The Miracle of Zionism

"Israel is the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago." - Historian Barbara Tuchman

"Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created by a sovereign act of God" - Pastor John Hagee

"All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" - Author / Atheist, Mark Twain (long before the Holocaust and Israeli-Jewish statehood)

"They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their Empire were but a Bauble in comparison of the Jews. They have given religion to three quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more happily, than any other Nation ancient or modern." - President John Adams - His 1808 response letter criticizing the depiction of Jews by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Antisemitism Among the Three Great Monotheistic Faiths

I believe its possible for a person to have genuine affection for the Jewish people and still produce antisemitic expressions and not realize it. I know that sounds strange and maybe even impossible, but one has to view the core root of antisemitism to get an idea of what I’m talking about. Antisemitism goes much deeper than any racial or national issues. Its base is a spiritual one. Adolph Hitler’s hatred for the Jew was not a physical based ideology but rather a spiritual based ideology. Hitler himself is reported to having told his associate, Hermann Rauschning: “I know perfectly well that in the scientific sense there is no such thing as a race. As a politician I need a conception which enables the order which has hitherto existed on a historic basis to be abolished and an entirely new order enforced and given an intellectual basis. And for this purpose the conception of race serves me well.”
Race, Jewish blood, and National Socialism, was only avenues by which Hitler’s spiritual hatred could be expressed in the physical realm. When we understand the full spiritual concept of what a Jew is, and what the Jew represents, it is only then we can begin to see the full concept of what antisemitism actually is. Without using the Bible as a spiritual guide, antisemitism is just another form of racism.

Any form of expression that seeks to separate the Jew from the covenant by which the God of Israel has appointed them is in reality antisemitic! Therefore, any attempt to convert the Jew away from his covenant with God (regardless of the honesty and compassion one might have for the Jew while doing so) is still an act of antisemitism against the Jew and the God of Israel.
Think of what converting the Jew away form the covenant really is doing. It's converting them away from the very element that made them "Jews" to begin with! In a sense it is spiritually and physically "Gentilizing" them. More importantly, it not only dishonors the Jews themselves but the very covenant God made with them. Seeking Jewish conversion can be an willful or an inadvertently expression of denying God’s covenant with Israel. If Jewish conversion were able to run its full course the way missionaries envision it, the Jews as a people along with the covenant itself would be annihilated. My challenge to any Christian disagreeing with me on this, is to examine and ponder what the results would be if the entire Christian world were to abandoned their Christian heritage and be converted to Islam? The same results that would happen to the Christian world are the results that would happen to the Jewish world if they all converted to Christianity.
Islam seeks to destroy the Christian world by converting Christians to Islam and they are doing so at a rapid rate. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion in the world. The Christian world is becoming well aware of Islam’s threat to Christianity. While the Christian leaders are disgusted with Islam’s goal towards Christianity they forget that the same conversion rule applies to the Christians who fervently seeks Jewish converts. Remember, the Muslims believe they are right in their religion just as much and even probably more so than most Christians believe they are right in their religion. It takes an awful strong faith in Allah to blow oneself into a million pieces in their devotion to him. It’s a strange thing that Islam goes all out to try and convert Christians and Jews, while Christians go all out to and try convert the Muslims and Jews, but the Jews being the tiny minority of the three great monotheistic faiths, don’t attempt to convert either one of them to Judaism. There is a spiritual reason behind this that I will get to.
The annihilation of the God of Israel, or the effect of making the God of Israel powerless, (basically making His word return to Him void (see Isaiah 55:11) is the ultimate goal of antisemitism. General God-haters and antisemites alike know that once they can find a way to annihilate the Jews in any form, (either by physical death, religious conversion, and assimilation) they will in effect have killed God (see Psalms 115: 2,3) because the God of Israel is known by His covenant that He has established with the Jews and the nation of Israel (see Jeremiah 31:36). So I would encourage the Gentile Christians of whom many really do have a compassion for Israel and the Jews, not to try and pull the Jews away for what God has already laid down as a requirement for them which is their Torah (see Deuteronomy 4:2). If nothing else, encourage them to be Torah minded and let God deal with Israel as He so chooses.
It was never the intention of the All-Mighty that His Jewish nation to become like the other nations (Deuteronomy 7:6 / 14:2). Christianity and Islam are Gentile faiths of those other nations (see Deuteronomy 6:14). Though they use the Jewish scriptures as the foundation to their faith, their faith is Gentile oriented and Gentile maintained. Paul's conversion to Christianity caused his name to be changed from a Hebrew name of Saul to a Greco-Roman name of Paul (Acts 13:9). The name "Paul" remains a popular name among Gentiles while the name "Saul" (Solomon / Shlomo) remains popular among the Jews. I love to ask Messianic (Jew-want-to-be) Christians why that is. Paul, being the main author of the New Testament, traveled all over the Gentile world taking his message to them (see Romans 15:16) while Islam rejects God's covenant with Israel via Isaac (see Psalms 105:9,10) in order to accept their Gentle version of the Abrahamic covenant through the Gentile Ishmael (see Sura 37: 101-113). Christianity spread to the Gentile West via Rome while Islam spread throughout the Gentile Middle East via Mecca. But between both of these two massive bodies of land lies a very small strip of land that connects and a particular people with a eternal covenant. As with the onslaught of conversion efforts, isn't it spiritually strange that the Jews historically have received great persecutions in the form of physical attacks from both of the Christian and Islam nations (about 54% combined) while at the same time seeking the total conversion of the tiny Jewish nation, but you never hear or read about the Jewish people attacking either of them on the basis of their religion nor seeking their conversion to their faith?
Here are some amazing facts:

  • The two great world faiths of Christianity and Islam that makes up more than half of the world’s population (54% combined) seeks the total conversion of the tiny Jewish nation (0.22% of the world’s population) to their religion and belief system. To really get a good mental picture of just how offset Judaism is in population compared to the top two major religions of the world (which just happen to be the only two rivals of Judaism) take a look at the graph at the top of this article and notice the big green and red areas representing Christianity and Islam world populations. Then compared those areas to the tiny (hard to see) thin blue line representing Jews in Judaism between the colored areas of Buddhism and the other minority religions.

  • Evangelicals spend approximately 250 million dollars every year on Jewish evangelism including missions to Israel for the sole purpose of converting the Jew, while the Jews spend about 250 millions dollars less then the evangelicals in Gentile proselytizing. How about that for one-sided spending figures? Muslims countries spend billions per year on weapons and political methods intended for the killing off the Jews who will not convert to Islam. Any Jew who converts to Islam can become worry free of any terrorist attacks, just as any Jew who converts to Christianity no longer has to put up with eager missionaries looking for that Jew-feather to put in their Christian hat.

  • It is possible for a Gentile to be righteous outside of Judaism, but in the eyes of both Christianity and Islam, a Jew cannot be righteous hanging onto Law of Moses while converting to Christianity or Islam. This fact has made Judaism the most tolerant of the three monotheistic religions towards those outside their faith. A good question to ponder: During the Crusades when the forces of Christian Europe were fighting the Islamic empire from which both sides included the killing of Jews, who during this time were the Jews striking up a war with?

  • Both Christianity and Islam have made their boasts throughout their history that they, and only they are the new chosen people and are the spiritual replacement of the physical seed of Israel while the nation of Israel bends over backwards to downplay their being chosen of God.
    “God's Only 'Chosen Person' is Jesus Christ, and those in Him” - The Preterist Archive -
    web-site / Dennis Todd
    “The people who are really chosen by God are the Muslims community which has gathered under God’s banner without regard to differences of races, nations, colors, and countries.”
    - Sayid Qutb, Milestones along the Road, p. 238
    According to the ancient Talmudic traditions, Israel was the very last (far from the first choice) that God picked to be His chosen people. According to the tradition, it was only because Israel accepted the covenant at Mt. Sinai after all the other nations refused it was how Israel came to become God’s chosen people.

  • Islam and Christianity which together makes up more than half of the world’s population have their foundations based on Judaism. Muslims will not recognized the New Testament as being from God, nor will the Christians recognize the Koran being from God, yet both Christianity and Islam recognize the Torah being from God. This fact is even more amazing when one considers the Jews were not liked and appreciated in both Christendom and Islamic worlds, yet their Torah was.

  • Christianity and Islam are both based only upon religious creeds while Judaism is based on faith and a nation of people. If a Christian stops believing in Jesus he is no longer a Christian. If a Muslim stops believing in Muhammad he is no longer a Muslim. A Jew however, can stop believing in the Torah but he will still remain a Jew - an apostate Jew.

  • Looking at the three great monotheistic religions from the outside, it is impossible for Judaism to be wrong in foundation while the other two monotheistic religions are right in their foundation. This is because without the Torah the New Testament and the Koran has no foundation thereby voiding any claim as the true religion. Therefore, is possible for Judaism to be right in its foundation and the other two be wrong because the Torah is not dependent on either the New Testament or the Koran in establishing its foundation as a true religion. Likewise, If you were to ask a Muslim that if he found out that Islam’s foundation was indeed proven to be false, what religion would he perceive as the next obvious choice as the correct religion? He would more than likely choose either Christianity or Judaism as the correct true religion. If you then were to ask a Christian the exact same question about Christianity, he would pick Judaism as the obvious correct religion. But if you would asked an observant Jew the same exact question regarding Judaism, there is no religion outside of Paganism that he could point to as the next best, obvious choice. There is a spiritual reason for this that goes beyond the time-line as to when each religion began. At the End of Days, when all things then becomes obvious, the world comes seeking the Jews for spiritual guidance.
    Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you. - Zechariah 8:23
To the evangelicals, conversion takes top priority over everything else concerning the Jews, even if it meant great hardships and even death for the Jews. The evangelicals would no doubt argue that it is through their Christian love that they labor to see the Nation of Israel converted to Christianity. However, this “top priority” and so-called Christian love actually undermines everything unique about the Jewish nation that sets Israel apart from the rest of the nations. It is the evangelicals’ goal to make the Jewish nation the same as all the other Christian nations on the earth through conversion. If the Christian world’s desire for the Jewish people’s conversion were made reality it would totally destroy the identity of the Nation of Israel as a people of Jews. I know there are going to be people who will not believe this statement because it paints their conversion desire for all Jews in a negative light, so I’ll pose these three questions along with the obvious answers:

  • Q. If all of Israel would have become Christianized in the first century would there be a modern Israel today?
    A. Christian teaching in all of the New Testament reserves no special physical place on earth for the Christian believer, not even the physical land of Israel. The teaching of Jewish Zionism is nowhere found in the New Testament, only the doctrines of “spiritual Jerusalem” and of the spiritual “Israel of God” are taught. If all the Jews converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no peoples of the earth to embrace the spiritual concept of living in the promised land God gave to the ancient Israelites, for there would be no spiritual significant reason to do so. See: Romans 2:28, Romans 9, Galatians 4:26, Galatians 6:15,16 , Revelations 21:2

  • Q. If all of Israel would have become Christianized in the first century would there be a people identifying themselves as descendants from Jacob (Israel) today?
    A. The New Testament teaches that true Jews are the ones who become Christians and that the physical seed of Jacob has been replaced by a spiritual seed of faith to the believer. Therefore, had all of Israel converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no peoples of the earth identified as the descendants of Jacob for there would be no spiritual significant reason to keep track or a remembrance of that physical seed. It is also note worthy that the apostle Paul (the main author of the New Testament) did not have any physical seed of his own and instructed others to follow him in a vow of abstinence if they were spiritually able to do so (I Corinthians 7:8). While this type of vow may not be harmful to a “spiritual seed” doctrine, it can only deplete the physical seed of Israel while directly avoiding the promise that the physical seed of Israel will as numerous as the stars heaven and as the sands of the sea. Therefore this type of revelation also undermines any promises concerning the land of Israel, being that this physical land, spiritually and eternally belongs to a very physical people.
    See St. John 4:20-23, Galatians 4:25,26, Acts 15:14-17 (the temple in Jerusalem)

  • Q. If all of Israel would have become Christianized in the first century, would the Law of Moses (by which Jews have remained Jews) be observed by any people on the earth today?
    A. The New Testament teaches that the Law of Moses has been fulfilled and is no longer valid to the Christian believer. Paul’s letter to the Galatians clearly confirms this many times over. Therefore, had all of Israel converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no people remaining on the earth today recognizing themselves to be under the Law of Moses. This would also cause there to be no religion in the earth that is totally based on the Law of Moses - which is exactly how Jews are known as Jews today! Therefore, had all of Israel converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no people on the earth whose spiritual foundation is the Law of Moses, because there would be no spiritual significant reason to keep the Law of Moses. This would result in there being no Torah-believing Jews (therefore no Jews) on the earth - only complete Christian assimilation.
    See Acts 10:13-16 (symbolic) Romans 3:20, Romans 7:4-6, Romans 10:4, Galatians 2:16,21, Galatians 3:13, Galatians 5:2-3,6.

It is an absolute fact that the total conversion of today’s Jewish people (which again, is the aim of every evangelical missionary Christian) would wipe out the Jewish nation from the earth. There would be no more physical seed (a.k.a. chosen people) identified as physical Jews on the face of the earth. I know this sounds mean but it’s the truth in principle, that today's evangelicals are no different (other than not being violent) than Hamas or any other terrorist group that seeks to destroy God’s covenant with the Jews of which the Law of Moses is connected! They just simply use different techniques and methods from those who use terrorism tactics, but which this wasn't always the case. Crusade Christianity and Inquisition Christianity were as every bit evil in terrorizing to Jews as today's Islamic terrorists. Hamas tries to murder the Jews away from their covenant while evangelicals try to covert the Jews away from their covenant. One of their biggest techniques is trying to convince the Jew that the Law of Moses is no longer in effect. There is an onslaught by both the Arabs and the Christians (the basic whole of the Gentile world) to takeover Jewish Israel. The Arabs want to make Israel an assimilated Muslim nation like all the other Muslim nations under the name of Palestine, while the Christians wish to make Israel an assimilated Christians nation like all the other Christian nations, and it’s sad that the secular Israeli government is at fault for allowing both fronts to continue as well as to grow.

I can understand a caring Christian’s true desire for a spiritual revival among the Jewish nation with the belief that only through the Jewish conversion to Christianity can a such a revival occur. However, Christians, and especially the evangelical missionaries, must realize that is wasn’t through the conversion to Christianity that the nation of Israel has been preserved and still survives to this day after three thousand years of persecutions. On the contrary, the fact remains that it was the Jewish people’s dedication to the Torah and the Talmud that has kept the Jewish nation intact as a people and as a nation throughout their tough history. It was not through the conversion to Christianity that brought about the modern phenomenon of the in-gathering of Jews back to Israel during this last century. If the Jews hadn’t been Torah minded during the past two thousand years, there never would have been a physical Jewish people for God to gather back into Israel in the first place. Therefore the great spiritual phenomenon of Jews living once again in their ancient biblical homeland is directly based both spiritually and physically to the Law of Moses and not to any forms of Christianity or Jewish conversion into it. The ingathering of Jews back into their homeland is based on God’s promise through Israelite prophets who just so happened to believe in keeping the Torah of Moses at the time.

If God was wanting all the Jews to become Christians instead of remaining as Jews, He wouldn’t have allowed the Holocaust to happen. Why would He, when in the eyes of the Christian world, the Jews of Germany were supposedly turning their hearts towards Jesus in massive numbers? It is important to understand as well as it speaks volumes, that the two greatest times of mass Jewish conversion to Christianity (as well as mass assimilation) was just before the destruction of the second temple in Israel and just before the Holocaust in Germany! Isn’t that strange? Christian missionaries should realize that God has a special and unique way of doing things when it comes to the Jewish people. He always deals with Israel as a nation, not by a conversion here and a conversion there. It would be in the best interest for the Jews if the evangelicals would stop trying to convert the Jews and interfere with what God has planned for them according to His word that He has specifically spelled out by the Hebrew prophets.
But this shall be the covenant that I will cut with the house of Israel: After those days, says the LORD, I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. And they shall no more teach each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, Know the LORD; for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more. - Jeremiah 31:33,34


«Oldest   ‹Older   3801 – 3832 of 3832
Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"John Cusack Is What Happens When Anti-Semitism Becomes Convenient"
By Keith Kahn-Harris
June 18, 2019

We All Wish John Cusack being born Never Happened
We Curse the day he was born
Forget about his Mother
Having that Abortion while pregnant with him
Garbage like John Cusack should have Never been conceived to begin with
Cusack is a waste of sperm

Does John Cusack realize that Countless Jews and people who are Half-Jewish cannot stand their Jewishness and don't like being Jewish either , we don't like looking Jewish, sounding Jewish, our Stereotypical Jewish looks which are often unattractive that we cannot stand
We don't like it Either
The Racial, Ethnic, Blood ,Genetic
Biological aspect of Jewishness
If it were possible to somehow turn ourselves into
Full Blooded White Gentiles ,
Fully Non-Jewish
We would Joyfully do so in a Heartbeat, we would Joyfully do so in a Heartbeat
Turn ourselves into Full Blooded White Gentiles, and make ourselves Fully Gentile , our Looks into Fully Gentile, our Voices and Accents into Fully Gentile, If only we could
Change our Blood, Change our DNA, Change our Genetics, and Escape the Hideous Injustice of being born Jewish
If only we could change our Very Souls & Essence of our Beings into being Fully Gentile
We are often deeply jealous and envious of people who were born Fully Gentile and Non-Jewish ,
And we often feel different and inferior to people who were born Fully Gentile , has an article headlined
"Getting blocked by John Cusack on X is badge of honor for Zionists"
Menachem Wecker
Jan. 18, 2024

And some Non-Jews say things like
"Jews are dishonest,
Jews are Liars ,
Jews do bad things,
Jews are Evil "

And granted those things are true of certain Jews , but it's all
BS , it's all Anti-Semitic BS, it's All Crap , it's all Stereotypical BS
Because many Jews do Great Things for Humanity
And are kind, generous, caring, great people, loving people
Plus when certain Jews do bad things or are Liars, Evil, dishonest
It has Nothing to do with these people being Jewish , but it's just coincidental,
For Example Harvey Weinstein is NOT a "Jewish Rapist" but a
Rapist who just happens to be Jewish , Plus Countless Gentiles, Countless Non-Jews are Evil, Dishonest, Liars, do Bad Things
So certain Non-Jews who say things like
"Jews are dishonest,
Jews are Liars ,
Jews do bad things,
Jews are Evil " those
Non-Jews who say those things are Full of Crap and Lies

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
2024 about the Vile Shitty Anti-Semitic Hollywood
"actor" Mark Ruffalo
"Jews for millennia have been scapegoats for the inferiority complexes and shortcomings of many. Anti-Semitism is a way of belittling Jews and making them appear different, detestable, inferior. The farfetched accusation of deicide also demonstrates a latent fear: a people who kill a god is naturally to be feared. And so the Jews have always come in handy, not to mention in the Christian world, when they served as escape valves for the rogue in arms and then for the petty, miserable bourgeoisie that had to somehow justify its failures. Picking on Jews was easy: they were sheep being led to slaughter. Since, with the existence of Israel, this historically submissive attitude has failed, hatred for the Jew who does not suffer, for the Jew who defends himself, has exploded. People like Ruffalo feed the mythopoiesis of the treacherous Jew and therefore have every interest in conveying the Hamas narrative. Ruffalo does not mention Oct. 7 or even call for the hostages' return home, and this is clear evidence of petty, waffling bad faith"

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"OPINION: Antisemitism persists because it is allowed to"
By Dov Forman
January 21, 2025

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
"A message from a terrorist to the world! - opinion"
By JANE KIEL JANUARY 21, 2025 This article is Not an "Opinion" it's FACTS
that are discussed in the Article

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online today about Elon Musk allegedly performing a Nazi salute at a Trump inauguration rally
"Oh, would you just stop it already!

Elon Musk is awkward. He’s a stoner. He’s weird. He’s compulsive. He’s borderline delusional (Most of his “Delusions”, became reality.), but he is not an antisemite and that was not a Nazi salute!!

Doesn’t the left have anything more important to do?

Enough with the nonsense. His words and his actions could not be any clearer. He loves the Jewish people.

Can we move on now?

Oh, and by the way, where were you when hundreds of people did the ACTUAL nazi salute on your streets in antisemitic marches for the past year?

Strange. I didn’t hear you speak up then! How convenient. 🤦‍♂️"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
In November 2024
"I'm deeply upset by all the Rising Anti-Semitism
Jew-Hatred, we all are
How is it even possible to change people's hearts, minds, feelings and emotions about Jews & Israel
A friend of mine once said to me
" Who really is an Anti-Semite ,
And who isn't ?
What is and isn't Anti-Semitic ?
Is having a different opinion or viewpoint about Jews and Israel automatically Anti-Semitic ?"
I wasn't sure how to respond ?"
Some people typed in reply
"What does that mean about having a different opinion about Jews and Israel? What you should answer is if you were questioning whether Jews have the right to exist or to live in a specific place, then you are an antisemite. If you are criticizing whether Jews have the right to live in their historic homeland that goes back more than 3000 years, proven by archaeology and Millennia of writings, physical evidence in the form of what is under the al aqsa mosque and the western wall, then you are antisemitic. If you are saying that the current government in Israel is making harmful choices, then you might not be making an antisemitic statement, it depends what else you say about it."
"Shut off the $$$ and get rid of the DEI teaching and the Hamas supported professors.
It’s like a disease 🦠 we have been infected from within!!!!!"
"We all need to be strong. And be a united voice of support for Jews and Israel. If their opinion is hateful then yes.
As difficult as it is, we need to have these conversations with pride and love and facts. And help to turn people around."
"Here’s the rule of thumb.

If the remark was made about ANY OTHER group, would it be offensive?

That will give you your answer. But it’s up to YOU to hold the line.

Because when people say it’s not racist if you say it to (enter ANY group in this space) and you go along with it, then it gets you right here."
"If you are obssessed about Israel but dont care about the rapes and kidnappes by Hamas nor about any other conflict zones, if you expect Israel to be held to standards that nobody exoected from the allies when they took over Mosul from Isis (2017) or from Churchill when he kilked 500,000 German civillians, if Israel's existance seems unimportant to you because it is on "stolen" land but you have no problem living on Native American stolen land, if all people's deserve self determination accept for the Jews, if the peoole who until yesterday were accused of killing the man from Judea and 80 years ago nobody considered white - are now seen by you as "priviliged whites" than you are an antisemite."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in 2024
About the Vile Shitty
Hollywood "actor"
Mark Ruffalo that
"Ruffalo has always been a Creepy Ugly Loser , No Talent, besides Jews and Israel , what other Groups does he hate . Not only that when many people condemn Ruffalo for his Jew-Hatred on his personal Facebook page , Ruffalo doesn't even have the Decency to Engage in Civil debate and Discussion with people who Rebuke him for his Jew-Hatred , he Ignores them , and he is definitely aware of what people type, because he responds to comments people make about Other Topics ,
Ruffalo picks and Chooses which comments to Reply to"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online this
January 2025
"I’m saying this as a completely secular albeit spiritual person. The aftermath of October 7 made me think there is something karmic and cyclical to the collective Jewish experience. Not a type of chosenness that goes to one’s head, but a written in stone separateness and purpose that we cannot escape."

Anonymous said...

@th3jud6ed typed on X
"I would, once again, just like to say to the world’s Jews: the way you have been treated for over 2,000 years is absolutely despicable. Not once, never ONCE, have you ever deserved ONE SECOND of the mindlessly nasty and cruel shit you and your ancestors have endured. And I’m not talking about the lies and blatant mistruths (many disseminated, appallingly and to their everlasting shame, by the Christian churches) that are in themselves a crime against truth and justice, but the scale of sheer horror and atrocity they have resulted in.

Your ancestors never deserved one second of it. You do not deserve one second of it, either. I am appalled and ashamed and horrified for you all.

Know this, though - and I really hope you take this on board because it really matters - your dignity and grace and elegance in suffering and then overcoming every one of these mindless hatreds is a true testament to both your courage and ability and just how much the God of Abraham - YOUR God that you blessed the rest of humanity with - adores and loves you.

There is not a single thing you cannot overcome and that you have and do (as much as you should never have had to) still stands as probably the greatest testament to the power of courage and strength human beings are capable of in the entire history of humanity. I think you’re simply amazing. The most remarkable, valuable, inspiring, and extraordinary people who have ever lived. And that is God’s own honest truth. I love you forever. I will never not be there right at your side. You are a reason to live and fight and stand for everything that matters. Forever."
11:44 AM · Jan 18, 2025

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"A question.
Where were the MeToo females and the Women's Rights organizers as these three girls were almost lynched as they thought they were facing their last day on earth in Gaza?
Where have they been for 475 days and nights as girls, women, and children endure 15 months underground with Hamas barbarians?
Not a word from Michelle Obama, not from AOC. Not from the celebs or the stars that made endless noise for Kamala Harris - another that did nothing for them, except interfere with our efforts to reach them in Khan Yunis and Rafah

Total silence.
As silent as a dark dank night in a Gazan tunnel."
Some people typed in reply
"To the radical feminist, the Moslems are the macho men of fantasies, replacing the liberal western males whom they publicly laud, but privately despise."
"You are not dealing with honest, nice, sympathetic people. They may see themselves as that but they are not. They have absolutely no integrity whatsoever. None of them.They care only for themselves."

Anonymous said...

Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online today
"The majority of the Palestinians in Gaza still want Israel destroyed.
I always say, there is no innocent in Gaza. There is no civilian in Gaza. All want to kill Jews."

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"In Australia, Jew-Hate Is Out of Control"
By Alex Ryvchin
January 21, 2025

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online today in defense of Jews and Israel :
"Stop lying.
There is no genocide, no apartheid and no ethnic cleansing.
There is just a tiny Jewish state surrounded by despots & Islamic terror groups - trying to defend itself.
You are doing what antisemites have always done - make up stories about Jews to justify hate."

Anonymous said...

Justin Amler typed online today
"The List Is Life

There’s a scene in the movie Schindler’s List when the German businessman Oskar Schindler, played by Liam Neeson, decides, after witnessing the horrors perpetrated on the Jews, to dedicate himself fully to saving lives. He tasks his Jewish accountant, Itzhak Stern, played by Ben Kingsley, with typing a list of names—“essential workers” who would labour in his factory.
But this was no ordinary list.

The approximately 1,100 names on it included old men, young women, and even little children. To be on that list was to have a chance at survival—a shield against the relentless death machine of Nazi Germany.

When Stern finishes typing the list, he holds it up and says in a quiet, powerful voice, “The list is life.”

I thought of that scene after the names of 33 Israeli hostages, set to be released in the first phase of a hostage-ceasefire deal, were made public. Thirty-three names—old men, young women, and even little children.

Yet on this list, we don’t even know who is alive and who is dead. Such is the cruelty of Hamas, which has spent every moment torturing the families of those they abducted, including when with just hours to go, delayed releasing the names of the first three hostages to be released for “technical reasons.”

For 15 months, this trauma has gripped Israel and the Jewish world. It tears at every fibre of our collective soul, tormenting us by day and haunting us by night. Knowing that our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, daughters and sons are languishing in terror tunnels of hell—living or dying at the whim of the most evil monsters on Earth—is maddening.

Yet to see our first three hostages, Emily, Romi and Doron, emerge from that darkness into the light illustrates what this war is truly about. We cannot even begin to imagine the suffering they have endured. Their scars—both physical and mental—will take months, years, even decades to heal, if they ever do.

These same scars will be etched into the State of Israel, which, few would argue, failed in its most fundamental duty: to protect its people. These national wounds, too, will take months, years, and decades to heal—if they ever can.

It’s hard to call this a good deal. In exchange for the return of innocent hostages, Israel is releasing thousands of terrorists, many with blood on their hands. Most will likely return to their atrocities, making Israelis less safe. It is a sickening empty feeling."

Anonymous said...

The comment continues
"And yet, in the Jewish ethos, life is sacred. Saving a life is the highest duty of all, one that permits almost every law to be broken. Even so, the price of this deal is excruciatingly high.

Hamas will undoubtedly claim this as a victory, absurd as that may seem when its leadership has been decimated, its infrastructure destroyed, and Gaza lies in ruins. For Hamas, mere survival is considered victory.

Meanwhile, Jew-hatred has exploded worldwide. Attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions are now so commonplace that they are no longer shocking but expected. In Australia, one of the world’s most tolerant nations, the Jewish community has been left reeling, confronting levels of antisemitism never before encountered.

We are truly living in an era reminiscent of our grandparents’ time—when they were hounded, harassed, and attacked simply for being Jews. Some escaped the murderous pogroms and death camps of Europe. The rest did not.

The international community’s failure has compounded this trauma.

Much of the world has turned its back on Israel—a liberal democracy fighting for its survival on the frontlines of terror, so the rest of the world doesn’t have to. Instead of prioritising the hostages, they’ve focused almost exclusively on criticising Israel and calling for ceasefires.

This is a mark of shame that can never be erased.

But whatever happens now and in the future through deals and negotiations, we must never forget how this all began.

On the morning of October 7, 2023, thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, murdering, raping, and burning men, women, and children. They killed parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents, filming their atrocities with unbridled joy.

Hamas is a sadistic terrorist group that cannot be trusted, and the next few weeks as the hostages are cruelly drip-fed to a desperate country, Israel will be tested like never before.

So perhaps, as those hostages continue to be released, as we desperately hope they all will be, we should be focusing on those moments of joy—the elation of being home again, surrounded by love and warmth, giving meaning to the list as a symbol of life.

We have no choice, because in a world so dark, we must cherish these rare and precious moments deeply, even as we brace ourselves for the inevitable pain that lies ahead."
A person typed in reply
"As always, you've nailed it. The only thing I don't agree with is the terminology international "community". It's more of an international collaboration."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today about Elon Musk allegedly performing the Nazi Salute at a Trump inauguration rally
"People like this stood in front of synagogues and Jewish preschools and shouted praise for Hamas and shouted that they wanted to “globalize the intifada” (which means kill Jews all over the world).

This is what little Jewish kids saw shouting outside their schools. This is what old Holocaust survivors saw standing outside their synagogues. This is what prominent Jews saw right in front of their homes, in front of Jewish-owned businesses, and more.

And other than literally a handful of non-Jewish friends of mine, I saw no gentiles say anything about this, or if they did, it was only to equivocate and engage in intellectual flatulence about “context.”

But they sure have a lot to say about this hand gesture right now, suddenly. And they don’t use the word “context” anymore, I’ve noticed.

AOC came out to squak about Nazism, just a few weeks after going on Hasan Piker’s show - a man who said that the Jews who were attacked in a highly coordinated “Jew hunt” all deserved it and that it was hilarious. Yet there’s not even the slightest whiff of a movement of gentile progressives to admonish her over that, let alone cancel her like her they would be doing if she went on a show where the host had praised an organized mob that coordinated a city-wide Muslim beat down and who said it was deserved and hilarious.

You only care about the Holocaust to weaponize it against the people who survived it, and to call your political opponents names. It holds no meaning for you beyond that. You’ve made that abundantly clear.

But you’re the “good guys,” right?”

How do you sleep?"
"You could not shut up hard enough to not be a 🤡🤡

And the worst part, the absolute worst part is, you’ve proven something so sinister you should be canceled from every social circle imaginable:

While the idea of living under a Nazi regime frightens and concerns you, the threat of genocide to Jews does not.

In other words, if all Hitler had done was gas the Jews, you wouldn’t have said a damn word."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"OK, listen.
I've been called a Nazi more times than I can count in the last 472 days.

My crime -- being Jewish and Israeli.

In a truly strange twist, outspoken Jews (like myself) are in fact pretty regularly called Nazis, by actual modern-day Nazis (it is a truly strange dystopian gaslighting ritual). With extended family that died in Auschwitz and as a Holocaust educator, I've been to the concentration camps twice and taught Holocaust education in US public schools for many years. Every time you call someone a Nazi-- who doesn't actually espouse Nazi ideology -- is like spitting in the face of the tens of millions of people who died at the hands of the evil Nazi regime, or in the war they started.

So before you get your panties in a twist about Elon, and get all huffy about his suspected hand/arm gesture. I'd like to ask the following:

Did you stand in solidarity with the hostages? Did you post about them even once? They are real human beings, ripped from their homes, tortured and abused for more than a year, kept in tunnels underground, denied access to medical care (not even a single Red Cross visit!). One of them, still a hostage 472 days later was only 9 months old when he was kidnapped. But putting aside the hostages, have you marched to stop anti-Semitism on a college campus where Jewish and Pro-Israel students have been blocked from attending classes, physically assaulted, and attacked? Have you told anyone calling to "Globalize the Intifada" or screaming "resistance is justified" that they are glorifying terrorism, and reported them to the authorities? Have you lent a hand to a Jewish organization targeted with hate crimes in the past year and offered to paint over graffiti, or organize community support? Have you reached out to a Jewish friend and asked them how they are, if they need anything, or told them you don't hate them for existing?


Well guess what -- Elon has personally done all of those anti-Nazi things that you probably have not done.

Again, I'm kinda guessing here, but your failure to do an anti-Nazi thing, as nice as it would be for Jews and Israelis not to feel so alone -- still does not make you a Nazi. But, Elon's weird behavior in front of a huge crowd where he couldn't contain his emotions doesn't make him one either.

These are the early days of a Presidency many people are uncertain or fearful about. I understand. But the best thing to do is usually to wait and see how things look in the morning. More than half of the country voted for change. So personally, I'm going to give Elon the benefit of the doubt and trust in his actions over the past 471 days, rather than the weird hand movement during 30 seconds of a victory speech.

His speech reminded me of the weird nerd antics of Bill Gates dancing with Steve B on stage when they introduced Windows 95 (yes, I'm that old) -- it really did not look like a speech by Hitler, the Ayatollah, Osama Bin Laden or Nasrallah. (Be honest with yourself, it didn't)

You are welcome to disagree with me, but please keep it civil, and whatever you do, don't you dare call me a Na*i. Let's reserve that for people who are intent on wiping out an entire Hamas and Fatah are desperate to do to all Jews and regularly scream from the rooftops about. Oh, and US college students do when they scream for intifada revolution -- that is an actual call to MURDER all JEWS.

There is a lot to do and many people around the world who could use help love, compassion and our attention. Let's put our collective energies to work for good things instead of arguing about a guy who has no intention to murder, maim, destroy, or incite to violence. "

Anonymous said...

Another person typed online today
"Enough is enough. The media’s obsession with calling Elon Musk "Hitler" is not just baseless; it is a disgusting affront to history and human decency. While real Nazis—actual Nazis—walk among us, attacking Jewish people in Tel Aviv and beyond, we have so-called intellectuals and activists in the West throwing this inflammatory label at Musk without an ounce of shame or accountability.

Let’s get real: At Columbia University and other supposed bastions of enlightenment, masked individuals chant slogans that eerily echo Nazi propaganda, all while skipping class to cheer for terrorism. And still, the media is laser-focused on painting Elon Musk as a modern-day villain. The hypocrisy is grotesque.

Do you want to see real Nazism? Look at Hamas—the group many in America seem disturbingly comfortable supporting. They didn’t just murder Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an American citizen; they held him hostage for nearly a year after he lost his arm in a grenade attack. Then, they executed him in cold blood. That’s Nazism. That’s evil. And that’s what deserves our outrage.

Yet, instead of amplifying the story of Hersh’s courageous mother, Rachel Goldberg-Polin—a woman who begged and fought for her son’s return, even showing Musk the heart-wrenching footage of her son’s abduction—the media fixates on smearing Musk. Why? Because it’s easier to vilify a man who dares to challenge the status quo than to confront the uncomfortable truths of terrorism and anti-Semitism on our soil.

Shame on you. Shame on every outlet and every self-righteous pundit who turned a blind eye to Rachel’s pain, who ignored her pleas, and who chose petty political points over humanity. This is Rachel Goldberg-Polin—a mother who lost her son to real evil. Where is her headline? Where is her story?

Stop playing into the hands of those who manipulate the narrative for their agenda. Wake up. Call out the actual villains. Do better."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"There is so much wrong with the world, it's hard to find the right, the good. In many ways, what shows the true nature of who we are, is not when we recognize evil, but when we mistake good for evil because we are so ready to find wrong

Elon Musk is weird. I think he knows he is weird and perhaps you need to be weird just to accomplish what he has. But he's done something that few have done...

No, I'm not talking about buying Twitter or making gazillions. I'm talking about putting on a bulletproof vest and going down to southern Israel in the early days of the war to see, first hand, the atrocities committed there.

To take the time and walk into Auschwitz to learn, to see, to understand.

You don't like him? I think he's kind of cute...weird...and more. But you know what, he's not a Nazi. And if you use that term to describe him, you don't know what a Nazi is.

The Nazi salute required one important needed a direction being the ultimate evil. It was pointing to Hitler standing up on the platform, hailing their leader."
A person typed in reply
"He is a good weird person."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online
January 21, 2025 about
Elon Musk
"If people posted about Hamas with the same rush they had to call Elon Musk a Nazi, maybe the world would finally understand the true evil we’re dealing with.

Here’s Musk meeting with families of hostages taken by Hamas—something you won’t see those critics share."
Another person typed
January 22, 2025
"For the past 15 months in this country people were going around doing the Nazi salute, saying “Hitler was right”, “gas the Jews” and so much more. Not letting Jewish students in government funded universities to be able to feel safe or even walk through certain hallways. Elon musk says “my heart goes out to you” and does what appears like a Nazi salute and everyone goes crazy pretending to be offended.

If you didn’t fight against the hate for the past 15 months, if you didn’t say anything to show your Jewish friends you really do care, don’t act like all of a sudden this offends you and you care because it fits with your agenda. Sit down and shut up.

Am Yisrael Chai"
A person typed in reply
"The left will be looking and magnifying any little thing to fit their narrative for the next four years."

Anonymous said...

Some More people typed online about Elon Musk allegedly performing a Nazi Salute at a Trump inauguration rally
"Super weird how people on the left are more mad at thinking Elon Musk did a nazi salute than they are at the fact that their own side has been openly calling for the death of jews since October 7th, 2023.

I've said this many times before but once again it's become relevant:

The left doesn't care about nazism or antisemitism. They only pretend to care about it if they think they can use it to slander the right or anyone associated with the right with false accusations of it.
Yet when it comes to calls for genocide against jews like "from the river to the sea" and "intifada", all of the sudden they have all the nuance in the world to afford.

They still don't understand that people see through this and they still don't understand it's one of the main reasons why they lost the election and continue to lose voters."
"Nobody with a brain really believes that Elon Musk was doing a Nazi salute. Ironically, the people pretending he was are the same people who’ve been engaging in antisemitic marches since October 7 2023."
"The amount of performative activism and virtue signaling of people who haven’t said a THING about the rampant Jew hatred rotting at the core of the Left but have run to the internet to condemn Elon Musk today is staggering.

Speak up for Jews if you want to- we certainly need your voice. But don’t you dare grandstand about Musk when you’ve said NOTHING about female hostages and assaults on 10/7, Naziism on the left AND right, literal loud and proud Nazi salutes on college campuses, etc.

We. See. You. You don’t care about Jews. You care about hating republicans. Don’t use us and our true existential fear as your pawn. It’s disgusting. Keep us out of your games."
A person typed in reply
"Elon literally said my heart goes out to you as he made the gesture from his heart to the people. The media didn't include that part in."

Anonymous said...

Some More people typed about Elon Musk and his gesture at the Trump inauguration rally
"Ok I checked it. And whoever equates this speech, or body movement, to Nazism not only have absolutely zero clue what Nazism actually is - but also should explore potential psychological issues.

And to help out -

When people butcher Jewish babies, kindnap Jewish elderly and women and hold them in tunnels, chant for the death of Jews and harass them for being Jews, like we witnessed over the past year plus now- that’s Nazism.

This! Is definitely not."
"So the same people who allowed Hamas supporters wreak havoc on our college campuses in the name of free speech, are now concerned about Elon Musk’s Nazi salute? Were they this upset when terrorists were shouting “ from river to the sea….”? Were they this concerned when Biden and Harris denied Israel of some badly needed weapons? Were they disturbed when Jewish students and citizens were being attacked by terrorist sympathizers? Were they horrified when Ilan Omar’s daughter turned Columbia university’s campus into a war zone? All of a sudden a man’s show of emotion disturbs them? And no one questioning their motives? Come on people… stop the hypocrisy…"

Anonymous said...

Some people typed online today
"The new United States Ambassador to the United Nations agrees with the vision of Rabbi Meir Kahane that the Land of Israel, which includes Judea and Samaria, belongs to the Jewish people. Thank G-d."
While Another person typed online about the
Late, Great
Rabbi Meir Kahane
"40 years ago I thought he was a radical. Today would there be more men like him. We should have listened back then."

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"If the Arabs stopped attacking the Jews--who live on less than 2/10's of one percent of the land mass in the Middle East--there would be peace in the Middle East. But to the Arabs, even that's too much land. They want the entire region Jew free."
"President Trump has signed an executive order allowing the deportation of foreign students who support Arab Hamas. In other words, the new Hitler Youth.

The order instructs those responsible for granting student visas to ensure that applicants are not hostile toward the U.S., its citizens, principles, institutions, or culture, and do not support terrorist organizations.

Please share this with anyone you know in universities so they can file complaints about foreign students and faculty members who support Arab Hamas. Filthy Jew-haters."
A person typed in reply
"There is a tip line too!!"

The original person also typed
"Trump says Biden's "weakness" allowed the October 7 massacre to happen."
Some people typed in reply
"All true.
Removing sanctions on Iran = Iran getting rich on oil = money to finance Hamas."
"Agreed , Biden released the billions to Iran"

Anonymous said...

A person typed online today
"From my 75 years on this earth I have learned never to be surprised by antisemitism. No matter by whom nor where.
If you want to be surprised, look for righteous gentiles among the nations. They are truly good. Because going against the current is in & of itself a great thing. Loving those you are expected to hate, is even more wonderful & unexpected.
Another lesson, we all must stay united with our people.
Good Day"
A person typed in reply

Anonymous said...

Barry Shaw typed online today
"Australia, shocked at the massive rise of violent anti-Semitism in their country are looking for international links to some of the most serious attacks.
I can tell them where those international links are.
Try looking in the massive wave of Middle East migrants you joyously allowed into your country with no strings attached.
I guarantee you will find the source within your own communities, enthusiastically welcomed in by you."
In reply to a website typing
"Expel the Iranian Ambassador - AJA on First Edition, Sky News

Following developments where police announced that 'foreign actors' may be behind some of the spate of attacks on Jews in Australia, AJA CEO Robert Gregory spoke to Peter Stefanovic on Sky News.

Robert repeated a call which AJA has been making for years and which the Albanese Government has been ignoring, to expel the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Anonymous said...

Naveed Anjum typed online today
"Ilan Halimi was kidnapped on 21 January 2006, and tortured for 3 weeks and murdered.

Because he was a Jew.

End Jew Hatred. "

Anonymous said... has an article headlined
"High School Senior Making the Consequences of Antisemitism Real"
by Sarah Pachter
January 22, 2025

Anonymous said...

A person typed online in
March 2024 about Shitty Ugly
"actor" Mark Ruffalo
"Mark Ruffalo benefited from a quarter-hour of attention yesterday at the Academy Awards ceremony by riding some anti-Jewish rhetoric and ranting to draw attention to himself and surf on the misfortunes of others. Then again, in Hollywood, faux-intellectuality and slightly waffling humanitarianism are part of the résumé and survival kit. In Ruffalo's case even more so: who on earth would want to be remembered just for playing a role as Hegelian and intellectually committed as that of a guy who metamorphoses into the Hulk every time he has an outpouring of bile?"
A person added in reply
"It takes so much talent to grunt like hulk and say puny human - not. he was probably adversely affected by the gamma rays."
Some More people typed in reply
"remember a few years back when the neo nazis marched and Trump made that “very fine people” comment? Ruffalo and Michael Moore organized a televised march in NYC against bigotry in protest, and named literally every single marginalized group EXCEPT Jews. I kept waiting for them to say Jews, thinking “oh come on, they’re protesting NAZIS, they HAVE to mention Jews at least once right?” Nope."
"when you support a politician who has antisemitic proclivities, even in spite of them, you are still antisemitic. It merely means the antisemitism is not important to you. It's your privilege at work."
"You nailed the "faux-intellectuality and slightly waffling humanitarianism" & I would add "self-serving faux empathy" for whatever is currently popular.🤮😡"
"Hate the son of a bitch. But not going to let that asshole destroy my enjoyment of the MCU. Also Poor Things was most fun I had at a movie all year"
" He has an inferiority complex that needs Jews as scapegoats. An old story."

Anonymous said...

Hillel Fuld typed online today
"Our world craves light. Amid the darkness, the Jewish people shine as a beacon of innovation, morality, and impact. From the Torah's values shaping global ethics to groundbreaking solutions curing cancer and tackling mental health, Israel doesn’t just speak of change - it creates it.

Let’s bring more light into the feed."

Anonymous said...

Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"Steve Witkoff, Trump's Middle East Envoy

"We've got some people really doing, you know, God's work referring to Sheikh Mohammed, the Prime Minister of Qatar.

Qatar is a main financier and supporter of Hamas. Qatar welcomed in Jew hating, genocidal Hamas Leaders and allowed the to live in Qatar.

"There will be plenty of Palestinians who will be released as a result of this and they will go home to their families".

This is Witfoff's remark about the 1,900 genocidal Palestinian terrorist mass murderers freed in the Surrender Deal.

"Remember, there’s a lot of people, radicals, fanatics, not just from the Hamas side, from the right wing of the Israeli side, who are absolutely incentivized to blow this whole deal up."

Witkoff actually tries to draw a moral equivalence between Hamas, that raped, tortured, tormented, sexually mutilated, beheaded, burned alive, mass murdered 1,200 Jewish men, women, the elderly, little children the 'the right wing of the Israeli side'.

“If we don’t help the Gazans, if we don’t make their life better, if we don’t give them a sense of hope, there’s going to be a rebellion".

Witkoff says 'help the Gaza's'. The Gazans that elected Hamas, the Gazans that participated in the October 7 Holocaust Massacre, the Gazans that cheered when dead and living Jews were stripped naked brutally beat and paraded in the streets of Gaza ?

Who is Steve Witkoff, a long time billionaire friend of Trump, with a long history of business dealings with Islamist Jihadist Qatar.

Question : Why did Trump appoint Witkoff as the Middle East Envoy and send Witkoff to make the Surrender Deal ?

Chaplain Michael Green ✡️"
Chaplain Green added
"Follow the money $$$. Witkoff is in bed with Islamist Jihadist Qatar 🇶🇦

Next, Trump said this DEAL will enable the expansion of the Abraham Accords.

The Abraham Accords will open up lucrative business dealings for Witkoff and Trump’s family with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar.

Follow the money $$$."

Many have said that the
"Abraham Accords " are actually bad for Israel , Another person typed
About Steve Witkoff
"Witkoff's sympathies clearly lies with the "palestinians", not slaughtered, maimed, raped, tortured Jews.
What a freakin' horror show!"

We at this Blog think
Trump is a good President in
Many Ways , good as 45th President and hopefully even better as 47th President , that Trump was and Is
Good for Israel and the Jews in Many Ways, but Far from Perfect,
Far from Perfect
Yet Trump is Still
Far Better
Far Better than
Kamala Harris would have been
Thank God Kamala Harris
Lost !!!
Good that Kamala Lost !

Anonymous said...

Dumisani Washington
@DumisaniTemsgen typed on X
"Observe how all these journalists and influencers wringing their hands about an IDF genocide in Gaza (which doesn't exist) report on no other geopolitical conflict. None. Israel is the only foreign nation that exists. Millions slaughtered, displaced or enslaved across the same African/Middle Eastern region, and these brave voices are dead silent.

That's called Jew-hatred, ladies and gentlemen."
9:19 AM · Jan 17, 2025

Plus about Jewish Students in the New York City
Public High Schools , Junior High and High Schools
In 2022
A person typed online
"In the Public Secular Junior High & High Schools in New York City would the Jewish teachers and Staff use their power to Protect Jewish and half-Jewish Students, would they use their Power"
A person typed in reply

"No. The Jewish teachers were the most self hating communists at my high school. Or at least the deans."

Even if the Jewish Teachers and Staff in the Public Schools were
Self-hating Communists , still they should use their power to Protect Jewish and Half-Jewish Students from Bullying, Harassment, Anti-semitism, the Jewish Students shouldn't even have to Ask for Help or
Report the Bullies , even the
Jewish self-hating Communist Teachers and Staff should use their Power and Authority to Help Protect Jewish Students and Keep them Safe ,
If the Jewish Teachers and Staff see something or are aware of Abuse , Bullying they should automatically use their Power and Authority to Put an End to it
Without the Jewish students even having to First report it or Ask for Help
Bullying is Never Acceptable

Anonymous said... has an article
"LinkedIn fails against anti-Semitism"
By Civis Americanus
January 22, 2025

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