The Miracle of Zionism

"Israel is the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago." - Historian Barbara Tuchman

"Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created by a sovereign act of God" - Pastor John Hagee

"All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" - Author / Atheist, Mark Twain (long before the Holocaust and Israeli-Jewish statehood)

"They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their Empire were but a Bauble in comparison of the Jews. They have given religion to three quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more happily, than any other Nation ancient or modern." - President John Adams - His 1808 response letter criticizing the depiction of Jews by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Palestinian Resume'

Western advocates for a Palestinian state (mostly liberals but a large and growing number of conservatives) tend to look the other way when it comes the cold hard facts of truth concerning the Palestinian society. Living in America they seem to be unable to compute in their mind the expressed level of insanity (due to their Hitler-like Jew-hatred) the Palestinian society has historically displayed. In thinking that all world societies would like to be more-less like ours here in America, it becomes easier to pass the Palestinian national past-time of terrorism off as caused by a minuscule number of "radicals" within the Palestinian society instead of the national Islamic-terrorism culture that thrives at every level of education, profession, age, sex, religious aspects throughout the Palestinian society.

Here is a Fact: Whether it's coming from three year old girls calling Jews "pigs" (as seen on You-Tube - a term taught them from the Koran) before smiling parents and media cameras, to a Holocaust-denying / shahid martyr-praising prime minister being the elected head of the Palestinian society, their main focus and function as a society is simply the "destruction of Israel" rather than a self sovereign state of their own. Perhaps I seem to be too Zionistic and stretching my ridicule of the Palestinians way out of proportion when I make such a statement? Is there undenying proof to this fact? Yes, there most definitely is!
A Palestinian state was "never" an issue from 1948 to 1967 and certainly not before 1948. Have you ever considered this fact and wonder why that is? In fact the original 1964 Palestine National Charter - Article 24 states "This Organization (The PLO) does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area."
The Palestinian state issue only arose and became an issue (now a New World Order - Quartet issue) from the events of the Six Day War where the Israeli-Jews gained control of their ancient lands of Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and all sections of the city of Jerusalem while defending themselves against a Muslim war of annihilation. Therefore, today's Palestinian state issue exist for the main purpose to - in their eyes - rectify that outcome by obtaining those lands back into Muslim possession through a phase-plan of statehood and then jihad - another "war of (Jewish) annihilation" from where it left off in 1967.
It takes the spiritual willingness of being naive (not allowing the conscience-mind to acknowledge the cold hard truth of what the subconscious-mind knows to be true) to think that the Arab nations (especially the Wahabbists of Saudi Arabia) would be content with having a Palestinian state limited to within the boundaries of the West Bank and Gaza. Here is what we are suppose to "believe" in our non-antisemitic minds about the Quartet's Roadmap plan:
  • Arafat's PLO / Fatah and Hamas will stay within the borders of the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and Gaza living in "peace" side by side with the Jewish state of Israel - their most religiously hated enemy!
  • Millions of Arab Muslims calling themselves Palestinians, flood (not into a new Palestinian state) but into the Jewish state of Israel under the Quartet policy of "Right to Return". All of this in the mean-time is seen by Fatah and Hamas not as a weakening of the Jewish state, but as a "peace-partner" that they can live side by side in "peace" with!
  • Palestinians are given the Temple Mount but in no way see such a Quartet gift as vindication of Allah's religion being supreme over Judaism and Christianity - further reducing Palestinian "Islamic-Jihad" tendencies of Jew-murder in the name of Allah as instructed in the Koran and hadiths.
One would have to be willfully ignorant to not see what's wrong with the concept-picture above. It must be remembered (by one who cares to remember) that it was the time when no Jews were living in those lands of Gaza and the West Bank that the Muslims countries of the region started their war of Jewish annihilation that ended up causing their so-called " Israeli Occupation" to begin with? The main question concerning this fact is: Has there been a change in Middle East that has caused the spirit of Islam to no longer hate the presence of Jewish sovereignty within their own ancient land due to it being a spiritual and doctrinal threat to whole of Islam, since 1967 ???
Further vindication of Palestinian statehood for the sole purpose of Israeli destruction (hating Jews more than they can love their Palestinian selves) is the overwhelming election-victory the terrorist group "Hamas" was given by the entire Palestinian society in January, 2006. This elected Jew-murdering terrorist organization has now being accepted and legitimized by the world Quartet even while their national terrorist covenant calls for the destruction of Judaism and Israel! Russia and Tony Blair (Quartet Representative) have already outright accepted Hamas as the main Palestinian voice for their so-called "peace process" with the Obama Administration soon to follow.
Fact: Only a nation, news media, or individual who is anti-Israel / anti-Judaism / anti-religious Jew in their hearts (spiritually antisemitic in their Christian and Islamic societies and or belief doctrines) having a subconscious despise for the Jewish people and their religion (see Isaiah 53:3) - could support a Palestinian state after seeing and knowing the no-doubt Quartet-placement for Israel's destruction placed before them.
When many of the Palestinian state supporters are pushed to face the facts of Palestinian evils throughout their society they then begin to start the blame-game using Israel as "the cause" for every evil the Palestinian ever committed instead of addressing the real root of the conflict and placing responsibility upon the Palestinian society itself for their own unprovoked antisemitic terrorist actions. In their minds, Palestinian Islamic Jew-hating terrorism can never be the "main focus" in resolving any conflict with Israel, and Israel can never do enough to appease these Palestinians - even putting their nation's citizens at great risk.
The more Israel appeases the Palestinians on any issue, the more that appeasement is seen as weakness (which in reality it is) the more Islamic terrorism then follows. The 1993 Oslo Accords is a perfect example of this very fact, which then relates to the issue of Palestinian statehood the "appeasing" Obama Administration is currently pushing for more than ever.
In this the Palestinian terror-state supporters becomes part of the Palestinian evil by spiritually binding themselves with the Palestinian's "true cause" in their quest to destroy Israel. They become spiritually linked to the antisemitic victim-villain role switch lies the Palestinian place on the Israelis in seeking their own state! Even worse, they become the enemies of God and His eternal covenant that He has with the Jewish people. It is the "evil spirituality of the world" that will seek to punish Israel - (the guiltless - see Isaiah 53:9) even inadvertently while willfully disregarding Palestinian responsibility for their own evil terrorism. It's a Quartet-Gentile spiritual thing with some help from apostate-liberal Jews.
It would literally take volumes of books to account for all the evil that has came out of the Palestinian people. Since the Palestinian people are spiritually seeking (and succeeding I might add) to be the most evilest people to have ever lived, I began to wonder how their "resume' of evil" might look in a standard resume' form, creating an overall view (by just hitting the highlights) of the evil aspirations of the Palestinian society. And so here it is, I give you the Palestinian Resume':
****************Palestinian Resume'*****************

Palestinian People: A fictitious Arab people who borrowed the name from the ancient Aegean Sea people known as "the Philistines" (a former ancient enemy to the God of Israel and His covenanted Jewish people).

Place of Residence: "Occupying" ancient and modern Jewish lands of Judea (from where the words "Jew" derives) East Jerusalem (city of Jewish King David) Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza. See Hebrew Bible-scriptures for original abstract and title-deed verification and clarification.

Prime Minister: Mahmoud Abbas a.k.a. Abu Mazen
Prime Minister Qualifications: Holocaust Denier / Minimizer, suicide shahid-martyr praiser, Jew-murder promoter, State of Israel denier and condemner.

  • To destroy the State of Israel by any means including terrorism, "land for peace" destruction phases, U.N. recognize statehood, and the so-called "Right to Return" of Palestinian Arabs into Israel proper rather into a new Arab state of Palestine.
  • To have full physical and spiritual control of the Temple Mount a.k.a. Holy of Holies, to make the word of God, His covenant, and His people Israel return unto Him void.
  • To maintain the status of the most evilest people to have ever lived including the Nazis, Soviet Communists, Crusaders, Inqusitioners, Romans, and Babylonians.
  • To be the front-line jihadists in the global jihad movement, knowing that the destruction of only democracy in the Middle East (Israel) is the greatest step towards destroying the West.
From the pre-Jewish state city of Hebron massacre of 1929 to the latest rocket coming out of Gaza - over 80 years of continued Jew-murder, be it Jewish man, Jewish woman, Jewish seniors, Jewish children, Jewish infants! Thousands of Jews have been murdered-massacred by the Palestinian Arab / Muslim people because of their race as Jews and their religion of Judaism.

Acts of Terrorism includes but certainly not limited to:
  • 1919/1920 anti-Jewish riots (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
  • 1929 Hebron massacre (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
  • 1936-1939 Palestinian Anti-Jewish Riots known as the "Great Arab Revolt" (pre-Jewish State of Israel)
  • 1948-1967 Hundreds of Fedayeen sponsored attacks on Jewish civilians - with no Jewish presence in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
  • 1964 Creation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) that would later become the Palestinian Authority (PA) under Al-Fatah - with no Jewish presence in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.
  • 1972 Olympian-athlete Munich Murder-Massacre.
  • 1975 Murder-massacre of Jewish school children of Ma'alot, Israel.
  • 1987 First Intifada uprising.
  • 1987 Creation and later elected Hamas terrorist organization.
  • 2000 Second Intifada uprising.
  • 2001 - Present multiple public bus, hotel, and restaurant suicide massacres.
  • 2001 - Present over 10,000 rockets sent into Jewish / Israeli population centers.
  • 2002 Passover massacre at the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel.
Prominent Palestinian Personalities to Emerge from the Palestinian Society:
  • Haj Amin al-Husseini (Hitler / Nazi / Axis of Evil proponent - Grand Mufti of Jerusalem)
  • Yassir Arafat - "Father of Modern Day Terrorism" - "Arch Terrorist of the World"
  • Abdullah Azam (Jordanian Palestinian who inspired Osama bin Laden)
  • Mariam Farhat (Mother of the Faithful) - gave all three of her sons to shahid suicide missions - became female elected government official - Hamas, 2006
  • Yahya Abd-al-Latif Ayyash (The Engineer - Al-Muhandis) Inventor of the suicide bomb-belt that continues to murder innocent Israeli-Jewish men, women, seniors, children, and infants. Over 150,000 Palestinian society members attended (celebrated) at his funeral in 1996.
Jew-Murder Jubilation Expressions within the Palestinian Society
  • Palestinian mothers passing out candy at their son's "shahid-martyr's funerals".
  • Loud public speakers announcing "wedding" of suicide-martyr with 72 virgins.
  • Jumping up and down with joy and glee before cameras at the breaking news of the 9/11 tragedy.
  • Posters of shahid-martyr produced and displayed all over Palestinian public areas.
  • Video farewell presentation of shahid-martyr.
  • Burning Jews and Israeli public buses in effigy and Israeli flags in crowded celebrations.
  • Funeral celebrations (with guns / rockets) of shahid-martyrs. The more the shahid Jew-murderer murdered, the bigger the funeral society celebration.
Methods in which Jihad - Shahid-Martyrism is Promoted within Palestinian Society:
  • Official PA and Hamas children television shows, commercials, and music videos.
  • Official PA and Hamas radio broadcasts.
  • Official PA and Hamas newspapers (including anti-Israeli / anti-Jew cartoons).
  • Friday Imam Mosque indoctrination sermons from all over Palestinian controlled areas.
  • Posters, signs, and billboards of shahid-martyrs and message declarations for main pubic viewing.
  • Allowed (not even sightly discouraged by Palestinian society members) Elementary School to University Shahid-Martyr recruitment (including recruitment of females).
  • Shahid glorification on street signs, hospitals, schools, soccer stadiums, ect.
  • Streets signs bearing the names of Palestinian mass-murderers and supporters living inside Israeli prisons.
  • Support (including financial) from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria, Egypt (border weapon supply).
  • Parading small children in marches wearing cameo military uniforms, shahid-martyr head bands, masks, toy suicide belts, rifles, and of course Qurans in their hands!
  • Elementary school children are taught by teachers and textbooks that Jews come from monkeys and apes (a Quran authoritative teaching) that there is no Jewish state of Israel, the Jews (yahud) stole "their" land, and shahid-martyrdom is the highest "honored" calling a Palestinian can do for himself, his family (receiving 70 members of his family to paradise for his suicide-martyrdom) and his Palestinian people.
Objects within Palestinian society that bear and glorify the names of shahid-terrorist martyr-murderers:
  • Children Trading Cards (copying American Baseball cards)
  • Hospitals along with other medical buildings and facilities
  • Succor Fields, Stadiums, Tournaments
  • Schools - including the "Dalel Al-Mughrabi" girl's school named after the Palestinian female terrorist that murdered 36 Jews in March, 1978
  • Streets / thoroughfares
  • Shahid-martyr posters plastered throughout all Palestinian metros and communities.
  • Government buildings - including the name of "Dalel Al-Mughrabi"
  • Police units - including the name of "Dalel Al-Mughrabi"
World Contributions from the Palestinian People:
  • Most terrorist / terrorism acts sponsored and committed against and upon innocent men, women, seniors, children, and infant civilians than any other people on the face of earth! More astonishing, holding such a record while having one of the lowest numbers of population among the peoples of the earth! Even more astonishing, this record does not included the "hundred of thousands" of Palestinian thwarted terrorist attacks caught in time by the tight security of the State of Israel.
  • Electing the world's most terrorist oriented and motivated political party by an overwhelming landslide victory to be their representative in government leadership. (Hamas - January, 2006)
  • The Palestinians have taken the title from the German Nazis as "The Greatest Threat to the Jewish People and Nation".
Special Interests as a Society:
  • Reading Adolph Hitler's manifesto "Mein Kamph" placing it sixth on the Palestinian "Best Sellers" book list (2003).
  • Honor Killings / Murder - An average of 25 teenage girls and women per year in Gaza alone are officially "reported" murdered by a Palestinian male family member for "the honor" of the Palestinian family! This does not include the honor-murders that goes on unreported by a Palestinian society who as a society accepts such practice.
  • Judenrein Laws - It is a capital offense and considered high treason for a Palestinian to sell a small piece of land to a Jew. Many Palestinians have been put to death in recent years for breaking such antisemitic-based laws.
Character References of Palestinian State Supporters:
  • Momoud Ahmadinejad - Holocaust Denier, Nuclear Weapon seeker, Second Jewish Holocaust supporter.
  • Jimmy Carter - Nazi Concentration Camp Guard sympathizer, Hamas advocate, former (pre-Quartet) US president, anti-Israel book writer, anti-Semite with a peanut-brain smile.
  • Hassan Nasralla - Hezbollah leader, Israel-destruction advocate.
  • Tony Blair - Quartet Representative, Christian-Homosexual advocate, Islam advocate, Hamas supporter.
  • Osama bin Laden - Al-Queda leader, Chief Architect of 9/11 and many attacks on US military personnel and property.
  • Barack Hussein Obama - US (Quartet) President, Advocate for flying "United Nations" flags over Judaism holy sites during Pope's visit to Jerusalem, Head of the most racist US policy towards Jews living within land-portions of their ancient homeland.
  • Khaled Mashaal - Head of Hamas (having to live in Damascus, Syria) Jew-murderer.
  • Every Islamic Terrorist / Jihadist member - of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al-Queda, Al-Fatah, Al-Aska Martyrs' Brigade, Hezbollah, Taliban, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Tanzim.
  • David Duke - White Supremacist, former Grand Wizard of the Knights-Ku Klux Klan, Republican Louisiana State Representative, antisemitic Jew-hater.
  • Louis Farrakhan - Black Supremacist, Nation of Islam leader, Jew-hater
Deceased (would be) Character References for a Palestinian State (coming from the Pits of Hell):
  • Publius Aelius Hadrianus a.k.a. Hadrian - Emperor of Rome, who in 135 c.e. changed the name of "Israel" to "Provincia Syria Palaestina" and renamed "Jerusalem" to "Colonia Aelia Capitolina". Instigator of the Jewish Revolt (132-135 c.e.) where over half million Jews was murdered due to his willful desecration of the Temple Mount.
  • Pope Urban II - Initiated the First Crusade (1095 c.e.) that consisted of burning Jews in Jerusalem synagogues - that the "Holy Land" (Israel) might be controlled by "Christians".
  • Adolph Hitler - Germany Nazi Fuhrer, Holocaust and "Finial Solution" Architect , All-time Record Holder for "Most Jewish blood on Ones Hands".
  • Haj Amin al-Husseni - Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Instigator of the 1929 Hebron Jewish-massacre, "Kill the Jews" proclaimer on "Berlin Radio", Bosnian Muslim SS Handzar Division recruiter.
  • Saddam Hussein - President of Iraq, Overseer of multi-SCUD Missile Attack upon Israel (1991), Palestinian Suicide Shahid-Martyr Family-Financial supporter.
  • Yassir Arafat - Known as "Father of Modern Terrorism" - Architect of the 1975 Ma'alot Massacre of Jewish children - Overseer of the US diplomat murders in Khartoum (1973). Runner-up to Adolph Hitler as being responsible for the "Most Jewish Blood on Ones Hands".
  • Ayatollah Khomeini - Iran's most spiritual leader, Issuer of the Salman Rushdie fatwa, Israel / Jew hater.
  • Every Islamic Terrorist / Jihadist member - of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al-Queda, Al-Fatah, Al-Aska Martyrs' Brigade, Hezbollah, Taliban, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Tanzim that has been put to death during and after the fact for their terrorists acts upon the Jewish people of Israel and upon Jews from around the world.
  • Every Nazi - from the concentration camp guards - to all those convicted of war crimes in high government positions, and those that should have but wasn't - as well as every neo-Nazi of the past.

*Note: All are encouraged to Google-search for verification of any and all statements contained in this resume'.


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Anonymous said...

More about the Precious
Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Breaking news.
Palestinian Hamas and Fatah are set to hold joint anti-Israel talks in Moscow this coming week."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"When Hamas claim the civilian casualties mostly women and children, they left out this information:

- 18 battalions of Hamas has been destroyed
- (Red) 6 remain, 4 in Rafah, 2 in Central Gaza
- (Green) 7 out of ~19 companies of the destroyed battalions in Khan Yunis remain
- (Yellow) 1,000 - 2,000 Hamas fighters continue operating in Northern Gaza

Hence, “Cease fire now!!”

(Source: Gaza war unit tracking on X) "

Anonymous said...

The New York Times website on February 2, 2024
has an article by
Thomas L. Friedman headlined
"Understanding the Middle East Through the Animal Kingdom"
Part of this article says
"The U.S. is like an old lion. We are still the king of the Middle East jungle — more powerful than any single actor, but we have so many scars from so many fights that we just can’t just show up, roar loudly and expect that everyone will do what we want or scamper away. We are one tired lion, and that’s why other predators are no longer afraid to test us.

Iran is to geopolitics what a recently discovered species of parasitoid wasp is to nature. What does this parasitoid wasp do? According to Science Daily, the wasp “injects its eggs into live caterpillars, and the baby wasp larvae slowly eat the caterpillar from the inside out, bursting out once they have eaten their fill.”

Is there a better description of Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq today? They are the caterpillars. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is the wasp. The Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and Kataib Hezbollah are the eggs that hatch inside the host — Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq — and eat it from the inside out.

Hamas is like the trap-door spider. The way trap-door spiders operate, according to a nature site, is that “the spider leaps out at great speed, seizes its prey and hauls it back into the burrow to be devoured, all in a fraction of a second.” Trap-door spiders are adept at camouflaging the doors of their underground nests, so they are hard to see until they’re opened.

Finally, Netanyahu is like the sifaka lemur, which I got to observe in Madagascar. Sifakas are primates that use bipedal sideways hopping as a primary means of walking. They advance by moving sideways, waving their arms up and down, which makes them appear to be moving even more than they are. That’s Bibi, always shifting side to side to stay in power and avoiding going decisively backward or forward. This week he may have to.

Sometimes I contemplate the Middle East by watching CNN. Other times, I prefer Animal Planet."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Shimon Peres was one of Israel's leaders that gifted prosperous Christian Bethlehem to the Palestinians, by a US Administration forcing our hand.
How did that work out for you, my Christian friends?
Now, another US Administration is currently forcing a Hamas-PLO Palestinian state on Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem, and against the agreed conditions of the Oslo Accords signed on the White House lawn under another Democrat president.
G-d help us against this current US Administration that said they had our backs and are now inserting the Palestinian knife between our shoulder blades."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw also typed online earlier today
"The BBC is selling their readers a lie.
What is missing from this lenghty article is the fact that Palestinians both under PA rule in Ramallah and in Gaza voted overwhelmingly for Hamas.
What is missing from this article are the Palestinian polls and surveys that prove that Palestinian support for Hamas increased after the Palestinian Hamas massacres and rapes of 7 October.
What is missing in this BBC report is the fact that Israel's IDF have arrested over 3000 Palestinians resulting under the PA on terrorism charges with 1350 affiliated to Hamas, and this is why Israel is replacing Palestinian workers with Thai and Indian workers."

Anonymous said...

More about the Precious
"Palestinians" and the
"civilians" in Gaza
On February 18, 2024 has an article headlined
"'Gaza civilians infiltrated Israel on October 7, not just terrorists' " by
Yael Ciechanover, The Hague

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"Some of the most ridiculous and contradictory arguments of the anti Israel narrative.

1- “Israel occupied Gaza and it was an open air prison before October 7th.”

“Gaza was paradise before Israel’s Gaza offensive.”

Was it an open air prison or was it paradise? Choose. You can’t have both.

2- “Ceasefire now” means stop the violence.

“Intifada now” means more violence.

Do you want to stop the violence or increase it? Choose. You can’t have both.

3- A two state solution or from the river to the sea.

A two state solution means the Arabs will live in peace alongside the Jews.

From the river to the sea means no Israel.

Do you want two states, an Arab one and a Jewish one, or do you want one Arab state with no Israel? Choose. You can’t have both.

4- Is it anti Zionism or anti semitism?

Are you opposing the Israeli state and have nothing against Jews or are you attacking Jewish homes and institutions showing clearly that this isn’t anti Israel, but anti Jewish?

Do you only hate Israel or do you hate all Jews? Choose. You can’t have both.

5- Do you care about the Palestinians or do you want Hamas to remain in power?

If you care about the Palestinians, you’d want Hamas to surrender and all the hostages to be freed, so the war ends and Gaza can be rebuilt. If you care about Hamas, you do not want what’s best for the Palestinians.

So Hamas or the Palestinians? Choose. You can’t have both.

6- Are the Palestinians a nation or a bunch of angry kids playing victim?

If they’re a people who you think deserves a state, then they should be held accountable for their support of terror. If they’re not a people who should be held accountable, then why do they deserve a state?

So a people or a bunch of random angry kids? Choose. You can’t have both.

7- Do you trust the Palestinians and their leadership, Hamas, or do you think they’re liars?

If you believe their numbers, then believe them when they say they want every Jew dead. And if you don’t believe that they want every Jew dead, then don’t believe their numbers.

So are the Palestinians trust worthy or not? Choose. You can’t have both.

8- Do you believe in equality and human rights across the board or only when the abusers are not Palestinians and the victims are not Jews?

If you believe in human rights; then you should condemn Hamas for their violence against women, LGBTQ, and Jews. If you won’t, then you’re not a human rights activist.

So, equality or fundamentalism? Choose. You can’t have both.

9- Do you want what’s best for Palestinian kids or do you want them to be indoctrinated and eventually become terrorists?

If you care about Palestinian kids, you should oppose UNRWA and the educational system that teaches them how to kill Jews. If you don’t oppose UNRWA, you don’t care about Palestinian kids.

So do you support the UN or do you care about innocent Palestinian kids?

Choose. You can’t have both.

10- Do you agree that historical events like WWII were justified and the Nazis needed to be eliminated? Do you agree that Japan needed to be rebuilt from the ground up? Then apply those standards to Gaza as well.

If Germany needed to be denazified, then so does Gaza.

Do you believe pure evil needs to be obliterated or do you think that doing that will just create more evil?

Choose. You can’t have both.

11- Do you have a problem with the fence and borders put up by Israel around Gaza or do you agree that they are needed?

If you have a problem with the Palestinians being “Trapped” in Gaza with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide, then tell Egypt to open its borders.

Do you respect borders or do you think countries should take in Palestinians? Choose. You can’t have both.

The inconsistencies in the anti Israel rhetoric are laughable and just prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that these people, whether it be GenZ or members of academia, are deeply brainwashed and have lost all ability to use critical thinking.

Never seen such hypocrisy!"

Anonymous said...

More about the Precious
A person typed online earlier today
"A Gazan writes on Facebook about the launch of rockets yesterday from the north of the Gaza Strip towards Ashkelon:

“Are they fighters or collaborators?

I mean those who yesterday launched three rockets from the north of the Gaza Strip from the middle of a dense residential neighborhood...

Where were these killers, yes killers, and their rockets when the residents were displaced from the area?

Where were they when the tanks came and destroyed and destroyed?
Where did they hide? Then when the residents returned to search for what was left of their homes after the army withdrew they came to launch their devastating rockets. Three rockets that fell into the sea.

Is this for God's sake considered an action of "warriors"?

The residents grabbed everything they could get their hands on and fled the area for fear of an Israeli attack in the area from which the rockets were launched.

You see what our [the Gazans] situation is in Gaza... The resistance has turned into a media show, an economic business, theft, a phenomenon of mercenaries... and at the same time our seniors sit with their families and make demands and requests, "fight" at the expense of our blood, and sell stories of heroism to anyone who wants it.

They are based in Qatar, Damascus, Beirut and Istanbul...”

Again, those are the words of a Gazan! (Amir T)"

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Biden said that if Putin wins in Ukraine he will move into Poland and other European countries.
So why doesn't he apply the same logic to the Palestinian terror regimes? If he allows them to win in Gaza and Judea & Samaria, they will move into the rest of Israel.
If Biden's heart was with Israel he wouldn't have said what he did against Israel when standing next to the Jordan king.
If Biden's heart was with Israel he would not be working overtime to create a Hamas-PLO state against Israel's objection during our war with Hamas.
If Biden's heart was with Israel he would not be working overtime to force Israel to stop our war and allow Hamas to come out of it not just by surviving but rewarded by the US to become senior partners in a new Palestinian state with Jerusalem, the Biden- imposed capital of a Hamas-PLO Palestine.
God forbid!"

Anonymous said... has an article about the Unattractive Irish
Anti-Semite Sally Rooney
“Writer Sally Rooney – anti-Semite of the month”
Jack Engelhard on
October 14, 2021 Rooney talked about “Palestinian civil society”
What “civil society” ?

Anonymous said...

After the events of October 7, 2023
Many Self-hating Secular Jews and Half-Jews , in Israel, America and Worldwide who still do Not like being Jewish, or looking Jewish or sounding Jewish, at the same time they are Proud
VERY Proud that they are Not
Fakestinian, Arab, Iranian or Islamic. They are VERY Proud.
While they still wish that they were Not born Jewish , but at the same time they are VERY Proud and Happy that they are Not
Fakestinian, Arab or Iranian , which says alot about the Horrible nature of Arabs Fakestinians, Iranians and Islam

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’s massacre"
November 17, 2023
This article is A Must Read, it tells very Disturbing Truths about

Anonymous said...

Also about the Precious "Palestinians"
The New York Post has an article headlined
"Israeli president presents hateful Hamas book at Munich conference: ‘The End of the Jews’ "
By Ronny Reyes
Published Feb. 18, 2024
A Must Read Article

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"I have a serious question that I’d love an answer to.

Why is the pro Palestinian crowd so childish?

Like, it’s cool to disagree, but I don’t recall seeing any pro Israel person commenting on every single Muslim’s posts with some empty slogan and an Israel flag.

I don’t see any Israel supporters putting pig emojis or some racial photo on anyone’s tweets.

Like, seriously, you can have your opinion on Israel but is there any particular reason these people have to call for Jews to be gassed or declaring how Hitler was right?

What are they? 12?

What is it about Palestinian supporters that make them so childish that they have to resort to name calling and shouting instead of actually conversing and debating like an adult?

I know I’m generalizing, and I’m sure there are some actual grown up Palestinian supporters but go take a look at a pro Israel rally and then look at a pro Palestinian rally.

The difference could not be more obvious.

One rally has people singing, crying, calling for the return of innocent hostages who were abducted from their homes, and the other has people chanting for genocide and the total elimination of a state and all its inhabitants.

What is up with that?

Is it because they know their agenda is wrong so they have to compensate like a little kid throwing a tantrum?

Again, what are they? 12?

Is it because they know they’re supporting a cause that is violent in its nature so they figure they should be the same way?

What is it?

Why is the pro Palestinian camp so aggressive and immature?

Genuinely asking.

Oh, and one more thing. If they are so confident in their cause, what’s with the lying? Why do they have to use plastic dolls and pretend they’re real babies? Why do they have to make up numbers out of thin air? Why do they have to lie constantly?

I don’t get it. Truly.

Oh oh, one more thing, I promise.

What the hell is with the masks? Why are they too ashamed to show their faces? I mean, I know why, but what is their excuse? What are they hiding from?

Ok, done.

I think that if you’re on the fence about this war (How is that even possible?), a good indication of which side is on the right side of history, is taking a look at the Israel supporters and their behavior as compared to the Palestinian supporters and their tantrums.

It boggles the mind how so many grown adults can act like little children who didn’t get the toy they wanted…"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Dear world, we see you. We see you, and we won’t forget."
by Hillel Fuld
Feb 14, 2024

Anonymous said...

Anyone can also do an online Search for how in
February 2024
San Francisco prosecutor
Michael Menesini sent an email saying
“Brutal Arab invaders need to be sent back to their native homelands and out of Israel and Judea where they can freely engage in their hate fests along with other anti-Jewish hate mongers, the Nazis, fascists and…Ask the Berbers of North Africa about their experience with oppressive Arab invaders,”
Michael Menesini Knows that Arabs and "Palestinians" are Evil

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online earlier today
"I find the frequent concerns expressed by so many countries about Palestinians in Rafah to be obscene.

First of all, we know that Israel is going to do everything possible to keep civilians away from harm. To speak as if this wasn't Israel's consistent policy is an insult to everyone's intelligence.

Secondly, it is clear that Hamas cannot be neutralized as long as it controls Rafah, yet no one other than Israel is taking the risks necessary to dislodge Hamas from Rafah. It's the Israeli soldiers who are getting killed and injured. Not any other country's soldiers.

If a world leader wants to express concerns then fine, do it in private directly to Israeli officials. Don't engage in virtue signalling by making a show of it in the media. That sort of behavior deserves no respect."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined "Sorry, but There Is No Two-State Solution"
FEBRUARY 12, 2024

Anonymous said...

From an article is headlined
"Pro-Palestinian pied pipers are misleading kids"
February 8, 2024

Anonymous said...

From an article is headlined
"Readers sound off on Israel’s endgame, Biden’s mental fitness and the Buffalo shooter’s federal case"
Voice of the People
February 12, 2024 and it says
"Israel gets security before Hamas gets a state
Fort Lee: The Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was off the charts, an unprecedented act. Attacking Israelis in their own homes and committing many atrocities against them is a deal-breaker.

I, as a Christian, can not see any way for peace between Israel and the so-called Palestinian people. How can any Israeli feel safe or comfortable living next door to savage murderers? How can President Biden have the nerve to tell Israel to make peace with Hamas? There should be no ceasefire until all of Hamas’ hostages, including some Americans, are released. There is no two-state solution here unless the Palestinian state is somewhere in the Sinai in Egypt.

I would advise Israel to take over Gaza, send the Palestinians to Egypt and tell the various terrorist groups that any more violence will result in the Palestinians losing the West Bank next.

Palestinians have never been in charge of that area. In 1947, Egypt was running Gaza and before that, in biblical times, Palestine was run by Jews. It wasn’t until the Israelis started building their country and making a civilized nation in a savage part of the world that the Palestinians wanted in. They got jealous of what Israel was achieving and now want to destroy it. If the Israelis left Israel tomorrow, that whole area would become a perpetual war zone between Jordan, Syria and Egypt, and nobody would give a crap anymore about the Palestinians. Vincent L. Tripp "
Well said Vincent

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Israeli intelligence statistics.
There are 18,000 officials and workers employed by UNRWA in Gaza.
Approximately 80% are affiliated in one way or another with Hamas.
Let the UN try to deny this information."
"Saudi Arabia divulged that Hamas planned on 7 October to reach the Israeli prison holding hundreds of Palestinian terrorists in Ashkelon's industrial area. The plan failed because the terrorists made a navigation error and didn't reach their target.
They intended to break into the prison with explosives and RPGs, kill the lightly armed prison guards, and release the terrorists."
"Qatar said that the hostages received the medications that were delivered by Israel months ago.
I have a question for Qatar.
How is it possible that our hostages received their medications when our IDF found them stacked in the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis a week ago?
Are you suggesting that they were delivered to the hostages by Israel?
Qatar is lying."
"The ragtag Houthis hit a US ship carrying grain.
Seems the Middle East Islamists from Iran to Gaza to Ramallah to Beirut are laughing at Biden."

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online earlier today
"What would be justice in the Israel Palestinian conflict?

It would be Arab countries fixing the conflict they created by rejecting Israel's independence in 1947. They can fix it by taking in Palestinians and giving them citizenship in their countries. That's how they can fix it. There is no other solution."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Palestinian Terrorist Organizations, Pioneers of Global Terrorism: Is Hamas Entering the Global Arena?"

AUTHOR:Karmon, Ely (Dr.) PUBLISHED ON: February 3, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Soviet-Palestinian Lie"
by John Richardson
October 16, 2016

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Nazism and the Palestinians" by
July 9, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Puncturing the big lie of Palestinian identity"
Melanie Phillips
August 29, 2019

Anonymous said... has an article on
February 20, 2024 headlined
"Hamas: Palestinian civilians are also terrorists"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The absurdity of recognizing a Palestinian state"
February 14, 2024

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Israel at war and the hostage crisis.
Latest Israeli intelligence just released and reported on i24 News says that family members were forced to watch the Hamas rape of young girl hostages."

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online in
"Things on my mind ...
Please explain the following -
The Palestinians speak Arabic... there is no sound for the letter ‘ P ‘ in Arabic so the Palestinians call themselves by a name they cannot pronounce.
The nearest Arabic equivalent to Palestinians is ‘ Filastins ‘ but this is the Arabic pronunciation of Philistines who did not speak Arabic and came from the Greek Islands . Having only settled on a few of the coastal towns of today’s Israel they became extinct circa 550 BC . The name Philistine derives from the Hebrew indigenous population who called them Peleshet or ‘ sea invaders’.
The current definition of Philistine is ‘ uncouth , uncultured heathen ‘.
Conclusion - the Palestinians call themselves after extinct invaders from Greece and , or neanderthals for which there is no word in their mother tongue.
How weird is that ?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"A disturbing new report on the sadistic sexual crimes commited by Palestinian terrorists on 7 October against Israelis has been prepared by the Association of Rape Crisis Center in Israel and will be delivered to the United Nations.
Sexual assaults against women and men were performed with torture and also in front of family and friends to increase the humiliation.
The crimes included specific sexual mutilation resulting in deaths.
In many cases no one was left alive after the crimes but cases were confirmed by forensic evidence.
Other cases were confirmed by public and confidential eye witness accounts.
The head of the NGO is Orit Sulitzeanu who appeared on CNN to discuss some of the findings in the report.
It will be interesting to see what action, if any, the United Nations will take when presented with the evidence.
It is shocking that the Palestinian terror organizations of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have not been charged with genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, by the UNSC, and international arrest warrant still not lodged against named leaders of these terror groups."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Morning Palestinian terror attack near Maale Adumim. One dead, seven injured by 3 Palestinian gunmen near Maale Adumim between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea.
The dead man is Matan Elmaliah, 26, of Ma’aleh Adumim.
One of the wounded was a pregnant woman.
All three Palestinian terrorists were killed by security forces and armed civilians.
This as Biden, Cameron, and Macron, are racing to force a Palestinian terror state onto Israel."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"Ya know, I’ve thought about the contrast between the way Israel conducts war and the way Arab/Muslim countries conducts war a lot lately…

I’m not talking about the human shields. Enough has been said about that.

I’m not talking about them using rape and sexual violence in war. Enough has been said about that.

I’m not even talking about the beheadings and burning of whole families.

What I am talking about is the cowardly way every Muslim country only jumps in when someone else starts a war with Israel.

Think about it. All the wars Israel has been forced to fight include one Muslim country attacking Israel, and all the others joining in to kick Israel when it’s down.

It’s the loser kid in school who is too scared to start a fight but when someone is down, they’ll sneakily walk over and kick the guy, then run away.

That is the Arab world.

The same is true here.

Hamas launched the attack on October 7th.

Hezbolloh to its people: “I know Lebanon is an absolute hell hole, but cmon, Israel is down, let’s jump in and get in a few cheap shots.”

Houthis: “Wait! Leave some room for us. We need to flex our non-existent muscles too. Hold on, we’re gonna shoot some lame missiles at Israel while they are in a war on their southern and northern borders. Because we are such heroes.”

Egypt, Jordan: “How do we get in too? I know we’re supposed to have peace with Israel but that’s only because we were scared of them. Now they’re mid war and probably weak. Let’s threaten them and take cheap shots too! We don’t want to be left out!”

Iran: “Guys, guys, everyone just chill out. This is our party and we’ll decide who gets invited.

“Hezbollah, keep taking cheap shots.”

“Hamas and Islamic Jihad, we got you. Keep trying to get any win you can. Keep going.”

“Shi'ite militias in Syria and Iraq, hold your fire for now. Wait till Israel is weaker.”

“Houthis in Yemen, you guys are worthless, so just do the best you can to annoy the Israelis.”

The Arab world, with few exceptions, are the biggest cowards on earth.

The good news? Israel has, and will continue to defeat any enemy that gets in its face, even if, like previous wars, they all get together and attack Israel.

They have tried that in the past and lost. They are trying it now and they will lose again.

Such a bunch of dead beats who have nothing to live for besides killing Jews.

What a sad pathetic existence."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"Let me say this to you loud and clear.

This morning, Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Jews driving on Israel’s main highway. People were sitting in traffic when these savages used automatic weapons and sprayed bullets in all directions.

If you glorify October 7th, the blood of this morning’s victims is on your hands.

Why do you think these terrorists did this? So they can be heroes, get a salary for their families, and be praised by people like you.

If you think Israel deserved what happened on October 7th or if you call Palestinian terror, resistance, the blood of this morning’s victims is on your hands. These terrorists hear you loud and clear and the message they hear is “Kill as many Jews as your heart desires. I got your back and I’ll convince the world that it’s legitimate resistance.”

If you deny October 7th and all the atrocities, the blood of this morning’s victims is on your hands. These terrorists did what they did knowing that people like you will deny it even happened.

If you’re silent about October 7th, if you talk about a ceasefire without calling for Hamas to surrender and return all the hostages, the blood of this morning’s victims is on your hands.

This morning is yet another tragic morning in Israel, on which we are reminded again who our neighbors are and what they want, or more precisely, what they DON’T want: A single Jew alive anywhere. "

Anonymous said...

An online article by
Wayne Jackson says in part about Genesis 16:12 and the Arabs that
“Ishmael was characterized as a “wild ass.” What is the significance of that expression? Several ideas have been suggested. Hamilton contends that the habitat of the wild ass is in the waste places (cf. Job 39:5-8), hence, the idea is that of a life of nomadic existence (454).

Anderson/Freedman thought that the figure hints of a “forlorn and friendless” existence (505; cf. Genesis 21:20). Baur/Harrison suggested that the wild ass was a creature proverbially skilled at escape — only a hunter of “obvious prowess” could capture him (Bromiley, 905).

All of these descriptives are traits of the bedouin tribes of the Arabian peninsula.

His Hand Against Every Man
Of special interest, though, is the foreboding indication that the descendants of Ishmael would be a fierce people — “his hand against every man, every man’s hand against him” (Genesis 16:12).

Moses wrote that the Ishmaelite “abode over against all his brethren” (Genesis 25:18; cf. 16:12b). Many scholars believe that this language reflects a hostile disposition (cf. NIV).

William Beck’s, An American Translation, renders the phrase: “They fought with all their relatives.” E.A. Speiser argued that the language depicts the attacks characteristically made upon the Ishmaelites’ various kinsmen (188).

History has amply illustrated the warlike temperament of the Arabian people. Thomas Newton, who traced the bloody history of the Arabs with precision, said these people

“live in a state of continual war with the rest of the world … they have been such enemies of mankind, it is no wonder that mankind have been enemies to them again” (23).

Many nations have fought against these rugged people, but none has been able to subdue them completely.

Herodotus, the Greek historian, notes that the Persians were never able to conquer the Arabians (III.88). Strabo, the geographer, said that when Alexander the Great overturned the Persian empire, of the surrounding peoples who sued for peace, only the Arabs resisted. Alexander’s preparation to engage them in battle was terminated by his premature death.

When the Romans swept from the west to the east, they were never able to reduce the Arab peoples to a province. Pompey, the Roman general who vanquished so much of the Mediterranean world, failed to subjugate the fierce Arabs.

Later, the emperor Trajan attempted to conquer these peoples, and though he was not without isolated victories, his objective ultimately failed. Meanwhile, these bedouin continued their ravages in various Roman provinces.”

Anonymous said... has an article by Fred Maroun headlined
"Pro-Palestinian demonstrators deserve no respect"
NOV 7, 2023

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online earlier today
"I reacted to the October 7 massacre by taking away my support from the "Palestinian cause". Since then, the world's hypocrisy has only hardened my position. Antisemitism is a scourge & anti-Zionism is its vehicle."

Anonymous said...

The website has a
Good article headlined
"Some Thoughts On The Rally Outside My Door"
OCT 19, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Take a Hint: Palestinians DON’T Want a State"
By Fred Maroun February 25, 2024

Anonymous said...

About the "Palestinians" a person typed online earlier today
"Look at the fortified wall Egypt built along its border with Gaza to keep Palestinians away from Egypt.

The Arab League has 22 member states - none of which offered to take Palestinian refugees from Gaza. They know the truth -- Hamas is a threat to them as well."
Also because the Arab Nations want to use the "Palestinians" as pawns against Israel

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Breaking news.
Despite my exposure of Biden's fake charges against 4 Israeli Jews living in Judea and Samaria, recent reports confirm that Biden-Blinken intend to increase their anti-Israel actions by imposing Executive Orders against more Israelis.
While this Administration is doing this they refuse to impose similar sanctions against Palestinians and their leaders who murder and reward those who murder Jews.
On the contrary, the Biden anti-Semitic orders are part of their ambition to impose a Hamas-PLO state of "technocrats" (the new Biden name for Jew-hating terrorists) onto Israel against our will.
The current US Administration is turning the screw against us, and Democrats and Republicans are silent.
Not only this. The leading Jewish organisations in America, with the notable exception of ZOA, are also silent and inactive.
Shame on them!"

Others have said that the October 7th, 2023 Hamas Fakestinian Terrorist Attacks were like the
"Remember the Alamo" Moment for the Jewish people

Anonymous said...

The website has an article headlined
"Osama bin Laden ‘died like a wimp’ " by Bruce Golding
Published Nov. 10, 2014
Saying that bin Laden died
"like a pussy"
anyone wonder how many
Hamas Fakestinian Terrorists in Gaza are also dying like a pussy

Anonymous said...

More about "Palestinians" and their Supporters
Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Strange but true.
A Muslim owned shop in Bradford Yorkshire in the north of England was attacked by pro-Palestinian Muslims because the shop owner was selling Coca Cola which is sold in Israel.
This is true. Such is the Jew-hating insanity in Britain these days."

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online earlier today about Hamas
"The analogy between Hamas and the Nazis isn't perfect, but it's interesting that, as a friend pointed out earlier, the Nazis didn't systematically use their own civilians as human shields. So at least in this way, Hamas is worse than the Nazis, and I really can't think of even a single way in which Hamas is better than the Nazis. As Stephen Harper pointed out, the October 7 massacre was comparable to the Holocaust, not in scope but in kind. And there is absolutely no doubt that if Hamas had the capability, the scope would have been far worse.

Hamas must be destroyed. It's an absolute imperative, just as destroying the Nazis was."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"The Hamas savages did not expect Israel's reaction to their massacre of 7/10, calling it "barbaric."
That's rich coming from these Jew hating Palestinian monsters."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"How many innocent Germans died in WWII?

How many parliaments and international courts called it genocide?

Why didn’t anyone ask what would happen the day after or claim that by attacking the Nazis, all they’re doing is creating the next generations of Nazis?

Why didn’t anyone doubt the need to denazify Germany?

Why didn’t anyone complain about Japan?

Why didn’t the world demand that humanitarian aid be sent into Germany or Japan?

Asking for a friend.

Below: Hamas stealing the aid sent into Gaza."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld also typed online earlier today
"Trigger warning: This is not a happy post but it’s one I felt I had to write.

Not enough people are talking about the fact that victims of October 7th and Israeli hostages who were abducted by Hamas were impregnated and had to undergo an abortion. 🥺

I’ve worked extremely hard to avoid seeing or hearing about the details of Hamas’ atrocities.

I’ve been asked to watch the whole video and declined multiple times.

For the most part, I’ve been successful at staying away and saving my soul.

But there have been a few instances when I saw something unintentionally, and I can’t stop thinking about it.

I genuinely cannot believe human beings can be so deranged.

As I write these words, I keep going back and forth whether to say anything about what I saw, so before you continue reading, here’s a trigger warning.

Stop reading it you don’t want to hear about what Hamas did.

Second warning. You won’t be able to unhear this!! Continue reading at your own risk.

Ok, one of the sickest things I’ve heard is that Hamas made children and mothers watch them rape their family members. They forced them to watch it.

How does a human being do something like that?

But that, as sick and disgusting as it is, pales in comparison to the next thing.

Third trigger warning. Stop reading if you don’t want to know.

Hamas and the thousand of “innocent” Palestinians who carried out the atrocities of October 7th not only raped little girls and beheaded babies, Israeli women were found with machine guns and grenades stuffed into their genitalia.

I can’t. I literally just can’t.

If you don’t stand with Israel in this war, you stand with that. Just so we’re clear.

Every single person who elected Hamas, supported Hamas, marched for Hamas, chanted in solidarity with Hamas will be held accountable and will pay the highest price possible for their support of murder, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping, and beheading.

That includes UNRWA, the UN, South Africa, The Red Cross, Al Jazeera, and the rest of the vile antisemites who hide behind organizations.

They will pay. Mark my words. Every last one.

If you read this and didn’t want to know that stuff, I am really sorry but I did warn you and I did need to get this off my chest."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Hagari: Hamas deeply embedded among civilians, stages attacks from humanitarian zones"
On February 26, 2024

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"The anti Israel crowd are some of the most morally deprived, but also incredibly unintelligent people in the world.

They chant about the river to the sea but they don’t even know what river or what sea.

They chant intifada now and ceasefire now, without realizing they are chanting two contradictory things.

They still think the “We are not antisemitic, only anti Zionist” claim is believed by anyone after seeing them attack Jews who have never even stepped foot in Israel.

They wear masks to their protests while disturbing innocent Americans’ lives, in the hopes that, what exactly? I’m sure that’ll “Free Palestine.”

Many of them have dedicated their lives to values for which they’d be lynched and murdered if they even stepped foot in Gaza.

They get caught lying almost on a daily basis, whether it’s with doctored videos, or quoting ridiculous casualty numbers provided to them by Hamas.

Self goals are a daily occurrence, sometimes by showing a coin from “Palestine” that literally says “The land of Israel” on the coin or sharing some historical document that clearly proves that Palestine was Israel before 1948 and there was never an Arab Palestine.

If they want a state for the Palestinians (which, let’s be honest, most of them don’t want or care about. They just want to protest against Jews.), perhaps someone should tell them that openly supporting rape is not a good look and won’t really help their cause.

They have a difficult time distinguishing between a terrorist who is in jail for murder and a grandmother who was abducted from her bed. It’s not that complicated, guys.

Pretty sure a 3rd grader knows the difference between offense and defense, between an attack and a retaliation. Maybe these activists should have their kids explain it to them.

These geniuses regularly yell about how there is no fuel, electricity, or internet in Gaza while we all see Hamas firing rockets into Israel (which they need fuel for), while Gazans tweet photos on their phones, which somehow doesn’t require electricity or internet. It’s a miracle.

What a bunch of morons, it’s almost comical.

Then again, this should come as a surprise to no one. You can’t support an organization like Hamas and claim to have a brain in your head…"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
Timothy Benton , A must read
No Palestinians, only

Anonymous said...

Sadly many Jews in Israel have a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome
Anyone read the Superb book
“The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege” published in 2005 book by Psychiatrist Kenneth Levin about the BS
“Peace Process” with the
Fakestinians, Arabs and Fakestinians can Never be Trusted
In 2008 a book by
Michael Rydelnik is titled
“Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict: What the Headlines Haven’t Told You” About how Everything, Literally Everything is the Fault of the Arabs and Fakestinians in the Mideast Conflict, there is No
“Cycle of Violence” as
Israel is Always Morally & Legally Superior , see also the Various Editions of the book
“The Case for Israel” by
Alan Dershowitz ,
Dershowitz also does a Superb Job of Proving how
Israel is Always Infinitely Morally & Legally Superior to it’s enemies and how there is No
“Cycle of Violence”

Anonymous said...

From an article is headlined
"Palestinians steal car of left-wing Israeli activist in Jordan Valley"
By Israel Today Staff | Feb 19, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today about
Calls for Israel to have a ceasefire
"So why have a ceasefire with those who will not cease firing?"

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"So let’s review what the “Pro Palestinian” crowd has justified in the last few months:

- Murder of innocent people ✅
- Rape of innocent women ✅
- Decapitation of babies ✅
- Sexual violence against kids ✅
- Burning whole families alive ✅
- Kidnapping of hundreds of innocent people ✅
- Suicide of a man who burned himself alive ✅
- Stealing humanitarian aid ✅
- Firing of tens of thousands of rockets into civilian population ✅
- The systematic use of human shields ✅
- Consistent lying to the international community regarding casualty numbers ✅
- Using schools, mosques, and hospitals to hide weapons and hostages ✅
- ⁠Planning and attempting genocide ✅

Did I forget anything? I’m sure I did.

This begs the question, is there anything these demented people won’t support in the name of Jew hatred?

I mean, what else is left?"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Who stole Palestinian land? Jordan" by
Mitchell Bard
June 30, 2022

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"So Kid Rock is getting a lot of heat for his support of Israel in Gaza. I'd like to chime in.

The vast majority (if not all) in Israel DO NOT want to kill Palestinian children or civilians. WE WANT OUR INNOCENT AND DEFENSELESS HOSTAGES BACK from the vicious, cruel and genocidal regime who actually want and welcome the civilian deaths.

Secondly, governments primary purpose is to keep the population safe and secure. In Gaza, that's on Hamas. Hamas starts a war and provides NO protection, bomb shelters for the civilians. They do provide protections for themselves and their own families. They make no secret of this. Everything is in the public domain, check it out.

I appreciate Kid Rock's sentiment though. Imagine your neighbor coming to your house, raping and torturing your children and women before killing them or taking some of them as hostages...and putting it on tape for the world to see. Who does that??? If that wouldn't make you crazy, I don't what would. And to top that, before you take any action, the world blames you for the event and calls the sick perpetrators resistant fighters. Angelina Jolie gives her support to the rape by staying quiet, even though she lectures the world against rape as a tool in war (and rightly so). Susan Sarandon lives on real stolen land and calls on the indigenous population in the middle east as occupiers (check history books including the Bible). People complain about "Jewish money" and influence while Qataris contributed a substantial sum of $4.7 BILLION to American universities. Yes, you read that right. WHY ARE AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES ACCEPTING MONEY FROM A FOREIGN NON DEMOCRATIC / SHARIA COUNTRY????!!!!!"

Also Remember that for
many years
Angelina Jolie was a
"goodwill ambassador" for the

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The "Palestinian" Myth - A view from the Arab Perspective"
November 24, 2016 Good Article

Anonymous said... has a good article headlined
"Calls for Gaza ceasefire ignore the most promising option"
February 27, 2024
Good points are made in this article

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier
today about Hamas
"Some of the truly insane things I’ve heard from friends and family who are fighting in the depths of Gaza.

I was told that a friend had been to three Hamas bases. I asked him what he means by a base? Like a building they call a base?

Nope. He said Hamas has full army bases equipped with everything a normal base has including obstacle courses, shooting ranges, and more. They’re all over Gaza.

I was also told that they could not walk three feet without seeing a tunnel opening. Gaza is absolutely covered with tunnel holes. I was told that Gaza is literally duplicated under ground.

I was told that every single house, EVERY one, had weapons hidden somewhere. They didn’t enter a single house without some weapons somewhere.

I was told that none of the Hamas terrorists wear uniforms. They are all dressed in civilian clothes so when they’re killed, Hamas can claim they were innocent.

I was told that we have no idea to what extent they use human shields. Hamas terrorists open fire on IDF soldiers with one hand, while holding an elderly lady with the other. This is their most popular tactic.

I was told that they have not met a single innocent civilian there and every single person, even those who pretend they’re innocent in the beginning, are somehow connected to Hamas. Everyone there supports Hamas.

I was told that there are days in which the IDF eliminates hundreds of terrorists.

I was told that it is widely known that if (when) Israel enters Rafah, it’s all over for Hamas. Everyone knows that hundreds, maybe thousands of them are hiding in Rafah hoping the world manages to stop the IDF from going in there. They’re banking on that.

I was told they keep finding books, from children books to text books, describing the history of the Jews, and general information about Jews explaining why they should be killed.

I was told that when an IDF soldier is killed, everyone there celebrates. Somehow they all know about it within minutes and firecrackers are there main method of celebration. Firecrackers and firing guns into the air. And of course, candies. They love giving out candies when a Jew is murdered.

I was told that Hamas terrorists in Gaza are like athletes or movie stars in other places. They are absolute heroes to the Palestinian people who have pictures of them on their walls and describe them as total rockstars.

And finally, the doozy. I was told that on every single computer they find in people’s homes in Gaza, there is porn everywhere. Every single computer has porn on it. But get this, in addition to porn, every single house has sex artifacts all over the place. Sex toys, sexy outfits, and more. All over the place.

All in all, seems like a solid society they’ve built over there in Gaza…

Israel is dealing with some seriously twisted and morally depraved human beings who are told from age zero that Jews are nothing more than animals that deserve to be killed wherever they are.

This society is rotten to the core and needs to be denazified from the ground up. Anything else will just be a bandaid on a society that needs open heart surgery."

Anonymous said...

More about the poor poor
"Palestinians" the
Precious "Palestinians"
A person typed online earlier today :

*The Italian –* throws the cup, breaks it, and walks away in a fit of rage.

*The German –* carefully washes the cup, sterilizes it and makes a new cup of coffee.

*The Frenchman –* takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.

*The Chinese –* eats the fly and throws away the coffee.

*The Russian –* Drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no charge.

*The Israeli –* sells the coffee to the Frenchman, sells the fly to the Chinese, sells the cup to the Italian, drinks a cup of tea, and uses the extra money to invent a device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.

*The Palestinian –* blames the Israeli for the fly falling into his coffee, protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives and then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, the Chinese, the German and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that he should give away his cup of coffee to the Palestinian so there will be peace."

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online earlier today
"This is what we are hearing from our soldiers when they return home from Gaza.
You can't go a hundred yards without seeing a tunnel opening.
The terrorists don't fight in uniform. They are all civilians.
The people support Hamas (see the attached picture). There are fan posters everywhere showing thugs with rifles.
Every house has weapons somewhere,
Houses and schools have books explaining why Jews must be killed.
Books and maps in schools and homes don't feature Israel.
Whenever an Israeli soldier is killed there are celebrations where they hand out candy.
It's clear from what they find in the homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques that everyone is obsessed with Hamas."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online
earlier today
"If you still think Hamas numbers are legit, first of all, seek help.

What is wrong with you?

Second of all, on October 19th, Hamas reported 307 deaths. 672 of them were children. Read that again.

On October 26th, 481 people died according to Hamas, of which 626 were children.

The math isn’t mathing.

It’s amazing this needs to be said, but an organization that murders, rapes, decapitates, and burns whole families alive, probably doesn’t have too much of a problem lying.

But sure, keep quoting Hamas numbers and show the world how blinded you are by your Jew hatred."

Anonymous said...

From an
article by Fred Maroun is
"With October 7, we, the Arab community, have reached a new low" on
FEB 29, 2024

Anonymous said...

From the Jerusalem Post an article is headlined
"Pro-Palestinian activist arrested for kidnapping, assaulting man for working for Jewish employer"
A Must Read Article

Anonymous said...

More about Arab Pure Evil and Wickedness has an article headlined
"The Tragedy of Arab Antisemitism"
Published Oct 25, 2023
By Lee Habeeb

Anonymous said...

Now Israel is going to unjustly get blamed for the Gaza Aid Convoy Deaths
117 Fakestinian "civilians" were killed and at least 760 were injured
Israel isn't to blame , still it's good that those "civilians" died 😆

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun said that the
Arab “community” has reached a new low , that really says alot
And the Arabs are Proud of their new low

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online earlier today
"Ramadan is a yearly religious event. It's also a yearly opportunity for Palestinian terrorists to incite violence."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"BREAKING: Egyptian truck driver warns against delivering aid to Gaza after being brutally attacked.

Is this how Palestinians in Gaza thank the drivers for delivering them aid? By stoning them?"

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
Today, Israel accused the UN of employing at least 450 Hamas members,in their UNRWA facilities in Gaza.
Israel released the audio conversation between two Hamas UNRWA employees who participated in the murder, rapes, and hostage taking in Israel on 7 October.
Today, the UN held a session on the mass rapes perpetrated by Gazan Palestinians in Israel on 7 October.
After Israel Ambassador, Gilad Erdan, presented his "J'Accuse" speech to the UN General Assembly, he was ordered to return home by Israel's Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, in a symbolic act of protest against the UN silence over the Palestinian genocide against the Jews of Israel on 7 October."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"How Arab Regimes Are Infiltrating the West" by
FEB 28, 2024

Anonymous said...

In January 2024 a person typed online
"Every day is a good time to remember that effective pro-Israel speakers like the wonderful Douglas Murray are mobilizing public opinion in the Western world in favor of the Israeli struggle by weaving a constant and persuasive line of argument -

𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞.

They keep reminding the public: there are really no 'uninvolved' people there, certainly not in significant quantity or quality.
It is a struggle against broad, radical and murderous publics.
A struggle of light against darkness. Just like that.

Speakers like Murray are not a hundred times more effective than talking heads like the IDF spokesman despite the argument of non-involvement - but because of it.

Original Hebrew text by Adam Gold

Pic of Douglas Murray from Wikipedia

#noinnocentsingaza "

Anonymous said...

Plus in February 2024 the same person also typed online
"According to Hamas

The two hostages were held by civilians and not by Hamas.

They are lying to save face

But they also admit there are no innocents in Gaza

#noinnocentsingaza "

Anonymous said...

More about the
Precious "Palestinians" the
poor poor "Palestinians" has an article headlined
"Don’t tell me to take my finger out of our dike!" by
Barry Shaw
Feb 28, 2024

Anonymous said...

About Hamas Evil
A person typed online earlier today
"*Hamas deliberately targeted health care teams* on October 7th, and one devastating example is the burning of an ambulance.
In this horrifying event, 16 individuals sought help in an ambulance, only to be victims to unimaginable brutality — being burnt to ashes.

The media doesn't always shed light on these stories, so sharing them is crucial for raising awareness to the cruel realities these innocent victims faced.

#FightForHumanity "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today about the
"Palestinians" in Gaza that

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online in
November 2023
"Let’s play a game. I state a fact, you tell me which side it applies to.

1 - Hangs gays and throws them off roofs.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

2 - Elected a government and then ran protests across the country to protest that government freely and democratically.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

3- Openly and proudly rape women of all ages and then drag those women around in a pick up truck to show off their trophy.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

4- Despite the anger and sadness from being brutally attacked, has daily protests around the world with zero violence of any kind.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

5- Has carried out pretty much every possible war crime including murder of innocents, rape, kidnapping of women and children, and more.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

6- Has declared time and time again that they want peace and would even offer painful concessions to achieve it, like evacuating 10,000 of its own people.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

7- Openly declares its desire for the genocide of Jews and all westerners around the world. It uses human shields, hospitals, and kindergartens to achieve that.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

8- Has built world leading tech across all sectors including the world’s leading cancer treatments.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

9- Is the only group of refugees whose numbers grow over time. All other refugees, when they settle, their kids are no longer refugees? Them? Not so.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

10- Has an army that knows and is determined to fulfill its mission no matter what. An army that calls its enemies and warns them before they attack. An army that does everything to minimize civilian death even while facing a savage enemy who has one goal, more dead Jews.

A: Israel
B: Palestinians

Get it? There are no two equal sides here.

There’s right and wrong.

Hamas wants all Jews dead. Hitler wanted the same.

If Hitler was alive; he’d side with Hamas and it you are now choosing Hamas, take a second to let than sink in, you’d choose loyalty to Hitler over Israel.

In this photo, you can see Hitler and the Grand Mufti discussing how to rid the world of Jews.

You are going to seriously look me in the eye and tell me that these are the people you chose to side with? This is what you’d teach your children? To side with Hitler?

If the answer is no, great. Happy to discuss and help you get educated.

If the answer is yes, that you side with Nazi-Hamas_ISIS, let God have mercy on your soul.

But I do have good news. You could be abandoning us now, but for better or worse, when they come after you, Israel will step up for you. It’ll provide tech, maybe money, and maybe even military infrastructure.

Israel isn’t in the business of abandoning people or countries.

The irony here is that the Jews are going to be the ones to free Gaza.

From Hamas."

Anonymous said...

On October 29, 2023
Hillel Fuld typed online
"Have you ever heard the phrase “Double standard?”

You do realize that applying one standard to one group and another standard to a second group is immoral and hypocritical, right?

So kindly explain to me how Hamas fires tens of thousands of rockets aimed at maximizing civilian death and not a word from the global community.

But when Israel who goes way out of its way to minimize civilian deaths, attacks terrorists who are using innocent people as their shields, and innocents die, the world loses its sh_t?

“Israel shouldn’t stoop to their level.”
“Israel shouldn’t behave like Hamas.”

You do realize that is the literal definition of a double standard, right?

Did anyone tell England not to attack Germany because they shouldn’t stoop to the Nazi’s level?

This is a war and in war, innocents tragically die but if you don’t say a word when Hamas targets innocents, then go ahead and keep your mouth shut when Hamas causes innocent deaths in Gaza by using people to shield themselves from Israel’s retaliation.

Otherwise, you can open the dictionary, search for the word hypocrite, and expect to see your face.

Don’t be a hypocrite. Stop with the double standard.

Stand with Israel and support the IDF for fighting a war so you won’t have to."

Anonymous said...

In November 2023
Hillel Fuld typed online
"Where are the thousands, millions of innocent Palestinians everyone likes to talk about? Have you seen them standing up and denouncing Hamas?

Oh, they can’t because Hamas will kill them? They’re just following orders? And you accept that as a legitimate claim? Need I remind you who else said “We were just following orders?”

Where are they? Where are they on social? Where are they in Gaza? Where are they on the public stage?

Someone please point me to these innocent people who the world is so obsessed with.

I’m sure there is some hashtag or group where millions of them are starting an uprising against Hamas. Right?

Enough with the lies already.

If you think the Palestinians are a nation who deserve a state, then they are a nation who is to be held accountable for electing Hamas to rule them.

If we are not to take their words or actions seriously because they don’t mean it, like we treat a child who is acting out, would you give a group of children their own state?

Just another example of the utter hypocrisy surrounding this war.

There are innocent people in Gaza. 100%. And there were innocent Germans in Nazi germany. That didn’t change the fact that attacking Germany was as just and moral of a cause as there ever was.

The innocent people in Gaza? It’s truly very sad what Hamas is doing to them.

But just like no one asked about the innocent Germans in WWII, enough with the double standard already. It’s exhausting.

In war, innocents die. Israel didn’t want a war. It was forced upon us.

Worried about the innocent people dying in Gaza? Then do something about it and stop yapping.

Tell Hamas to stop using them as human shields. Tell Hamas to let them evacuate when the IDF tells them to. Tell Egypt to open its borders. Tell any of the tens of Muslim countries to take in their brothers.

Turning to Israel as if Israel is responsible for an enemy state is simply dishonest and dangerous.

Wake up already. Enough with the fake morality. Try real morality.

Stop spreading lies online and make Hamas surrender, return all the hostages, and let the innocent people of Gaza live a peaceful life.

Otherwise, sit down, shut up, and get out of Israel’s way."

Anonymous said...

About the Israeli Resume
The Jerusalem Post ,
In early 2023 Proudly stated
"Israeli teens lead the world in volunteerism and acts of selfless kindness"

🌎 said... has an article headlined:
" ‘Starving ‘Palestinians’ Throw American Aid Food Into The Garbage"
By Pamela Geller on March 6, 2024

🌎 said...

A person typed online earlier today saying that
"The Hadids are Vile Creatures" and gave a link to an
Instagram Post by Marnie Perlstein on February 25, 2024
saying that Gigi & Bella Hadid are Not "Refugees" because they were both born in America and have had safe privileged lives , underneath it says
"Hey world. If you avail yourself of the protection of a new country and if the next generation are born in that new country, your refugee status legally ends! The Palestinian claim of refugee status for people who left the land 75 years ago and all subsequent generations defies the definition of refugee. Bella, Gigi and even Mohammed Hadid are not refugees. Even if they technically were, WHICH THEY ARE NOT, they would never want to return to Gaza so the irony of their incessant claim to the land is hypocritical. Go back there guys - I am sure there would be no problem getting a visa. You would be most welcome. #hadid #hadidfamily #refugee #bella #gigi #rightofreturn
February 25 "

🌎 said... has an article headlined
"How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers"
MARCH 07, 2024

🌎 said... has an article headlined
"Don’t Fall for Hamas’ Numbers Game"
By Danielle Pletka
March 06, 2024

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
"Kefiyyah is from the word k-f-h which predates the existence of the Arabic language in Hebrew as k-p-h - the Hebrew word for head covering. The kefiyyah or sudra was worn by Jews long before any Arab colonization of Judea: the Land of Israel. Even the Wikipedia page for kefiyyah shows a Jewish man from over a century ago wearing one. It is no more “Palestinian” than lighting candles on Erev Shabbat (Sabt) is in Palestinian homes where they lost the pre-colonial Jewish origins of such JUDEAN culture

Also, you didn’t invent hummus or falafel nor do olives from the West Bank taste any different than any other olives in the Levant.

You appropriated our prophets, our names, religious laws, culture and attire and even our foods when you colonized the Land of our Ethnogenesis. You have no business - out of all people - talking about appropriation. Your chant of “Free Palestine” was even stolen from us.

Grow up."

🌎 said...

More about the
"Palestinian people"
Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"3 Palestinians arrested in Rome suspected of plotting a terror attack against Jewish targets in Italy."

🌎 said...

Barry Shaw also typed online earlier today
"Florida police have arrested a Jordanian for threatening local Jews with a knife.
I am certain that DEI activists will protest for his release by accusing the police of racism, Islamophobia, and injustice by preventing him from expressing his victimhood rights against white Jewish oppressors."
Never Forget that Most
People Living in Jordan are

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online earlier today
"The new Hitler Youth waves the Fakestine flag, wears Keffiyehs and hates the Jewish people with genocidal rage."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"10 things no one, including your favorite mainstream publications, will tell you.

Now, mind you, this is only for people with integrity, people who are honest and who want to know facts. People who care about the truth.

If that’s not you, keep scrolling.

If you’re still here, here we go.

1- There never was an Arab Palestinian state ever in history. Palestine was Israel. Fact.

2- Palestinian terror against Jews has absolutely zero to do with some fake occupation. Arab terror against Jews existed way before any occupation. There was Arab terror against Jews before there was even an Israel. Fact.

3- The Palestinian expertise is playing victim. In every other case, a refugee, once settled, is no longer a refugee. Not so with the Palestinians. The status of refugee is handed down to their kids even though they’re living in their own place, whether that’s Gaza or area A. Fact.

4- Close to 90% of people in Gaza support Hamas and the events of October 7th. Enough with the innocent Palestinians narrative. Fact.

5- Israel has NOT killed 30,000 innocent Gazans and repeating that falsehood is repeating Hamas propaganda. Fact.

6- If Israel wanted to commit genocide, the war would have been over on October 8th. Israel could have flattened Gaza but it didn’t. Instead it sent in our kids on foot and as a result, Israel has endured massive loss. Fact.

7- Gaza and the Palestinian people, as a collective, have chosen the path of terror and violence. There are literal streets in Gaza named after murderers and terrorists. Fact.

8- Not a single Palestinian leader wants a two state solution. They want a one state solution, “From the river to the sea”. Anyone who chants that is chanting for the genocide of the Jewish people. Fact.

9- Israel has now offered a ceasefire multiple times and was willing to make painful compromises in order to get the hostages back. Hamas rejected the offer multiple times. Fact.

10- Israel has sent in thousands of trucks carrying aid into Gaza. Those trucks were attacked, a driver lynched and murdered. Other trucks were stolen by Hamas and the aid sold for 10x the price on the black market. Fact.

I know that none of these get clicks so the press won’t tell you any of this but none of this is my opinion.

Everything mentioned above is an indisputable fact so if you do dispute any of them, you are dishonest and lack integrity."

Anonymous said...

About the 2024 Oscars
A person typed online
"All those red pins? Read this.

A story of red hands --Ari Lee
Regularly, red hands can be seen at Pro-Palestinian demonstrations. They can be actually hands painted in red, hands wearing red gloves, or imprints of red hands on signs.

Whilst some may mean that they simply signify "you have blood on your hands", there is an actual story and thus, meaning behind them that goes far deeper.

Yes, they have something to do with bloodstained hands indeed...
These red hands refer to the Ramallah lynchings hich took place on October 12, 2000 at the el-Bireh police station.
Two drivers in the IDF reserve, chief sergeant Yossi Avrahami (38), a toy salesman, and corporal Vadim Nurzhitz (33), a truckdriver, returned to duty that day. two reservist drivers made their way in a civilian vehicle towards their unit's assembly point near the settlement of Beit El.

They had little army experience, were unfamiliar with the West Bank road system and drove through the military checkpoint outside Beitunia and headed straight into the Palestinian town of Ramallah 2 miles east of the checkpoint.
Reaching Palestinian Authority roadblock, where previous y Israeli soldiers had been turned back, the reservists were detained by PA policemen and taken to the local police station at Ramallah's twin city el-Biren, not far from Arafat's headquarters.

Rumors spread that Israeli undercover agents were in the building, and an angry crowd of more than 1,000 Palestinians gathered in front of the station calling for the death of the Israelis. According to Ramallah station chief, there were 21 policemen in the building. Soon after, Palestinian rioters stormed the building, overcame the Palestinian police and murdered and mutilated both soldiers. Approximately 13 Palestinian policemen were injured while attempting to stop the lynching, whilst at least one participated.
The Israeli reservists were beaten and stabbed. At this point, a Palestinian (Aziz Salha), appeared at the window, displaying his blood-soaked hands to the crowd, which erupted into cheers - there you have the origin of the svmbol of the red hands.
#oscars2024 #Oscars "

Anonymous said...

Will Chamberlain typed on Twitter

"Imagine if a Mexican drug cartel raided El Paso, kidnapped toddlers, and then only agreed to release them if our government released convicted cartel operatives Oh, and we had to release three cartel operatives for every toddler That’s what Israel is dealing with"

10:14 AM · Nov 24, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online yesterday
"Imagine if the Mexican cartel infiltrated Coachella & Palm Springs
Imagine they brutally murder
1,400 American citizens , (men, women & children) gang rape women, live stream the entire thing & then take 240 hostages back to Mexico
The Cartel then goes to highly populated Mexico city & hides among the Mexican civilians
Then the cartel publicly announces they plan to do this again..and again
How would America & the mainstream media respond ? "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Here are the statements by Arabs and their supporters--the new Hitler Youth--right after Arabs massacred Jews.

These savage Jew-haters will never beat the Jew.


Because for the Jew, it's fight or die--and fight we will.

Those who supported the slaughter of Jews include The Nation’s Palestine Correspondent Mohammed El-Kurd, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters, popular New York City-based anti-Zionist group Within Our Lifetime and many other anti-Israel groups across the country.

In their view, all Israelis are complicit in Israel’s policies toward the Fakestinian genocodial Arab, and violence is a warranted response.

These reactions from noteworthy anti-Israel activists and organizations are reflected in a broader ecosystem in which many X users are posting similar messaging. Many posts compare Israel to Nazi Germany or state that Israel was deserving of the attack. Others refer to the news as cause for “a day of celebration,” lauding Hamas for their “bravery” and for crossing “into their colonisers’ territory.”

Examples of prominent activists expressing support for Hamas’ terror attack include:

Swarthmore College’s SJP chapter released a statement on October 10, justifying Hamas’s violence by saying, “Since early Saturday morning, Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have valiantly confronted the imperial apparatus that has constricted their livelihoods for the past seventy-five years.” The statement also said that “decolonization is far from a metaphor confined to the classroom” and that “There exists only a colonizer and colonized, an oppressed and an oppressor. To resist is to survive, and it is our right."

National Students for Justice in Palestine released a toolkit for their "day of action", describing the murders of Israeli civilians as “a historic win for the Palestinian resistance: across land, air, and sea, our people have broken down the artificial barriers of the Zionist entity.” The organization added, “This is what it means to Free Palestine: not just slogans and rallies, but armed confrontation with the oppressors.”

Anti-Israel activist Nerdeen Kiswani called on people to support the liberation of Palestine “by any means necessary:” “If you support Palestine understand that necessitates supporting our right to defend ourselves and liberate our homeland by any means necessary….Freedom has only ever been achieved through resistance.”

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"The ADC, an Arab American organization, claimed that the Hamas’ massacre of Israeli civilians was an expression of Palestinian self-determination efforts: “The unprecedented and ongoing resistance by Palestinians from Gaza, that caught Israel by surprise, did not happen in a vacuum…. Palestinians are asserting their right to self-determination and unequivocally demanding their freedom.”

Young Democrats of America Black Caucus chair Amber Sherman issued unequivocal support for the Palestinian actions: “As Chair of the Black Caucus I fully support the Palestinian people and the uprising happening in Gaza right now…. I encourage folks to publicly acknowledge the uprising happening in Gaza and stand in support of the Palestinian people.”

The Boston Mapping Project, an anti-Zionist organization which has called for people to “dismantle” and “disrupt” most of Boston’s Jewish community, posted several times in support of Palestinian resistance, and encouraged its readers to follow the Resistance News Network, an antisemitic encrypted news channel that shares violent anti-Israel imagery and promotes Hamas propaganda.

The U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) wrote about the Hamas violence: “Our people are waging an anti-colonial, anti-occupation, and anti-Zionist liberation struggle!” In a longer statement, the group said that the violence was a justified response to “over 100 years of zionist [sic] settler-colonialism” and a laundry list of grievances against Israel. "

Anonymous said...

& continues
"The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced that it had signed on to the statement of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, which ignored Hamas’ violence against Israeli civilians and instead called for the United States and world governments to “exert pressure on Israel” to stop its “atrocities” against the Palestinians.

Several Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters expressed support for the attacks on Instagram. SJP is the most prominent anti-Israel student group in the United States. Examples include:

Palestine Solidarity Alliance of Hunter College posted: “RESISTANCE IS THE ONLY ANSWER: ... Similar to Dief [Hamas military commander], we demand ALL educational institutions and organizations to stand up against the occupation and actively support the Al-Aqsa Flood initiative... The hour of liberation draws near”
American University SJP re-posted messages from Within Our Lifetime and Palestinian Youth Movement that read: “The resistance Lives!” and “Support Palestinian resistance from Al-Quds to Gaza.”
Rutgers SJP posted: “Glory to the resistance”
SJP at University of California, San Diego re-posted a message from Palestinian Youth Movement: “The resistance lives!”
SJP at California State University, Sacramento shared a post that read: “As Muslims we have a religious obligation ordained by Allah SWT to support the liberation of Palestine by any and all means necessary.”

John Jay SJP shared a message reading, in part: “Do not let Western media call this terrorism. This is DECOLONIZATION.”

SAFE UMich, an anti-Israel group affiliated with SJP, posted: “Long live the resistance. Power to our Freedom Fighters. Glory to our martyrs.”

The University of Virginia chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine stated that the Hamas massacres were only the first step: “The events that took place yesterday are a step towards a free Palestine…. freedom is not a matter of it but when. We stand in solidarity with Palestinian resistance fighters….”

The SJP chapters of California State University of Sacramento claimed that Jewish people who support Israel are not “real true followers of Judaism:” “Real true followers of Judaism (Orthodox Jews) actually support Palestine as Israel’s actions go against their own religion.”

On his Substack, academic and activist Norman Finkelstein wrote that Hamas’ actions “warms [sic] every fiber of my soul” and compared the attacks to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising:

“.. if we honor the Jews who revolted in the Warsaw Ghetto—then moral consistency commands that we honor the heroic resistance in Gaza. I, for one, will never begrudge—on the contrary, it warms every fiber of my soul—the scenes of Gaza’s smiling children as their arrogant Jewish supremacist oppressors have, finally, been humbled.”

About 35 student associations at Harvard University signed on to a statement from the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee and Harvard Graduate Students for Palestine which said, "We... hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible" for the violence perpetrated by Hamas."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"New York City-based anti-Israel group Within Our Lifetime posted on Instagram:

“Supporting Palestinian liberation is supporting whatever means necessary it takes to get there.... we must defend the Palestinian right to resist zionist [sic] settler violence and support Palestinian resistance in all its forms. By any means necessary. With no exceptions and no fine print.”
Activist and poet Mohammed El-Kurd,The Nation’s Palestine Correspondent, posted on X:

“Occupation, colonization, and land-theft are the root cause of the ‘conflict.’ Everything else is retaliation.”
Dylan Saba, an attorney with Palestine Legal, a nonprofit that provides legal aid to anti-Israel activists, posted on X:

“Glory to the resistance and the people of Palestine....l could not be more proud of my people who continue to demonstrate unthinkable bravery in their struggle for liberation”
Palestinian Youth Movement, an anti-Israel group active on many university campuses (and which frequently partners with SJP and JVP), called Hamas’ terror attacks “legitimate resistance” and posted a photo on Instagram of Palestinians celebrating on top of a captured Israeli vehicle:

“We continue to stand alongside our people in Gaza and across Occupied Palestine in their legitimate resistance against the occupiers. In our Martyrs’ names, the struggle for liberation and return continues. Palestine will be free.”
Palestine Lives: The Resistance Lives
Transnational anti-Zionist group Samidoun posted an image of individuals carrying weapons and added, in part:

“The resistance is rising throughout occupied Palestine, smashing the siege on Palestinian resistance forces fight to advance return and the liberation of Palestine.”
Palestine: The Resistance Rises
Activist group Adalah Justice Project, which frequently partners with JVP and SJP:

“The natural reaction to colonization and oppression is resistance.”
Al-Awda NY, a New York City-based anti-Zionist group, and fellow anti-Zionist group Palestinian Assembly for Liberation (PAL), explicitly and effusively expressed their support for Hamas’ actions:

“The Palestinian Assembly for Liberation and Al-Awda NY send their highest salutations to the Palestinian Resistance, the Freedom Fighters..... Now more than ever is the moment for all Palestinians and allies globally to stand proudly, in full support of the brave Palestinian Freedom Fighters...”

On Instagram, Nevadans for Palestinian Liberation espoused a historic antisemitic theme about Jewish control over politics in a message supporting the “resistance:”

“When you see spineless politicians who are bought by Israeli lobbyists flood your timeline today with words of condemnation today ask yourselves where they were for the past 75 years. Long live the resistance!!!!”

Anti-Israel Jewish group IfNotNow released a statement blaming Israel and the United States for provoking Palestinians into the attacks:

“Their blood [civilians] is on the hands of the Israeli government, the US government which funds and excuses their recklessness...”

Jewish anti-Zionist organization Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) also blamed the terror attack on Israel:

“Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression — are the source of all this violence.... The bloodshed of today and the past 75 years traces back directly to U.S. complicity in the oppression and horror caused by Israel’s military occupation.”
Arabs, Fakestinians, Muslims and their Supporters continue to be Heartless Worthless Losers , Troublemakers & Miscreants

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today also
"If the Jew-hating Arabs and their Jew-hating supporters violently protested in any Arab dictatorship the way they do in the United States, they'd be gunned down in the streets, with no mercy.

When Arabs kill Arabs, the world yawns.

But when the Jew defends himself, they scream."
"The pay-for-slay Arabs who occupy Judea and Samaria are far worse than the Arabs who occupy Jewish Gaza. They celebrated the October 7 Arab slaughter of Jewish families, gang-rape of Jewish women, beheading of Jewish children and kidnapping of Jewish babies to tunnels in Gaza."

Anonymous said...

More about the
"Palestinian people" has an article headlined
"Beyond Hamas: Militant and Terrorist Groups Involved in the October 7 Attack on Israel"
Flashpoint Intel Team
October 18, 2023

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"The anti-Israel and anti-semitic worldwide media calls brutal Arab dictators kings and princes, and democratically elected Jewish MK's right-wing extremists."
"Anti-Israel CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, along with the Jordanian dictator's wife, Rania, who Christiane calls a "King" and Queen," has once again blood-libeled the Jewish nation.

Rania the Jew-hater remains absolutely silent and does not condemn the Arab massacre of Jews, the Arab gang-raping of Jewish women or the Arab kidnapping of Jewish babies.

Instead, she blood-libels the Jew, blaming the Jewish nation for the "humanitarian crisis in Gaza," when the sole cause of the crisis is the Arab Hamas genocidal killers, who assaulted the Jewish nation, committed a massacre, and then hides behind civilians when the Jewish nation defends itself.

Rania the Jew-hater previously said that the Jew deserved the Arab Hamas attack.

Shame on these savage Arab Jew-haters."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"Israeli Muslim Arab, Ali al-Ziadna, whose two family members are in Hamas' captivity CONFRONTS the Palestinian Ambassador to the UN:

"... Why did they kidnap my brother? What did they do to deserve to be kidnapped? They have been in the tunnels for 5 months for what? Hamas returned the Thai workers without a deal, and the Muslim who is like me and you, they left in the tunnels hungry, in pain and naked...".

TELL THE WORLD! Hamas doesn't care about Muslims."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"This morning, a nice Palestinian terrorist decided his time has come and he might as well go down after killing some Jews with this knife. Thank God he failed. Besides his time coming. The world is now a safer place.

You won’t hear anything about this on the news so I thought I’d let you know. Two injured."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
About Gigi & Bella Hadid ,
"So many questions here:

1) Why are these ladies legally classified as "Palestinian Refugees" even though they were born on stolen Native American Land?

2) Why have they posed for overtly lesbian-insinuating photo shoots and yet defend the "right" of Hamas to rule any region of Judea, when they would literally be EXECUTED for this - not only in Gaza, but also in the West Bank for that matter?

3) What is the Shari`i punishment Hamas would carry out for such a photo shoot if the Hadid sisters lived in Gaza?

4) How can anyone call these young ladies "Indigenous Palestinian People of Color" then call Israelis - from the lightest to darkest - "White Settlers" and not realize how ridiculous they sound?

5) How is it that Palestinians are able to infiltrate Israel posing as Israeli Jews? Wouldn't people say "hey they can't be Israeli Jews! They don't look like 'white settlers' like all of us?"

6) How is it that Mossad has consistently been able to infiltrate Palestinian and other Arab circles with even Ashkenazi agents who easily pass for Arab ethnicities?

7) Why do people who have never stepped foot in the region think they have anything meaningful to contribute on the topic of what people demographically look like in the region?"
A link is given to an article from on
January 31, 2018 headlined
"Disturbing: Fans slam Gigi and Bella Hadid's naked British Vogue photo shoot" by
Morgan M. Evans
The article by Morgan M. Evans is a Must read

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Arab supremacy” on
Dec 12, 2022

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Mom kidnapped by Hamas: Nurses at Gaza hospital cheered at captured ‘prey’ "
by Andrew Dorn and Elizabeth Vargas
March 13, 2024

Anonymous said...

More about the Fakestinians
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"King of Gaza: Yahya Sinwar still holds large Palestinian support in Gaza"
By MAARIV ONLINE Published: MARCH 14, 2024

Anonymous said...

More about the Precious
"Palestinian people"
Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Terror attack in southern Israel.
23 year old Palestinian from Gaza who, 3 years ago, was allowed to live and work in Israel, married and lived in the Bedouin town of Rahat, rode on a scooter in the direction of Beer Sheba and began a knifing attack killing a 50 year old man inside the Yellow Cafe at the Bet Kama junction.
His parents live in Gaza.
This terrorist was killed by an armed civilian at the scene.
This terrorist was a close relative of a Bedouin IDF officer, Ahmad Abu Latif, who fell in the line of duty in Gaza."

Anonymous said...
has an article headlined
"Dina Rubina — OPEN LETTER"
On March 8, 2024

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun also typed online earlier today
“The Jerusalem Post: “As investigations continue to find evidence of who participated in Hamas’s October 7 attack, it was found that women and teens were involved in both the attacks and kidnappings of hostages, according to a Makor Rishon report.
Since the devastating attacks on October 7, there has been much investigation into who was involved. One of the leaders of the investigation in the Israel Police’s Unit of International Crime Investigations, Alex Namirovski, related his efforts to collect concrete evidence, hoping that the justice system would be able to use it to indict those who are suspects.
According to Namirovski, those currently detained are “teenagers, aged 17 or 16. Some adults are also close to the age of sixty.”
“There were also women who assisted in the kidnappings, guarded the hostages, and helped the terrorists. Women participated on October 7, although there were not many,” Namirovski continued.”

These are the civilians of Gaza whose security Blinken believes is Israel’s “job number one”. In my view, Israel’s number one job is to make sure that Hamas and their friends never again have the ability to commit atrocities like they did on October 7.”

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online earlier today “The Jerusalem Post: “A report released by Regavim earlier this week identified dozens of examples of armed personnel from the Palestinian Authority involved in terror.
The report, titled “Officers by Day, Terrorists by Night,” sheds light on the involvement of Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF) in both perpetrated and attempted acts of terrorism, as well as planning, providing help, and inciting them, all in addition to their glorification by the Palestine Authority itself.
According to the report, 46 PASF members were killed while perpetrating terrorist acts targeting or attempting to target the lives of dozens of innocent Israelis, in addition to 25 who were arrested and at least who were seven wounded, indicating systemic wrongdoing within the PA’s ranks.
The Palestinian Authority, the report shows, not only fails to condemn terrorism perpetrated by its security forces but also actively glorifies such acts, financially supporting terrorists and their families.”

That’s the PA that the US administration says should run Gaza. What could possibly go wrong?”

Anonymous said...

On X , formerly Twitter
Imtiaz Mahmood
"A young Palestinian's unpopular perspective: "As a Palestinian millennial, my heart is heavy with frustration and my mind burns with resentment. Our bright futures, full of promise, have been stolen - not by outsiders, but by our own elders, who remain fixated on a past filled with suffering and conflict. They have doomed generation after generation to a cycle of endless strife, sacrificing our potential for peace and progress in the name of unyielding principles. I look with admiration at the Jewish community, not for their history of suffering, but for their ability to transform profound pain into a commitment to peace and prosperity. They have reconciled with past adversaries – Egyptians, Jordanians, Germans – choosing to build a brighter future instead of clinging to the ashes of the past. Why can’t we follow a similar path? Our plight, however, has become a spectacle for some in the Western left and a tool for the wider Arab Muslim world. These groups parade our suffering not to uplift us, but to further their own anti-Semitic or political agendas. In the guise of support, they have entrenched us as perpetual victims, devoid of the agency to shape a future beyond conflict. The hypocrisy of the Arab world is particularly galling. They use the Palestinian cause to advance their own interests, yet offer little tangible support. Their homes and countries remain closed to us, their solidarity often nothing more than empty rhetoric. This exploitation of our struggle under the facade of brotherhood is a betrayal of the deepest kind. I am also enraged by leftists in the West, Hamas' useful idiots, who masquerade as anti-colonialists, exploiting our struggle for their self-congratulatory performances. They don't seek our liberation; they seek applause for their superficial activism. But my greatest anger is reserved for our own leaders and elders. They have failed us, trapping us in a cycle of violence and martyrdom, rather than nurturing our talents and enabling our dreams. They have stolen our right to a future of our own making, where we, as Palestinians, can thrive in peace and embrace the fullness of life. I refuse to accept this narrative of endless struggle. I will not let my future be another casualty of a conflict that has consumed too many. It's time for a new chapter, one where the voices of Palestinian youth demand not just survival, but a life filled with purpose, joy, and peace. Enough is enough. Our future is ours to claim, and I will no longer stand silent as it is stripped away from us." on
1:59 PM · Nov 27, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Arabs' worst enemy: themselves" by Walter Rodgers on
November 8, 2010

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today
"The absurd stories Hamas sells the world that any four year old would immediately dismiss as nonsense.

- Hamas: “We murder grandmothers. We rape babies. We burn families alive. We sexually abuse corpses.

But our numbers of casualties are 100% accurate and we see no reason you shouldn’t believe us.”

The world: “Sure. Sound like reliable folks.”

- Hamas: “We will kill every single Jew no matter where they are. We will leave no Jew alive. We want Israel in its entirety dismantled and all of its citizens murdered.

But we want a two state solution. Someone please give a state. We want to live in peace.”

The world: “They didn’t mean the first part. We’re can work with the second part.”

- Hamas: “October 7th was the happiest day in our history. It was only the beginning and we will repeat it over and over. Rape is resistance. Here is the video footage of the rape snd pedophilia we are so proud of.”

“October 7th? That was just a regular military operation. No innocents were targeted. The IDF is lying. There was no rape and sexual crimes. “

The world? The evidence is inconclusive. Israel’s attack on Gaza and the massive casualty numbers (see point 1) are not inconclusive. Ceasefire now.”

Hamas: “We are a political organization elected by the Palestinian people. Calling us terrorists is ridiculous.”

“Every man, woman, child, and baby is a fair target for our resistance. They are all occupiers.”

The world: “I mean… They have a point.”

- Hamas: “Israel killed exactly a zillion and 45 Gazans in their last attack (which we made up.). We have the exact numbers even though it happened 11 seconds ago.”

“We have no idea where the hostages are or how many are alive.”

The world: “Seems logical to us…”

- Hamas: “Israel is starving Gaza to death by stopping the aid and preventing flour, water, or electricity from entering Gaza.”

“Any Gazan who tries to steal the aid Israel sent in will be killed. The same goes for fuel. We need it for rockets. And electricity? Well, our internet connection seems fine so it must be a miracle. Internet without electricity.”

The world: “Seems reasonable.”

Hamas: “End the war and pull out of Gaza immediately.”

Israel: “Sure. Release the hostages and surrender.”

Hamas: “We’ll give you one dead body of a hostage we murdered for every single Palestinian terrorist murderer in Israel jails.”

Israel: “Bite me.”

The world: “Israel doesn’t want a ceasefire!!”

- Hamas: “We will never surrender to the Zionist occupiers.”

“Fine, I will strip down to my undies walking through the streets of Gaza crying for my mommy when the IDF catches me.”

The world: “Israel is humiliating innocent Palestinians.”

Hamas: “Israel has killed 30,000 innocent Gazans”

The world: “Just to clarify, every single casualty is innocent? Israel hasn’t eliminated a single terrorist?”

Hamas: “Nope, all women, children, and journalists.”

The world: “Cool. Cool.”

- Hamas: “We are winning!”

Israel has eliminated 80% of Hamas with thousands of terrorists dead. Israel has tragically but miraculously “only” lost a few hundred soldiers. Hamas has fired tens of thousands of rockets into Israeli cities. Almost all fell in empty spaces or were detonated by the Iron Dome.

Some victory. If this is victory, then keep winning, Hamas.

So what is the next laughable lie Hamas will come up with and the world will eat up?

Unicorns and mermaids were real before the zionists committed genocide in the ocean and killed them all?

Israel is killing all the puppies and turtles?

The Mossad is actually responsible for all the terror perpetrated by radical Islam. It’s actually the Zionist’s’ fault.

The verdict is in and the court would like the defendant to stand up.

We, the court find you, the world, guilty of throwing away critical thinking and intentionally believing lies intended to vilify the Jewish people, which history dictates, will lead to
violence, exile, or extermination.

How do you plead?


Glad we cleared that up."

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri a Pakistani Born
British Muslim Zionist typed online earlier this March 2024
"“𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗣𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘀? 𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀”

Al-Masri. What is Al-Masri? From Egypt (Mizraim). Masarwah is Egyptians in the plural. Al-Khurani from the Horan in Syria. Al-Hijazi from Hijazi in today’s Saudi Arabia. Sorani - Tyre from Lebanon. Sidawi from Sidon. (Tyre and Sidon are mentioned in Joel chapter 3 as the people who sold Jews as slaves to the Greeks). Trabolsi from Tripoli in Lebanon. Karachi from Karak in Jordan. Zarqawi from Zarqa (city in Jordan). Al Faiyumi from Faiyum in Egypt. Bushnak - Bosnians. Halabi from Haleb in Syria.

“𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁 ‘𝗣𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘀’.

They came to work here in the Jewish villages (years ago) but there was a decision by the Arab League not to allow them to return (home) but to refugee camps with UNRWA providing for them.”

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"How Very Fitting: Satan Endorses the Palestinian Cause"

Anonymous said...

On X , formerly Twitter
Khaled Hassan
@Khaledhzakariah typed
"Here is a simple fact: I don't want to ever hear the words "Palestinian", "genocide", "apartheid", "two-state solution", "occupation" or "resistance" ever again.

I am 33. There has not been one bloody year in my life when I didn't hear about how Palestinians should be spoiled, and offered more money, whilst they reject every peace proposal and respond with terrorism. This time, they also took babies hostage and likely killed them in Gaza. That is the only difference from the many previous times: Palestinians are getting far more bloodthirsty and the world is accepting that as the norm.

President Sadat said it publicly. They refused to engage in negotiations following the Yom Kippur war. They then danced when he was killed. President Mubarak said it publicly, they were the problem and refused to engage in negotiations. President Bill Clinton said it too. It is all on record!

So, for the love of Gd, give me a break. The Uyghurs are being ethnically cleansed. What did Arabs do? Sent a love letter to China.

How many years of our lives is enough for Palestinians? How many lives and opportunities do you want to throw down the toilet while we entertain a death cult?

Traffic through the Suez Canal is 50% down. Egypt's economy devastated. Houthis literally holding international maritime hostage. All because of the Palestinians. How many years, and how much money, do you want to spend on the delusion of a two-state solution?

For me, it's dead. All of my efforts, time and money will be invested in making sure terrorists and their supporters never see a Palestinian state."
9:13 AM · Mar 19, 2024

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online in
"Some people insist that Arab rejection of Israel isn't the result of antisemitism. I can see their point.

After all, it's not like Arab Muslims and Arab Christians hate each other. It's not like Arab Sunnis and Arab Shias hate each other. It's not like Arab clans hate other other clans. It's not like hatred is at the core of Arab culture. In the Arab world, love, democracy, and human rights reign supreme!

So, saying that Arabs can be antisemitic is truly a ridiculous proposition that is totally inconsistent with everything we know about he Arab world..."

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online earlier today
"The only times Arabs behave is when under dictatorships in modern times (Egypt - Mubarak and Sisi, Saudi Arabia under MBS, UAE, Oman, Bahrain). Left to democracy, Arabs choose Muslim Brotherhood terrorist leaders. Pakistan is a democracy.

The majority of the non-Emirati UAE population is anti-Israel but the dictatorship there keeps it at bay, post Abraham Accords signing."

Anonymous said...

More about the Supporters of the precious
"Palestinian people"
Chaplain Michael Green typed online earlier this
March 2024
"Discrimination of a Jewish ✡️ Child

A Jewish child receiving medical treatment for a rare blood condition at The Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, in the UK 🇬🇧 has been mistreated by "several nurses were wearing Free Palestine badges."

Part of this mistreatment is a 'Failure to administer proper treatment'. "

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The Psychology of Palestinian Distortions and Deceptions"
Dr. Irwin J. Mansdorf, March 26, 2024

Anonymous said...

More about the Fakestinians
The lovely
"Palestinian people"
Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"The goal was a massacre of Tel Aviv': Hamas's full plan for October 7 revealed

"Since the Obiden Administration has sold out the safety of American Jews to get the votes of Arab Nazis in Dearborn, Michigan, which is the equivalent of FDR trying to get the votes from the German Bund, American Jews must turn away from the Democrat Party.

And since the Obiden Administration stabbed Israel in the back yesterday at the United Nations Security Council it is time for the Israeli government to return the favor of Chuck Schumer and Biden.

The Israeli government should explain to everyday Americans, that October 7th will soon be on your doorstep thanks to Obiden’s open borders with Mexico and Canada. They are causing an existential threat to all Americans with these insane regressive policies.

Now that Israeli Defense officials and the OBIDEN ADMINISTRATION know the full extent of what Hamas truly planned, the non-veto at the UN is abhorrent behaviour by Obiden and a call for their removal must come from Israel to all Americans!

The fact that the Obiden administration knows that Hamas had a phase two, that was to be implemented had phase one worked, which was the taking of the Gaza envelope. Hamas would have then attempted a raid into the heart of Tel Aviv and the true existential threat, a raid into Dimona.

If you, anyone who reads this, can tell yourself it’s ok to vote democrat after all of this knowledge has come out then I really don’t know what to say to you.

Since this information is known to all Western powers, it is even more abominable that this administration did not Veto yesterday’s UNSC resolution. For the first time America didn’t just act against Israel, they didn’t just side with the Palestinians, no, they sided with Hamas.

The Obiden administration sided with Arab Nazis and a group that all do these administration officials had said was far worse then ISIS!

China, Russia and Iran are all laughing!

And since the American administration knows this, instead of putting pressure on Israel they should be putting pressure on Western Powers to fight politically side by side with Israel.

As a life long supporter of the Democratic Party, they have lost my vote.

The Democratic Party should lose all of Jewish America’s vote first and foremost for doing nothing to combat the highest rise in antisemitism in American history.

Instead of deporting terror supporters they have chosen to do what so many have done over time, blame the Jews. This time Obiden is blaming the Jews for fighting back. Disgusting!

It is embarrassing that Obiden can’t say antisemitism without saying Islamophobia!

What Islamophobia?

The type that lets non-stop, Brownshirt marches throughout American cities!

Obiden has put all American Jews in existential danger and has created an atmosphere that is as bad if not worse then that of Europe!

Enough, American Jews from left, right and Center must come together to bring down what is the most dangerous American government for Jewish Americans and for Israel in American history!"

The goal was a massacre of Tel Aviv': Hamas's full plan for October 7 revealed"

Anonymous said...

More about the delightful
"Palestinian people" on
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 has an article headlined
“New poll: Huge majority of Palestinians still love Hamas. (And they are delusional about October 7.)” Those people, the Fakestinians are always delusional

Anonymous said...

On November 29, 2023
A person typed online about the
"model" Gigi Hadid who is half
"Palestinian" that

"This despicable B1TCH should be fired by every modeling agency!

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online earlier today
"Another Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist admitted in graphic detail how he raped a young girl in a Kibbutz on 7 October.
And yet the world remains in denial.
No global individual or collective justice or punishment proposed against Hamas or their leaders on war crimes or crimes against humanity.
They prefer to sweep these crimes under the bed, ignore the bloody bed, and falsely accuse Israel of crimes, even before such accusations occur.
Rafah is one example."
& also
"The terrorist that conducted the shooting terror attack against two school buses filled with Israeli school children in the Jordan Valley this morning was, once again, a security officer in the Palestinian Authority funded, trained, and armed by the United States.
3 were injured including a 30 year-old man.
This terrorist came from Jenin. This is the 3rd attack on Israeli citizens during Ramadan. We are not allowed to attack Arabs during their religious holy days, but they are allowed to kill us.
This is a manhunt for this attacker.

Are you listening, President Biden?
Are you listening Anthony Blinken?"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"There has been a 2 state solution since 1922! called Jordan, when Churchill stole 78% of the Jewish homeland to create an Arab state within the Jewish homeland.

What the even more antisemitic ‘2 state solution’ refers to is creating a terrorist state within the 22% left of the Jewish homeland, a now sovereign country, not a Jewish ‘state.’

It means officially stealing Judea & Samaria, the ancestral heartland of Israel - 2/3rds already have been stolen during the Oslo Terrorist Accords and given to a terrorist org, and it means erasing thousands of years of Jewish history in Gaza, Jewish land since 145 BC, and still legally part of Israel even today per Article 80 of the UN Charter."

Anonymous said...

About the "two-state solution" BS
A person typed online about Israel & Jordan
"The two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict,is so simple.
🇯🇴 Established on 70% of the Mandatory Palestine land
🇯🇴 90% its citizens are Palestinians
🇯🇴 The Queen is a Hamas-supporting Palestinian
🇯🇴 Its population supports the October 7 massacre"

Anonymous said...

5 years ago a person on asked
"Why do so many people have the impression of Arabs (especially those in Gulf countries) as evil, cruel and barbaric?" The answer given was
"Because they are for the most part, slavery is still happening in the arab world, yet they are so strict on religion. They have kept up with their old archaic traditions and never actually got ahead in their mentalities."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier this March 2024

No “good deed” goes unpunished by followers of the Muhammad.

Anyone who is pro-“Palestinian” Hamas should know this story

The Italian journalist Vittorio Arrigoni was a passionate supporter of “Palestinian” rights

He dedicated his life to action for the residents of Gaza

In 2011, Arrigoni moved to Gaza, and took his solidarity to the next level.

Gazan “Palestinian” Hamas terrorists kidnapped him and murdered him in cold blood.

For some reason, the pro-“Palestinian” Hamas people don't often talk about his story.


Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Right-Wing Media Is Flooded With Dehumanizing Rhetoric Against Palestinians" by
Rowaida Abdelaziz
October 19, 2023 Many people gave good comments Exposing the Hypocrisy and Lies of
Fakestinians, Arabs and Muslims

Anonymous said...

A person typed online earlier today
"A nice lady named ------- earlier asked everyone to use a lowercase p when writing "palestine."

I'm on the same page with her and had been doing this for a while already (just seemed like the natural thing to do). But then I decided to change course entirely.

I have graduated past "case distinction," and started calling it Enemyestine, as they are no "pals" of mine.

Note the generous use of the capital "E."

I honestly don't care if the Enemyestinians don't like it. I don't like October 7th. There's no comparison.

And that's all I have to say about that."

Anonymous said...

About Egypt has an article headlined
"Why Rafah is off limits"
on April 1, 2024
The article is a Must Read

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
“Pro-Palestinian Students Call 911 Over Concerns About Protester’s Tampon”
Published March 27, 2024 😆

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Pro-Palestinian Protestors Are Being Paid to Protest"
by Teri Schure
January 19, 2024

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Why I can’t Support the Palestinians"
JULY 25, 2017 by
Gary Fouse

Anonymous said... has an article by
Steve Wenick
"The question" on
JAN 30, 2017, which says
"It was not the first time I was asked, “As a Jew, don’t you feel bad that the Israelis are doing the same thing to the Palestinians as the Nazis did to the Jews?”

Was that a taunt or a sincere but terribly misguided question? It was hard to tell because the martini in the questioner’s right hand may have bolstered his courage or diminished his filter. Either way, I felt a swell of blood filling my cheeks, so I began counting to ten – slowly and silently.

To be clear, there are those who compare Israelis to Nazis just to press the Jew button. They delight in the sport of hurling a slander that is extremely offensive, and then just sitting back, watching blood boil. The ‘they’ are most often comprised of: extreme leftist professors, their adoring campus acolytes, Palestinians, anti-Semites of every stripe and the usual collection of run-of-the-mill drunks. The anti-Israel trope has become the mantra du jure of the extreme left.

Whether his question was a verbal attack or sincere but misinformed, I do believe every question deserves an answer except when the premise is false. That question was analogous the time honored inquiry, “Have you stopped beating your wife?” “Answer yes or no”. There is no good answer.

Responding to Holocaust deniers is a waste of breath and time, for their kind are truly beyond the reach of reason and the range of redemption. Granted their question does not deny that the Holocaust occurred, it does something far worse; it deceitfully draws a moral equivalency between Israelis and Nazis, where none exists.

However, giving the questioner the benefit of doubt, I assumed that the question was posed out of ignorance, not malice. But since the question was based on a false premise, I did not answer it; instead I explained why the allegation has no basis in fact. If any such comparison could be made, the question would be more on target if it asked, “Why do the Palestinians treat the Jews like the Nazis treated the Jews?”

After all it is the Palestinians who want Jew-free state.

Just like the Nazis did.

It is the Palestinians who support BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) against Jews/Israelis.

Just like the Nazis did.

It is the Palestinians who disparage Jews in cartoons in the vilest fashion.

Just like the Nazis did.

It is the Palestinians who flock to the book stores to read Hitler’s virulent anti-Semitic book ‘Mein Kampf’.

Just like the Nazis did.

It is the Palestinians who have a copy of ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ on their bookshelves.

Just like the Nazis did.

It is the Palestinians whose school plays, curriculums and holiday presentations depict Jews as vermin, pigs and rats.

Just like the Nazis did.

It is the Palestinians who randomly attack anyone they deem a Jew.

Just like the Nazis did.

Now, getting back to the question, “As a Jew, don’t you feel bad that the Israelis are doing the same thing to the Palestinians as the Nazis did to the Jews?”

Yes I do feel bad that there are people who are so ill-informed about history that they could even entertain such a question. And yes I do feel bad that Israelis are compelled to deal with the Palestinians in ways that safeguard their citizens from being blown up, randomly stabbed and purposely run down by trucks. Yes I do feel bad that sometimes Israelis have to resort to strong and effective measures to insure their own safety above the welfare of those who would destroy them.

I hope that answered your question, if that is what it was."

Anonymous said...

According to online sources
April is
“National Arab American Heritage Month” 😡😆
What “heritage” ? What good have
“Arab Americans” or any Arabs done ? What good have they ever done for anyone ?

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Today marks 6 Months since Palestinian Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and slaughtered, raped, tortured, mutilated, burned alive and beheaded 1200 human beings, men, women, the elderly and children, because they were born JEWISH.

In addition, the Hamas savages brutally kidnapped 234 men, women, the elderly and children, the majority being Jewish.

Of the 234 a number have been released, many others have been terribly tortured and murdered in captivity. Scores of young Jewish female hostages have been sexual abused and raped.

Hamas continues to hold approximately 100 living hostages and the bodies of 34 they murdered.

The total number of IDF soldiers killed in the War, since 7 October exceeds 600, with thousands wounded.

Not since the Holocaust of WW2 has there been such a horrific loss of Jewish lives.

Palestinian Hamas are the Nazis of the 21st century. In fact Hamas in many ways are worse, more extreme, more depraved than the Nazi monsters of the Third Reich, as they tried to conceal from the world their abominable crimes against the Jewish people. Whereas the Hamas barbarians made sure that the world saw in graphic detail their sear sadistic violent depravity.

Let's not forget the role that the Palestinian civilians played in the Oct 7 Holocaust, as they poured into Israel on that day and raped, tortured, looted, kidnapped and murdered Jews.

Back in Gaza they were celebrating with shouts of 'Allah Akbar' the massacre of the Jews and cheered when the bodies of Jewish men and women, some stripped naked, both living and dead were dragged through the streets.

So today we remember the Jewish victims of this bestial Palestinian barbarism and the family members who survived that witnessed their loved ones, their friends being raped, tortured and murdered. They will carry this with them for a life time.

The valorous IDF warriors, that gave their lives and the wounded that gave their limbs and minds, on the battlefield, who bare the seen and unseen scars of war, we remember them.

May the memory of victims and the Fallen Soldiers, be a blessing 🕯️May their souls, be bound up in the, bond of eternal life. 💙✨💙✨"

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online today
These Vital Truths & Facts
"Some hard truths.

Israel tries to minimize civilian death.
Hamas tries to maximize civilian death.

Israel wants peace for itself and its neighbors.
Hamas doesn’t want neighbors.

Israel admits and apologies when it makes mistakes.
Hamas never makes mistakes and when it does, it’s Israel’s fault.

Israel operates based on international law.
Hamas laughs at international law.

Israel has made unparalleled gestures for peace in the region.
Hamas, in that time, has made an underground terror infrastructure that is unparalleled in its size and sophistication.

Israel just wants to live in peace.
Hamas wants its people to die as shahids.

Israel sends foreign aid into Gaza.
Hamas steals the foreign aid in Gaza.

Israel glorifies life.
Hamas glorifies death.

Israel embraces political protests against the government.
Hamas kills anyone who protests against the government.

Israel embraces the LGBTQ community.
Hamas hangs LGBTQ individuals.

Israel sticks to the truth, even when the truth hurts.
Hamas lies every time they open their mouth.

Israel gives murders rapists and pedophiles life long sentences in prison.
Hamas gives them life long salaries.

Israel spent years building a world leading country in all things tech.
Hamas spent years building a world leading country in all things terror.

Israel aspires for world peace.
Hamas aspires for world domination.

Israel's declaration of independence speaks of equality for all irrespective of religion, race or sex.
Hamas's charter speaks of death to all Jews, infidels and the western world.

The contrast could not be any clearer and anyone who doesn’t see it, doesn’t want to see it, and that’s a fact!

Good vs evil.
Dark vs light.

There is no nuance here. No “context”. Just plain old good guys vs bad guys."

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online on
December 18, 2023
"A short but very relevant blog by Avigdor Liberman, Member of Knesset and the leader of the Yisrael Beytenu party. This captures very well the way that I (and probably many others) have felt since October 7. And yes, I was one of the naïve people that he refers to, but not anymore:

Innocents in Gaza? Don’t be naive

For years good people with good intentions believed in and promoted the idea of peace between us and the Palestinians. Naive people – and yes, it is fair to call them that – who believed with all their hearts in the idea of two states thought there were normal people who dream the same dream living in Gaza. That dream shattered into pieces on October 7, 2023.

After recovering from the initial shock of the horrific massacre and with the revelation of the evidence of the atrocities committed by the Nazi terrorists, there is no shadow of a doubt that among those who took part in the attack on southern Israel, provided the intelligence on the homes of the residents, and led the mob in the second wave of looting and destruction were Gazans who worked in the kibbutz communities they invaded. They earned a living and ate in the homes of the massacred residents, some of whom were the very residents who helped Gazans and their families when they were sick, and took care of transporting them from Gaza to Israel for life-saving treatments in Israeli hospitals.

The late Vivian Silver from Kibbutz Be’eri was one of those people who worked for peace and for the people of Gaza. She established aid programs for Gazans, made sure the workers were paid fair wages, transported the sick to hospital treatment and a few days before the massacre organized a peace rally in Jerusalem where Israeli women marched alongside Palestinian women. On Black Saturday, she was murdered with terrible cruelty by people on whose behalf she had worked for years, and no condemnation or expression of shock was heard from the residents of Gaza.

Some will say Gazans are afraid of Hamas and that is why we have not heard any condemnation from them, but the scenes we witnessed every evening when our kidnapped were being transferred to the Red Cross and the testimonies of those who have returned from captivity suggest otherwise. It’s clear that Hamas has massive support in Gaza: The frenzied crowd jeering and spitting on the abductees, the testimonies of Israeli children who say they were beaten by Gazans of all ages, and the demonstrations of joy and support for terrorists throughout Gaza testify to the cruelty of a populace that educates its children to hate Israel and is raising a new generation of terrorists and supporters of terrorism whose goal is the destruction of the State of Israel and all its citizens.

The story of Roni Krivoi, who was kidnapped from the Supernova festival by the bad guys, is a case in point. Roni managed to escape from captivity and hide for a few days until Gazans caught him and returned him to his captors. This is likely the reason why the terrorists branded the legs of the kidnapped children with the motorcycle exhaust pipe in order to make it easy to identify them in case they escape.

Further evidence of the cooperation of the population can be found in the corridors of Shifa Hospital, where the hospital director and other senior doctors helped the terrorists hide hostages and turn the hospital into a haven for terrorists. But it’s not only in hospitals that you find collaborators, it’s also in private homes of Gazans, including a reported case of an UNRWA employee, where hostages were held in terrible conditions.

This reality is also reflected on social networks in the Arab world and in Gaza, where an avalanche of posts are words of praise and wall-to-wall support for Hamas and the horrible acts of October 7th.

So tell me, where are those innocent people in the Gaza Strip hiding?"

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"Son of Hamas: 'There is no difference between Hamas and Palestinian people' " By JERUSALEM POST STAFF   Published: APRIL 5, 2024

Anonymous said...

Articles online say that
67 percent of the "Arab World" views that October 7th, 2023
Hamas Genocide as
"legitimate resistance" against Israel has an article about this headlined
"Qatari poll: Only 5% of MENA Arabs oppose Oct. 7 massacre"
on January 24, 2024

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online earlier today. "The moment the Hamas leader found out that his three terrorist sons were just eliminated by the IDF.

His response: “I thank Allah for the honor that my children and grandchildren have been Martyred. Nearly 60 of my family members have been martyred, like all the Palestinian people, and there is no difference between them.”

Even the most vile humans would feel sadness after losing three sons.

Not him.

Israel is fighting real life monsters."
Mr. Fuld also called the Arab Fakestinians in Hamas a "whole different level" of Monsters

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online in
August 2021
"I have written numerous articles verifying that those who today identify as Palestinians and claim they were the indigenous population of the geography are actually third and fourth generation descendants of Arabs from surrounding countries. The Arabs were the actual colonisers and settlers who came to Palestine because of the economic opportunities brought about by Zionism.
Churchill recognised these undisputable facts.
1922 - A Peace To End All Peace
'' The Arabs would have sat in the dark forever had not the Zionists engineers harnessed the Jordan river for electrification. Now they swarm into Palestine in seeking the light.''
In the House of Commons May 1939, he stated
'' So far from being persecuted. the Arabs have crowded into Palestine and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry....''
The Peel Commission Report of 1937 stated
''This illegal Arab immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria ...''
This same report cited the Nazi collaborator , the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem , Amin al - Husseini admitting to Sir Laurie Hammond that all land had been legally purchased by the Zionists via the Jewish National Find or individual philanthropists and absolutely no land had been stolen."

Anonymous said...

Again WTF ? April is
“National Arab American Heritage Month”
What next , a “heritage” month for Satan the Devil and his Demons ?

Anonymous said...

Alex Berenson
@AlexBerenson on February 12, 2024 typed on X , formerly Twitter
“So odd how the endless whining about the Palestinian “Nakba” forgets the REAL historical context: after World War 2, huge populations were resettled globally. Nobody talks about the “right of return” of the 15 million Muslims who fled India to Pakistan in 1948.”
He later added
“You started a war, you lost, it’s over. It’s been 75 years, nobody owes you anything, and every Arab leader knows it, and they’re beyond sick of hearing about it.

Oops, did I say that out loud?”
Also from an article by Fred Maroun is
"Endless whining about the Nakba is a sign of pathetic immaturity" on
MAY 18, 2023

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online today
"Reposting this… Please read. (yes, I know it’s long.)

I often wonder what a conversation between a Hamas supporter and their child would look like…

Daughter: “Dad, where you going?”

Dad: “Going to a rally for an important cause.”

Daughter: “Cool. Can I join?”

Dad: “Probably not a good idea…”

Daughter: “Why not?”

Dad: “People get violent in these marches…”

Daughter: “That’s weird. Why are you supporting violence? I thought you taught me that violence is bad. What is this rally about?”

Dad: “I am marching for the Palestinians and their resistance against Israel and its racist government.”

Daughter: “Wait, I’m confused. I saw videos of Hamas, the organization that governs the Palestinians, murdering families, burning babies, and raping women. Is that who you’re marching for?”

Dad: “Well, yea, the Israelis have been oppressing the Palestinians for 75 years. This is the result.”

Daughter: “Dad, I’m really confused. Are you actually telling me you support those horrible acts? Would you support them if I was the one being raped?”

Dad: “Well, it’s not so much about me supporting Hamas as it is about protesting the state of Israel.”

Daughter: “What did Israel do that you’re so angry at them?”

Dad: “They stole land. From the Palestinians.”

Daughter: “Got it, got it. Makes sense. So they occupied an Arab state called Palestine?”

Dad: “Yep. Now you’re starting to get it.”

Daughter: “Cool. Cool. Tell me about this Arab state. When was it established?”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “Um… Was there an Arab state called Palestine? There must have been…”

Dad: “It’s not about a state. Israel ethnically cleansed the land from Arabs.”

Daughter: “But aren’t there millions of Arabs living in Israel, serving in the army, the parliament, the courts, and all other parts of Israeli society? What do you mean they kicked all the Arabs out?”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “Ok, I’m just trying to understand. There was never an Arab Palestinian state and no one kicked the Arabs out? So what are you marching for?”

Dad: “Ok, so they didn’t kick ALL the Arabs out; but they did kick many of them out of their homes.”

Daughter: “They just decided one day to kick them out?”

Dad: “No, the UN gave the Jews a state and the Arabs a state. The Arabs attacked the Jews and rejected the UN’s offer.”

Daughter: “So they attacked Israel and lost and then Israel took land?”

Dad: “Exactly! See how evil those Jews are?”

Daughter: “Didn’t we do the same thing in our country? Didn’t every country do that at some point in their history?”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “Besides, dad, where does the word Jew come from? Isn’t it from the word Judea, which we now call the West Bank? Weren’t the Jews always there? How can someone steal land that’s already theirs?”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “Dad, I’m sorry for all the questions. You always taught me to use critical thinking. I’m just really confused. So let me get this straight. The Jews, who were systematically murdered by Hitler in Europe were granted a state by the UN. The Arabs were too. Israel accepted, the Arabs rejected and attacked, and lost? Then Israel took land that was historically theirs, let Arabs live freely in their country, and were cruelly massacred on October 7th? And you’re going to march in support of that?”

Dad: Crickets "

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Daughter: “Please help me understand because I know you’re not a violent person so how can you march in favor of Hamas? Aren’t they terrorists?”

Dad: “Because Israel is committing genocide! They are killing tens of thousands of innocent people in Gaza. They are attacking indiscriminately.”

Daughter: “Oh, that makes sense. I’d love to examine the numbers. How many innocent people did Israel kill and how many terrorists? Also, what’s the source of the numbers?”

Dad: “Oh, they killed tens of thousands of innocents. Not sure about terrorists. The source? Hamas.”

Daughter: “Wait, what? You’re quoting Hamas, a terrorist organization, who says that every person Israel killed was innocent? So, according to the numbers you’re quoting, Israel killed zero terrorists? That doesn’t sound right.”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “Doesn’t Israel drop pamphlets and send messages to the innocent people to evacuate before attacking? Did we do that in our last war? If Israel warns the population before attacking, how can you say they’re killing indiscriminately?”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “So you’re going to march in solidarity of a group that raped women and beheaded babies because you’re protesting a state that was established legally, was attacked, won, built the only democracy in the region, let Arabs live peacefully, and has done everything to make sure innocent people aren’t killed in their attacks?”

Dad: “Well, now that you put it that way, it sounds bad, but Israel is a racist state that needs to given to the Arabs from the river to the sea.”

Daughter: “What river? What sea?”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “So where should those Israelis go once you give away their only country?”

Dad: “They should go back where they came from.”

Daughter: “Where is that?”

Dad: “Europe.”

Daughter: “All Jews in Israel came from Europe? Aren’t there Sephardic Jews who didn’t come from there? Aren’t there Jews who came from the East? Aren’t there Jews from Iran, Yemen, and Morocco? Also, weren’t those Jews kicked out of Europe, Iran, Yemen, and Morocco? You’re saying they should go back to the countries from which they were exiled? I’m not following.”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “I don’t mean to question you, Dad. I know you’re a moral person so help me understand what you’re going to this march for…”

Dad: “I’m calling for a global intifada and a ceasefire.”

Daughter: “A global intifada? One second, let me Google that. It says that intifada means a violence uprising. It says that in the last intifada, Arabs blew themselves up in the streets and murdered people on buses and in restaurants.. Is that what you’re calling for?”

Dad: “Well, that, and a cease fire…”

Daughter: “🤔 Aren’t those two things contradictory? A violent uprising and a ceasefire? How can you support both?”

Dad: Crickets

Dad: “Israel needs to stop attacking Gaza. They’ve caused massive destruction to a place that was previously beautiful!”

Daughter: “Didn’t you tell me a few months ago that Gaza was an air prison and that the Israelis are occupying Gaza, which is already an impossible place to live? So which one was it? An air prison or a beautiful place?”

Dad: Crickets

Daughter: “Sorry dad, I’m just trying to understand. What did Israel do wrong? Why are you going to march in protest of Israel?”

Dad: “The Palestinians deserve a state! You should learn to always fight for the underdog.”

Daughter: “Oh! That makes total sense. The Palestinians should have a state. But, dad, didn’t they have one in 1947? Didn’t Israel offer them a state over and over? Didn’t Israel leave Gaza in 2005 so that they can build a state? I’m confused. Also, how come the Palestinian leaders never talk about this state? Why are they always talking about killing Jews? Do they even want a state? I’ve never heard one Palestinian leader talk about the two state solution. All I hear is from the river to the sea. Do they want a state or do they want no Israel?”

Dad: Crickets"

Anonymous said...

& lastly says
"Daughter: “Dad, you know I love you but this is all really confusing to me. It seems you’re going to march in favor of a terrorist organization and in protest of a country that has done everything to achieve peace. It seems to me that the Palestinians want to annihilate the Jewish people and the Jewish people, after thousands of years of persecution, just want to live in peace. Why are you going to this march? It seems to be the opposite of everything you’ve ever taught me? Can you explain so I can understand?”

Dad: “You’re being fresh. Don’t mouth off to me. Go to your room. You’re grounded.”

Daughter: “🙄🥹🤔”

How did I do?"

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online today
"Just thought I’d let you know that the chances of you hearing about this in the press are zero.

So here, a nice Palestinian woman just approached soldiers and when they picked up on suspicious behavior and stopped her, this is what they found on her. After interrogation, she admitted she was there to commit a terrorist attack.

Ya know, because today is a good day to kill Jews, right? Do they ever have a day that’s NOT a good day to kill Jews?

The only chances you’ll hear about this is if some “journalist” reports that “IDF soldiers arrested an innocent Palestinian woman.”

But you also don’t hear about the constant Hezbollah attacks on Israel.

You don’t hear about the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who were displaced from their homes in this war.

You won’t hear about the rocks that Palestinian kids throw at Israeli cars daily, and by rocks, I mean boulders.

You won’t hear about the daily Palestinian attempts to run civilians over with their car.

You won’t hear about the mass marches in support of Hamas throughout Palestinian towns and villages.

Listen, I can go on. You won’t hear about any of that. You’ll only hear about it if Israel retaliates.

Dead Jews don’t get clicks.

Happy to be your source of truthful information because truth is a novelty nowadays.

You’re welcome.

The Palestinian culture is rotten to the core and they are indoctrinated from age zero.

This is a population, as politically incorrect as it may be to say, that needs to be uprooted the same way Nazi Germany was.

If that statement offends you, I’d go searching for your moral compass.

Hamas and its supporters = Modern day Nazis."

Anonymous said...

A woman typed online today
"Why is everyone so shocked how the senior rat in Qatar reacted to his rat sons’ and grandsons’ deaths in Gaza? If that was shocking, then you do not understand the Arab occupiers’ mindset, and why Jews have been making awful security choices since 1973.

You know who does not seem shocked? Mizrahi Jews. They know the Arab mindset fully.

To break it down further, papa rat knew that eventually his little rats would be killed by Israel. They were known terrorists. Second, the Arab occupier society in both Gaza and in Judea & Samaria celebrates death if it means being killed as a result of murdering Jews."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"In a new twist of sadistic cruelty, Palestinian Hamas, the day after declaring they only have 40 of the 136 hostages known to be alive and in their possession, released a ten second video of the kidnapping of Noa Argamani.
They made no mention if she is still alive or what is her condition.
All part of the psychological crimes they are playing on her family who have been living a nightmare since she was snatched from them on 7 October, over six months ago."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
earlier this 2024 about the
Terrorist PLO
"The PLO, like a bad STD, compliments of the KGB."

Anonymous said...

Debbie Schlussel
typed online today
"Israel is doing a very very shitty job at this "genocide" business - Part 5,853,223. That's the number since January 19th. The total is now much more than 20,000 Pali babies born since then (all of them raised to cheer mass-murder, gang-rape, and torture of Jews, as their parents did on October 7th) . . . "
a link is given to a article headlined
"Nearly 20,000 babies born in Gaza ‘hell’ since Oct. 7, says UN official mum on Israeli baby hostage"
19 Jan 2024

Anonymous said...

Peter Baum typed online in April 2022
"Easy Easter , Passover , Ramadan Quiz

1. What was the original currency of the indigenous Palestinians when they inhabited Palestine before ‘ Zionists colonised ‘ and ‘ ethnically cleansed ‘ them.

2. During the 400 year Ottoman rule over Palestinian territory between 1517 and 1917 what attempts were made by the indigenous Palestinians to win back their territory. Dates of any wars, battles or conflicts etc

3. The name of any indigenous Palestinian leaders during any of the wars , battles or conflicts above .

3a ) and 3b) Now substitute Ottoman for Roman and Crusader or Kurd or Babylonian or Assyrian …

4. If as the Palestinians claim they have suffered a genocide at the hands of the Zionists then how is it that the Palestinian population has increased from 700, 000 to 14 million in 70 years

5. Why did Palestinians never call themselves Palestinian until 1964

6. What happened to the 850,000 Jews ethnically cleansed from Arab countries from 1948 to 1967

7. Name any building , still standing or destroyed, constructed by an indigenous Palestinian during the period 3000 bc to 1964 ce

8. What was ( is ) the original language of the indigenous Palestinian and what do they call themselves in their mother tongue

9. If Jerusalem is so religiously important to the Palestinians why is it never mentioned in the Quran

10. Why are the Palestinians never mentioned in the Quran

11. Why in numerous Suras does the Quran bestow , bequeath and promise the total geographical area currently called Israel , to no other than the Jewish people "

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"12. In light of questions 9, 10 and 11 , is support for Palestinian claims over the land Islamophobic given such claims defy and mock Allah and Mohammed.

13. Why weren’t there any Palestinian Charters before 1964 and why was Jerusalem never mentioned in the 1964 Palestinian Charter

14. Given that the Palestinian National Council Charter of 1964 ( revised 1968 ) and the Palestinian Hamas Charter of 1988 demand Jew extermination and subservience to Islam , or death , of all other races and religions are they akin to Nazi ideology

15. Why does the Hamas Charter in articles 17, 22 and 28 demand ( as per Nazi ideology) the extermination of charity workers assisting terminally ill children , the physically and mentally disabled and raising funds for Ukraine among other worthy causes.

16. How many of the 70 or so articles in the combined charters allow for a peaceful solution to the Middle East conflict

17. Why have Jordan with Pakistan’s help , Syria with Russian and Iranian help and Iraqi militias with Iranian Government help slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians?

18. How can ‘ pro Palestinians’ appear and receive payment from PressTV and RTTV given the Iranian and Russian slaughter of Palestinians

19. Why did Palestinians slaughter hundreds of unarmed Lebanese Christians at Damour in the 1970’s.

20. How did Arafat , an Egyptian become leader of the Palestinians and a billionaire during his rule

21. How do the Palestinians feel about the increasing number of Arab countries normalising relations and increasing trade with Israel

22. Why do the Palestinians hate gays as much as Jews

23. Why does Egypt block entry to Palestinians

24. Was there ever an archaeological discovery proving the existence of a nation , people , race , tribe or culture known as the indigenous Palestinian

25. Why did no itinerant traveller ever record a people calling themselves Palestinians

26. Why does the League of Nations Mandate 1922 endorsed by UN Charter Article 80 1945 and the international legally binding principles of Acquired Rights and Estoppel confirm , endorse and validate for time immemorial that Gaza , Judea and Samaria ( the West Bank) as Israeli sovereign territory

27. Why did Awni Bey Abdul Hadi , Arab leader to the Peel Commission 1937 state that there were no such people as Palestinians and no such country as Palestine
Why did the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem the Nazi collaborator Al Husseini , state to the same commission that all land had been legally purchased by the Zionists
Why did the two Palestinian militants Mushin and Shoebat state that Palestinians never existed
Were all the above lying

Etc etc etc

BDS and the Republic of Ireland legislators are trying to criminalise trade with Israel. The Abraham Accords are making them both look like the imbeciles and Jew haters they clearly are .
BDS is calling for an intifada and are being challenged at the highest levels .
Regarding the Republic of Ireland please help our grassroots campaign
Boycott Republic Of Ireland Goods And Services"

Anonymous said... has an article by Barry Shaw headlined
"Hamas and a Lethal Palestinian Pathology" on
NOV 24, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Majority of Gaza’s frozen embryos destroyed in Israeli strike"
Our Foreign Staff
17 April 2024
The article cries that
"Attack leaves hundreds of Palestinians unable to have children"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined

"The Nakba Obsession" by Sol Stern
Summer 2010

Anonymous said...
has an article by
Jonathan S. Tobin headlined
“Let’s Talk About the ‘Nakba’ and Who’s Really Responsible for Palestinian Suffering”
on May 20, 2022

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Media Won’t Report That Tlaib And Omar’s Israel Trip Was Planned By A Pro-Terrorist Group"
AUGUST 19, 2019

Anonymous said... also has an article headlined
"Rashida Tlaib Is Pushing A Terrorist Narrative About Israel"
MAY 14, 2019

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
“I have done some research on the true numbers in Gaza.

Originally, the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry published that 32,000 Gazan Palestinians had been killed by Israeli forces. Of these, they claimed that 78% were women and children, and none were combatants or members of Hamas. Israel countered that 12,000 Palestinians they killed were combatants and/or members of Hamas. That leaves 20,000 Gazan Palestinian non-combatants as having been killed by Israel.

A little over a week ago, Hamas announced that over 11,000 people originally reported killed by Israeli forces couldn’t be accounted for – meaning, and this is the consensus in the global community, they were never killed. This means that 21,000 Palestinians were killed, 12,000 of whom were terrorists. That leaves 9,000 Gazan Palestinian non-combatants as having been killed by Israel.

Here’s an odd fact no one seems to be reporting. In the normal course of life, 4,000 people would’ve died over the past six months in Gaza. Hamas reports ALL deaths in Gaza as war related and killed by Israel, even those of natural means. That leaves 5,000 Gazan Palestinian non-combatants as having been killed by Israel.

Another factor not being counted is the number of Gazan Palestinians killed by Hamas rockets falling short and killing their own people. It’ll be impossible to ever calculate how many people were killed in this way, but it won’t be a small number of victims.

It is my conclusion that less than 5,000 Palestinian Gazans have been killed by force in this war; some by Israeli forces, and some by Hamas forces”

The attached screenshot is of Gazans at the beach in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip, April 17, 2024."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today about Arab Treason in Israel , about Arab Traitors , Arab Weasels
"An Arab, Shalhoub-Kevorkian, was arrested in the Jewish nation following her incitement 'to abolish Zionism' and an expression casting doubt on the accusations of rape during the October 7th massacre.

Another Arab, Member of Knesset Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al) responded, saying, 'This court is a theater of the absurd, since the Israeli police claims were that Dr. Nadira spoke against Zionism and that there are pictures in her house depicting the soldiers as occupiers. Firstly, they are soldiers of occupation, and secondly, it is allowed to describe Zionism as racist, and for example, haredi Knesset members describe it as racist and demand its abolition.' "

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"Let's not forget how Hamas sends its children to die.

Take a look at this boy, Hassam Mohammed Hufni Abdo, who was sent by Hamas to the Israeli border, with bombs strapped around his chest.

The IDF understood the boy was rigged with explosives - and ordered him to stop and put up his arms. The scared boy eagerly cooperated.

The IDF sent a robot to deliver scissors which Abdo used to cut and remove the bomb vest. The bomb was then detonated remotely, saving the boy's life.

Abdo said he gave up because he was terrified and scared and didn’t want to die.

The Hamas that sent this boy to die in 2004, is the same Hamas who's leaders have amassed a personal wealth of over $11 billion, and the same Hamas that regularly murders Israeli civilians and responsible for the October 7th massacres.

So-called Palestinians sent him to die. Israel saved his life.

Fuck every single one of you who defends Hamas for the actions they’ve caused and the terror and fear they’ve inflicted upon their own citizens, especially on children in both Gaza, Judea, and Israel. "

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online today
"The UN offered the Palestinians a state in 1947. The Palestinians and the whole Arab world said no. Now they want the UN to grant them one, but the circumstances have changed a lot since then. The Palestinians are represented by terrorists and they have decades of history in using violence against Israelis and rejecting every negotiated solution. So the US vetoed that recognition. Bad actions have consequences. Decades of bad actions, and no sign of feeling sorry for any of them, have consequences."

Anonymous said...

A Muslim Supporter of Israel typed online today
"𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗵 (𝗣𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗻) 𝗧𝗩 𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗿: 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿𝘀; 𝗶𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗿.

#Hamas persecuted well-known figures and teams of volunteers on the ground in mid-October [2023]. It attacked them and killed some of them for two reasons:

𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙮, preventing any activity by any [other] party in the #Gaza Strip.

𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙮, ensuring Hamas control over the #aid and its storage, which of course leads to these crazy and unreal prices that no one can pay in the shadow of this destruction.

Source: @Palwatch"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online this
April 2024
"We have hit a point where psychotic and toxic ideas of Marxism and Islamism have set in as institutional rot across every platform imaginable - from mental health to the medical profession to women’s rights to combatting sexual violence to international aid organizations to universities and beyond.

Everywhere we see the normalization of forms of ideological sickness and evil infecting everything they touch. Teen Vogue, a magazine purportedly geared towards empowering teenage girls (who struggle with sexual violence and a wide range of mental health issues including suicidal ideations), had nothing to say about mass rapes being perpetrated against Israeli women, but it had plenty to say in support of Aaron Bushnell for burning himself alive. UCLA psychiatry students are trying to find ways of painting self-immolation as “resistance” and “revolutionary suicide,” when it should only ever, especially in a young person, be viewed through the lens of a mental health crisis.

A person who does this? They are not well. It’s someone crying out for help. It’s someone who has been failed by those who should have helped, and who was preyed upon by fanatics exploiting their sense of justice and empathy to manipulate them to such extreme actions.

Why is no one setting themselves on fire over what is happening in Sudan? Or for that matter, to protest this administration and the Obama’s administration’s policies of appeasement at all costs to Iran, as they arrest and beat and rape and execute young women for crimes like improper wearing of hijab, riding a motorcycle, and dancing?

No. Just “our precious Palestinians,” as human clown car Cornel West recently described them. This is psychological warfare and a worldwide death cult.

Yes, a death cult.

“Praise to the martyrs” when said to include the thousands of Hamas terrorists who have been killed after raping and killing and kidnapping babies is death cult madness. It is evil.

Think about this. We have university students who are calling even those who were killed while raping and murdering attendees of a music festival in Israel, “martyrs.” How are they peace activists protesting senseless violence and war? They’re not. They’re jihadis. They are people who praise rape and murder and suicide and murder-suicides. This is what passes for social justice among the college-age left in 2024.

When it has become common to compare claims of Hamas and Gazan civilians committing mass rape on 10/7 with racist false rape charges a la Emmett Till, when acknowledging that ISIS has beheaded people is a lie “based on racist Orientalist tropes,” when people like Osama Bin Laden and terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah and the Iranian regime are openly praised, and when it’s no longer uncommon to find young people who are admirers of Mao and Stalin - when these things are not the fringe views of a few hundred people but the deeply held convictions of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions, it is time to come to terms with the problem that tolerance of such issues only breeds more problems. We need to tackle them, before they cause so much damage that America will easily side with fascism because no one else was even willing to try to get things under control.

We need to reconcile with reality head on, and face the fact that our society is under a multi-pronged attack, and that we have a right to stand up against it. If that gets us called bigots just for acknowledging reality, that’s fine.

I would rather not watch my society crumble."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online about how
Gigi & Bella Hadid's Father
Mohamed Hadid sent sick
racist, homophobic messages to
Congressman Ritchie Torres that :
"Uncomfortable truth time.

1. Calling blatantly Middle Eastern-looking Jews, whether their recent family history is from Yemen or Poland, “white,” while calling the Hadids and other blatantly white-passing Palestinians “BIPOC,” is a form of Jewish erasure, racism, and historical revisionism. Even Neo-Nazis have a far bigger problem with white-passing Jews than Arabs who are darker than the Hadids. The Nazis and many Arabs, including much of the local Palestinian leadership, were collaborators, and there were absolutely zero attempts to genocide Arabs.

2. Anti-Black racism exists everywhere, including among non-Black Jews and even among Black people.

3. Black Israelis face generally less anti-Black racism than Black people do in America. It is the number one chosen location of Black Americans who live abroad. Even over places like Ghana, where no one is gonna call them the n-word. This would not be remotely true if anti-Black racism in Israel was that much worse than it is here.

4. If you are Black and support Israel, you will receive anti-Black racist abuse from both other Black people and from non-Black people. Non-Black people, from Caucasians to Arabs like the Hadids, have no problem descending into mocking these Black people all the way down to their skin color and other features of Blackness. They are telling on themselves.

5. Although this behavior of Mr. Hadid would cause him to be cancelled if he was of any other background, his Palestinian identity will protect him from any such blowback. Palestinians, even to many Black progressives like Cornel West, can do no wrong, and must take priority over Black people.

If that doesn’t scream to you that the treatment of Palestinians by most of their supporters, from the Muslim world to Marxist Black activists to white savior Becky’s in keffiyehs, is rooted in sick and twisted projections of anti-colonial fantasies and notions of “noble savages,” you are not awake.

A progressive gay Black Latino representative, and he’s considered a sellout and an acceptable target for homophobic anti-Black racist ridicule - so long as the bullies are Palestinian or even just random pro-Palestinian white people.

Making fun of the skin tone of a Black Latino will get you canceled - unless you hold an “I Am A Magical Palestinian” get out of jail free card.

Racism is gross, and so are the Hadids."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Saudi Woman Columnist: Arab Culture Has Doubly Devalued Human Life" on
April 24, 2014
Saudi Arabia | Special Dispatch No. 5720

Anonymous said...

A website typed online today
“Return” to where?

Aside from a handful of very old people, they were born right where they are.

Since the 1940s, literally hundreds of millions of people have been displaced - usually due to war. Their great grandchildren do not have the “right” to “return” to wherever great granny used to live.

The palestinian case is especially ridiculous because they left during a war that they wanted and their side started! Namely, the invasion of Israel by surrounding Arab nations.

Their great grandpas refused a country and instead tried to commit genocide of their Jewish neighbors. They failed. Now they cry victim. And they continue to want genocide of their Jewish neighbors. They can make their own country anywhere they want, but they have no right to live among the people their ancestors tried and failed to murder.

The only reason they demand this ridiculous thing is to make certain no deal is ever reached. It is a way of preventing a two/state solution - something Palestinians reject repeatedly, since they prefer holy war and getting rich from UN charity. If they had a nation, they would have to run it and have a working economy and run their own affairs. This country would function about as well as Afghanistan, Somalia, or the ISIS caliphate - whose culture it strongly resembles. . ." and said
"From the River to the Sea
Palestine is a Fantasy"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"The Arabs don’t want peace. Every “agreement” is a hudna, with the end-game of genocide against the weakened Jew."

Anonymous said...

A person posted a Photo online today of Toilet Paper that looks like the Fakestinian Flag
With the Caption
"From the toilet to the sea, Israel shall be free." 😆

Anonymous said...

A person also typed online today
"At the University of Michigan, anti-Israel protesters distribute shocking flyers:

"Freedom for Palestine means death to America."

This is no peaceful protest—it's a clear threat. They aren't even trying to hide it. This is a threat to national security. This blind hate cannot be allowed."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"A “Palestine encampment” at countless American colleges for a non-existent, genocidal Arab people is like wearing the Nazi uniform in WWII or the Klan’s hood in the Deep South.

Fuck these Jew-haters and the horse they rode in on."

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"This is something your media is not telling you...

Gazans are throwing away food they cannot eat or sell. Here they are trying to sell 8 canned drinks for a shekel and there are no buyers,"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Freed teenage hostage recounts Hamas captor presenting a ring, harassing her to marry him"
By Vered Weis
On April 26, 2024

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online today
"The speaker of the Ontario legislature, Ted Arnott, banned the keffiyeh from the legislature. He said that it was a political statement and therefore violated the strict rules that stop MPPs from using props or clothing to send a message while sitting inside the house.

The proponents of the keffiyeh say it represents a culture. A culture? A pretend culture at best. Unless by culture one means the Hamas culture of death."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online yesterday
"The German ambassador decided to visit Ramallah to meet all the peaceful Palestinian people.

Bad move. Very bad move.

He was almost lynched. His car was damaged by stones and the mob tried to make sure it was his last visit to Ramallah, or to anywhere, for that matter.

Wake up, folks. This is who you’re fighting for? Do you think that’ll prevent them from doing this to you the second they get a chance?

Wake. The. Hell. Up!!"

Anonymous said...

About the Fakestinians a person typed online today
“I’m willing to host a Jew in my house, give him food and a bed to sleep, but I would never let a palestinian in my house”. Reality check with Saudi author Rawaf al-Saeen . (from 2020-looks like nothing has changed since then-no Arab country wants to …host palestinians). Why ?"

Anonymous said...

Fred Maroun typed online today
“The following cycle has been going on for months:

1. Israel offers a deal to release a whole bunch of Palestinian criminals and to stop fighting for a few weeks in exchange for the release of a few hostages that Hamas kidnapped.

2. Hamas pretends for a few days to consider the deal then responds that they’ll only accept Israel’s surrender.

3. The world pressures Israel to offer a better deal.

4. Israel issues threats, increases the number of criminals it’s willing to release, reduces the number of hostages that must be released, and starts at 1 again.

For how long is Hamas going to be allowed to play this game while the hostages are slowly dying off?”
Fred Maroun is a decent human being, not because he is an Arab , but despite the fact he is an Arab

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri typed online yesterday
"🛑 A common #Palestinian man visited #Auschwitz, Concentration Camp and said: “God-willing, we will be free from you [#Jews], and you will all return to the concentration camps”.

🇵🇸 This is the #Hamas ideology possesses by majority of Palestinians."

Anonymous said...

YES !!! The Gaza Death Toll as of Today , Saturday May 4, 2024 is
34,654 👍
We Israel Supporters Must Never be Fooled by
Pallywood Lies and Deceptions
Look up information online about
How Very Often
"Palestinians" in Gaza and other Arabs are guilty of Faking Israeli Atrocities against them, staging online crimes against them, they often fake their own deaths, stage their own deaths, pretend to be dead , they broadcast these Anti-Israel Lies & Libel on Social Media and the Internet to Demonize Israel ,
We cannot fall for
Pallywood Lies. the
"Palestinians" often digitally alter Footage to Lie Against Israel
The Facts are Not on their side
Look up the term

Anonymous said...

More about Pallywood Lies and Propaganda, how
"Palestinians" often use Crisis Actors to fake atrocities and fake their Suffering and unjustly blame Israel has an article headlined
"#MrFAFO Is Real"
NOVEMBER 15, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"The ‘Palestinian People’: A Brief History" on

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"PALESTINIAN ANIMAL ABUSE (Viewer Discretion Advised)"
Often many "Palestinians" Abuse & Torment Innocent animals for "fun" and even use , exploit innocent animals to commit Terrorist Attacks against Jewish Israeli Civilians
Very Sick

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
November 2023
"Learn history and you will know who are the real indigenous people of Israel. The land speaks the truth as do the stones.

Judaism predates Islam by 1600 years. This is why the Palestinians never wish to talk about the Bible in any discussion about indigenous rights to the land. They accuse the Jews of being what they are a conquering people who are occupiers of Jewish land.

They are the occupiers. When the Romans conquered the land and destroyed The Temple and renamed it Palestina, it never became a state again until Israel came back into existence in 1948. It was merely a territory and during that time no Arabs sought to make it a state.

All people living there were called Palestinians but the Arabs did not like that word because it meant Jew. If an Arab were referred to as a Palestinian back then, they would have spat on you. Jews were from Judea and Arabs were from Arabia.

The Palestinian newspaper, Palestinian Philharmonic and Palestinian coins you have seen or heard about were all Jewish created by Jews living in the Palestinian territory.

When the Jewish State was reformed in 1948, the land was not just ceded to the Jews by the British. World Jewry raised funds for the land and three times market value was paid for this land that was rocky, swampy and desert. My extended family proudly donated to this cause. Those who did not want to sell became Israeli citizens with full and equal rights under Israeli law. It was Jewish hard labor and G-d's blessing that turned this harsh inhospitable land into the paradise it is today.

Prior to the Six Day War, most of the Arabs in the territory left thinking they would return after winning the war. That gamble failed. That is their great Nakba.

It was not until 1964, with an Egyptian named Arafat that the modern day people "the Palestinians" were born. They are Jordanians, Egyptians and Syrians. They mostly came to the land later for work as Israelis were clearing the land and building kibbutzim."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"Using a great propaganda campaign Arafat attempted to steal Jewish history to steal the land. They have bamboozled the West into thinking the indigenous Jews are the occupiers when that is a lie. Jews have been the indigenous people of Israel since before the time of the First Temple and there have been Jews living there continuously for centuries.

In 75 years since the reforming of the state of Israel on merely a small piece of ancient Judea and Samaria bought by King David, the Arab Palestinians have been offered land for peace 9 times: in 1947, 1949, 1967, 1978, 1994, 2000, 2008, 2014 and 2019 and each time they rejected the offer. Why? Because their goal is not peace and a separate state. Their goal is Jewish genocide and to take all of the land.

If you are supporting the Palestinian Arabs created by Arafat you are supporting colonizers who seek another genocide. If you support Hamas, you are supporting a designated terrorist group hell bent on fulfilling Arafat's diabolical plot.

The Palestinian Arabs for the most part prefer living in Israel than Egypt, Jordan or Syria. They are equal citizens under the law and have more rights in Israel than they would under Sharia in any of the Muslim countries and that is why they live in Israel. There is no Apartheid Israel. That is a lie. The only Apartheid in Israel is at Al Aqsa Mosque.

Israel limits when Jews can be on the Temple Mount which keeps Jews from praying at their Holiest site in an effort to keep peace with Arabs who pray at Al Aqsa. Jews are not allowed into Al Aqsa while anyone else can visit there. That is where aparheid exists.

Palestinian Arabs who choose to can fight in the Israeli army. There is a Palestinian Arab who sits as a Judge on their highest Court. They are free to work, shop, be educated, go and do anything like any other citizen. Any restrictions placed have to do with protecting all citizens from terrorism. It is not dissimilar from what we go through at airports. There are checkpoints. It is understandably for the safety of all of Israel."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"In the latest intifada two years prior to this war, over 4000 rockets rained on Israel's dense population centers, Israel retaliated to protect her citizens: Christian, Jew, Muslim alike. Every country has the right and duty to protect her citizens.

Israel does her best to avoid killing civilians but Hamas uses civilians as human shields including small children. They know if civilians are killed, they can use them in the propaganda war against Israel. In using strategic targeted attacks to the best of her ability.

Israel even warns the Palestinian civilian population prior to their retaliation. They are given time to leave and find safety. Hamas takes hostages, and barbarically gang rapes women and kills them parading their naked dead bodies in the streets."

Anonymous said...

& continues
"Hamas murders the elderly. Hamas uses Jewish hostages including children as human shields. There is no moral equivalency. They celebrate their murderous sprees and pay the families of their suicide bombers for every Israeli killed.

Despite all the Palestinian aid sent worldwide to help the Palestinian people they have chosen not to spend it on bomb shelters but instead on terrorist infrastructure including miles of tunnels under the land and the means of war including rockets and
rocket launchers that can hit just about anywhere in Israel from Gaza.

Shall we talk about Gaza? Israel traded land for peace 17 years ago in Judea and Samaria and left viable businesses ready to be continued. Greenhouses were left intact to boost the initial economy but were destroyed the day tbe land traded hands by its new inhabitants. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon evicted 8000 Israelis from Gazan Jewish communities of Gush Katif along with central & northern parts of the strip along with Jews living in Northern Samaria. This expulsion of Jewish residents was a peace gesture to the Palestinian Authority. This is how much tiny Israel wanted peace w/ the Palestinian Arabs. It created great hardship for the Jews forced to leave their homes & businesses.

In 2007, Hamas, a designated terrorist organization took over the strip. Since then, we have seen intifada after intifada and now war.

If you do not know history, you will fall for any lie. Is Israel perfect, no country is perfect. The problem is the double standard where Israel is treated differently than any other country. Israel has a lgbtq+ community and if these people lived in Gaza they would be hanged from cranes. It makes no sense for this community to support people who hate them.

Arabs still engage in the African slave trade to this day and yet BLM support the Palestinian Arabs. It makes no sense. Blacks are equal citizens in Israel."

Anonymous said...

& lastly says
"All Jews are from the Levant. There were 12 tribes. We were never considered white in Europe nor in the United States. There was tremendous discrimination against Jews in my grandparents and parents day. The Holocaust was the result of the kind of hate and prejudice we are seeing today.

My father fought in the Battle of the Bulge and at the end of the war he liberated the Camps and gave his rations to the starving. He had been a First Scout.

The old lies and blood libels are being revived and Jews are being violently attacked and murdered in America. Their houses of worship, cemeteries & businesses are being vandalized. It is beginning to feel like it did prior to the Holocaust. Rudy Guiliani decried the pogrom in New York City. He & the Guardian Angels worked tirelessly to keep the Jewish community safe when he was mayor.

Jewish or even identify as a Jew. This is the America that the Obama-Biden Administration has wrought. We had four years of peace in the Middle East and the Abraham Accords under President Trump.

We have a return to antifa and war in Israel and violence against Jews in the streets under the Biden Administration which reconstituted the policies of the old Obama Administration including the Iran Deal.

Iran poses an existential threat to Israel. Iran calls America "The Big Devil" & Israel "The Little Devil". The Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan calls Jews termites, filth and vermin. There are antisemitic memes being shared on social media. Look around you and be honest.

We are not better for it. I say this as someone who never joined a political party and has voted for more Democrats in my lifetime than Republicans. I have always voted based upon issues that matter to me. My safety matters to me.
#JewishLivesMatter "

Anonymous said...

From Yahoo News an article is headlined
“These ‘Little Gazas’ are disgusting cesspools of antisemitic hate”: Tom Cotton rails against pro-Palestinian protests."
The Recount on
Wed, May 1, 2024 this article says

"We're here to discuss the little Gazas that have risen up on campuses across America and the liberal college administrators and politicians who refuse to restore law and order and to protect other students. These little Gazas are disgusting cesspools of anti-Semitic hate full of pro-Hamas sympathizers, fanatics, and freaks. Here's just a sampling of what these lunatics were saying just days after Hamas's atrocity against Israel. A Cornell professor called the October 7th attack exhilarating. A Columbia professor called it awesome. A Yale professor called it an extraordinary day. More than 30 Harvard students signed a letter claiming that Israel was, quote, entirely responsible for the attack. A pro-Hamas student group at University of Virginia called Hamas terrorists Palestinian resistance fighters. And remember, this was all before Israel had seriously retaliated. The terrorist sympathizers in these little Gazas aren't peacefully protesting Israel's conduct of the war. They're violently and illegally demanding death for Israel just like their ideological twins, the Ayatollahs in Iran."

Anonymous said...

Bassem Eid himself a
"Palestinian" typed online in
May 2024
"The so-called "pro-Palestinians" are causing a huge damage to the Palestinian reputation. From Columbia to Northwestern to USC, these "pro-Palestinian" thugs are really just using the Palestinian cause to advance their own antisemitic agendas."
& he also typed online today
May 6, 2024 that
"Today, Hamas attacked the Kerem Shalom humanitarian aid crossing, forcing it to close and injuring at least seven people.
Hamas continues to sabotage its own people and use them as human shields in its war to kill Israelis and wipe Israel off the map."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
2023 Months Before the Hamas Attacks of October 7th, 2023 that
"I remember as a child I was always told to count my fingers after you shake hands with an Arab."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
May 6, 2024
Yes, you know that refugee camp filled with innocent civilians?
Yes, that place that Israel is being called ”the aggressor” and “war mongerers” for its plan to attack it?
Yes, that place which Israel is being pressured by the international community not to enter?
Well Hamas just fired ten rockets from that place - Rafah.
And they seriously injured ten Israelis.
Now, get this.
What were those Israelis doing? They were charged with securing the humanitarian aid for the civilian population in Gaza.
Yes, you got that right - Hamas fired rockets from the Rafah “refugee camp” at Israelis who are securing the humanitarian aid for Palestinian refugees in Gaza. "

Anonymous said... has an article by
Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden
"How to recognize fake friends of Palestinian Arabs as just Jew-haters?" on
OCT 24, 2019

Anonymous said...

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"'The Godfather' in Gaza: What a mafia movie tells us about Hamas war - analysis"
By SETH J. FRANTZMAN Published: MAY 7, 2024

Anonymous said...

The New York Post , has an article headlined
"20-year-old Ohio man arrested for allegedly lying about being victim of anti-Palestinian hate crime: cops"
By Patrick Reilly
Published Nov. 18, 2023

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"Arab Blogger Exposes Hamas Lies: ‘Suddenly We Discovered Gaza Wasn’t Besieged’ "
December 31, 2023
By Yehuda Dov

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online today
"The amount of pushback I’m getting on this video is mind-boggling. It is very illustrative of just how broken the moral compass is in today’s western society.

Israel is at war with Hamas but enough with the false “And the Palestinians are all innocent…” narrative!!

The people of Gaza elected Hamas. The people of Gaza overwhelmingly support Hamas and celebrate October 7th. Don’t believe me? Go read any poll!

Gaza has had hundreds of mass marches celebrating the murder of Jews. Tens of thousands of people show up to these marches, if not more.

Gaza is a terror state, by any definition of the word.

Israel experienced the darkest day of its history when the government of Gaza, what we call Hamas, invaded Israel, murdered fathers, raped mothers, beheaded babies, burned families alive, and sexually assaulted corpses. Yea, you read that right.

So Israel retaliates and fixes the historic mistake of handing Gaza over to the Palestinians hoping they’d build a successful state and not a huge terror base…

But I post a video of the IDF bulldozing a sign in Gaza and the internet loses it. Like literal YouTube videos made in response to my post…


When an army conquers a strategic position, they don’t keep the enemy flag flying out of risk of hurting the enemy's feelings or because it’s bad optics.

Only Israel is expected to do that.

It is not meant to humiliate, (although after what Hamas did, humiliation should be the least of its concerns.) but rather to demonstrate that we have control over that position. It is important for the enemy to see this and understand its significance.

Same story when Israel captured Hamas terrorists and stripped them down to their underwear to ensure they were not strapped with explosives.

“Israel is so mean. Why do they have to line up Hamas terrorists in their underwear? It is so humiliating.”

So sure, focus on Israel destroying a sign in an enemy state and ignore the fact that Israeli women were found with nails in their genitalia.

As long as you have your priorities straight.

Like, literally, how has our world gone to hell so fast? It is devastating and tragic.

And just in case it wasn’t clear, Israel is fighting an existential war and knocking down a sign or stripping terrorists down to their underwear is really not high up on the list of things Israel is worried about.

Israel will do WHATEVER it has to do to win this war. War sucks, but Israel was forced into this war, just like it was forced into all the other wars it fought. In war, sad things happen. People die. Even innocent people die, especially when the enemy uses them as human shields.

So if you feel the need to lecture Israel on how barbaric it is to knock down a sign, I have some bad news for you.

The award for the most morally bankrupt person goes to… You!


Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
Hamas claim 34,000 lost their lives in Gaza.
No figures are given as to how many died of natural causes in the last 7 months, or who died of illness (cancer, etc,) at home or in hospital,
Given the total Gazan population figures these two factors should account for approx 7,000 people.
What about Gazans killed by Hamas or Islamic Jihad rockets?
IDF estimates that at least 200 Hamas-PIJ rockets fell short and exploded inside urban Gaza. One such rocket fell in the car park of the al-Ahli Hospital in which Hamas killed 500 people. Hamas has yet to downgrade that figure. So add another 500 killed by the 199 other Palestinian rockets exploding among their population.
You are down to between 25,000 - 26,000 and IDF records prove at least 15,000 terrorists killed.
You are left with likely statistics that 15,000+ terrorists dead and 10,000 non-combatants. That is not to say that these civilians were not assisting and supporting the terrorists,
However, the numbers of 10,000 civilians to 15,000 terrorists (i.e. 1- 1.5) is the lowest ever recorded in the history of urban warfare.
The ratio of civilian-enemy urban warfare deaths in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Congo, Sudan, are far far higher than in Gaza.
Israel has taken, and is currently taking in Rafah, steps that no other army in warfare have ever undertook.

Barry Shaw,
Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.
8 May 2024."

Anonymous said...

A woman typed online
May 8, 2024
“Just passed a group of pro terrorists protesters on my way from Brooklyn back to the city, they were protesting in front of a random building on the West Side Highway. All of them ugly as shit and looked like they smell bad too.

What gets me the giggles though is that by saying ‘Free Palestine’ – in actuality that means free Israel as Palestine was what? The colonizer term for Israel from 136 AD – 1948, the 1,812 years Israel was under occupation. That is why Jews who lived IN Israel during that time period were called Palestinians.

So sure, only 22% of Israel is free. Free the rest! and that means ALL of Gaza, ALL of Judea & Samaria, and ALL of Jordan.”

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