had been burning for 2000 years.” At least then Arabs admitted that Jews existed for 2000 years.
Arafat, who created "Palestinian" Arab identity, "apartheid", "Zion*sts as white colonizers" and many other lies, adapted the propaganda to more modern realities. Now Islamo-N*zis became the "oppressed".
These lies are parroted by Islamo-N*zi movement till now. They call themselves "Free Palestine" movement but they absolutely never explain what it means. They keep it vague on purpose. Or at least kept until recently, when they still had the need to partially pretend that they are for peace and "two state solution".
Not anymore. Now "Free Palestine" movement, as you can see in this video and many others, is back to the original N*zi propaganda. No more pretending. They promote m*rdering all Jews and they are no longer ashamed to say it.
This makes it much easier to pick a side.
If you support "Free Palestine", be honest, say directly - what exactly do you want to happen. Who are you freeing "Palestine" and the whole world from, and how. Just say it.
Video from @StopAntisemites on X. In the video: NYC- a man caught tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis charges at an elderly Jewish man and then spits on him. Calls him "Jew, Jew", threatens him, then remembers the keyword: "Free Palestine".
#usa #newyork #StandWithIsrael"
@leekern13 typed on X , formerly Twitter :
“Jesus was a Palestinian” is 360 degrees of bullshit
Jesus was a Jew living in a conquered Jewish kingdom that was renamed Syria Palaestina by the Romans
He wasn’t Palestinian
But here’s the most sad and hilarious part of Palestinians trying to claim him as their own:
Jesus wasn’t a fucking jihadist, you dumb fucks
He was the total opposite of everything your fanatical Islamic fundamentalist terror regime is about
He didn’t give the Sermon of the Suicide Bomber
He never said “Blessed are the rapists”
He was against the violence that dominates, characterises and is celebrated in Palestinian society"
3:19 AM · Dec 9, 2023
Some people still speak of
Palestinian "civil society"
That's a good one , what
civil society ?
More Disturbing News about "Palestinians" has an article on
January 8, 2016 headlined
"Ex-State Dept. Rep. Says Stabbing Jews Is Okay, Compares Them to Animals" by
CHARLENE AARON has an article headlined
"Arab peace activist: From the river to the sea means mass murder of Jews"
Yitz Goldberg, London
Feb 26, 2024 has an article headlined
"MK Foghel: 'There are no innocents in Gaza, that doesn't exist' "
Oct 19, 2023
Also from an article is headlined
"Canaanites or Not, Eretz Israel Belongs to the Jews."
by Emeka Paul September 2, 2017
Many People have compared the 4 Ugly Stupid Democrat Congresswomen in “The Squad” Tlaib, AOC, Omar and Pressley to 4 Ugly
Impacted Yellow Wisdom Teeth
Vote Them Out Next Election Day !! Out, Out , Out !!!
A person typed online
in late June 2021
"Next time you see or hear the phrase "Free 'palestine'" or see a hashtag with that, here is what you tell them:
"Free palestine"??? "Palestine" is quite expensive -- not free at all. It has cost thousands of gallons of Jewish blood, and American blood and the blood of others who have been the victims of its heinous and obscene attacks going back for nearly a century. Bombings, massacres, assassinations, slaughters of children, hijackings, shootings, stonings, arsons, pushing elderly men in wheelchairs into the sea, slaughters of people praying, car-rammings -- and more.
If you support "palestine," that's what you support: Genocidal Jew-hating murderers.
That's what you tell them, or comment to a FB post or a tweet!"
Also in last night's Presidential debate between
Trump and Biden , Trump said Biden has become like a Palestinian has an article about this headlined
"Trump Says Biden Has ‘Become Like a Palestinian,’ Calls on Incumbent to Let Israel ‘Finish the Job’ in Gaza"
by Corey Walker
June 28, 2024
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"'Snakes and Ladders': IDF recovers children's game encouraging terrorism in Gaza"
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: JUNE 28, 2024
More about Arab Pure Evil & Wickedness ,
The "Arab League" just revoked
Hezbollah's designation as a
Terrorist Group
More about the
Fakestinians and the
Pure Evil of
October 7th, 2023 has an article headlined
"Remains of the Nir Oz kibbutz are a vision of pure evil"
By Doree Lewak
Published June 30, 2024
Noor Dahri typed online today
"It is growing more and more difficult to describe #Hamas’s underground network in #Gaza as the #IDF continue discovering tunnels, #London metro 402 km, #NewYork subway system 399 km, #Seoul metro 340 km. The “Gaza metro” is believed to be over 500 km but may end up being even bigger.
(Tunnel Assessment by John Spencer, Chair Urban Warfare Studies)"
More about the Fakestinians
From the Jerusalem Post an article is headlined
"For Jews, a wrong turn into an Arab town is a death sentence"
By MOSHE PHILLIPS Published: JULY 4, 2024
Hillel Fuld typed online today
"This is going to piss a lot of people off but don’t confuse me with someone who cares.
Being pro Palestinian today, in July, 2024, is a mental illness.
Yes. A mental illness.
Before 10/7, if you were reaaaally naive, you could somehow still believe the false narrative that the people who call themselves Palestinians, wanted independence, wanted their own state.
I say naive because they had a state countless times. In fact, they had a state given to them at the same time Israel was given to the Jews.
1947. Partition plan. Google is your friend.
They also had one in 2005 when Israel gave them Gaza on a silver platter.
Know when else they could have had a state?
In 1967. And 1991. And 2000. And 2001. And 2007. And 2008. And 2010. And 2013. And 2019. And 2020.
They never wanted a state. They said it loud and clear from day one. And I literally mean day one.
When the terrorist named Arafat founded the PLO, the “Palestinian (a word that previously referred to Jews living in Palestine, which is now Israel) Liberation organization, what exactly was he liberating?
There was no so-called occupation.
So what was he liberating? What were his aspirations? I could tell you, but you would not believe me. So again, Google is your friend. Go read their charter.
From day one, it wasn’t about land, it was about no Israel. It was about dead Jews.
But still, before 10/7, the western world told you that these people, the so-called Palestinian wanted a state.
Somehow, you could have bought that narrative.
But now? After thousands of “innocent” “Palestinians” marched into Israel, raped women, beheaded babies, burned families, you STILL think they want a state? Then you’re mentally ill.
Let me break this down for you.
The people of Gaza elected Hamas. That is really where this story ends. The conversation should end there.
The Germans elected Hitler and needed to pay the price.
The Gazans elected Hamas and need to pay the price.
Period. Full stop.
But if that doesn’t resonate, then go choose a poll, any poll, and tell me what percentage of the people in Gaza support Hamas and the 7/10 massacre.
Hamas has more support in Gaza than Hitler had in Germany.
They didn’t only elect them. They support them. Now!
And are there innocent people in Gaza? The question is a dishonest one. Who cares ? Name me one war that didn’t have innocent people who died.
Were there innocent Germans? Did their existence mean that attacking Germany and defeating the Nazis was not justified?
Besides, those innocents, where are they? Are you seeing them in your feeds? Because I’m not.
So if you are in Gaza, you elected Hamas, you murdered Jews on 10/7, you support Hamas now, or you are simply silent, I don’t know about you, but when I think of the word “innocent”, that is not what I have in mind.
Germany needed to be denazified from the ground up and if you lived in the time of Hitler, saw what he did, and still sided with him, then you are one sick dude.
Now, if after what Hamas did and its wide support in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, which is a whole other discussion, if you are still pro Palestinian, you are not only supporting terror, you are not only highly immoral, you are also mentally ill.
There is no scenario in which a sane person can justify what the people of Gaza did and supported.
So yea, if you stand against Israel in this war, you need to be committed, and sooner than later.
You are a danger to those around you.
Plain and simple.
If that pissed you off to read, sorry, not sorry. Someone had to tell you the truth.
Seek help.
Exhibit A:"
More about the Fakestinians
More Delightful Facts about those people has an article headlined
"Israelis were hit by 5,000 Palestinian terror attacks in 2022. The state has to defend itself"
by Orly Goldschmidt
Fri 24 Feb 2023
Never Forget that the Biased
Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic Media with their Lies and Libels
NEVER Mentions the
Countless, Countless
Prevented Thwarted Attacks by
Fakestinians and other Arabs, the Endless Infinite Thwarted Terrorist Attacks by Fakestinians and other Arabs with their insatiable Endless Lust for Jewish blood, Alan Dershowitz discussed the Countless Thwarted Prevented Terrorist Attacks in Israel in the Various Editions of his book
"The Case For Israel" how Israeli Security and Intelligence thankfully Thwarted and Prevented Most of the Terrorist Attacks by Fakestinians and other Arabs, Saving the Lives of Countless innocent Jewish Israelis
Countless Jewish Israelis Know it's Sick Disgusting, Immoral and Treason how Israel during War gives
"Humanitarian Aid" to the
Fakestinians in Gaza and the so-called
"civilians" the so-called
"innocent civilians" in
The Fakestinians and other Arabs can Never be Trusted, they only Backstab and betray those who help them. They view any Act of kindness and compassion as a Weakness that they shamelessly Exploit
No Other Nation on the planet gives "Humanitarian Aid" to it's Enemies
That's Retarded, Sick and Insane
Bullshit Anti-Semitic
Hypocrisy and Double Standards
Against the Only
Jewish Nation in the World , Many people have stated that
The Fakestinians in Gaza
deserve Nothing and Must be Given Nothing
No "Humanitarian Aid"
From Israel or from Anyone
A Total and Complete
Siege on Gaza and Everyone in it
No Food, No Water, No Gas
No Electricity, No Fuel
No Medicine ,
No Assistance of Any Kind
Absolutely Nothing
Even Before October 7th , 2023
The Fakestinians in Gaza deserved Nothing and should have been given Nothing
Nothing from Anyone
When will the Nations of the World give
Humanitarian Aid to the Countless Jewish Israelis displaced from their homes and Suffering Every Single Day because of the War
Why No Humanitarian Aid for Israel ? WHY ?
The Whole World cries for the
Fakestinians ,
The poor poor
The Precious "Palestinians"
The Precious
"Palestinian people"
What's so great about the
They and other Arabs Contribute Absolutely Nothing of Any Value to Humanity
Absolutely Nothing , Not a single thing, not even one single thing in the History of the World
While Jewish Israelis, even the many Self-hating Jews in Israel who Hate being Jewish and hate looking Jewish, and are uncomfortable with their Jewishness and wish that they weren't born Jewish, the Jewish Israelis always create and invent endless Countless
Incredible Science, Technology, Computers, Inventions, Innovation, Medical Treatments, Nobel Prizes, Arts, Entertainment, etc.
Things that Benefit All Mankind and All Humanity
If there is a Second Holocaust in America, Israel and Worldwide
It will be in large part because of the Fakestinians,
Because of Them
It will be largely their Fault, because of them
Thanks to them
Debbie Schlussel typed online
July 4, 2024
"Tonight is one of only two nights per year that tax-subsidized PBS (Palestinian Broadcasting Service) pretends to like America (to raise $$) with their July 4th concert (they also do this fakery on Memorial Day). The other 363 nights, it broadcasts America-hating, Israel-hating anti-Western programming funded by US taxes. Let's see if the GOP finally has the guts to defund PBS & NPR. They had the chance during the Trump admin and did nothing."
Barry Shaw typed online today
"I was reminded that 4 July was the anniversary of the release of 102 Israeli Jewish hostages, rescued by the arrival of an IDF special unit that had to fight their way into the airport terminal of Entebbe in Uganda to rescue them.
In this mission, the lead commander of the elite force, Yoni Netanyahu, was killed by Ugandan forces aiding the Palestinian and German terrorists, as were a small number of the hostages.
The armed hijacking terrorists belonged to the PFLP branch of Arafat's multi-branched terror regime aided by the Baider Meinhof Marxists.
Today, it's Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, with regular, almost daily, outbreaks of unrelenting terror from an assortment of terror entities living, protected, and rewarded, by the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority.
The Entebbe terror event was in 1976.
That's 48 years of unrelenting bloody murder commited by an alphabet of Palestinian terror groups.
If you want to know why no progress is possible, this is it.
With the seething ambition of Palestinians to murder Jews showing no let up, is it any wonder that the vast majority of Israelis have zero trust in any Palestinian willing to make genuine peace with us.
Can you blame us?
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel." has an article headlined
"Like sadistic Nazis: Secret Hamas papers reveal step-by-step action plan for Oct. 7"
By Itay Ilnai and Filipp Piatov / Bild
Published on June 28, 2024 has an article headlined
"Oct. 7 proved Hamas terrorists are modern-day Nazis"
By Nadav Shragai
Published on May 5, 2024 has an article headlined
"No need to apologize: Hamas are indeed the New Nazis"
By Nadav Shragai
Published on March 3, 2024
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Hamas is worse than the Nazis, senior bishop tells 'Post' - interview"
By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN Published: DECEMBER 14, 2023 has an article headlined
"What Makes Hamas Worse Than the Nazis"
Andrew Roberts
November 24, 2023
American Non-Jewish
Science Writer
Michael Shermer typed on X
formerly Twitter
"Michael Shermer
"People compare Hamas to Nazis.
That's not fair.
Nazis knew killing Jews was wrong.
That's why they did it in secret, mostly in Poland at isolated death camps (Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno, Belzec).
At war's end covered over their crimes, burned documents, destroyed gas chambers & denied it after.
Hamas is bragging about murdering Jews, posting videos on social media & declaring "Allahu Akbar"
If you do not support Israel & the Jews, you are literally worse than the Nazis.
After studying the Holocaust & its deniers for 30 years I didn't think it possible anyone could top that.
I was wrong."
10:26 PM · Oct 10, 2023
Mr. Shermer is wrong about one thing many Nazis didn't view killing Jews as Wrong
Many Nazis didn't view killing Jews as wrong and were proud of what they did
Fred Maroun typed online today
"Hamas says it dropped demand Israel vow up-front to end war, but wants mediators’ guarantees.
Official in terror group says it still seeks commitments from interlocutors that fighting won’t be resumed and negotiations will continue until permanent ceasefire reached."
(The Times of Israel)
Unsurprisingly, Hamas' position hasn't changed. They want a "permanent" ceasefire immediately, which means until they decide to attack Israel again."
YouTube has a video Titled
"PALESTINIANS stole JEWISH land, Unfortunately, it is TRUE" on July 4, 2024 by
Israel MyChannel has an article headlined
"How Arabs stole Jewish property"
Tani Goldstein
On May 15, 2011
YouTube has a video titled
"The Jews Never Stole Any Land
(But the Arabs Did)" on
May 26, 2024 by has an article headlined
"Israeli NGO: Palestinians are stealing Area C"
STEVE POSTAL November 9, 2022
About the Fakestinians has an article headlined:
" ‘Seeing’ the Palestinians"
September 4, 2023 has an article headlined
"Demythologizing the mystic belief in Palestinianism"
Yisrael Medad
July 7, 2024
Elliot Resnick typed online
July 6, 2024
"I'm in favor of Israel accepting any deal that involves the release of all hostages... and then breaking the deal as soon as the hostages are safely home. Yes, dishonesty is generally immoral and bad policy, but the Arabs have lied to us (and the world) for 30 years. We can return the favor for once."
Arabs have lied to Israel and the World for FAR longer than 30 years
When have the Arabs ever been honest ? When ?
Cheryl E 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🎗️ typed on X, formerly Twitter
"Dear Europe,
After some consideration, many of us in Israel believe we have found the perfect t solution that will bring ever-lasting peace to the region, and immediately resolve the two state solution you all desperately wish to force on us. The Palestinian people will be able to finally enjoy a life in a state of their own with equal rights and the most beautiful opportunity for their futures
The proposal is as such:
All Jews across all of Europe will move to Israel in exchange for all Palestinians who will move to Europe. It will remove antisemitism from within the European Union, and simultaneously the Palestinians can live freely off your social benefits handouts and blowup all the buses and restaurants and hotels and embassies they like to their hearts content.
The Middle East will be at peace, Palestinians will have their state, and Hezbollah can fire their rockets at you instead of us each time you deny their Palestinian brothers and sisters whatever they want.
If you truly care for these people, and Palestinians are so important that your own elections put them miles ahead of your own people, then give it some thought. It’s a win-win. Show the world how Europe are leaders at embracing and accepting people of all faiths and ideologies… even those that want only to rape and murder you. We’re sure they don’t mean it. They are the “religion of peace” after all."
2:55 PM · July 7, 2024
A website typed online in
April 2022
✡️ This is beyond sickening. This just proves how these people are true Jew-haters. Right after Israeli Arabs and “Palestinians” murdered 11 innocent people in just over a week in Beer Sheba, Hadera, and Bnei Brak/Ramat Gan, these New Yorkers took to the streets. To do what? Not to protest the murder of innocent people in Israel! But to call for genocide of Jews! To call for an intifada of Jews everywhere. Not even all the innocent lives taken were Jewish lives. The terrorists killed others as well.
- When will people realize that none of this is about land? It’s not about peace. They don’t want to live peacefully with Jews. They want to MURDER Jews all over the world – in Israel and beyond. And the “Palestinians” and their supporters are not even trying to hide it. They are not even a little ashamed. Why else would people be okay marching through the streets of New York calling for the murder of an entire nation?"
Supporters of the Fakestinians
Should read the following article has an article
By CINDY KAPLAN on October 11, 2023 headlined
"An Open Letter to the Social Justice Warriors Who Unapologetically Support Terrorism"
How would Supporters of the
Fakestinians reply ?
About the Arabs has an article headlined
"They are NOT our cousins"
Shmuel Sackett
July 10, 2024
About the Fakestinians
The so-called "Palestinians"
A website typed online today
"They do not have any interest in peaceful coexistence with 🇮🇱 Israel.
There are some who genuinely don’t care and would be glad to live side by side with jews in Israel. But they’re a miniscule minority.
Most Palestinians, including family men, mothers, and children (who are on the fast track of indoctrination to hate jews by about age 4—when they are able to understand constructs such as we/them and hate) desperately want the extermination of Jew as their best case scenario, the complete expulsion from the levant as their worst case scenario/bare minimum.
You have to understand: these people live in a deeply intolerant culture that is religiously-mandated, and strengthened by a life of poverty and ill-education of their own making.
They do not have any interest in peaceful coexistence with ANY minority—religious, ethnic, racial, or sexual. Most non-military families in Gaza think that the rape, torture, mutilation, and killing of jews is to be celebrated.
When a people reject peace for seventy years, they reap the consequences of what they sew. And the poverty and suffering they create for themselves gives them all the more reason to hate the jews. So that is why I’d say 90–95 percent truly, truly support Hamas."
A person typed online in
June 2024
"I believe Gaza is more evil than Nazi Germany ever was. And they've proven me right.
Just say you hate Jews and that you’re a racist who thinks Arabs aren’t as capable of being compassionate humans as white people.
There was no resistance, there was no hiding Jews to smuggle them back to Israel or to keep them safe until they could hand them over to Israeli forces, because the number of Gazans who would do such a thing are next to nonexistent.
Because Gazans are more Nazi-fied than Nazi Europe.
Saying that all these people wanted a two state solution and hated Hamas before the war - they didn’t hate Hamas THAT much, and they didn’t care about Jews at all. If they did, October 7th wouldn’t have been almost universally celebrated. The attempt to paint it as “well, we don’t know how many people really were happy about it” is a farce.
Streets were flooded with revelers all over Gaza. I’m not going to pretend I didn’t see the footage. It wasn’t a few people. It was literally almost everybody. The trucks that held Israeli hostages and dead bodies could barely get through the sea of Gazans, many of whom did what they could to get their own spitting and punching in of the broken half-naked bodies of Israelis in civilian clothes.
I’m not going to pretend I didn’t see tweet after tweet from Gazans calling it the greatest day of their lives.
I’m not gonna pretend that supposedly non-Hamas “journalists” and poets and teachers didn’t take to social media to celebrate, let alone participate in the hostage-taking and the atrocities.
I’m not gonna pretend that a revered Gazan poet who was later killed in an airstrike that he refused to evacuate for didn’t make jokes about the burnt babies of October 7th.
To act like even 10% of Gazans were horrified by the news on October 7th is to live in a fantasy world. To act like Gazans would have freed hostages if they could is to reject reality.
They all had a choice. But almost no one cared."
The person in June 2024 was making the point that
Even in Nazi Occupied Europe there were decent Righteous Gentiles who Risked and Sacrificed their lives to save Jews from the Nazis
There has Not been a Single Righteous Decent Arab in Gaza who tried to Help Jews or
Israeli Hostages, Not even one
Not even one has an article headlined
"Palestinian Arabs: Turning the Biblical Heartland into a Hotbed of Hatred"
Also people have pointed out that the "model" Gigi Hadid
Who is Half "Palestinian"
Half Fakestinian , That
Gigi Hadid in her Profile pic of
December 1, 2023
Gigi also looks like a Ugly
Doofy Ronald McDonald clown 😆😂
More about the Fakestinians
Peter Baum typed online today
Palestinians represent 0.07% of the world's population
The 2024 UN budget is $3.6 billion
UNRWA's budget is $1.6 BILLION (Not including the budgets of the 23 UN org's working in the region for them)
Sudan represents 0.6% of the world's population (almost ten times that of the Palestinians)
The UN budget for Sudan is ~$145 MILLION
Palestinians get almost $297.90/person
Sudan gets $2.80/person
Palestinians are are getting 45% of the UN budget
Sudan are getting 0.09% of the UN budget
@UNLazzarini has the gall to complain of UNRWA being underfunded?
It is time for the world to wake up to this travesty and deal with the real issues and not one's created by a terror regime in Gaza supported and heavily funded by the UN
With thanks to
@Ebluemountain1 on X"
More about the Fakestinians has an article headlined
"The Uniqueness of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict"
by Daniel Pipes
July 16, 2024
More about the Fakestinians
The Precious
"Palestinian People"
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"The mindset that set the stage for October 7 "
By JANE KIEL Published: JULY 21, 2024 has an article headlined
"UK Palestinian pleads guilty to Jew-hatred social-media posts"
July 24, 2024 by JNS
A website typed online today
"Palestinians are the victims of a genocide?
WHY does the number of them increase substantially every year?
1: Because the fictional death of fictional people doesn’t change the populations of actual people, and here in the real world Israel is one of the few Middle Eastern nations that have NOT practiced genocide in modern history.
2:Because it’s an “identifies as” movement. A person born and raised in Canada, who has one Egyptian parent and one Syrian parent, can miraculously become a “Palestinian refugee” just by saying so, without having ever set foot in any Palestinian nation and without having a single drop of Jewish, Bedouin, or Samaritan blood on either side of the family tree.
3:Because Palestinian refugeehood is a magically inheritable status: Once a person has been declared a “Palestinian refugee”, his or her descendants are born genetically inheriting their refugeehood in every following generation forever. Therefore a person with one “Palestinian refugee” great-grandparent and seven Lebanese great-grandparents is magically not Lebanese, but rather a “Palestinian refugee”—one who has never set foot outside of Lebanon and whose family line is traceable thousands of years through Lebanese and Syrian history, since long before there even was any nation named Lebanon.
4:Because Palestinian refugeehood is eternal: While every other refugee on the planet ceases to be a refugee as soon as he or she is granted citizenship in another nation, “Palestinian refugees” have the miraculous ability to hold foreign citizenship while miraculously maintaining their Palestinian refugeehood.
5:Because these three magical rules of the “identifies as” movement don’t apply to indigenous Palestinians (i.e. Jews, Bedouin, and Samaritans), nor are indigenous Palestinian Israelis allowed to call themselves “Palestinians”, therefore every time the indigenous Palestinian Israelis outbreed or displace the war-mongering “Palestinian refugees”, it’s miraculously a local decrease in the Palestinian population and therefore magically qualifies as “genocide”, the UN having dishonestly redefined the word “genocide” (on no one’s authority at all) to three new definitions all of which are contrary to the one established at the Geneva Conventions, one definition for Jews, and another for everyone else when Jews are anywhere nearby, and another for when no Jews are involved."
A person typed online today
"I've pointed out for years, to Israel-haters & pro-Israel people alike, that, had the Arabs won the '48 war, there'd be no "Palestine," nor would we constantly be bombarded with the brand name "Palestinians." And, of course, the place would be a dusty neglected sh*thole. Nobody has really disagreed, not even the Jew-haters."
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
“‘Sympathy to deep admiration’: Palestinians tell US comedian they love Hamas – interview”
By MATHILDA HELLER Published: JULY 24, 2024
A Must Read article about Fakestinians in Ramallah
Some have said Al Jazeera should be called
Al-Qaeda Jazeera , because of how Diabolical, Wicked, Deceitful and Pure Evil
Al Jazeera Propaganda is
Nothing but Arab, Fakestinian & Islamic Lies are coming from
Al Jazeera
Bassem Eid himself a "Palestinian" typed online today
"For the second time in a week, Hamas tried to launch rockets at Israeli civilians from within the humanitarian zone and instead hit a school in Gaza. On Monday, they hit a school in Nuseirat. On Wednesday night, they struck UNRWA's Al-Qarara school in Khan Yunis, killing two civilians who were sheltering there and injuring several more.
COGAT and the World Health Organization coordinated the evacuation of the wounded civilians to a field hospital run by the International Medical Corps in Deir al-Balah.
Hamas continues to murder its own civilians while trying to murder Israelis; Israel continues to try to protect Gazan civilians while protecting their own."
A person typed online in
July 2024 about the
"Palestinians" that
More about the Fakestinians
A website typed online this July 2024
"Israeli-Palestinian conflict is simple to understand, if you look at what each nation wants. Jews want to survive and to have sovereign state on small piece of land that they are indigenous to. Arabs, who colonized Judea, want Jews not to have sovereignty.
Jews during all the decades of the conflict never stopped trying to give to Arabs pieces of Jewish historical land, hoping that it'll satisfy the Arabs. But it never was enough.
Judea and Samaria was occupied by Jordan, and captured by Israel in 1967, when Israel won the war of self-defense. Nevertheless, 98% of Palestinians in Judea & Samaria are governed by the PA and vote in PA elections.
Israel controls only tiny part of Judea and Samaria. Without IDF presence in Judea and Samaria, Israel is indefensible (look at the map). Nevertheless, Israel were ready to give it all to Arabs. Jews were ready to evacuate all the settlements, to give it all, including East Jerusalem. Palestinians walked away from this proposal and started violent intifada.
Why? Because Palestinians (Arabs, who started calling themselves "Palestinians" in the 60-ies) never wanted to divide the land in any way. And they don't want it now. All the talking about Palestinian state is a lie, Palestinian leadership pretends that they want to have a state (because they need some agenda that the West will accept).
The only solution that will ever satisfy the Arabs is if the Jews just lay down and d*e. There is nothing else Israel can do for peace, we already tried everything.
That's why since October7 Israelis finally stopped rewarding the Arabs for their violence against us, we stopped suggesting any solutions.
When the West will do the same and will stop playing the make-believe game as if Palestinians just want a state alongside Israel (which they never said they wanted and refused any proposal), when the West will finally understand the simple fact that the only thing that will ever satisfy Palestinians Arabs leadership is if Israel and Jews disappear - then there will be much more chance for peace.
Because when violence is not rewarded and when violent people are defeated - they stop trying at some point."
The website also typed online this July 2024
"Israeli women are r*ped in captivity.
If your brain is trying to twist it with some "but" - you are no longer a part of civilized humanity. You have lost your way. You've reached the bottom.
Somehow many people, who get offended and cry like babies when they are misgendered or when someone looked at them in a wrong way... Same people switched off their basic empathy and basic human values and no longer understand why it is absolutely the most horrible thing that might happen to a woman. To be in captivity. Fully controlled by men who explicitly said that they take the women as "sabaya". Female war captives to r*pe and impregnate. These monsters have a word for it.
And now I write for the normal people - scream the scream and cry the cry of female hostages, of all the hostages that are held by horrific monsters for 280 days.
Video from bring_daniella_gilboa_home IG, English subtitles mine."
The website also typed this
July 2024
"I feel sick and I want to throw up. Ham*s had a training camp in Gaza where they prepared for October 7 massacre of innocent Israelis. The layout of a training camp is of Israeli kibbutz. It was based on intelligence that was collected by Gazans who worked in Israel.
Yes, you understood it correctly. Israelis allowed Gazans to work in Israel, because Israelis wanted to help Gazans. These gazans collected information for mass-m*rdering of Israeli civilians, babies, families.
Photo via @TheMossadIL that was at IDF Intelligence sponsored exclusive exhibition, where October 7 planning by Ham*s was presented. Much more in the thread (in the comment), including proofs of UNRWA participation in the massacre of Israeli innocent people.
I feel really really really sick." has an article headlined :
“Pro-Palestinian protests” are actually the opposite"
July 31, 2024 by Justin Amler
Barry Shaw typed online today
"They constantly characterize Israel as rooted in violence and human rights violation, a fallacy drum they keep beating to drown out the truth.
We are reminded of the truth of Palestinian violence and human rights violations as we enjoy the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
It is shocking to see the length of Palestinian murderous criminality when I remind you that the Munich Massacre of the Israeli Olympic athletes took place in 1972.
That's 52 years ago.
Over half a century of a Palestinian genocide against the Jews.
One of the chief architects of this massacre was not Ismail Haniye, nor Mohammad Sinwar. It was Mahmoud Abbas. And they made of him a president to whom the world leaders offer homage, help, and support.
Hamas. Islamic Jihad. Fatah. PLO. No matter the title. The bloody truth of the Palestinian movement has always been wrapped around a denial of Israel, and death to Jews.
When will a myopic world learn this simple truth?
Will we still be in this cycle of Palestinian incitement to kill Jews in another 52 years, where ever the Olympics will be at that time?
If there will be no peace then it will be because this is the root cause of the Palestinian problem.
This, and this alone.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
Mr. Hillel Fuld typed online today
"It is 8am on a Sunday morning.
A nice Arab terrorist decided today would be a good day to kill some Jews.
So he went to Holon with a knife and stabbed Israelis in three different locations.
A 70 year woman has succumbed to her wounds and was just declared dead. Four other serious injuries, one in critical condition.
The terrorist was then neutralized.
I’m only telling you this because you won’t hear about it anywhere else, especially on mainstream media because, well, trying to murder innocent Jews won’t get clicks.
Just thought you should know that this is the reality Israelis have been living in for decades.
This is a reality that is unsustainable and one of the many reasons Israel must destroy Hamas and remove all threats of radical Islam from its borders.
This is also the reason Israel has checkpoints and a fence around Gaza and other “Palestinian” areas.
These people want me and my family dead. In fact, they already took one of my family members, my older brother, Ari.
Same deal. It was a Sunday morning and he was shopping for his family when a “Palestinian” terrorist came from behind and stabbed him in a main artery in his neck.
Ari chased down the terrorist and shot him when he was just inches away from his next victim, Hila, a woman who owns a falafel stand there and had just served the terrorist lunch not knowing who he was and what he was about to do.
Ari saved her life and then collapsed and died.
So, before you accuse Israel of restricting “Palestinian’s” movement by having check points and other things, remember, the “Palestinian” people, as a people, elected Hamas to govern them and Hamas exists for one reason and one reason only, to kill as many Jews as possible.
And that is not an empty goal. They have proven time and time again that they intend on accomplishing that mission.
Israel won’t allow it.
Hope your week started off well because there are now 5 families in Israel whose life changed forever this morning and 2 of those families will sadly most likely have to deal with what I, and my family dealt with.
On a personal note, every attack, especially a stabbing, triggers the living daylights out of me. 🥺"
Pennsylvania Governor
Josh Shapiro was actually right
When in 1993 at the age of
20 he wrote in an college essay
an opinion article, titled “Peace not possible,” it says in part “Using history as precedent, peace between Arabs and Israelis is virtually impossible and will never come.”
He described the Arab world as fractious, and wrote that the then-Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was in danger of being assassinated “by his fellow belligerent Arabs.”
“Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” ... “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.”
Look this up has an article headlined
"The violent, pro-‘Free Palestine’ rhetoric accelerates"
by Yisrael Medad
June 17, 2024
Mr. Hillel Fuld typed online today
“Arabs should sexually harass Israeli women by any and all means necessary.”
Yes, this is a real quote from a woman being interviewed in the Arab press. Oh, not just any women. A lawyer. An Egyptian lawyer.
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any more grotesque…" has an article headlined
"Oct. 7: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What Made It Horribly Inevitable"
Robert Spencer August 06, 2024
A person typed online today
"Lately I have been reading and hearing people refer to "the Hamas-wing" of the Democrat Party.
I don't know who came up with this, though many are regurgitating it -- without thinking, of course. The venom is effecting your mind.
Hamas is no worse than the Palestinian Authority/PLO/Fatah three-headed monster; no worse than Palestinian Islamic Jihad; no worse than the PFLP. Each of these genocidal/murderous/terrorist palestinian-Arab organizations has the same exact goals: Annihilate Israel and slaughter every Jewish person and non-Jewish Zionist, destroy Christians.
The slight differences are about what drives them, how open they are about their agendas, how they reach their stated goals.
When anyone singles out hamas, you help hamas. You also help the other genocidal groups by not using their names.
If you must, call them the "palestinian-Arab" wing."
More about Fakestinians has an article headlined
"Family releases video of Gazan mob kicking, abusing dead body of hostage Eitan Levy"
By ToI Staff
3 Aug 2024
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Israel-Hamas war: Palestinians who attack Jews are unjustifiably evil"
By URI PILICHOWSKI Published: NOVEMBER 26, 2023 has an article headlined
"The Palestine Propaganda Complex"
Einat Wilf
Published on March 18, 2024 has an article headlined
"Why ‘Justice for Palestine!’ Is Antisemitic"
By Bruce Abramson
A person typed online today
"The “Israel is committing genocide” crowd are some of the dirtiest liars in the world.
Mass rape was committed on October 7th by Palestinian CIVILIANS against Israelis, and there has been sexual violence perpetrated against women and men who have been held hostage in Gaza. These acts were bragged about and celebrated by the men who committed the atrocities of Oct 7, and we have audio and video they themselves recorded about kidnapping women to be sex slaves. There have been prominent Arab lawyers and activists who have gone on Arabic television networks and said that Arabs should use rape as a form of “resistance” against Israel - including Arab women who have said this. There is no societal fallout for saying such shocking and heinous statements.
There were accusations against soldiers holding terrorists that they had raped prisoners. They were arrested and investigated. No matter the outcome, the fact that they would be arrested for this, and against terrorist prisoners not whomever they can grab from off the street, shows how much Israeli society is not okay with rape as a tool of war.
All your favorite Palestinian “activists” in America, from university protestors to the hideous ghoul of a terrorist-supporting traitor Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib shared this propaganda. Some have quietly taken it down since it’s been exposed. Some have not. None have apologized and said this is incorrect and Israelis don’t think this way. None of them.
The Palestinians gleefully rape Jewish women AND men, brag about it, are called “resistance” fighters for it, and then accuse Israelis of being rape supporters. It’s the dirtiest movement for the dirtiest most dishonest political cause ever.
It’s not pro-Palestinian: it’s genocidally anti-Israel. And that makes it an immoral cause to support."
A person typed online today "The lies and misinformation and anti-Jewish bias continue!
"It is time to bring immediate relief both to the long-suffering people of Gaza as well as the long-suffering hostages and their families. The time has come to conclude the ceasefire and hostages and detainees release deal." -- so begins a joint statement issued by President Biden, Egypt's Al-Sisi and Qatar's Al-Thani.
You can see the rest of the statement below and you can see that Gaza is mentioned and emphasized, and that there is ZERO mention of Israel and/or Jews. There is no mention of Gazan Arabs continuing to fire deadly rockets at Israeli civilian communities that cause destruction and terrorize hundreds of thousands of people.
Also omitted is the demand by the Arabs that Israel release scores of murderers, terrorists and other criminals in exchange for innocent civilians the Arabs are holding hostages -- and not at a one-to-one ratio but as high a ratio as forty-to-one.
It is utterly despicable and unconscionable!
It seems that not only is Israel fighting what has been described as a "five-front war," more and more it appears that it is the Jewish state against the world.
Continue and increase your EFFECTIVE and TANGIBLE activism. Take actions that count and that you know will lead to results. Speak with people, ask them what they know, educate them and put them to work: phone calls, letters, conversations -- but not e-petitions and form-letters.
The rest of the statement:
"The three of us and our teams have worked tirelessly over many months to forge a framework agreement that is now on the table with only the details of implementation left to conclude. This agreement is based on the principles as outlined by President Biden on May 31, 2024, and endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2735.
There is no further time to waste nor excuses from any party for further delay. It is time to release the hostages, begin the ceasefire, and implement this agreement.
As mediators, if necessary, we are prepared to present a final bridging proposal that resolves the remaining implementation issues in a manner that meets the expectations of all parties.
We have called on both sides to resume urgent discussion on Thursday, August 15 in Doha or Cairo to close all remaining gaps and commence implementation of the deal without further delay.
President of the United States Joe Biden
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Amir of the State of Qatar HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani"
A website typed online today
"Sorry, dude, I can’t provide information on the Palestinian people and their nation-state of Palestine?
And no one can, because Palestinian people has never existed, as well as a nation-state of Palestine.
If there were even a tiny trace of a proof that such state ever existed, the Arabs would be shouting about it on every crossroads. But there’s none.
And even the Palestinian Arabs’ leaders admitted it themselves:
On May 31, 1956 Ahmed Shukairy, the future head of the PLO, announced to the UN Security Council: “It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria”
In 1977 PLO spokesman Zahir Muhsein in an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw declared: “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. … There is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people.”
So “Palestinian people” is no more than a political construct. As well as “Palestinian state”.
stay focused,the end is the best...
Clearly, the greatest enemies of the Palestinians are their Arab brethren.
While the media, NGOs and politicians constantly clamor for Israel to stop its “occupation,” never did they agitate for Jordan to give the Palestinians independence between 1948-1967, when the Arab Hashemites occupied that territory." has an article headlined
"Levin: Gazan kids are taught to hate Jews early on"
by Doron Levin
June 17, 2024 has an article headlined
"Hamas = Fascist Jew-Hatred – But the Palestinian Arab Nationalism and Nazi Connection Goes Way Back"
Micha Danzig
August 14, 2024
A person typed online today
"In recent days, all sorts of Palestinian-American activists (and Arab-American activists in general) have been losing their minds at the notion of Black Americans voting for Kamala Harris.
They are saying how Black people need to focus on Palestine more than on their own needs, that Black American soldiers oppress Arabs, et cetera. And luckily, finally, more and more Black people are waking up to the FACT that they are being used by a population that could not possibly care less about Black people.
There is no country on earth that has no problem of anti-Black racism. But not all countries are equal in this hatred and oppression.
It’s good to see the truth finally becoming known that Arabs are the number one responsible party for the slave trade of Africans and always have been, that the Arab world is far more racist to Black people than even America, and that there are good reasons why Israel is the number one destination to live in for Black American expats (including anywhere in Africa), but Gaza has about 11,000 Black citizens who are the descendants of slaves and still live in an area called Slave Town and no one wants to mix with them so they’ve stayed Black for many centuries now.
The “pro-Palestine” cause is the most corrupt, dishonest, morally reprehensible social justice cause in existence; not because the Palestinian people are undeserving of any rights or freedoms, but because those who represent them here are grifters and Nazis. They’ve tied the cause to everything from feminism trans rights to climate change to racist policing. The insanity of such statements doesn’t stop them from trying.
Everything is “connected to Palestine.” They don’t just hijack planes: Palestinians hijack literally any cause they can, and make everything about them."
The New York Post has an article headlined
"Trump claims there’s ‘never been a more dangerous time’ for Jews in US since the Holocaust, says Harris passed on Gov. Shapiro over his faith"
By Patrick Reilly
Published Aug. 17, 2024
Much of this Jew-Hatred is
Because of the
Fakestinian people and
October 7th, 2023
Add this to the Resume of the
Precious "Palestinian people"
Another Sick Disturbing Thing to add to the Fakestinian Resume
The New York Post has an article headlined
"Hamas planned to exhume bodies of UK soldiers from WWI and WWII in grisly scheme to hold remains hostage: IDF "
By Chris Harris
Published Aug. 17, 2024
More about Fakestinians has an article headlined
"Man waving Hamas flag outside DNC says 'every Palestinian supports Hamas,' praises terror group for October 7"
By Yael Halon Fox News
Published August 19, 2024
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"#BREAKING : The IDF recovered bodies of the following Jewish hostages in Gaza : One other is yet to be named.
🕯️Nadav Popplewell, 51
🕯️Yagev Buchshtab, 34
🕯️Yoram Metzger, 80
🕯️Chaim Peri, 79
🕯️Avraham Munder, 79
They were murdered in captivity by the Hamas Nazi monster savages. How much did they suffer, what kind of psychological and physical torment and torture where they subjected by their Palestinian captors ? It must have been horrific.
In a statement, the Gaza border community says, Abraham Munder had “suffered bodily and mental torture for months before being murdered.
May their memories be a blessing. May their souls be at eternal rest and peace.
Chaplain Michael Green ✡️✝️" has an article headlined
"Palestinianism and the Red-Green Alliance: Similarities in the Ideology and Practice of Marxists and Islamists"
Tirza Shorr, July 2, 2024 has an article on
November 7, 2023 headlined
"The Guardian, and the moral poverty of pro-Palestinianism"
by Adam Levick has an article headlined
"Palestinianism: Started with Nazism and Today Is Based on Antisemitism, Sexism, Homophobia, and Denying Human Rights."
By Alan M. Dershowitz
June 18, 2024
More about Fakestinians
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined :
" 'Exhilarated' Lebanese Palestinians rush to join Hamas after October 7 war - report"
A website typed online today
"This is how the Palestinian Arabs expressed their gratitude.
Yeah, that’s for sure. I’ll tell you the story of kibbutz Be’eri near Gaza border:
Most of the members of this kibbutz are secular left, including many peace activists. They helped their Gazan neighbors with food and medicine. They gave them jobs. They invited them into their houses, trying to be good neighbors. One of these activists, Vivian Silver, worked within the kibbutz to organize programs to help Gazans, such as job trainings, and ensured that Gazan construction workers at the kibbutz were paid fairly. Silver and Amal Elsana Alh'jooj co-founded the Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation, which organized projects in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Silver also volunteered with “Road to Recovery” and “Project Rozana” to transport Gazan patients to Jerusalem for treatment.
On 07/10 their Arab neighbors tortured, raped and killed about 130 people in this kibbutz, including 74 years old Vivian Silver. Her home was found burned and gutted. Silver's remains, which had been found in Be'eri, were identified five weeks after the attack, and she was confirmed dead on November 13, 2023. This is how the Palestinian Arabs expressed their gratitude." has an article headlined
"The False “Nakba” Narrative"
By Col (Res.) Dr. Raphael G. Bouchnik-Chen April 16, 2019
A website typed online
August 26, 2024
"This hero is Karoline preisler.
She is standing among the sea of pro-Ham*s protesters, holding the sign "R*pe is not resistance".
She has to be heavily protected by police.
Pro-Palestinians, can you answer why?
Why standing with a sign "R*pe is not resistance" is life threatening?
Photo via VividProwess on X
#Israel #europe #Gaza"
A website typed online today
"Since the massacre of October 7, the world has been plunged into hatred and violence in a sudden, brutal, and disturbing way. The atrocities committed by Hamas have been a trigger. They have catalyzed frustrations, guilt, and fundamentalisms of all kinds, whether left, right, or woke.
This drift towards barbarism is explained by three types of behavior towards Hamas' crimes. The first is not to condemn them. Followed by the second which is to legitimize them. When it is not a question, thirdly, of applauding them. It is not reprehensible to rape women, burn children alive, dismember people, if the motive is to "drive out the Zionist occupier". Hamas, a fundamentalist movement dedicated to jihad and the establishment of Sharia law on the world, is perceived as a group of resistance and liberation. Wearing the insignia of this faction which sows terror has become a very fashionable sign of progressivism and goodness.
The keffiyeh has replaced the halo of Christian saints. Even homosexuals support Hamas while being tortured in Gaza. And live their lives freely in Tel Aviv. Yes, it is indeed the world upside down!
A world of false morality, with new bigots and hypocrites who have come to save our souls and the planet while they are powerless to patch themselves up. But how did we get here? What are the main vectors of hatred today? Social networks, first and foremost. TikTok spreads lies, kneads minds, instills negative values in young people. People no longer think for themselves. They swallow without question what influencers and other web stars serve them on a platter." has an article headlined
"The Palestinian Flag: As Inauthentic as the Palestinian People"
Aug 26, 2024 By Robert Spencer
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"Palestinian Terrorist Stabbed Jewish Prison Service dog handler Yochai Avni 66 Times and then Set His Home on Fire
(August 27, 2024 / JNS)
Israel’s Attorney General’s Office has ruled that the murder of Israel Prison Service dog handler Yochai Avni last month was an act of terrorism.
Hamas member Ibrahim Mansur, who broke into Avni’s Givon Hahadasha home northwest of Jerusalem, stabbed him 66 times and set the scene on fire, will be accused of murder with a nationalist motive.
“The accused did all this due to the fact that the deceased was Jewish, with the intention of causing his death and fleeing the scene,” the A.G.’s office stated in additions to the indictment filed on Tuesday morning at the Ofer Military Court.
Avni’s sister Nitzan said at the beginning of the hearing that, “We were informed that the killer stabbed the suspect 66 times in all parts of his body,” according to Channel 12. “Meaning he not only murdered him but also abused him. He then burned everything. We are just before an indictment and we are sure that justice is with us, it is a struggle not only for us but for the entire people of Israel,” she added.
The military court judge said at the opening of the hearing that, “The indictment charges the defendant with the crime of causing death intentionally … The accused decided to enter Givon Hahadasha knowing that it was a settlement where only Jews live. He then stabbed the deceased no fewer than 66 times. The military prosecution granted the request for detention until the end of the legal proceedings.”
Mansur—a resident of Biddu, located just southwest of Givon Hahadasha in the Binyamin region of Samaria—was arrested two days after the July 8 murder.
Avni, 40, was found dead in his burned home. Police initially issued a statement emphasizing that “all directions are being investigated,” and a gag order was placed on the investigation and the identity of possible suspects.
Avni “preserved his innocence, even though he was in the most harsh place, saw terrorists and worked with a difficult population,” Nitzan told Ynet of his employment at the high-security Ofer Prison.
She insisted the day after the murder that her brother “didn’t have a single enemy,” adding, “We believe it was a terrorist attack.”
His family was surprised when the initial indictment filed around two weeks ago did not include a nationalist motive.
Mansour smiled in court when the prosecutor’s statement was submitted, blowing kisses in the air and flashing a “V” sign to symbolize victory.
The judge granted a request by the Avni family and the media to allow pictures to be taken of the suspect.
“Now things are clear to the prosecutor’s office as well: This is a security incident with a criminal nationalist motive, as reflected in the indictment submitted this morning,” said Ran Cohen Rockberger, an attorney representing the family.
Ofer Prison is located between Ramallah and Givat Ze’ev in Samaria. It is one of the Jewish state’s three high-security facilities, along with Megiddo Prison in the north and Ktzi’ot Prison in the Negev.
Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90.
Family members of Yohai Avni who was murdered in a terror attack at his home in the town of Givon Hahadasha, seen outside a court hearing of Palestinian terrorist Ibrahim Mansour at Ofer prison, outside of Jerusalem, on Aug. 27, 2024."
About Fakestinians
A website typed online today
"Khaled Mashal, in a speech from Istanbul today, calls on Palestinians to perform su*cide attacks against Jews.
Khaled Mashal's net worth is 4 billion dollars. This coward hides in Qatar leading luxury life, stealing all the aid from Palestinians. Calling on Palestinians to k*ll themselves and m*rder innocent people, so that he, the sadistic monster, would become more and more rich.
And "progressive" students support this monster, and also another monster, coward psychopath Sinwar, who's saving his miserable life by using Israeli children and women hostages as shields."
Also about Fakestinian people
and their rap sheet , resume has an article, entry about the
"Palestinian" so-called "journalist"
Bisan Owda
August 30, 2024
About Bisan Owda
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Street scene in Gaza before the Palestinian genocidal invasion into Israel.
Look closely at this video.
It reflects the driving cultural nature of Palestinian society where ever they are.
Look at the faces of the gun-toting teenagers born and bred to be seen as heroes to a blighted cause.
Look at the next generation who are taught to look on them with envy.
What is their cause?
Is it for a country of their own next to Israel as myopic fools, posing as international diplomats, would have you believe?
Or is what these policy makers are doing falling into their mesh of positioning Israel as the violent ones and them as "the poor downtrodden victims of Israeli oppression."
When will the penny drop that Israel has the right to defend itself from savage killers motivated to kill Jews in the cause of a world without the Jewish State.
My case is made by the mutterings of the UN Secretary-General and the EU policy maker Josef Goebels, and by delusional policy makers such as Blinken and Sullivan."
A video is shown of
"Palestinians" shooting into the air as children dozens of children are right next to them, the video asks
"Do they seem like people you can make peace with?"
A website typed online today
"Supporting the Palestinian attacks on Israel is supporting terrorism. That makes you scum.
Let’s assume you are not the total idiot you seem to be, and that this is a legitimate question.
1)Gaza is not a jail, Palestinians are not kept there. Gaza has a border with Israel AND Egypt, and is open to the sea, and the people of Gaza have boats. Some immigrant to other places, including tens of thousands in the USA. Israel does not try and stop Palestinians from leaving Gaza- they only try and stop them from invading Israel.
You do not ‘jail break’ into someplace and start raping, torturing, and murdering whole families, people of all ages, degrees and both sexes. That is neither a jail break or freedom fighting. It is pure hate. It is terrorism, pure and simple, not warfare of any type. Targeting civilians deliberately is terrorism, and there is never an excuse to rape and torture families or kill infants in their cribs.
Supporting the Palestinian attacks on Israel is supporting terrorism. That makes you scum."
Naveed Anjum typed online today
"And the suffering continues….
All of these “Palestinian” Arabs who come from the “Palestinian Authority” areas in Judea & Samaria are forced to drive such luxury cars all due to the Jewish occupation. "
A person typed in reply
A picture is shown of the various Luxury Cars driven by Fakestinians living in Judea &
Samaria has an article headlined
"EXCLUSIVE Male victim of October 7 describes horrific gang rape by Hamas"
28 Jul 2024, updated 04:54 EDT 03 Aug 2024
By Natalie Lisbona In Tel Aviv
It's a Very Disturbing Article but Worth Reading
Fred Maroun typed online today
"Israel is voluntarily, on humanitarian grounds, pausing fighting in Gaza to vaccinate Gaza children. That's on top of Israel providing food, medicine, and all sorts of things to help Gazans.
Has Hamas freed even a single hostage on humanitarian grounds? No, nor should we expect it because we know what Hamas is. But let's never forget that the two sides in this war aren't equivalent in any way. Hamas is pure evil."
Barry Shaw typed online today
"UK. Palestine Action leader charged with terrorism incitement.
Watch the video.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
@leekern13 typed on X , formerly Twitter
"🇵🇸 Palestinian miracles:
They’ve had no fuel for eight months yet manage to power their machine gun laden trucks and rockets
They’ve had no electricity for eight months yet their phones are fully charged tweeting all the time
They’ve had no food for eight months yet aren’t dead
They’ve experienced a genocide for 75 years yet their population has grown in number
I don’t care who - whether the Pope or the Ghostbusters - but someone needs to go to Gaza and officially document these supernatural phenomenon
Only lies or miracles can explain the above
And it CAN’T be lies, because the racist, jihadist, Muslim supremacist Palestinian people would never tell a lie
Why would they?
Why would the Muslim supremacists who want to exterminate the Jews ever lie or manipulate people?
4:55 AM · June 15, 2024"
@leekern13 typed on X formerly Twitter
"Today a Palestinian made a decision to get a knife (but obviously Palestinians are tragic angels who have no choice to do anything - everything is Israel’s fault)
Then that darling angel made the decision to drive to Ra’anana in Israel
Then that darling Palestinian who is incapable of making decisions or taking personal responsibility had no choice but to stab a woman
Then they had no choice but to steal a car and run over women and children and kill a 70 year old woman
Then they had no choice but to steal another car and run over more people
Just another tragic tale of Israel’s brutality - forcing angelic Palestinians to do things they don’t want to do and which they have no personal decision making over
9:10 AM · Jan 15, 2024"
Barry Shaw typed online today
"The latest Palestinian terror threat to Israel.
Renewal of car bombs against Israeli civilians.
One alert Israeli warned security of a suspicious car parked early morning at a road junction at Ateret near Jerusalem at a location where school buses loaded with children have to stop.
It was discovered to have been a stolen car in which the Palestinians had loaded with two gas barrels linked to a charger.
It was exploded after the area was cleared and the power of the explosion would have killed many people, more than likely children on their way to school from a Jewish community.
See the pictures.
I wonder if President Biden or the British or the EU will issue punishing Executive Orders and sanctions like they do against Jewish civilian living in Judea & Samaria?
Highly unlikely. They get away with murder. Literally!
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
On September 3, 2024
Barry Shaw typed online about the so-called "Palestinians"
"They loved strutting around with their weapons, posing for photos, and being idolized by kids in their neighborhoods.
Instead of leading productive lives they surrendered to the religious and political lies and brainwashing that Jews are evil and there is glory in eradicating the Jewish State.
Welcome to Israel's neighbors in the Palestinian Authority.
The United Nations need to employ a UNIFIL of Arabic speaking psycho-therapists starting in Tulkarm, Jenin, and Ramallah.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
A person typed online today
"Part of this article reads “Scores of Palestinian diplomats at the United Nations, across Europe and around the world celebrated the attack on Israel on October 7th…”
By doing so they exposed their malice-filled vicious Islamic hearts and minds.
That such horrific spite about that murderous abomination likewise exposes the demonic evil of the influence of Islam on the minds and hearts of men.
Those PA diplomats when they celebrated those murderous affronts committed by the jihadists of Hamas, they don’t know it but they will have to answer and God for celebrating those Hamas massacres that occurred on 10/7/23 and they will be punished for it
For the Bible reveals that every man “shall account of himself to God” and that He who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished..”
Bible references Romans 14:12 and Proverbs 17 5. [N.K.J.V.]"
with a link to a article headlined
"Palestinian Authority Diplomats Celebrated October 7 Atrocities"
Sept 2, 2024 By Hugh Fitzgerald
The person also typed
"A mindset of such cruel vicious spite must be the results or ”fruits” of a demonic false religion.
Jesus taught, “By their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:20. [N.K.J.V.]" has an article headlined
"7,000 Gazans Took Part In October 7 Atrocities"
Sept 3, 2024 By Hugh Fitzgerald
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"During the Holocaust 🔥 of WW2 the Nazis starved to death Jews. Today over 80 years later Islamist Palestinian Hamas are doing the same to Jews.
23 year old Eden spent 11 agonizing months in darkened Hamas terror tunnels in Gaza. She was starved, physically and emotionally tormented and tortured and all for being born Jewish.
Peter Baum typed online today
Just in case anyone was in doubt, the following is in the introduction of the 1988 Palestinian Hamas Charter and used to indoctrinate three generations of children in UNWRA run and funded schools -
“ Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
Similarly there are numerous Articles within the Charter commanding , as one would expect , Jew extermination
Article 7 states -
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight and kill the Jews when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him”
Hamas does not want peace
UNWRA does not want peace
Both want Jew extermination in line with Palestinian Nazi ideology"
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Chris Cuomo says that Israel is not one Prime Minister away from peace, but that the real cause of the conflict is the heartless bloodthirsty Palestinian cause represented by Hamas.
He says this as this non-Jew pronounces his Kadish in Hebrew for the souls of all the innocent slaughtered by Hamas and, may I add, those murdered by other Palestinians, incited into the deadly hatred of Jews and a 60 year destructive agenda in the cause of a world without Israel.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
A person typed online today
"No ceasefire deal.
Hamas is to be destroyed. Period. No negotiations. Just crush them.
They don’t want peace. They want to be able to do October 7th again and again. Just like they’ve already said they would.
The world wants the killing in Gaza to stop? Help destroy Hamas. Help destroy the parasitic evil delusion of the big lie of the Palestinian identity and purpose. It was never to have a Palestine; it was to have there be no Israel. Not even, as they said in the 1940’s, if Israel was the size of a “postage stamp.”
End Hamas. It is a cancer to Arab and Jew alike.
A newly revealed Hamas document indicates that the terror group’s main concern in ceasefire negotiations with Israel is to rehabilitate its military capabilities, and not to alleviate the suffering of Gaza’s civilian population, German newspaper Bild reported Friday."
Mosab Hassan Yousef the "Son of Hamas" typed online today
"The Victim Game.
-"Palestinians" sacrifice their children for sympathy.
-Western hypocrites validate the evil practice
-The anti-war activists in a twisted imposture took the wrong side of history.
-From anti-war activists to pro-violent ideology fanatics. They quickly became Indoctrinated "Palestinians".
Driven by hate and status, they fell into the trap of a "Holy War" over land they never had. And now they can't get out.
Typed yesterday
"Two hypothetical questions…
-What would Mark Ruffalo do if his sons were taken as hostages by Hamas for exchange of thousands mass murderers, and terror masterminds who killed countless of innocent civilians?
-If he had to choose between his children and “Palestinian” children. What would he choose?"
"“Palestinians” are too hateful to understand the value of human life. By Executing the defenseless hostages “they”have reached a new depth in hell. A fallen society. Doomed by their wrong doings.
My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Rest in ETERNITY."
Barry Shaw typed online today
"On 9/11, I remind Americans that the barbarism of radical Islam is alive and killing today.
On 7/10 last year 45 Americans were murdered and another 12 taken hostage by our version of Al Qaida. The Palestinian terror partnership of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
And while Americans pause for a moment to bow their heads in memory of those so horribly murdered on 9/11, bear in mind of the Americans and Israelis impacted by our 9/11.
Both countries and victims were targets of a barbaric deformity.
The only difference between 9/11 then and now is that, on that original date, no heaving mobs of keffiyed demonstrators would have dared block the streets burning American and Israeli flags ans chanting "Death to America! Death to Israel!"
They are today.
America! It's 9/11! Wake up from your stupor! The enemy is still alive and killing!
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
A person typed online today
"It's just after midnight now, September 11. Today is a day where everyone remembers where they were, and what they were doing.
I was trying to balance kids coming home from school, a toddler and a nursery school child, making dinner and trying to finish some work. It was Tuesday older kids hadn't come home yet. Or, if they had, they aren't in my memory.
The toddler was still sleeping her afternoon nap away - at least at the beginning. I'd put some cartoons on for my son to watch...and then he called out to me that the TV was broken.
The TV was breaking a lot that year...broken to my son meant that he didn't see his show. And most of the time in those days, it was broken because the broadcast had been interrupted by a flash news item.
Something exploded - a bus, a restaurant...and they start with a map...this is where it the moments before they had a live feed.
On September 11, there was a map and so, as I always did in those days, I quickly pulled my little one away and got him busy with something else...I don't remember what. I just remember looking back at the map and realizing something was "wrong".
It wasn't Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, was New York. And they were talking about something that was not possible. A plane had hit the World Trade Center...they spoke of an accident but my mind raced ahead and I knew they were wrong.
I sat down and stared at the screen. I couldn't move. My older children came home and helped with the younger ones. My first thought was that America would finally understand what we were feeling here...and then... a short time later, as they were speaking, we all watched in horror as the second plane hit the southern tower.
At that moment, Americans could no longer deny what most Israelis knew instinctively...terror had come to America's shores. Evil. Horror.
When they began to speak of how many people could be in those towers, I understood that something fundamental had changed. Later, it would be called the War on Terror...a war we are all still fighting 23 years later.
May their memories be blessed and may we finally win this war..."
A person typed in reply
"Remember how the people of Gaza celebrated and danced in the streets. It’s sickening that they get so much sympathy when they laughed at the deaths of so many Americans"
Peter Baum typed online today
In the thousands of years those identifying as indigenous Palestinians have lived in the geographical area they claim has been occupied by Zionists the following may surprise you .
Not one , I repeat not one building , monument or construct , still standing or destroyed had or has been created by those identifying as indigenous Palestinians. Nor has there been any archaeological evidence to verify their existence.
Imagine living in a place for thousands of years and not constructing anything .
Moreover despite numerous conquests / invasions by various foreign armies - Babylonians , Persians , Romans , Greeks etc there was not one war or battle fought by the indigenous Palestinians against any of those invaders in defence of their homeland.
That’s the Palestinians ….funny people."
Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online today
"Honestly, I don’t want #Palestinians should have their own state. The time to establish their own state has gone, they lost many chances and offers for peace.
To offer the #statehood to Palestinians is actually a declaration of war with #Israel."
Some people typed in reply
"There was never such a thing as a unique Palestinian people. They are Egyptian, Syrian, and other Arabs. Jordan is already a defacto Palestinian state. The Arab countries should take in most of the Arabs living in Israel, Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Arabs control 99.8% of the Middle East and there is plenty of room to take them in. There is only one Jewish state and it only takes up 0.2% of the Middle East.
Nearly 1 million Jews were forced out of Arab Muslim lands after 1948. Now it is time for the Arabs to take in their brothers and sisters.
Population transfer and separation will create more long term stability for both Jews and Arabs.
Take the billions given to the PA, UNRWA, and others and instead use it to resettle the Arabs."
& Some people replied
"they have proven incapable and unworthy. germany WAS civilized and a very advanced culture and nation before they fell into nazi barbarism. it was possible to de-nazify them. not holding much hope out for such plans in this case."
"In real, they ve never ever wanted their true state. Cause statehood means resposibility, order and managing HDP growth and less donations. This tribe just wants to live the opposite."
"Too many wasted opportunities, too many no’s, too many terror attacks.
No other country or institution has the right to demand this of Israel. It will never bring peace and it is not the obstacle to peace.
The Palestinians are the obstacle to peace."
The above comment by
Anonymous of September 12, 2024 at 9:46 AM
Many people also pointed out that the "Palestinians" already have a state , Jordan
The Precious "Palestinians"
poor little "Palestinians" already have a state Jordan
The Fakestinians have Jordan
Israel and the Jews owe the
Fakestinians Nothing, they deserve Nothing and they will get Nothing
While the Fakestinians owe Israel and the Jews Everything
The Fakestinians owe Israel at least 100 Trillion dollars with a
T for All the Wars and Terrorism they committed from even before Israel was reborn in
1948 has an article by
Bari Weiss on
August 15, 2024 headlined
"The Palestinian ‘Traitor’ Risking
Everything to Speak Out"
About a Rare , Extremely rare
Needle in a haystack
Palestinian Speaking Out
Against October 7th
An Exception that Proves the Rule
Mosab Hassan Yousef the
"Son of Hamas" typed online today
"Delegitimizing Israel is a 70 year old failing “Palestinian” strategy against overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence.
Today many “Palestinians” believe that they have succeeded in “delegitimizing” Israel by sacrificing thousands of Arab and Jewish children.
But can “Palestinians” ever succeed in proving their own legitimacy without resorting to violence?"
A person typed in reply
"No. They can't. Palestinians live for death and destruction."
A website typed online today
"Who are the "Palestinian People"?
1. The Tulunids (868 - 905) brought in Turks and Africans
2. The Fatamids (909 - 1171) introduced Berbers, Slavs, Greeks, Kurds, and mercenaries of all kinds.
3. The Mamluks (1250 - 1517) imported legions of Georgians and Circassians
4. In the fourteenth century, drought caused the immigration into Palestine of eighteen thousand “tents” of Yurate Tartars from the Euphrates.
5. Soon followed twenty thousand Ashiri under Gaza, and four thousand Mongols under Moulai.
6. Kaisaite and Yemenite tribes followed in their trail.
7. In 1830 the Albanian conqueror Mehemet [Muhammad] Ali colonized Jaffa, Nablus, and Beisan with Egyptian soldiers and their Sudanese allies.
8. Fourteen years later, estimation of the thirteen thousand inhabitants of Jaffa to be composed of eight thousand Turco-Egyptians, four thousand Greeks and Armenians, and one thousand Jews and Maronites.
9. Significant Egyptian migration to Palestine happened at the end of the 18th century due to a severe famine in Egypt, some Egyptian immigrants came even earlier to escape natural disasters such as droughts and plagues, government oppression, taxes, and military conscription.
10. In the 19th century, large numbers of Egyptians fled to Palestine to escape the military conscription and forced labor projects in the Nile Delta under Muhammad Ali.
11. Following the First Egyptian-Ottoman War, more Egyptians were brought to Palestine as forced laborers.
12. Following the Second Egyptian-Ottoman War, many Egyptian soldiers to permanently settle in Palestine. Egyptians settled mainly in Jaffa, the Coastal plain, Samaria and in Wadi Ara.
13. In 1860, there was significant immigration to Safed by tribes from Algeria and Turkey and a small number of Kurds. Also, some 6,000 Arabs from the Beni Sakhr tribe immigrated to Palestine from what is now Jordan to settle in Tiberias.
14. In 1878, following Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, many Bosnian Muslims, emigrated to the Ottoman Empire, and significant numbers went to Palestine
15. The number of Bedouins who started settling the Negev region from the 7th century considerably increased during Ottoman rule as a result of immigration of both Bedouin tribes from south and east and peasant farmers (fellahins) from Egypt.
The children and grandchildren of these immigrants have now been given an everlasting status of "Palestinian Refugees" and are receiving support from the UN via UNWRA."
Bassem Eid himself a
"Palestinian" typed online today
"While Israel has found exceptional ways to precisely target Hezbollah terrorists who have been attacking Israel for 11 months, Hezbollah chief Nasrallah has vowed to continue raining rockets and drones down on Israeli civilians to pressure Israel to end its war against Hamas.
If you condemned Israel for blowing up pagers carried by Hezbollah members, but won't condemn Hezbollah for indiscriminately terrorizing Israeli civilians, you're not pro-Palestinian, you're pro-terrorism."
has an article by
Mika Hackner
"Queen Rania and the hypocrisy of ‘anti-Palestinian racism’ "
September 12, 2024
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