Race, Jewish blood, and National Socialism, was only avenues by which Hitler’s spiritual hatred could be expressed in the physical realm. When we understand the full spiritual concept of what a Jew is, and what the Jew represents, it is only then we can begin to see the full concept of what antisemitism actually is. Without using the Bible as a spiritual guide, antisemitism is just another form of racism.
Any form of expression that seeks to separate the Jew from the covenant by which the God of Israel has appointed them is in reality antisemitic! Therefore, any attempt to convert the Jew away from his covenant with God (regardless of the honesty and compassion one might have for the Jew while doing so) is still an act of antisemitism against the Jew and the God of Israel.
Think of what converting the Jew away form the covenant really is doing. It's converting them away from the very element that made them "Jews" to begin with! In a sense it is spiritually and physically "Gentilizing" them. More importantly, it not only dishonors the Jews themselves but the very covenant God made with them. Seeking Jewish conversion can be an willful or an inadvertently expression of denying God’s covenant with Israel. If Jewish conversion were able to run its full course the way missionaries envision it, the Jews as a people along with the covenant itself would be annihilated. My challenge to any Christian disagreeing with me on this, is to examine and ponder what the results would be if the entire Christian world were to abandoned their Christian heritage and be converted to Islam? The same results that would happen to the Christian world are the results that would happen to the Jewish world if they all converted to Christianity.
Islam seeks to destroy the Christian world by converting Christians to Islam and they are doing so at a rapid rate. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion in the world. The Christian world is becoming well aware of Islam’s threat to Christianity. While the Christian leaders are disgusted with Islam’s goal towards Christianity they forget that the same conversion rule applies to the Christians who fervently seeks Jewish converts. Remember, the Muslims believe they are right in their religion just as much and even probably more so than most Christians believe they are right in their religion. It takes an awful strong faith in Allah to blow oneself into a million pieces in their devotion to him. It’s a strange thing that Islam goes all out to try and convert Christians and Jews, while Christians go all out to and try convert the Muslims and Jews, but the Jews being the tiny minority of the three great monotheistic faiths, don’t attempt to convert either one of them to Judaism. There is a spiritual reason behind this that I will get to.
The annihilation of the God of Israel, or the effect of making the God of Israel powerless, (basically making His word return to Him void (see Isaiah 55:11) is the ultimate goal of antisemitism. General God-haters and antisemites alike know that once they can find a way to annihilate the Jews in any form, (either by physical death, religious conversion, and assimilation) they will in effect have killed God (see Psalms 115: 2,3) because the God of Israel is known by His covenant that He has established with the Jews and the nation of Israel (see Jeremiah 31:36). So I would encourage the Gentile Christians of whom many really do have a compassion for Israel and the Jews, not to try and pull the Jews away for what God has already laid down as a requirement for them which is their Torah (see Deuteronomy 4:2). If nothing else, encourage them to be Torah minded and let God deal with Israel as He so chooses.
It was never the intention of the All-Mighty that His Jewish nation to become like the other nations (Deuteronomy 7:6 / 14:2). Christianity and Islam are Gentile faiths of those other nations (see Deuteronomy 6:14). Though they use the Jewish scriptures as the foundation to their faith, their faith is Gentile oriented and Gentile maintained. Paul's conversion to Christianity caused his name to be changed from a Hebrew name of Saul to a Greco-Roman name of Paul (Acts 13:9). The name "Paul" remains a popular name among Gentiles while the name "Saul" (Solomon / Shlomo) remains popular among the Jews. I love to ask Messianic (Jew-want-to-be) Christians why that is. Paul, being the main author of the New Testament, traveled all over the Gentile world taking his message to them (see Romans 15:16) while Islam rejects God's covenant with Israel via Isaac (see Psalms 105:9,10) in order to accept their Gentle version of the Abrahamic covenant through the Gentile Ishmael (see Sura 37: 101-113). Christianity spread to the Gentile West via Rome while Islam spread throughout the Gentile Middle East via Mecca. But between both of these two massive bodies of land lies a very small strip of land that connects and a particular people with a eternal covenant. As with the onslaught of conversion efforts, isn't it spiritually strange that the Jews historically have received great persecutions in the form of physical attacks from both of the Christian and Islam nations (about 54% combined) while at the same time seeking the total conversion of the tiny Jewish nation, but you never hear or read about the Jewish people attacking either of them on the basis of their religion nor seeking their conversion to their faith?
Here are some amazing facts:
- The two great world faiths of Christianity and Islam that makes up more than half of the world’s population (54% combined) seeks the total conversion of the tiny Jewish nation (0.22% of the world’s population) to their religion and belief system. To really get a good mental picture of just how offset Judaism is in population compared to the top two major religions of the world (which just happen to be the only two rivals of Judaism) take a look at the graph at the top of this article and notice the big green and red areas representing Christianity and Islam world populations. Then compared those areas to the tiny (hard to see) thin blue line representing Jews in Judaism between the colored areas of Buddhism and the other minority religions.
- Evangelicals spend approximately 250 million dollars every year on Jewish evangelism including missions to Israel for the sole purpose of converting the Jew, while the Jews spend about 250 millions dollars less then the evangelicals in Gentile proselytizing. How about that for one-sided spending figures? Muslims countries spend billions per year on weapons and political methods intended for the killing off the Jews who will not convert to Islam. Any Jew who converts to Islam can become worry free of any terrorist attacks, just as any Jew who converts to Christianity no longer has to put up with eager missionaries looking for that Jew-feather to put in their Christian hat.
- It is possible for a Gentile to be righteous outside of Judaism, but in the eyes of both Christianity and Islam, a Jew cannot be righteous hanging onto Law of Moses while converting to Christianity or Islam. This fact has made Judaism the most tolerant of the three monotheistic religions towards those outside their faith. A good question to ponder: During the Crusades when the forces of Christian Europe were fighting the Islamic empire from which both sides included the killing of Jews, who during this time were the Jews striking up a war with?
- Both Christianity and Islam have made their boasts throughout their history that they, and only they are the new chosen people and are the spiritual replacement of the physical seed of Israel while the nation of Israel bends over backwards to downplay their being chosen of God.
“God's Only 'Chosen Person' is Jesus Christ, and those in Him” - The Preterist Archive -
web-site / Dennis Todd
“The people who are really chosen by God are the Muslims community which has gathered under God’s banner without regard to differences of races, nations, colors, and countries.”
- Sayid Qutb, Milestones along the Road, p. 238
According to the ancient Talmudic traditions, Israel was the very last (far from the first choice) that God picked to be His chosen people. According to the tradition, it was only because Israel accepted the covenant at Mt. Sinai after all the other nations refused it was how Israel came to become God’s chosen people. - Islam and Christianity which together makes up more than half of the world’s population have their foundations based on Judaism. Muslims will not recognized the New Testament as being from God, nor will the Christians recognize the Koran being from God, yet both Christianity and Islam recognize the Torah being from God. This fact is even more amazing when one considers the Jews were not liked and appreciated in both Christendom and Islamic worlds, yet their Torah was.
- Christianity and Islam are both based only upon religious creeds while Judaism is based on faith and a nation of people. If a Christian stops believing in Jesus he is no longer a Christian. If a Muslim stops believing in Muhammad he is no longer a Muslim. A Jew however, can stop believing in the Torah but he will still remain a Jew - an apostate Jew.
- Looking at the three great monotheistic religions from the outside, it is impossible for Judaism to be wrong in foundation while the other two monotheistic religions are right in their foundation. This is because without the Torah the New Testament and the Koran has no foundation thereby voiding any claim as the true religion. Therefore, is possible for Judaism to be right in its foundation and the other two be wrong because the Torah is not dependent on either the New Testament or the Koran in establishing its foundation as a true religion. Likewise, If you were to ask a Muslim that if he found out that Islam’s foundation was indeed proven to be false, what religion would he perceive as the next obvious choice as the correct religion? He would more than likely choose either Christianity or Judaism as the correct true religion. If you then were to ask a Christian the exact same question about Christianity, he would pick Judaism as the obvious correct religion. But if you would asked an observant Jew the same exact question regarding Judaism, there is no religion outside of Paganism that he could point to as the next best, obvious choice. There is a spiritual reason for this that goes beyond the time-line as to when each religion began. At the End of Days, when all things then becomes obvious, the world comes seeking the Jews for spiritual guidance.
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you. - Zechariah 8:23
- Q. If all of Israel would have become Christianized in the first century would there be a modern Israel today?
A. Christian teaching in all of the New Testament reserves no special physical place on earth for the Christian believer, not even the physical land of Israel. The teaching of Jewish Zionism is nowhere found in the New Testament, only the doctrines of “spiritual Jerusalem” and of the spiritual “Israel of God” are taught. If all the Jews converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no peoples of the earth to embrace the spiritual concept of living in the promised land God gave to the ancient Israelites, for there would be no spiritual significant reason to do so. See: Romans 2:28, Romans 9, Galatians 4:26, Galatians 6:15,16 , Revelations 21:2 - Q. If all of Israel would have become Christianized in the first century would there be a people identifying themselves as descendants from Jacob (Israel) today?
A. The New Testament teaches that true Jews are the ones who become Christians and that the physical seed of Jacob has been replaced by a spiritual seed of faith to the believer. Therefore, had all of Israel converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no peoples of the earth identified as the descendants of Jacob for there would be no spiritual significant reason to keep track or a remembrance of that physical seed. It is also note worthy that the apostle Paul (the main author of the New Testament) did not have any physical seed of his own and instructed others to follow him in a vow of abstinence if they were spiritually able to do so (I Corinthians 7:8). While this type of vow may not be harmful to a “spiritual seed” doctrine, it can only deplete the physical seed of Israel while directly avoiding the promise that the physical seed of Israel will as numerous as the stars heaven and as the sands of the sea. Therefore this type of revelation also undermines any promises concerning the land of Israel, being that this physical land, spiritually and eternally belongs to a very physical people.
See St. John 4:20-23, Galatians 4:25,26, Acts 15:14-17 (the temple in Jerusalem) - Q. If all of Israel would have become Christianized in the first century, would the Law of Moses (by which Jews have remained Jews) be observed by any people on the earth today?
A. The New Testament teaches that the Law of Moses has been fulfilled and is no longer valid to the Christian believer. Paul’s letter to the Galatians clearly confirms this many times over. Therefore, had all of Israel converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no people remaining on the earth today recognizing themselves to be under the Law of Moses. This would also cause there to be no religion in the earth that is totally based on the Law of Moses - which is exactly how Jews are known as Jews today! Therefore, had all of Israel converted to Christianity in the first century there would be no people on the earth whose spiritual foundation is the Law of Moses, because there would be no spiritual significant reason to keep the Law of Moses. This would result in there being no Torah-believing Jews (therefore no Jews) on the earth - only complete Christian assimilation. See Acts 10:13-16 (symbolic) Romans 3:20, Romans 7:4-6, Romans 10:4, Galatians 2:16,21, Galatians 3:13, Galatians 5:2-3,6.
It is an absolute fact that the total conversion of today’s Jewish people (which again, is the aim of every evangelical missionary Christian) would wipe out the Jewish nation from the earth. There would be no more physical seed (a.k.a. chosen people) identified as physical Jews on the face of the earth. I know this sounds mean but it’s the truth in principle, that today's evangelicals are no different (other than not being violent) than Hamas or any other terrorist group that seeks to destroy God’s covenant with the Jews of which the Law of Moses is connected! They just simply use different techniques and methods from those who use terrorism tactics, but which this wasn't always the case. Crusade Christianity and Inquisition Christianity were as every bit evil in terrorizing to Jews as today's Islamic terrorists. Hamas tries to murder the Jews away from their covenant while evangelicals try to covert the Jews away from their covenant. One of their biggest techniques is trying to convince the Jew that the Law of Moses is no longer in effect. There is an onslaught by both the Arabs and the Christians (the basic whole of the Gentile world) to takeover Jewish Israel. The Arabs want to make Israel an assimilated Muslim nation like all the other Muslim nations under the name of Palestine, while the Christians wish to make Israel an assimilated Christians nation like all the other Christian nations, and it’s sad that the secular Israeli government is at fault for allowing both fronts to continue as well as to grow.
I can understand a caring Christian’s true desire for a spiritual revival among the Jewish nation with the belief that only through the Jewish conversion to Christianity can a such a revival occur. However, Christians, and especially the evangelical missionaries, must realize that is wasn’t through the conversion to Christianity that the nation of Israel has been preserved and still survives to this day after three thousand years of persecutions. On the contrary, the fact remains that it was the Jewish people’s dedication to the Torah and the Talmud that has kept the Jewish nation intact as a people and as a nation throughout their tough history. It was not through the conversion to Christianity that brought about the modern phenomenon of the in-gathering of Jews back to Israel during this last century. If the Jews hadn’t been Torah minded during the past two thousand years, there never would have been a physical Jewish people for God to gather back into Israel in the first place. Therefore the great spiritual phenomenon of Jews living once again in their ancient biblical homeland is directly based both spiritually and physically to the Law of Moses and not to any forms of Christianity or Jewish conversion into it. The ingathering of Jews back into their homeland is based on God’s promise through Israelite prophets who just so happened to believe in keeping the Torah of Moses at the time.
If God was wanting all the Jews to become Christians instead of remaining as Jews, He wouldn’t have allowed the Holocaust to happen. Why would He, when in the eyes of the Christian world, the Jews of Germany were supposedly turning their hearts towards Jesus in massive numbers? It is important to understand as well as it speaks volumes, that the two greatest times of mass Jewish conversion to Christianity (as well as mass assimilation) was just before the destruction of the second temple in Israel and just before the Holocaust in Germany! Isn’t that strange? Christian missionaries should realize that God has a special and unique way of doing things when it comes to the Jewish people. He always deals with Israel as a nation, not by a conversion here and a conversion there. It would be in the best interest for the Jews if the evangelicals would stop trying to convert the Jews and interfere with what God has planned for them according to His word that He has specifically spelled out by the Hebrew prophets..
But this shall be the covenant that I will cut with the house of Israel: After those days, says the LORD, I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. And they shall no more teach each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, Know the LORD; for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more. - Jeremiah 31:33,34
«Oldest ‹Older 3601 – 3680 of 3680Even More about the late
Jimmy Carter
gellerreport.com has an article headlined
"Jimmy Carter: A Moral Atrocity"
By Geller Report Staff - on December 31, 2024
A person typed online today
"Every word of this.
Jews don’t need Harvard. We are older than Harvard. We will outlast Harvard. If Harvard wants Jews, it is going to have to stop catering to people who think that calling for an intifada and literally calling for “the destruction of western civilization.”
It’s become a joke, and the joke is more than just not funny. It’s deadly.
And it’s not just Jews who are too good for Harvard. The American people are too good for Harvard.
It’s time for all people who care about the future of this country to pull their money away from institutions that have become aligned with foreign regimes run by terrorists. That is literally what is happening at Harvard and other Qatar-bought educational institutions.
The fact that a large portion of the population who supposedly are the more intellectual and moral superiors who look down their noses at most of this country don’t seem too concerned about all of this only shows that they are not, in fact, the heroes and guardians of a free society they claim they are."
A link is shown to an
Instagram video on
January 2, 2025 by
Shabbos Kestenbaum
Explaining how Jews don't need
Harvard needs the Jews
Hillel Fuld typed online today
"Once again, I was woken up along with my family at 4:30 am by a ballistic missile fired at Israel by the Houthis in Yemen.
Important to mention, Israel never attacked Yemen and the Houthis aggression against Israel, just like Iran’s other proxies, was totally unprovoked.
But, it wasn’t just us. We joined millions of Israelis who ran to their bomb shelters in the middle of the night.
The world is silent. Did you even know about this? Did anyone report it? Anyone at all?
Israel hasn’t dealt with this problem yet, but when Israel does finally retaliate and deal a massive blow to the Houthis, and have no doubt, Israel will, then I expect the world to maintain its silence, but who am I kidding?
As soon as Israel hits back, all the clowns will come out to play.
Can’t wait to see how Candace Owens along with her psycho Jew hating friends spin this as if Israel is the aggressor when the Houthis have fired countless missiles and drones into Israeli cities.
I believe in her, Piers Morgan, Antonio Guterres, and all the other closet antisemites. They will find a way to blame Israel. They always do. 🤮
Now that Israel has dealt with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Assad, the next domino, the final domino before Israel takes out the head of the snake, is Yemen. It won’t be long.
Dear antisemites, prepare the blood libels."
Debbie Schlussel typed online
January 1, 2025 about the
Death of Jimmy Carter
"This beatification of Jimmy Carter is ludicrous. It is NOT decent (esp for a former US Prez) to hang out and smile with murderers of 100s of American Marines. Not even close. He was evil. Period"
A person typed in reply
"I am sick of hearing what a saint Carter was. I still think about the killer rabbit incident. He showed his true colors several times & it was not good."
Debbie Schlussel typed
January 2, 2025
About the Terrible
Terrorist Attack in
New Orleans on
January 1, 2025
"So New Orleans terrorist is US born Shamsud Din Jabbar, Our "loyal" American neighbor. Why was his truck driven from Mexico 2 days ago? Who conspired w him? The woke aholes attacking me probably cooked him and his friends a halal dinner just to show how much they butt snorkel them and their hatred in our midst. How long until they blame the Jews and Israel? 3-2-1...... Candace Owens (funded by Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA) already has..."
has an article headlined
"Karoline Preisler: How One German Woman Stands Up To Antisemitic Hate"
Posted by Vijeta Uniyal
Thursday, January 2, 2025
has an article headlined
"CHILLING VIDEO: Muslim Leader in New Orleans Terrorist’s Mosque Spews Antisemitism"
January 2, 2025
By Baruch Green
The character of Evil mad scientist
Dr. Wily , Albert W. Wily from
the original Mega Man video game series by Capcom for the
8-bit NES
Nintendo Entertainment System
Is Dr. Wily supposed to be Jewish ?
The character of Dr. Wily and his design was
inspired by the Real Life
Jewish Scientist
Albert Einstein , even the first name
So is The character of
Dr. Wily supposed to be an
Anti-Semitic Stereotype
Is anyone else concerned about
The character of
Dr. Albert W. Wily
What about the character of
Dr. Thomas Light the creator of
Mega Man ?
Is Thomas Light supposed to be
Christian or Jewish ?
Some people typed online today
"Do you know why so many people hate the Jews? Because Satan hates God and Satan motivates his own children to hate the Jews."
"New York, major college universities, the highly traffic streets of America and the majority of the Middle East are chanting “ The End of Israel”.
The Bible isn’t a fairytale, fable, or folklore and the devil zealously knows that. Why the unified rage worldwide against Israel? It’s because Jesus is coming back to dwell there. The rage will keep increasing, because Jesus is King and Satan hates it. The Word of God is fulfilling itself right before our eyes. Do you see it?"
Another person typed online after the Death of
Jimmy Carter
"Was Jimmy Carter a good man?
No, he was terrorist-supporting anti-semite who hated Israel and chummed around with America's enemies.
nydailynews.com has an article headlined
"After Assad, Israel protects itself & the world"
By Bassem Eid
January 2, 2025
Bassem Eid is himself a
has an article headlined
"If you hate Zionist Jews, you hate most Jews"
By Daniel Konstantinovsky November 29, 2023
thefp.com has an article headlined
"Why My Generation Hates Jews"
By Julia Steinberg
October 26, 2023
Also from
thefp.com an article is
"We Were Taught to Hate Jews"
By Madeleine Rowley
December 16, 2023
About Jew-Hatred in the Islamic World
Also about Jimmy Carter
jns.org has an article headlined
"Jimmy Carter was no saint for Jews"
Mitchell Bard
Jan. 2, 2025
Another person typed online today
Bourbon Street Massacre Is What 'Globalize the Intifada' Looks Like
By Josh Hammer
As woke illiberalism replaced live-and-let-live liberalism as the animating ideology of the American Left, the state of Israel has increasingly found itself on the outs. Never mind that modern Israel was founded by, and for three decades politically dominated by, a bunch of left-wing socialists. Never mind that Harry Truman, an iconic liberal Democratic president, became the first world leader to recognize the fledgling Jewish state a mere 11 minutes after it announced its independence in 1948. None of that history matters on the left anymore, after wokeism supplanted liberalism.
In the fatuous neo-Marxist dichotomy of modern wokeism, Jews are deemed a "white," "oppressor" class; Muslims, by contrast, are deemed a "brown," "oppressed" class. To be a leftist in good standing, then, necessitates supporting the latter over the former -- and, therefore, supporting Palestinian Arab jihadism over the Jewish people's eternal will to survive. To the woke, the Palestinian Arabs' quest to annihilate the Jews of Israel represents a vogue and chic cause -- just like Black Lives Matter did five years ago, and just like same-sex marriage did five years before that.
The apotheosis of this bemusing sentiment was the Hamas massacre of Oct. 7, 2023. Sure, babies were beheaded, women were raped, beautiful young music festival attendees were butchered, and Holocaust survivors were executed in their homes -- but "Palestine" was being "decolonized," and every good leftist knows you have to break a few eggs in order to make an omelet! The ends always justify the means, as Saul Alinsky famously taught. Accordingly, in the words of disgraced Cornell history professor Russell Rickford, the Hamas massacre was "exhilarating" and "energizing."
The imperative now, as thousands of young jihadis infesting America's university campuses have made clear, is to spread the "love": to "globalize the intifada" and, in the words of the radical leftists who congregated in Times Square in New York City earlier this week, to foment a worldwide "intifada revolution." The more, the merrier: Sharing is caring, after all!"
The comment continues
"Alas, Americans now know exactly what "globalize the intifada" and "intifada revolution" means, in practice: Bourbon Street, New Orleans, around 3:15 a.m. local time on New Year's Day. There, a U.S. Army veteran-turned-radicalized Muslim convert by the name of Shamsud-Din Jabbar drove a rented pickup truck into a jam-packed crowd of New Year's partiers. The truck was packed with weapons, improvised explosive devices and -- you guessed it -- an ISIS flag. The tragic human cost of this one intifada mini "revolution" was at least 15 dead and more than 30 others injured.
That's quite a few "eggs" -- with no discernible "omelet" in site.
While Jabbar's full radicalization story is not yet known, we do know he was active in a Houston mosque called Masjid Bilal. Following the Big Easy massacre of one of their congregants, the mosque took to social media to instruct its members not to respond to the FBI if approached, and to instead direct all inquiries to CAIR. That would be the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which was once described by an FBI counterterrorism chief as a "front organization for Hamas that engages in propaganda for Islamic militants." In 2007, CAIR was listed by the FBI as an unindicted co-conspirator during the case against the Holy Land Foundation -- the largest terror financing prosecution in Department of Justice history.
But hey, at least Islam is an "oppressed" religion, right?
For many years, political elites deluded themselves into thinking that the existential threat posed by radical Islamic jihad was somehow limited or contained. Leaders became overconfident after the (long-overdue) assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and the successful campaign against ISIS a few years later. As for Hamas and Hezbollah? Israel's problem, not ours! (Perhaps we might consider asking the families of the victims of Hezbollah's 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut for their thoughts on that.)
Elites, in short, convinced themselves that radical Islam was no longer a major problem. They deemed it far more pressing to focus on the "domestic terror threat" posed by Christian grandmothers praying outside abortion clinics -- or parents speaking up at school board meetings about racial and gender indoctrination in their children's schools. As for the U.S.-Mexico border, which the 9/11 Commission strenuously recommended we secure in its final report over two decades ago? Fling it wide open, baby! What could possibly go wrong?
Well, New Orleans -- that's what could go wrong. And tragically, that's what will continue to go wrong until this nation once again seals its porous borders and once again becomes serious about confronting the jihadist threat. Perhaps Israel -- home of the exploding Hezbollah pagers -- might even share some advice, if anyone here cares to ask."
David Collier
@mishtal typed on X
"If there are people out there financing the murder of Jews, you can be certain you will find a leader from Ireland shaking their hand.." December 23, 2024 at
9:52 AM
In Reply to
Simon Harris TD
@SimonHarrisTD typing on X
Dec 23, 2024 at 8:15AM
"I am just off a call with the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to express the solidarity and unbreakable support of the people of Ireland to the people of Palestine. 🇵🇸
My full statement below:"
A Photo is shown of Irish
Taoiseach , Prime Minister
Simon Harris shaking the hand of the Repulsive Arab Dictator
Mahmoud Abbas
On the Facebook page
"Simon Harris TD"
With 53K followers for
The Taoiseach ,
Prime Minister of Ireland
Simon Harris
Scroll Down to
December 23, 2024
To see a Photo of
Simon Harris shaking the hand of the Ugly Arab "Palestinian" Dictator
Mahmoud Abbas
Notice the Look on the
Face of Simon Harris
It's Very Creepy and Suspicious
It's like he's trying to
Hide Something
Why that Expression on the
Face of Simon Harris as he shakes the hand of
Mahmoud Abbas ?
Another person typed online today
"Those young people in high schools and universities screaming anti-Israel and anti-Jewish slogans are all blatantly idiotic sycophants jumping onto bandwagons of false narratives and spouting hate-filled lies and non-existent 'facts'. "
Ever wonder how many
Jewish and Half-Jewish
People in America, Worldwide and even in Israel even in their sleep they are Tormented by Horrible Bad Dreams and Nightmares related to their
Jewishness, and Anti-Semitism
Jew-Hatred, being an
Object of Hate, an Object of
Anti-Semitism and Jew-Hatred
They are Tormented even in
Their Sleep
Even in Their Sleep
How many Anti-Semites &
Jew-Haters ever stop to think and realize that many Jews and people who are part Jewish don’t like being Jewish or looking Jewish either , do they realize that ? Many Jews and people who are Half-Jewish, part-Jewish are Deeply Uncomfortable with their Jewishness, the Ethnic, Racial, Biological, Blood aspect of Jewishness that cannot be Changed
In the CBS sitcom
“Young Sheldon” the episode titled
“Demons, Sunday School, and Prime Numbers” which aired on January 11, 2018
Jewish actor Richard Kind played Ira Rosenbloom , some lines of dialogue from this episode are as follows
“Sheldon: What’s it like to be Jewish?
Ira Rosenbloom: Oh, it’s terrible; I don’t recommend it.”
Many Jews and Half-Jews in
America, Israel and Worldwide are Self-hating and wish that they were born Gentile
Fully Gentile and Non-Jewish
jns.org has an article headlined
"A Jimmy Carter surprise: He hated Jews, not just Israel"
Charles Jacobs
& Ben Poser
Jan. 3, 2025
No Tears for
False Prophet
James Earl Carter
We are Not Mourning His
christianpost.com has an article headlined
"Antisemitism in 2025: Jews need strong Evangelical allies"
By Steve Rosenberg, Op-ed contributor
January 03, 2025
On December 13, 2020
Debbie Schlussel typed online
"Not a single tear for John Le Carre a/k/a David John Moore Cornwell, Jew-hater and anti-Israel bigot (see The Little Drummer Girl and his constant obsession with the Jews) plus Marxist who proudly wanted to become Soviet double agent. He was a British intelligence agent and bragged that he was approached by the Soviets to spy for them and said he wanted to do it. The reason he didn't was something stupid and not because he opposed the totalitarianism of the Soviet Union and Communism, which he admired. Buh-bye, bitch . . ."
Some people typed in reply.
"Please do not ever overestimate your EDUCATIONAL foreword comments.
In the middle of all of the media drooling all over Maya Angelou, I distictly recall you providing in depth reality about her public anti-Semitism. And I was previously unaware. Thus I cringe at all of the ongoing praise as if she was infallible."
"I read "Little Drummer Girl" and absolutely hated it, precisely because it was pro-PLO."
Also on
October 11, 2024
Debbie Schlussel typed online
"Questions Howard Stern didn't have the guts to ask Kamala (despite asking everyone else): What color panties you got on? How does it feel being the original Hawk Tuah girl with Willie Brown? What are your & Doug's fave positions when he's not slapping around women & knocking up nannies?"
A person typed in reply
"#1: why open borders?
#2: why haven’t you called out the national guard to protect Jewish students because we all know if it was any other minority you would do so immediately?
#3: What happened that turned me from the greatest broadcaster to the biggest douchebag?"
nationalreview.com has an article headlined
"Against the Jew-Haters"
By Jay Nordlinger
February 22, 2024
has an article headlined
"The Holocaust as Jew-Haters’ ‘Gotcha’ "
Kathleen Hayes
April 10, 2024
Many Articles online document and report how in
September 2024
Irish Taoiseach ,
Prime Minister
Simon Harris visited
Ukrainian Jewish President
Volodymyr Zelensky
in Kyiv , to Discuss Ukraine's War with Russia
Amazing isn't it , that
Simon Harris was Able to
Pull it off , to Successfully shake the hand of a JEWISH person
The Jewish President of
Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky
Since many people in the
Republic of Ireland unjustly hate Jews and Israel
How was Simon Harris able to shake the hand of a
Jewish person ?
The Question is shortly After they shook hands
Did Simon Harris go to a
restroom and vomit from touching the hand of a
Jewish person , did
Simon Harris start washing his hands with soap and
hand sanitizer as if he had
Severe OCD , was
Simon Harris so Repulsed at shaking the hand of a Jewish person that he then after meeting President Zelensky immediately went to the nearest Restroom to Vomit and
Wash his hands repeatedly in an
OCD manner ?
The hideous Hamas Attack of
October 7th, 2023 that
Killed 1,200 Jewish Israelis was truly horrific, and still
After October 7th, 2023
1,200 Jews murdered in
Cold Blood and it's Still Not Enough for the Vile
Jew-Haters and Anti-Semites of the World. It's Never Enough for the Jew-Haters and Anti-Semites of the World , they want
All the Jews in Israel and the World to be Murdered in
Cold Blood
It's Truly Sick and Disturbing
Truly Evil the Unjust Hatred of Jews and Israel
Many have said that while
Israel is a Great Nation, it is sadly like a larger version of the Warsaw Ghetto in the
1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Against the Nazis
Israel is surrounded by
The "Palestinians" and other Genocidal Arab Nazi Regimes that want to Finish what Hitler started
It's horribly unjust that
Israel is so tiny in size , in terms of geographic size compared to the HUGE Amount of Land that the Arab Nazi Regimes have
torontosun.com has an article headlined
"KINSELLA: Young progressives persuaded to embrace Jew hatred based on lies"
by Warren Kinsella
Published Jan 04, 2025
deadline.com has an article headlined
"‘A Real Pain’s Jesse Eisenberg Reflects On Anti-Semitism, Says He “Knows People Hate Him, And Why”
By Caroline Frost
January 4, 2025
On March 12, 2024
algemeiner.com has an article headlined
"Antisemitism in Ireland ‘Blatant and Obvious’ in Wake of Hamas Onslaught, Says Jewish Former Cabinet Minister Alan Shatter"
by Ben Cohen
israellycool.com has an article headlined
"Latest Insane Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory: Jewgenics!"
David Lange
January 4, 2025
A person typed online today
"Which Arabs, anyplace in the world, have protested against the Arab murder of Holocaust survivors, the gang-rape of Jewish women or the kidnapping of Jewish babies?"
"Since 1979, Iranians have risen up 18 or 19 times against their two dictators—Khomeini and Khamenei—expressing their rejection of a repressive, corrupt, authoritarian, and lawless regime that stifles life, joy, and peace. Each uprising has been met with brutal consequences: death, imprisonment, loss of livelihoods, blindness, and torture.
Yet almost no one, anyplace in the world, has protested against Iran.
They only protest against the sole Jewish nation.
The double-standard is Jew-hatred."
"The world is in awe how the tiny Jewish nation brilliantly smote the Arab and Islamic genocidal Jew-hating killers."
About the late
Jimmy Carter a person typed online today
"Not to spit further on a dead man’s grave (eh, why not?), but if one of the things that makes Trump a monster is that he seems far too cozy with dictators and the like, then Jimmy Carter should be right up there with him.
Zimbabwe’s Mugabe, North Korea’s Kim Il Sung, Venezuela’s Maduro and Hugo Chavez, Syria’s Assad, Libya’s Qaddafi, Yassir Arafat and then later Hamas’ leadership, Cuba’s Castro, as well as his support for the Ayatollah Khomeini before Carter helped him take Iran in a coup. And there’s Haiti…
It wasn’t that he had met with these men only once or twice as president. Some of them knew him quite well, and there was genuine mutual affection and admiration. He was very fond of Castro, and mourned his passing. He had faith in Chavez that the man truly loved his country and was going to lift his nation out of poverty.
He insisted that any peace Israel made with the Palestinians had to include Hamas as a legitmate Palestinian government, despite them never actually being the voice of the people, a registered terrorist organization, and openly committed to the destruction of Israel and Jews around the world, as was clearly stated in their charter.
The man clearly had a thing for dictators. And he was a clueless sucker when it came to anyone who claimed to be for “the people,” so long as he could project whatever delusional nonsense he saw in them.
The attempt to turn him into some sort of borderline Nelson Mandela president is some seriously slack-jawed attempt at rehabilitating the legacy of one of America’s objectively worst presidents, for much longer than the four years he served in that capacity."
"This is literally the perspective of all of those campus “protests” and “globalize the intifada” marches.
Until these perspectives become considered antithetical to the goals of the majority of those protestors and the university admin and leftist politicians who egg this nonsense on, I’m gonna treat them for what they are: anti-western Marxists and Islamists simping for terrorists."
With a Screenshot from
Zach Ross @ZicksWorld from Instagram
That says:
"Israel is Expected To:
-Stop the War that They didn't Start
-Free the Hostages that they didn't Abduct
-Provide Humanitarian Aid to
Those who want to Kill Them
-Negotiate Peace with those who don't want it
Who Doesn't Dare Defend Itself
Against Genocidal Terrorists
H*MAS is Expected To:
- Kill Jews Without Consequence
- Kidnap Entire Families Without
- Rape Men and Women and
Label it "Resistance"
- Reject Peace While Demanding
International Legitimacy
- Spread Hatred Without Challenge
- And Receive Billions in Aid
Without Accountability "
We at this Blog say
No More Mother Fucking
Bullshit Anti-Semitic , Anti-Israel
Hypocrisy and Double Standards
The person also typed
"President Biden giving the presidential Medal of Honor to Chef Jose Andres, founder of World Central Kitchen?
Andres’ organization while operating in Gaza has been caught again and again and again working hand in hand with Hamas. There are even those employed as workers within WCK there who have turned out to be Hamas terrorists themselves.
Jews need to remember to trust no one in either party, except by those whose actions are CONSISTENT.
Pointing to the good Biden has done for Jews and for Israel, while conveniently turning a blind eye to all of the examples of praising and even employing radical antisemites and terrorist supporters, is pathetic; just as is praising any Republican who has been supportive of Israel but is silent about or has praised far right fanatics who have engaged in openly antisemitic conspiracy theories.
We need to have our own backs, and only call people allies who don’t talk out of both sides of their mouths. This is bare minimum ish for any minority that respects itself, and it is cowardly and delusional for us to be any different."
"One of the absolute worst takes, one of the dumbest I’ve heard over the past year, is that “well, if you’re not on the side of college students who say they are fighting for justice and against evil, you know you’re not standing on the right side of history.”
If you want to stand on the “right side of history” (just another expression these Hamasté QueerAnon useful idiots have ruined), you should know that there is ZERO direct connection between what college students do as “direct action” and “civil disobedience” and “what should I think about a particular point of view about something?”
Students have stood up to actual injustices for the right reasons and went about things in ethical and effective ways, the same but in unethical and ineffective ways, have started out on the side of goodness and became evil fanatics that became worse than the things they were fighting, AND…
…sometimes they were the very instruments of tyranny and evil themselves.
It was college students who both marched for Black students to be integrated and who marched against it. It was socialist college students in Iran thinking they were standing up to tyranny but were actually just useful idiots for the incoming theofascist regime that chewed them up and spit them out. It was college students who marched against both the fascist regime in Brazil in the 1960’s but also against anyone who wasn’t towing the Soviet party line. It was college students who stood against the Khymr Rouge, and college students who stood against Jewish students in the name of Hitler. In the 1920’s, there were college students who were members of the KKK and protested the inclusion of Jewish students at the same Ivy League universities that are current hotbeds of antisemitism.
And out of all of those things, the students who “protested” by chanting “globalize the intifada” and literally blocked Jewish students from accessing the school library and their classes?
They’re not the like anti-segregationist students. They’re more like the overgrown Hitler Youth wannabes.
Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written."
A person typed in reply
"I would also add the Iranian college students who in 1979 thought they were advancing a democratic Socialist movement but were in fact useful idiots obliviously advancing the cause of the Islamic fundamentalists.
And of course Ivy League Klan chapters on the 1920s who held rallies against Jews at (checks notes) Harvard, Yale, and Columbia."
Another person typed online today
I don’t recall anyone demanding that the United States or England provide food and fuel to the people of Germany during WWII.
But that is precisely what is now demanded of Israel regarding the people of Gaza during the Hamas-Israel War."
A person typed in reply
"More of the 2000 year old problem...blame the Jews"
Also about Jew-Hatred
has an article by
Jonathan Shavit
"Why the Left should denounce its extremists"
Jan 5, 2025
israellycool.com has an article headlined
"Anti-Zionist-Not-Antisemite Jake Shields Laments Israel’s “Evil” With Swastika-Wearing KOK"
David Lange
January 5, 2025
The New York Post
nypost.com has an article headlined
"A look back at Kirk Douglas’ most famous sexual conquests"
By Linda Massarella
Published Dec. 8, 2016
About the late Jewish Actor
Kirk Douglas , this Article details how he once had Sex with a
Gentile woman who he Knew was an
Anti-Semite, but he hid the Fact he was Jewish until the climatic moment
On September 15, 2022
thejc.com has an article by
Matthias Küntzel headlined
"What was the real motive for 9/11? Jew-hate"
Anti-Semitism , Jew-Hatred,
Anti-Israel Hatred and
Islamic Extremism caused
isgap.org has an article headlined
"Nazis, Jihadists, and Jew Hatred"
September 30, 2016
by Professor David Patterson
More about Jew-Hatred and
thefp.com has an article headlined
"What September 11 Revealed"
By Jonathan Rosen
September 11, 2024
More about Jew-Hatred
thejc.com has an article by
Melanie Phillips headlined
"The truth of the Palestinian cause"
December 31, 2024
epaumc.org has an article headlined "Beware the Sin of Anti-Semitism"
Jan 28, 2020
By Bishop Peggy A. Johnson
has an article headlined
"Anti-Semitism is Horrible Sin"
By Kevin Schaal April 14, 2024
aish.com has an article headlined
"Racism and Anti-Semitism: Why the Disparate Response?"
by Rabbi Benjamin Blech
The website eitan.bar
On July 19, 2023
has an article headlined
"Christian Antisemitism In The Church Is Much Worse Than You Thought!"
by Dr. Eitan Bar
About the Terrible
2,000 Year History of
Christian Anti-Semitism that
Directly Caused the Holocaust
has an article headlined
"Why Christians Must Do More Than Merely Reject Antisemitism"
Robert P. George October 27, 2023
has an article headlined
"Christians and Anti-Semitism"
November 10, 2019 by George Sinclair
sapirjournal.org has an article headlined
"In the Face of Antisemitism
Neutrality Is a Sin"
by Brian Mulroney
November 14, 2023
In 2023 a book was Published
Christopher H. K. Persaud
"While God Weeps: The Shameful Sin of Christian Antisemitism"
The Amazon.com
Book overview says
"Christian anti-Semitism proceeds mainly from the doctrine of replacement theology, a centuries-old deleterious premise that teaches God abandoned his chosen nation of Israel and the Jewish people for their repeated disobedience and rebellion. Replacement theologists claim God consequently transferred the promises and blessings enunciated for the Jewish people to the so-called universal Christian Church.
The ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, continuously misrepresented globally by a liberal, anti-Jewish news media that incorrectly paints Israelis as “occupiers” of Palestinian land and as “apartheid-like” oppressors, also influences many naive Christians to embrace anti-Semitism and wheedle them to ignore atrocities committed against Israelis by loathsome Palestinian leaders and terrorists.
The Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement also, a Palestinian-led campaign to demonize and disenfranchise Israel, misleads many Christians into condemning the Jewish state and supporting hatemongering Palestinian leaders who project Israelis as heartless persecutors of defenseless Palestinians.
While God Weeps - The Shameful Sin of Christian Antisemitism
represents a heartfelt effort to analyze the deplorable evil of Christian antisemitism in a methodical manner and present the entire issue in a proper perspective."
A person typed online
January 4, 2025
About Fucking Asshole Jimmy Carter
"A day of mourning for that antisemitic Jew Hater, Jimmy Carter? What a fuc$ing travesty! May that stupid peanut farmer burn in hell for all eternity!"
While on
December 13, 2024
Another person typed online
"The Assad regime in Syria killed at least 500,000 people and perhaps as many as two million, according to experts. It forced several million Syrians to leave the country, seeking asylum in Europe. It devastated the economy of Syria for decades. There was no religious freedom in the country. There was no peace.
Yet, all I see and hear is the chanting of Jew-haters and far left anarchists about how Israel is committing genocide after defending itself from an invasion from Hamas (who vows to do it again and again).
An intersting article in The Jerusalem Post yesterday pointed out how the far left is closely aligned with the goals of Russia, Iran and China. Could it be that this whole thing--the protests in our streets and universities--has more to do with their attempt to destroy our American way and install a communist regime in this country?
Think about it.
Just my angle.
P.S. -- As for Israel, it ain't going no where."
A person typed in reply
"Gaza Health Ministry Says 45,000 Palestinians Died. 20,000 Were Hamas, So 25,000 Died of the 2,500,000 Population or 1%: Not Genocide
The Nazis Killed 6 Million Out of the 9.5 Million Jews In Europe, Thus Nearly 2/3 of European Jews Were Killed in Holocaust: Genocide
Also…Zero Palestinians Would’ve Died If Zero Palestinians Attacked Israel on October 7th
The “Innocent” Palestinians Still Haven’t Asked Hamas to Surrender and Release the Hostages"
A person typed online today
"Harvard (and plenty of other universities) are in flagrant disregard of Title VI law. If this was happening to any other group, and the problem not addressed, these universities would have already lost their federal funding.
The word for this is “institutionalized racism.” And it’s not happening to Black students or Arab students or Latine students or anyone else. Just to Jews."
With Screenshots
Of Social Media posts
by Shabbos Kestenbaum
Exposing an idiot
"Professor" at
Harvard Marshall Ganz
Creating a Hostile Environment on Campus
The person typed online about an November 16, 1998 BS article in
WIRED Magazine headlined
"Israel's Ethnic Weapon?"
"Over a quarter of a century ago, in a respected, non-political magazine about technology.
Think about the absurdity of this. The absolute insane impossibility of this nonsense.
This would be evil but still really stupid even if Jews were some genetically unique group of people who had nothing in common with Arabs. If suddenly a virus, bacterium, parasite, fungus, whatever, spread through the region and killed almost every Arab, and also the Arabs who lived in Israel, but the Jews were fine (including the handful of Jews who live in other nations in the region)?
The result would be the world watching Israel use a bio weapon to commit a region-wide ethnic cleanse. Not even in a country, but in an entire part of the world.
But not just that: it would travel with Arab travelers, killing Arabs who lived in Europe, the UK, Canada, the U.S., and elsewhere.
How daft would you have to be to not see that Israel would find itself facing the entire world needing to destroy it? Because what would be stopping them from developing such weapons against Caucasians or East Asians? It would be suicide for Israel.
But forget all that. You don’t need to even consider those things if you actually know who the Jewish people are and who lives in Israel.
The majority of Jews in Israel are from Arab lands.
MOST of those Jews have Arab DNA as well, not to mention that there are so many other genetics shared between ethnic Jews from anywhere and those of other people from the Levant, such as from Lebanon and Syria.
This entire concept is BONKERS, and if it was a rumor about another country that was made up of a tiny minority, it would be dismissed outright as openly and disgustingly racist.
The irony, tho? It’s non-Jewish Europeans, both in Europe and in the Americas, as well as Arabs, who have committed ethnic cleanses. Not Jews.
Gentile European Americans wiped out most of the indigenous people in North America, including the ancestors of plenty of the writers at WIRED.
Gentile Europeans committed the Holocaust, and Jews were their primary target.
Arab nations in the 20th century have committed ethnic cleanses of almost all of their Jews, when not having thoroughly made their countries Jew-free - despite Jews having lived in those places for over a thousand years before the birth of Muhammad.
Racist annihilation and ethnic cleanses of Jews by gentiles from Christian and Muslim countries? Real and repeated.
Rather than own up to these actions, they project their insanity and hatred onto Jews - just as they have always done.
So when I tell you that you are a fool to think that as a non-Jew you have not been drinking antisemitism from your mother’s milk onward, and that it is madness to think that you have not been brainwashed by the world’s oldest and most pervasive bigotry after misogyny? If I was wrong, such an article appearing in a magazine like WIRED, twenty-seven years ago, would never have happened.
Thinking you can trust international media or any other organization to not have problems with antisemitism is just ostriching on your part. It’s about preserving your own dignity and not wanting to feel like maybe you are part of the problem too - at the expense of our very lives."
A person also typed online today
"The Jewish nation sits on less than 2/10ths of one percent of the land mass in the Middle East, but even that’s too much for the Jew-haters who want no Jews in the entire Middle East."
"The Jewish nation has done more to help the people of the world than virtually any nation in the world.
Thank goodness for this light unto the nations."
"When the Jews were expelled from their ancient homeland, the Jew-hater railed against the stateless Jew, but when the Jew rebuilt his homeland, as the indigenous people to the land, the Jew-hater railed against the Jew for having a homeland."
Naveed Anjum typed online today
“The Holocaust was a gradual process. The Nazis didn’t start mass extermination when they got into power. But gradually prepared the population by dehumanizing the Jewish people. Segregation, as shown in this photo, was part of this. The point was not to provide a bench for Jews, it was to segregate the benches so that non-Jewish Germans would not have to sit on a ‘contaminated’ bench.”
This photograph is of a Jewish woman who conceals her face as she sits on a park bench marked “Only for Jews”, Austria, 1938."
"The term "Historic Palestine" is used by Antisemitic propagandists to imply that a Palestinian nation has existed for thousands of years, only to be occupied by "Zionists".
The Truth, however, is quite different.
“Historic Palestine” is a commonly-used term when discussing the Arab-Israeli conflict. The phrase suggests that a nation known as Palestine existed in the past, with the word “historic” giving the impression that this nation has deep roots in the region and thus has a natural claim to be revived in the form of a modern state called Palestine. By referring to the land thus without mentioning Jewish history, it also subtly suggests that a Jewish presence is foreign to the region."
Some people typed in reply
"Historic Palestine only refers to the Levant's Roman name ( Syria Palaestina) for its conquered territory. It had and has NOTHING to do with the Arab people who historically were not there until the 7th Century CE other than a rare trader. After the Ottomans took it from the Romans, they renamed the territory Mesopotamia, which is what is called on their maps and in their documents. Only Europeans , who shortened it to Palestine, kept using the term and the Arabs refused to call themselves Palestinians as they saw that as a derogatory slur. Only the Jews who continued to have a presence there, used the term Palestinian for themselves as noted in documentation and in things such as postage, the bank, on money and in the arts. Those names were changed in 1948 as soon as the State of Israel lived again."
"In all fairness, pre 1948 it was the Jews who called themselves Palestinian. The Arabs indentured as Syrian because they believed that Palestine was part of Greater Syria."
"I feel old enough my memories of Yassir Arafat are part of history now. That's the dude (along with the KGB) who invented or maybe refined the Mufti of Jerusalem's Nazi-inspired framing of the "Palestine resistance to colonialism" story of the conflict where the "Palestinians" are just the Arabs designated to kick the Jews out of their "Holy Land" where our presence offends them so."
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Before shedding tears for the people of Gaza, understand this.
They were all indoctrinated into their hatred of Jews in the same schools, in the same mosques, in the same media.
Did you know that they don't call us "Israelis." They call us "Yahud," Jews.
That is where their hatred begins.
Remember they created Hamas, elected it, supported it, worked for it, dug they terror metropolis for them, got jobs from them, got paid by them.
They filled their ranks. They were their friends, their family.
When thousands of armed terrorists burst into Israel in their killing and rape orgy of violence, they were followed by an equal number of Palestinians who also looted, killed, raped, and took vulnerable hostages.
So don't give me the crap about innocent Gazans.
Did you not see how they celebrated when their murderers and rapists brought back the hostages, dead and alive, to a fate beyond any sanity known to man.
So, when I see the Western media insult me while sympathizing with indoctrinated Palestinian Gazans with a religious hate problem against Jews, or when I hear pompous politicians blaming me for fighting back against these barbarians, I know the West has lost its moral compass and is on its way to its own destruction.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel."
Some people typed in reply
"It's wrong to risk Jewish lives to keep gazans safe"
"I have not a single tear for any Gazan......."
"Not one of those “innocent Palestinians” rushed forward to help or condemn the barbarity inflicted on the hostages who were paraded through the streets of Gaza, raped beaten, spat upon or tortured!
Not one!!"
"There are no civilians in Gaza."
"🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱"
"No empathy...they are all responsable for their fate and what their children endure..."
"After 7/10 I have no empathy for any of them."
Barry Shaw also typed online today
"Irish Archbishop, Eamon Martin, criticized Israel saying our response to the Hamas genocidal attack against Israeli civilians was "merciless" and "disproportionate."
Had he been talking about our IDF against the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists he would be quite right.
That is exactly what we expect of our army against a barbaric enemy.
But of course he wasn't.
He was protecting the jihadi Palestinian killers by projecting a screen of civilians. A false screen, of course.
Evidence of that was his use of the figure of 17,000 dead children.
I guess he got that figure from the Palestinian Health Ministry, which we know as Hamas.
Strangely, perhaps out of a sense of self awareness, this Cardinal muttered something about other people expressing similar views had been accused of antisemitism.
Now why would we Jews possibly think that a Roman Catholic archbishop could possibly hold anti-Jewish sentiment?
Could it possibly have something to do with the long Catholic history of persecution of Jews going back to the infamous Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions in which the torture of Jews, those that refused to convert to Catholism, were burnt to death in public squares.
Or the record of the Catholic Church in support of the Nazis with the Vatican helping fleeing Nazis, including Adolph Eichmann, escape justice by flying them to South America. This is full knowledge of the Holocaust they inflicted on European Jewry."
The comment continues
"Someone should mail this devious clergyman with daily COGAT reports showing the daily humanitarian assistance that those nasty Jews, led by the Israeli Government, send to the people of Gaza, a people, by the way, that fully supports the Palestinan terrorists. A population, in large part, that constructed the terror metropolis both above and below ground.
A population that are equally indoctrinated in the same schools, and in the same mosques, as the terrorist killers who are either their friends or family members.
But we all know the Irish Catholic penchant for terror. Just ask the Protestants and the British, both victims of the Archbishop's murderous IRA thugs.
Another Irish cleric refers to the targeting of schools, hospitals and mosques by the IDF as if he was ignorant of the fact that Hamas deliberately used these places as both centers of operation and as fortresses in their attacks against IDF soldiers which are clearly war crimes, but war crimes committed by those this Irish cleric defends.
This strange cleric, Canon David Oxley, made one of the strangest anti-Semitic aspersions I have heard coming out of Ireland.
To quote him. "While soldiers of two world wars (I assume he was referring to Christian soldiers) did cruelties, out of the conflict came a better world. This is NOT the case with Israel's (the Jews) multi-front war against Hamas and Iranian proxies."
Why the difference? What's OK for the Christians is a genocidal war crime for the Jews?
"Whatever peace and security the Israeli regime hopes to achieve by the considerable damage done to the leadership and resources of Hamss and Hezbollah, what is most obvious to the rest of the world is the desolation and destruction wrought in Gaza, in Lebanon, in the West Bank. Shalom, it is not."
Note how this arrogant Anglican threw in the West Bank for good measure.
No comparison given to the Allied destruction of Dresden, Berlin, and other German cities.
No mention of two atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The only distress for this angry Anglican is the destruction of buildings occupied by Palestinian terrorists commited to the wholesale slaughter of Jews and a world without Israel.
Can we expect anything better from an anti-Semitic clergy?
Not when the Pope, in response to Israel's successful air strike that killed Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, and dozens of other top Hezbollah commanders in Beirut, "Defense must be proportionate. When there is something disproportionate, you see a tendency to dominate that goes beyond morality."
Since when did these Catholic and Irish Anglicans become such military experts?
They didn't but, to prove them wrong, real military experts, like Colonel Richard Kemp and West Point urban warfare expert, John Edward's, both fully justify and support IDF's code of conduct in Gaza.
So, why are these Irish clerics wrong, and how are they wrong?
Until somebody of higher authority, whose opinion I respect, I put it down to jaundiced antisemitism that lay latent before Hamas and it will still be there, simmering, after Hamas, waiting boiling to gush again against Israel, the global Jewish symbol, and the target of their antisemitic nastiness which taints their lack of judgment and sense of justice.
The Palestinians will always be their victim -, their hero perhaps? -no matter how many Jews they kill. "
Some people typed in reply
"Excellent comment and analysts of a continuing exhibit of extreme antisemitism by extreme haters of reality and Jews !! I will share this article and help get the word out !! Thank you for contributing to the exposure of these people and events !!!!"
"too many centuries of drunken jew-hating catholic priests ranting did this."
"F**K Ireland."
"The so called Bishop is a disgrace to the Cloth he wears. He needs to be excommunicated !"
"I have no time for Dire Land , it's clergy, or politicians.
I only hope Trump sanctions them for their anti-semitism"
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today :
"Israel is the only nation and the Jewish people are the only people, that when brutally and savagely attacked, over 1200 Jewish men, women, children and infants are raped, tortured, mutilated, beheaded, burned alive, massacred and scores are taken captive and starved, raped, tortured and murdered...AND WHEN the Jewish people of Israel fight back to protect their people and their nation, they are accused of genocide and of being 'war criminals' and arrest warrants are issued for the leaders of Israel.
The world has hated the Jews throughout the ages, the Jewish people have suffered greatly, violent persecution during the murderous pogroms in Eastern Europe and endless blood libels and the genocidal mass murder of the Holocaust, 6 million Jewish men, women and little children exterminated, merely for being born Jewish and on 7 October of 2023, a 2nd Holocaust was perpetrated on the Jewish people, ‘Black Saturday'.
They can hate us, and vilify us and demonize us and call us all kinds of names and even kill us...BUT we are still here and the nation of Israel is still the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people !
THE TORAH: Genesis 17:7-8
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.
And I will give to you and to your offspring after you the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God.”
Hillel Fuld typed online today
"OK, here are some hard truths that people are afraid to say.
1- According to all available data, 10% to 15% of the 1.8 billion Muslims in the world are radicalized. That’s hundreds of millions of people. So to call the fear of Islam, Islamophobia, when phobia is an irrational fear of something, is ridiculous. When every single terrorist attack committed by a Muslim is accompanied by a yell of Allah Akbar, the fear of Islam is very rational.
2- There was never an Arab Palestinian state, and Palestine was Israel. The word Palestinian was then hijacked (Yea, I carefully chose that word.) by Yasser Arafat and applied to the Arabs who came from Jordan and Egypt. There was never an Arab Palestinian country or an Arab Palestinian nation.
3- Those people who call themselves Palestinians never wanted a state of their own, and they say that clearly in their charter and every chance they get since then. They want no Israel, they want dead Jews. They never wanted a state.
4- Arab terror against Jews has zero to do with any fake occupation or oppression, and proof of that is that it existed well before the state of Israel even existed. If you don’t believe me, google the Hebron massacre of 1929.
5- The PLO, Palestinian liberation organization was founded by Yasser Arafat, a terrorist, in 1964. What exactly was he liberating if there was no ‘occupation’ then? The answer? All of Israel.
6- Differentiating between Gazans and Hamas is at best inaccurate, at worst dishonest. The Gazans elected Hamas, and a vast majority of them support October 7. At the very least, they are comparable to the Germans in Nazi Germany, and should be treated as such. No one debated the legitimacy of World War II by saying that there were innocent Germans in Germany. Evil needs to be uprooted completely and totally with no mercy.
7- Abbas, the head of the Palestinian national authority is not a moderate. He wrote extensively denying the holocaust, he pays terrorists to kill Jews, including the terrorist who murdered my brother, and any chance to paint him as a moderate is dangerous and simply false. There is no fundamental difference between Fatah and Hamas.
8- If there is any hunger in Gaza, Israel is 0% accountable for that, as they have sent in tons and tons of aid since October 7th, something no other country would do, but all that aid is stolen by Hamas. This is well documented, and anyone who disagrees with this fact is simply lying.
9- Radical Islam is a global plague that the woke West refuses to see or admit, out of fear of being labeled an Islamophobe. But they will learn when it comes knocking on their door.
10- Tragically, it is not safe to assume that all children in Gaza are innocent. Children are taught from age zero that murdering a Jew is the highest accomplishment in life, and so often times, Arab terror (including the murderer of my brother), is carried out by children. The same goes for women and “journalists” in Gaza."
The comment continues
"11- If any other country had experienced what Israel experienced on October 7th, the perpetrators of that attack and their entire country would be flattened and obliterated completely and instantly.
12- There is a long list of apartheid states in the middle east, but Israel is not part of that list. Israel is the farthest thing from apartheid and only an antisemite would disagree.
13- Not only has there never been an Arab Palestinian state, but here’s a secret, there never will be one either.
14- The United Nations, as well as some of its organizations, like UNRWA, are 100% complicit in Palestinian terror, and there is hard evidence to that effect.
15- The contribution of the United Nations to the global community started in 1948 and ended in 1948 when the state of Israel was established. Since then, the UN has been nothing but a rotten to the core organization soaked in antisemitism. It needs to be defunded and shut down yesterday.
16- You cannot be anti-Zionist without being anti-Jewish, a.k.a. anti-Semitic.
17- Arab terror across the Middle East is funded by the same countries that fund the encampments across academic institutions in America: Iran and Qatar.
18: The mass protests across the west calling for intifada were well organized before October 7th, as well as funded and coordinated by radical Islamic regimes in Iran and Qatar. If you disagree, kindly explain to me how they started before Israel even fired a single bullet or fired up a single fighter jet after October 7th.
19- Anyone calling to globalize the intifada or chanting from the river to the sea is directly calling for violence and the genocide of the Jewish people. Every single one of them should therefore be held accountable and put behind bars. The sooner, the better.
20- If the state of Israel was not so concerned with its image, it would not send in an ounce of foreign aid, would not treat terrorists in its hospitals, and it would bomb Gaza from the air, thereby sparing the lives of our sons and daughters who lost their lives going in on foot in order to minimize deaths in Gaza. No other country in the history of the world behaved that way or would behave that way in an existential war. That is not morality, quite the contrary.
21- What is happening in Gaza is nothing even remotely comparable to a genocide. Anyone claiming otherwise is quoting the Gaza health ministry, which is run by Hamas, an organization of terrorists, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. Israel has not released the real numbers and won’t until after the war (just like in any war ever.). If you’re accusing Israel of genocide, you are actively supporting the propaganda machine of Hamas.
Should I continue?"
Some people typed in reply
"Though I'm not shocked but it still gets me that those who lament over their tax money financing "genocide" in Gaza don't seem nearly as concerned, disturbed or remorseful over their dollars funding institutions and organizations that overtly and covertly slander, spread disinformation, use incitement, target, dehumanize, attack, normalize terrorism, and murder Jews globally too"
"That’s all true and they know that it’s what they live for and it’s a down right shame to teach that to those little children and corrupt their minds.I’m thankful that someone like you was man enough to expose the real truth to the world 🌎 God Bless you and The land of 🇮🇱 Israel ♥️🥰🙏🏻"
Some More people typed in reply to Hillel Fuld
"You could combine 14 and 15 under 1 bullet point.
" UN = United Nazis and all its child organizations are Nazi SS officials. They are actually worse than Hitler's Germany because at least Hitler and Nazis had the dignity of doing the dirty work by themselves and never hid their goals. But Today's lunatics are not only hiding they are using children to do their sh*t while they keep drinking champagne with caviar."
"Well put, a useful summary.
Take courage that all will be judged by our Holy G-d who says psalm 5:4-6 “For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, nor shall evil dwell with you. The boastful shall not stand in your sight; you hate all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy those who speak falsehood; the LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.”
"The west knew it all but was still blinded by oil money.. 😡😡 I stand with Israel!"
"The hard truth is what you are saying! But regrettably, some of us (the human population on Earth) would rather choose the Palestinians and the Islamist side and keep their heads in the sand under the guise of fake humanism."
"#9 ... "when it comes knocking on their door" I saw the Pentagon burning on September 11, 2001. It already knocked."
"Abbas is a terrorist in a suit. Just because he looks dapper in a suit doesn't make him less dangerous than those he pays who wear fatigues or uniforms."
Some More people typed online today in Reply to
Hillel Fuld about alleged
"Famine" in Gaza :
"Hi Captain Palestine here... Goza that Gazarians arnt starving... Theres a 70% Obesity rate.... And Israel is supplying nearly three times the UN recommended food ration Calorie count per person...."
"Exactly. For those who wish to see the “famine” and “starvation” in Gaza I urge everyone to visit @imshin on X and #TheGazaYouDontSee. Palestinian influencers post videos of cooking feasts with boxed and canned food (what they call “famine”), of restaurants from noted Gazan chefs and restauranteurs sprouting up in Gaza, sweet shops, bakeries, shuks with fresh food and more. Like in this photo, everyone is well fed. Some are more than well fed.
These videos totally undercut the Hamas narrative. So where does the food for the feasts come from? The fresh food comes from Israel and Jordan (Gazans’ preferences). The meals ready to eat, canned and boxed food come from all over. Where does the fuel come from to feed the flames? Israel via COGAT in hundreds of trucks sent to Gaza.
The problem is that Hamas steals most of the humanitarian aid sent to Gaza. As Hillel said, they would rather build rockets than feed their people. Still their people more than survive."
Another person typed online today
The world stood by from 1930 – 1945 as six-million European Jews were slaughtered by the Nazi regime and their all too willing European accomplices. Today, antisemitism is on the rise once again but this time, Jews have a homeland offering safe-haven, Israel.
And that explains why we see such a strong focus on destroying that nation too."
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
"Palestinian Terrorist Attack in Israel 🇮🇱
Three Jews were murdered and eight wounded in a Palestinian Islamist terrorist shooting attack on Monday morning next to the Palestinian village of Al-Funduq, located close to Kedumim in northern Samaria, according to the Magen David Adom emergency medical service.
The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that Palestinian terrorists opened fire at a civilian bus and vehicles on Route 55.
MDA paramedics pronounced the deaths of two women in their 60s and a man in his 40s. Police later identified the man as Master Sgt. Elad Yaakov Winkelstein, 35, a father of two, who served as an investigator at the Ariel police station.
What will the world reaction be…silence. It’s only Jews.
Source article : JNS"
A Screenshot is shown of the
JNS article by
Joshua Marks headlined
"Three Killed in terror shooting near Kedumim"
Naveed Anjum typed online today :
"An anti-semite is drinking in a bar. He notices a Jew sitting at a table nearby and doesn't like it. "Bartender!" he says, nodding at the Jew, "A round of the good stuff for everyone except him!" Everyone happily receives a glass of premium scotch. The anti-semite! looks over at the Jew with a smug grin. The Jew smiles back. The anti-semite loses his satisfied expression. "Bartender! Give everyone a drink of your finest, plus an appetizer!" He looks directly at the Jew and adds, "Everyone except the Jew." The Jewish man looks at the anti-semite, and smiles again. Furious, the anti-semite says, "Is that Jew just stupid or pretending to be?" "Oh no, sir, he's the owner.""
"“If terrorism is the cause of the violence in the Middle East, why hasn’t the United Nations condemned the terrorist
organizations by name?” The more than 50 Arab and Muslim states in the United Nations will never allow the General Assembly to consider a resolution specifically condemning the terrorist organizations. As a matter of fact, in the history of the U.N. and its agencies, there have been more than 1,000 resolutions condemning Israel. Yet not a single resolution has ever been passed specifically condemning Arab terror against the Jewish State. Even when resolutions are introduced in the Security Council, they always follow a similar pattern of condemning Israel by name, but never naming the terrorist organizations. Currently, only the United States and Israel have condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization. The European community has not taken such steps. They argue that only the military wing of Hamas carries out suicide attacks, but that Hamas operates schools and social welfare agencies as well. Such an argument is hypocritical and duplicitous. Every criminal organization could make such a claim. The S.S. and the Gestapo, who were condemned by all the World War II Allies as criminal organizations, also ran schools and social welfare agencies.
A Simon Wiesenthal Publication 2002 "
Another person typed online today
It isn’t. Israel’s fight is with Hamas – not civilians. In fact, Israel has been described as ‘the world’s most moral army’ by British Colonel, Richard Kemp, and goes above and beyond in its efforts to protect the lives of civilians. Typically, this includes giving Gaza civilians notice of its intention to target areas, dropping millions of leaflets, broadcasting radio messages, alerting Gaza through social media, sending texts and making tens of thousands of phone calls. and assisting those in need.
In this most recent conflict, the IDF has also been warning people to evacuate and move south, and helping them to do so, prior to moving into an area to eliminate terrorist targets and infrastructure. As such, civilian casualties are not the result of deliberate attacks by Israel but rather the result of people choosing not to heed these warnings, or being barred from doing so by Hamas, which has been blocking southern routes and prohibiting people from leaving the north and even shooting its own citizens. In other cases, civilians are remaining in defiance or because Hamas is assuring them that Israel will not attack.
It’s also important to note that not all civilians in Gaza are peace-loving innocents who are simply victims of Hamas brutality. Hamas soldiers routinely dress as civilians or members of the Press so as to blend in and so as to be counted as civilian deaths if they’re killed. In other cases, civilians act as active collaborators with Hamas – although recent footage also demonstrates that many of these people drop the pretense of collaboration once they’re out of the control of Hamas.
(A modified extract from an article by Ashley Church)"
Barry Shaw typed online today
"Following the deadly Palestinian terror attack today that killed 3 Israelis and injured others in Judea & Samaria, Jibril Rajoub, a top Palestinian Authority official, issued, for Israel, a troubling warning to fellow terrorists that "all attacks against the Jews must be coordinated with us," meaning the Palestinian Authority.
We all know, except those who refuse to see, that Rajoub's Palestinian Authority has a long standing commitment to financially reward any Palestinian that murders an Israelis with their "Pay to Slay" welfare system.
This, and today's deadly terror attack, is further evidence that Palestinian terror is not limited to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
The shocking truth is that most of Western leaders think that granting them official statehood - the Palestinian State of Terror - is the sensible thing to so.
Shame on them! "
blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by
Philip Gross
"Francesca Albanese and the UN’s Cult of Hatred"
Jan 6, 2025
Francesca Albanese is
Ugly and Repulsive looking in the article
A person typed online today
"Warning: graphic but blurred out footage of a Black man being shot.
I don’t care what your background is, including Black: being a westerner and speaking over the experiences of Black Israelis and Black Gazans about what Hamas thinks of Black people is just a sick joke.
The video references a comment I’ve seen in many places: that Hamas view their “struggle” in the same terms as the struggle of Black people in the African diaspora. Namely, as natural allies, so that “they didn’t harm any Black people on October 7th.”
Hamas’s own footage of what it did to this Black man and plenty others on that day disprove this stupid and insensitive statement, but also, if you really think a place that treats Black people with respect also has a neighborhood where all the Black people live, and it’s called Slave Town, and all of those Black people who have equal rights just for some reason never wanted to change the name of where they live, from SLAVE TOWN, you’re not someone who should be weighing in on racism anywhere, let alone complicated foreign affairs.
Stop simping for baby-kidnapping corpse -raping murderers who kidnap women to make them sex slaves. How far can you seriously debase yourself that you would need to be told this?"
With a link to an Instagram Post
On January 6, 2025
ashrielmoore that says underneath the video shown
"End of conversation!
🚨WARNING🚨 - Graphic footage!"
Another person typed online today
The use of the term ‘genocide’ to describe Israels actions is useful only in as much as it quickly identifies the views of the person you’re reading or listening to as those of a heavily partisan extremist, because the description simply doesn’t bear scrutiny.
Putting aside the fact that the Palestinian population has increased by around 500% since the founding of Israel in 1948 – the goal of the current IDF operation is the destruction of the Hamas, not of Palestinians.
Those claims are true.
Every time a Hamas combatant dresses in civilian clothing – that’s a war crime. (by some estimates, the majority of those who have been killed in the conflict are Hamas combatants, dressed as civilians).
Every time a Gaza Hospital is used as a terror base – that’s a war crime.
Every time Hamas uses civilians as human shields – that’s a war crime.
Every instance of foreign aid being stolen by Hamas – war crime.
Every child who is radicalized and used to a military purpose – war crime.
So, the claims of war crimes are absolutely true – but it isn’t Israel committing them, it’s Hamas.
(A modified extract from an article by Ashley Church)"
On January 6, 2025
algemeiner.com has an article headlined :
"‘I Grew Up Hating Israel, Jews’: Former Antisemite-Turned-Zionist Takes on World’s Oldest Hatred in New Doc"
by Debbie Weiss
has an article headlined
"OPINION: The poisonous normalisation of hate"
By Paul Richards
January 7, 2025
jweekly.com has an article headlined :
"‘They couldn’t care less about me’: Details of Peninsula schools antisemitism lawsuit"
By Emma Goss January 6, 2025
About Jew-Hatred in California
forward.com has an article headlined
"Jews were targeted by the majority of hate crimes in NYC last year, NYPD says"
By Ben Sales
January 7, 2025
With Anti-Semitism ,
Jew-Hatred Rising Exponentially Every Single Goddamn
Mother Fucking day
Many people Self-hating Jews and Half-Jews
Who Wish that they were
Born Fully Gentile and Non-Jewish are Asking themselves
Which is Worse , Which scenario is worse
If it is a Person's
Destiny and Fate to be
Born Jewish , that they were Predestined to be born Jewish or Half-Jewish
If it is Their Destiny and Fate to be Born Jewish
Or if it is just Rotten Luck and
Random Chance that they were born Jewish , Bad Luck
jta.org has an article headlined
"Everyone has a plan to fight antisemitism. Few have studied what actually works."
By Asaf Elia-Shalev
January 6, 2025
What about the case of
Daniel Penny ?
What if Daniel Penny was Jewish instead of White ?
What if Daniel Penny was Jewish instead of White ?
How would the Media Coverage be Different ? How would the
Public react ?
What would the verdict of the
Jury had been if
Daniel Penny was Jewish instead of White ?
From Wikipedia it says about
Daniel Penny and his
Legal Case
"Daniel Penny (born 1998 or 1999) is a former United States Marine who gained national attention following an incident on May 1, 2023, in which he restrained Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless man, on a New York City subway. Neely's death, which occurred after Penny applied a chokehold, led to a polarizing public debate on issues of mental health, homelessness, public safety, and the use of force by civilians. Penny was charged with manslaughter, and the case became a significant legal and social focal point in the United States. Penny was acquitted as the jury determined that his actions were justified under the circumstances."
The Full entry for
Daniel Penny is on Wikipedia
The Death of
Jordan Neely was indeed tragic
and Terrible
But what if Daniel Penny was Jewish instead of White
has an article headlined :
"The Jews Are Guilty’: Reflections on Antisemitism Old and New"
Alvin H. Rosenfeld
Published on August 2, 2023
israelforever.org has an article headlined
"Yes! We, Jews, are Guilty"
By Rabbi Avi Schwartz
A good article in Defense of
Jews and Israel !!!
More about the LIES
Fueling Jew-Hatred ,
jcpa.org has an article headlined
"The Psychology of Palestinian Distortions and Deceptions"
Dr. Irwin J. Mansdorf, March 26, 2024
Also from
jcpa.org an article is headlined:
“Both Sides” and “Innocent Civilians”:
The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War"
Dr. Irwin J. Mansdorf, May 9, 2024
has an article headlined
"Op-Ed: Chilling Leila Khaled Interview Unmasks Psychology of Self-Defeating Antisemitic Hatred"
January 7, 2025
by Zachary Schildcrout
Pure Arab Evil & Wickedness is
Exposed in this Article
Because of the
Precious "Palestinian people"
The poor poor "Palestinians"
And the
October 7th, 2023
Genocide against 1,200
Jews in Israel
and the Aftermath of the
Attack of
October 7th, 2023
And the Rising
Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism
How many Jews in America, Israel and Worldwide are saying to themselves
"I don't want to be Jewish"
No Palestinians
Only Fakestinians
Once Again
There is NO "Genocide"
in Gaza, the REAL
Genocide was committed by
Arabs from Gaza on
October 7th, 2023 against
1,200 Jews in Israel
Many people have said Ever Notice that it's so
Difficult to Fight Anti-Semitism
You Know the Expression
Haters gonna Hate
How is it possible to Change
People's Hearts , Minds, Souls & Feelings about Jews & Israel
99.99999% of the Time
Once a person is an
Anti-Semite or Jew-Hater
They are Always an
Anti-Semite or Jew-Hater
They almost Never Change
Esau always Hates Jacob as the Bible says
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
"There’s No Competition: Jews are the Most Hated People in the World! – Political Hitman [audio]"
By Israel News Talk Radio January 7, 2025
has an article headlined
"In NYC, Jews targeted in hate crimes more than all other groups combined in 2024"
By Luke Tress
7 January 2025
jewishjournal.com has an article headlined
"We Have All Failed in Preventing Anti-Jewish Hate"
Stephen Smith
January 7, 2025
foxnews.com has an article headlined
"BROOKE GOLDSTEIN: Here's how Trump can take on surging antisemitism in America"
By Brooke Goldstein Fox News
Published January 8, 2025
A person typed online today
"Why aren’t any students blockading campuses for her? Why isn’t anyone posting a story that says ׳All Eyes on Naima׳?
This is Naima Jamal, an Ethiopian woman who was kidnapped and sold for $6,000 in Libya by Muslim terrorists.
Muslim terrorists in Libya are currently leading a modern slave trade, yet no one doesn't seem to talk about on mainstream media.
If you posted stories and expressed support for people who carried out massacres, rape, and started a war after declaring they want to kill all Jews, but said nothing about this - now is the time to reflect deeply on how much of your personality is pure virtue signaling and how completely lacking in moral compass you actually are.
thank you for Black & Jewish Unity for bringing this to our knowledge"
Another person typed online today
The outburst of disgusting antisemitism among students and others across the country, and their support of a brutal terrorist organization like Hamas, should be no surprise given how radical-left professors dominate academia and how extremist propaganda masquerades as teaching at colleges and universities these days.
The progressive-woke actress, Susan Sarandon, justified vicious antisemitism by saying that Jews “are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.”
So Sarandon is either ignorant or an anti-Semite because under all hate crimes classified according to religion, there were 1,305 anti-Jewish incidents, while there were only 205 anti-Muslim incidents reported.
So the number of hate crimes against Jews was over six times the number of anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim hate crimes."
has an article headlined :
"TV star Robert Rinder says he 'can't escape presence of anti-Semitism every single day' "
By Giles Sheldrick
Wed, Jan 8, 2025
cslewisinstitute.org has an article headlined
"A Christian Response to Anti-Semitism"
By Darrell Bock, Randy Newman, Thomas A. Tarrants, on August 15, 2024
blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by
Julio Levit Koldorf
"Antisemitism, a crisis of Ideology"
Jan 9, 2025
jns.org has an article headlined
"Knesset committee calls for a new strategy to combat Jew-hatred"
Raphael Poch
January 9, 2025
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